Wet Dreams May Come

by Inya Dreems (padawan.inya@tiscali.co.uk)

Archive: MA, or ask me

Category: Q/O, Obi/Other but only in his dreams, PWP. Humour?

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: None

Summary: Obi-Wan keeps having erotic dreams.

Disclaimer: George's characters, not mine.

Feedback: Yes please

Note: Stems from a discussion with my master Cuimne about the weird people who crop up in dreams. In other words, it's all your fault Master. I am as always grateful to Bonny for the expert beta. Mistakes are all mine.

I woke shuddering in pleasure, hips jerking with the last throes of orgasm.

"What the fuck?" I lay still for a moment, panting, trying to gather my wits. A dream. A very intense dream! I was soaked in sweat, sleep pants damp with semen.

The details of the dream gradually returned to me. "Gods! No... What was that about."

The remembrance made me shudder: Master R'sak, my teacher in political history; a small, ancient, skeletal human. Domed head topped with a few strands of white hair, watery pale blue eyes, long bony fingers. I shuddered again at the thought of what those fingers had been doing to me in my dream.

It's just disgusting, I thought. Whatever was I doing, dreaming about Master R'sak? Determined to put the dream out of my mind, I jumped out of bed and prepared myself for the day.

Unfortunately, my day included a four-hour lecture with said history master. I spent the time huddled down in my seat avoiding looking at him. I couldn't concentrate on the lecture because that meant paying attention and every time I looked up, the image of the old man's hands on me, stroking, loosening clothing... "Ugh."

My friend Bant sitting next to me turned and whispered, "What?"

I slid further down and muttered, "Nothing."

"Is there something you wish to contribute to the lecture, Padawan Kenobi?" Pale eyes fixed on me accusingly.

"No, Master R'sak. Sorry, Master R'sak."

The eyes remained on me for a long moment and I needed all my control to keep from squirming. Gods, what if he knew! The thought made my cheeks redden. Master R'sak turned my attention back to the lecture, but nothing about the early politics of the Inner Rim worlds was being retained in my memory today.

Later, Bant grabbed my robe as I shrugged into it in readiness to leave the lecture hall.

Friends from infancy, crèchemates, confidants and firm allies, there was little in our lives that wasn't shared - or revealed. Bant was gentle and thoughtful, a supportive companion who would listen to my woes or cheer my successes, but she could also a fearsome character, showing signs of the warrior that she would become.

"Not so fast. Where were you today?"

"What do you mean?" I tried to feign innocence.

"You know perfectly well what I mean. Your body might have been here, slithering about in your seat, but your mind most definitely was not. What's going on?"

"Nothing's 'going on'. I have to go...."

"Kenobi!" Bant was insistent, and I knew that there was no escape from an insistent Bant.

I lowered my voice, though all the other padawans had left the hall by now. "It's just... I had a dream. That's all. It's been praying on my mind a bit."

Bant looked disappointed. "Oh." Then she cocked her head on one side. "Oh! One of 'those' dreams?"

"Bant, my master is expecting me back..."

"Who was in it? Obi!" She still clung to my robe. "Tell me!"

"You really don't want to know. Anyway, it's not important. Dreams are merely our minds working things through, trying out possibilities that our conscious minds wouldn't..." I knew that look. "It's not my fault if I dream about Master R'sak. I've been putting a lot of work into the history project."

"Oh yuck! You dreamt about him... doing that? That is so disgusting."

I was thankful that she was disgusted enough to let me go. "I think so too."

I sat with my master in the refectory as we finished our evening meal.

"I'm meeting Master Tikul this evening for dejarik, Padawan," Qui- Gon said rising from the table.

"Yes, Master."

"I should be finished before you've completed your studying. Then we can meditate." Qui-Gon smiled fondly at me.

"Yes, Master," I repeated. "Have a good evening."

I caught sight of Bant at a nearby table and waved as I too got up to leave. She was seated with our mutual friend, and my sometime lover, Garen. Both grinned at me.

"'Night, Obi," Garen called. "Pleasant dreams." What passed for a Mon Calamaran snort came from Bant, and Garen's grin got wider.

I should have known. No secrets between those two, and of course they thought it just hilarious. I scowled and left without replying.

When I woke in the morning, I was even messier than the day before. I groaned and remembered. I must have come at least twice in my sleep.

Oh Force. This time I had dreamt of Master Yoda. His mouth. My... I rolled over and buried my head in my pillow in despair.

