Riding the Wheel of If: Episode Fifteen - What Happened Next

by Susan Anthony (LdyGossamer@aol.com)

Archive: Master & Apprentice

Series: Mrs Hamill's Wheel of If

Pairing: O/Q, O/Other implied, Q/Other implied

Category: AU, Romance, bit of Humor, First Time

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: The boys belong to George and the plot inspiration belongs to Terry. I don't know who owns Khamier, if anyone. Knight Lars is mine and I think I'll keep him.

Warning: tends towards the romantic side, possible Obi-Sue sighting, and there's some M/M stuff going on too.

Summary: Continuation of Riding the Wheel of If: Episode Fifteen by Mrs Hamill in response to her hurled gauntlet of "Yah, poor pitiful Chancellor Jinn...he'll find his Obi, I'm sure of it. However, if any of you Wheelees can't stand it THAT much (and you know who you are), Write It! Go on, I dare ya! I'd like to see it as much as anybody, but can't take me hand off the wheel long enough to do it. Go for it, do, and I'll be on the sidelines cheering you on!"

Notes: Many thanks to Mrs Hamill for allowing me to play in her universe and many thanks also to Fox for her most excellent beta!

More Notes: All I wanted to know was what happened when Chancellor Jinn went looking for Obi and this happened...

The Senate was abuzz the next day. The Supreme Chancellor had failed to show for work, and indeed, had called in sick. Unheard of. The gossip was intense, but the focus of that gossip could have cared less.

In fact, he was at the Jedi Temple by noon, walking very carefully and supporting a young, tawny-headed Knight who was also walking carefully. They had left an ecstatic Yoda with the news that the Temple funding was secure and now they sought a few minutes alone before the Knight had to leave.

Cupping the beautiful face in his broad palms, Qui-Gon said, "I'll find you, Obi-Wan."

"I know you will," Obi-Wan murmured, kissing one of the hands.

"And you'll find him too," Qui-Gon said, then bent and kissed the Knight tenderly. "Good bye."

"Good bye, again, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said. He dropped into a kneeling posture - instead of lotus - and pulled out his 'saber. With a bang, he was gone.

That evening in the Temple Dining Hall, the padawan table was suspiciously quiet as the students darted glances over to the table where Master Yoda sat eating. The old Jedi looked extremely pleased with himself and one of the padawans finally elbowed the friend sitting beside him.

"Go ask him now, Ma'ta," he said in a low voice. "He looks in a good mood."

The young woman gave her friend a wary glance, and was about to tell him a flat no, when it occurred to her that she wanted to know the answer to the question raging among the padawans as well as the next Jedi.

"You come with me, then, Lorn," she stated, setting her fork on the table. She gave the boy a challenging look as their fellow padawans watched them closely. Ma'ta could almost feel the force compulsions coming from every direction aimed at her reluctant friend. Lorn's eyes widened for a moment and then he sighed and stood.

"Come on, then," he said, purposely ignoring the smirks from the other apprentices at the table. Ma'ta stood and the pair walked serenely over to the master's table, their faces set in acceptable expressions of mild inquiry. A few of the masters looked up at their approach but said nothing as the pair of padawans continued on and stopped behind Master Yoda. After a few moments, the old master turned to them and they bowed politely.

"Questions, have you, young padawans?" he asked innocently. The two senior padawans glanced at each other before the young woman stepped forward.

"Yes, Master Yoda," she began hesitantly, her eyes wide. "We were wondering...well we saw Chancellor Jinn here this morning and we...the senior padawans, I mean...were wondering who the knight with him was and if the Chancellor was...happy with him."

Yoda looked at the pair with a rather smug expression, noting that every conversation within hearing range had died. The old master gleefully felt the Force move as Jedi throughout the room enhanced their hearing to catch his response to the padawans' question.

"Very happy the Supreme Chancellor was with the new knight," he finally said, noting the relieved light growing in the padawans' eyes. "Had to leave, however, the knight did. Continue on his mission."

"Oh," the girl said as she glanced down in disappointment. Yoda could hear her thinking about her upcoming rotation to the Senate. She had hoped the Chancellor would be distracted with the new Knight and she wouldn't have to end up in Jinn's bed.

"Believe, I do, however, that Chancellor Jinn will be preoccupied with another project for some time to come, young padawan." The girl again glanced up. "Surprised, I will not be if Qui-Gon Jinn tends to other business than his bedding."

The two apprentices now looked more curious than before.

"Please, Master, can you tell us the Knight's name?" the second padawan asked. "And will he be back soon?"

"Know him, you will not," Yoda noted. "Obi-Wan Kenobi was his name and return to the Temple, he will not."

There was complete silence for a moment as the pair stared at him with their mouths hanging open.

"*Obi-Wan Kenobi*?" the apprentice pair finally asked at the same time, their expressions one of shared shock and disbelief. The girl and boy looked at each other and then back at Yoda.

"I *knew* he had to be based on a real knight!" the girl gleefully crowed.

"But, Master!" the boy asked in confusion. "I thought he wasn't real!"

"I didn't know he really existed! Oh I *wish* I could have met him!"

"But...I don't understand!"

Now it was Yoda's turn to stare. "Heard of Obi-Wan Kenobi, have you?" he finally asked.

"Oh yes, Master Yoda!" Ma'ta enthused. "He is so beyond perfect!" She leaned forward a little. "Did you read his last book? 'The Senate Trials'? While on rotation to the Senate, Obi-Wan toppled several corrupt senators, including the Supreme Chancellor, and after four books, he finally got knighted!" Her eyes suddenly glazed over and her cheeks flushed. "Obi-Wan and the new Chancellor Quinn celebrated for two whole chapters." Ma'ta sighed and then refocused on Yoda with a grin. "Master Y'nar made that book required reading in the Advanced Sex in Politics and Athletics class."

Yoda blinked at the padawan's words.

"I liked 'The Naboo Chronicles' so much better, Ma'ta," the boy beside her argued. "Obi got to kill that Sith! And *FORCE*, where those Master/Padawan scenes *hot*!" The young man looked a bit flushed as well.

"*All* his books are hot and they just keep getting hotter!" Ma'ta sighed. "I can't wait to see the Vid! I've heard the publisher has entered into negotiations with Interstellar Light and Magic Corp to produce the books on Vid!"

"No Way!" Lorn yelped. The pair suddenly remembered where they were and bowed to the still stunned Yoda before they wandered away, totally caught up in their discussion. "I wonder who they'll get to play Obi-Wan?"

"Some complete and total lust babe, no doubt," Ma'ta sighed. "Or else the entire Padawan/Knight populations will have to rise up and whammy ILM."

Yoda watched as Ma'ta and Lorn returned to their table and excitedly shared what he had told them. Expressions of amazement, excitement and disbelief made the rounds of the padawan's table and the level of noisy conversation rose about five decibels.

Finally, the old master turned back to the table. What he felt wasn't confusion, he reminded himself as he turned to his dinner companions. He hadn't been confused since his 8th padawan had entered puberty.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, my Master?" asked an amused master from across the table. "Teasing the padawans has never been a hobby of yours before."

"Yinyan, know you, of what those padawans spoke concerning Obi-Wan Kenobi?" he asked the master across the table. The woman met his eyes with something of a wry smirk.

"Yes, Master," she replied. "They were referring to a series of five novels written by one Lukas H'ammil. They are about the adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is...or was a Jedi Padawan." She gave a pleased smile. "He was knighted in the last book."

Again, Yoda gave her the look she recognized from her tenure as his padawan as his 'I'm confused but I'm not going to admit it because I'm 800 years old and I'm Yoda' look. "And these books you read?"

The master blushed only slightly. "Indeed I do, Master Yoda. The writer has an enormous talent for sucking a reader into the book. It's also clear that the writer has some insight into the Jedi Order as a whole as well as the Senate. Not your typical author. And I have to agree with Ma'ta on the last two chapters of 'The Senate Trials'." The woman waved her hand in front of her suddenly flushed face. "*Very* hot."

"Is this Lukas H'ammil a Jedi?" Yoda asked.

"No one knows, Master," she responded quietly. "His identity is one of the best kept secrets in the Republic. The Publishing House won't compromise their best-selling author for any reason and the author doesn't want his real name known."

"I'm surprised you haven't read them, Master, or at least know about them," the Jedi master beside Yinyan spoke up. "The Republic Relations committee is constantly having to assert the fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi is just a fictional figure and is *not* an actual Jedi knight." The man snorted. "There are requests for his services all the time. Some even coming in from the Senate. One would think the Senate would know better."

"Its obvious that he's based on someone in the Order though, Klas," Yinyan noted. "The public can't help but believe what is so well-written."

"But those padawans should know better," Klas responded arrogantly. "No Jedi apprentice alone could have defeated a Sith Lord, who are extinct by the way. And giving the young ones such ideas could prod them into getting themselves killed trying for the impossible."

"Didn't you know, Klas?" Yinyan responded with a smile. "The Force allows us to do the impossible when we ask nicely."

"Enough!" Yoda snapped as he slapped his gimer stick on the tabletop and the masters jumped in surprise. "Obi-Wan Kenobi it *was*! Saw his mind I did! Killed a Sith Lord he did!" The old Jedi Master jumped to the floor with more agility that he normally displayed. The masters at the table were silent as he quickly walked off, muttering loudly. "See, I will, about this Lukas H'ammil. Read his books I will. Find out what the Force is going on, I will."

"What is it, Thalla?" the Supreme Chancellor asked in a distracted tone the next morning. He looked wan today, his private secretary decided as she walked up to his desk.

"Master Yoda has sent you a set of files this morning, your Excellency," she responded quietly, as she set them on the desk beside his elbow. "He said it concerns the matter you were speaking of yesterday morning."

Chancellor Jinn glanced up quickly and then picked up the first data cube. His eyebrows slowly drew together. "'The Senate Trials', a novel by Lukas H'ammill?" he muttered. "What is that little troll thinking?"

"Perhaps he thinks you need a rest, sir," Thalla said unexpectedly tart. The man glanced up at his secretary in surprise but found her face expressionless. "It's a very good book, though I recommend you read the others in the series first. Perhaps you would like to take the day off and read them," she said pointedly.

Chancellor Jinn slowly leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. Thalla only got tart with him when he was really pushing himself. After the ecstasy with Obi-Wan and then pain of losing him, perhaps he did need to relax for a bit before he tore some unsuspecting senator's head off. He had already set in motion his plans to find Obi-Wan's counterpart in this reality and now all he could do is wait for the results.

"What is it about?" he finally asked and was rewarded with Thalla's faint smile.

"It's the new Obi-Wan Kenobi novel, an adventure/mystery novel revolving around the Jedi Temple and the Senate. The main character in the series is a Jedi but in this book, the character of Senator Quinn becomes more primary." Thalla grinned for a moment. "For some reason, Quinn has always reminded me of you, sir, even before he became Supreme Chancellor in the story. Together, he and Padawan Kenobi topple a corrupt group of senators..."

Her rather cheery summary melted away when she glanced up at her employer. Supreme Chancellor Qui-Gon Jinn stared at his secretary with a hooded gaze that caused her to momentarily stop breathing.

"You've read all these books, Thalla?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, your Excellency," she responded carefully. His blue eyes glanced down at the pile of data cubes.

"I want you to give me a detailed summary for each book beginning with the first. I want them by noon meal. Cancel all my appointments for the day and arrange for me to go to the Temple this afternoon. I think I want to have a little 'chat' with Jedi Master Yoda."

The woman bowed briefly and fled from the look of anger that had stolen over Chancellor Jinn's face.

