Yoda's Rug

by Kayla

Rating: G

Category: Humor

Author's Notes: Don't ask LOL Just enjoy ;)

Archive: umm yes sockii LOL if you want it :)

Yoda: "Some thing funny in my appearance you find, Qui-Gon?"

Qui-Gon: "No, my Master."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan try desperately not to laugh as Yoda's toupee blows in the Coruscant wind.

Obi-Wan clears his mind completely.

Yoda narrows his eyes at Obi-Wan. His wig flying off to the side. Obi-Wan turns bright red as he tries not to laugh. Holding his mouth clamped shut, his entire body shaking. A single tear runs down Qui-Gon's cheek.

Yoda: "Toupee I wear not, padawan. Snicker you will not." Taps cane.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon burst out laughing.

"Yes, Master."

They follow him in silence into the Senate chambers.

Chancellor Valoruum is discussing the Nabooian rug exhibit on display in the main hall of the Senate building with Queen Amidala. The three come up upon the Chancellor and the Queen at the precise moment Valoruum says:

Valoruum: "Nice rug."

Yoda screeches.

Yoda: "Wear not a rug I do! When 834 years old you reach, look as good you will not!" he stomps away. Toupee flopping.

The un-Jedi like hysterical fits of laughter of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi follow Yoda down the hallway.....

~The End~