A voice from the other side of the door called, "Padawan! Are you intending to stay in there all day?"

Qui-Gon's rooms were directly next door to mine, the usual arrangement for masters and their apprentices in the Temple.

"No, Master. I'm coming..." I could imagine Qui-Gon's questioning look on the other side of the door at the shakiness in my voice.

Taking a deep calming breath, I got up and headed for the fresher.

Must change the bed linen, I reminded myself.

Bant and Garen were waiting for me when I arrived at the shielded chamber for our Advanced Force-Use session. One look at my face told them all they needed to know. I made a mental note to work more on my shielding; and on developing the inscrutable demeanour affected by senior Jedi - especially my master.

"Again?" Bant asked. "Not Master R'sak?"

I shook my head dejectedly. "No. It was worse."

Garen joined in, somewhat unnecessarily gleefully in my opinion. "Who was it this time? Did I make a starring appearance?"

"I wish." I took a deep breath. "Master Yoda. I know - it's just awful."

"Your subconscious is a strange place, Kenobi," Bant said. The arrival of the master who was to guide our studies prevented further conversation.

I didn't see either of my friends the following day; our schedules didn't coincide, so it was at evening meal two days later when I next caught sight of Garen seated with his own master. My friend's eyebrows rose in question when he saw me, but I merely nodded a greeting before moving to sit with Qui-Gon and eat.

After we had finished and stood to leave, I asked, "May I speak to Garen for a moment, Master? It won't take long."

"Of course, Obi-Wan."

I nipped between the tables and bowed politely to Garen's master.

"Excuse me, Master Rhara, for interrupting your meal."

"That's alright, Obi-Wan. We have just about finished." She put down her drinking cup and rose from the table. "I will leave you to your gossip - but don't be long. You both still have much studying to do this evening, I am sure."

"Thank you, Master," we said in unison.

Garen linked arms with me and we walked together until we were in a less busy corridor.

"You still having erotic dreams about every master in the Temple?"

"Don't joke, Garen. They're horrible. Last night it was Master Ilk'il." Garen grimaced. The master was an invertebrate with three pairs of segmented legs. And a telescopic cock that could extend to four times its already considerable original length...

"Well you have tried non-humans before, Obi..."

I spluttered quickly, "I am not completely adaptable. I do have some limits!" Garen merely shrugged. "And the night before," I continued, "it was Master Windu!"

"Oh I wouldn't mind giving him one myself. He is fit."

"That's not the point, Garen! I can see he is fit. I just don't want him fucking me in my dreams. How can I look at him next time he does that "Stern Councillor" thing? I just want to stop having these dreams. What's going on in my head? It's getting really worrying."

"It's not as if you're not getting any, Obi. Perhaps if you stopped being such a slut for a while... You know, give celibacy a try?"

I was indignant. "I am not a slut! How can you say that? I am... I'm..." I was speechless.

"Sorry, bad choice of word. But you do put it about a bit. There aren't many eligible padawans that you haven't bedded. And I know you've had a few knights. And from what you've told me about when you're on missions, you work your way through...."

"Garen!" I actually put my hand over my friend's mouth to silence him. "Alright. I'm no shrinking virgin. But I am choosy. Lately my mind is not being particular about who it chooses."

"Sorry Obi," Garen repeated. "Look, if you're not going to become celibate, would it help if I came round later tonight... Worked off some... tension with you?"

Garen leaned closer and slid his arms around me. We kissed, gently at first, but then with growing intensity, quickly aroused, pressing together...

"I might have known I'd find you making out in the corridor."

"Hello Bant."

"I didn't sense you there."

We had quickly pulled apart and were giving the marble floor our undivided attention.

"I'm not surprised. Think yourselves lucky that I'm not a master prowling around looking for humping padawans."

"Um, right. Look, see you later Obi?" Garen asked. I nodded briefly and Bant groaned in understanding.

Garen left my room silently in the middle of the night. While such liaisons were not actually forbidden, a certain amount of discretion was expected concerning the love lives of Jedi in the Temple. Once or twice I had come close to being censured by my master for being rather too obvious in my affairs.

I lay on the edge of the not-very-big bed, the space my lover had recently occupied still warm. Boneless and sated, I was just beginning to feel chilled as the sweat on my naked skin cooled. I lethargically drew the sheet over myself without opening my eyes and felt the pull of sleep, happily convinced that my body was sufficiently satisfied to ensure a total lack of dreams.

