Building Trust

by Emerald (

Back to part 1

Anakin waited until most of the dignitaries had arrived before he and his Master entered the reception hall through a side door. The hoverchair was moved close to one of the overstuffed sofas and Obi-Wan carefully settled himself on it. Qui-Gon waited until he seemed comfortable, then moved closer and offered him a glass filled with a pale green liquid.

"This is something the local healers call sarguilon juice. I couldn't tell you how much of it I drank while I was recuperating after the battle. It seemed to help my recovery, and I thought, possibly, it would help you with yours."

"Thank you." Their fingers touched as Obi-Wan took the glass. Behind them, Anakin and Amidala seemed pleased with the exchange.

Senator Amidala kept most of the guests away from Obi-wan for much of the evening, reminding them that Master Kenobi needed to conserve his strength for the upcoming festivities. As was expected of him, Qui-Gon made the rounds, speaking briefly to all there, but always close enough to observe Obi-Wan. Twice he deflected a guest that seemed to not understand the Senator's quiet suggestions. Governor Sio Bibble, however, did approach as the gathering wound down.

"Master Kenobi, may I say that it is good to have you on our world again. I'm afraid that with the post-war chaos we were suffering, we never really had a chance to speak after the battle. I do apologize for that."

Obi-Wan tilted his head in acknowledgement. "That's quite all right, Governor. You had a great many things that required your attention."

"Yes, but none more interesting. You rewrote medical history when you saved Master Jinn's life, you know. Our healers still don't know how you did it."

Anakin sat next to his Master, and noticed that Qui-Gon had moved even closer, standing directly behind Governor Bibble. "I know. When I was discussing Master Obi-Wan's health requirements with the healers earlier, some of them were much more interested in that than his current needs."

"I am sorry for that." Bibble shook his head as he apologized to the young man. "The temple healers took over the care of both of them as soon as the ship from Coruscant set down. I'm afraid that it left many with their curiosity unsatisfied."

"One thing I don't understand, Master Jedi." Obi-Wan turned his attention to one of the young military officers that had been milling about. Several of his comrades were nearby and drifted towards the conversation. "The holo-video of your battle with that thing is required viewing at the academy."

"The battle was recorded?" Qui-Gon shuddered at the thought of being reminded of that horrific afternoon.

Governor Bibble spoke up. "Luckily, security cameras followed the disturbance. Otherwise, I do not think we would have found you in time to save either of your lives."

Over Bibble's shoulder, Obi-Wan noticed Jinn's shocked expression. He hastily closed himself to it and returned his attention to the young officer. "You had a question about the battle?"

He swallowed hard, uncomfortable to find himself the center of attention. "Yes, sir, Master Jedi, sir, I was wondering, umm...exactly when were you injured?" He rushed to explain himself as the Senator gave him a disapproving look. "I mean, you were fighting right up to the end, and then when they found you, you were almost dead. How did you keep going?"

This was a conversation that should have happened ten years ago, and in private with the most important person in his life. "My injuries weren't from the fight with the Sith."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes as realization swept over him. When he opened them, it was to find Anakin studying him. He nodded his silent consent to the younger man.

Anakin leaned forward, attracting the attention of the others. "All Jedi have some knowledge of Force healing. We learn to send our own energy to someone who is injured to give him strength to heal. It would have taken many Jedi sending energy to save Master Jinn from his injury."

"Then how?"

He turned to face Qui-Gon as he continued to tell the story, Obi-Wan silent between them. "Master Obi-Wan saved his Master by absorbing part of Qui-Gon's injury into himself. When the healers found them, instead of one man dead of a massive saber burn, they found two men near death from severe saber burns. One suffered the physical injury, one a psychic echo."

"So his injury wasn't exactly real?" The officer still didn't understand.

"Real enough to leave scars. The tissue may have recovered faster, but it was many months before he was fully recovered." Anakin stood up. "Now, if you will excuse us, it has been a trying day for Master Kenobi, and he needs his rest."

As the Governor and his party stated their good-byes, Qui-Gon escaped out the side door and headed for a nearby garden to meditate.

Anakin leaned back and tossed the data reader aside. He was too tired to make sense of Tolmick's theory of Force Sensitivity tonight. The door chime sounded before he could retreat to his room. With the flick of a wrist he waved it open.

Qui-Gon entered, but didn't mention Anakin's use of the Force. Instead he picked up the data reader and skimmed the contents. "I remember when your master was studying this. He complained every minute of it. I believe it was the only course of study he truly had difficulties with."

Laughter was Anakin's immediate answer. "That explains his reaction when Master Coul'ka assigned it to me." The young man moved his robe off the sofa to make room for Master Jinn.

"Coul'ka? Force, is he still teaching? He was old when I was an apprentice." Qui-Gon handed the reader back to Anakin as he sat down and turned serious. "How is he feeling? He looked exhausted when you left the reception."

"He is tired, but I do believe he is improving."

"That's good." Qui-Gon stared at his hands, struggling with what he wanted to say. Anakin had a good idea what that would be, but he waited, letting the other man make the first move.

"No one ever told me."

Anakin didn't pretend to not understand. "They should have."

"Every time I woke up, he was right there, beside me, encouraging me. It never occurred to me that he was a patient there also. I just assumed that he was at my side, like he always had been." The silence stretched out; there really was nothing Anakin could say. Eventually, Qui-Gon changed the subject.

"How is your mother?"

"She's good...happy. She's getting married in a few months."

Qui-Gon smiled at the boy he once knew. "I'm glad. Obi-Wan did the right thing -- rescuing her."

Anakin studied him, watching his reaction as he spoke. "He was afraid my fear for her safety would turn me and destroy you. That's why he rescued her. He did it for you, you know. Everything - he's done for you."

The older man seemed to sway as the words hit home. "Yes, I am beginning to realize that." He stood, suddenly appearing much older than he actually was. "Good night, Anakin."

"Good night, Master Jinn." Anakin waited until he was almost to the door before he spoke again. "Master Jinn, would you like to join Obi-Wan and me for morning meal?"

Qui-Gon turned as he reached the door. "I'd like that very much. Thank you, Ani."

Anakin fidgeted outside the 'fresher, waiting for Obi-Wan. "Master, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Anakin." The young man waited, and still his master did not appear.

"Do you need some help?"

This time he heard a snort through the door. "Not since I was a toddler in the creche'."

Eventually the door opened and Anakin stared in shock. "Master, you shaved off your beard."

"Yes, well," Obi-Wan rubbed his chin, "facial hair and pregnancy don't really mix. I was beginning to look like a molting bantha. Not the image I wanted to present to Queen Jamillia at the banquet tonight."

Anakin laughed. "Yes, I suppose you're right. It's a beautiful morning, are you ready to go out onto the balcony?

"I just need my robe." Obi-Wan walked carefully across the room with Anakin at his side. Anakin helped him slip the voluminous garment on. "Have you spoken to Qui-Gon this morning?"

"Yes, I have." Anakin held open the heavy, ornate door as Obi-Wan stepped outside. "He will be along in a few minutes; umm, he's bringing more of that juice he gave you at the reception."

"The sarguilon juice? I'm surprised you haven't been force feeding it to me, yourself." Obi-Wan immediately regretted his words at the expression on his apprentice's face. "Ani, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"I know, Master." Anakin helped ease him down into a chair. "I didn't even know about the juice before last night. I did some checking, though. Qui-Gon was right about its health giving properties. It's very hard to come by this year, because of tree blight wiping out many of the orchards. Apparently he arranged to have the juice brought in from one of the other continents."

"Really? That was very thoughtful of him, don't you think, Anakin?" The chime sounded, sending the young man back into the common room without answering, but Obi-Wan could feel his amusement through the bond.

Anakin palmed the door open and admitted Qui-Gon. He could hear the rattle of a food tray coming down the corridor, and waited to admit the arriving servant. "He's out on the balcony, go on out." Qui-Gon smiled his acknowledgement as he slipped past, carafe in his hand.

