To Be Chosen

by elfin

Disclaimers: everything belongs to George Lucas.

Thanks for Pfyre for constant encouragement and for being so wonderfully impatient :-)

This was going to be one long story, but I found myself needing to look at a clean screen again! Part Two is now in production and shouldn't be more than a couple of weeks coming. This part DOES NOT end on a cliffhanger, I promise!

O/Q (of course!)

Rated: NC-17 for m/m sex and romance. Loads of slush cos these two bring it out in me!

Archive permission given to M/A.

Summary: An unexpected attack within the temple persuades Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to finally complete their soulbond before circumstances change beyond their control.

Feedback is craved!

Part I: The Enemy Unmasked.

"Then you shall have to leave him. You shall be found a new master." Obi-Wan's eyes widened in disbelief. He stared at Mace Windu's back as the Jedi council member turned to gaze from the chamber window. The large circular hall was empty save for them. Obi-Wan had hoped to speak to Master Yoda, but Master Windu had instead opted to hear his concerns. He had simply wanted advice, the opinion of a wiser Jedi than he believed himself to be. But now... he did not understand what Windu was saying. "No!" He stammered the word with as little disrespect as he could manage. "That's not what I wanted at all, Master Windu." He somehow brought his own panic under control. "My Master is my soulbonded, you must know that. I cannot be separated from him."

Windu whirled around, and Obi-Wan stepped back suddenly as a red-beamed lightsaber blade arced toward him. Immediately the young padawan dispersed his shock into the Force and activated his own lightsaber, clashing blades with the other in what he knew then to be a real battle. Confused, he fought, all the time asking his superior what was happening, why he was doing this, what Obi-Wan had done to upset him so. Mace was an accomplished swordsman, one of the best on the council, and to his growing fear, Obi-Wan knew he could not win. Would he be killed? By a member of his own side's council? He was being forced back, and he leapt into a summersault before the doors could block his way, curling his body into a graceful ball and flying over his opponent's head before unfolding to land and block an upwards sweep of the deadly beam.

Qui-Gon blasted into the chamber with lightsaber ignited and ready. He had sensed his padawan's confusion, bewilderment and fear as soon as the unexpected battle had begun. He had sent no query lest he should distract his apprentice during what felt - from his end - like a true fight to the death. Instead he had simply started out from the practise hall to the chamber, his speed directed by the growing terror flooding their bond; not fear of the battle, or even of death, but of something else. When Qui-Gon saw who it was that Obi-Wan was fighting, he understood why.

Qui-Gon's blade clashed with Mace's as it came toward him. But Obi-Wan was there, launching himself into a blindingly fast jump and connecting the base of his feet with Windu's back, sending the other hurtling to the floor, sprawling as his lightsaber disengaged and spun away from his grasp. Qui-Gon picked it up carefully, fully aware of Mace's ability to activate it using the Force and shielded it as best he could in an attempt to render it safe.

Obi-Wan stood off to one side, lightsaber still fired, his chest rising and falling with the exertion, his eyes never leaving his opponent even now. There was a chilling confusion in those once-innocent eyes. Qui-Gon watched him, casting out with his senses to ensure his padawan was unhurt before turning his attention to Mace Windu. "What in Force are you doing?"

Obi-Wan had never been popular with Windu. The soulbond he had formed at a very early age with Qui-Gon had all but destroyed the budding relationship between the Jedi masters. When Obi-Wan had been five years old, Windu had reduced the little boy to tears by refusing to allow him to leave a class early to accompany his soulmate to a wedding. At the age of fourteen, Obi-Wan had been similarly undone by a brutal description of a vision Mace had once had detailing Qui-Gon's death.

As the young man had grown up, his close bond with his master had been an issue of some disharmony in the council. But the bond had been accepted by the pair, and now nothing and no one could break it.

Windu continued to stare up at Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon stared back. "Why, Mace?"

Obi-Wan heard the grief in his master's voice, yet he still could not take his eyes from the man who had so suddenly attacked him. His fingers still clasped his lightsaber easily, yet his hands had begun to tremble. Palms pressed downwards against the wooden floor, Mace lifted his head and spat at his one-time companion. Then he turned his head, pulling his body up as he moved once again to his feet, his attention settling on the disturbed young man standing away from him.