I had to listen to a stern lecture from my master, standing head bowed in contrition, as I was reminded of the need to remain focused at all times. My performance in the sparring salle had been abysmal. Qui-Gon was right; my mind was elsewhere.

I had woken once again in the same condition as I had every other morning for a week. Despite my exertions with Garen. But this time... I shuddered and Qui-Gon stopped mid-sentence.

"Obi-Wan. Look at me."

I raised my head and slowly met my master's gaze.

"I'm sorry Master."

Qui-Gon sighed. "I am not angry with you. I am... disappointed." I started to interrupt but was stopped by a raised hand. "Not in your performance today. Though I think you'll agree, it left much to be desired. I am saddened that you feel unable to confide in me. You obviously are troubled, and have been for some time. I have always told you that you can come to me with anything."

I swallowed hard as I contemplated broaching the subject of my persistent erotic dreams with my master: the serene, calm, celibate Qui-Gon Jinn. The only thing I could think of to say was "Sorry". Again. Not enough, and it made my master sigh yet again.

I was dismissed, and walked past the few remaining sparring teams without noticing them, inwardly reflecting on my predicament. I was not eating well, and my sleep was far from restful. The image in the mirror that greeted me each morning was becoming more and more ragged: dark circles around the eyes, a pinched expression and sallow skin.

Garen was hovering outside the training halls when I walked out.

"I heard that. Well, some of it. Did I knacker you last night?" he asked with a huge grin.

"Yes, you did. But that's not the problem."

We walked together, or rather he walked while I trudged in a manner very unbecoming of a Jedi padawan.

"Oh not again! You mean after... Well, after I left, you still had another dream? What is wrong with you?"

"I wish I knew."

I finally took note of the direction in which we were walking. "Where are we going? I'm supposed to meet Master Tsikbal for a parasitology tutorial."

"I said I'd meet Bant in the Fountain Garden. She's going to help me with my Lur language assignment. You have plenty of time."

I stopped in my tracks.

"I can't see her!" I began to walk swiftly in the opposite direction.

"Obi! What's wrong?" Garen caught my arm. "Oh Force! You didn't. You did! You dreamt about Bant."

"Sshhh!. Will you keep your voice down."

Garen dragged me back in the direction of the gardens. "I can't see what you're worked up about. You wouldn't mind if you dreamt of me, would you?"

"That's completely different."

"Why is it different? We're friends. Bant is your friend."

"But she's... female! I've never... I mean, I only... I can't..."

"There you are. I've been waiting ages." Bant was coming down the corridor towards us. "If you want me to help you with... What's wrong with you Obi?"

I had extracted myself from Garen's grip and edged backwards, refusing to make eye contact with my oldest friend.

"Oh for Force sake. You're not still having those randy dreams are you?"

"I don't want to talk about it. I have to go."

"Who was it this time? Obi?"

I found myself hemmed in by both of my friends, Garen grinning widely.

"Shall I tell Bant all about your latest subconscious desires? There must be a part of you that wonders about these people. Otherwise why would you keep..." Garen was silenced for a moment as a small group of knights walked past us.

"It was me, wasn't it?" Bant exclaimed suddenly, understanding the stricken look on my face. She fixed me with her most intense stare until I admitted it.

"Well is that so horrible? I've dreamt about you lots of times."

"I'm sorry, Bant. It's not that I don't like you. I just never... I've never felt like that about any female. It's not you."

Bant's expression became sympathetic.

"You know, you're really going to have to do something, Obi. You look awful. You should... I don't know, talk to someone. Your master?"

I shook my head sadly. "I can't," I said quietly. "I mean, I can talk to him about most things, but this is just too personal."

"Well what about a healer?" Garen asked. "A mind healer. Healer Xik. He's nice."

"Oh I don't know. I'll think about it."

I lay in bed, tired of course - my days were always hectic, physically and mentally exhausting - but unwilling to surrender to sleep. The certainty that my dreams would bring further discomfort kept my eyes open and my thoughts tumbling.

I had even turned down an offer to share a bed with a particularly gorgeous young knight. I had known Quinlan for many years, friends and then lovers, experimenting and learning together. The newly- knighted Quinlan had been away from the temple for a long time and I had been glad to see him, but found myself refusing the invitation. I wasn't sure who was the most surprised. Quinlan had shrugged rather sadly and left me.