Qui-Gon stared at the data cube in his fingers. He did not like to be manipulated. And if Master Yoda thought he could manipulate the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic into providing funding for the Temple without providing for the Supreme Chancellor, he would find out very shortly how wrong he could be. If Obi-Wan Kenobi had been a lie, the entire Jedi Order would feel his wrath.

The Chancellor stepped into his private shuttle later that afternoon bound for the Jedi Temple after taking an exceedingly cold shower. Thalla had been correct in that the book had been a very good read. Action, adventure and sex all in one very well-written novel. In the last two chapters, however, all Qui-Gon could envision was himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi and he had found himself with one very hard erection when he'd gotten to the end of the book. If the character from the pages of that novel could step forth from the print, Qui-Gon knew it would have taken form in the man he'd had catastrophic sex with just the night before last.

Whoever he was, this Lukas H'ammill was going to be entertaining a visit from the Supreme Chancellor very soon.

Now, however, Qui-Gon was going to see Yoda and find out exactly what was going on in the devious little master's mind. Qui-Gon had believed completely what 'Obi-Wan' had told him during their time together. The man who had played Obi-Wan had been perfectly cast and Qui-Gon had been convinced that the man had disappeared when he'd ignited his lightsaber in the gardens at the Temple. But could he not have manipulated Qui-Gon into seeing that? It was a classic Jedi mind trick.

But why, then, after going to so much trouble to deceive him, did Yoda send him that book? And why choose a character that would be so easily found out? The whole situation was perplexing in the extreme and Qui-Gon had had enough. There were too many questions unanswered.

Supreme Chancellor Jinn would not admit just how much it was going to hurt if he found out everything he'd been told was a lie.

The shuttle landed at the Jedi Temple exactly on schedule and the Chancellor walked down the ramp to be greeted by Master Yoda. Qui-Gon nodded his head slightly and Yoda returned the greeting before turning to lead the big man into the Temple. Neither spoke until they had entered Yoda's private quarters. Qui-Gon seated himself across from the little green master and waited as Yoda settled himself.

"Master Yoda," Qui-Gon began with an exceedingly patient expression. "What in the Sith Hells is going on here? Who *was* that knight?"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi it was," the Jedi answered quietly.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a character in a novel," the Chancellor responded with a deadly calm. "And I do not appreciate the deception you have played. What are you trying to accomplish by making me look like a fool?"

Yoda calmly met the man's eyes. "Obi-Wan Kenobi it was," he stated again. "Touched his mind, I did. Saw the truth for myself, as did Mirra. Not from this reality was he." The old master glanced down at his gimer stick, fingering it thoughtfully. "Much has he suffered and more will he suffer until he finds what he is looking for." The Jedi sighed sadly before his eyes moved back to Qui-Gon. "Touch his heart you did. Leave, he did not want to but the Force moved him onward. Lucky, you were, to meet each other, briefly though it was."

Qui-Gon opened his mouth to interrupt but Yoda stamped his gimer stick. "Think, Chancellor! If Obi-Wan you met *was* real and was from another reality, how would someone of this reality know of him, humm? Know of him and write of him?"

The Chancellor glared at Yoda as his mind shuffled the questions again, providing them with different answers before laying them out before him. A single thought clicked into place as Qui-Gon's blue eyes widened.

"Lukas H'ammill. He must be..."

Yoda looked pleased for a moment. "Obi-Wan's counterpart here, he must be or know of him." Qui-Gon stood and headed towards the door. "Tried we did to get the publisher to tell us H'ammill's true name and whereabouts, Qui-Gon Jinn," Yoda called after him. "Closed mouthed as Sith they were!"

"We'll see how they fair against the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic," Qui-Gon stated flatly as the door shut behind him.

By the next afternoon, the Publishing House CEO himself had resentfully provided a single name and planet of origin but only in return for consideration when the next bill came to the Senate floor regarding off-world publishing and trade rights. Qui-Gon had immediately forwarded the names he had retrieved to his high-level intelligence group and waited impatiently for the information they would find. His chief of security returned a few hours later bearing a data chip and a curious expression. The man had been with Qui-Gon since he had first been appointed to the Senate almost thirty years previous. Unfortunately, that meant he felt he could pry into Qui-Gon's business when Qui-Gon would prefer him to be elsewhere.

"Here's the information you asked for, sir," he said as he passed the data chip into the Chancellor's hand. "Is this something I need to be aware of?"

Qui-Gon gave the zabrak a level look. "It depends on what I find here, Khamier," he responded as he dropped the data chip into his comp pad and linked it to the computer on his desk. A large monitor automatically flared to life as Qui-Gon's fingers swept across the keys. It was only moments later when a man's face appeared on the screen and Qui-Gon stared.

Obi-Wan Kenobi stared back at him with a smile in his gray-green eyes. There were slight differences: the hair was much longer and perhaps a shade darker, the man seemed a bit younger, the beautiful eyes perhaps a bit less intense...but overall, before him was a picture of the lover he had lost less than a day after he had found him.

Qui-Gon leaned back with a weary sigh and a half smile on his face. Khamier raised a brow.

"I take it we'll be seeing Benjamin Lars soon?" the security chief asked with a smirk. "I have to say, Qui-Gon, other than his looks, he certainly doesn't seem to be your usual fare."

The Chancellor glanced up at the man, his brows lowering. "How so?"

"Well, other than the fact that he writes hot novels, he's so clean, he squeaks," the security chief complained. "Couldn't find a damn thing on him. And he's a *language teacher* for Sith's sake! On purpose!"

Qui-Gon smiled slightly at his friend's griping as he leaned forward to read the information his people had gathered on the writer.

Benjamin Lars had been born and raised on the planet of Callis which, the Chancellor was amazed to realize, was among system of planets he had represented before being elected Supreme Chancellor. Ben had excelled in his schoolwork, especially among the language and literature areas, achieving the highest scores of his grade level throughout his school years.

Upon graduation at sixteen, the young man had been offered a scholarship to the University of Coruscant but had delayed accepting it until he had completed four years of service in the Callis armed forces. A special note attached to the file pointed out that Benjamin had been slated for promotion and further training to an elite Special Forces group when he had reached the age of twenty but had declined the honor, instead choosing to finally accept the scholarship he had won.

The scholarship allowed him three years of intense education from the University of Coruscant and he chose to study in the areas of political science and languages. He had excelled in all areas and had graduated with honors before returning to his home planet. Instead of joining the representative body of the planet as he had been expected to do, Benjamin had, instead, become a teacher in the same school where he had taken his own education.

Qui-Gon leaned back again, a thoughtful expression on his face. "This notes that he was a page with the Senate for the Callistan senator during the last six months of his university training. That would have been two years ago but I do not recall seeing him in our contingent." The Chancellor looked over the picture again. "And I know I would have noted him."

"Perhaps he kept a low profile," Khamier offered. "I can make inquiries."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Do so. But make it subtle, Khamier. I don't want anyone to know what I'm looking for yet."

"What *are* you looking for?"

The Chancellor glanced over the information displayed before him before his gaze tracked to the picture on his monitor. "I'll let you know when I know, Khamier."

The Chancellor was just ending a meeting with his last appointment of the day when his chief of security walked in and caught his eyes. The zabrak was smirking, which gave Qui-Gon a bad feeling. His security chief had a terribly strange sense of humor.

Qui-Gon moved his chin towards his private study and Khamier disappeared into the room while the Chancellor saw the senator he was speaking with out the door. Within moments, the Chancellor was walking into his study.

"You've found out something interesting?" Qui-Gon asked as he crossed to the bar.

"You might say that," the zabrak said, his lips twitching. "Ben Lars did serve as a page during his last six months on the planet and was well thought of by the Callistan Senator and his staff. Every minute he was officially on duty, Ben Lars was On Duty and no matter how many other pages, senators or staff members tried to...ah...distract him from his Duty, and there were a LOT that tried, the young man refused to stray from his assigned tasks. It drove the senator from Phallik insane."

Qui-Gon felt absurdly pleased at that statement. A handsome young man like Ben would be propositioned left and right and the Phallikans were especially discriminating. "What about when he wasn't officially On Duty?" the Chancellor asked warily.

"It seems he spent all his leisure time with the Jedi padawans on rotation to the Senate." Qui-Gon's eyebrows rose slightly but other than that, he didn't respond. Khamier seemed a little disappointed. "He was very good friends with a majority of the padawans and young knights."

"Friends or *Friends* with the padawans?" Qui-Gon asked quietly. Not that it mattered. The boy had to get the training somewhere to write those last two chapters. And it certainly explained where Ben got all his insights into the Jedi as well as the Senate. No one knew the Senate like the padawans who had to serve it.

"No one would actually tell me," he finally said as he shook his head. "It seems that while Ben was quite popular with the Jedi Cadre, his brother Owen is a Knight who has a fearsome reputation within the Order and is rather protective of his younger brother. If Ben was *friends* with any of the padawans or young knights, it was kept very quiet."

"His brother is a Knight?" Qui-Gon asked in surprise. "Can you find out if he's on-planet at the moment?"

"He's off-planet on a rather delicate mission but should be back within the next few weeks. Master Yoda has assured me that when he returns, Knight Lars' first instructions will be to come see you."

Qui-Gon steepled his fingers. He stifled his impatience with the skill of years. "I will wait," he said quietly, almost to himself. "It will give me time to plan. The Senate will be breaking for its Holiday next month which will allow me some leisure time in my home system."

"Leisure time? You?" Khamier looked amazed and slightly worried. "What is it with this Lars boy? Callis is a long way to go to make moves on a constituent, Qui-Gon." The zabrak crossed his arms and gave his friend a long look. "If Knight Lars is protective of his brother and you waltz in and play with this boy's heart, not to mention other portions of his anatomy, you're going to find an enemy among the Jedi when you need all the allies you can get. The Jedi are not exactly happy with you right now."

The Chancellor didn't respond for a moment as he looked at the image on his monitor.

"I am aware of the Jedi and their feelings towards my policies but with their funding secure for the moment, at least they are compliant." Qui-Gon finally glanced up at his oldest friend. His blue eyes were dark and determined. "But, more importantly, let me make this clear, Khamier. I am not planning on 'playing' with Ben Lars. Far from that, I'm planning on claiming him. Permanently."

"Claiming him?" Khamier narrowed his eyes. "I thought you'd never met him."

Qui-Gon gave him his ambiguous politician's look. "I haven't."

"I see," the security agent said slowly, as if considering his friend's sanity. "Considering the boy's reputation in the Senate, how can you be sure he'll be receptive to you? He certainly didn't seem receptive to any of the senators. And there were some powerful ones after him."

"I have no doubt he'll be receptive, Khamier," Qui-Gon said in something of a smug tone. "He will be."

Approximately one month later Vermani Territory, planet Callis

Benjamin Lars stood nervously in front of his mirror looking at the dark blue outfit critically. He straightened an imagined crease and then gnawed on his lip. Gently, he ran his hand over his hair that had been tied back with a specially-dyed braided leather thong to match the outfit. Finally, he sighed.

"Vel!" he snapped out. He turned away from the mirror as his cousin appeared at the door of his room. "How do I look?" the man asked nervously.

The young woman tilted her head thoughtfully. "You look like a man on the edge," she said with a grin.

"Vel!" Ben pleaded. The young woman laughed.

"I'm sorry, Ben, it's just such a change to see you concerned about your clothes. I can't help but tease you a little. You know you look good," she said reassuringly.

"I look good," he repeated, trying to convince himself before turning back to the mirror and straightening his tunic again. Vel appeared in the image behind him as she touched his shoulder.

"You look great, Benjamin," she said softly, affection in her eyes.

