Theme and Timbre: Unis

by RavenD (

Archive: master_apprentice, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page:

Category: PWP

Series: Part of the "Theme and Timbre" Series

Rating: NC-17

Warnings None

Spoilers: none

Summary: Deep breaths.

Notes: Chocolates for Mystique. Chocolates and coffee and all the smut she can read, bless her betaing soul. All mistakes are mine.

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns it all. I don't have enough money to pay attention.

Unis: Returning to unison after a division

Deep breath.

One after the next.

I feel you bone deep, burrowing into the very thought of me. I vibrate, forming a chord you just imagined. My blood pulses, warming you, nourishing the flashes in your eyes.

I surround you.

I hold the promise of you -- not with gentle hands, for I never fear your breaking -- but with a firm grasp, lest you slip free. I imagine you as a depth of liquid light, flowing through me, within me.

I would wear you like my favored cloak, wrap you in my hair and skin until our pulses met, nodded and joined.

I breathe.

One breath after the next.

Then you move, jarring me from my poetic phantasms. You insist, flesh and mind, that we are separate voices creating harmony. Two men, joining and separating.

"Master!" You cry out to me, dragging my breath, my poetry, my mind into a maelstrom of desire.


I'm full and hot and I need.

I need.

There! Oh, there. Now, my Obi-Wan. Fuck me, now!



I breathe.

You breathe.

One after the other.

The end