Building Trust

by Emerald (

Category: Angst, Romance, Drama, mpreg

Character pairing Q/O

Rating: NC-17

Series name: Building

Summary: A sudden and life-threatening change occures to Obi-Wan.

Disclaimers: George owns all, I just take better care of them. No money was made from this venture (as if you were surprised).

"Master?" Anakin turned back to his Master as the older man swayed, catching himself with the back of a nearby chair. "Are you all right?"

Obi-Wan closed his eyes for a moment before answering. "I'm fine, Padawan. Just a bit tired from these negotiations. Let us see to the signing of the treaty, then I believe we have earned ourselves a rest. After all, we are only six parsecs from Balahm Prime, I'm sure the council wouldn't begrudge us a few days lay-over for a visit."

The promised visit with his mother distracted the young man as his master hoped it would. Ten years ago the older man had defied the healers, sneaking out of the medical facility on Naboo, to return to Tatooine to release the boy's mother. Her safe move to a peaceful Republic world had removed the clouds Yoda had seen in the boy's future and proved to the council that Obi-Wan, not Qui-Gon, was the correct Master for the new Padawan.

"That would be wonderful, Master. I'd very much like to meet the man she is betrothed to." Anakin's smile showed that he had not been as sidetracked as his master had hoped. "When she hears that you are not feeling well and that the council will take me to task for allowing you to become ill, she will make sure you get all the rest you need. Remember after the fact-finding mission on Tradlan?"

Obi-Wan groaned, letting his flush of embarrassment be felt over their training bond. Anakin, perhaps more than other padawans, worried over any change in his master's health, going as far as enlisting his mother's help when the older man was injured on Tradlan. "I don't think that will be necessary, Anakin. All I require is rest and time to meditate. You will be free to spend time with your family; I believe you have a future stepfather and stepbrother to meet." Obi-Wan absently scratched at his chin, not noticing the loose hairs he dislodged. "Tell me again why I let you talk me into growing this beard?"

Anakin grinned cheekily as he moved away from his master. "Because, Master, without it you look far too young to be anyone's master."

"Brat." The Master shook his head and followed his apprentice out to where the signing ceremony would take place.

Prime Minister Halan droned on for five standard hours, and appeared to be just warming up. Behind him, on the dais, Obi-Wan grew paler as he fought back another wave of nausea. Anakin's concern increased and he sent another wave of healing energy to his master. Obi-Wan spared him a grateful glance before turning his attention back to the ceremony, and for some reason that worried Anakin even more.

Eventually, at sunset, all parties signed the hard won document. Three days of festivities were planned to usher in the new era of peace, but two of the architects chose not to attend the celebrations. Anakin carefully and quietly made sure the officials were aware of his master's sudden failing health, so that they would not press when Obi-Wan turned down the invitation.

"Our children will know a peace that has not existed since the time of their great-grandfathers. We are grateful for your help, Master Jedi, and that of your apprentice." The Prime Minister bowed solemnly and shook both their hands. "I hope you return someday to enjoy the results of your work. You will always be honored guests of our world."

"Thank you, Minister Halan. It has been an honor and a privilege to help your people achieve peace. The coming celebration is a well-deserved one. Enjoy it, and all the fruit of your labor. My apprentice and I will bid you farewell." Obi-Wan bowed one final time before moving toward their transport.

Halan reached out and touched Anakin's sleeve. "His exhaustion is evident; take care of him, my young friend." The future knight nodded as he moved to follow his master.

"Master, perhaps you should lay down. Wouldn't you be more comfortable?" Anakin watched his master while he ran through the pre-flight check, letting his instinct guide his movement rather than his eyes.

Obi-Wan gave him a tired smile. "After we make the jump to hyperspace." When Anakin started to protest, the other man held up a hand. "Nothing against your flying skills, my Padawan. I feel that I may be a bit prone to space sickness, and I'd prefer to be upright."

Anakin's hands faltered slightly. That was a serious admission for his master to make. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just make it a smooth flight, Ani." Obi-Wan rubbed his temples, "Nothing fancy this time, alright?"

"You'll feel like you're in your favorite chair back at the temple, Master. Just sit back and relax." Anakin used more than a touch of the Force to soften the vibrations usually associated with leaving the gravitational pull of a planet. After a few moments, the darkness of space surrounded them, and he turned back to his master. "How was that?"

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at his apprentice. "So it is possible to launch without a barrel roll and several reverse thruster loops?" The younger man had the grace to look embarrassed.

"On occasion, Master. On occasion." Nimble fingers traced across the navacomputer, and the machine beeped as it produced the needed calculations. "We're ready to make the jump. You'll be eating my mom's junja berry pie before you know it." Obi-Wan didn't answer, just sagged further in his seat.

Anakin divided his attention between the display in front of him and the figure to the side of him. A slight shudder in the Force gave him a split second of warning and he lunged to catch Obi-Wan as he tumbled forward unconscious. "Master!" Anakin cradled the older man in his arms as he stood and carefully carried him to the sleeping couch.

"Master? Obi-Wan?" The cheek under his fingers was dry, but much too cool. Even more ominous, the Jedi Master's Force signature seemed somehow different. Anakin knew that this was something far too serious for a local healer and some of his mother's cooking. Leaving his Master's side, the young man punched in a new set of coordinates into the navacomputer.

Seven paces towards the gardens, twelve towards the inner chambers, nine more past the entry to complete the circuit. More than half a day had passed since he had carried his semi-conscious master off their ship, and he had been told nothing about his condition. Another healer rushed past him, and Anakin grabbed his sleeve. "Please..." the young man's voice broke, "please, tell me."

Healer Apprentice Sal tried to smile at him. "The best healers in the Temple are with him, I'm sure you'll be told something soon. You must be patient." He gently pried Anakin's fingers off his robe. "Meditate, Padawan, you will best help your master if you maintain your calm."

"Right he is, young Padawan."

Startled, Anakin turned to face Yoda and the rest of the council. Sal used the distraction to return to his duties. "Master Yoda, Masters." After a slight hesitation, Anakin dropped to one knee and bowed his head. "My apologies, I should have reported to the council, but I did not want to leave my master until I knew that he..." Anakin's words trailed off. Facing the council without his master at his side made the Padawan feel like a child again. "They've never separated us before."

Anakin flinched slightly as the gnarled, three-fingered hand came down on his head, but Yoda's touch was gentle. "Love your master much, you do. As it should be."

Depa Billaba reached down and drew Anakin to his feet. "There was much controversy when the council placed you with Obi-Wan rather than Qui-Gon, all those years ago. Now that you are on the edge of adulthood, tell us your view of what was done."

"What?" Anakin stared at the beautiful woman. "I don't understand what that has to do with..."

Mace Windu gave him a hard look. "Are you questioning the wisdom of the council? If you ever expect to be allowed anywhere near Obi-Wan, then you'd better start answering."

"Why don't we move this to someplace a bit more private?" Without waiting for a response, Depa steered Anakin into a small anteroom off the main waiting room. Not given a choice, Mace and the rest of the council followed. Once they were all seated, Depa gave Anakin's shoulder a squeeze. "The council is very fond of your master, and we only want what is best for him." A raised hand stopped any protest the young man may have had. "We know that you want what is best for him too. That's why it's so important for you to answer our questions, all right?"

Anakin let out a breath as he scrubbed his hands over his face. "I remember the first time Obi-Wan and I spoke without anyone else there." A slight smile crossed his face at the half-forgotten memory.

"Show us." Adi Gallia prompted him as the other council members nodded their agreement.

The tree may not have been very tall by Naboo's standards, but it was the tallest one little Anakin had ever seen, let alone climbed. From his perch, he could see the rooms Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan recuperated in. The older man appeared to be sleeping, while the apprentice could not be seen in his room. Earlier, when the window had been open, Anakin heard the healer tell him that he could begin taking short walks to begin rebuilding his strength.

A slight tremble in the tree was the only warning Anakin had before a ginger colored head popped up next to him. "Jedi Kenobi, sir, what are you doing here?" Anakin hurriedly slid further out on the branch to give his new companion room to sit.