It happened in an instant. Mace's lightsaber flew from the Force-enhanced grip in which Qui-Gon held it to its owners hand, was ignited and arched across Obi-Wan's throat in an eye blink. Obi-Wan stumbled back, a terrible broken cry of pain escaping him, before he brought his own blade up to block Mace's next strike. A moment later, the enemy struck again, this time turning as he moved, aiming for Qui-Gon. Without a second thought, Obi-Wan thrust his blade through their attacker's body. Mace fell forward, dead by the time his body contacted with the floor. Dead before his lightsaber could even register it.

It took a few moments for the shock to clear, for both of them. And then Obi-Wan was falling, his own lightsaber clattering to the floor, his hand going to his injured throat, his senses failing him. He passed out into the arms of his master.

Yoda silently levitated himself onto the long bench next to Qui-Gon, and overlaid his old padawan's hand with his own small one. "Blame yourself you cannot, Qui-Gon. See it none of us did."

"How many more, my Master?" The Jedi's voice was a whisper. "He sat on the council and still none of us saw it. They may be anywhere."

Yoda nodded, knowing Qui-Gon's sadness mirrored his own. "Worry not about that now. How is he?" The ancient Jedi felt a tear drop to his hand, and he tightened his little fingers around one side of Qui-Gon's. "Pull through he will." The other only nodded, reigning in his emotion with much difficulty.

"If I lost him now...."

Yoda sighed. "A soulbond you have, my Padawan. Deny it you cannot. Survive it... none ever have. This you both know."

"And I accept it."

Yoda smiled softly at the utter conviction in the tone. "Know that I do."

They waited for a time in silence, each there for the other, each drawing comfort from the other. Both started when a healer appeared in one of the doorways. "Master Qui-Gon Jinn."

Qui-Gon stood, feeling Yoda's fingers briefly squeeze his own before releasing him.

Qui-Gon was led to the recovery area of the infirmary. Obi-Wan was sleeping on a low bed, put under with gentle use of the Force. He looked so small amongst the myriad of humming machines and busy people, so young as he lay beneath the soft blankets afforded him because of the shock his body had plunged into. Qui-Gon settled into the seat next to the bed, stroking his hand lightly over his padawan's hair, issuing a soft mental reassurance before taking the cold hand from the fold of the blankets in to his own.

Through Obi-Wan's entire life, Qui-Gon had sat in very few vigils over his padawan. He had been a healthy child, catching only one fever in his younger days - one that had been sweeping the academy and that was considered best for all children to contract while they were still in their infant years. As a teenager, there had been two incidents. Broken bones from a terrible fall during a routine field trip, and a terrifying virus that had put the young one into the infirmary for many weeks, causing Qui-Gon more worry than he could have believed a Jedi Master capable of.

This time the concern was not just over the physical; the deep, frightening wound to his neck and throat. Obi-Wan had killed a man he had looked up to. He had slaughtered another in the heat of the battle and although he would have died had he not chosen that course, he now had to find a way to live with it. Jedi only killed as a final resort. In all of Obi-Wan's short life, he had never killed. Qui-Gon regarded him with a heart filled with love and admiration. Obi-Wan had saved his life, and by doing so had placed himself on a painful path. Qui-Gon swore his padawan would not walk that path alone.

"Qui-Gon Jinn." Qui-Gon turned in surprise as Senator Palpatine stepped up to his shoulder. "How is your young apprentice?"

Qui-Gon tightened his hold on his soulmate's hand, not completely understanding his reactions to Palpatine's presence, but accepting them as Force guidance. "He will recover." The other man's sickly smile did nothing to put the Jedi master at ease.

"The council wish to speak with you. I could watch over him while you are gone."

The screaming in his mind, prompted by the suggestion, could only have been the Force, Qui-Gon surmised, and he could not ignore them. As calmly as he could, he shook his head. "Thank you, but Obi-Wan needs me. The council will wait."

There was a small sense of frustration from the senator, but no outward signs of thwarted plans, and he simply wished them both well and left.