Qui-Gon stood in the open doorway, silently watching his former apprentice. Backlit from the morning sunrise, he was surrounded with an ethereal glow. For the first time that he could remember, he wondered what it would be like to love that man. Anakin touched his arm, moving him slightly to allow the wheeled cart room to come through.

"Have you regained any of your memories of the mission on Sriluur? Perhaps you should meditate on it." The words were softly whispered and Anakin didn't wait for an answer as he moved to sit at the table. The servant girl from the day before, Mali, set out the plates of food as Qui-Gon poured a serving of the juice he had brought.

Obi-Wan waited until the girl had left before turning to glare at his apprentice. "How many hours did you terrorize the kitchen staff, young man?"

Qui-Gon stared at his two companions, uncomprehending, until he looked down at the plates. The dish in front of Obi-Wan was filled with very carefully cut, bite-sized pieces. Qui couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. Finally, he decided to rescue the young man. "He's taking care of his master, like any good padawan would."

Anakin gave him a sly grin before turning back to Obi-Wan. "Besides, I wasn't the only Jedi bothering the kitchen staff yesterday."

The sputtering from the senior master almost drowned out the chime of the door, but Anakin heard it and stepped away from the table. When the door slid open and revealed Amidala, she pulled him out into the hallway. "How is it working? Are they..."

Anakin quieted her with a soft finger against her lips. "Yes, but slowly, as it should be. Qui-Gon is understanding the sacrifices Obi-Wan has made for him, and Master is finding forgiveness in his heart."

"Should we find a way to speed things along?"

"No, this is the right path for them." Anakin thought about how to explain what he was feeling. "They've spent all of their time together restricted by the expectations of the life of the Jedi. If they are to build a personal relationship, it needs a strong foundation to last. Come, we're on the balcony having our morning meal." Hand in hand, they walked through the room and joined Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

Past the Balcony railing, past the beautiful open gardens, was the Volcom Valley. Past that, just out of sight, were the rolling hills of the Meran Plains, also known as the site of the Gungan Battle. Qui-Gon gazed out across the expanse, remembering the many Gungans who died that terrible day. Obi-Wan picked at his toast as he followed the other man's line of sight.

"They are a courageous people who fought against incredible odds. Who would have known that when you tripped over Jar-Jar in the swamps, you were meeting the salvation of Naboo?"

Qui-Gon took a sip of his tea. "I'm afraid the Force surprised even me with that one."

"Jar-Jar will be pleased you remember him." Amidala preceded Anakin out onto the balcony. "He will be arriving for the banquet this evening." She stopped in front of the table. "Good morning, Gentlemen, I hope you had a pleasant evening?"

"Thank you, Senator." Qui-Gon stood up and greeted her. Obi-Wan acknowledged her with a tilt of his head.

"Milady, I'd stand, but..."

"But your apprentice would throttle us both." She finished for him with a laugh. Behind her, Anakin tried to look insulted.

"I would never throttle a lady."

Obi-Wan turned to his table companion, his good humor evident. "Padawans -- you train them right, and they still turn on you."

Qui-Gon smiled, then turned serious. "No. You think they do, and then you find out how wrong you were." He reached out and squeezed Obi-Wan's arm before turning his attention back to Amidala.

She handed him a readout of the upcoming festivities. "The next few days will have activities almost round the clock. Even before we knew of Master Obi-Wan's illness, we knew that it was impossible for you to witness them all. I'll let you review the list and decide which ones you would like to attend."

Obi-Wan was touched by her thoughtfulness. "I know the Queen and the Supreme Chancellor are expecting us tonight at the banquet. Which other ones would mean the most to the people?"

"The local schoolchildren have put together a pageant for tomorrow afternoon, and have specifically requested your attendance. The following day, there is a dedication of the memorial to the Gungans who gave their lives battling the droid army."

"I will plan on both of them."

"Are you sure, Master?" Anakin seemed concerned. "Master Jinn and I can attend while you rest."

"The council did not send me half way across the galaxy because the palace beds are comfortable, Padawan. I will be fine. Those are only three events in three days. The rest of the festivities I will leave for you and Qui-Gon, all right?"

Qui-Gon seemed equally concerned. "Are you sure you won't be overexerting yourself?"

Obi-Wan pointedly looked down at his plate of carefully cut food, then looked over at his apprentice before turning back to Jinn. "I don't think I will have the opportunity to overexert myself."

Satisfied with the plans, Amidala turned to leave. "I have many details to attend to before the Chancellor arrives. I will see you gentlemen this evening." As she turned to leave, she kissed Anakin on the cheek.

Obi-Wan waited until the door closed behind her. "Anything you want to tell me, my young Padawan learner?"

"No, Master, nothing at all." Grinning, he sprawled in the vacant chair and began eating his meal.

Anakin removed his robe and looked at Qui-Gon. "I'm ready if you are, Master Jinn." The other man nodded and moved towards the door. Anakin continued, "I'll meet you down there." Without waiting for a response, he vaulted off the balcony railing, completing a triple somersault and a back flip on his way down to the lower level garden. Qui-Gon shook his head and returned to the balcony.

"With an acrobat for a master, I should have expected that."

Obi-Wan smirked. "I should warn you -- he flies the same way."

"I'll remember that if we need a shuttle while we're here." Qui-Gon grimaced as he swung his legs over the rail and launched himself over the edge. The remaining Jedi on the balcony went back to eating his morning meal.

Qui-Gon straightened his tunic as he watched Anakin warm up. "Which kata are you working on?" Anakin bent down, touching his forehead to his shin as he replied.

"The Soul Walker Kata, the first thirty five moves." He straightened up and began a side stretch.

"Soul Walker? I am impressed."

Anakin moved into position, ready to begin. "Master thought it would help me with my patience and control of my emotions."

"Indeed." Qui-Gon watched him for a moment, then nodded. "Begin."

It was a rare and dangerous kata in which total control of the Force was necessary. The activated lightsaber was not held tightly in the fist, but balanced with the Force on first the open palm, then the fingertips, ending with the saber upright on the little finger. Anakin moved gracefully through the moves, his timing impeccable at each balance point. Qui-Gon watched critically as not the slightest waver could be detected. Anakin's Force control was remarkable and Qui-Gon could sense his increasing connection to the Living Force with each move.

"I never taught Obi-Wan this form."

Anakin slid one foot forward and turned his body to hold the next position. "I know, Councilor Billaba taught him."

"Billaba?" Qui-Gon stepped forward, then caught himself and moved back out of Anakin's way.

"The council was," Anakin paused, releasing more of his emotion, pulling more of the Force around himself, "concerned about my training in the beginning. One of them was always there watching, observing me. Master Obi-Wan started finding katas and kai-kans that he didn't know, and asking them to teach him. They couldn't exactly say 'no' to him and it took the pressure off of me."

"Because he kept them busy while they were viewing your progress."

"Instead of hanging over me like a mynock."

Qui-Gon shared a smile with him. "That's an interesting way to put it."

"It was one of the ways Master made sure I wasn't overly intimidated by the council." Anakin finished with the last move and deactivated his saber as he returned to the ready position.

"Really?" Watching the young man told Qui-Gon that his training had been excellent and well thought out. He was filled with curiosity as to how it had been accomplished. "What else did he do?" Sensing there was quite a story involved he sat on a nearby bench and indicated that Anakin should join him.

Anakin settled his lanky form on the hard bench as he bit back a chuckle. He hoped that Qui-Gon would find the memory as humorous as he did. "Have you ever heard of the Zalcohn Empire in the Olgun system?"

Qui-Gon thought for a bit. The Zalcohns were an egotistical people who believed that their gods had deemed them better than the rest of the galaxy. Many teams had attempted to negotiate with them and had all failed until the team of Kenobi and his young Padawan had been sent. The free trade agreement they had returned with had been quite a coup for the young Knight, surpassed only by the announcement that the Zalcohns would allow their young to be tested for Force sensitivity.