"As you well know, the healers want me to start exercising to regain my strength." A knowing smile passed between the two, then Obi-Wan turned serious. "I know how hard it is to wait when someone you care about is hurt, and I bet no one has come out to tell you how he is. Right, Ani?"

The little boy wiped tears from his face. "The council won't talk to me, the Queen is too busy, and you were too sick." He turned to look at Qui-Gon's apprentice, noting his pallor. "You still don't look so good. Are you sure you should be climbing trees?"

Obi-Wan smiled, then swayed suddenly, grabbing a nearby branch to keep his place in the tree. Anakin scooted back closer and wrapped an arm around him "I won't let you fall, I promise."

"I know you won't." Obi-Wan wrapped his other arm around the little boy and hugged him close. "We're all going to be all right, all of us." The warmth of the hug and the words were enough to break through the barriers and he held on as Anakin sobbed out his fear and loneliness. "That's it, young one, let it go. Let it go."

Twilight was beginning to emerge before Anakin raised his face from Obi-Wan's damp chest. He gave a shy smile as the beginnings of a bond made him comfortable with the knight-elect. "I got you all wet." The growling of his stomach interrupted anything else he might have said and he giggled.

Obi-Wan gave a short laugh as he dug through the pockets of the lightweight robe the healers had given him to wear over his sleepwear. "That reminds me, I brought you something." He pulled out two pale green pods and handed one to Anakin. "They're called danyal fruit. I think you'll like them."

Anakin followed his lead and eagerly ate the sweet fruit. Soon, only the two small seeds were left. Obi-Wan turned slightly to face out to an open field. "Watch this, Anakin." The seed raised off Obi-Wan's palm to hover, then shot out across the field to land far beyond what a normal throw could have produced.

"Wizard! How did you do that? Did you use the Force?" He smiled as a large hand ruffled his hair. "Can you show me how to do that?" Anakin held out his hand with the seed on it.

"Sure. Center yourself, Anakin." He waited for the youth to follow his instructions before he continued. "Now imagine the Force around you -- feel the energy encircling you. I want you to imagine that energy being grabbed by your other hand. Toss the seed up in the air, then shove that Force energy you've gathered at it before the seed can fall."

Anakin concentrated, and then made his move. The seed barely dropped before the Force wave caught it and it sailed out of sight. He stared out at where it disappeared. "Wow, you helped it, right?"

Obi-Wan wrapped his arm back around the boy. "I was going to, but you didn't need it. You're even stronger that Master Qui-Gon realizes, Anakin."

The boy in question played with the hem of his shirt. "Am I dangerous like everybody says I am?"

"Ani, I want you to listen to me very carefully, all right?" Blue met green as their eyes locked. "We all have the potential to do great good, or great harm in our lives. Every action we take is a step along the path, a path we create our entire lives. We must be ever vigilant to make sure our path is towards the light every step of the way. Do you understand that?"

When Anakin nodded, Obi-Wan continued. "Some Jedi, like Master Yoda, have the gift to see events that may happen in the future. Sometimes that future is clouded, like yours is. That means that some event in the future, or how you react to it, will determine if you will walk with the light, or turn to the darkness."

"You mean like my being afraid for my mom?"

"That's right." Obi-Wan waited, letting his words sink in.

Anakin thought about what the Jedi was telling him. "So, if I train super hard and can free my mom really soon, then maybe my future won't be so clouded, and the council will like me better." He waited, but there was no response. "Master Obi-Wan, sir?"

Obi-Wan seemed to shake himself before turning back to his companion, a strange expression on his face. "For now, you concentrate on your training, my young friend." He brushed his hand against the side of Anakin's face. "I feel the rest may have a way of working itself out. All right?"

Anakin blinked as the presence of the council withdrew from his mind. Verbally, he finished the tale. "He left that night and rescued my mother. When I saw her step off that ship, Obi-Wan Kenobi became the universe's greatest hero to me." He moved to stand in front of a large window, overlooking one of the many gardens at the temple. Depa moved to stand behind him, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"That is a beautiful memory, Padawan Skywalker."

"Do you see that tree?" Anakin pointed to a large kalba tree at the far edge of the garden, its shiny leaves glistening in the sunlight. When Depa nodded, he continued. "That's our tree, Obi-Wan's and mine. We picked it out when we returned to the temple. When we sit up there, we're not Master and Padawan and I can ask him about anything. He still brings me danyal fruit."

"Tell us, just how do you and your Master show your love for each other?" Anakin could feel the probing behind Yarael Poof's question.

The implication behind the question made Anakin's skin crawl, and his words were sharper than he intended. "My master is the most honorable man I have ever met."

"Enough!" The force behind Depa Billaba's words made even Mace Windu jump. "The boy is right, the question was inappropriate without more proof. We will wait until Master Kenobi is strong enough to answer our questions."

Anakin turned towards the council members. "Proof of what? My Master is ill, dangerously so; are you accusing him of bringing this on himself?"

Poof wasn't ready to let go. "Physical intimacy between Master and Padawan is strictly forbidden."

A potentially difficult situation was averted by the arrival of Plag-Nal Hynn, the senior healer at the temple. "The force-signature may be Padawan Skywalker's but the genetics are not."

"Whose, then?" Windu's words were piercing. Anakin glanced between the two; not understanding the direction the conversation had turned. When Plag-Nal hesitated, Windu insisted. "Tell us."

"Perhaps this should be discussed without the presence of the boy."

"If the boy is not present, Healer Hynn, then I will insist that you wake Kenobi for this discussion."

"Master Windu," Anakin's words were strained as he fought the fear and anger that nipped at his heels. "Master Obi-Wan's health will not be threatened just to satisfy the curiosity of the council, nor will I walk away from this."

The sharp rapping of a gimer stick on the floor brought everyone's attention to Master Yoda. "Protect his master, he does, as he should."

"From the council itself, if need be." There was no mistaking the challenge as Anakin stared at Windu and Poof. When neither man reacted, Anakin turned his attention back to the Healer. "Please, tell me what is wrong with my master."

"There is no easy way to explain this..."

"Then just tell me." Anakin's patience was wearing thin. "It is apparent that the council has been informed about my master's condition, now I request that you give me the same courtesy."

"Very well, Padawan." Plag-Nal took a deep, cleansing breath. "Your master is with child."

"Excuse me?" Anakin sat down, missing his chair entirely. A quick force shove by Adi brought the nearby chair under him in time. "Pregnant? How can that be? My master is a male human. It's not physically possible, it's not." He looked desperately between the council members who seemed the most sympathetic. "Master Yoda, Master Billaba, I don't understand."

There was nothing that either master could say. Plag-Nal cleared his throat, bringing Anakin's attention back to him. "You and your master joined Master Jinn for the negotiations on Sriluur recently, is that correct?"

"It was Jinn?" A gimer stick across the shin stopped any further questioning from Mace Windu.

The healer ignored his outburst. "Tell us of the relationship between them. Is it a casual one, or have they formed a soul bond?"

"I will not betray my Master's confidence in me for someone's idle curiosity."

"Ask you that, we do not." A raised gimer stick kept any of the other council members from interrupting Yoda. "However, answers the healers need, and answers you must give them. Requires this, your master's health does. Pry, the council will not. Only Depa and I will remain to hear, report only what is necessary to the rest of the council."

Anakin relaxed slightly at his Great-Great-Grandmaster's words. "Thank you, Master Yoda. I will tell you and the Healers what I can." He turned and watched the rest of the council, waiting for them to leave. Mace Windu glared at him for a long minute before turning and sweeping out of the room, the rest of the banished council trailing behind him.

The door had barely closed before Anakin turned his attention on the healer. "Explain to me, Plag-Nal, just how a human male could conceive a child."

Healer Hynn sat wearily in one of the chairs, the rest of the group followed suit. "In the earliest history of your Master's home planet, the line between male and female was not as well defined as on other worlds. To this day, the people of his world carry both sets of reproductive organs, the set not of their gender, dormant and undeveloped. This was the case with Master Kenobi. I know this for a fact, because I have examined him often over the years he has been at the temple. Something has happened to reverse this at the same time as the introduction of Master Jinn's genetic material."

"Oh, Force." Anakin buried his face in his hands. "What have I done?"

