What Must I Do?

by The Rose (rosarocaminis@yahoo.com)

Title: What Must I Do?
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site, http://www.sockiipress.org/~rose
Rating: NC-17 for m/m (/m!) sex
Category: PWP, Qui/Obi, Qui/Mace
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Feedback: *waves hand slowly in air* You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to!
Summary: Obi-Wan must find a creative way of keeping Qui-Gon in bed while the Jedi Master recovers from an injury. Mace Windu helps.

Notes: This one's for Yogie, for sending me the AOTC script, and just because . . . :)

Long before he stepped up to the door, Obi-Wan was already planning his lecture. He knew from his link with Qui-Gon that his Master and lover was not following his healer's orders. So, it was no surprise that he found the older Jedi working at his desk instead of sleeping.

Obi-Wan had been carefully shielding himself, hoping to catch Qui-Gon by surprise and make him feel guilty. But, instead, the padawan's hands-on-the-hips frown was met by no more than a very brief, very preoccupied glance.

"Hello, Padawan."

"Don't you 'hello, Padawan' me, Qui-Gon Jinn!" Obi-Wan stalked over to his Master's side. "You're not supposed to be working!"

Qui-Gon had the audacity to wave his concern off. "Nonsense. I'm just putting together a few notes for my report . . ."

Obi-Wan reached over and switched off his datapad.

"Hey!" Qui-Gon snapped. "I wasn't finished!"

"Too bad," Obi-Wan said as he grasped the taller man by the shoulders and tried to lift him to his feet. "You're going back to bed, and I don't want to hear any arguments."

Qui-Gon, of course, argued anyway. "I assure you I am perfectly fine right where I am, Obi-Wan. Now, let go."

"No." Pulling on his shoulders was accomplishing nothing, so Obi-Wan used a touch of the Force to lift his Master from the chair. But a stronger use of the Force by the Jedi Master dropped Qui-Gon right back into it.

"Padawan, I'm warning you . . ." he growled with a warning frown.

"Master, if you don't get back in bed, I'm going to call Healer V'rtrell and tell him!"

Qui-Gon turned away. "I'm not afraid of Healer V'rtrell," he said stubbornly as he reached to reactivate his datapad. Then he frowned for the second time as Obi-Wan just as quickly turned it off again. "Padawan!"

"Master, you have to go back to bed! You're not even supposed to be sitting, let alone walking around unaided! At this rate your back is never going to heal!"

"My back is doing just fine, thank you," Qui-Gon said huffily. But when he tried to push Obi-Wan aside, the apprentice caught an obvious wave of pain through their bond.

"Uh huh. And I'm a blue Nirvenian snow queen," Obi-Wan scoffed. "Master, I know you're in pain. I can feel it! And I'm taking you back to bed even if I have to carry you!"

Qui-Gon's icy blue glare pegged his apprentice. "Believe me, Padawan, you do not want to try that."

"Probably not. But I will if I have to," Obi-Wan said, locking his gaze with his Master's in a battle of wills. But Qui-Gon was nothing if not adamant. He sat there like a boulder, his stillness and his infuriating calm just daring Obi-Wan to try to carry out his threat. Finally, Obi-Wan gave a huge sigh. He spread his hands in dismay. "What must I do to make you see reason? Should I call Yoda? Maybe he could persuade you to do as the healer says."

The ice blue eyes narrowed dangerously. "I strongly suggest that you not try to threaten me," he said, his voice little more than a growl. And he turned his back to his apprentice, turning on his datapad again.

Obi-Wan threw up his hands in a gesture of hopelessness. "Why do I put up with you?" he murmured half to himself as he headed for the other room.

"Perhaps," Qui-Gon said in his driest voice, "because I'm so lovable."

He and Obi-Wan had been lovers for eight months now, since shortly after Obi-Wan's twentieth birthday, but except for when they were in bed together, Qui-Gon was still very much the Master. I am a grown man, more than twice his age, and a Jedi Master, he told himself, even as he sensed through their bond his apprentice's worry. I will do what I want, when I want.

