The Way of the Jedi

By Elizabeth Abernethy

The Way of the Jedi

A Jedi craves not these things
or so it seems.
Jedi do not yeild to hate or anger
for that is the path to Darkness
and much distress.

Beware Jedi of the Shadows and Darkside
that lurk ever near.
Do not give in to hatred, jealousy or fear
for it will be your undoing.
This all Jedi must know.
Uncertainty, doubt must you never show.
This is part of the path you must follow.

Easy it will not be
for you see
the way of the Jedi is hard 
and filled with much peril.
In the balance must they herald.

Young Jedi, mind well your emotions and ways
for it is up to you to save the day.
You may be called
to give your life
in a war or strife
for the good of all.

A great sacrifice you must be made,
my advise must be bade.

Be mindful of the present and future
as well as the past.
Padawan, Jedi, do not ask.
Soon, soon will you know what is true.
Follow this path will you.