Waiting for Yoda

by Ann Larimer - Everheart@aol.com

Archive: master_apprentice -- others please ask

Category: humor/parody

Rating: PG

Warnings: Don't run with a stick in your mouth.

Spoilers: Allusion to TPM.

Summary: More wintery, really.

Feedback: If you take the time to write it, I'll make the time to read it.

"Waiting for Yoda"
Samuel Beckett's Star Wars Slash Story

As Told to Ann Larimer
November 30, 1999

[SCENE: A remote beach on an even more remote planet. Or perhaps it's a patch of desert. It doesn't really matter. The suns have just gone down, and the lingering sky is still an interesting color. To stage left, there is a single, leafless tree - more like a large branch than a proper tree. Downstage, two figures dressed in dull robes sit before a small fire. They are QUI-GON JINN, a Jedi Master, and his Padawan Apprentice, OBI-WAN KENOBI.]

[A few moments pass. OBI-WAN pokes at the fire with a stick.]

[After a few more moments, QUI-GON rises to his feet. He turns his back to us, watching the backlit sky, and stretches.]


[OBI-WAN does not look at him. He is engrossed in the fire.]

[QUI-GON looks around, then crosses to the leafless tree. He reaches up, and breaks off one of the remaining branches. It is straightish, nearly ten feet long. He carries it back to the fire, tucked under one arm, and for a moment we see him silhouetted before the fire, the branch appearing to pierce his heart. Obi-Wan happens to look up and see this.]

OBI-WAN: That would hurt.

QUI-GON: What?

OBI-WAN: Nothing.

[Qui-Gon shifts his grip and, with a series of CRACK!s breaks it over his knee into manageable sections. He drops them, one at a time, in the fire. Sparks fly up and the fire snaps and pops.]

QUI-GON: Firewood.


OBI-WAN: Gosh.


OBI-WAN: Well done

[Qui-Gon sits next to Obi-Wan.]


QUI-GON: Well.

OBI-WAN: Gosh.

QUI-GON: Well.


OBI-WAN: Has any word come from the transport yet?

QUI-GON: Patience, my Padawan. It will be here soon.

OBI-WAN: You said that this morning.

QUI-GON: It was true this morning.

OBI-WAN: And last night.

QUI-GON: It was true then, as well.

OBI-WAN: But it will be here? You're sure?

QUI-GON: That is what our instructions say.


OBI-WAN: Well then.

QUI-GON: Indeed.


OBI-WAN: Gosh.


OBI-WAN: Master?


QUI-GON: Padawan?


QUI-GON: You have a question?




QUI-GON: You wished to ask me something?




QUI-GON: Do you wish to ask me now?




QUI-GON: Well?



OBI-WAN: Wanna fuck?


QUI-GON: Later, perhaps.


OBI-WAN: All right.


[The lights begin to go down.]


[The fire dies. The stage is black.]