"Tell us, you must, what happened on Sriluur." Yoda's ears sagged. "For Obi-Wan."

When Anakin straightened, Depa took pity on him and gave him the opening, squeezing his hand as he answered her. "Your master loves Qui-Gon very much, doesn't he?"

"Yes, he does. From the time he was an apprentice, I believe. He would not admit his feelings, though, not until he was knighted."

"Because it is forbidden?" Depa didn't need an answer, she knew the man they were discussing. "What about after he was knighted, did he approach Qui-Gon?"

"Qui-Gon had taken me as his padawan learner in front of the council before the Battle of Naboo. When Obi-Wan rescued my mother, he did it for Qui-Gon as much as for me." Anakin chewed on the edge of his thumb as he struggled to explain the strains and struggles that had complicated their lives.

Depa glanced over at Yoda before turning her attentions back to Anakin. "For Qui-Gon? I don't understand."

"To protect him from me." Anakin's voice broke with unshed tears. "If I had turned, he would have been destroyed. You, the council, saw it as a sign that Obi-Wan would be a better master for me. When the council made their decision, Qui-Gon misunderstood and was deeply hurt. He avoided Obi-Wan for years, but my master's love never wavered. It wasn't until we were all on Sriluur that they spoke of their feelings." Anakin stood and began to pace the small room.

"The conversations were private between them, but my master was upset enough that his shields weren't as strong as they should have been. Qui-Gon admitted his love, but rejected him nonetheless."

Yoda was silent, but Depa had questions. "Did your master speak to you at all about this?"

"No, that is why I do not wish to speak formally to the council about this. I only know what I was able to gather through our bond -- until Master Jinn became ill, that is." Recognizing the nudge against his mind from the elderly master, Anakin allowed them to see what he had witnessed the night Qui-Gon had been ravaged by fever.

"Anakin, wake up!" The young man sat up, blearily staring at his master. Since Qui-Gon had developed Alkria Fever several days ago, sleep had been a rare thing for either himself or Obi-Wan. The storm outside appeared to have worsened, along with Qui-Gon's fever.

"Is he worse, what can I do?" Anakin pulled his robe on as he stumbled out of his sleeping chamber.

Obi-Wan gave a short nod. "His fever is rising again. I've spoken to the healers in town, there is no more of the medicine left."

"Master, over fifty people are ill, and the outbreak is not over yet. People will die if we cannot find more of the medicine, including Qui-Gon." A closer look and the padawan could see the fear reflected back.

"Some has been located in a nearby village, but the healers have no one to send to retrieve it. They have asked for our help in this matter." Obi-Wan didn't need to ask the question as he handed over the data chip containing the information.

Anakin looked over the map and instructions. "The storm has all air transportation halted. Will you and Master Jinn be all right until I return?"

Obi-Wan nodded, but didn't look entirely convinced. He grasped Anakin's arm before the boy could stand. "Remember, Padawan, we are Jedi first. Take the medicine to the healers first, before returning here."

"I know, Master, and I will hurry." Anakin left in a full run, and it was only a moment later before his ground car could be heard speeding away.

It was early morning and the sun had broken through the heavy rain clouds by the time Anakin returned to their quarters, sure that he had insulted the local magistrate by not waiting for an official thank you for retrieving the precious medicine. Their rooms were ghostly quiet as he slipped through the door into Qui-Gon's sleeping chamber.

Qui-Gon was sleeping restlessly, his cheeks bright with fever. Although Obi-Wan was shielding himself, Anakin could feel his presence in the room. "Master, what's wrong?" Once inside, he could see his master's crumpled and naked form on the floor. Streaks of blood marked the insides of his thighs.

"Master?" Anakin rushed to his side, lifting him tenderly off the floor. "What did he do to you?"

"Not his fault, mine." The master could not hide totally the weakness in his voice. "Did you bring the medicine?" When the younger man hesitated, he asked again. "Anakin, do you have it?"

Anakin pulled off his robe, but dropped it when he realized how damp it was. His master was cold enough without the added chill of the wet fabric wrapped around him. "Yes, but..."

"Attend to Master Jinn, Padawan. My injuries are not as serious as they might appear, but he will not survive another bout of the delirium. You must hurry." When the young man hesitated, Obi-Wan let his fear reach past his shields. "Please, Ani, this was not his fault, and I can't lose him."

Trained to obey his master, Anakin turned back to the bed, shoving the local concoction down Jinn's throat before dismissing the man from his mind. Duty done, he gathered his master close and carried him to the other bedroom. Obi-Wan moaned slightly as Anakin laid him on the bed, and that sound seemed to steel Anakin's resolve.

"Sleep, Master." In his weakened state, Obi-Wan could not resist. Once the other man was asleep, Anakin gathered all the Force he could, using his fear and anger to fuel him. His world narrowed to the waves of healing he was sending to his master.

Anakin slumped forward, catching himself just in time to not land on his master. Slowly, he rose up to look around him. Long shadows crossed the floor, and he realized that it was early in the evening. Exhausted and drained, he stood and staggered to the other bedroom. Qui-Gon's fever was gone, and he appeared to be in a natural sleep. Seeing this, Anakin returned to his master's side.

"Master?" Anakin hated to wake him, but he was at a loss as to what to do. He dropped to his knees as the other man stirred, resting his head next to his master's. "Master Obi-Wan?"

"Padawan?" Obi-Wan shuddered and curled into ball, in obvious discomfort.

"What's wrong?" Anakin brushed back the stray hair that fell across Obi-Wan's face.

Obi-Wan pushed himself upright, allowing Anakin to help steady him. He rested his head against the young man's chest as he sought to center himself. "I'm not sure, I feel very strange. Perhaps it's my turn with the Alkria Fever." Feeling slightly stronger, Obi-Wan straightened up to look at his Padawan. Behind the worry, he saw fear and guilt in Anakin's eyes. "Ani, it's all right. Whatever I am feeling, it is already starting to pass. I will be fine."

"I think this is my fault." Anakin ducked his head and began chewing on his lower lip, a habit he thought he had broken years ago. "I think I over-healed you."

Obi-Wan scooted back to rest against the wall behind the bed, bringing the young man with him. Feeling like a child again, Anakin wrapped himself in his master's warm embrace. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for taking care of me, Ani. Now, why do you think you over-healed me?"

"I did it all day. It was barely daybreak when I started the healing, and the next thing I knew, it was evening. I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry, Master." Anakin bit back a sob as he admitted what he had done.

"Anakin, look at me." Obi-Wan waited, and when his apprentice didn't look up, he grasped the young man's chin and lifted his face to look him in the eye. "If I were to attempt to heal you right now, what would happen?"

"But I'm not injured." Anakin shook his head, not sure where his master was going with this.

Obi-Wan smiled at his apprentice's confusion. "Exactly, now what would happen?"

"My body would reflect it away, if there was no injury." A pause. "Oh."

"My injuries were minor, after they were healed, the rest of the energy you sent me was simply dispersed." Obi-Wan tugged on Anakin's braid. "No harm done, Padawan."

Anakin still wasn't convinced. "You're sure? Maybe we should contact the healers at the temple."

"Ani, I promise you, there isn't anything in my body that could absorb that much healing energy. Now, I have a question for you. Do you want to be trained as a healer?" Anakin wasn't sure, but there seemed to be a spark of humor in Obi-Wan's eyes.

"And give up my place with you? Never, why do you ask?"

"If you were to call the temple and inform them that you spent an entire day sending healing waves to your master, well...let's just say that you would catch their attention." After allowing them a moment to enjoy the humor of the situation, Obi-Wan turned serious. "Why did this frighten you so badly, Ani?" He cupped Anakin's face in his hand.

"He raped you, Master." Anakin let out a short sob. "He raped you and I wasn't here to help you."

"No, Ani, no. He did no such thing." Obi-Wan waited until he had the young man's attention. "His fever broke for a time, and what happened between us was consensual. It was not his fault. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"I did this to him, didn't I? My healing..." Anakin pulled his shields tightly around his mind as he asked the question. "This is all my fault."

"Healing strengthened by fear, it was." The ancient Master's eye's closed as he contemplated what had transpired.

