
by Keelywolfe ( )

Rating: NC-17

Archive: M&A, anyone else, ask.

Category: PWP, First-Time

Feedback: I crave it like a drug, please help support my habit.

Summary: An answer to the first line challenge, 'Two Jedi walk into a bar.'

Disclaimer: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away, George Lucas created Star Wars. And he looked at it and saw that it was good. And all was right in the world. But then, we saw that Obi-Wan doth look upon Qui-Gon with lust, and that Mr. Lucas was not likely to include that in the next movie, so we said screw it and wrote it ourselves, even though we do not make any money off of this. And all was right with the world

Warning- Complete and total gratuitous PWP smut here. Any semblance of a plot is probably wishful thinking on the part of the reader.

"Two Jedi walk into a bar...."

"I've heard this one."

"How do you know you've heard it, you didn't even let me finish!" Exasperated, Obi-Wan glared at his master from across the fire. His face was cast in shadow but Obi-Wan knew without having to see that Qui-Gon expression would be calm and solemn, as befit a Jedi master.

Obi-Wan hated it.

Seeming oblivious to Obi-Wan's annoyance, Qui-Gon blithely added, "Everyone has heard that joke, Padawan, it's the one where the second Jedi had to make the bartender smile, hmm?"

Irritation became flabbergasted surprise and his jaw unhinged as he stared at his master. "How did you...?" He stopped, shook his head. "Never mind, I don't want to know." Flopping backwards on his elbows, Obi-Wan stared for a long moment up at the sky. The glimmer of stars was the only light, aside from the fire, the planet of Gwirden didn't have any moons.

They had come here for some training exercises and Obi-Wan had done well if I he did say so himself, although of course he wouldn't. A certain amount of pride was acceptable but gloating was very unseemly.

Obi-Wan knew that, knew that emotional control was very important to being a Jedi, but sometimes Qui-Gon seemed calm to the point of unconsciousness. Just -once- he'd like to see him lose that suffocating control and let go! Laughter was not exactly a path to the dark side and Qui-Gon acted as if his face would crack if he so much as twitched his lips.

"What do I have to do to make you smile?" It took him a moment to realize he had spoken his musings aloud, but the pulse of surprise he felt from Qui-Gon made him sit up and look at his master expectantly.

A myriad of emotions fluttered over the older Jedi's face before settling on confusion. "Why is it so important for you to see me smile?"

Heaving another sigh, Obi-Wan poked at the fire with a long stick. "Trust you to answer a question with a question," he grumbled. "I want to see you smile," he said deliberately, "Because I like to see you happy. You don't seem very happy most of the time..." his voice trailed off as he realized what he was saying. The state of his master's 'happiness', so to speak, was no concern of his and he felt rather embarrassed for bringing it up. "Just forget I said anything, Master."

Qui-Gon seemed to be searching for words, and he finally surrendered, standing and circling the fire so that he could crouch next to his Padawan. Obi-Wan studiously avoided looking at him but Qui-Gon persisted, capturing the younger man's chin and tilting his head. "Padawan, I'm very...touched...that you would be so concerned with my well- being.

Touched. He was touched. Obi-Wan pressed his lips into a thin line. My master, he thought dryly, Prince of the Bland Understatement and Lord of Control over All Unbefitting Emotional Outbursts. Looking at the other man's face so close to his own made mischievous ideas scrabble around in his head, seeking purchase. Touched was he? I'll show him -touched-.

Before Qui-Gon could react, Obi-Wan twined his hands into the older man's hair, ignoring Qui-Gon's startled expression, and pressed his lips firmly against Qui-Gon's.

The lingering vibration of surprise that trembled through the Force flared into pure shock. Qui-Gon's hands shifted to Obi-Wan's shoulders and rested there, trembling as if they were trying to decide what to do while he desperately shored up his crumbling defenses.

Obi-Wan immediately redoubled the attack, his tongue laving Qui-Gon's lips, probing for entrance. Qui-Gon teetered on the edge of surrender or flight and finally Obi-Wan pulled out the big guns, sliding his hands down Qui-Gon's back to cup his ass and squeeze, hard. The Jedi master made a most undignified sound between a yelp and a squeak, his lips parting and Obi-Wan took immediate advantage, dipping his tongue inside to tease Qui-Gon's.

A hesitation, and then very slowly Qui-Gon responded, opening up further to Obi-Wan's gentle probing.