"Well," he said with a sigh. "Its not like he'll see me anyway. One teacher among 5000 teachers and students."

"You never know," the girl said with a wink. "This might be your lucky day. Just flash that Smile in his general direction and I bet he'll sit up and take notice"

"Vellen, I was in the Senate as a page for six months and he never noticed," he said in exasperation.

"And I bet you never even flashed him the Smile, did you?" Ben dropped his eyes and attended to his cuffs. Vel chuckled. "Or even attempted to get in his way? You are such wimp!"

"I am not a wimp!" Ben said indignantly. "He was going through the padawan cadre like a battleship through hyperspace! He wouldn't have even noticed me."

Vel raised her brows and gave him a pointed look. "From what Owen says, Chancellor Jinn wasn't the only one going through the padawan cadre."

Benjamin flushed and then cleared his throat. "I was at the University. I was supposed to be getting an education."

"And *stars* did you get educated!" Vel said with a laugh. "Did I ever tell you how good that last book was?"

And there was the Smile that broke a dozen hearts a day. "No you haven't but thank you. I know you're my harshest critic."

"Darn right! And you need some *new* material." She gave him a stern glare. "Obi-Wan needs something interesting to keep Chancellor Quinn in line. He tends to get a bit domineering and grumpy if Obi doesn't keep him happy!"

Ben laughed and ruffled her blond hair affectionately. "I'll see what I can come up with, Vellen. Perhaps Owen can give me some new ideas." The teacher sighed for a moment. "He is traveling with the Chancellor, you know. Maybe I'll even get to see him before he's out-system again."

"Owen is traveling with Chancellor Jinn?" Vel asked in an excited tone. "All you have to do is go see Owen, then! I bet you'd run into Jinn and then all you have to do is smile."

Benjamin nodded slightly but didn't look hopeful. "We'll see. Owen is probably caught up with whatever Knights do when they're trailing after the Chancellor." Which is probably getting pounded into the mattress by Qui-Gon all the way from Coruscant to Callis, Ben thought forlornly. Damn, I wish I'd been a Jedi!

"I have to go, cousin-mine," Benjamin said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm meeting my class at the shuttle pad to head for the assembly. Have a good day!" And with that, Ben headed out the door.

Vel watched him go, shaking her head at the waste of such a good guy. Why, of all the people in the galaxy did Ben have to go and get a permanent crush on Supreme Chancellor Qui-Gon Jinn?

Later that afternoon, Ben sighed as he sank into the chair behind the classroom desk with a groan. The sound level in the class was something just below a mass emergency drill but the teacher just couldn't bring himself to calm the children he'd be asked to watch when he'd shown up on the shuttle pad. His normal class consisted of several well-behaved senior level students who had decided to specialize in languages. Today, however, the five and six year old teacher had called in with lung sickness and Benjamin and been drafted to watch the little ones. He hadn't been able to enjoy a moment of the speech Qui-Gon Jinn had made concerning the education systems of the core worlds as he'd had to keep track of each of the twenty children he'd be charged with. Why they'd been allowed to go to the assembly in the first place was a mystery to Ben. All he knew was that he'd barely gotten a few glimpses of Chancellor Jinn and even then, it was from farther in the back of the auditorium than he could have wished.

But from the few glimpses he had gotten, he could tell the Chancellor looked as good as he had two years ago. Ben's eyes glazed over for a moment as he remembered all the times he'd seen Chancellor Jinn at the Senate Building. The man was just so overwhelming and powerful. And *stars* did he have a body!

Ben sighed again as he considered the padawans' discussion about Qui-Gon Jinn's various passions and desires. Once, Ben had talked one of his padawan friends who had been called to Jinn's service into trading places. Just once to lie with Qui-Gon Jinn and Ben would have returned home a satisfied man. He'd had no worry that the man might have wanted him more than once. If Qui-Gon wasn't satisfied with the plethora of padawans he had daily access to, Ben certainly wouldn't have kept him occupied.

But the Chancellor had changed plans at the last minute, going off to an emergency meeting instead of pounding Ben into mush and Ben's friend had gone off the rotation the next day. Shortly thereafter, Benjamin himself had returned home and there had been no more chances to see Chancellor Jinn.

Ben was distracted from his increasingly depressing thoughts when Assistant Administrator Kimpa Lilorin suddenly charged into the room, her eyes blazing.

"Master Lars! Control this class! The Supreme Chancellor touring our school!"

Ben stood up so fast he knocked over his chair behind him. "The Chancellor is here?" he yelped. Then his face assumed a flat expression and he strode to the center of the room. He clapped his hands together and raised his voice to a no-nonsense, ringing tone. "Class! Seats! Now!"

There wasn't a child standing in the room within five seconds. And every single one of them looked a bit amazed about it.

Kimpa frankly stared. This young teacher was the most laid back in the school. How he'd maintained discipline had been a mystery to her until now. She looked around at the surprised little faces and then back at the teacher who now approached her.

"Admin Lilorin, I have no lesson plans for these little ones," Benjamin stated calmly. "Master Heth is their normal instructor."

"Just keep them quiet, Master Lars," she said reassuringly. "Read them a story and keep them occupied. Head Administrator Pomit doubts the Chancellor will tour the whole school but one never knows." The woman nodded briefly and then left the room.

"Yes, one never knows," Ben sighed as he eyed the innocent-seeming class.

After a moment, he chose a story to read and hopefully keep the class quiet. And keep his mind occupied. Chancellor Jinn was in the school. He probably wouldn't be coming to see his class. But then, he might decide to see all the classrooms. Ben couldn't decide if he wanted the man to come into his class or not.

Then he snorted to himself in disgust. Here he was a twenty-five-year-old veteran of the Callis Armed Forces, sighing and whimpering. Vel was right. He *was* a wimp. Grumbling in the back of his mind, Ben pulled a small chair to the center of the class and keyed on the story comp pad.

He was only a few sentences into the story when the door to his class slid open and men in the dark blue uniforms of the Chancellor's guard moved into the room. Ben recognized the figures at once and froze as an even more familiar form walked into the room. Dressed in a blue uniform so dark it was almost black, Khamier Sarin, the Chancellor's Chief of Security glanced around the room with a hard gaze. If he was here, the Chancellor must be...

Ben's thoughts were suddenly cut off by the high pitched scream of a frightened six-year-old.

"Its Darth Maul! RUN!!" he squealed, a panicked cry echoed by nineteen other voices. As one, the children rushed their teacher for protection, clutching at him frantically and pulling him off his chair and onto the floor where the majority tried to crawl into his lap and behind his back. A moment later and silence again descended on the classroom.

Ben sat on the floor in shock, completely covered by shaking and heavily breathing children. He took a moment to calm himself. Then he tried to stand. He was unsuccessful. The children clung even more closely.

"All right, class. Repeat after me," he said finally sighed. He wasn't even going to look at the doorway. "That is the Chancellor's bodyguard."

"That is the Chancellor's bodyguard," twenty little voices repeated.

"NOT Darth Maul."

Twenty pairs of eyes trained themselves suspiciously on the Zabrak standing next to the door who had been joined by several other figures. "Are you sure, Master Ben?" asked a little blond student who chewed on his bottom lip.

"Yes, I am quite sure, Amilin."

"But he's got horns on his head!" another little boy argued.

"He's a Zabrak," Ben said patiently, hoping the child behind him would soon let up on the choke hold around his neck. "All Zabraks have horns on their heads."

"Well *that's* pretty cool," one young lady said as she fingered her own forehead.

"But he could *still* be Darth Maul," the first little boy who raised the cry insisted.

"Wolrin, you'll notice that Commander Sarin does not have red and black stripes across his face," Ben said, trying to maintain a tone of reason in the face of overwhelming odds. "Nor is he carrying a double-bladed lightsaber."

"Well, yeah, but..."

"And I'm fairly certain that the Sith are considered to be extinct no matter what horror vid you saw yesterday," Ben continued.

"But there was a Sith in 'The Chronicles of Naboo'! Obi-Wan Kenobi killed him!" one of the older girls said tartly. Ben blanched as he turned beseeching eyes to the girl.

"Selioa, that is a work of fiction. It isn't real. And *please* tell me you have not read that book."

She looked up at him seriously as she settled further into his lap. "No, Master Ben, but my sister told me all about it."

"I hope she didn't tell you *all* about it," he muttered under his breath as he wished the floor would open up and swallow him whole. "All right, class, I think we've established that Commander Sarin is not a Sith Lord so please return to your seats."

Again, twenty pairs of eyes trained themselves on the figure of the Chancellor's chief of security and Ben could have sworn the man scowled at the kids on purpose. As one, the group moved closer to their teacher. Ben sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Damn, but he should have been a Jedi!

"You look like you could use some assistance, Master Lars."

The voice was as smooth as warm choctin honey and just as intoxicating. Benjamin felt a sense of inevitability about the whole thing at this point as his eyes tracked upwards and were caught and held fast by a deep blue gaze.

Of course, he couldn't meet the Chancellor when he was teaching his own class of highly talented, well-behaved students, no. And certainly not when he was dressed in the gorgeous livery of a Callistan student page of the senate. No, he had to meet the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic when he was covered with frantic, sticky children who'd seen one too many horror vids. This after a day of chasing after the same kids and getting stars knew *what* spilled on his favorite outfit...

"Master Lars?" Chancellor Jinn asked again after a moment of Ben staring up at him stupidly. The teacher flushed and looked down again, trying to maneuver the children off his legs so he could stand.

"Ah...yes, well...ummm..." *THINK dammit* "If you could just ask Commander Sarin to step outside, your Excellency, I think the kids would calm down a bit." Ben refused to glance up again. "Yesterday, a senior student thought it would be funny to change the kids Barni vid with a Darth Maul horror flick. So the kids were treated to Maul cutting up some poor Jedi into little bits."

"I see," Qui-Gon replied, amusement laced through his honeyed tones. In spite of his resolve, Ben looked up at him. The big man was glancing over at his security chief, who was smirking madly. Beside him, Head Administrator Pomit and Assistant Admin Lilorin stood in the doorway, staring in horror at the huddled children and teacher on the floor and the Supreme Chancellor towering over them. Ben sighed. Pomit didn't like him anyway and this was sure to make it straight into his record.

"I can see how you might mistake my chief of security for a Sith Lord, children," Chancellor Jinn said to the kids huddled on top of Ben. "He is rather fierce looking. Perhaps we should bring in a Jedi Knight to make sure Commander Sarin is kept in line."

Khamier's smirk disappeared.

"Yeah! A Jedi Knight!" Selioa cried happily. "He'll take care of Darth Maul! Did you bring Obi-Wan Kenobi with you?"

Ben flinched ever so slightly and Qui-Gon gave him a long, slow smile. "No, we didn't bring Obi-Wan but I know that Master Ben's brother is out in the hallway and he is an excellent Jedi Knight."

"WOW! Master Ben's brother is a Jedi?"

"We didn't know that!"

"Has he killed any Sith?" Wolrin asked Qui-Gon intently.

"I don't know. Shall I ask him to come inside? Then you can ask him yourself." the Chancellor inquired politely.

"YES!" shouted twenty little voices and Ben was relieved that their hands seemed to loosen as Qui-Gon glanced at Pomit who disappeared through the door. A moment later, Ben watched as his tall, striking brother appeared in the doorway, his Jedi robes perfectly in place. Dark hair and intent dark eyes lent to an image of danger and mystery that Ben knew Owen actually had to work hard at. His brother was the quintessential Jedi Knight, gentle on the inside but tough as refined steel on the outside. Of course, the smirk on Owen's face was definitely out of place but the kids wouldn't know that. Owen was obviously amused by his brother's predicament. Benjamin would be hearing about this one at family gatherings for decades to come.