Anakin paled at the words. "Fear leads to the dark side. Has my fear tainted my master and his child? Have I condemned them..."

"Tainted, they are not. Love stronger than fear in you, Padawan Skywalker." Yoda tapped him on the leg with his gimer stick. "Need you, they both will. Strong you must be."

"Then strong I will be, Masters. As strong as my master needs me to be." Anakin stood up straighter and smiled as a wave of confidence came over him -- a wave born not of arrogance, but of rightness.

"No matter how strong you may be, it may not be enough, Padawan Skywalker. Your master's body will not support the life that grows inside it. Every attempt to help him has failed." The healer paused, allowing his sorrow to show. "The child will be lost. I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do."

Anakin ran his fingers through his hair, fighting back his frustration. "There has to be something. What about an artificial womb, wouldn't that work? I've heard of cases where..."

"We considered that, but they must be programmed with very precise data -- data that we don't have. At this stage of the pregnancy, the slightest variation would cause massive birth defects. If his pregnancy were further along, where the child was fully developed and it was just a case of support while he grew, then it would be possible, but at this early stage of development, we would only be doing harm by interfering. Better for Obi-Wan to lose the child now than to watch our well-meaning efforts destroy it."

Depa's eyes saddened as she listened to the words of the Healer. "How long before the child joins the Force?"

"Two, maybe three days." He reached out and squeezed Anakin's shoulder. "I am truly sorry."

Yoda tapped the young man's leg. "Strong for your master, you must be. Help you both, we will."

"Strong? That's it, Master Yoda." Anakin dropped to his knees in front of the ancient Master. "I can keep him alive. I can use Force healing like I did the night he was conceived."

"It won't work, we've tried." Healer Hynn shook his head as he tried to explain. "All of us have tried."

"Exactly, all of you have tried." Anakin climbed to his feet and began to pace. "The child has imprinted on my Force signature, you said so yourselves. It's a part of me, just as much as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. That's the key. I know it will work, I know it."

"But for how long?" Depa tried to reason with him. "No one could keep up that kind of healing for that long, Anakin. I'm afraid that you would just be postponing the inevitable."

Instead of answering her, Anakin turned to Plag-Nal Hynn. "How long before the child is developed enough to be placed in the artificial womb?"

"I see where you are going with this, Padawan. It is possible, but there is great risk to yourself if you are successful."

"If there is a chance, then I will do it. I must." Anakin moved past them and swept into the private chamber where his Master rested. Barely pausing to acknowledge the healers, he settled on the edge of the bed. Next to Obi-Wan's head, a monitor showed dangerously weak life signs. Anakin put that out of his mind as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the force signatures under his hands. Now that he knew what to look for, it was easy to separate the familiar and the new as he sent wave after wave of healing energy to the pair. Awe filled his voice. "My Master carries a son." Pale and trembling from the healing, Anakin opened his eyes. "He is pure light, he must be saved."

"But at what cost, Padawan?" Healer Hynn didn't expect an answer as he lifted the young man and moved him to a nearby bed. He rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to the two council members that stood in the doorway. "He can't keep the child alive long enough to do any good, and we may risk losing all three of them."

"Can he keep them alive for a week?" The question came from behind Yoda and Depa, causing they and the healer to move out into the corridor. Standing there, looking excited was Hynn's apprentice, Sal.

"What good does a week do?" Depa's heart was breaking at the thought of the death of this unborn child, but she refused to allow herself to hope. Next to her, Yoda smiled.

"Found something, you have."

Sal returned the smile. "Master Kenobi's home planet has been closed to the rest of the galaxy for many years, but I did some checking, and there were rumors that the healers there had found a way to allow the return of male pregnancy."

"Rumors do us little good, my apprentice." Plag-Nal shook his head. "We cannot duplicate years of research in a week, and the ruling party on Hylagn will never release the information if it is true."

"It is true." Sal allowed himself a small smile. "One of the leading researchers defected to the Republic world of Lundia last year."

"Will he..."

"He will be here in three days."

Obi-Wan shifted in a futile attempt to get comfortable. At least he was in his own quarters finally, instead of the healers. After two days of being poked and prodded by both the temple healers and the new healer from his home world, Dal Vidan, he had longed for the sanctuary of his own rooms. Peace had been fleeting; however, as most of the council had dropped by to see him in the last few hours, not to mention the almost constant checking Anakin was doing through the training bond.

A slight adjustment with the force shifted the sofa cushions under him enough to allow him to relax. He glared at the door, daring the chime to sound. When it did, he waved it open, rather than climbing back to his feet. He didn't even look up.

"Hello, Mace. If you've brought food, just leave it on the table."

The dark skinned councilor raised an eyebrow as he looked at the table, groaning under the weight of the food already piled there. He recognized the force signatures of those who had brought them.

"I see most of the council has been by to see you."

"You're the last one. Running late, or scared of my apprentice?" Obi-Wan allowed a small chuckle to escape as his guest appeared to cringe slightly.

"Where is your apprentice?"

"Anakin is at the healers, assisting with their studies of my...situation." Obi-Wan shifted on the couch. "He is worried that they will get too involved in the esoteric aspects of the research." He raised an eyebrow as Mace unsuccessfully bit back a chuckle. "What is so amusing?"

Master Windu schooled his features back to the placid expression expected of a council member. "As long as he doesn't borrow Yoda's gimer stick to keep them in line we should be fine."

"Mace!" Obi-Wan bit back his own bark of laughter. "Be nice to my padawan. He is just very protective."

"Protective? He spent three hours yesterday drilling the kitchen staff on your dietary requirements. They don't know about your condition, of course, and he's got half of them convinced that if they add the wrong spice to your food, you'll drop over dead." Mace's expression softened as he knelt next to the sofa. "I can't really blame him, though; I am very...that is the council is very worried about you, also."

Obi-Wan didn't call his friend on his slip, waiting to give him a moment to compose himself. Finally, he reached out and laid his hand over the others'. "I am grateful for your concern."

"When are you going to tell him?" Mace didn't need to identify of whom he was speaking.

Obi-Wan pulled his hand back and wrapped his arms defensively around himself. "I don't know. We've gone years without contact, I see no reason to change that."

"No reason?" Windu rose to his feet, towering over the other man. "You're carrying his child. He has a right to know."

Obi-Wan turned his face away. "He doesn't remember anything about our time on Sriluur. The fever took his memories."

"Is he is a man of honor?"

"Of course he is!" Obi-Wan's shout echoed through the room. "But he had already decided that there was to be no relationship between us. I won't use his honor to bind him to me over a child he doesn't remember creating. I won't."

Any response Mace may have had was stopped by Anakin's arrival. "How dare you come into our home and upset my master."

"Anakin, I'm sorry, I..."

"Out!" The blond padawan drew himself to his full height and glared at the council member. "You have no right to come into our quarters and abuse my master."

"Abuse? I would never..."

Anakin would have no excuses. "Leave, or I will remove you."

Mace opened his mouth to argue, but one glance at the master in question stopped him. Obi-Wan looked as frail as he had the day his apprentice had carried him off the transport. With a whispered apology, he left the room. Anakin paid him no heed, already gathering Obi-Wan into his arms.

With practiced ease, Anakin tucked his Master into bed. "I'm sorry, Master, I should have been here. You did not need him to upset you like that."

Obi-Wan sighed. "He meant well, Padawan. He does care."

"Perhaps too much."

Ignoring the comment, Obi-Wan changed the subject. "Have the healers made any progress?"

Anakin sat on the edge of the bed and absently began rubbing Obi-Wan's belly. "Actually, they have. Healer Vidan kept complete copies of his research and the temple facilities are duplicating the medications right now. They should be ready by morning."


"Their research showed that to be most effective, the treatment needs to be started years before attempting conception. They had been telling their patients to plan on five years of daily treatment before starting a family." Anakin hung his head, dreading what he had yet to tell his Master.

"Five years? I seem to have rushed their timetable just a bit, wouldn't you agree, Padawan?" When Anakin didn't answer him, he reached out and grasped the youth's chin, tilting his face up. "Ani, tell me the rest. I'd rather hear it from you."

Anakin nodded as he wiped his sweaty hands on his leggings. "Once pregnancy occurs, the medications begin to lose their effectiveness unless..."