His crouched position, leaning forward on his toes, was already unsteady and when Obi-Wan shifted forward to deepen the kiss further they overbalanced. Qui-Gon collapsed backwards with a muffled grunt as Obi-Wan fell on top of him. He vaguely registered the soft thickness of a blanket underneath his shoulders and spared a thought to be grateful that they hadn't fallen in a patch of prickle weeds.

With a sharp twist he finally pulled away from Obi-Wan's persistent kisses, but the younger man only changed tactic and renewed his attack on Qui-Gon's neck, tugging aside the thin tunic that Qui-Gon wore for sleeping.

"Obi-Wan," he finally managed, "I don't think...oh!" A warm hand had made its way underneath his loose pants and had immediately circle the erection that it found there. The ability to form words deserted him as all the blood left his head and made its way to warmer climes.

Soft lips tickled his neck as Obi-Wan made his way back up, lightly nipping at Qui-Gon's beard while his hand squeezed, pumping slowly. The touches were an assault on Qui-Gon's senses, one that he could not defend himself from and he finally gave up trying. Surrendering, he arched into the tight clasp of Obi-Wan's hand, which had settle into a hard, driving rhythm, determined to push him over the edge.

"Yes, love, that's it, yes, come on, come -on-, love, yes, yes," whispering hotly against Qui-Gon's ear Obi-Wan kept up a litany of seductive words that went straight to Qui-Gon's treacherous cock. Obi- Wan's hand paused long enough to rub his thumb over the slick, leaking head, dragging a hoarse gasp from Qui-Gon, before starting again. Harder, faster now until with a shudder and a low, vibrating groan Qui- Gon came. Ragged spurts of warm, milky fluid anointed his stomach and Obi-Wan's hand, which was slower, gentle now, soothing.

One deep, trembling breath and another, until Qui-Gon was reasonably sure his heart wasn't going to pound its way out of his chest. Only then did he open his eyes and look at his Padawan rather smug face.

"Why did you do that?" he asked, priding himself on the reasonable calm in his voice. Calm which deserted him when Obi-Wan lifted his hand, still wet with semen, to his face and licked it, trailing his tongue up one damp finger.

"I told you, I like to see you happy. Did that make you happy, Master?" The words sounded innocent, the tone was anything but, husky, teasing, and Qui-Gon found he was responding to it rather against his will. He swallowed and his throat made a dry clicking sound.

Obi-Wan pouted slightly, "That didn't make you happy?" Qui-Gon blinked, Force was this impudent little brat -taunting- him? Determination rose within him, shoving aside his squawking conscience.

"No, Padawan, but perhaps this will." That was his only warning before he grabbed the younger Jedi and flipped him on his back. Obi-Wan landed with a loud grunt, the impact knocking the breath from him and the feel of strong hands tugging down his pants made it difficult to regain it.

Obi-Wan hardly managed to rasp in a lungful of air before it all rushed back out of him at the sensation of a wet tongue sliding over the tip of his cock. Gentle fingers pushed back his foreskin so that nimble tongue could run over the soft ridge underneath the flared head, teasing him briefly, before he was engulfed in the tight, wet heat of Qui-Gon's mouth.

He gave a hoarse shout, bucking upward before he could stop himself and Qui-Gon rode out his wildness, sucking harder, one hand cupping the soft sac underneath, squeezing gently. The head of his cock bumped the back of Qui-Gon's throat and he screamed again, coming helplessly, spilling his essence onto Qui-Gon's stroking tongue.

Obi-Wan couldn't have moved his pinky toe if the entire Council had suddenly appeared and ordered him to do so. He dimly felt Qui-Gon shift but paid it no mind until he felt a tongue nudging his lips. He parted them, let Qui-Gon slip inside and he tasted himself as he had earlier tasted Qui-Gon.

A final, soft kiss and then Qui-Gon settled at Obi-Wan's side with a sigh, using a nudge of the Force to gather his own blanket and spread it over them, the night air finally seeming uncomfortably cool to their sweat-dampened skin.

A faint snort came from next to him and Qui-Gon opened his eyes and looked down at Obi-Wan. He was down for the count, already snoring faintly. Faintly and annoyingly. Suppressing another sigh, he told himself to ignore the soft whistling so close to his ear and instead rested his cheek against the younger man's damp hair, a warm smile curving his lips.


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