Exiles Universe

by Kass (kassxf@aol.com) & DBKate

Category: AU, Angst, Romance, Q/O

Rating: NC-17

Spoilers: For all movies, including TPM, and the JA books.

Disclaimer: Lucas owns 'em, we don't. Damn.

Feedback: We love to hear from you! Send to kassxf@aol.com

Summary: In an alternate universe, fifteen years after the events in The Phantom Menace, two Jedi live in hiding on the desert planet of Tatooine, awaiting a child's destiny. Will they survive to see a new hope come to fruition?

Exiles Universe

Exiles by Kass & Kate (A/U Romance, Angst, NC/17) -- In an alternate universe set fifteen years after the events in The Phantom Menace, two Jedi live in hiding on the desert planet of Tatooine, awaiting a child's destiny. Will they survive to see a new hope come to fruition?

On the Willows by Kass & Kate (A/U Romance, Angst, NC/17) -- The "mirror" to "Exiles" from Qui-Gon's POV.

Sacrifices by Kate (A/U Romance, Angst, PG-13) -- An "Exiles" Interlude.

Burdens by Kass (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- An "Exiles" Interlude. Qui-Gon's POV to "Sacrifices"

Predestine by Kate (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- An "Exiles" Interlude.

Anniversary by Kate (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- An "Exiles" Interlude.

Exiles Interlude by Kass (A/U Romance, Angst, R) -- An "Exiles" Interlude.

The Investment by Kate (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- An "Exiles" Story.

Dividend by Kass (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- The "mirror" to "The Investment" from Qui-Gon's POV

Fever by Kass (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- An unexpected illness

Dreams of Heat and Darkness by Kate (A/U Romance, PG-13) -- "Fever" from Obi-Wan's POV

In the Palace of Tremmba the Hutt by Kate (A/U Romance, NC-17) -- An unexpected detour.

Home by Kate & Kass (A/U Romance, R) -- A legacy from Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan's past comes back to haunt them as a life-altering crisis is met.

Wizards by Kate (A/U Romance, R) -- A desert meeting, and an unexpected revelation.

Exiles Journals

This series is posted in whole "books" which are complete within themselves

Journal 1 - Together, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon explore their distant past with the aid of an unusual discovery.

Journal 2 - The Journal of Qui-Gon Jinn (companion piece to Journal 1)

Journal 3 - The Journal of Obi-Wan Kenobi (follows Journal 1)

Journal 4 - The Journal of Qui-Gon Jinn (companion to Journal 3) -- Back at the Temple, Anakin's training begins.

Journal 5 - The Journal of Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi -- Anger takes hold, as Anakin's training continues.

Journal 6 - The Journal of Obi-Wan Kenobi -- Senatorial conspiracies abound and fear is given its due.

Journal 7 - The Journal of Qui-Gon Jinn -- Senatorial conspiracies abound and fear is given its due.

Interlude - The Journal of Anakin Skywalker-- On Kossuth, from another point of view.

Journal 8 - The Journal of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn -- On Kossuth, secrets are uncovered to disastrous effect.