"Unless what?" Obi-Wan gave a soft smile. He hadn't seen his apprentice blush this deeply in a long time.

"On Hylagn they restrict this treatment to men who are in a committed relationship."

When the words trailed off, Obi-Wan gave him another nudge. "Because..."

"Sexual relations need to be maintained," Anakin took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling as he continued, "both for the endorphin release at climax, and for the continued genetic input from the child's father."

"Genetic input?" At Obi-Wan's words, Anakin looked at his master, surprised to see the wide grin. Obi-Wan chuckled, then openly laughed as he continued. "I don't think I've ever heard it described that way before."

"Master!" Anakin turned even redder before he, too, started laughing. "I can't believe you just said that." He rested his hand again on his Master's abdomen, then gave a shy smile. "He likes it when you laugh."

Obi-Wan caught Anakin's hand before he could pull it away. "You have an incredible bond with him already."

"The healers say that it's because my force abilities were involved in his conception." Anakin paused, obviously unsure of himself. "Does that upset you, Master?"

Obi-Wan reached up and tugged on Anakin's braid. "Why would that upset me? If you hadn't, he wouldn't exist; and now that the surprise has worn off, I'm very glad he does exist."

"Me too." Impulsively, he leaned forward and kissed his Master's forehead. "Everything's going to be all right, Obi-Wan. You'll see, I'm going to take care of both of you." He straightened the blankets around the older man's shoulders.

"If you need anything..."

Obi-Wan chuckled again. "You'll probably know before I will."

Anakin waited until his Master was deeply asleep before leaving their quarters. Windu was waiting out in the corridor. The young man wasted no time stating his opinion.

"What did you think you were doing?"

"He and Qui-Gon need to sort this out. He can't hide from it forever." Mace tried to appeal to Anakin devotion to his master. "Obi-Wan will need all of our support to get through this."

"That's Obi-Wan's decision to make, not your." Anakin studied the other man. "Why are you pushing him on this? Do you want the rift between them to worsen?"

Windu glared at the boy. "Of course not, how dare you suggest such a thing."

"You've never hidden your desire for my master. It must have been very difficult to hear that he had a relationship with Qui-Gon, after so many years of turning you down." Anakin took a deep breath; he had never challenged a member of the council before.

"Qui-Gon is a fool. The sooner Obi-Wan realizes that and moves on, the happier he will be."

"With you?"

Mace's expression softened at the question. "Yes, if he would have me. I could make him happy, Anakin."

Anakin shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't help you. Goodnight, Master Windu."

Healers Hynn and Vidar had completed their exam and his first round of the necessary medications before most of the temple occupants had finished firstmeal. Obi-Wan was tired, sore, and hungry by the time he was allowed to dress. Worse, he was unable to fully lace up his leggings and his ankles were swollen enough to require Anakin's help pulling his boots on. The young man had, wisely, refrained from commenting as he gently steered his master to Hynn's office.

"What happens now?" Giving up on dignity, Obi-Wan slouched in the chair, leaning towards his less-sore hip. Anakin slipped in quietly, and placed a plate of dry ryka toast on the table next to him.

Plag-Nal looked at the plain toast. "If the nausea gets too bad, we can try to give you something for it, but I'd rather wait until we have your other dosages stabilized."

"The nausea is minor, and only lasts a few hours each morning." Obi-Wan unenthusiastically picked at his toast as one of the healer apprentices took another blood sample from his arm. "How many samples are necessary?"

The healer smiled at the familiar grumpiness of his patient. "I'm afraid that somebody is going to be poking at you pretty constantly for the next week or so, until we have your blood chemistry stabilized. Luckily, your apprentice is a quick study, and will be able to monitor you for us."

"Lucky me." Obi-Wan winked at Anakin before shifted again, biting back a moan.

Healer Hynn gave him a knowing look. "Let me guess -- you're having pain in your hips and pelvis. Am I right?"

"There is some discomfort."

Vider stared at him, shocked. "Discomfort? I'd be willing to bet it's a lot more than that. I heard that you Jedi were tough."

"What is causing it?" Obi-Wan looked between the healers and his apprentice. "I realize that I was too ill before to ask many questions, but I'd like to know what is happening to me."

Vidal leaned back in his chair as he studied the Jedi. "The hormonal changes caused when the female reproductive organs regenerate cause the cartilage in the pelvic bones to soften, allowing them to shift slightly to prepare of birth. Unfortunately, in your case these changes happened very rapidly, and were much stronger. They've also involved your hips and lower back. With the medication and time, your body will stabilize."

"In the meantime, the pain is a signal from your body and you must pay attention." Plag-Nal rapped his knuckles on the desk. "You push yourself too hard, Obi-Wan. This is one time when you must listen to what your body is telling you." When the ginger-haired master nodded his agreement, Plag-Nal continued. "As time goes on, the medications will begin to lose their effectiveness."

"Yes, I know. Anakin explained that to me last night." Obi-Wan interrupted, obviously uncomfortable with the new direction of the conversation.

"Then you know that at some point, Master Jinn must become involved in your treatment?"

Obi-Wan shook his head at Hynn. "There must be another way. I'm sure you will find it before we get to that point." Before either of the healers could answer him, an apprentice healer came to the door.

"Master Kenobi?"


"The council has summoned you and your padawan." Blushing, and with a slight bow, she backed out of the room before anyone could question her.

Master and Padawan entered the council chambers as they had done many times in the past. When Obi-Wan moved to lower himself to one knee, Anakin stopped him. "No, Master, not in your condition, not until you are stronger." He looked up at the council members who were watching them, then turned to the guard at the door. "My master requires a chair. He is still too weak to stand." The guard waited until several of the councilors nodded then brought in a chair.

Yoda watched with fond amusement as Anakin saw to his master's comfort, waiting until the younger man straightened up to address the pair.

"A mission we have for you."


Anakin took a step forward before Obi-Wan grabbed his arm. "Anakin!"

The padawan took a deep breath, but didn't back down. "My master is not will enough to walk across the room unassisted. A mission is out of the question."

"Are you questioning the wisdom of the council?" Plo Koon studied the young man.

Anakin wasn't intimidated. "When they risk the lives of my master and his unborn child without just cause..."

Yoda rapped his gimer stick against the side of his chair. "Determining just cause is our decision to make, not yours, Padawan Skywalker."

A slight flutter of distress barely caught the attention of the most sensitive of the council members, but Anakin spun around and dropped to his knees next to his master. "Hush little one, you're safe. I will allow no harm to come to you."

Depa concentrated, sensing the child's distress calming as Anakin soothed him. "You've already bonded with the child, Anakin?" She turned to the rest of the council, "Is that possible?"

Anakin answered before they could debate the possibility. "He is to be my Padawan learner."

The murmuring between the council members increased as Yoda climbed down from his chair, joining the Obi-Wan and Anakin in the center of the chamber. He studied Anakin thoughtfully. "Sure of this, you are?"

Anakin didn't flinch as he continued kneeling. "Yes, Master Yoda. The Force has spoken to me very clearly on this."

Yoda closed his eyes, allowing his focus to travel inward. A peaceful smile crossed his face. "So it has -- so it has."

"We wish no harm to either of them, Padawan Skywalker." Mace tried to salvage the situation. "You are being sent to Naboo. Senator Amidala has requested that you attend the celebration. The new Queen is anxious to meet you both."

Yoda settled back in his seat. "Ten years it has been since the Battle of Naboo. A planetwide celebration it will be."

Mace waited for the ancient Master, then continued. "Supreme Chancellor Palpatine will also be attending, so there will be plenty of security. You are strictly guests. Think of it as a vacation."

Adi bit back a laugh at the expression on their faces as she turned to Obi-Wan. "You have taught him the concept of a vacation, haven't you?"

A bit of the familiar Kenobi humor appeared. "We've discussed the theory." He turned to his apprentice. "You must be prepared, my young Padawan learner. We will probably be forced to stay in lavish quarters."

Anakin's eyes sparkled, but he kept the expected serene expression. "With large, comfortable beds, Master?"

"In all likelihood, I'm afraid." Obi-Wan nodded. The younger man continued his questions.