His back twinged again. It had been doing a lot of that since he had left the healer's two days ago. He knew he probably really should be in bed, but just lying there like an invalid grated so on his nerves that he just hadn't been able to force himself to do it. And he was damn certain, thank you very much, that his young lover wasn't going to force him into it, either!

He had to admit, though, that he was a little surprised that Obi-Wan had given up so quickly. The boy must be tired, he realized. After all, since they weren't going on any missions until he was pronounced healed, his Padawan had been given some saber classes to teach. Today, it was with some of the young creche children. Qui-Gon knew from experience how exhausting they could be to keep up with, let alone to teach. Undoubtedly, Obi-Wan just didn't have the energy to argue.

Which suited Qui-Gon just fine.

He shifted in his seat, and a sharp pain shot through his lower back. Damn this back! he thought angrily. He had carefully strengthened his shields so as not to broadcast his discomfort to his Padawan --- Obi-Wan would never leave him alone if he knew how much it still hurt. But, sitting here couldn't possibly be doing it any harm. And he did have work he needed to do.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Obi-Wan was putting in a quiet call.

"Yes? Oh, Obi-Wan," the voice on the other end said. Then the tone changed. "What's wrong? Is it Qui-Gon?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, Master Windu. He won't stay in bed. He's supposed to rest for another two days, but I don't know what to do to get him there. I thought perhaps you could help."

"Help?" A dangerous looking half smile crossed the Council member's dark face. "Oh, I'll help, all right. I'll be right down. Don't worry, Obi-Wan. Between you and I, Qui-Gon will very soon be back where he belongs. And we'll be certain he stays there this time."

Smiling his relief, Obi-Wan broke the connection. He sent a tendril of the Force to check on his Master, but Qui-Gon's shields were up so tightly that he could receive no more than a vague sense of his location through them. There was no way at all to judge his physical condition. Which was undoubtedly just the way Qui-Gon wanted it.

Only a few minutes later he heard the door buzzer. "I'll get it, Master," Obi-Wan called, knowing it was Mace and not wanting Qui-Gon to close the door in his face. His Master and Mace had been lovers, he knew, before he had come to be Qui-Gon's padawan. And they had spent time together afterwards, occasionally.

But he knew that had stopped --- or at least, he believed it had --- when he and his Master had become intimate. So, seeing Mace here now, Qui-Gon would know that the Councilman had come at his padawan's request. And that would not please him at all.

Steeling himself for his Master's wrath, Obi-Wan opened the door and admitted Master Windu. He stepped into the apartment with a firm, sure stride --- clearly a man on a mission. He turned at once to where Qui-Gon sat at the datapad, his back to the door.

"Qui-Gon Jinn, what in the name of the nine Sith hells do you think you're doing?" he said angrily.

Qui-Gon turned slowly around. His cool, calculating gaze fell first on Mace and then on Obi-Wan. The apprentice felt himself almost withering under that look.

"I don't suppose," he said, clearly ignoring his former lover's question, "that I have to ask why you're here, Mace." His eyes were still on Obi-Wan, who was beginning to feel like an insect pinned to a collection board.

"Your padawan called me," Master Windu said, striding forward. "He's worried about you." He stopped in front of Qui-Gon and reached out to catch his shoulder with one large, dark hand. "You're going back to bed. Now, are you walking, or would you prefer it if I carried you?"

Qui-Gon's eyes had swung to meet Mace's, and then they narrowed in a look his padawan knew all too well. Obi-Wan felt himself cringing even though the look wasn't directed at him. Mace, however, seemed not bothered by it at all. "I am staying right here," Qui-Gon announced in a tone that dared them to try to defy him.

Again, Mace wasn't intimidated. "I see," he said. "So, we're doing this the hard way, then." And he bent forward and scooped Qui-Gon up into his arms.

