Undying Love

by Mercutio (mercutio@europa.com)

SUMMARY: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon. Adult language, sexual references. Humor/Parody, Post-TPM. After Qui-Gon's death, the Jedi master returns to Obi-Wan, who isn't as happy to see him as you might think.

NOTE: All of my stories are available on my website (http://www.europa.com/~mercutio/Stories.html)

ARCHIVE: Please. As often as possible, and wherever you like.

Obi-Wan knelt over his master's dead body, still holding him. "Noooo!"

How can this be? How can you be gone? How can I live without you? And what am I supposed to do with a padawan, anyway? You still haven't taught me how to braid my own hair!

The overwhelming sense of loss hurt. Terribly. He needed his master. He needed Qui-Gon. Needed to spill out his heart and confess his love for the other Jedi. Reveal his passion, and all of the naked pastel sketches he had made of his beloved Qui-Gon.

Perhaps Qui-Gon would have appreciated them. Perhaps he would have approved of Obi-Wan's obsession with him. Perhaps Qui-Gon would not have sent his padawan to the Sexual Revulsion Therapy course hosted monthly by Yoda.

Obi-Wan shuddered at the thought, but it did not matter. It was too late now. He could never tell Qui-Gon how he felt. His master was dead.

"'There is no death; there is the Force,'" he said bitterly to himself. "What a crock."

Something tugged hard on his braid. Now, padawan...

"What?" Obi-Wan jumped, and turned. He'd just heard... heard Qui-Gon? How could that be? Qui-Gon was dead! And he really really wasn't into necrophilia, although he had to admit it had crossed his mind in the past several minutes.

You never did listen very well, padawan.

Well, this was his chance. He looked at the very alive Force-ghost standing in front of him. The very alive, very naked, very adolescent Force-ghost.

"Master?" he asked, disbelieving his eyes.

Yes, Obi-Wan?

"Why are you only wearing a loincloth?"

His master... or his teenage twin... was wearing little more than a patch of cloth and a smile. Not that this wasn't one of Obi-Wan's dreams come to life, but he'd really been expecting to see the umm... mature man he'd come to know, not some snot-nosed brat that kind of reminded him of Anakin.

Why, the better to seduce you with, my padawan.

Obi-Wan felt the distinct urge to smack his master. "What the Sith are you talking about?"

The ghost shrugged. You want me, I've got time, let's do it.

Obi-Wan reached out to the ghost, hand passing through the figure with a tingle of midicholorians. "Um..." he said, finding it difficult to believe he was actually considering it, "I can't touch you."

I'm not thinking about this. I'm not thinking about this. Yes, I am. So I'm thinking of it. But he's so cute. Eww.

The ghost frowned. Oh, bother. Well, perhaps we can think of something. I promise that I have some very naughty fantasies that I'd love to share with you.

"Right now??"

Why not?

"Because we've got a planet to save!"

The ghost shrugged. Doesn't matter. Naboo's going to the Sith hells anyway. Just remember to kill Anakin and Senator Palpatine, and you'll be all right. The future will muddle along as it must after that.

"Kill Anakin? You just told me to train him!"

That was five minutes ago. I was alive and fallible then. No, kill Anakin and the senator, and everything will go swimmingly.

"But, but..." Obi-Wan realized that this conversation was going nowhere. "Look, you may have all the time in the galaxy, but I've got a queen to save. I will do my duty."

He got up, ignoring the ghost, and ran out of the room.

Or tried to at any rate. "Sodding force fields," he muttered under his breath as he came up against another of the glowing red walls.

A hand settled on the center of his back, stroking down his spine with a sensuous touch. Apparently Qui-Gon had no trouble touching him. Why bother? The queen's attracted to little boys, like Anakin. You don't stand a chance.

"I don't want Amidala! I just want to save her from the Trade Federation!"

Already done. She saved herself without much trouble. Quite an interesting young woman. I think I'd like to have a chat with her.

And the ghost disappeared. Obi-Wan patiently waited for the force field to drop, and got all the way to the third one before being stopped again. That can't be my master. My master had so much self-control. Restraint. I would have sworn that Qui-Gon never had a sexual thought in his life.

It must be the ghost of the Sith. The Sith are of the Force, they must leave ghosts too. It was just trying to confuse me. Yes, that's it. I will keep the faith. Qui-Gon, my master, will forever be enshrined in my memory.

By the time he stood at Qui-Gon's funeral pyre some time later, Obi-Wan had almost forgotten about the ghostly Sith vision. He'd put it out of his mind. Naboo had been saved, and he had Anakin by his side. There were more important things to think about.

Such as why the Sith had urged him to kill an innocent little boy.

Not that Obi-Wan hadn't had similar urges.

He shuddered as he remembered being caught with the pillow on the ship as they traveled from Coruscant to Naboo. He'd been thrown out of his sleeping place in Qui-Gon's quarters to make room for Anakin. Obi-Wan had been looking for a congenial bed companion, and had to been forced to accept Jar-Jar's invitation. Jar-Jar wasn't exactly bad per se, but Obi-Wan had not been that pleased about having to sleep with the Gungan.

Tongues were all very well, but those ears. That nose. Those feet.

Obi-Wan didn't question why the Sith had wanted a senator-now-chancellor murdered. While Chancellor Palpatine had been perfectly polite after his arrival on Naboo, an unexceptionable man who behaved with diplomatic courtesy at all times, it was not difficult to understand why someone would want a person in power to be killed.

But now was not the time to think on these matters.

He strictly disciplined himself, putting his attention back on his master's burning body. The smoke forced tears into his eyes, and Obi-Wan allowed his grief to show. To never have his master there again. To be alone in such a way that he could never explain, half of his heart torn away...

Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan. How quickly you forget. Perhaps you need a reminder of how real I am.

And a hand reached up under his tunic, and made its way into his pants. A hand that Obi-Wan devoutly hoped was only visible to him.

He hissed under his breath, causing Anakin to look at him. Obi-Wan shook his head quickly, diverting Anakin's attention. Didn't want that, no. Not right now.

You are not my master. You are a Sithly creation, attempting to torment me and force me from my chosen path. Leave me alone.

Thankfully, the hand pulled back. Instead it went to his head, stroking through his hair. You doubt me?

The voice sounded hurt. Very hurt. Surely he couldn't hurt the feelings of a Sith.

Yes. Go away.

I don't want to go. I want to be with my Obi-Wan forever. I don't have to leave now, you know. There's no reason why we should ever have to separate.

Prove that you're Qui-Gon, or I'm going to Yoda right now and have you exorcised.

How cruel, the voice pouted. Very well. Do you remember that night? On Endor? When you came back very late to our temporary residence among the Ewoks?

It could just be a good guess. What about it?

I saw that tattoo on your ass. The one they'd made with their little sticks. You were very lucky that the juice they'd used to stain it with wasn't permanent. Or unlucky. I wanted to bite it so much.

Master! he gasped.

Like I said, Obi-Wan. Don't you trust me?

At the moment? Why do you ask?

Oh, I don't know. Because I'm here and you'll never be alone again?

Obi-Wan felt the hand go under his trousers again, and knew suddenly what the shape of the future was going to be.

I'm doooomed.

-the end-