As soon as the knight walked into the room, there was a stampede of forty little feet across the floor as the far from shy children converged on Knight Lars.

"Have you ever killed a Sith?"

"Can we see your light sword?"

"Do you know Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

Ben groaned. Perhaps he should lay off the novels for awhile. Obi-Wan Kenobi was becoming something of a nuisance.

He was about to struggle to his feet when the Chancellor held out his hand.

"Allow me," Qui-Gon said in a low tone as his blue eyes caught Ben's attention again. The younger man gently took the proffered hand and was pulled to his feet. For a few moments, he merely stared into Qui-Gon's eyes before he recalled himself and stepped back.

"I...ah...apologize again for the class's behavior, your Excellency," he said as he glanced over at the children currently pestering his brother. "They are usually much better behaved than this. That horror vid really scared them."

"I understand," the Chancellor replied with a smile. "Actually, Khamier has mentioned that one of his clan is the one who plays Darth Maul in that series of vids. So the children are not that far off target."

Ben started at the Chancellor's smile. In all the time he had served at the Senate, Ben couldn't recall seeing Qui-Gon Jinn smile once and without thinking, the younger man responded with a smile of his own. It was The Smile, as Vel referred to it, and as she had suspected it would, The Smile punched the Supreme Chancellor right in the stomach. However, Qui-Gon hadn't served in the Senate for thirty years for nothing and he was able to maintain his expression without showing just how much he wanted to jump Ben right here and now.

He did notice Knight Lars shooting him a narrow look before the Jedi glanced over at his younger brother. Ben was oblivious to his brother's worry as he smiled up at the Chancellor.

"I think we will be moving onto the next class, Master Lars," Qui-Gon forced himself to say. He wasn't looking forward to touring the rest of the school but the look of disappointment on Ben's face made him feel somewhat better.

"It was an honor to meet you, your Excellency," the younger man said with a slightly less radiant smile.

"The honor is mine, Master Lars." Qui-Gon nodded slightly as he glanced at Khamier. The man nodded before he began herding the gaping Administrators and their staff from the room. "I realize you are allowed few chances to see your brother. Shall I ask him to remain here for a visit with you?"

Ben nodded with a pleased look. "Thank you, sir. If you could spare him, I would like that very much. I don't get to see Owen very often." An evil light gleamed from Ben's eyes as he glanced at his brother. "And I *know* the children would love to keep him busy for awhile."

Qui-Gon chuckled slightly. Knight Lars tended to be a bit arrogant and seeing him entertaining a class filled with children would be interesting. Too bad he couldn't stay and watch. "He can remain, then, and rejoin my party for dinner this evening." The Chancellor settled his gaze firmly on Ben's eyes. "Perhaps you would join him, as well. I would be interested in hearing your opinion of this morning's speech."

His request had caught Ben by surprise as the young man's expression clearly showed. But Ben was also exceptionally pleased and Qui-Gon breathed a sigh of relief. This wooing business was a pain in the hindquarters but his instincts, which had never failed him, were telling him he needed to go slowly with Benjamin Lars.

"I would like that very much," Ben responded with a smile which Qui-Gon returned before he nodded and walked away. He stopped briefly by Knight Lars and said a few words. The Jedi nodded and then glanced at his brother with a puzzled expression. Then, preceded by his Security Chief and followed by his guards, the Supreme Chancellor walked out the door.

"I'd just like to know what he's up to," Owen stated as he watched his brother discard yet another choice from his closet.

"Why does he have to be up to anything?" Ben asked absently as he considered his wardrobe.

"Because he's the Supreme Chancellor, that's why," his brother replied tightly. "This whole educational tour was cooked up at the last minute and I don't understand why I was dragged along either." Owen ran his fingers through his short brown hair. "Its not like he needs a Jedi bodyguard when that rancor of a Security Chief is always hanging around."

Ben stilled for a moment before giving his elder brother a hesitant look. "Doesn't he...require service from you?" Owen glanced up at him in surprise. "I mean, he was always requesting a Jedi from the cadre at the Senate," Ben said hurriedly as he turned back to his closet. Owen gave his younger brother a speculative look. Gently, he reached out with the Force to gauge his sibling's reaction.

"Actually, no. Much to the amazement of the Temple, he hasn't requested the service of the Jedi in at least a month," Owen replied easily. "He hasn't asked for my service at all during this tour."

The Jedi was surprised at the level of relief that flowed from his brother though the only outward sign Ben gave was a brief nod. "Has he ever requested that of you?" the younger man asked quietly. "When you were assigned to the Senate?"

"Why do you ask?" Owen replied with a question of his own, still watching his brother carefully.

"I am curious, that's all," Ben replied and the Jedi felt the partial truth in his brother's words.

"That's not all," Owen stated as he stalked over to where Ben was tossing aside yet another outfit. He took hold of his brother's chin and stared into the clear eyes as he probed Ben's thoughts. "You have feelings for him."

Benjamin pushed his brother's hand aside and stepped back angrily. "Stop that! Owen, I hate it when you do that!"

Owen looked surprised. "You can feel it?"

"Of course, I can feel it! And I hate it!" Ben slammed the closet door and turned to his sibling. "Just because you're my brother doesn't give you the right to look in my head!"

The Jedi knight glanced away for a moment. "You're correct, Ben, I don't have that right and I'm sorry. I'm just concerned." Owen turned back to his brother. "Now, more than I was before. Do you know why the Chancellor invited you for dinner?"

"He said it was because he wanted my opinion on his speech this morning," the younger man replied and his brother snorted derisively.

"Yes, I'm sure that's why Chancellor Jinn asked you to dinner."

Ben gave him a hopeful look. "But I *hope* its because he wants to have sex with me."

Owen stared at him.

"With my luck, though, he really does want my opinion on the speech," Ben continued gloomily. "Which I didn't get to hear half of because of the kids."

Knight Lars slowly rubbed his forehead as he sank onto the bed. "Why do I ask you these questions, Ben?" he asked. "I should know better than to ask you a question like that yet still I do."

"Yeah, you'd think a smart Jedi like you would learn." Ben laughed and sat down beside him. "Owen, I know you worry about me but I really do pay attention to what's going on, most of the time."

"Do you?" The Jedi gave his sibling a serious look. "Do you understand what you will be getting into if Chancellor Jinn does want to roll you through the bedroom?"

The younger man stilled for a moment and then gave his brother a slight, wicked smile. "I know what the padawans and knights used to say about him and his various enthusiasms but..." His eyes darted up to meet his brother's. "That's why I wanted to know if you'd ever been with him. Maybe get some pointers."

Owen looked as if he was getting the beginnings of a migraine.

"Look, Owen, I can't help it," Ben said as he stood and paced away from his brother. "I can't explain it either but from the first time I saw Qui-Gon Jinn in the Senate Building, I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. It's almost as if I know him though I've never met him before today. He fascinates me. He's just so...so..."

"Yes, I know."

Ben glanced at his brother in surprise but continued. "I never thought I'd have a chance to see him again when I left Coruscant. But now I have *this* chance and I want to take it!" He narrowed his eyes and stared at his sibling intently. "Is that a problem for you?"

The knight rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "It's not a problem for me, brother-mine. But it could be for you. He's a raging tempest in bed and you'll never have another partner like him, especially if you prefer it rough and tumble. And you better if you intend to bed him."

"Oh I do," Ben replied with a wicked grin. Owen didn't return his smile. He stood and walked over to his brother.

"Benjamin, think about this. You just met this man. You hardly know him despite what you feel. You can't go in there expecting anything more emotional than basic lust." Ben flinched a bit and Owen laid his hand on his brother's shoulder. "I saw your feelings and they run deep. Are you sure you want to do this? Meaningless sex with a stranger is one thing. But...you're in love with him."

Benjamin said nothing for a time, staring at his hands thoughtfully. Then he turned to his brother.

"Just once, Owen. Just one night with him is all I want. And then I'll bury it with my other wishes and get on with my life." The younger man set his jaw in determination. "And I'll make it worth it."

Owen said nothing for a few moments and then simply nodded. "All right, then. I think you should wear the dark green. Chancellor Jinn seems to be partial to the color."

Qui-Gon Jinn stared out the window of the penthouse suite in the best hotel on the planet. It was a stunning view of the sunset but the Supreme Chancellor didn't even notice. He was trying to keep himself from pacing across the room and back again. He was trying to maintain the calm patience he was legendary for in the Senate. He was trying *not* to call Khamier again and ask if Knight Lars and his brother had arrived yet.

The Chancellor was actually worried that the pair might not arrive at all. Qui-Gon had a suspicion that Knight Lars would be something of an impediment to his seduction of the Jedi's brother and Qui-Gon had asked his security chief to come up with a suitable distraction for the man. Fortunately for Qui-Gon, Owen Lars was just the sort Khamier preferred and his security chief had merely commented that he would have to rearrange the schedule of his most trusted agents to allow for his absence.

Moving to the bar, Qui-Gon poured himself a glass of his favored white wine. In any case, it didn't matter what the Jedi's opinion on the matter was, Qui-Gon *would* have Benjamin Lars tonight and he *would* find out exactly where that young man had learned about some of the stunts his characters acted out so well in his novels. Just thinking about some of those scenes made the Chancellor twitch in anticipation as his mind finally settled on his first impression of Ben.

On the surface, he seemed a twin to Obi-Wan except for the longer hair, which Qui-Gon couldn't wait to run his fingers through. But Ben certainly seemed more hesitant than the young Knight who had so captivated him. Then again, Ben seemed a bit younger than his counterpart and he hadn't had the intense training the Jedi Knight had endured. Nor the tragic losses. Qui-Gon couldn't expect Ben to be exactly the same as Obi-Wan though that smile he'd flashed this afternoon certainly did a number on his heart-rate.

The Chancellor's lips curved into a grin when he remembered the look of complete surprise on the young man's face as his class of children swarmed him under. Surprise and supreme embarrassment. Qui-Gon had almost felt sorry for him.

But not sorry enough to leave him alone. When Qui-Gon had offered Ben a hand up, it was more to allow himself to finally touch the young man than to help him to his feet. And the response he had gotten from the teacher was well worth the effort. Ben was obviously effected by him and the Chancellor was going to use that to his advantage tonight. After waiting a lifetime and a month, Qui-Gon would finally have his mate.

Qui-Gon gently ran his fingers along the rim of his wineglass and considered the word. Mate. That was what he wanted with Benjamin, wasn't it. Despite the fact that they had only just met, Qui-Gon wanted the younger man by his side. He had never considered tying himself to one person, had never thought he'd want to, though, as he'd confided in Obi-Wan, he'd been searching in the last years for someone he could trust. His career in the Senate was his sole purpose and he'd never considered anything else half so important.

But finally seeing Benjamin this afternoon had changed that single-mindedness in a simple clasp of hands. And it wasn't only the young man's sensual beauty that appealed to him. There was something stronger and deeper, something he couldn't quite define but which he knew was there. Qui-Gon knew, without a doubt, that he was meant to be with Benjamin and that was that.

Obi-Wan had said that he'd been a Jedi Master in other realities and he might have been here as well if his father hadn't kept him from the Temple. Perhaps it was those Jedi senses he was using when he saw so much in Ben's eyes. That first look he had shared with Ben had touched him even in a way even Obi-Wan had not.

The sudden beep of his communicator interrupted Qui-Gon's thoughts and he pulled out the small device. "Jinn."

"Your guest has arrived, your Excellency," Khamier's rather sour voice reported. "He's on his way up."