Qui-Gon sat back, trying to quieten the voices in his mind, trying to make some sense of them while keeping his discomfort from the bond he shared with his sleeping ward. He managed to hush them, to separate the words from the nonsense, to begin to hear what they were saying. They were not Force-guided voices. They were emotions; anger, hatred, grief. They were not his. And they were directed against his padawan. Qui-Gon looked back at the doorway.

Leaving Obi-Wan's side for just a moment, Qui-Gon found a padawan healer. "I need you to find Master Yoda for me, urgently. Could you do that please?"

The young man nodded quickly and left in search of the council leader. Qui-Gon returned to his apprentice's side, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed. Sighing softly, he slipped Obi-Wan's braid through his fingers, a gesture of thought, of affection, one he had done ever since the hair had been long enough. Obi-Wan hated his braid, claiming it did nothing but get in the way. Qui-Gon loved it, loved the honey colour of his padawan's hair, the tickling ends that fountained from the last leather tie of his braid. He loved Obi-Wan, with all his heart and everything that was his soul.

Their bond had been chosen by the Force. Qui-Gon had been aware of a part of himself being missing, had recognised the feeling as one half of a soulbond, but for years he had no idea who had been selected for him. Until a young boy had entered his life. Then, he had known. On Obi-Wan's sixteenth birthday, the council had given them both the choice to reject the bond. They would never be able to see each other again, the mental connection that was naturally blossoming between them would be severed by all the council members acting together to manipulate the Force. It could be done. But the pair had both to want the separation. Neither did. The bond had flourished.

They had kept their relationship as platonic as had been possible. It had not been as easy as they believed it would be. Once they had both accepted that a physical relationship would eventually develop between them, desire had flared up like wildfire. Many, many nights had been spent clasped in each other's arms, mouths engulfed, hands fumbling for the simplest touch of flesh. Cold tents in forest clearings on strange planets, simple single beds in shelters as they played at peacekeepers, luxurious suites in palaces when negotiations were their mission; all kinds of places had seen the power and desperation of their need. Yet for a whole year, they had not consummated the bond.

They had agreed at the beginning to wait until Obi-Wan was a knight. Then they would be equals. Then the stresses of having to bury a part of their relationship through the daylight hours, on missions, in company, would not weigh heavily upon them. Qui-Gon was losing his resistance with every day that he spent in his beautiful padawan's company. In recent weeks the kissing and caressing had eased up a notch in its intensity. Qui-Gon had found himself becoming increasingly distracted by Obi-Wan's presence, by the scent of his clean skin after his morning shower, the aroma of his sweaty body after practise. He knew he was reaching his own limits. He knew Obi-Wan was too. This morning he had been filled with hope regarding the evenings ahead, and the change he would push for, knowing his padawan would accept with equal fervour.

Now all that desire for Obi-Wan had been replaced by worry and fear for his safety. The dark side wanted his padawan. He would not be given.

Running gentle fingers over the white dressing that covered the deep wound, Qui-Gon told his Obi-Wan that he loved him. That he would always love him. That they would never be separated. The least he could do for the one who had captured his heart and saved his life.

He turned when he felt Master Yoda enter the room, and another detail surged up through his consciousness; he had not sensed Palpatine's entrance. Had he been shielding? If so, that made him something more than just a senator. It made him very dangerous indeed.

"Master Yoda. Thank you for returning." Qui-Gon stood, following his master to the window so that they might talk without disturbing Obi-Wan.

"The padawan healer seemed... hurried." Yoda was obviously amused by Qui-Gon's messenger.

"I'm sorry, my master, I felt it best not to leave Obi-Wan unprotected."

Yoda's slight change in expression surprised Qui-Gon. He had expected a question, instead he was faced only with approval. "Great danger is he in now." The words were quietly spoken, yet they pounded into Qui-Gon's head with the force of a storm. For a moment, the constriction in his chest made it difficult to breathe, as difficult as it was to accept the knowledge he was now being forced to realise.

"It is Senator Palpatine, my Master." Qui-Gon uttered the words without being sure how he did so. He was rewarded by the surprise that shaped Yoda's face. So they had known there was one, but not whom.

"Suspected we did that a master's presence. Palpatine we suspected not. Mace... we saw not."