"I always wondered how he managed to pull that one off."

"Their popular culture always seemed to revolve around different fads. When we were there, bouncing sticks were all the rage."

"Bouncing sticks?" Qui-Gon didn't think that was one fad that had made it to Coruscant.

Anakin waved his hands around as he described them. "It's like a stick, but with hand grips at the top, and foot rests near the bottom. They have a spring in them, and the idea is to stand on them and keep them bouncing without losing your balance or touching the ground with your feet. Their Emperor challenged Obi-Wan to a race with them."

Qui-Gon's shoulders began to shake with unvoiced mirth. It was easy to imagine his former apprentice excelling on such a device; his Force-strength and natural athleticism would make him a natural. "Don't tell me, the prize being their willingness to negotiate?"

"More than that, the Emperor insisted that the entire negotiations take place on the balance sticks. They debated and bounced for days, and Obi-Wan never fell."

"How..." Qui-Gon struggled to contain himself, "how did he explain it to the council?"

Anakin straightened up and formally addressed the other man. "We engaged the Zalcohns in a spirited and lively negotiation."

"Spirited and lively?" This time Qui-Gon did laugh. "That's one way to put it, but what does that that have to do with your interaction with the council?"

"He had me imagine them on bouncing sticks. Now, if I start to feel intimidated by them, I get this image through our training bond of Master Mundi bouncing around the council chamber."

Qui-Gon groaned. "Now I'm going to have that image stuck in my head."

"Sorry." Anakin's expression told that he was anything but. He waited until the other man calmed down. "Master Jinn?

"Hmm?" His amusement was still evident.

"Was Obi-Wan a happy apprentice?" Anakin watched as the shields slid into place in the older Jedi.

"He was an excellent apprentice, Anakin."

"But was he happy?" When it seemed the question had disturbed Qui-Gon, Anakin decided to let him think about it for a time. "It's almost time for Master's next blood test. May we take a short break?"

Qui-Gon barely remembered to nod as he turned away already lost in the memories the question had stirred up. He didn't notice Anakin's force driven jump back to the balcony of the room he shared with his Master.

"Done already?" Obi-Wan looked up from his readings as Anakin landed near him. "That was quick."

Anakin hooked his saber back onto his belt as he observed his Master. "Just a short break so I can check your blood levels. You look paler than you did this morning. Would you like me to carry you inside?"

"I can walk, Padawan." Obi-Wan walked inside, but didn't protest the supporting hand on his arm.

Anakin stared at the readout in front of him, scrolling back through the last three days of test results. "Master, the effectiveness of the medications is now down to twenty three percent." He watched; the other man didn't seem surprised at the news. "You knew?"

"I could feel that our progress was starting to slip. I didn't know it was that much." Obi-Wan sighed. "I had hoped it would last a little bit longer."

"This is the strongest dosage I can give you without risking damage." Anakin's hands prepared the injection while his eyes studied Obi-Wan. "Even with additional Force healing, time is running out unless..."

"I know." Obi-Wan reached out and took Anakin's hand as he finished the injection, pulling him down next to him on the sofa. "We need to contact the temple, see if the healers have come up with another solution."

"What if they haven't?" Anakin rested his hand on Obi-Wan's thigh. "Master, I've taken all the classes on humanoid sexuality, and the healers gave me more information before we left. I could..."

"No, Ani." Obi-Wan pressed his fingertip against Anakin's lips, quieting him. "We will find another way."


"I won't abuse you that way, little one."

Anakin shook his head. "It's not abuse if I'm offering."

"Your first time should be something special, Anakin, not performing a service. You deserve better. You do understand that, don't you?"

"I don't want to lose you, Obi-Wan -- either one of you."

"You won't. The Force wants this too much." Obi-Wan shifted against the cushions. "An answer will present itself, we must be patient, Padawan."

"Why don't you lay down and rest for a while, Master. I'll check with the temple and see if they've made any progress." Anakin watched his movement until Obi-Wan had settled on the bed before moving to the comm unit in his bedroom.

Knees sore, Qui-Gon shifted to sit cross-legged on the cool grass, unable to find the peace to meditate. Anakin's question bothered him more than he was willing to admit. Images flickered through his mind. A hopeful young boy, awaiting a master at the temple. The devastated boy consigned to Bandomeer. The missed opportunities for praise so many times. The longing for the bond so often denied. Qui-Gon could have wept for the sad figure that followed him faithfully through the years. "Oh, my Obi, you deserved so much better than I."

Anakin stared at the holographic figure in front of him. Healer Hynn flickered slightly as he recited the latest research to him. "That is all well and good, Master Healer, but Obi-Wan needs help now."

"As you know, his best option is to resume an intimate relationship with Master Jinn." Hynn paused slightly. "I assume that he is still being stubborn about it?"

"He's beyond stubborn!" Anakin was surprised by his own outburst. "My apologies, Plag-Nal, it is a difficult situation. Until Master Jinn regains his memory, Obi-Wan refuses to tell him any of this."

"Surely, Qui-Gon sees that he is ill? What has he been told?"

"Obi-Wan has told him nothing."

"What have you told him?" Somehow, Plag-Nal couldn't see the young apprentice remaining totally silent when his Master's life hung in the balance.

"Master has forbidden me to tell him anything." Anakin moved closer to the comm, and instinctively lowered his voice. "However, I have mentioned to Qui-Gon that regaining his memories of Sriluur would have a large impact on Obi-Wan's recovery. I believe he is meditating on it."

"Good, keep encouraging that." Plag-Nal studied him. "Have you and he discussed the other option?"

"Yes, and he still refuses. He believes that he would be abusing me if he allowed it to happen. He's still convinced the Force will show him another option."

"No, I don't think so." The healer seemed amused by Anakin's expression. "I've known your master for a very long time, and deep down he is quite the romantic. He's still very much in love with Qui-Gon and isn't ready to let go of that, yet."

"So, what do I do?"

"There's still four or five days before Obi-Wan's condition becomes critical. Keep working on Qui-Gon, and let's hope your matchmaking skills are as good as your lightsaber skills."

The young man signed off, then made a slight detour before rejoining Master Jinn.

Anakin found Qui-Gon still sitting in the garden, slowly stroking his hands over a fuzzy obera bush. "Master Jinn, are you all right?"

Qui-Gon never looked up from the plant. "I have been meditating on the question you asked me earlier." Anakin sat and waited for him to continue. "I don't think I gave enough consideration to his happiness while he was with me. I am truly sorry for that. I...I see the two of you together, and there is such joy in your training bond. It is truly a marvel to witness. As much as it pains me to admit it, the council did the right thing placing you with Obi-Wan rather than with me."

Anakin studied the other man. The admission had been hard for him. "Obi-Wan hoped that the two of you could work together in my training. He never meant for it to be one or the other."

"I know, that was my doing. The biggest mistake of my life was when I went off sulking across the galaxy. Half the council told me I was the greatest idiot the Jedi had ever produced."

"Which half was Master Windu in?" Anakin had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Excuse me?"

Anakin shifted around a bit before he spoke. "Master Windu has desired a relationship with Obi-Wan for quite some time."

"I see." Qui-Gon closed his eyes. "I did not realize that they were involved."

"They're not. Master Obi-Wan was so uninterested that he hadn't even noticed Master Windu's interest." Anakin blushed as he realized what his statement sounded like.

That brought a smile. "I can imagine that was rough on Master Windu's ego. With his position on the council, he's not used to being ignored very often. Probably did him good."

"Master Jinn!" It took a moment for the young man to realize that he was being teased and that the other man was rather pleased by the information. The moment was brief before Qui-Gon turned serious again.

"How is he, really?"