"My guest? As in the singular?"

"Yes, sir. Apparently, Knight Lars received an urgent communication from the Temple and had to return the call."

"I see." Qui-Gon could not restrain his grin and he knew his bodyguard could hear it in his voice. "Thank you, Khamier. Sorry about your ruined plans."

"Don't worry about it, sir. I'll just have to follow up on them during the transport home."

"You do that," the Chancellor said as he turned off his communicator and laid it aside. He tried to maintain a steady pace as he approached the elevator that was the only entrance into the suite of rooms and he arrived just as the doors were opening. Benjamin Lars stepped off followed by one of Khamier's agents. The agent bowed briefly to the Chancellor and then returned to the elevator without making a sound. Ben didn't even notice the man leaving as he again found himself lost in Qui-Gon's blue eyes. Eventually, he remembered where he was and gave a brief bow.

"Owen sends his regrets, your Excellency, but he had an urgent communication from the Temple about his last mission and had to follow up on it immediately." The younger man gave him a hesitant smile. "He didn't think it would be a short call and he sent me on ahead. I hope you don't mind that I came without him."

"Not at all," Qui-Gon managed to say in a bland tone as he gestured towards the bar. "I was just having a drink before our dinner arrives. Would you care to join me?"

Benjamin smiled and nodded as he moved in the direction Qui-Gon had indicated. He felt a huge relief that the Chancellor had not booted him out the door when he had arrived without Owen. No matter what his brother said, he couldn't quite believe that the Supreme Chancellor wouldn't be angry about Owen standing him up.

Qui-Gon, however, had already relegated Knight Lars to the back of his mind as he followed Ben just far enough back to appreciate the fact that no matter how gorgeous a man is, he certainly looked better when dressed well.

"Help yourself to what you wish, Master Lars," Qui-Gon noted as his guest approached the bar.

"Please, just call me Ben," the younger man said with a chuckle as he surveyed the drinks available. "Master Lars is a language teacher that puts the fear of the Sith into his students when they don't get their work done."

"Is that what happened with the five-year-olds this afternoon?" Qui-Gon couldn't help asking in a teasing tone. Ben looked back at him with a laugh.

"No it was the Head Administrator's son who accomplished that feat." The teacher slowly shook his head as he turned back and chose the same white wine that Qui-Gon had earlier poured himself. "Those poor kids are probably having nightmares as we speak."

"Khamier certainly didn't help matters," the Chancellor noted absently as he moved closer to his guest to watch as Ben tentatively sipped the wine. Qui-Gon's eyes were pinned to Ben's lips as a delighted expression appeared on the teacher's face.

"This is very good," he complimented as he glanced up at Qui-Gon. "And I saw your security chief deliberately scowl at the little ones. No wonder they were frightened of him."

"Yes, they were," Qui-Gon replied as he reached out to touch Ben's cheek and then rubbed the pad of his thumb across the teacher's lower lip. The younger man's quick, sharp breath drew the Chancellor's gaze up to Ben's wide eyes. They were focused on him with an almost amazed look.

To the Sith Hells with slowly. His instincts could take a flying leap.

"I don't think I can wait for you any longer, Benjamin," he said softly as he took the drink from Ben's hand and set it aside, never taking his eyes from the gray-green gaze.

"You can't have been waiting too long," Ben noted faintly as he moved closer to Qui-Gon and immediately, the Chancellor's large, warm hands settled around his face, guiding that perfect mouth closer to his own.

"Longer than I knew," Qui-Gon breathed as he finally claimed Ben's mouth. Gently, he outlined the lips, sucking on the lower one before Ben opened his mouth with a sigh. The sensation of their tongues touching was almost electric and Qui-Gon suddenly jerked the smaller man closer, ravishing his mouth, tasting, pillaging, possessing.

Just as suddenly, the Chancellor pulled back, his eyes searching Ben's for any sign of fear or panic. This was not a Jedi, trained to serve the Republic in any and every way. This was Benjamin, *his* Benjamin, who may or may not want what he wanted, what he needed.

"I know you've heard of what I want in my partners, Benjamin," he said in a harsh tone as he pulled the tie from the younger man's hair and ran his fingers through its tawny length.

Ben leaned into the caress. "I've heard," he noted wryly.

"Does it bother you?" Qui-Gon had never asked that question nor cared for the answer but he waited for Benjamin's reply.

The younger man merely leaned forward to run his hands up Qui-Gon's chest. "Owen said you've read my books, Chancellor Jinn," he chuckled. "And I make it a policy never to write about things I don't research thoroughly."

Qui-Gon stopped breathing for a moment before his hands tightened on Ben's shoulders. Then he was pulling the younger man towards his bedroom.

"I hope you weren't hungry because I think we are about to miss dinner."

The teacher grinned. "Oh, I think I can find something to nibble on."

Qui-Gon stopped at the doorway to his bedroom and pulled Ben to him for another rough, searing kiss. The sensation of kissing this man was so much more vivid than he remembered, more taste, more feeling, more passion, just damn *more*...

He pushed the smaller man against the wall and pressed closer, running his hands along Ben's dark green tunic, searching for the warm skin beneath. A moment later, the shirt dropped to the floor and Qui-Gon's hands were stroking possessively down Ben's chest as his lips were trailing down the younger man's neck, looking for the spot he knew would be so sensitive, a spot just here...

Benjamin arched against him with a hiss of indrawn breath as his new lover nipped and sucked a passion mark at the base of his throat. His hands clenched in the soft fabric of Qui-Gon's surcoat as he breathed in the scent of the larger man's hair. He *knew* that scent. It had haunted him all his life, prodded him when he was writing those erotic scenes his books were so famous for. He leaned forward and rubbed his cheek against that silky hair as he pressed his groin hard into Qui-Gon's thigh.

"Please," he panted. "Please, I need...I want...I've waited..."

"So have I!" Qui-Gon said hoarsely as he pulled the younger man into the bedroom. He pressed Benjamin onto the bed and covered him completely as he ground his solid erection against that lithe body. Ben's legs wrapped around Qui-Gon's hips and pulled the man closer but he was frustrated by the fabric still between them.

"Skin!" he demanded just as Qui-Gon kissed him hard. Then the Chancellor leaned back and stared down at the beautifully flushed face.

"Yes," the Chancellor said sharply as he pulled Ben's boots off, quickly followed by his black, skin-tight pants. "Skin would be a good thing," he growled as his big palms moved up the strong legs and hard thighs and his lips tasted the soft steel column between them.

"You too!" Ben gasped and bucked. Qui-Gon grinned wickedly as he held the man's hips in a tight grip and laved the base of Ben's erection with his tongue.

"In time, Benjamin," he said before he ran his tongue up the inside of the thick, red shaft. "We have all the time we need." The younger man groaned as his fingers settled over Qui-Gon's hands.

"I don't think it'll take too long at this rate," Ben noted breathlessly as he tried to lean into his lover's lips.

Qui-Gon ran the tip of his tongue just around the tip of Ben's penis, sliding into the slit and sipping. "That sounds like a challenge," he said with an evil smile. Qui-Gon spent the next eternity showing Ben just how long it could take.

"Never underestimate the longevity inherent in the art of fellatio," Qui-Gon finally pointed out to a whimpering and wiggling Ben. The younger man reacted by leaning forward, twisting his fingers into Qui-Gon's hair and kissing him with all the longing he'd built up in five years of unrequited love for the man.

"I don't want art!" he finally growled against Qui-Gon's lips as he stared into passion blue eyes. "I want science! Biology to be precise! Now, fuck me, damnit!"

Issued in the same precise tones, the command from Ben got the same response as Obi-Wan had gotten a little more than a month before. Qui-Gon pulled back and stared at his lover, his eyes narrow and focused. Then he unsteadily stood to unclasp the surcoat he still wore.

Ben balanced on the edge of the bed as he caressed emerging skin. His fingers stroked firmly through the soft chest hair and swirled around the dark nipples. Slowly, his hands moved down, to the fastenings of Qui-Gon's pants and a few moments more saw his lover as bare as he was.

Using both hands, Ben roughly caressed the heated length of Qui-Gon's erection, spreading the leaking fluid from the tip over each portion of satiny skin he could reach. Qui-Gon hissed as he pulled Ben forward for a deep, hard kiss. Then he stepped away to the table beside the bed and retrieved a bottle of oil.

"Let me," Ben breathed as he took the bottle. Qui-Gon reached into Ben's tawny hair with both hands and pulled him forward for another blistering kiss, focusing on the taste and touch of his young lover as Ben ran his fingers, slick with the oil, along his hard shaft.

Finally, Qui-Gon pushed Ben down to the bed. Slicking his fingers from the generous coating of oil Ben had used, Qui-Gon leaned over his lover, more aroused than he could ever remember being. "Turn over," he commanded roughly but Ben shook his head.

"Please, I want to watch you," he said as he pulled his legs up, his clear eyes boring into Qui-Gon's gaze as he offered himself so openly. "I want to *see* you inside me. I want to remember this."

Qui-Gon froze for a moment before he took the bottle of oil and poured more into his hands before he set the bottle aside. He rubbed his hands together, warming the oil before he ran his slick palms down Ben's erection. The smaller man arched into Qui-Gon's touch as he traced a fiery path to the puckered ring that waited and the Chancellor circled the ring with heavy fingertips, watching as Ben's face reflected what he was feeling. The younger man's eyes were half closed but his gaze was focused on Qui-Gon like a laser as the larger man pushed a blunted finger into Ben's tight heat. Ben's mouth opened but no sound came out as he pressed himself down onto Qui-Gon's finger. After a few moments, a second finger joined the first, stretching the skin inside. The younger man was tight, so tight and warm and Qui-Gon was enthralled, watching his lover's rising ecstasy until he could wait no longer.

Roughly, he pushed Ben's thighs farther apart, pushed the knees up higher as he leaned down to press his reddened shaft into the entrance of Ben's body. The younger man arched up and screamed as Qui-Gon rammed into him with a hoarse cry. He grabbed Ben's hips in a tight grip that he knew would...that he *wanted* to...leave marks. He pulled back fully and slammed in again, setting a steadily increasing pace, hard fast thrusts that pounded against Ben's prostate and pulled ecstatic screams from Ben's throat. The sensations rolled over the teacher like a tidal wave and he exploded with a high keening wail. Qui-Gon watched the expressions on his lover's face and as Ben's body tightened around him, he slammed inside again. All the tension, frustration and anticipation that had quietly pulled Qui-Gon apart for the last month exploded from him as he came, arching deep into Ben's body with a bellow of triumph.

Qui-Gon slowly forced his hands to release Ben's hips before he eased himself down beside his lover.

"That was... astonishing," Ben whispered as he struggled to calm his heart rate. "It's never been like that before." Qui-Gon pulled Ben close, nuzzling the man's neck and lingering over the passion mark that bruised its pale surface.

"That was just the beginning," Qui-Gon replied softly with a reminiscent smile as Benjamin almost purred at the touch on that sensitive spot. "Just the beginning." Then the young man chuckled. Qui-Gon raised his brows slightly. "Ticklish there?" he queried as he lapped the spot again.

"No," Ben replied as he ran his fingers into the Chancellor's hair. "I was just thinking how perfectly drawn Quinn is."

Qui-Gon stiffened and leaned back, his eyes narrow. Who the Sith Hell was Quinn and why was Ben thinking about him in Qui-Gon's bed?

"He's a perfect politician, completely calm, never ruffled, can stand down a Mandalorian army and think nothing of it. But wind him up, get him in bed and he's a sonic fireball. Just like you." Benjamin chuckled again, oblivious as Qui-Gon drew even farther back. "Obi-Wan has the complete hots for him. Can't help himself, really."