Sex with Garen hadn't helped. Perhaps my friend had been right and I should try celibacy. Talking about it with my friends had proved futile too, so how would talking to my master, or a healer, help?

Despite my reluctance, sleep swiftly pulled me under.

I dreamt I was asleep. Curled up on my side, drifting and dreamless, vaguely conscious of a large warm body behind me fitting its shape to mine. A heavy arm lay across my chest and as I woke in my dream the hand moved, stroking lightly at a nipple.

I pushed back slightly, snuggling into the embrace. As in all the dreams recently, I didn't worry about "who". That would come later, when I woke and remembered with disgust. Revulsion in some cases. But this time... This time the body in my bed with me felt good. Very good. Male, obviously. Thankfully. A large erection was pressing between my thighs and my hips began to rock with my partner's movements. Kisses were pressed to the back of my neck and I bowed my head, curling my spine and attempting to position myself lower - this man was considerably taller than me.

A quiet chuckle. "Keen, aren't you my padawan?"

Ah. My master. It didn't seem at all surprising. As in my other dreams, I accepted and carried on. My dream-self didn't care who he was fucked by. The anguish was completely left for the waking me to agonize over.

I reached back and stroked the lean flank, over hip, thigh, back again to firm buttock, muscled, tense and ready. My other hand reached between my legs, further, to touch the waiting cock and run a finger along its length, wetness at the tip. The hips jerked. Not the only one who's keen.

"Do it. Do it to me Master."

The gentle kisses along my shoulder stopped and he bit suddenly. That would leave a mark in the morning. If this wasn't a dream.

The hand working my nipple slid down, failing to touch my aching cock but over my hip and pressing instead at my arse, kneading at first - this man has such big hands! - then fingers pushed inside, opening and stretching.

I was so ready by this time that the lack of lube didn't worry me. He withdrew his hand and I heard him lick. Spit would be enough. He was anointing his cock - and I knew from real experience that it was a large cock even when not erect. More licking, sliding his hand on himself, working it, making it even harder and I groaned and pushed myself onto it.

I had to force myself to relax. I've been taken by big men, many times, but my dream master was more than I'd ever had before. By the time he'd pressed himself into me I was howling out loud - sweating and digging my fingernails into his hip and bucking my hips not sure whether I wanted to pull myself free or push him in further.

He was panting, both his arms had snaked around me and he held me still. Then he pulled out most of the way, held there a second and pushed back.

"Gnah! Yessss! Like that Master!"

I knew he was on the edge, but he started slowly, thrusting with deep, unhurried movements. He was driving me mad. I tried to reach to pump myself but his arms pinned mine, holding my wrists. He moved more quickly - but only slightly. Both of us were ready to come but my torturing master wouldn't allow it. I think he could have kept it up all night at that agonizing pace.

After a few minutes, though, it became too much even for the masterly control and he let rip. One of his hands still held onto my wrists but the other grasped my throbbing cock and he pumped me in time to his thrusts deep up inside me. Fewer than half a dozen strokes and I was coming and so was he, waves of pleasure frying my brain and I wanted to hear him make that low groaning sound deep in his throat and feel him jerking hard against my arse for ever.

But it ended.

It was still dark, Coruscant's dawn was hours away. For the first time since these dreams had begun I didn't wake filled with revulsion. No, that had been a nice dream. Very, very nice.

My master. Always there. Always guiding, attentive, teaching, since I was a child. So omnipresent in my life that I had never even considered him as a potential partner. I laughed a little at myself - he must have been one of the very few eligible men in the Temple that I hadn't considered bedding. All right. The only one.

So what should I do about it?

Would he even consider having sex with me? And now that I was thinking it, was that what I wanted? It would change... everything.

I loved my master. I never doubted that - he had been my world from the moment he chose me. But it was a companionable, spiritual feeling, far removed from the intense desires I felt when I sought out and pursued a lover for bodily gratification. And that was all I felt in those liaisons. I had never loved a lover!

Being in a sexual relationship with my master would be unlike any other. I realised suddenly that if I could have him, I would want no other. Was this what my subconscious had been trying to tell me? Or even the Force? If so, who was I to argue? Convincing my master of the rightness of beginning such a relationship with me would be a minor obstacle. He couldn't always have been celibate!

I settled down. I needed restful sleep, but part of me was hoping for a repeat of the latest dream.

Since that night, there has only been one person in my dreams, and in my life.