When Worlds Collide

by Ethan & J.R. (BruckChun@aol.com)

Archive: Uh sure...
Category: Drama
Rating: R - Eventually
Warnings: none
Pairing: Obi/Other
Spoilers: none
Summary: Obi-Wan saves a mysterious stranger from his burning ship, only to discover that the fair young man knows him all to well......
Feedback: Always welcome... please? Don't make me beg!
Disclaimers: Characters are not mine... no profits made.. you know the bit...

Obi-Wan rolled over in bed and opened his eyes for a brief moment. The room was still dark and he sighed with relief realizing that it was not yet daybreak and he could relax his exhausted body for a few hours more. The spar with Bruck the day before had taken a bigger toll on him than he liked to admit, and every muscle burned like liquid fire. Although he'd won the session, Bruck had been a formidable opponent and the outcome was closer to a tie than he liked to admit.

"I beat the asshole, that's all that matters," he thought to himself, and relaxed back into the cool, soft sheets.

As quickly as he had awakened, he fell back into sleep and a most curious dream, with images and landscapes like none he'd ever encountered, and filled with unknown, yet somehow familiar faces. Without warning, all around him a terrifying noise erupted. Explosions in the air breaking apart the stillness of the night. Obi-Wan jerked up, and sat listening in horror as whatever it was plunged to the ground just outside his window. The flames lit up his room, he could smell the smoke before he was out of the bed.

Without thinking, Obi dashed outside and into the midst of the horrible destruction. He could make out the fact that it was a ship of some sort, but he'd never seen anything like it. Yet despite the strangeness of the scene, something in him felt a deep connection, a sense of responsibility, of recognition, of the Force calling out to him from the wreckage. He darted into the burning fuselage and spotted an unconscious young pilot, bruised and bleeding. No longer aware of anything but the power of the Force and a sense of destiny, he gently lifted the young man from the burning ship as it continued to disintegrate, scorching the ground beneath it.

When he reached what seemed a safe distance, he turned to look back at the destruction. Fire and emergency specialists had arrived and were quickly extinguishing the flames, revealing what was left of the strange craft. The technicians stared and speculated among themselves about the origin of such an oddity. Obi-Wan studied the young man's face for a moment then shouted to the healers,

"What are you waiting for! Stop gawking at the ship and do your job! Can't you see this boy needs help?!"

The healers moved in, surrounding the boy and pushing Obi-Wan out of the way, but he stood watching, unable to disconnect from the event he'd just witnessed. He was caught in the place beyond time, where everything is known and yet he felt lost, lost inside that unknown, yet familiar face. The healers worked quickly to stop the flow of blood from a deep gash above the boy's right eye.

"He'll be all right.... won't he? You can heal him... you have to.."

The concern and fear in his voice surprised the healers and one turned to him and said, "You know this boy?"

"Yes... uh no.... I mean, just take care of him. Do whatever you have to do, but see that he's healed. He must survive."

The crash and the mysterious ship was the topic of conversation on the temple grounds that morning. Everyone had a theory, but even the engineers were baffled as to it's origin.

Obi-Wan searched the crowd for Qui-Gon, spotting him next to the fountain in the center of the temple compound. He needed to talk to his Master to get some explanation for this sense of connection he felt towards the young man and the powerful, yet unnerving attraction he felt for him.

Qui-Gon had sensed Obi-Wan's discomfort and was waiting for him to approach.

"You seem unsettled, Padawan. The strange traveler has created a disturbance within you."

"Yes Master, I can't explain it, but somehow it's as if.... I'm not sure it's just....as if I know him, but of course, I realize that's not possible. He's clearly from somewhere outside the galaxy or from somewhere outside of...."

"Outside of time, perhaps? Do you believe in such a possibility or have you narrowed your mind to rule out such events?"

"I don't think....I mean, I'm not sure at this point what's possible and what is not. But he has caused a strange stirring of feelings in me. I just want him to be all right. I need for him to survive. Does that make sense? Do you understand?"