"Obi-Wan?" the Chancellor asked, a bit confused as Ben finally looked up at him. The younger man reached out to gently trace one of Qui-Gon's raised brows.

"Yes, Obi-Wan." Ben's fingers moved along Qui-Gon's cheek. "He has a serious case for Chancellor Quinn. I think its going to cause him problems in the next book."

Qui-Gon caught his lover's fingers. "You're thinking about your book? Now?" The man didn't know whether to be insulted or not. Ben just looked a bit surprised.

"Well, yes. You remind me of Quinn." The teacher gave his companion a somewhat sheepish smile. "I think he was based a little on you in the beginning. Probably still is, now that I think about it."

The Chancellor looked thoughtful. "So this would be a compliment to me?" he asked after a moment. "You thinking of a character in your book after having astonishing sex with me."

Benjamin looked a bit more focused than he had a moment before. "I think so. I hope I haven't offended you, sir."

Qui-Gon pulled his lover close again and leaned down to kiss him. "Not at all," he said as he intently caught Ben's gaze. "But if Quinn is based on me, who is Obi-Wan based on?"

Ben stared at Qui-Gon for a long moment before he dropped his eyes, his cheeks a bit more flushed than they were before. "No one. He came from a dream I had that wouldn't go away."

Gentle fingers wound into Ben's hair, pulling his gaze back to Qui-Gon. "A dream?" the man asked as he trailed two fingers across Ben's cheek and then gently traced the younger man's swollen lips. Ben took his fingers into his mouth and sucked on them as Qui-Gon's eyes darkened again. "One day you'll have to share that dream with me, my Obi-Wan."

The teacher chuckled at that. "I'm the farthest thing from Obi-Wan Kenobi you could possibly get."

Qui-Gon looked at him, his dark blue gaze unreadable. "Not as far as you might think," he said as he leaned down again to light his lover's passion.

"My Benjamin," Qui-Gon sighed as he drifted a few hours later into an exhausted, sated sleep, his arms twined around his lover's chest and his face nestled in the silk of Ben's hair. The Chancellor laughed softly, contentedly as his arm tightened briefly. "My Obi-Wan."

Ben smiled faintly at the nickname as he lay in the darkness, listening to Qui-Gon's slow and steady breathing. His fingertips ghosted along the arm twined possessively around him, feeling each plane and muscle. He was as exhausted from their lovemaking as his partner was but all he could think of was that sleep would deprive him of what little time remained with this man. He could almost believe that Qui-Gon felt some slight affection for him but he quickly stomped down on that thought. Still, he felt so easy in Qui-Gon's presence, at peace, so happy and content, feelings he'd experienced all too rarely in his life.

If only he really was Obi-Wan, Ben thought sadly. If only he was any Jedi for that matter, he might actually have a chance of seeing Qui-Gon again. As it was, the man was probably headed off world as soon as his transport could warm up in the morning. Though Callis was the last stop for Chancellor Jinn's educational lectures, it was hardly a planet that he would be interested in touring for pleasure's sake.

Ben inhaled slowly, memorizing the scent of the man behind him and the musky smell of their lovemaking. Slowly, he reached up and caught a long tendril of Qui-Gon's hair between his fingers. He brought it to his cheek almost reverently, feeling the silk of it brush along his chin with a sigh.

If only he had been allowed to go to the temple for training, no doubt he would have run into Qui-Gon in his duties as a senior padawan. The thought that he had come so close to being sent to the Temple and then be pulled back by his father just to spite his mother had always been an ache in his soul. From that pain, however, Obi-Wan Kenobi had been spun, so at least it wasn't a total loss. With tales from his brother and the things he had seen himself in the Senate, Ben had created characters that in return had created him a fortune. Not that it truly mattered all that much when he was here, lying in Qui-Gon's arms.

If only he had crossed paths with Qui-Gon when he had been a page for the Callistan Senator. Qui-Gon had always seemed so stern and serious, an image that clashed rather stunningly with the tales his Jedi friends imparted about the Chancellor in bed. The comparison had been one Ben had wanted to make for himself but had never had the chance.

If, if, if! The possibilities were endless as well as pointless. No matter what road he had taken to get here, he was finally in the place he had most wanted to be since he'd first seen Qui-Gon Jinn years before.

And now he almost wished he wasn't.

His brother's words came back to haunt him with a vengeance. Having sex with a stranger was one thing but making love with Qui-Gon...that had definitely ruined his life. And to Benjamin, it had been making love. Though he'd never met the Chancellor before yesterday afternoon and would probably never see the man again after being sent on his way in the morning, Ben knew that his heart irrevocably belonged to Qui-Gon Jinn.

This had been a very foolish thing to do, Ben finally decided unhappily. Obi-Wan Kenobi was definitely going to get his heart broken in the next book because, damn it, Ben was not going to suffer through this heartbreak alone.

Slowly and gently, Ben turned himself into Qui-Gon's embrace and laid his head on the big man's chest, listening to the reassuring thump of the heart just beneath his ear. His fingertips moved along the Chancellor's chest, feeling, memorizing, and reveling in the sensation.

"My Qui-Gon," he breathed just to once hear the words aloud.

He would stay here a little while longer, basking in Qui-Gon's scent and presence and then he would leave. Ben didn't think he would handle being sent on his way by Qui-Gon very well and he would just as soon leave before the Chancellor woke.

But just a little longer wouldn't hurt, he told himself as he breathed in deeply again. Just a little bit longer to remember.

Owen surfaced slowly from his meditations, feeling the moment intently and reveling in the warmth of the morning sunlight that fell through the windows. He took his time, drawing out the moment, enjoying a secret delight in tormenting the pacing agent who had come into his room without so much as a by your leave. After a moment more, the Jedi knight opened his eyes and smiled benignly at the Chancellor's chief of security.

"Good morning, Commander Sarin. I trust you slept well." His words were bland as he gracefully rose from the floor and the zabrak gave him a suspicious look. Had that been a taunt? Surely, the knight didn't know of the plans he had so discreetly ruined the evening before.

"His Excellency would like to see you, Knight Lars," Khamier finally said with no inflection to his tone though his eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Owen merely nodded.

"Very well." The knight was well aware of Khamier's eyes following him but he certainly didn't move any quicker for it as he picked up his lightsaber and attached it to his belt. Finally, he pulled on his cloak and moved towards the door. "Shall we go meet him?"

There was only one entrance to the Chancellor's suite of rooms, a special elevator from the main lobby of the hotel. Owen followed Khamier across the hotel lobby with something of a smirk playing across his lips. The Commander was obviously frustrated about something and Owen had a good idea about what that something was. One could indeed pass the time on a boring tour of duty by frustrating certain bodyguards out of their minds.

Owen moved into the elevator past Commander Sarin's agents with Khamier following just behind. As the elevator lifted swiftly to the penthouse, the Jedi gently probed the Force, picking up hints of impatience and irritation from the agent beside him as well as frustration and a good deal of anger from the room just opening before them.

Khamier stepped out first, leading the knight through the suite to where the Supreme Chancellor waited. Qui-Gon stared out the large windows, perfectly still, a cloak of calm about him. But a Jedi looks beyond what seems to be and Owen could clearly see that Qui-Gon Jinn was upset. As there was no sense of Ben in the apartment, and Owen knew that his brother had been here, the knight was fairly certain where this conversation was going to go.

The big man finally turned to him. His face serene but his blue eyes were hard. "Knight Lars, I have some questions concerning your brother."

"I'll answer if I can, your Excellency," the Jedi replied with a slight bow.

"For some reason, Benjamin found it necessary to leave this morning without even waiting for me to awaken." The Chancellor gave the Jedi Knight an intent glance. "I would like your opinion as to why he would leave so precipitously."

"He's always been polite," Owen replied carefully. "He must have had reasons to leave so suddenly."

"Until this morning, your brother was a perfect guest," the Chancellor noted quietly as he glanced out the window. Perfect for me, he thought and the words zinged their way through the Force louder than if he'd spoken them.

Owen considered the man's thought for a long moment, concealing the surprise it had caused, before he folded his hands together in his sleeves. "Why do you think that would change, your Excellency?" the knight finally asked.

"I asked you for your insight on the matter, Knight Lars," Qui-Gon responded in a clipped tone. "Not for you to question me about it."

"I apologize, sir, but I was not here and don't know what would cause Ben to leave in such a manner." Owen looked at the Chancellor thoughtfully. "Perhaps the question should be why would he have stayed?"

Qui-Gon's blue eyes narrowed as he glared at the knight. Owen returned the gaze with typical, irritating Jedi serenity.

"I don't know what you intended, your Excellency, but what I saw was the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic choosing to spend the evening with a language teacher he had just met. A strikingly handsome, somewhat youngish language teacher whose primary goal in life at the moment is to get his students through to finals successfully. Why would Ben, who is sometimes a bit more humble than he should be, expect more than just an evening with the Chancellor of the Republic? Why would he think the Chancellor would expect more?"

"You have no idea what passed between us, Jedi," Qui-Gon said coldly.

"No I don't," Owen said mildly, though his eyes were stony. "I can only tell you what I know. I know that Ben has never slept with someone within a day of having met them. I also know that he would never stay with someone he was not at least very fond of." The knight looked directly into the Chancellor's eyes. "And I know that if he was expecting to be shown the door first thing this morning, he would have left on his own." Owen's words stopped abruptly. His brother's feelings were not Owen's to share. "Ben spent a lot of time with the padawans of the Senate cadre when he was on Coruscant, your Excellency. He has only that example of your habits to go by."

Qui-Gon stared at the Jedi for a long moment before he turned away to blindly survey the scenery beyond the windows. He considered Owen's words for a long time, thinking on what the knight had said and what he hadn't.

The Chancellor had could not recall having ever been so angry - or so hurt, he had to admit as well - as when he woke up this morning to find Ben gone without a word. It had only taken him a few minutes to get Khamier on the job of finding the young teacher again and the Chancellor knew exactly where his lover had gone but now he wanted to know why. And he wasn't in the mood to guess. This situation was entirely too similar to the time he had spent with Obi-Wan: one night of ecstasy only to lose it to Fate or the Force the next morning.

Qui-Gon forced himself to consider the previous evening dispassionately. Arrival, drinks, pounce. There hadn't been time taken for any serious conversation though he remembered gentle teasing and affectionate words along with the hard, raging passion they had shared that had reduced him to a state of utter exhaustion.

Benjamin would not know that such teasing affection was not what Qui-Gon usually enjoyed with his partners. The teacher had brought that out of him quite unexpectedly. His young lover also wouldn't know the lengths to which Qui-Gon had gone just to finally meet him.

"I should have told him," he murmured under his breath but the Jedi heard him.

"Ben has never been one to make assumptions in his own favor. He's far more likely to assume the worst and roll with that." Owen gave the tall man a keen look. "Perhaps I could arrange a meeting with him, tomorrow," he offered, despite his worry.

"No, Knight Lars, today," Chancellor Jinn replied firmly as he turned back to the Jedi. "I will see him again today." He turned to Kamier. "Arrange it."

Vellen nibbled on a honeyed biscuit as she tried to concentrate on the as yet unreleased trashy novel Ben had conned out of his publishers for her. Her eyes, however, kept straying in the direction of the house where Ben had currently exiled himself. Finally, she set her book aside. She was too worried about her cousin to continue reading and she stretched her legs before she stood and wandered across the room. Absently, she stared out the wall of windows that overlooked one of the most beautiful valleys on the planet.

