
by The Rose (rosarocaminis@yahoo.com)

Title: Untitled
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site, http://www.sockiipress.org/~rose
Rating: G, pretty much.
Spoilers: None
Feedback: (waves hand slowly in air) You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to!
Summary: A short piece, mostly dialogue. Obi-Wan --- ummm --- well, you see, Qui-Gon --- oh, just read it for yourself!

"Hello, Padawan. How are you feeling?"

"Don't even ask, Master."

"You're limping."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Sarcasm is unbecoming a Jedi. Can I assume you had a difficult session with the healers?"

"You could assume that, yes. What have you got there?"

"What, this? Just some massage oil."

"Thanks, anyway, Master, but I'm not really in the mood for a backrub."

"Good. Because you're not going to get one. Follow me."

"Master? Where are we going?"

"Where does it look like?"

"Um, it looks like your bedroom."

"Very observant, Obi-Wan. Now, take off your pants."

". . . um, what?"

"Your pants, Padawan. Take them off."

"Why? What are you . . ."

"Are you going take them off or would you like me to do it for you?"

"Uh, no, I'll do it. Just give me a minute."

"Good. Now, on the bed."

"Master, what is this all about?"

"It's improper for you to be questioning me this way. Now, get on the bed."

"But ---" (a sigh of resignation) "Yes, Master."

"Obi-Wan, you trust me, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"And would I be safe in saying that we have a closer relationship than most."

"Yes. Most definitely."

"Then lie back."

"Oooookay. Now what?"

"Now, this."


"What's the matter? Doesn't this feel good?"

"Well, yes, actually it does, but . . ."

"Then what?"

"Well, the oil's a little cold, for one thing."

"It'll warm up."

"And for another thing, it's --- ahhhh . . ."

(amused chuckle) "Something you wanted to say, Obi-Wan?"

" . . . mmmm . . . No, Master. Can't think of a thing."


"Ooooooh, yes. Right there."

"Like this?"

"Oh, yes. That feels . . . ummm . . ."

"Getting warmer?"

"In more ways than one."

"Okay. Let's try some of this."


"Sorry. Does that hurt?"

"Well, yes, a little. Mostly though I just wasn't expecting it, you know?"

"Yes. I know. Try to relax, Padawan."

"Yes, okay. I'll try. But --- OWWW! Please be careful how hard you squeeze there."

"Sorry. Better?"

"I think so. But your fingers . . . Owww! Master, that's too much!"

"Deep breath, Padawan, and breathe out. Good. Does it still hurt?"

"Some. But not as much now."

"The more you relax the less it will hurt. Try to keep taking slow, deep breaths."

"Um, Master? Have you ever done this before? You know, with anyone else?"

"A couple of times."


"Does that surprise you?"

"Well, yes it does, actually. So, I guess you know how it's supposed to work, then."

"I'm practically an expert. A healer taught me how to do it."

"Really? A healer? Anyone I know?"

"That would be telling."

"Of course. So, he was pretty good at it?"

"The best, I would say. Obi-Wan would you like to scoot over just a little? I need to . . ."

"Owww, Master! I don't know about this. It's a little too much. And, besides, it hurts."

"My apologies. But there's no way to do this that's not going to hurt at least a little."

"I was afraid you were going to say that."

"Ready for the next step?"

"Um, that depends on what the next step is."

"Well, maybe, this . . ."


"And a little of this . . ."


"And a (grunt) little more here . . ."

"Master, owww! That hurts!"

"Easy, Padawan. Relax and breathe."

"I can't! OWWW! Stop it! It hurts! Ahhhhhhh . . ." (heavy breathing)


"Um, yes. It still hurts a little, though."

"You'll get used to it."

"Get used to it? You mean you plan to do this again?"

"Oh, yes. Probably many times."

"Well, what if I don't want to? What if I say no?"

"Well, if it comes to that, I'm bigger than you."



"So, you'd just hold me down and do it anyway?"

"Well, I'd probably use the Force."

"You wouldn't."

"Only if I have to. But I don't think I will. Here. How's that feel now? Better?"

"Uh huh."

"How about this? Nice long, slow strokes."

"Ummmm, yes that's nice. I believe I like that."

"Do you?"



"Oh, yes, Master. Oh, yeeeessss . . ."

(big sigh) "See? I told you you'd like it."

"So, what, that's it? We're done?"

"That's it. We'll do it again tonight."


"Yes. We're going to do it a lot over the next few days."

"Really? You want to? Do it a lot, I mean?"


"Even if I tell you I'd rather not?"


"That's not fair."

"Padawan, that's the only way your knee's going to get better, don't you think?"

(another sigh) "I suppose. I just wish this massage therapy of yours didn't hurt so much."

The End