"Put me down!" Qui-Gon snapped, even as he twisted in the other's grip. "How dare you . . .!"

"And how dare you worry us this way?" Mace countered, as unmoved by Qui-Gon's struggles as he had been by his intimidation techniques. He started for the bedroom, motioning Obi-Wan ahead of him with a small gesture of his head. The younger man came out of his stupor finally and hurried in to see that the bed was prepared.

"Mace!" Obi-Wan heard his Master say. "Put me down this second!"

Obi-Wan pulled back the covers and stepped back just in time, for Master Windu held Qui-Gon over the bed and let him go. Obi-Wan watched in horror as his Master fell onto the mattress. But he could feel Mace using the Force to cushion his fall. Even so, Qui-Gon bounced once or twice and a flicker of pain crossed his face.

"There," Mace said. "You wanted down. You're down."

Immediately, Qui-Gon tried to struggle up, cursing half under his breath. But a hand in the center of his chest stopped him.

"You're not getting up again, my friend," Mace warned, his tone only marginally softened. Still holding Qui-Gon pinned, he sat down on the edge of the bed and untied the belt of Qui-Gon's robe, pushing the garment aside. Obi-Wan could feel his Master's rage through the Force, and his pain now that his shields were less. But he could also feel a hint of some other emotion as Mace's large hand stroked lightly across Qui-Gon's chest.

"Mace, stop it!" he snapped, pushing against the Councilman's shoulders. Without so much as a word, Mace reached up and tugged the hands away, pulling them over Qui-Gon's head and pinning them there with one strong hand. He leaned in low, using his own body to hold the Jedi Master immobile, and Obi-Wan felt his Master's temper flair once again.

"I said stop it!" he barked, twisting under that restraining weight. A flash of pain, sharp and hot, scorched its way through the training link. Obi-Wan knew that Mace felt it, too, or at least suspected it, for he reached out with the Force to stop Qui-Gon's struggling. His hand once again stroked across that bared chest, as if settling a frightened animal, his fingertips raking across nipples which hardened in response.

Qui-Gon could have brought the Force to bear in his own defense, but he didn't.

"Mace, don't . . ." he said, now in an entirely different tone, twisting slightly, although whether to escape that touch or increase it wasn't clear.

Again, Master Windu ignored him. He continued to stroke the skin under his fingertips. "It's been entirely too long, my old friend," he crooned. Then his hand reached up to entwine in Qui-Gon's hair, pressing his head more deeply into the pillow.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?" he asked softly just before he leaned in to capture Qui-Gon's mouth with his.

The Jedi Master seemed to fight the kiss for a few moments, straining as if trying to pull his hands free. But not trying too hard, Obi-Wan noticed with a touch of jealousy. The padawan's own body was responding, his cock rising to the occasion, but it was clear he was not needed here as Mace's large hands began sliding the robe off of Qui-Gon, baring his shoulders. Silently, the apprentice turned to go. But a soft voice stopped him.


It was Mace, and Obi-Wan hesitated for a moment before he turned to look back at the Councilman. The dark-skinned face was buried in the side of Qui-Gon's neck, his mouth gently nipping and suckling at the skin there. He did not look up, but he reached one hand behind him, stretching it out towards Obi-Wan. "Won't you join us?" he invited.

Obi-Wan hesitated, although his body certainly didn't want to. "Master?" he asked hesitantly, fearing that he couldn't possibly approve of this.

Qui-Gon twisted under Mace's assault, groaning almost inaudibly, but his blue eyes flickered to meet the stormy green ones for one incredible second. "Yes, Padawan," he said in a deep, lust-filled voice that made Obi-Wan's blood pressure rise several notches. "Please. Join us."