"He is doing as well as can be expected, I suppose. The medications are helping, but they are already beginning to lose their effectiveness. Hopefully the healers will have more answers when we return."

Qui-Gon chewed on the inside of his lip. "Why didn't one of the Healers accompany you here? Wouldn't they be able to help him more than the local Healers?"

"So far I'm the only one who can use Force-healing on Obi-Wan. All the healers at the temple tried, but they couldn't help him at all." Anakin thought for a bit as how to explain it to Qui-Gon without revealing his master's secret. "It has something to do with our bond."

"I wish there was something I could do to help him." Qui-Gon studied the young man's reaction. "If there was something I could do, would you tell me, Ani?"

Anakin considered his words carefully. "I can't betray the confidence my master has placed in me."

Qui-Gon visibly slumped at the words. "Of course not; I understand."

"I can tell you this." Anakin continued slowly, hoping the other man would understand what he was trying so hard not to say. "Our joint mission to Sriluur is of great importance, but I am forbidden to tell you what you cannot remember."

Years of diplomacy and political posturing were not wasted on the older man. "So, if I regain my memories of the time we were on Sriluur..."

"Then I believe Obi-Wan would be more open about his condition and accepting your help." The smile given to Qui-Gon was almost blinding.

Qui-Gon acknowledged him with a tilt of his head. "I will continue to meditate on it. Now, would you like to spar, or do you have other obligations this afternoon?

Anakin slowly, carefully closed the net. "I do need to meet with Senator Amidala to go over a few things before the banquet tonight, but..."

"I meant what I said, Padawan. Anything I can do to make things easier, I will do willingly."

"Would you have midmeal with Obi-Wan? His appetite has not been what it should be, and I worry that he doesn't eat enough when he's alone."

"It would be a pleasure, Anakin."

Anakin stood and bowed. "Thank you, I will leave you to your meditations." He turned to leave, then stopped. "I hope you and he have a nice visit." Without waiting for an answer, he left the garden.

Anakin, who barely paused to smile as he left on his own task, met Qui-Gon at the door. After that brief greeting, he entered the common room, not knowing what to expect. Obi-Wan looked up from his reading as his former Master moved closer. "I hear that you're my babysitter for the afternoon."

That brought a smile. "I hope you don't mind?"

Obi-Wan returned the smile as he indicated a nearby chair. "Not at all. It gives me a chance to hear your opinion on Anakin's progress."

The arrival of a servant with a basket paused the conversation. Mali hefted up the ornate basket as she spoke. "Senator Amidala thought you'd like your meal outside. The Reflecting Pool Garden has been reserved for your private use."

Before Qui-Gon could voice any concerns, Obi-Wan spoke up, obviously pleased with the suggestion. "Thank you, that would be wonderful."

Resigning himself to the apparent, Qui-Gon brought the hoverchair close to the sofa that Obi-Wan rested on. "Did the Senator clear this with Anakin? I feel like we're sneaking out after curfew."

Obi-Wan allowed the other man to steady him as he moved into the chair. "Is everyone scared of my padawan?"

Qui-Gon's flush was answer enough as they followed Mali through the lesser used hallways that led to the garden. He found his voice as they entered the garden.

"He is very devoted to you, and rightly so. I told Anakin earlier that the council made the right decision when they made you his master." Qui-Gon gently grasped his arms and steadied him as he stood.

Obi-Wan moved a step closer, looking carefully at the man who was the center of his universe. "I just with it hadn't come at such a high price."

"I have..." Qui-Gon cleared his throat and tried again, not really noticing that his hand was stroking the other man's cheek. "I've come to understand just how foolish I have been, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Anakin leaned against the casing of the ornate window that filled the communication room with natural light. From his third floor vantage point, he was pleased with the progress occurring in the garden below him. The beep of the comm center drew his attention back into the room as a small blue holograph of Mace Windu appeared in front of him. Windu wasted no time with pleasantries.

"What's happening, Anakin?"

The Padawan braced himself as he answered truthfully. "The medications are losing their effectiveness."

"Have you bedded him yet?"

"No!" The coarseness of the question unbalanced Anakin.

Mace didn't seem to notice Anakin's reaction to his words. "Damn that man. Does he have a death wish? What is he thinking?"

"He is following the will of the Force and," Anakin smiled as his attention drifted back to the view outside the window, "his heart. I believe the journey is near an end."

There was silence as the words sunk in. When Mace finally spoke, his voice was rough with unstated sorrow. "Does Qui-Gon know how lucky he is?"

Once again, Anakin turned towards the window. "Yes, I believe he does."

The dark colored robe protected the two men from the dampness of the lawn underneath them as they rested. Qui-Gon shifted slightly as he smiled. Sitting in the afternoon sun with Obi-Wan's head resting on his lap was the most natural thing in the world. He studied the other man.

"Aren't you rather warm? Would you like to remove your robe?"

That would probably raise questions that Obi-Wan wasn't quite ready to answer. "That's all right, I chill rather easily these days."

Qui-Gon stared at him, stroking the recently bared cheek. "Without the beard, you haven't aged a bit."

"Thank you." Obi-Wan gave a rather dry chuckle. "I've always enjoyed being mistaken for my own padawan."

The returning laughter was warm and full. "Consider it compliment. Most masters age tremendously before their padawan's trials. You and he obviously work well together."

"Anakin has been a joy to teach." Obi-Wan reached up and caught his hand, bringing it down to press against his cheek. "Thank you for helping to complete his training."

Qui-Gon rubbed his thumb against the smooth skin. "I wish I could do more to help you, I feel so helpless. I miss us taking care of each other."

Obi-Wan pressed a dry kiss against his palm. "I miss us."

Waves of Force energy drew Yoda towards Mace Windu's office. Inside, he observed the tall man as he whirled around, gathering items and barking out orders to the padawan frantically trying to keep up. He rapped his gimer stick against the floor to get Mace's attention, and the young padawan used the distraction to slip out the door.

"Transport to Naboo ready, you have. Tell me, you will, has Kenobi worsened?"

"Yes, he has worsened, and Skywalker is being a fool about it. He thinks those two are going to fall back in love and everything will be fine." Mace closed out his data terminal and picked up his pack. "When Jinn bails on him again, I'm going to be there to pick up the pieces." He didn't wait for a response from the ancient master before sweeping out the door.

Yoda shook his head and leaned heavily on his staff. "Now it begins."

Anakin insisted on one last check of his master's blood levels before the banquet started. Obi-Wan grimaced as the scanner punctured his arm. "Really, Padawan, I think you've drawn more of my blood than all the enemies we've faced over the years."

Anakin smiled as he watched the numbers flash on the screen. "I have a feeling that your condition will be stabilizing soon, Master. When that happens, we won't need to do this quite so much." A furtive glance showed him that his master was blushing ever so slightly, and he decided to push just a bit. "Speaking of which, how was your midmeal? I do hope everything was to your satisfaction."

"It was." Obi-Wan straightened his sleeve as he watched his apprentice. "As you well know, young man. Was that truly Amidala's idea, or did you cook that up yourself?"


Obi-Wan shook his head, grinning. "That wide-eyed innocent look hasn't worked since you were eleven, my young Padawan learner. Now, what else do you have planned?"

"I don't think any other plans will be necessary." Anakin's smirk grew wider as Obi-Wan's face grew redder. "You and he seemed quite on track this afternoon."

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan sputtered a bit before he continued. "You were watching? Wait, don't answer that, just hand me my robe. We will discuss this in the future...far, far in the future."

"Yes, Master." Anakin grinned as he held out Obi-Wan's robe for him. "May I say that I am one of a few padawans that are privileged to have actually seen their masters blush."

Obi-Wan turned as he straightened his robe. "Privileged?"

"Do you know how many padawans are jealous of me, of us?" Anakin kept himself busy, arranging and rearranging the medical equipment on the table. "Most masters would never be that open with their feelings. It makes me feel very special that you trust me so much."

