
by Ophie (nellie3993@aol.com)

Spoiler: Sort of, for A New Hope

Rating: G

Distribution: M/A archive, my site.

Category: Humor

Summary: What should have happened in ANH. Random silliness ahoy.

Disclaimer: They belong to George Lucas. I'm just a poor student who isn't making any money off of this. In fact, George already has most of my money, so asking for more won't do him a bit of good.

Notes: For the #tpm people. You all know who you are. And I swear I'm capable of writing fic that makes sense...but this is not it.

"I have been waiting for you, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan turned to face his former student. His face was serene and there was the presence, ever so slight, of a smirk. Anakin had always hated that. It drove him absolutely mad.

Not that driving Anakin mad was particularly hard. He was predisposed to the condition as it was, and falling into a violent, roiling pit of liquid hot magma hadn't helped matters.

Vader, the Sith Lord formerly known as Anakin, continued. Obi-Wan hadn't expected any different. Anakin always did have a problem with long, overly dramatic speeches. "When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master." He paused, then added, "Yippee!"

Well, actually, he said, "Yipaeeergh." Being lightsabered in half had a tendency to cut thoughts short.

Obi-Wan looked down at the smoking remains of Vader's black clad body. "I always hated that word." He nudged the body with the toe of his boot. "Twit."

He made his way back to the main hangar and smiled at Luke.

Luke said, "Yahoo!"

Obi-Wan was left staring at yet more smoking remains.

Eh. There was always Leia.

