What Really Happened

by Dormask84 ( carew52@hotmail.com )

Disclaimer: I don't owe anything, GL is the creator.

Summary: A bit of a different take on things.

Rating: PG

Categories: PWP, Q/O, Shmi/f

Feedback: Sure if you want.

Notes: Mistakes are all mine, please don't flame me too much, this odd idea was one of those four am weird plot ideas that strike me now and again.

'Have children you should.' Yoda told him firmly.

'Master!' Qui-Gon flushed. 'I came to talk about my feelings for my padawan; you know I have no interest in that department. Qui-Gon squirmed uncomfortably.

'Stop you, this should not. More then one way to have a child there is.' Yoda told him bluntly, rapping his shin with his walking cane.

'Ow! What ever do you mean?' Qui-Gon rubbed his shin.

'Sperm donor you could be. Need more Jedi we do.' Yoda lowered his ears, daring him to say no as he rapped his cane against the floor.

Qui-Gon shut his protest before his mouth could form the words. 'What about my padawan?' He asked instead.

'Jerk off into cup you will, then I will help you jerk off with padawan when ready he is.' Yoda said firmly bobbing his head, acting rather pleased with himself.

Qui-Gon blushed scarlet and swallowed nervously. There was no way he could refuse his Master without serious risk to his shins. Besides, what harm could it do? If doing this thing would get him help with Obi-wan, then he would do it.

Shmi sat nervously at the IVF treatment centre, beside her was her lover Gemm. 'I'm not sure if we should.' Shmi looked at Gemm uncertainly.

'Of course we should sweetheart.' Gemm squeezed her hand as she smiled brilliantly.

'But your husband?' Shmi fiddled with Gemms hands.

'Palpatine will never have to know. I promise you. This is for us, our love. Don't you want a baby? Our baby?'

'Of course I do, but if Palpatine finds out-' Shmi swallowed and shivered.

'He won't.' Gemm kissed her gently. 'We'll make sure he doesn't.'

'Shmi Skywalker?' A nurse came out, looking around expectantly.

'Come on love, we can do this.' Gemm squeezed her hand firmly and gently helped her up on her feet.

Shmi nodded. 'I love you.' Shmi looked searchingly into Gemms eyes.

'As I love you.' Gemm kissed her again.

In nine months time...

'Breathe honey breathe.' Gemm squeezed her hand as an other contraction rippled through Shmi. She cried out as her fully developed baby pushed its way determinedly out of her womb.

'That's it sweet heart. I can see its head.' Gem told her encouragingly. Shmi squeezed her eyes shut, and gripped her lover tightly as waves of pain spread through her body. She arched as an other contraction struck. 'I have it, I have the head. Come on love, one more push.'

'Gemm, I love you so much.' Shmi breathed and pushed one more time.

'It's out, oh Shmi, we have a son, look a beautiful son.' Gemm gently eased the tiny baby into her arms.

Shmi smiled tearfully at the son in her arm. 'Anakin.'

Two years later...

Shmi huddled in a corner, holding her two year old son close as Palpatine paced beside the body of Gemm. Shmi struggled to hold back her tears, having witnessed the murder of her beloved by Palpatines own hands.

'You will pay for this.' Palaptine's dark gaze turned on her and she shivered in fear. 'Somehow you will pay for this betrayal.' Palpatine paused to spit at Gemm's dead body. 'Slut!' Palpatine cursed.

'Do what you want with me.' Shmi said. 'Please, don't hurt Anakin.' She pleaded. Palpatine paused and strode over to yank her son out of her grasp. 'No! Not Anakin, please.'

Palpatine looked at the innocent blue eyes and small mop of golden hair of the child and a small smile tugged his lips as he let a cold finger trace the boy's face.

'Maul!' He called out. In moment's his young apprentice stepped into the room. Palpatine looked at the toddler, then smiled cruelly at his mother. 'Sell the boy and his mother to Gardulla the Hutt.'

Seven years later...

Qui-Gon frowned as he considered the boy. There was something about him, something familiar, something he couldn't quite pin his finger on.

'Who was his Father?' He turned to ask Shmi.

'There was no Father.' Shmi told him.

Qui-Gon listened to what she said and heard what she didn't. With a swift realisation and by using the force, he realised what it was about this boy. It was his. Anakin was his son.

Back at the temple...

'Master, I don't understand. If you love me, why are you insisting on taking this boy as your padawan.'

'He must be trained love, you must see that. You have being a very good apprentice and I love you dearly, but you can't stay my padawan forever. You are ready to face to trails and become a Jedi knight.'

'But we won't be able to do missions with each other, You'll be busy training the boy and I will have my own missions to worry about.'

'Patience Obi-wan, we will get missions together I promise you. Sure we will spend more time apart then I would like but a Jedi has to make some sacrifices in the name of duty.' Qui-Gon told him.

'What about in the name of love Master? What then?' Obi-wan folded him arms, very unhappy.

'Love has it's place my own. You know that. Even among Jedi there are many pairs who find a way to mix work and love.'

'Fine.' Obi-wan sighed. 'I know it's pointless to argue against you when you get stubborn like this.'

Qui-Gon cupped Obi-Wans face fondly. 'Thank you my love.' He lowered his mouth to kiss Obi-wan gently.


'You must train the boy Obi-wan, promise me.' Qui-Gon, dying in his arms, asked breathlessly.

'I promise Master.' Obi-wan swore, with that and with a slight smile Obi-wan loved so well, his lover died and Obi-wan could no longer stifle the sobs. For the sake of his dead Master, for his dead lover, he would keep that promise come hell or high water. It was Qui-Gon's dying wish and Obi-wan would see it fore filled, even if it meant his own life was at stake.

Palpatine smiled when he saw the boy Anakin standing by the side of the new knight, a padawan plait hanging by his ear. Well, who would have thought Gemm's little love child would end up here? Suddenly the boy seemed a lot more useful and an easy pawn to use.

As he looked at the boy's blue eyes, he saw Anakin stiffen slightly in recognition. Ah, so the boy remembered, all the better. Palpatine smiled a cruel little smile at the shiver of fear that went through the boy.

Things were looking interesting, it would give him great pleasure to turn this boy, Shmi's boy, to the dark side and for his own uses. He didn't need to worry about Shmi anymore, he made a side note to get her dealt with when the time presented itself, she no longer had any further use as anything but a ploy to help this child became his future apprentice. Maul was gone; leaving a hole he would have to fill until the boy was older. Now who could he use until then?