"Of course you're special, Anakin." Obi-Wan tugged on the thin braid, bringing the young man in for a quick hug. "You're my padawan."

Qui-Gon watched as his two favorite people adamantly discussed how Obi-Wan would arrive at the banquet. Obi-Wan was quite determined to enter the room under his own power.

"Anakin, the Chancellor will be there, along with the Queen. I am a Jedi, first and foremost. I refuse to show such weakness."

"Master, you can't risk your health with such an exertion. You must conserve your energy; you know that. Perhaps its time the Chancellor understood that Jedi are mortal and we have our limitations."


The tall Master tried to intervene. "Obi-Wan, Anakin does have a point."

"I know." Obi-Wan raked his fingers through his hair. "I know he does, but there is something about that man."

"Chancellor Palpatine? He has always been very kind to us, Master." Anakin was puzzled by the comment.

Obi-Wan made a visible effort to calm himself. "I am aware of that. I can't explain it, but the idea that he is conscious of my current...weakness makes me very uncomfortable. I would prefer to not make it the focus of the evening."

"What if we were to leave the hoverchair in the antechamber near the banquet room? That would leave you with a very short walk into the banquet. With Anakin and I at your side to lend strength, it shouldn't be too much for you to go through the reception line and then move to our table."

"Would that be acceptable Master?" Anakin was pleased with the compromise Qui-Gon had suggested.

Even Obi-Wan seemed satisfied with the suggestion. "Yes, thank you Qui-Gon. That would be most acceptable."

Anakin hid a smile as they entered the large formal hall. Although his master was between them, Qui-Gon had the younger master tucked firmly against him, and Obi-Wan wasn't complaining a bit.

At Senator Amidala's suggestion, the reception line had been reduced down to the bare minimum. Only the Advisory Council members, the Senator, the Governor, and the Gungan representative stood with Queen Jamillia and Chancellor Palpatine. The three Jedi took a collective breath before facing the Gungan.

"Obi, itsa really yousa!" When he moved to grab the man in one of his famous Gungan hugs, Anakin intercepted him.

"Easy, Jar-Jar. Master isn't well, remember?"

The distraction worked well. "Ani, little Ani!" The large amphibian hands reached up and ruffled his hair, almost dislodging his knight's tail. "Mesa so happy to see yousa. Lookie how big yousa gotten." He next turned his attention to the third Jedi, this time remembering his place and bowing formally.

Qui-Gon shifted slightly away from Obi-Wan to protect him from the Gungan's enthusiasm. "Hello, Jar-Jar, it is good to see you again." The hug he received was much more controlled, but filled with as much emotion.

"Missa yousa so mucho."

Eventually, he was released and they could move down the reception line, giving the briefest bow possible without insulting the remaining members of government. Only Palpatine seemed annoyed by the brevity of their greetings, but he chose to observe them, rather than comment to them.

Once the formal greetings were done, Jamillia touched Amidala's arm. "You and the young Jedi seem to be making progress with your plan."

Amidala smiled as she observed the two Masters quietly speaking, their heads not quite touching. Nearby, the young apprentice was almost glowing as he brought a glass of sarguilon juice. "Most of the plan was Anakin's. Who would have thought a Jedi Padawan would have such a romantic streak?"

Jamillia gave her arm one last squeeze. "Perhaps you should investigate that trait, dear friend." She raised an eyebrow in question before moving away.

The flustered young Senator turned and almost ran into Palpatine. He smiled as he reached out to steady her. "Careful there, Milady. We wouldn't want you to take a fall, now would we?"

"Thank you, Chancellor." Amidala straightened up and pulled away from him. He didn't react to her movement; rather he stared at the Jedi.

"Master Kenobi appears sicker than I expected. How intriguing." He continued to watch them as they made their way across the room. His predatory stare made Amidala's skin crawl.

"Yes, truthfully he should still be with the healers on Coruscant."

Palpatine turned back to her. "Do you know the nature of his illness?"

Amidala was immediately uncomfortable with the question, and very grateful Anakin hadn't confided in her, allowing her to truthfully answer the man. "No, I don't. Master Kenobi is a very private man."

The Chancellor continued on as if he hadn't heard her. "After all, If we knew more, it might be possible we could do something about it." He again turned his attention to the three men. Behind him, Amidala shook her head.

"The Jedi healers are the best in the galaxy."

On the other side of the room, Obi-Wan almost fell as his leg buckled under him. As Palpatine stared, Qui-Gon carefully supported him while they moved to a nearby chair. Anakin immediately knelt at his Master's side and Palpatine could feel the waves of healing energy from across the room. "Yes, most intriguing indeed."

Qui-Gon hovered silently as Anakin assisted Obi-Wan. When the young man leaned back he wasted no further time. "What happened? He was in such pain, is he worse? Should I summon a healer?"

"Master Jinn."

"What can I do?"

"Breathe, Master Jinn, just breathe. This happens sometimes." No matter his words, the young man was still shaken by the incident, but didn't want to alarm the other. "Master Obi-Wan's condition has weakened some of his joints and causes some problems occasionally."

Qui-Gon pulled another chair closer and sat next to Obi-Wan. "What kind of problems? What exactly just happened?" He grasped Obi-Wan's hand and leaned close.

"The floor is slightly uneven and I stepped down wrong. It was my fault, I wasn't being as careful as I should have been." Obi-Wan's explanation wasn't as detailed as Qui-Gon need to hear, so Anakin filled in the blanks.

"When he twisted his leg, his hip partially dislocated because the cartilage has softened. When you caught him and lifted him back up, it slid back into place."

There was more anger than concern as Qui-Gon turned back to Anakin. "This is why you didn't want him walking. You should have told me, I would not have suggested the compromise with the chair."

"Qui, easy." Obi-Wan drew his attention back to himself. "It's only been that bad a few times,"

"Yes, but..."

"But nothing. There is a very fine line, every step I take has some risk, but the more muscle tone I lose, the greater the risk of injury becomes. Anakin has kept me comfortable and mobile longer than any of the healers have thought possible. I owe him my life and so much more." Obi-Wan's face told the other man just how seriously he had erred.

Qui-Gon felt shame at his reaction. "I am sorry. Anakin, you do have my gratitude for everything you have done for Obi-Wan. It is just so hard to stand by and see someone I care for suffer."

"It's all right, Master. I understand exactly how you feel." Anakin allowed a small smile to grace his face. "I've been accused of being a bit overprotective at times myself." He watched the two men as they shifted closer to one another. Suddenly Anakin felt like a third wheel and quietly joined Amidala as she conversed with a group of local officials.

Amidala carefully watched the young man beside her. He laughed and carried on with the conversations around him, but his focus remained on his two Jedi companions seated on the other side of the room. "You don't have to stay with me, Ani. You can rejoin them if you'd like."

"No." Anakin leaned closer to her. "My presence would be intrusive right now."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not, not really. He's waited so long for happiness, it is so wonderful to finally see it in his grasp, even from a distance." Anakin offered her his arm as they strolled through the movers and shakers of her home world.

"It's so hard for even me to see him this weak. For you it must be agonizing, Anakin." She rested her head on his shoulder as they walked.

"You have no idea, Padme'. I believe he's the strongest Jedi in the order."

Chancellor Palpatine intercepted them. "Of course you do. After all, he is your Master. I'm sure every apprentice feels the same way."

Anakin gave the other man a hard look, daring him to further challenge his opinion. "When I was fifteen, we were sent to Trandosha to settle a dispute between two warring factions. I'm sure you remember what happened." Anakin turned back to the group that was gathering to hear another story of the exploits of the Jedi.

"Some of them didn't want to settle their problems, so they didn't want us there. Our shuttle was shot down as we attempted to land. My...both of my legs were broken it the crash -- badly enough that I was unable to walk. Master Obi-Wan carried me for three days until we reached a safe place for a rescue ship to land. It wasn't until we were back at the temple that he admitted to the healers he was having 'difficulties' as he put it."

