When Tomorrow Comes

by Master Linda (Sneezer222@aol.com)

Archive: Master-Apprentice, anywhere else please ask first
Category: Q/O, POV, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No
Spoilers: No
Summary: Qui-Gon reflects on his Padawan
Feedback: Yes, please
Author's Notes: This is my first story. I guess I should have put that under warnings! Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive to me and helped me get this short thing ready for public consumption. Thanks to Xania, who read it first and said she liked it. Thanks to Mali Wane and Van for the betas, any remaining mistakes are mine and mine alone. Thanks also to Barbana, who drew me lovely art. Sorry this wasn't the washcloth fic.
Dedicated to my Padawan, who inspires me.

This morning, I watched you in the garden, working on your katas. So graceful, so long and lean. Happy with the feeling of the sun on your face and the smell of grass under your feet. You've been working on designing your own moves, and the process is beautiful to watch. Sometimes smooth and flowing, sometimes faltering, each step worked over and over until it is flawless.

This afternoon, I saw you in the library with a group of Initiates. You were managing to tell them a story, complete with mock lightsaber battle moves, and still not be so loud as to bring down the wrath of Master Vi-Lal. The Initiates watched you with dreams in their eyes. I could feel your love for them, and your patience. Someday you will meet the Initiate that will change your life, complete your calling. What will you be like with your own Padawan at your side, I wonder.

A short while ago, when you thought I was sleeping, I heard your blankets start to move. Quietly, but with an unmistakable rhythm. I laid there, watching the outline of your body in the low light, barely breathing for fear you would hear me and stop. Your hands moved faster and faster and I could hear you breathing louder, with the smallest of cries in the back of your throat. Faster and faster, till at last, total silence, your body taut and stretched out under your blanket. As I started to breathe normally again, I realized you were crying. Small sobs under your breath. Through our bond I could feel your contentment, I knew you weren't in pain, but still I wanted to take you in my arms, hold you close, comfort you. Lick away the tears of pleasure that slowly ran down your cheeks towards your ears.

Tomorrow morning, you will shower, and, afterwards will kneel down in front of me. Holding out the tie for your braid, you will ask, "Will you do me the honor, Master?" and I will take the tie from your hand, as I have done every day since you became my Padawan.

However, tomorrow, I will not release your hand as I normally would.

Tomorrow, I will bring it to my lips, kissing each finger slowly and I will do as I have planned for so long. Tomorrow, I will braid in this mala stone bead, that I have been saving just for this occasion. The shimmering green will look so lovely against the dark red-brown of your hair. Among the people I was born to, the giving of a mala stone signifies the beginning of a courtship. Already, I know that our hearts beat as one and, tomorrow, I hope that you will do me the honor of wearing it and taking a small part of me with you, wherever you go.

One day, when you are ready, when you are a Knight and free to choose, I know that we will be together. Always.

I know that our hearts already beat as one.