"Indeed I do, and in time so shall you. But until then, rule out nothing." Qui-Gon touched Obi-Wan's shoulder lightly and walked away.

Though he sat through his classes and made every effort to hear what the Masters were saying, Obi-Wan's mind was elsewhere. When he finally found himself walking out of the last class for the day, he went directly to the infirmary without thinking or knowing why. There was no place else he could be until he knew the fate of the young man and he hoped to be able to talk to him, to question him, to discover whatever truth he might find.

The infirmary was designed to promote a soothing, positive energy field to insure rapid recovery and enhancement of the patients use of the force. Obi-Wan strolled down the corridor, bathed in the low amber light and suffused with the faintest hint of musk. He felt instantly calmer from the surroundings, and even stopped to examine a painting, studying geometric shapes done in soft pastels and charcoal. Form following fuction, his eyes seemed to be led around the canvas through the repeating patterns like those of a Sierpinski gasket. The white noise machine sent it's messages of balance and mastery but were so beautifully disguised in the sound of wind blowing through aspens that Obi-Wan was unaware of their effect.

Pulling himself away from the painting, and remembering why he'd come, he moved to the information desk.

"I'd like to know the condition of the young man who was brought in this morning after he crashed his ship."


"I don't know...his name, I don't think anyone does... He was in a horrible accident this morning, you...."

"Ah yes, he's been stabilized.. but his injuries are fairly serious."

"What room?"


A touch of apprehension came over him as he palmed open the door, but it was fleeting, and he entered the room feeling once again the draw toward this stranger.

A thin blanket covered the body, outlining it's youthful contours. The face was bruised and deep gash above the right eye had not yet faded in spite of the healers efforts, but it was mostly covered by the blond hair that fell across his forehead. As Obi-Wan approached the bed, the young man stirred and mumbled something softly in his sleep. Pulling a chair next to the bed, Obi-Wan sat down, positioning himself as close to the young mans face as possible.

And again the boy stirred, and whispered, this time the words were clear.


Hearing the sound of his own name from a stranger in such unlikely circumstances broke the calm spell of the infirmary. Who was this person? Where'd he come from? And most of all, How does he know my name? Obi-Wan thought to himself. He searched his memory for an explanation, someone he'd known in childhood, some brief acquaintance that he'd not bothered to record. No, none of that explained the feeling on his part, that there was something much stronger than a casual acquaintance between the two of them. But before he could go any further in this line of thought, the boys eyes opened and he looked directly into Obi-Wan's face.

"What is this place? How did I get here?"

There was no fear in the voice, nor any indication of pain or discomfort. Instead, the questions sounded like genuine curiosity from one who had mastered the lower emotional states.

This one has surely studied with an enlightened master.. Obi-Wan mused to himself.

"You're in the infirmary... on Coruscant. There was an accident, your ship was nearly destroyed, but I'd say that fate and the force are looking out for you. It seems your injuries are not that serious, and you'll make a full recovery, I'm sure. So tell me, where are you from, and what brings you here?"

"Coruscant? I don't think that was my planned destination, but I can't say for sure, I don't remember.... I'm not even sure where I came from."

"And your name? Maybe we can learn something from that."

"My name is...... I don't know. How strange, I don't remember anything."

Obi-Wan stood up. "Well, I'm sure it'll all begin to make sense soon enough. You rest now, and heal, I'll check with the engineers. Maybe they've discovered something on what's left of your ship that will tell us more." He tried to smile, and appear reassuring, but an uneasiness about just what he might discover weighed upon him.

The young stranger however showed no sign of concern, and smiled back at Obi-Wan, his clear pale blue eyes penetrating, yet gentle in their gaze.

"I have no doubt," His eyelids closed, "No doubt in your ability."

Obi-Wan stood watching the boy sleep, more confused than ever by his last statement. He did feel doubt, yet a knowledge of something in the force that would explain all of this seemed beyond question.

End Pt. One