Qui-Gon nodded, the pain in his soul easing. It made sense that the council had not informed anyone of their suspicions. As carefully and respectfully as he could, Qui-Gon asked, "Did you knowingly use my padawan - my soulmate - as bait?" He expected rage, disappointment, disapproval. Not the lowering of the long ears. Not the sadness that filled the eyes. "My Master...."

"Use him we did not." Yoda told him gently. "A target he has always been." He sighed, obviously still unsure this was information Qui-Gon should have. "Obi-Wan... the chosen one is he."

Qui-Gon almost laughed. The concept was so ridiculous that it merited laughter. Or it would have done if Yoda had not now been regarding him with such sorrow. "My Master, he cannot be. I would know, I would sense it."

"Too close you are. Shields he does, unknowingly. Knows himself he does not."

"I would feel his shields. We are soulmates, bonded."

"Bonded within his shields you are. Stand amongst the trees you can, but see the forest you cannot."

Qui-Gon stared. He knew he was staring. But the idea that his own padawan was the Jedi fated to bring balance to the Force simply stunned him. He knew the legends - all Jedi did - but he had imagined that when and if this mythical being appeared, they would all know, would be blinded by the Force around that being. His gaze fell on Obi-Wan, sleeping peacefully, thank the Force.

"Tell me of your concerns you must, Qui-Gon."

"I love him, My Master," Qui-Gon stated simply. "This is not what I wished for him."

"Wish this on no one would I. Know he should not. Lead him will the Force. Lead you both."

The figure on the bed moved, his arm twitching. Both masters saw it. "Go to him now will you. Speak later we will."

Qui-Gon nodded, still barely able to accept what he had been told. He returned to his padawan's side, to comfort and ease the beginnings of a nightmare.

"Obi-Wan." //My love, rest, there is nothing to haunt you here.//

The reassurances fell on deaf ears. Obi-Wan continued to fight his dreamed foe, his movements become more violent, whimpers - screams in his mind - escaped his lips until Qui-Gon could no more watch this continue than he could walk away. From his seat on the side of the bed, he leaned down and gathered his padawan into his arms. Sitting Obi-Wan up against his body, he soothed him as he had through the padawan's childhood. Qui-Gon stroked his hair and rubbed his back, murmuring to Obi-Wan that he was safe, that nothing could hurt him.

The padawan woke in his master's embrace, startled by the vivid images still remaining in his mind's eye. Qui-Gon smiled when stormy eyes settled on him. "Just a dream. It's over now, Padawan." But he knew it wasn't, might never be. Obi-Wan allowed himself to rest against the solid form of his master. "You will be all right." Carefully, he laid his ward back onto the bed and pulled the blankets over him. Obi-Wan continued to stare at him.

"Is he... dead?" The beautiful voice was strained, roughened by the healing 'saber burn.

"Yes, my Padawan, he is. You acted in self-defence and saved my life." Qui-Gon found Obi-Wan's hands, holding them gently. "He had turned, Beloved. You had no choice."

"I... I don't understand...." But the exhaustion in the tone soon had Obi-Wan back in its grip, and he slipped under again, sleeping peacefully for the time being.

He paced his luxurious quarters, trying to shake the death cry of his apprentice from his mind. Grief was not a part of the Dark Side; anger, hatred, revenge, these were fitting emotions for him now. Seeing Kenobi lying - healing - in the infirmary, protected now by his master and, no doubt, the rest of the council had spurned all these dark emotions within him.

The council knew, and now they would warn Qui-Gon Jinn. Kenobi could have been turned - even the chosen one was not immune to seduction, if it were done with violence and brutality. It would not have been pleasant, but he would have submitted eventually. Not now. Kenobi was half of a soulbond. That was his protection, that was why the Force had chosen to join two exceptional Jedi. It was protecting itself. If the chosen one turned, it would have meant disaster, defeat and total annihilation for the Force and its regimes.

Palpatine stared at the city living below him. Oh, Kenobi would have been beautiful in the Dark. All that power, that energy, pouring his self into the Dark Side, freeing all that the Force kept from him. His potential was seductive in itself. He would be a great Jedi knight. Already was there no match to his skills. His foresight, his swordsmanship, his control, all honed to perfection by his innate heritage. His only fault was that he did not see in himself what he was. He idolised not his own person, but his master, his soulmate. He believed that the Knight could teach him all there was to learn. He looked outwards for his lessons instead of inwards.