One of the noblewomen asked the obvious question. "Was he also injured?"

The young man's voice shook slightly as he explained. "Three shattered vertebras plus internal bleeding. He was in bacta longer than I was."

"Remarkable." The woman paled as her companion tried to absorb what had been said.

"You mean that he carried you with a broken back?

Amidala answered him as she beamed at Anakin. "Jedi are very remarkable people, indeed."

A chime sounded, indicating that it was time to move to the tables. Anakin and Amidala followed discretely behind as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan moved arm in arm. Once the two Masters were seated, Anakin and Amidala exchanged knowing glances before finding their own seats.

For the first time since they had arrived on Naboo, Anakin felt relaxed. The banquet, the most formal of the events they were required to attend, was over and Obi-Wan was sleeping comfortably. Qui-Gon had retired to his room to meditate, and Anakin was convinced that the older master would soon remember the details that were so necessary.

Obligations finished, the Padawan and the Senator were seated on the windowsill watching the sunset. This had become their favorite spot to spend time during the evenings. Close enough for Anakin to see the door to the suite he shared with his Master, but far enough away for a bit of privacy.

"What if Master Jinn doesn't regain his memory?" Amidala shifted slightly to whisper in his ear. "He's falling in love with Obi-Wan all over again, is it really so critical that he remembers?

Anakin grazed a kiss across her temple as he thought about her question. In some ways the relationship between the two men was better than it had been the first time, but he dreaded seeing his Master tell Qui-Gon about a baby that he didn't remember helping to conceive. "Obi-Wan's health problems actually started while we were on Sriluur with Master Jinn. It would be better if he knew what happened before he knows the details of Master's condition."

"But, how can you be sure that he will regain his memory?"

That was the crux of the problems, and something Anakin had spent much time in meditation about. Earlier that day he had come to a decision. "The children's program is tomorrow, and the dedication of the Gungan Memorial is the day after. Whatever gaps are left in his memory at that point...I'll help him fill in."

"I'm glad." She twisted around even further and kissed his cheek. Anakin slowly pulled her closer and their lips brushed together.

A sharp cry of pain sounded through the hallway, echoing through the training bond he shared with Obi-Wan.


A Force enhanced run left Amidala far behind as he rushed down the corridor, barely noticing Qui-Gon as he flew out of his room. The two Jedi raced down the hall, barely slowing to let the door open in front of them. Once inside the suite, Qui-Gon followed Anakin into one of the sleeping rooms.

Obi-Wan was sprawled on the bed, back arched as if in agony. Over him stood the Supreme Chancellor, hands pressed against the young Master's head. Seeing this, Anakin wasted no time on questions or pleasantries.

"Get away from him!" Anakin grabbed Palpatine and spun him away from the bed. Qui-Gon caught him, then recoiled from the contact. Instinct took over and he shoved the man further away. Palpatine stumbled back again before he regained his footing. He bit back a snarl as he tried to move close yet again.

Obi-Wan was gasping and wheezing, his body obviously wracked with pain. Anakin climbed up onto the bed, focusing all his energy in a pulse of healing energy. Qui-Gon stepped to the side, attempting to better see Obi-Wan's condition and inadvertently blocked Palpatine.

Amidala rushed into the room, bringing with her a squad of palace guards. The scene in the room stunned her. "What's going on? What happened?" She turned to the guard nearest her. "Summon the healers immediately."

When Obi-Wan finally took an unimpeded breath, Qui-Gon turned to Palpatine, still unsure of what he had felt. "What were you doing?"

A brief flicker of an unnamed emotion crossed Palpatine's face. "He seemed distressed, I was just offering a bit of comfort."

Any further questions he may have had were halted by the arrival of the Healers. To give them room to work, Amidala waved the guards away. After a few quiet words with one of the healers, Anakin straightened up and glared at the three remaining people in the room. "Everybody out. Now!" Before any of them could react, he had them steered out into the common room.

The door had hardly closed before he turned on Palpatine. "How dare you sneak into Master Obi-Wan's room and assault him."

"Anakin!" Amidala was stunned by his insinuation. "You can't accuse the Supreme Chancellor of something like that."

Palpatine gave her a strained smile. "No, no, it's all right my dear. The boy is just frightened by his Master's illness. No harm done."

Amidala stared at the three men in front of her, waiting for Qui-Gon to censure Anakin's outburst. Instead, he quietly studied the aging politician as if seeing him for the first time. Anakin responded with a chill she had never heard in his voice.

"I am no longer a child, Chancellor."

Palpatine nodded his head. "You have changed a great deal, young Skywalker."

"When you need to protect your master from people you thought were your friends it does make one grow up." Anakin glared at Palpatine, barely toning down his hostility as he turned to look at Amidala. "I'm going to check with the healers." Not waiting for a response, he stormed back into the sleeping chamber.

Qui-Gon kept his voice low as he finally spoke to them. "It would be better if you both left." Palpatine glared at him, then swept out of the room. Amidala watched him leave, then turned back to Qui-Gon.

"Master Jinn?" He just shook his head, too troubled by what had happened to deal with the young woman. She ran from the room, tears streaming down her face. As soon as the door slid shut behind her, he dropped to his knees in a desperate attempt to center himself. He remained like that until the healers filed out of the bedroom.

As they walked past him, he rose to his feet. "Is he all right?"

One of the healers, a tall man with a fringe of white hair, stopped to speak with him. "His apprentice used his Force abilities to support his life signs until we could stabilize him."

"So he will be all right?"

"He's stabilized." It was apparent what wasn't being said. "We will remain on call, please don't hesitate to summon us if he has any further needs. Until then, we will bid you goodnight." Qui-Gon nodded silently as they left.

"Anakin?" Qui-Gon called out softly as he crossed the room. The young apprentice opened the door and met him. Now that the crisis appeared to be over, he looked exhausted. Qui-Gon enveloped him in his arms, infusing him with the Force, replacing the strength the young man had expended on saving his master. Anakin sagged into his embrace. "If I can't help him, at least I can strengthen you."

"Thank you."

"No." Qui-Gon's voice was rough as he struggled to control his fear. "Thank you for taking care of him." They moved into the next room, stopping in front of the bed.

Obi-Wan raised his hand as he struggled to speak. "Qui, did you..."

"Shh, I'm here, love." Qui-Gon took the offered hand and sat on the edge of the bed. "You need to rest." The younger man was determined to continue.

"No, listen to me. Palpatine - did you feel it? When you touched him?"

Qui-Gon pursed his lips as he debated with himself. "Yes. I tried to tell myself that I was mistaken, but..."

"But what?" Anakin looked back and forth between the two men. After a brief nod from Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon explained.

"There is a Sith influence in the man. It was brief, but it was there, I am sure of it."

"Sith? Are you sure?" Anakin began pacing, not even attempting to release his agitation into the Force.

"Anakin, Obi-Wan and I are the only two Jedi in the order who have had physical contact with one before." Qui-Gon noticed that he wasn't really getting through to his former padawan's padawan. Anakin continued to explore the room, barely pausing to acknowledge the words.

"How did he get in here, Master? I was out in the corridor, and I didn't see him."

Obi-Wan frowned. "I don't know. I woke up and he was standing over me."

Anakin slowed his pacing, now making a conscious effort to release his anxiety. Slowly, the Force eddies became clearer to him and he followed them through the room, stopping in front of a large, ornate mirror.

Curious, Qui-Gon stood up and joined Anakin in front of the mirror. Also intrigued, Obi-Wan raised up on one elbow to better see. "What is it?"

The question went unanswered as Anakin ran his fingertips over the detailed carving that adorned the outer edge of the mirror frame. A small protrusion didn't fit the rest of the pattern and caught Anakin's attention. He pressed it, then moved back as the mirror swung open. The doorway revealed a narrow passage. Anakin pushed it shut and leaned his forehead against the cool glass. "Chancellor Palpatine chose this room for Master Obi-Wan personally."

