What did you say?!

by Tarnneth (TarnnethBF@yahoo.com)

Title: What did you say?!
Author: Tarnneth
Archive: M_A, if you want it just ask first
Category: Q/O, Humor, PWP
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: it's pretty cheezy but aside from that *shrugs*
Spoilers: nope
Summary: Obi-Wan is distracted while walking with his master on a mission. Answer to the "Do you have an erection" first line challenge from just ages ago.
Feedback: love it!
Disclaimer: These here Jedi belong to somebody else. The only payment I get is the warm, squishy joy of writing it and sharing it with you.
Notes: The only beta this thing got was a quick read through by my roommate so if there are typos, opps.

"Do you have an erection Obi-Wan?"

"What?!?" The young man gave his master a wide-eyed look.

"Do you know the direction?" Qui-Gon said holding up the compass.

"Oh!" Obi-Wan checked the map biting his lip. "North, Master."

The older man nodded and worked the device. It was getting worse, his desire for his master. He could barely concentrate anymore. He'd given up trying to channel his longing into other pursuits. His studies, saber practice, macramé, even sex with a few more the willing partners hadn't done it. He loved Qui-Gon. He wanted Qui-Gon. There was absolutely no getting over it, he always had and he always would.

"All right Padawan, I estimate we'll have to walk that way for at least 20 clicks to reach the Aum-mesh Citadel. Shall we then?" The man said with a smile that made his apprentice's heart ache.

Obi-Wan shouldered his pack and gave him a strained smile. A long walk through the quiet plains of Min-Non-Ight may have been Qui-Gon's idea of fun but it was not his. The planet's rejection of technology made it a necessity to be dropped off by the ship leagues from destination. If given the choice he would not be walking.

"Pretty countryside isn't it?"

Obi-Wan almost groaned. This was bad enough without his master's enthusiasm. He did have to if wonder if the delectable man approached other matters with as much glee.

"Yes, Master." He answered as he pushed ahead of the other man a few steps.

"Your ass is lovely."

He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Qui-Gon. "What!?"

"The grass Obi-Wan. How it waves in the wind." The Jedi Master made a sweeping gesture with his arms. "It's quite a beautiful prairie."

"Ah, yes I suppose so." He looked around the expanse of grassland dotted here and there with trees. It wasn't an unattractive landscape, if you liked grass. His master had out paced him again, so he moved forward but not too far forward. Behind his master was a perfectly nice place to be. Watching his hips as he walked. Seeing the man's ass flex under his tunics. Mmmmmmm..

"I hope they have lube."

Obi-Wan nearly tripped over a stone. "Master?"

"I said I hope they aren't rude, the Min-Non's are known for sometimes being quite unfriendly to off-worlders. Are you all right Padawan?"

"Yes Qui-Gon, I just lost my footing." He really had to get control over himself. His mind was running wild. Maybe if he concentrated on the birds, flying through the sky. The clouds drifting peacefully overhead. There were quite a lot of clouds in fact and from the look of it, they were gathering.

Qui-Gon sighed. "I do love a good cock."

Obi-Wan's attention was pulled away from the darkening clouds and to his master's cheery face. "I didn't quite hear you Qui-Gon."

"I said, I love a good walk. Obi-Wan have you had your ears checked recently?" The elder man was looking at him with concern.

"I had a full physical just last month, Master. My mind is elsewhere I suppose, thinking about the mission."

The Jedi Master nodded and they resumed walking. "It's a fairly simple mission. We are just here to hear the official reading of the new non-involvement charter with the Senate. The Min-Non's are isolationists but their third moon is important to the Republic. Do you recall why that is Padawan?"

Again Obi-Wan pulled his attention from the now definitely gathering storm clouds. "The third moon has many forms of plant life that contain medicinal properties."

"Very good, you studied the mission records well." Qui-Gon smiled at his apprentice in a way that made the young man's stomach turn to jelly. He smiled back. "Thank you Master."

The pair stared at each other for a time and Obi-Wan felt himself becoming completely lost in those blue eyes.

"Shall we be lovers, Obi-Wan?"

His mouth dropped open, his heart beat faster. He'd been waiting so long. He closed his eyes and breathed a yes.

Then he felt the rain start to pelt him.

"Obi-Wan? Cover? Shall we find cover from the rain?"

The padawan opened his eyes to find his master giving him his best puzzled, one eyebrow raised look. His hair was starting to plaster to his head as the big drops of rain hit him. Water dripped from his beard.

Obi-Wan wiped moisture from his face. "Yes Qui-Gon, let's get out of the rain."

They ended up under a large tree, huddled together at its base. Obi-Wan tried very hard not to rub his leg against his master's. But by constantly shirting trying not to touch him, he was moving against him more. Qui-Gon stayed quiet and still, watching the clouds. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, my tunics are just wet Master."

"Ah. Well at the very least it's a warm rain." Qui-Gon gave him one of his characteristic "find the Force in everything" smiles. Obi-Wan loved and hated it as much as he hated and loved the man's self-satisfied smirk. There were a great many things about Qui-Gon that evoked those mixed feelings.

They sat together in silence, watching the rain. Qui-Gon pulled some ration bars out of his pack and handed Obi-Wan one. The young man chewed on the dry bar, trying not to think about how his Master's shoulder and leg pressed against his.