The raging fire that burned within him urged him to seek a way to remove Kenobi from all the safety and protection afforded him. His hunger for revenge made him long to hurt the padawan held so dear by his master and the council. Kenobi was surrounded by love, by warmth, and that alone was enough to keep the Dark Side far from his soul. Take that away and he would easily crumple. But take that away he could not. The soulbond seared them to one another, master to padawan and later knight to knight. They would never separate, and even physically apart they were mentally entwined. When one flagged, the other gave the strength needed to continue. When one hurt, the other healed. A symbiotic relationship. An eternal relationship. Unbreakable.

Palpatine began once again to pace the thick carpet. He could see nothing but a dead end, a brick wall splashed with his apprentice's blood, spilled by a Jedi padawan he loathed. Under the calm exterior he seethed. Somehow he would revenge Mace's death.

Qui-Gon stood in the doorway of Obi-Wan's room, just watching his apprentice. After Windu's attack a few days ago, the injuries his padawan had suffered had healed quickly and would soon leave only mental scars. Obi-Wan was to be released from the infirmary today, into his master's loving care. The young man was already dressed in a loose tunic and leggings, and was sitting crosslegged on his bed, his back to the door, facing out of the ceiling-to-floor window.

Qui-Gon could feel the turmoil of his soulmate's mind. Obi-Wan somehow had managed to find a way to blame himself for Mace's actions. The Jedi master had always known that his padawan could do anything if he put his mind to it, but this was going too far.

Quietly, although he knew Obi-Wan to be aware of his presence, Qui-Gon stepped to the bed and sat up on it, behind his padawan. Leaning on one arm, he rested the other against Obi-Wan's back, meaning the touch to be supportive and reassuring. Obi-Wan smiled, but did not turn from the window.

"Share your thoughts with me, Obi."

A moment later, Obi-Wan was crying. Silent tears slipped from his eyes and fell to his arms, folded in his lap. //Padawan// Qui-Gon made the word into a gentle, soothing caress, an endearment that held all his feeling for his apprentice.

Obi-Wan choked back a sob, trying to control the emotion that was overwhelming him. Meditation had merely brought all to the forefront of his mind. "I find myself... experiencing... difficulty... reconciling what I did with your teachings."

Qui-Gon felt his heart clench. "Obi..." the name was a simple breath of sorrow. "My Obi-Wan. Don't look to my lessons to guide you through this."

A heaving sob enveloped Obi-Wan. He fell forward, his hands covering his face. "What... else... is... there?" he managed to choke out.

"Beloved." Qui-Gon sat up, wrapping his arms around his soulmate's waist, holding him tenderly. "There's your heart, our soul. Look to yourself, to us. You did what you had to, there was no choice, no decision to be made. You saved my life, your life, our life. We are trained to do what we must, always guided by the Force. You must know, must understand what you did, and that the Force was with you when you acted. The answer to coping is within you. Believe in yourself, my Padawan, as I believe in you, as we believe in us."

Tears poured down Obi-Wan's face as he turned and scrambled into his master's arms. Qui-Gon enfolded his padawan in his arms, wrapping him in all that his master was, keeping him safe from the rest of the universe and daring it to try anything.

A healer stepped into the room to check on her patient. At the sight that befell her she stepped out again.

Qui-Gon stroked his hand over Obi-Wan's hair, hushing him softly, comforting as he always had. "I love you, Padawan," he whispered into the soft spiky hair, the words meaning so much more than the affection they conveyed. "And I am so very proud of you." The shaking body in his arms burrowed impossibly closer. "You fill the empty places in my heart, you complete my soul. You make everything so bright and clear. Only you, Obi. My beloved, only you."

Outside the window, the sun glowed amber, casting long shadows into the room and over the bed. Qui-Gon gave Obi-Wan all the time he needed to cry himself out, nothing came before his soulmate. When he hurt, the universe had to wait until he healed. When he slept, Qui-Gon wondered now if the universe quieted for him. Qui-Gon knew deep in his heart, despite his training and upbringing, despite the code he lived by, he knew that Obi-Wan would always come first, would always be what was most important to him, in his life. In their life. That thought always made him smile.