Vel leaned her forehead against the window and sighed. She'd never seen her cousin so down. He'd walked in, grabbed a quick shower, a bit to eat for breakfast and then headed towards his study with barely a nod for her. That was so unlike him that she almost followed him. But years of experience told her that would be a very foolish thing to do. Especially in his present state of mind. No one went into Ben's study when he shut the door.

At this point, though, she was considering doing exactly that when her eyes caught the sparkling movement of a skimmer coming up the valley. When she focused her gaze, she found there were actually four skimmers and they were headed directly for Ben's home.

Surprised, she watched as the skimmers settled quietly beside her own sporty little transport. Three of the skimmers immediately opened to release several uniformed men who took off in every direction. The fourth skimmer opened to allow four figures into the afternoon sunlight. Two more blue uniformed men, a Jedi Knight - Owen! - and a tall, distinguished figure who stared up at the house with a distinct look of surprise on his handsome face. A moment more and the four were joined by a few of the guards as they moved towards the stairs leading up to the main door of the house.

Suddenly, she remembered her cousin's words from yesterday morning: "Perhaps Owen can give me some new ideas. He is traveling with the Chancellor, you know."

"Oh shit," she muttered as she moved towards the door.

Owen quietly followed the Chancellor and Commander Sarin up the pathway leading to Ben's home. He had doubts about this, about Chancellor Jinn and his brother, but he kept them to himself and hoped that the Force knew what it was doing. The Chancellor had been adamant about finding Ben today and nothing Owen had said could persuade him to wait.

Even with the politician's mask firmly in place, the knight could tell that the Chancellor was surprised at Ben's home. Nestled at the top of a practically uninhabited valley, a low, stately house rambled along the edge of the valley. It looked nothing like where he thought a teacher would live but in Owen's opinion it looked just like his brother. Subtle yet a bit sophisticated in a naive sort of way, sequestered away where no one could see it or appreciate it. Ben had purchased this home with the proceeds of his first two books and he tended to isolate himself there. The knight had been surprised to see another skimmer besides his brother's parked on the pad since Ben didn't extend invitations to many people.

He was relieved to see Vellen when the inner door finally opened. Sarin made his way past the Chancellor to look her over. Through the glass door, she stared warily at the bodyguard before her eyes moved over the Chancellor and finally settled on himself. Her brows rose slightly and Owen nodded. With only a slight hesitation, she keyed open the door and stepped back.

Khamier moved in the door immediately. He circled her once, looking her over for weapons before he disappeared into the house, followed by another agent. She watched them go with wide eyes before she turned back to find Chancellor Jinn before her. She stifled a surprised yelp and stepped back again as she looked up at him. Her eyes were the same gray-green as Ben's, Qui-Gon noted absently and found himself relieved. She must be a relation to have such eyes.

"Chancellor Jinn, this is my cousin, Vellen Lars," Owen said as he appeared beside the big man. "She and Benjamin practically grew up together."

Qui-Gon glanced at the knight for a moment and wondered if the man had read his mind to give such a reassuring introduction. When he turned his attention back to Vellen, her clear eyes were the widest he'd seen so far, staring at him in something close to amazement.

"I...I am at a loss of what to do," she stammered, her face filling with color as she looked frantically at Owen. Qui-Gon gave her a gentle smile as he held out his hand. She automatically extended her own hand, which he bowed graciously over.

"I am honored to meet you, Syn Lars," he stated in his quiet voice.

"Oh," she blurted after a breathless moment. "I can certainly understand Ben's problem now." Qui-Gon glanced up at her with an amused look and she clamped her mouth shut. Ben would *not* appreciate her laying his crush out before the object of it. "I mean, welcome, your Excellency," she said hastily. "You are most welcome here."

She looked rather embarrassed and the Chancellor restrained his grin with some difficulty. This young woman was very like his Benjamin.

"Thank you, Syn Lars," he said quietly as he glanced around. "I am hoping to find Benjamin here."

"Ummmm, yes he is here but..." Vellen glanced at Owen with a pleading look. "He's kind of indisposed right now."

Qui-Gon's eyes narrowed a bit. "Indisposed?"

She nodded slowly. "He's...sort of...meditating," she explained.

"Meditating? Ben?" Owen looked startled. He reached out to find his brother's Force signature and found it, intently focused, on the level below them. He certainly seemed to be meditating on something.

"Um, yes," Vellen stammered as her eyes glanced at the Chancellor. "He's doing...ah...Obi's Meditations." She gave her cousin a meaningful, don't-be-stupid look.

The Jedi suddenly understood and chuckled. "It's all right, Vellen. Chancellor Jinn is aware of Ben's other interests."

"He is?" she asked in surprise. Qui-Gon glanced at him questioningly.

"She means Ben is writing," Owen clarified.

"I see," Qui-Gon said as he gave the girl a reassuring look. "I'm well aware of his writing. He has a great talent."

The young woman immediately gave him a blazing smile very similar to Ben's as her eyes grew warm. "Yes he does, and he would be so happy to hear you say that. Would you please tell him? Coming from you, it would mean a lot to him."

"Indeed?" the big man gave her a thoughtful look before he glanced up at Khamier's approach.

"The house is secure, sir," the Commander reported briefly. "He's downstairs. Shall we bring him up?"

"You went into Ben's study?" Vellen asked in a worried tone, bringing Sarin's attention to her. "You didn't disturb him, did you?"

"He didn't even know we were there," Khamier said with a frown. "He was too busy cursing at his terminal." The guard glanced at the Chancellor with a smirk. "You can certainly tell he's a language teacher."

"I would like to see him," Jinn said as he glanced at Vellen with an especially charming expression. Her smile dimmed and she bit her lip.

"I don't think that's a good idea," she said reluctantly. "At least not at the moment."

"Is he that bad, Vel?" Owen asked, concerned.

Qui-Gon looked at the young woman, his charming look hardening a bit. "Is there a problem?"

"Oh no, sir, not at all, but if we tried to interrupt him at the moment..." Vellen said with a deliberative look, trying to think of a way to explain her cousin's behavior. Finally, with a mental shrug, she said, "Ben would probably say his Obi-muse has him by the throat and won't let go. Then he would tell you to get out and he wouldn't be very polite about it."

The Chancellor looked at her oddly. He wasn't quite sure how to take that.

"I've never seen him like this, Owen," Vellen added with a glance at the knight. "He called the school to let them know he'd be out today and probably tomorrow. Then he disappeared into his study. He's only surfaced once since he got home this morning. He came out looking pissed off, cursed his way across the house - and where he learned some of those words *I'll* never know - then he grabbed a glass of Hylan Whisky and headed back into his study. That was about three hours ago."

"This is unusual behavior for him, I hope?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Well, the cursing and the whisky are at any rate," Vellen admitted.

"Then...this is normal behavior?" the Chancellor asked warily. Owen thought he looked a bit worried. The young woman pursed her lips thoughtfully before she sighed.

"No, not really. Usually, he just quietly disappears into his study and surfaces occasionally for food." She tapped her finger on her chin as she tried to explain. "Its easy to tell when he's about to get himself all wrapped up in a story. He starts relating his characters to what's going on around him. Obi-Wan and Quinn start turning up in the most unlikely, usually highly inappropriate conversations."

The Chancellor glanced down at her quickly and she was surprised to see a faint bit of color come into his cheeks.

"But there was none of that this time," she continued. "He just came in and attacked his terminal." She suddenly looked thoughtful. "Actually, he's been suffering from a writer's block for the last few months. Maybe he's making up for lost time."

"But surely he wouldn't mind an interruption for a few minutes," Qui-Gon said reasonably, trying not to offend the girl by just ordering Ben's appearance. Though, he would if he had to. Qui-Gon *would* see Ben today and find out what was going on in his lover's head. He didn't want to lose anymore time than they already had.

Owen and Vellen traded glances before the knight crossed his arms, his hands disappearing into his brown sleeves.

"To say he's writing doesn't really explain his state of mind when he goes into his study like this, sir," the Jedi explained. "He's so wrapped up in his own world, he doesn't notice anything else until he reaches his stopping point."

"And he's not very pleasant to be around when this happens," Vellen ventured as she glanced at the Chancellor. "He can be quite...well I guess the right word would be pissy...when he's interrupted during his writing."

Qui-Gon looked at the woman as he tried to imagine his companion from the evening before in a 'pissy' mood. All he remembered was Benjamin's flushed features and sated smile.

"I would like to see him," Qui-Gon finally stated. "Now. Please take me to him."

Owen inwardly sighed but gave the man a serene bow. "Very well, sir. This way."

He moved across the room in the direction of Ben's study with Qui-Gon close beside him. Vellen gave the pair a worried look and started chewing on her nails. She wondered if someone could be put in prison for blessing out the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic in a fit of interrupted writer's pique.

Qui-Gon walked down the stairway leading to the basement as the door clicked shut behind him. Owen had merely palmed opened the door and gestured down the stairs before he turned to rejoin his cousin. The Chancellor had been grateful for his discretion and the fact that he hadn't had to send the knight packing.

At the bottom of the stairs, the Chancellor stopped and looked around. The basement ran the length of the house but it was one huge room. One huge cluttered room, Qui-Gon corrected himself as he made his way across the floor. In the distance, around a corner, he heard the amazingly fast tapping of a keyboard along with some amazingly inventive curses. The Chancellor smiled as he followed the voice. Khamier was right. Ben certainly was a language teacher. And such language!

As he moved, Qui-Gon glanced around the room filled with Ben's clutter. Along one wall were bookshelves crammed with books, datachips and papers of all sorts. Along the other wall were tables cluttered with various items and a surprisingly long couch. Blankets and pillows attested to its use as a bed and various writing implements sticking out of its back implied that perhaps, even then, Ben didn't sleep. And hung all on every available surface were holos, posters, prints and other items that Qui-Gon guessed were important to Ben.

Among the pictures, Qui-Gon found five large prints, each of the covers of Benjamin's novels. Along side the prints was a large box containing two medals and a news article detailing a rescue Ben had been involved in when he was in the Callis military. And beside that was a large holo of Ben, Vellen and Owen, taken Qui-Gon guessed, on the day of the Jedi's knighting. The big man reached out gently to trace the shape of Ben's face in the holo. He was obviously happy for his brother though Qui-Gon could almost get a sense of sadness from the image as well.

The Chancellor drew back, surprised at the thought. It was just a holo like thousands he'd seen in his life. But this one seemed to tell him more.

Shaking his head, the man moved on, glancing at the curiosities throughout the room. Finally, he rounded a corner and saw Benjamin, hunched over the monitor of a large communications terminal. The young man was completely involved with whatever he was writing, muttering and typing as he obviously struggled to get his thoughts into words. He was surrounded by images from his novels, of characters and scenes that had been illustrated by his publishing company. Inspiration, Qui-Gon supposed, as he eyed a particularly explicit illo. He didn't recall this one from the novels.

"Dammit, Quinn, stop it!" Ben suddenly snapped at his monitor and Qui-Gon heard the repeated, consistent tapping of a backspace key. "That's not how it goes!"

The Chancellor approached warily until he was standing right behind his lover. He watched in amazement as words appeared at a high speed on the large monitor. Qui-Gon glanced over the contents of the scene currently displayed on the monitor and his brows rose. Knight Kenobi and Chancellor Quinn were having a fight and while Obi-Wan obviously wanted to continue the rather loud discussion, Quinn wanted to get it resolved and get to the making up...or rather making out part of the scene. And he was being rather insistent about it.

Qui-Gon read through that last paragraph again. Perhaps he should be taking a few notes.

