You Weren't Supposed to Die

by Arielle Adair (c/o

November 1999

Archive: M_A only if permitted.

Rating: NC-17

Category: Angst, angst and more angst. PWP, Point of View (Obi- Wan), maybe Fetish/Kink

Warning: Necrophilia, and we're not talking blue ghosts here. However, it's not deliberately nasty.

Note: This story came to me, as many do, in a dream. I saw the scene, I dreamed phrases, I woke up and wrote it. I would love to hear your thoughts, because I don't even know where I stand on this topic.

Summary: Obi-Wan's grief transforms into a radical action.

You weren't supposed to die.

That's all I can think, over and over as I sit here beside you, just watching you. I've been sitting here forever, or so it seems, for the days of laughter and calm never existed, they resemble a distant dream I once had. Things are so different now and I can feel the change within my own blood. It is agony.

I could almost imagine you were asleep were it not for the gaping hole in your chest, a chest that does not rise and fall as it used to when I would sit and watch. The darkest nights on planets, or the most beautiful of mornings, and I would watch you. You drew my eyes inevitably, just as you do now. My eyes refuse to leave you.

You weren't supposed to die.

My eyes trace up and down your form, you are lying so still and I sit so quietly at your side, resting on knees which are quite numb by now but I do not care, I can think of nothing but sitting beside you for the rest of my life. It wasn't supposed to happen like this and I cannot imagine how I am going to go on.

The room is large, almost cavernous, and silent as a tomb. A tomb. I almost laugh aloud at the thought because that is what this place is, they brought your body here after they determined that nothing could be done for you. Now we await the arrival of the Council.

We. It's not 'we' anymore, is it, Master? It's me. I. Alone. And I am supposed to prepare you for the cremation that is to follow.

Cremation. I shudder at the thought. How can I let them burn you, Master? How can I stand by while flames eat away at the form I love more than anything else in the universe? You weren't supposed to die. We weren't finished yet.

All the promises you made me - they're broken now. All of them. You promised me so much, Master, and I looked forward to the future but now it's fucking over and there's nothing either of us can do about it.

No reaction to my language, Master? Aren't you shocked to hear such a word come from your padawan's mouth? Answer me, dammit!

But you don't, you just lie there and I close my eyes, not being able to bear the sight of your empty face a moment longer. A face I know better than my own. Eyes forever closed, expression forever serene, and lips I will never taste.

You promised me, Master, that we could be together only once I had passed the Trials. You promised. It's not right that this, the one thing we had for ourselves rather than the Jedi, was stolen from us.

I wonder, if I kissed you, would you wake up?

I glance around, feeling a touch apprehensive, but I know that no one will disturb me. The ever humble Padawan keeping vigil beside his Master's body, alone in his grief. Grief, what a soulless word that is, and it barely even begins to comprehend what I am feeling now or what this emotion will drive me to do.

It is no desecration, it is a goodbye kiss...or so I tell myself this but I cannot help hoping that my lips infused with yours will generate a spark of life. Because life still has to be within you, Master, I refuse to believe it is gone.

I lean over you and move slowly down until our mouths touch. It's gentle at first, and then I increase the pressure, fighting the deadening knowledge that your lips are so cold and warming you with my self. Wake up, Master, wake up.

Did you hear me? Your jaw moved, ever so slightly, and I flick my tongue into your mouth, feeling, imagining, a thrilling moistness and I believe more than ever that this is right. Oh Master, why did we wait so long?

As the kiss grows more ardent, more frantic, I reposition myself so that I can lie alongside you but it's not enough, you need my warmth, and soon I am on top of you, covering your long body as best I can as we continue to kiss. I am memorising your sweet taste and every part of your mouth.

It is not enough. My hands wander inside your cloak and begin to trace up and down your arms, arms that held me as you died, or was it the other way around? It does not matter. I am learning your body anew and suddenly I am compelled to push aside the cloak and find your heartbeat.

I must break the kiss, and as I do, I wish that I had not because there is a hole in your chest and I don't want to see it, it does not exist, it cannot exist because you are just sleeping, Master, and I am here to wake you up. I reach inside your tunics, the first touch of your chest sending a thrill through me. How long was this touch forbidden? How long did I want it?

The soft hair, the muscles, your nipples, even your scars, Master, these things were stamped as mine a long time ago, from the first moment I saw you with new eyes. I move down to taste everything, trying to infuse my strength into you, and it is not enough.

Qui-Gon, you are mine and is it not my right to know you in the most intimate way possible? I push aside every distant part of my mind that is telling me to stop, because this is the only chance I will ever have. We should have done this days, months, years ago together but now it is up to me, alone, it is my duty....

I reach into your leggings, it seems you are hard for me, my beautiful Master. My fingers explore, cradle, stroke, learning your secrets, and then, carefully avoiding any sight of that hole, I bring my mouth to your groin and I taste. Although it is a tight squeeze, you fit inside my mouth and it could be heaven, my senses are overwhelmed with the scent, the feel of you, my Master, my beloved, if I can give you enough pleasure then surely you will wake up?

Dark energies swirl through me and I feel powerful. You weren't supposed to die and perhaps I can rectify that small error.

My own body is responding to this, it has been for quite some time, and I grasp your hand, bringing it to my neck, only to be horrified as it limply falls away. Master, touch me, please?

I crawl my way back up your body, you look wantonly resplendent laid out against your cloak, in a state of half-dress and you are mine, Master, I love you beyond comprehension. Again I find your mouth and kiss you over and over, taking comfort in this first, last contact, feeling the heat rise within me yet it is still not enough and I realise that we must join.

You can't do it for me, so I reach down with one hand to free my own throbbing organ while the other hand gently traces the features of your face. Are you ready, my love? I wanted our first time to be slow, to be special, but time is short. Leaning back, I lift your legs up around me, pretending that they close and after the necessary adjustments of clothing I push into you. It's tight and difficult and I do not wish you to bleed but this must be done, Master, don't you understand?

And now we are joined and I move and I feel you moving beneath me, surely you are crying out in pleasure which mingles with my own frantic breaths. Why do I feel pain?

Wake up, Master, wake up! I place my arms around you, gathering your limp torso close and I try to kiss your lips but you don't quite bend that way and your head lolls back, your eyes still closed. I close my own eyes to the sight and instead kiss your neck, sucking on the taste that is mine, marking you and then I come, my seed now within you.

We are bound together, Qui-Gon. Oh why won't you open your eyes? I collapse onto your chest, feeling almost dead myself, and my arms are cradling you, gently stroking up and down, until the fingers skim to the edge of that awful hole and fall inside....

Master, come back to me! I pull away, sit up, scream, then desperately kiss your lips. It can't be our last kiss even though I know it is, I feel the approach of others as surely as I feel the approach of doom. I straighten our clothing, desperately communicating with my mind along our bond which pulsates with emptiness at your end. Master, where are you? Can't you hear me? You can't leave me alone like this, you can't, I love you I need you I want you beside me today and for the rest of my life...Master!

One last kiss and still you are cold.

I failed.

You weren't supposed to die.