In the nest of his arms, Qui-Gon felt his padawan's sobs ease, felt him snuggle in, seeking calm rather than comfort. Qui-Gon loosened his hold just slightly, enough that Obi-Wan could raise his head to regard him with stormy eyes. The master placed a kiss on his student's forehead. "You will find the answer, Beloved," he whispered quietly. Obi-Wan nodded, knowing he would, trusting in his master's words. Qui-Gon moved to stroke his hand over Obi-Wan's hair again, and Obi-Wan caught it, fingers stroking the palm.

"You always catch me when I'm falling."

"Of course." Qui-Gon wrapped his fingers around Obi-Wan's damp ones. "As you do for me. No use having your own dedicated lifeline if you don't use it once in a while."

Obi-Wan leaned his head against his master's chest, smiling, sniffling and wiping his nose on the sleeve of his robe. He stayed there for a time before asking, "Can we go home?"

"Yes. Let me take care of you now."

Their rooms had been cleaned, tided and the kitchen stocked. Padawans and masters usually ate in the main dining hall, but Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were away from Coruscant so frequently that they had been allocated rooms with a small food preparation and cooking area. They were forced to eat in public so very often that meals in their rooms, away from others with just themselves for company were a luxury they both more than appreciated.

Qui-Gon got Obi-Wan settled onto the couch before disappearing to make them a lunchtime snack. Obi-Wan picked up his book, left on the low table from sometime before. He found his place and read a sentence or two before closing it again. His mind was too occupied to concentrate on the finer points of a Klactic murder-mystery plot.

Everything Qui-Gon had said to him that morning made sense, yet his internal balance was still off-set by the guilt he felt. Master Windu had attacked him. He had foug into his own mind. Whispers of his memories slipped passed him, and he caught the tendrils of self-doubt that lay behind his current mental state. He knew, once the main issue was dealt with, self-doubt could be easily disposed of. A morning of sparring with his master would reaffirm his innate confidence of his own abilities.

This time as an observer, he replayed the fight in his mind, watching closely as Master Windu turned on him, taking him totally by surprise. He felt the echo of his own shock. And he caught his unconscious cry for help. Sorrowful, Obi-Wan opened his eyes. Qui-Gon was crouching before him, and the wonderful aroma of cooked pastries wafted from the low table beside them. "Padawan?"

"I found the source of my guilt, Master."

Qui-Gon joined his apprentice in the meditative position, taking his place opposite Obi-Wan, waiting until his student was ready to speak. "I called to you, when Master Windu attacked. I didn't remember before, but I saw it in my memory. I shouldn't have called for you, I should have fought the battle myself."

Qui-Gon's only reaction was to tilt his head slightly to one side.

"What makes you think that you should have faced a highly skilled Jedi Master alone?"

Obi-Wan smiled at his master, recognizing this line of questioning. "Because I too am a highly skilled Jedi."

"You are a Padawan, Obi-Wan, a trainee. What's more you are my padawan and my soulmate." Qui-Gon reached for Obi-Wan's hands. "If it makes you feel better, what I heard from you was surprise and confusion. I came to your assistance as you would certainly come to mine under similar circumstances." Obi-Wan was quiet for a time.

"Would you eat while you are considered my words, Padawan?"

Obi-Wan smiled and nodded. "Yes, Master." The term held affection and some amusement which relieved Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan could take a simple action and turn it inside out, hunting for meaning when there was none. Then again, he could look at the most complex of problems and see the solution in a single moment. Qui-Gon smiled to himself as he realized he loved his padawan's mind as strongly and deeply as he loved his spirit, and his body.

//All that you are, Obi//

Obi-Wan graced his master with a bountiful smile as he reached over and picked up the tray of pastries from the table. Offering Qui-Gon one, he selected one for himself and placed the tray on the floor beside them. They sat in a familiar silence for a time, eating and thinking. Qui-Gon was more than willing to allow his padawan the time he needed to sort through all that was clouding his reason.

"I ended a life, Master." Obi-Wan stated finally. "How do I go on with my own existence knowing that?"