Qui-Gon backed up until he felt the edge of the mattress against the back of his knees. He sank down on the soft surface, groping for Obi-Wan's hand. "Oh, Force."

The small holographic image of Yoda stared at Qui-Gon in disbelief. "Exposed to the Sith you say. Unexpected and dangerous this is." Yoda closed his eyes, looking inward. "Clouded, the future is, but protect Obi-Wan you must, until strong enough to protect himself."

"With my life if necessary, Master. Anakin and I will do whatever is required to keep him safe."

"Dangerous time for Anakin, also this is. Protect him as well you must."

"Anakin?" Qui-Gon glared at the small Master. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Powerful Jedi he will be, know this we do. Know this also the Sith, no doubt. Love his Master much, he does. Obi-Wan's loss, recover Anakin would not. Tell you more, I cannot." Yoda looked down, shaking his head.

Qui-Gon raked his fingers through his hair. "Can't tell me more? That does seem to be the theme for this entire mission. We should leave Naboo as soon as Obi-Wan is ready. It's not safe for him to remain here."

The comm speakers clearly picked up the sound of a gimer stick hitting the floor of the council chamber. "Stay you will, safer than using local transport. Windu will be there in two days, wait for him you must."

Qui-Gon bowed to the inevitable and to the elderly master. "Two days, then one way or another, we are off this planet." He took a deep breath and continued. "I have a request."


"I would like all the mission reports from our time on Sriluur." Qui-Gon waited, half expecting to be refused.

"Give you the answers you seek, it will not."

His shoulders sagged. "I know."

Yoda gave him a long look. "How feel you?" Qui-Gon didn't pretend to not understand the question, it was too important.

"I love him. I do remember that on Sriluur I told him that it was not meant to be, but being here with him..."

"Change you mind, did you?" Yoda cackled as he waved his walking stick around.

Qui-Gon knew that if he had actually been standing in front of him, his shins would be taking a beating. "Seeing him so ill, I have come to the realization that I could not exist in a galaxy that did not include Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"If sicker he becomes, abandon him, will you?"


"And if recovers he does, will love disappear along with worry?"

"Absolutely not." Qui-Gon's horror at the suggestion seemed to please Yoda.

"Convinced me, you have. Convince Windu, harder it will be. Protect Obi-Wan from you, necessary he believes. Cares too much he does." Yoda's ears turned down as he shook his head.

"I understand." He didn't have to tell the other Master how awkward the meeting would be. Yoda heard what he had not said.

"Find Sriluur mission report with daily updates you will. Help you on your journey, hope I have."

As the transmission faded Qui-Gon found himself unsettled and worried. He hurried back to his room to pack the few things he had brought with him.

Qui-Gon announced himself at the door and waited. The lock slid open and Anakin stepped out into the corridor, looking around carefully. Satisfied, he pulled the older Master inside and locked the door behind them. Qui-Gon immediately noticed that Anakin had modified the locking mechanism, making it impossible for someone to override the code.

"How is he?"

"Resting." Anakin rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. "I had to use a Force suggestion to help him sleep. He wasn't too happy with me, but his need for rest is too critical right now."

"He'll forgive you." Qui-Gon shifted his travel bag off his shoulder and deposited it on the floor. "I hope you don't mind, but I'd feel better if we stayed together."

"Agreed. I'll be sleeping between Master Obi-Wan and that damn mirror, so the other sleeping room is available." The door to Obi-Wan's room was open and Anakin stepped through it as he spoke. Qui-Gon followed him, giving the young man a grim smile.

"Why don't we do a little furniture arranging instead?" Using the Force he melted the mirror latch solid before he moved the large bed against it, blocking it shut.

Anakin had a sheepish look on his face. "I didn't even think about doing that."

"Don't let your emotions rob you of your center, Anakin. Focus on the here and now." Anakin nodded as the other man continued. "I'll stay with him if you'd like to meditate."

Anakin gave him a long look before signaling his agreement. "Let me show you what needs to be monitored tonight." He touched a heavy band encircling Obi-Wan's wrist. "This monitors his blood levels continuously and releases a low level of his medications as needed. It's very uncomfortable, so we rarely use it, but tonight it's necessary. If his levels drop too far, an alarm will sound, and I'll have to deal with it personally."

Obi-Wan shifted restlessly on the bed, but before Anakin could react, Qui-Gon was there, soothing him. The padawan watched as his master nuzzled his face into the hand that was cupped against it.

"My Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon settled on edge of the bed, his free hand wrapped around one of Obi-Wan's. He drew the hand close, ghosting a kiss across each fingertip.

The sleeping man stirred once again, pulling their joined hand up under his chin. "My beloved." Neither man noticed as Anakin moved quietly from the room.

Sunrise on Naboo was a beautiful sight. Qui-Gon watched as the waves caught and reflected the golden light, filling the sky with a glow few worlds could ever achieve. He opened the curtain further, allowing the light to spill across the bed. The bed's sole occupant stretched and shifted into the warmth like a davish cat from Pragon. Qui-Gon waited, but Obi-Wan didn't wake. Behind him, Anakin entered the room and immediately checked the readout from the medical band. He watched the young man, the question unasked but plainly visible on his face.

Anakin set the data reader down and smiled. "He's recovering better than I had hoped."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Qui-Gon made no attempt to hide the sadness in his voice. "I have a right to know."

His mind reeling, Anakin froze. An answer was expected, so he stammered out his response as best he could. "I'm sorry, Master, it wasn't my decision to make."

"I have a life bond with the man, I could have been helping him."

"You remember?"

"Enough to bring the bond out of dormancy. I assume that we bonded while on Sriluur?"

Anakin relaxed slightly, apparently Qui-Gon hadn't discovered his master's true secret. "You don't remember bonding with him or anything else?"

The emphasis on 'anything else' wasn't lost on the older master. "In other words, there is more that I need to know." Qui-Gon shook his head. "Just tell me, Anakin."

"It's more...complicated than that, I'm sorry. For the next few days we need to focus on the mission and on Obi-Wan's safety. When the memorial is concluded, our obligations here will be finished."

"Then you will tell me?"

"Yes. Until then we can't afford the distractions. When will we be able to leave for Coruscant?"

"Mace is on his way. We are not to trust any of the local transport, since Palpatine has access to any of them."

"Master Windu is on his way here?" Anakin bit his lip as he contemplated the ramifications of that. "Master Jinn?"

"Yes, Anakin?" Qui-Gon was distracted and moved to sit on the bed as Obi-Wan began to stir.

"I give you my word, we will talk before Master Windu arrives."

"Thank you." He bent over Obi-Wan, a hand on each side of the younger man's head, watching as green eyes slowly opened. "Good morning, love."

Obi-Wan gave him a sleepy smile as he reached up to touch Qui-Gon's face. "What a wonderful way to awaken."

In answer, Qui-Gon turned his face slightly to kiss his palm. "As it shall always be. I have learned that there is much more to life than duty, I won't forget that again."

"I have so much to tell you, and you might change your mind afterwards." Obi-Wan started to sit up, but Qui-Gon gathered him into his arms and held him close.

"You had to trust me not to hurt you again, I understand that. What is left to share can wait until we are someplace safe. I am content to wait."


"Whatever the future holds for us, we can handle as long as we are together, my Obi. Until we are able to leave Naboo, Anakin and I need to keep our focus on your safety, while you need to concentrate on your health." He settled Obi-Wan back onto the pillows that Anakin had slipped behind him and kissed his cheek.

"Nothing you could tell me would change what I feel for you. We will have plenty of time to speak of it on the transport home."


"Mace will be arriving late tomorrow to bring us home. Now while Anakin takes care of you, I will gather our meal, rather than wait for someone to bring it to us." One last kiss and he was on his feet. "Anakin, make sure to lock the door behind me."

