What Is Love?

by Elektra Pendragon (elekdragon@yahoo.com, ms_elektra@hotmail.com)

Archive: It can be placed on MA with my other two drabbles--A dream, a second.
Summary: A few extra thoughts on Amy Fortuna's fic "The Definition of Love".
Rating: G
Spoilers: :) none really, except Amy's fic.
Category: Q/O, Drabble, POV

What Is Love?

I can hear the way the wind mourns you.  Every breath a heavy sigh of
pain, holding on for one more dying beat.  Hot exhalations give way to
cold until even the wind stops, sighs, and releases its pain.  And in
the release, it flies, soars, finds its home--like a bird released to
the rising sun, seeking warmth and light and leaving the darkness and
hurt behind.  The wind may mourn, but it celebrates as well.

I do mourn you, my master, my love.  But like the wind, I celebrate you
too.  I will train the boy. I promise.