"No! $%^*#! Obi-Wan! Don't give in!" More backspacing, more high-speed tapping, more muttering under his breath. Finally, Ben's shoulders slumped and he stopped struggling against the scene. "Fine. Make up with him!" the writer muttered. "You are such a sucker, Obi-Wan! Now I'm going to have to change the outline! Again!"

At this point, Qui-Gon decided that Benjamin had had enough writing for one day.

#$&*&%#! I can't believe Obi-Wan is such a sucker! Ben thought angrily as he continued with the scene. It was steadily progressing into bedroom and the writer suddenly found himself having flashbacks from the night before. His face heated and he shifted in his chair, again becoming aware of the soreness that he still felt from his evening activities. And on the screen before him were words describing his lovemaking with Qui-Gon. Quinn and Obi-Wan had gone their own way and what Ben was writing now were memories that seemed so close, so real...

The hands that were slowly moving down his arms were real and the lips that leaned in to touch the still vividly sensitive mark on his throat were achingly familiar. Ben leaned back into the caress for just a moment before reality kicked in and he jumped out of his chair in surprise. He turned to find Qui-Gon Jinn standing behind his empty seat.

He stared at the man, his mouth working but silent. Ben glanced from his monitor and then back to the Chancellor, his eyes filled with confusion as he tried to work out how Quinn had stepped into his study. It took a few moments before he calmed down enough to figure out the identity of the man before him. Qui-Gon knew he'd made the connection when his face filled with color.

"I...you..." he stopped, rubbed his eyes and tried again. "What are you doing here?" Ben finally tossed out, trying to get his brain working.

Qui-Gon caught Ben's wild gaze and held it. The Chancellor opted for the gentle approach, hoping the man wouldn't just bolt. "I was concerned," he said. "You were gone when I woke up. I worried that perhaps I had offended you in some way."

"Offended me? You?" the younger man asked in complete astonishment. "No! I mean..." Ben glanced around the room as if he could find an answer hiding among the clutter. "No, of course you didn't offend me in any way. I just assumed you would rather me be gone."

So, the Jedi had been correct. He would have to remember to thank Knight Lars.

"You assumed incorrectly, Benjamin," Qui-Gon replied as he stepped closer. "I had hoped to spend today with you."

Ben stilled completely and stared at him. "You did?"

"Indeed." The Chancellor stopped before Ben and reached out to caress his cheek. The need to touch had grown steadily since Qui-Gon had entered the room. "It was something of a disappointment when I woke and you were gone."

"It was?"

"Yes, it was," Qui-Gon replied. Disappointment was something of an understatement but the word would have to do.

The writer stared up at Qui-Gon, surprise on his handsome face. "I'm sorry," he finally said faintly. "I just thought...I mean, I just assumed..." He stopped and took a deep breath as he reached up to rub his eyes. Qui-Gon could see the fatigue on his face. "I didn't realize you expected more."

The Chancellor didn't like the sound of that. "Would that be a problem? If I expected...if I wanted more?"

Ben glanced up quickly. "No!" he snapped and then bit his lip. "No," he said in a softer tone. "I just didn't think you would. The padawans said..."

"The padawans do not know." Qui-Gon said distinctly. "Do not compare yourself with them. What I wanted from them and what I want from you are completely different things."

The younger man looked up at the Chancellor, his eyes suddenly focused and intent. "What *do* you want from me?"

Qui-Gon stared down at him, wondering how much to say. Gently, he reached out and cupped that face that was so beautiful to him. Almost without thought, Ben leaned into his palm.

"I want you to sit down before you topple over," the Chancellor finally said in a gruff tone as he led the younger man over to the worn couch.

The writer resisted Qui-Gon's lead with an angry look. "That is not the right answer."

"But it will do for a start," Qui-Gon replied as he motioned Ben to sit down. The younger man pressed his lips together angrily and Qui-Gon had to resist leaning down and kissing him into compliance. "Please sit down, Benjamin," he said. "And I will tell you why I am here."

Ben looked up at him for a long moment before he sat down on the comfortable couch. "Very well, Chancellor Jinn," he said in perfectly accented tones.

Qui-Gon seated himself on the couch as he organized his thoughts. Then he looked up and caught Ben's eyes. "You should know that I came to Callis specifically to meet you, Benjamin. I brought your brother along in order to facilitate an introduction."

Ben stared at him, an indecipherable expression on his face. "Why?"

"Because, in this reality, we were meant to be together."

The writer's eyebrows lifted ever so slightly. That was the last thing he'd ever expected to come out of Qui-Gon Jinn's mouth. "Do you use that line to hit on Knights?"

A smile flickered on Qui-Gon's face as he slowly shook his head. "First of all, I don't need to hit on Knights, Ben. I call and they come."

"I'm sure they do," the writer smirked, noting that line for further reference. It was *such* a Quinn line.

Qui-Gon raised his brows but only continued. "And secondly, that line would only apply to you."

The younger man leaned back and crossed his arms, mentally quashing the hope that was gibbering in his brain. "You just met me yesterday, Chancellor Jinn. How can you possibly expect me to believe that? How can you expect me to believe that *you* believe that?"

The Chancellor suddenly leaned forward. "Why did you come to me last night?" he asked. "You brother informed me this morning that it is not your habit to sleep with someone you just met."

Ben flushed and dropped his eyes. He made a mental note to slap his brother upside the head with a thick board the next chance he got. "It's hardly the thing to do to stand up the Supreme Chancellor," he finally said, his eyes on his hands.

"That's not the only reason, is it?" Qui-Gon asked intently as he leaned down and caught Ben's eyes. The younger man stared into that blue gaze and found he couldn't look away and couldn't lie.


"Good." The big man carefully let out a breath. He reached out and gently touched the cleft in Ben's chin. "Let me tell you how I first learned about you. This will be a bit hard to believe but I assure you, everything I am about to tell you is true. A little more than a month ago, the Jedi Temple sent me a young Knight, a Knight I'd never seen before. His name was Obi-Wan Kenobi..."

A half-hour later, Benjamin stood and paced across the room. After a moment, he turned back to the quiet man on his favorite couch. "You expect me to believe this?" he asked the Chancellor, his voice tight.

"Yes," Qui-Gon replied seriously. "You may verify everything I have told you with Masters Yoda and Mirra at the Temple. They both met Obi-Wan and know his story."

"This is impossible," Ben stated flatly. "Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional figure. I made him up!"

"From what?" Qui-Gon asked as he stood and moved towards Ben. The writer glared at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked you last night who Obi-Wan was based on. You told me he was a dream that wouldn't go away." The Chancellor stopped in front of Ben. "You actually dreamed about him, didn't you? About being a Jedi Padawan?"

Benjamin let out a snort and turned away. "What of it? My brother is a Jedi. He told me all sorts of things. Why wouldn't I dream about it?"

"Stop being difficult, Benjamin," Qui-Gon said, tossing away his gentleness in favor of expediency. He wanted this resolved now. "You know what I'm saying is the truth. Just as I knew it was true when Obi-Wan was telling me that outrageous story."

"I'm *not* being difficult!" Ben snapped over his shoulder. "How could I possibly be a Jedi Knight in other realities when I am just a teacher here?"

Qui-Gon's eyebrows rose high as he stared in surprise at Ben's stiff back. There was more here than just Benjamin's disbelief in his story.

"Just a teacher, Ben?" the Chancellor asked as his hands fell on the writer's shoulders. The other man stiffened but didn't pull away. "You might as well say just an outstanding scholar of languages or just a decorated veteran or just a highly valued Senate page. Or how about just a galaxy wide best-selling author?" Qui-Gon pulled the man to his chest and gave over to his need to kiss the passion mark he'd brought into being the night before. He heard the younger man sigh. "Your books alone have done more for the Jedi image than the Jedi have in the last thousand years."

That got Benjamin's attention. He pulled away and turned to face the big man. "What do you mean by that?" he asked almost fiercely. Qui-Gon merely gave him a half smile.

"Your books have made the Jedi less mysterious and more approachable to a vast majority of the galaxy, Benjamin. The Order has always inspired an almost reverent fear that easily turns ugly among the more suspicious species in the Republic." Qui-Gon held out his hands. "Obi-Wan makes the Jedi less of a mystery and more of an asset to the Republic."

Ben looked a bit more relaxed but he glanced suspiciously at the big man. "How do you know that?"

"Your publishing house does extensive market research which I happen to have access to," the Chancellor replied with an almost smug tone. "I can make the necessary correlations on my own."

"I doubt there is much you don't have access to," Ben said wearily as he reached up to rub his eyes again. Qui-Gon pulled him close and ran his fingertips along the dark smudges beneath Ben's beautiful eyes. The smaller man's hands absently settled on his waist.

"That is very true," the Chancellor agreed. "But I didn't tell you these things to upset you, Ben. I only wanted you to know why I came to find you." His thumb trailed across Ben's lower lip. "Now tell me. Why did you come to me last night?"

There was no hesitation. "Because I've wanted to be with you since I first saw you on Coruscant five years ago." Ben's hands reached up to trace Qui-Gon's lips and a tongue darted out to taste his fingertips. "I wanted to find out for myself what the padawans all sighed over. I wanted to be with you and taste you and find out if you really do snore. I thought last night would be my last chance."

"I do *not* snore," Qui-Gon said stiffly, gravely offended. Ben grinned and ran his hands down his lover's chest.

"No, you sort of huff and pant and groan." The younger man looked thoughtful for a moment. "Oh wait. You weren't asleep then."

Qui-Gon's arms tightened around him. "You are coming back to Coruscant with me," he said with great finality. Ben glanced up at him, his eyes gleaming but his expression serious.

"I need to finish my term at school" he said firmly. "I can't leave my students until after they pass their finals."

"We can talk about that later," Qui-Gon stated as he pulled Ben towards the couch.

"Qui-Gon, I'm not leaving my students mid-term," Benjamin protested.

The Chancellor stopped as his fingers twined in Ben's hair. He leaned down to nuzzle the passion mark again. "Say that again," he whispered.

The writer moaned as he stammered out, "I'm not leaving..."

Qui-Gon nipped him and the smaller man yelped. "My name, Benjamin. Say my name again."

"Qui-Gon," Ben murmured in a husky tone as his arms wound around the man's neck. "My Qui-Gon."

"Yes!" Qui-Gon hissed as he pulled his lover over to the large couch. He pushed Ben down and covered him with his own body as Benjamin twined his legs around Qui-Gon's hips and pressed upward. "My Benjamin. My Obi-Wan."


Yoda jumped into his customary seat at the Master's table with a far more jubilant air than usual. He greeted the master's and dove into his food with gusto. His most recent padawan watched him with a curious air.

"Master?" Yinyan said rather diffidently. "You seem very pleased about something."

The little green master gave her a rather smug look. "Pleased, I am. Temple Funding is now unshakably sure. Worry no longer, do I, about Qui-Gon Jinn."

"Indeed?" Yinyan asked in surprise. "What has happened?"

"Found Obi-Wan, he has. Ummm, yes. Keep him satisfied, the young one will. Wear out no more Jedi, will Qui-Gon Jinn."

Yoda's former padawan wasn't quite sure how to respond to that as she glanced around at the other masters. She had thought the question of the fictional Obi-Wan Kenobi settled.

"Doubt me, do you?" Yoda asked, his sharp gaze on his 12th padawan. He pointed a single claw at her. "See, you will, when Jinn brings him back. Mistake not, it is Obi-Wan." The little green master snapped up a piece of sweet bread and grinned. "Talk him into teaching at the Temple, I will. Yes. More information for Master Y'nar's Advanced Sex in Politics and Athletics class, he will have."