
by oddjob103 (oddjob103@hotmail.com)

Archive: Master and Apprentice, the Nesting Place

Category: PWP

Rating: PG

Fandom: SW:TPM

Warnings: I challenged myself to write something in less than five minutes. Here is the result. Teeny bit of angst.

Series: no

Spoiler: I feed my cats fish and chicken.

Summary: See title.

Feedback: Hmm? Do I want feedback? Is a Hutt greedy?

Disclaimer: Sooo not mine. 'Sigh'

Obi-Wan Kenobi knocked on the door of his Master's bedroom.

No answer.

He knocked harder and louder.

No answer.

He raised his hand to knock a third time when Qui-Gon's voice surprised him from behind.

"Yes, Obi-Wan?"

"Gaaah!" The young Jedi spun around clutching his heart in surprise. "Master, don't do that!"

Qui-Gon hid his smile. He would never in a million years or under threat of Sith torture admit that he loved to scare the heck out of his Padawan.

"You wanted something?"

Obi-Wan composed himself. "Yes, Master, I did. But I've changed my mind now. Goodnight."

Uh-oh, Qui-Gon thought. Miffed Padawan huffing his way to his room.

Briefly, he wondered what Obi-Wan wanted.

The younger Jedi stomped as quietly as he could. Of all the nights for Qui-Gon's warped sense of humor to appear.

Obi-Wan looked forlornly at the lubricant he'd purchase earlier that day. Nothing like being scared half to death to ruin the mood. It had taken him weeks of meditation and playing devil's advocate to come to the sticking point. He would finally tell his Master he loved him one adult to another.

But now...