"And be expected to eat delicacies at every meal?"

Obi-Wan turned in his chair to better see his apprentice. "We may even be faced with a Rygalian Chocolate Cloud Pie or possibly even an Alderaan Creme custard." He reached out and grasped Anakin's arm. "You must use all your training and be strong to face such things, Padawan."

Mace Windu rolled his eyes. "If you two are through, your transport is waiting."

Anakin became serious as he rose and once again addressed the council. "Masters, please understand that if the schedule they set for us is too strenuous for Master Obi-Wan, I will insist on changes."

Depa smiled her understanding. "They have been made aware that he is ill, but no details. We will leave the rest to your judgement, Padawan Skywalker."

The young man helped his master to stand as the council dismissed them. As they turned to leave, Mace spoke once again. "Healer Hynn will meet you at the transport with the medical supplies you will need. I...we expect to be kept informed of Obi-Wan's condition."

Anakin only nodded, understanding both levels of Windu's request.

As the door closed behind the departing pair, Mundi spoke, ignoring Mace's barely shielded anger on the subject. "When will Qui-Gon arrive on Naboo?"

"About eight standard hours after the ship carrying Kenobi and his apprentice." Oppo Rancisis seemed pleased with the plans the council had made.

Adi Gallia glared at the men of the council before sharing a meaningful look with Depa. "I hope you men know what you're doing."

With his recently honed efficiency, Anakin had the other man bundled into one of the ship's narrow bunks before Obi-Wan could tell him that he wanted to sit up for a while. Anakin recognized the look, however. "Master, the last time we entered hyperspace, you lost consciousness for almost fifteen hours. I think it would be wise to exercise caution this time." While his master contemplated his words, Anakin took a quick blood sample and began to run an analysis on it. Once the analysis was complete, he filled a hypospray with the necessary combination of medications.

Obi-Wan caught his arm and pulled him down on the edge of the bed. "Anakin, slow down. I am feeling better." Anakin pressed the hypo against Obi-Wan's neck.

"Yes, Master, I know, but we need to be very careful. Your condition is a long way from stabilized. I don't want anything to happen to you -- to either one of you."

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan gave a slight tug on his Padawan braid. The younger man just stared at his hands, biting his lower lip. When there was no answer, he pressed on. "I think this last week has been harder on you than it has been on me."

"I was so scared." Anakin let out a short sob and let his Master pull him close. With his face nestled against his master's shoulder, he could finally let out his fears. "You wouldn't wake up, and they took you away from me as soon as we landed. It was hours, and they wouldn't tell me anything. It was like..."

When the words trailed off, Obi-Wan knew where his apprentice's thoughts lay. "It was like Naboo, wasn't it, Ani? When no one would come out and tell you about Qui-Gon?"

"Yes." He pressed against the broad shoulder as he steadied his breathing. Calming, he laid his head on the pillow next to the other man. "Master Windu was threatening to keep me away from you, and Master Poof kept suggesting that there was something dirty about our bond. They thought...they thought I had fathered your child."

"Yarael Poof is a self-righteous, arrogant, overbearing jerk who spends far too much time treating others as if they were beneath him."

Anakin raised up, giving a watery laugh. "Indeed, Master, please tell me how you really feel."

"You shouldn't have let them upset you, Ani. Remember your lessons on that?" A familiar image was passed along the training bond between Master and Padawan. Anakin couldn't help but laugh.

"You are going to get us in trouble with that, one of these days, Master."

"Possibly, but it has saved you a lot of heartache from the council over the years." Obi-Wan smiled as his apprentice relaxed and regained control. "The Force has given me a great gift, Ani. The council may not like it, but they cannot control what has happened to me."

"Not even Master Windu?" Anakin propped his head up on his hand to better see his Master.

"Master Windu is a good friend."

"He wants to be more." Anakin smiled at the startled look on his Master's face. "You honestly didn't know, did you? All these years you've been waiting for Qui-Gon, he's been waiting for you."

Obi-Wan shook his head in disbelief. "You're wrong, Anakin. Mace is pushing me to go to Qui and tell him. He is encouraging me to..."

"Find closure, one way or another." Anakin finished the thought. "He's smart enough to know that you can't move on without that." Anakin pressed on, watching his master's reaction. "He is a good man, Obi-Wan. He wants to make you happy." Even as he said the words, he knew what would truly make his master happy. He also knew that now was not the time to push it. Instead, what he pushed was a strong sleep suggestion.

"Master, Master Obi-Wan?" Anakin gently woke the other man, allowing him time to reorient himself. Eventually, Obi-Wan blinked and nodded at him.

"Thank you, Anakin."

"We just came out of hyperspace, and will be landing shortly. Would you like to sit up?" When Obi-Wan nodded again, he bodily lifted the other man upright. Obi-Wan leaned forward and rested his head on Anakin's shoulder as he regained his bearings. With a wave of his hand, Anakin gathered the pillows from the other beds and placed them behind his master. Satisfied, he settled Obi-Wan against them, and began the familiar procedure to test his blood and prepare the medications while Obi-Wan slipped into a healing trance.

Barely pausing to knock, the ship's pilot entered the room. "The Senator and her party will be meeting us at the landing pad." He stared at Obi-Wan until Anakin had had enough.


The pilot reddened slightly at his tone. "Sorry, I didn't realize that Jedi got sick."

Anakin bristled at the comment, but didn't respond to it directly. "Inform Senator Amidala that the trip had been difficult for Master Obi-Wan. Make sure that they don't have a big reception planned."

The pilot recognized the dismissal, and turned to leave. Anakin spoke again before he reached the door. "Also, make sure they have ground transportation standing by." The pilot nodded and moved towards the door again before Anakin continued. "Tell them also that a hoverchair needs to be made available."

This time the pilot didn't move. "Anything else?"

"Yes." Anakin paused briefly as he injected Obi-Wan with the prepared hypospray. "I will be hand selecting the medical team that will be attending to Master Obi-Wan while we are on Naboo. I wish to interview all the available healers before I make that determination. If she can arrange for that, it would be most helpful." Anakin dismissed the conversation from his mind as he projected his strength towards his master's healing trance. The pilot gratefully slipped out the door

Senator Amidala raised an eyebrow as she studied the data reader Captain Typho handed her. "Padawan Skywalker certainly isn't shy about his demands, is he?"

Typho waited until the arriving ship had set down on the pad before answering her. "I understand from the pilot that Master Kenobi is extremely ill. He's been bedridden for the entire voyage."

"The Jedi council said that he was not well, but I had no idea it was that serious. Has ground transportation been brought in as was requested?" Amidala turned to face the lowering ramp of the starship.

"Yes, milady." Typho moved closer as he pointed out the vehicle. "And a hoverchair will be ready by the time we reach the palace." He reached out and squeezed her arm as they watched the two Jedi disembark.

Obi-Wan leaned heavily against his apprentice as they walked down the ramp. Anakin was bracing his elbow and had his other arm wrapped around the pale figure. Typho gasped. "By the Lords." Beside him Amidala forced back tears.

"He looks so frail." She turned to Dorme' who waited behind them. "Whatever Anakin tells you is needed..." She swallowed hard before continuing. "Master Obi-Wan will lack for nothing while he's here." Amidala didn't wait for an answer, as she moved onto the ramp.

Not trusting his balance, Obi-Wan gave a nod of his head rather than a full bow as he addressed the young woman in front of him. "Milady, it is good to see you again."

Amidala greeted them officially. "Master Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker, welcome back to Naboo. I hope that your time on Naboo will be more pleasant than your last visit."

Obi-Wan smiled at her as he looked around. "Well, nobody's shooting at us yet. That's always a good sign."

His humor relaxed her slightly, but she still wore a worried expression. She moved to his side and supported his other elbow as they moved to the end of the ramp. "The council told us that you were ill, but we had no idea..." She broke off as Anakin effortlessly lifted the other man and carried him to the nearby ground vehicle.

Obi-Wan watched the scenery pass by as they were transported to the palace. "You have a beautiful and peaceful world, Senator. I'm sure that it will be much more conducive for my recovery than Coruscant would be. Isn't that right, Anakin?"