The master shifted and put his arm around his apprentice's shoulder. Obi-Wan stiffened and then settled into the larger man's embrace. All of his senses were aflame but the comforting touch of his master was to good a thing to pass up. Desire flared but it was soon over ridden by the pleasant warmth and contentment of being held by his heart's desire. Obi-Wan rested his head on Qui-Gon's shoulder while the man absently fingered his padawan braid.

"I'd almost forgotten how nice this was."

"Hmm? How nice what is Master?"

Qui-Gon rubbed his cheek against the younger man's hair. "Sitting with you like this, holding you. You haven't let me in a long time."

"Really?" Obi-Wan couldn't imagine being so stupid as to reject anything as wonderful as this.

"Yes. When we first bonded I held you all the time but when you were about fifteen you started flinching away when I'd try. You'd just stopped being comfortable with it. By the time I realized how much I missed it you were an adult. It didn't seem appropriate anymore."

Obi-Wan bit his lips. His master was right; it was not particularly appropriate. He was also right about it being nice. They sat in silence while the rain continued to fall.

"Are the Min-Nons going to mind the delay Qui-Gon?"

"I doubt it. Theirs is an unhurried culture. They probably wouldn't notice if we were days late. Now remember Padawan; don't use your comm-link unless you have to. You didn't sneak a data-pad did you?"

"No Master."

"Good." The man sat silently for awhile, curling and uncurling Obi-Wan's braid around his fingers. He cleared his throat and squeezed the younger man's shoulder. "Are you still seeing Knight Valet, Obi-Wan?"

A strange trickle of nervousness came over their bond. It perplexed the young man as much as did his master's question. "No. We proved to be incompatible." Translation, Valet got tired of trying to live up to you and decided to seek a lover who wasn't hung up on someone else.

He scowled at the memory. Why did Qui-Gon have to bring this up now while they were sharing such an intimate moment? A moment unlike any they'd had in years.

"I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Master. I saw it coming for a while." When the relationship started in fact. No one was going to be good enough.

A few more moments of silence passed. Obi-Wan noticed that the rain was letting up. He begged the Force for it not to stop.

"Obi-Wan. I've been thinking." Qui-Gon tugged his braid lightly as he spoke.

"About what?"

"You're an adult now, in every way. In the last six years you've grown and changed into a fine young man. So often I've regretted that I rejected our bond in the beginning."

"Master. That's in the past. I've never thought badly of you for it."

The Jedi Master smirked at his apprentice.

"Well not to badly." Obi-Wan acquiesced.

"Yes Padawan. Forgive an old fool his lingering remorse. And don't tell me I'm not old."

The younger man's mouth snapped shut.

"As I was saying, I am honored Obi-Wan. Honored to have you as my padawan learner and my friend."

Warmth flowed over the training bond. Obi-Wan grinned. "Thank you, Qui-Gon. It's an honor to be your apprentice. And you think of me as a friend pleases me greatly."

"You are my friend Obi-Wan. My friend and equal."

His heart jumped. Qui-Gon thought of him as an equal. An adult and an equal. Was it possible? Could there be a chance for his sweetest dreams to come true? First his master asks him if he's seeing someone. Then the man tells him that he's an adult and his friend and an equal? Never mind that Qui-Gon's arm was around his shoulder, his fingers stroking the braid that represented their bond. The possibility that he was merely letting his fantasies run wild again did occur to Obi-Wan but sheltered in Qui-Gon's powerful arms it didn't seem to matter so much.

"So you've been thinking about his for awhile Master? About me as an adult?"

"Yes I have, Obi-Wan, for a few years now. I've also been thinking about our relationship."

He couldn't breathe. His mouth was pasty, his throat dry. Pulling the canteen from his belt would mean leaving his master's embrace. He fought to summon enough spit to speak without his voice cracking. It didn't work. "Our relationship, Master?"

"Yes, Obi-Wan. The nature of it. We have strong bond and a very real friendship. It should not be taken lightly."

The elder man paused and the younger allowed his tension to ease away a little. He really shouldn't let his own desires get the better of him like that.

"I'm of a mind Obi-Wan, that we should explore the possibilities that our relationship offers us. That we shouldn't let the opportunity for a deeper friendship pass us by."

The Jedi apprentice sat in a dumb-founded silence. What the bloody hell was his master trying to say?

"Well, Padawan. It appears the rain has let up. We'll continue this discussion later at the citadel." The big man stood up and smoothed down his tunics. He reached a hand toward Obi-Wan and heaved him up with the barest of tugs. Obi-Wan marveled at the ease of the beautiful man's strength.

"Let's be off then." Qui-Gon gave his apprentice a look of fondness. He then sighed and looked away off in the distance.

"I do so look forward to the butt-sex."

Obi-Wan went instantly from brushing leaves and twigs from his tunics to staring wide eyed at his master's serious face. He cast his mind about for some other word the man must have said.

"Sunsets Master?" He squeaked, heart racing.

Qui-Gon scowled at him slightly. "No Obi-Wan, butt-sex. You really haven't been listening today." An evil little grin started to curl his lips as he turned away from his stunned padawan.

Obi-Wan just stared at his master's back, his pack slipping off his shoulder, his mouth opening and closing wordlessly.

"Come along Obi-Wan."

Chuckling! Sith take him, Qui-Gon was chuckling! Obi-Wan dropped his pack and surged forward to tackle the wonderful man into the wet grass. They went down together, their shared laughter ringing across the open prairie.