He didn't need a second invitation. As quickly as he could, Obi-Wan rounded the bed, sinking down to sit on the other side. Mace had released Qui-Gon's hands, and one of them reached out to cup the padawan's face, then slid to the back of his neck and pulled him down into a deep, passionate kiss. That hand held him there, even as Qui-Gon writhed under Mace's continued caresses.

"I still don't intend to stay in bed," he said as his mouth released his apprentice's finally. His face was pressed against the younger man's, and his hot breath puffing in his ear nearly sent Obi-Wan over the edge.

"Oh, you'll stay in bed," Mace told him, his mouth moving lower until he took one diamond hard nipple between his lips. Qui-Gon arched up against him, a little gasp of pain marking the movement, and his padawan slid one arm across his Master's chest, exerting just enough pressure to push him back down into the mattress. Qui-Gon actually chuckled.

"This is a conspiracy, obviously," he said with a little gasp as Obi-Wan latched his teeth gently into his Master's earlobe. "The two of you think you can keep me here, against my will?"

"Is this against your will?" Mace asked as his tongue dipped into Qui-Gon's navel and one hand moved down to rub the growing erection visible beneath his sleep pants. "Or is this?" he asked, just before nipping lightly along Qui-Gon's side, pinching little folds of skin between his teeth.

Qui-Gon's only reply was a moan of pleasure.

"Or this?" Obi-Wan asked, getting into the act as his lips latched onto the sensitive skin below his Master's ear, suckling and worrying it until he felt a hand entwine in his braid and pull him even closer.

"I want ---" Qui-Gon managed to gasp, arching his neck to give Obi-Wan better access, "--- to finish ---" He twitched as Mace reversed on the bed and pushed his thin sleep pants down out of the way, "--- my report . . .!"

"Do you?" Mace asked huskily, just before he took the head of Qui-Gon's erection into his mouth.

"Ahhh!" Qui-Gon hissed, writhing under the dual assault.

Obi-Wan used the hand that was still across his Master's chest to pinch and tweak one of his nipples, his mouth still busy with other concerns, his own cock painfully hard.

Mace raised his head for a moment. "You don't seem so anxious to leave now," he commented. Then he went down on Qui-Gon again, engulfing the whole length this time.

"Come for us, my Master," Obi-Wan whispered into Qui-Gon's ear, and with a hoarse cry the Jedi Master did just that. Mace and Obi-Wan held him down so that he wouldn't injure his back as he tried to thrust up into the moist heat engulfing him. The intensity of his orgasm triggered both Obi-Wan's and Mace's.

Eventually, the three collapsed onto the bed, Mace and Obi-Wan both half across Qui-Gon. Even if Qui-Gon had tried to move now, which he didn't, he wouldn't have been able to, so nearly smothered was he by his lovers' bodies.

"I still," he began a moment later, his breathing still ragged, "plan to get up." He raised his head, then let it fall limply back onto the pillow. "As soon as I can move."

Obi-Wan laughed. "Then, maybe Master Windu and I will just have to keep you too tired to move!" The apprentice felt a hand cup the back of his head, and knew it was the Councilman's. He looked up to meet his eyes.

"Call me Mace, please, Obi-Wan," he said. "After what we've just done, I see no need to stand on ceremony, do you?"

Obi-Wan grinned. "No, Mace. I don't." He rolled off of Qui-Gon and nestled in beside him, sensing rather that seeing Mace do the same on his other side, and they both slipped a protective arm across the sweat-dampened chest.

"This won't work, you know," Qui-Gon said, still feeling the need to argue. But most of the resolve had vanished from his voice. "You can't keep me here forever."

"Oh, we don't need forever," Mace told him, raising up to grin wickedly down at him. "We only need two more days. I think your hot young padawan here and I can keep you busy for that long. Don't you think?"

Qui-Gon gave a little snort but didn't reply, and Obi-Wan settled in more comfortably beside him, throwing one leg across his Master's hips as he felt his cock beginning to swell again.

It was going to be an incredible two days . . .

The End