Anakin gave them a terse smile. "I suppose so, Master, I just wish that we weren't so far away from the temple healers." The driver stopped at the steps to the palace. An aide came forward with a hoverchair, and Anakin carefully lifted Obi-Wan out of the car and onto the chair. He then turned around and offered a hand to Amidala as she stepped out.

"Thank you." The two young people exchanged shy smiles.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat before the pause became uncomfortable. "Padawan? Padawan?" He smirked as the younger man jumped.

"Yes, Master?"

Obi-Wan let his amusement show. "Tell me, my young apprentice, am I ever going to be allowed to actually set foot on Naboo during this visit?"

"Master?" Anakin stared at the other man, not understanding the question at first. After a quick mental review, he realized that Obi-Wan was right, his feet had not actually been in contact with the planet. "I'm sorry, Master, but the temple healers gave me strict instructions and until your blood levels improve a bit more, I was told to not let you exert yourself at all."

Amidala smiled at the exchange. "I'm glad to see him take such good care of you, Master Obi-Wan. You mean a great deal to my people." She turned to Anakin as they moved through the palace halls. "All of Naboo's healers are available for you. You can use my office to interview them, and those you choose will be strictly at your disposal."

Uncomfortable at the thought of causing such a disruption, Obi-Wan tried to object. "Really, that's not..."

Anakin didn't give him time to protest. "Thank you, Senator. That would make things easier." Any further argument was halted when they arrived at the rooms assigned to them. Captain Typho pushed open the double doors and allowed the rest of the group to proceed him. Amidala moved through the large common room and opened the balcony doors.

"When we were informed that Master Kenobi was ill, Chancellor Palpatine suggested these quarters for you."

Obi-Wan responded to her before Anakin could say anything. "Thank you, Senator, these are lovely." Anakin signaled his agreement as he moved through the large suite. The large common room was flanked by two sleeping rooms, each with their own 'fresher. One of the rooms was much larger and had its own access to the balcony.

Amidala moved closer to Anakin. "If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to let me or one of my staff know." Both she and Obi-Wan looked at Anakin, who promptly blushed.

"I apologize if I was too forward earlier. When it comes to my master's health, right now I am probably a bit too aggressive."

Obi-Wan squeezed his hand. "Perhaps a bit."

"It is very understandable considering the circumstances." Amidala rested her hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. A servant quietly moved through the open door and set a tea service down on one of the tables. "Thank you, Mali." Amidala gave her a quick glance before turning her attention back to her guests. "We'll let you rest. Master Jinn will be arriving later this afternoon, and if you feel up to it, there is a small reception planned for this evening."

Anakin quickly reached out and steadied his master even as he turned to the Senator. "Master Jinn will be here?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" Amidala seemed puzzled by the reaction.

"No, of course not." Obi-Wan hastened to reassure her even as he exchanged a glance with his apprentice. "It's just a bit of a surprise, the council neglected to mention it."

Anakin took over the controls of the hoverchair. "Regardless, Master Obi-Wan will need to rest until the reception. If you would, please tell Master Jinn that we will see him at the reception." Without waiting for an answer, he pushed the hoverchair into the larger sleep room and closed the door behind them.

Captain Typho raised an eyebrow. "I guess that means we're dismissed."

Amidala settled herself on one of the overstuffed sofas. "You go on, Captain. I'd like to speak to Padawan Skywalker privately."

One look at his master's expression, and Anakin backed off slightly, allowing the older man to walk the few paces from the chair to the bed. As Obi-Wan shed his robe and outer tunic, Anakin checked over the medical supplies that had been brought from their ship. Assured that nothing was damaged, he moved back in time to help Obi-Wan with his boots.

He straightened the covers over his Master's form as he vented his frustrations. "I can't believe the council would do something like this."

"I have to face him sometime, Anakin, and I'd rather it be before things are too obvious." Obi-Wan shifted on the bed as he rubbed his belly.

Anakin shook his head, not ready to see his Master face the coming confrontation. "We've gone years without seeing him." He took another blood sample as they spoke.

"I can't hide forever, Ani." Obi-Wan rearranged the pillows Anakin had placed behind him. "Don't you think the temple gossips will notice when I start waddling through the corridors?"

Anakin burst out laughing. "Master, I can't ever imagine you waddling, no matter how big you get." He moved to prepare the necessary injections. "Besides, since he doesn't remember..."

"I was his Padawan for twelve years, Anakin. He would insist on tracking down the father. If you were in this situation, I would do the same thing."

"You would?"

"Oh, Ani," he reached out and cupped the younger man's face in his hand. "If I thought someone had hurt you, I would go to the ends of the universe to track him down."

Anakin took a deep breath as the love washed over him. Not even his own mother could make him feel as safe and loved as his master did. His hands trembled slightly as he pressed the hypospray against Obi-Wan's neck. "You must regain your strength and live, Obi-Wan, because we need you so very much." Anakin moved his hand to rest on the other man's abdomen as his focus traveled through the newly formed bond. Awe touched his words as he spoke. "He's sucking his thumb."

As the joy echoed through the three of them, Anakin moved his free hand to Obi-Wan's head. "Sleep, both of you."

Satisfied, he moved back to the common room, to discover that he wasn't alone.

Amidala patted the sofa next to her. "Talk to me, Anakin."

Anakin carefully sat down next to her. "This isn't how I imagined seeing you again."

"You've thought about me?" She turned slightly to see him better.

He mirrored her pose, leaning his head against the soft cushion. "I've dreamed about you every night for the last ten years."

Amidala was obviously intrigued. "How did you dream it, our meeting again?"

"You were in trouble. Someone wanted to kill you, and you turned to the Jedi for help. Obi-Wan and I were assigned to protect you. There was grave danger and I rescued you." He rolled his head back to stare at the ceiling. "Then you would know that I wasn't a little kid anymore. Sounds pretty silly, doesn't it?"

"Not at all." She lowered her gaze as she continued. "If I was in danger, I would want your protection, Anakin." When he shifted away from her, she reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his robe. "Seeing you take care of Master Obi-Wan tells me more than any battle ever could. You have grown into a wonderful man, Anakin Skywalker."

He reached out and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Thank you, that means a lot, especially from you."

"Tell me, truly, how is he?"

"Oh, Padme', I thought I was going to lose him. It's not over yet, but if he can just hold on for the next few months, then all of us will be all right." In the rush of emotion, he didn't realize how much he had revealed.

Amidala frowned, obviously misunderstanding his words. "All of you? You mean Master Jinn? Obi-Wan seemed surprised that he would be here."

"Things have been strained between them for some time now." Anakin wasn't sure how to explain the situation to the astute young woman without telling her too many of the private details, but he desperately needed to confide in someone. "If I told you something, would you..."

"I would never betray your confidence, Anakin. You can tell me anything."

Anakin leaned forward, staring at his hands. "I would do anything for Obi-Wan, he's like a father to me -- more than a father, really. He deserves to be happy."

"He's in love with Qui-Gon, isn't he?" Amidala smiled at Anakin's startled expression. "I may have only been fourteen, but I did have eyes. However, I thought Qui-Gon returned the feelings. What went wrong?"

"Me." The young man picked at some lint on his sleeve. "Qui-Gon never understood the reasons the council made me Obi-Wan's padawan instead of his. They had never discussed their feelings before, and then when that happened, Qui-Gon just closed himself off from everyone. He went to one of the distant temples to finish his recovery, then spent the next five years on the outer rim. We only saw him a few times before we were all sent to Sriluur."

"Did something happen on Sriluur?"

"They worked through a lot of the problems between them, and they both admitted their feelings, but Qui-Gon wasn't ready to act on them, at least not at first."

"And later?" Amidala had a good idea what was involved in later.

Anakin shook his head. "Later probably doesn't matter, because Master Qui-Gon became ill during the epidemic that hit the planet. He lost his memory of everything that happened between them."



Amidala thought for a moment. "Does this have anything to do with Obi-Wan's illness now?"

Anakin turned to study her face. He was walking a fine line with the knowledge of his Master's condition. She understood the cause of his silence. "It's all right, I understand that you can't betray his confidence." He relaxed at her words.