Anakin followed the older man out and returned only a moment later, mission accomplished. Obi-Wan watched as he returned, a grim look on his face. "Mace is our ride home?"

"I'm afraid so."

Obi-Wan leaned back, covering his face with his hands. "I'm going to tell Qui-Gon about the baby with Mace hovering around us? Force, I hope it's a large transport."

"Have we ever been that lucky?"

Refusing to answer, Obi-Wan spread his fingers to glare at his apprentice.

Much to his dismay, Obi-Wan had his morning meal in bed, while his two companions ate at the nearby table. The looks they had given him when he had attempted to rise would have even put Master Yoda in his place.

As always, Anakin was the first to finish. He turned to Qui-Gon as he tossed his napkin down. "I don't think we should train today. Master Obi-Wan shouldn't be left alone."

"Nonsense." Obi-Wan pushed away his plate of toast and fruit. "I'll come down to the gardens with you. It's too beautiful of a day to be cooped up inside."

"Master, I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Actually, it is a very good idea." Qui-Gon waited until he had both men's attention. "We need to spar today. It's important that we are familiar with each other's strengths and weaknesses."

"Are you expecting trouble?"

Qui-Gon's answer to Obi-Wan was simple. "Yes."

Darth Sidious stared at the comm unit as his message was transmitted. "Your target has changed. Senator Amidala is now unimportant. Listen carefully, I don't want any mistakes..."

Qui-Gon Jinn was not one to fidget; however, watching Anakin care for Obi-Wan was almost more than he could bear. The bond, dormant for so long, was screaming at him to touch the other man. That duty was still Anakin's, and he ached as he watched the young man tenderly lift his Master from the hoverchair and lay him on the lounge chair. Hands and face were all that were visible past the Jedi robe or the blankets that always formed a barrier between he and his beloved. All he could do was hold the extra pillow Anakin thought Obi-Wan might need.

"Are you warm enough, Master?" Anakin tucked the lightweight blanket around him, aware that the robe alone probably would have been sufficient.

Obi-Wan gave an indulgent smile. His padawan had raised over-protectiveness to a new level this morning. He needed the blanket like a bantha needed a pedicure, but he allowed it to be wrapped around him along with the two pillows behind his head and the one under his knees. He eyed the last pillow clutched in Qui-Gon's arms wondering where else his apprentice could possibly stuff it. Anakin reached out for the remaining pillow, then wedged it between Obi-Wan's side and the hard arm of the lounge.


"Yes, Master?"

"Go spar." At the questioning look on his padawan's face, Obi-Wan laughed as he explained. "I've been fed, watered, medicated, fluffed and stuffed. If you want to please me, then show Master Qui-Gon how much I've taught you." He gave a tug on the young man's braid to show he wasn't annoyed. "Go make your master proud."

Anakin flashed a devilish grin then did a backflip, drawing his lightsaber as he did.

Qui-Gon didn't seem too surprised at the move and stepped to the side as he lit his own weapon. "Show me what you can do, Padawan."

The padawan in question charged in an all out frontal assault, then jumped over Qui-Gon's head before he could react, scoring a hit on the other man's backside. Qui-Gon bared his teeth in a wolfish grin before launching into a spinning attack that Anakin could barely deflect.

Attack and defend, slash and parry, the fight continued. Hours passed while fewer and fewer hits were scored until they knew each other's moves too well to allow a winning point.

They both stepped back, powering down their lightsabers. "Well done, Anakin. Your master should be proud." Qui-Gon spared a glance at the other master. "Or at least he will be when he wakes up."

The three Jedi were given the seats of honor in the Theed's primary school's auditorium. Amidala sat several seats down, the Governor and one of the Royal Advisors between her and Anakin. Obi-Wan leaned over and gave her a wide smile, showing her that he had no hard feelings about her unwitting role in the psychic attack he had endured the night before. An elbow to the ribs of his apprentice gave her the same response from the young man. Before she could devise a way to trade places with the Educational Advisor the lights dimmed and a young boy walked out onto the stage.

The little boy could not have been more than five or six years old, with curly blonde hair and large blue eyes. He stood in the center of the stage, playing with the edge of his shirt and scuffing his toe onto the mingwood floor. "My name is Shavel Magon and welcome to my school." Shavel finally looked up and smiled, pointing to a group of seats to the left and in back of the Jedi. "There's my mommy and daddy."

Assorted laughter broke out throughout the auditorium as a loud stage whisper could be heard from behind the curtain. "The play, Shavel, tell them about the play."

"Oh, yeah, we're doing a play and it's about how the Jedi saved Naboo. I was suppose to tell you more about it, but I forgot." Another round of laughter washed across the audience as the young lad happily skipped off the stage.

"He was adorable." Qui-Gon was shocked by his former apprentice's words and listened in stunned silence as Obi-Wan continued. "Of all the events planned, this is the one I am looking forward to the most."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "I never knew you were so fond of children. You always complained when I sent you to work in the creche."

"Why did you send me to work there?"

"As punishment when you were in trouble." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Master Jinn realized that he'd been had. "Very sneaky."

Anakin leaned closer to his master. "You mean that you tricked him into punishing you with something that you really liked to do?" He didn't need an answer after seeing the expression on Obi-Wan's face. "Well, Sith, no wonder I never could get away with anything. You had all the angles figured out."

"Long before you were born, my young Padawan learner, long before you were born." Before Anakin could devise a comeback for his Master's comment, the stage curtain opened. In the center of the stage was a handmade starfighter, piloted by a young girl who was currently sucking on her thumb. A soft word from backstage and the starfighter was moving, little feet visible underneath the torn fuselage. The announcer's young voice echoed through the sound system, telling of the brave boy who shot down the droid control ship and saved the people of Naboo. Anakin slid down in his seat as the starfighter's pilot moved around the stage, flashing a beam of light at her classmates who wore a paper droid mask and fell to the floor with much drama.

"Did they have to use a girl?" Anakin groused as the lights came up for intermission. "She was sucking on her thumb!"

"She was precious." Obi-Wan smiled at his Padawan. "Admit it, Anakin."

"Yeah, okay." Anakin couldn't help but smile at his Master. "She was pretty cute, but she was still a girl." He paused, his smile broadening. "The second act is about the two of you. Is Naboo ready for a knee high, precocious Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

The miniature version of Obi-Wan gathered a few laughs, however when the little Qui-Gon lost his wig, stopping the play, it almost brought the house down. Even the twisting of Maul's mask so that the boy could only see out the nostril didn't have the reaction of seeing a very short Master Jinn chasing and accidentally kicking his hair all over the stage. The adult Qui-Gon considered using the Force to assist the young fighters, but decided it was too much fun to see the antics and the joy they gave his new love.

The timely intervention of a teacher got the play back on track just in time for the final showdown. Little Maul ran his retractable, hand painted lightsaber through the now-wigged little Qui-Gon. Up in the audience, Obi-Wan gave a shudder.

Qui-Gon wrapped an arm around the other man. "Are you all right?" Down on the stage he was vaguely aware of the demise of Maul before he heard Obi-Wan's words, begging the older man not to die. He remembered those words from ten years ago and pulled Obi-Wan closer. The stage Obi continued to plead for his Master's survival before falling to the stage floor also.

One last child came onto the stage to give the conclusion of the program, but Qui-Gon barely registered her presence, his attention focused on the man in his arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never knew what you went through." He gently kissed the top of Obi-Wan's head and leaned back enough to see his face. "Your love brought me back, my beloved. I came back for you."

"Don't make me ever live without you, Qui-Gon."

Lips brushed softly together as they shared the first kiss that he could remember. Around them the audience clapped for the young actors, unaware of the drama unfolding next to them. Anakin wasn't sure if the privacy he had provided for the men was considered appropriate use of the Force, but he was sure his master would make an exception for him.

Go to part 3