"Thank you. There is something that the council doesn't know. Obi-Wan doesn't even know that the healers and I know it. During those few hours they were together, they formed a life bond. It is dormant in Master Jinn because of the amnesia, but it is making Obi-Wan's condition even more difficult."

"They found their way back to each other once." She smiled shyly at Anakin. "Perhaps they will find that path again." Her smile grew wider. "Perhaps we can help it along."

Anakin watched her for another moment before leaning back, wrapping his lean hand around hers. A slight tug and she rested her head on his shoulder.


Qui-Gon Jinn strode off the ship's ramp with every bit of the power and strength his reputation expected. Amidala couldn't help but note the difference between his arrival and the one earlier that morning. An irrational flash of anger crossed her mind as she remembered Obi-Wan's pale face and Anakin's gentleness as he carried his Master. No, she reminded herself, Obi-Wan loved this man, and needed him. She stepped forward and extended her hands.

"Master Jinn, welcome back to Naboo. It's good to see you again."

"Senator Amidala, it is good to be back." He reached out and squeezed her hands, then let her pull him close for a hug.

"I am so sorry, Master Jinn. If I had known how ill Master Kenobi was, I would never have planned this celebration." Amidala kept her eyes wide open as she pressed her face against his chest, allowing them to water. She pulled back, blinking.

"Ill, what do you mean, ill? Where is he?" Without waiting for any answers, he began moving towards the palace. Amidala had to almost jog to keep up with him, while Captain Typho merely lengthened his stride to match. "Are he and Anakin in their quarters?"

Amidala was evasive. "Master Obi-Wan is resting I believe. Anakin has been interviewing healers for most of the day."

Qui-Gon pulled up short at that statement. "Interviewing healers? Where is he? I'd like to speak with him." He barely noticed as they entered the palace.

"He is using my office here in the palace." Amidala nodded encouragingly at his worry.

Typho sounded as concerned. "We've been given strict orders not to disturb Master Kenobi's rest."

The young Senator agreed. "It's very important that he conserve what strength he has left."

"Sith." Qui-Gon raked his hands through his hair. "Well then, I would very much like to speak to Anakin."

Typho pointed towards a side hallway, and Qui-Gon wasted no time moving through it. A group of rejected healers passed them outside the office door. Dorme' greeted them as they entered the reception area.

"Milady, Captain," she stepped forward and took Qui-Gon's hand. "Master Jinn, it is good to see you again after so many years."

The Captain didn't hesitate. "Has he chosen a healer?"

Dorme' shook her head. "He's had to stop several times to care for his master, but so far, Jedi Skywalker has conducted two rounds of interviews, and has done background checks on all the healers. He's narrowed the field down, and is now testing the finalists."

"Testing them?" Qui-Gon seemed stunned as he spoke to Amidala. "I do apologize for his..."

"No, it's all right." Amidala hastened to reassure him. "When I saw how frail Master Kenobi has become, it was quite a shock. His protectiveness is to be commended."

"Obi-Wan frail? I can't imagine that." Qui-Gon seemed lost as he looked around the room. Behind him the door opened and Anakin stepped out. Amidala moved to stand in front of him before Qui-Gon could react. Anakin spoke slowly, not hiding his exhaustion.

"I've sent the test results to Coruscant. The healers at the temple will review them and send me their recommendations as soon as possible. My master and I appreciate your assistance in this matter."

"I wish we could do more." She ran a finger down Anakin's cheek. "We will let you and Master Jinn talk. I'll see you tonight, Ani." Captain Typho moved to her side and they slipped out the door with Dorme'.

Anakin took a deep breath, then moved to stand in front of the other man. He bowed formally. "Master Jinn."

"No need to be so formal, Anakin." He frowned at the circumstances. "I had no idea Obi-Wan was ill. Why didn't you inform me?"

Anakin leaned back, resting his hip against the edge of a table. "It happened so fast. Just a little over a week ago Obi-Wan was fine, then he collapsed on the way back from a mission. It wasn't until the morning we left for Naboo that the Healers had formulated the medications to keep him alive. The dosages are still experimental, and have to be adjusted every few hours."

"And the council still sent him here? Damn them!"

Anakin sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Over the objections of the temple healers."

"Force! No wonder you're so protective."

"You mean overprotective." Anakin gave a small smile.

Qui-Gon didn't answer that, he just moved to lean against the table next to Anakin. "What is wrong with him if I may ask?"

Anakin's shoulders drooped. "I'm sorry, it's not my place to say."

"Of course." Qui-Gon felt as if he'd been physically struck. "I'd like to see him, if I may."

The training bond told Anakin his master was stirring, but not fully awake. "He's starting to awaken, but..."

"Please, Anakin." The raw ache in Qui-Gon's words decided it for the young man and he nodded his consent. Anakin led him to where Obi-Wan rested.

Once they entered the common room, Anakin turned to the other man. "Wait here, I'll see if he's up to seeing you." He didn't wait for a response.

Obi-Wan didn't say anything until Anakin was by his bed. "He's here, isn't he?"

"If you don't feel up to it, Master, I'll send him away." Anakin sat on the edge of the bed, waiting Obi-Wan's decision.

"It's all right, just help me sit up."

Anakin added extra pillows behind him as Obi-Wan leaned forward, then shifted the bedding to better cover the other man before moving to the door. It opened and he moved back through into the common room, catching Qui-Gon's arm. "Don't tire him out, he's expected to make an appearance at that reception tonight. He needs to conserve his strength."

Qui-Gon looked like he was going to argue with Anakin until he caught a glimpse of his former Padawan through the doorway. He entered the room, obviously shocked at the pallor of the other man.


His words weren't strong enough to be heard, but Obi-Wan heard them anyway, and reached out. "Hello, Qui."

They stared at each other for a long time before Qui-Gon edged closer and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out and brushed his hand along Obi-Wan's cheek.

Anakin moved as unobtrusively as possible to the other side of the bed and drew another blood sample. Obi-Wan didn't even notice the slight sting. Beside him, Qui-Gon watched with interest as the small computer terminal showed a read-out of results he didn't recognize.

"How is he, what do the test results show?"

Anakin bristled slightly at the intrusiveness of the question and instead answered his master. "The treatment has lessened the effects of the flight tremendously, Master. With enough rest, you should regain enough strength by morning to be able to walk without support -- at least for short distances."

Obi-Wan leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment. "That would be most welcome. Not that I am ungrateful for your assistance, Padawan."

"I understand, Master; but Force willing, you will recover completely and before I know it, you will be mopping the floor with me during saber drills." Anakin allowed himself a small laugh as he prepared and administered the familiar injection.

"I look forward to it, Ani. Obi-Wan returned the smile. "In the meantime, perhaps Master Jinn would be willing to assist us with your training."

Qui-Gon looked both startled and tremendously pleased. "It would be an honor."

Anakin seemed alarmed. "Master, my first priority is taking care of you. My training..."

"Is just as important." Obi-Wan finished for him. "We don't want anything to delay your trials, now do we?"

Obi-Wan was right, he needed his trials to be on schedule, otherwise he wouldn't have enough experience as a knight to take on his chosen Padawan. He bowed his head in acceptance. "You're right, Master."

An unspoken moment passed between Master and Padawan, it was apparent to Qui-Gon that the timing of Anakin's knighthood was an important topic between them. He felt wrong intruding, but needed to say something.

"We'll use the northern gardens to train in. They're large enough, and Obi-Wan will be able to see you from your balcony. Is that agreeable with you, Anakin?"

The young man seemed willing enough. "I will have to stop occasionally to check Master Obi-Wan's blood levels, though."

"Of course." Qui-Gon had much more he wanted to say, but the pointed look Anakin was giving him could not be ignored. He climbed to his feet, ignoring the impulse to lean forward and kiss the other man. "I will let you rest, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan seemed amused as another Jedi Master fled before his overprotective Padawan. "I'll see you at the reception, Qui-Gon. Rumor has it that I may be allowed to stay up past my bedtime tonight." He looked at his apprentice out of the corner of his eye.

Anakin sputtered for a few seconds then gave his Master a sweet smile. "Only if you take a nap first."


Suddenly lonely, Qui-Gon watched the easy rapport between the two before slipping out the door.

Go to part 2