"You take it into yourself, Obi-Wan. You accept that you did your duty, you obeyed the Force's guidance and what you did was in self-defence. This will not be the last time, Padawan. In battle, there are always victors and losers. Each side will always suffer. You are a Jedi, trained and bound to protect those too weak to protect themselves and fight those who would do injustice to others. You will fight battles, you will kill those who would otherwise kill you. It is the way of the universe, Padawan. Accept that. Use it to strengthen yourself."

Night fell over Coruscant. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn slept peacefully, lying on his side in his large bed, one hand clasping that of the young man lying with him. Obi-Wan lay awake, staring at the high ceiling, trying to calm his thoughts. Finally, he could be still no longer and he rose, throwing his master's gown around his shoulders and pulling the long curtain of material about him. Silently, he walked through to the living area, grabbing a cushion from the couch and making himself comfortable on the wide staging in front of the long window.

Below, in the courtyard, two padawans sat talking despite the hour. Their conversation seemed friendly and easy, and it made Obi-Wan smile at his own memories of nights spent in similar ways.

All that Qui-Gon had said to him through the day had made him realize that his actions would always have consequences for them both. His life was precious not because every life was, but because his soul was only one half, and if it was to become one with the Force, the other half would follow. Qui-Gon had spoken, at the time of its forming, about his fears that his natural death would end Obi-Wan's life prematurely. Obi-Wan had never considered that his own death would mean an early end to his master's life.

He thought back to that time, to one morning's sparring and Qui-Gon's expression of his worries.

"We will always fight as one, Obi-Wan. We will walk into battles together and know the moves of the other as if we were one being. But that would happen if we remained merely padawan and master. The soulbond would carry that through. We would live as one being, and die as one being."

He sighed, turning his thoughts.

Qui-Gon and Mace Windu had been friends for years, Obi-Wan knew. Qui-Gon had spoken, during his padawan's time in the infirmary, of his sadness at his friend's turning. Yet he had spoken about it in terms of self-will. Master Windu had made his own decision to embrace the Dark Side. Maybe one day they would discover why. But Qui-Gon had said that he doubted it.

"When a Jedi turns, Obi-Wan, it is usually for reasons he or she does not talk about to others. Were they to do so, those reasons would probably become immaterial, or would at least lose their intensity."

Obi-Wan would never turn. It was something he just knew with all the conviction of his being. Qui-Gon would always bind him to the light, but beyond that Obi-Wan just understood that he could not be turned. It was what every Jedi swore yet none other knew with such utter certainty.

Obi-Wan looked across at his master as he padded naked toward him. "Your robe looks so silly on me, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon chuckled quietly, seating himself close to his padawan, taking the young man into his arms. Obi-Wan went willingly.

"I apologize, Master. You know how I love to wear your robe."

"Maybe I should let you have that one and requisition another."

"Then this one would not be yours, it would be mine. I like to wear yours."

Qui-Gon sighed in defeat. "At least then yours wouldn't look quite so silly on me." In his arms, Obi-Wan shifted until he was leaning back against him. The padawan could smell the fine scent of his master's faint sweat. It distracted his mind from its worries and refocused his attention on the naked Jedi behind him. Relaxing at last, he let his head drop back to Qui-Gon's shoulder, hair tickling the skin there. Qui-Gon found the end of Obi-Wan's braid against the back of his hand and took it into his fingers, playing the soft, delicate strands of hair against his palm. He remembered tying off that braid for the first time, so unware even then of what the boy would come to mean to him, of how the man he was to grow into would become his life. Even knowing the soulbond.

Raising his free hand, Qui-Gon lifted the robe back from Obi-Wan's right shoulder, giving himself access to the sculpured flesh beneath. His padawan moaned softly as he touched his lips first to the shoulder itself, and then to the base of Obi-Wan's neck. "You should try to get some sleep, my Padawan."

Obi-Wan nodded slightly, but made no move to rise. Instead he lifted his hand to stroke the back of his master's neck, under the cascade of dark hair streaked with silver. He felt Qui-Gon push his lips into the short hair behind his ear, and leaned into the kiss. "I've tried to sleep, Qui-Gon. My mind is too active."

"Thinking about what, Beloved?" Qui-Gon's tongue licked a lingering path along the curve of the back of Obi-Wan's right ear, nipping the sensitive shape at the tip before retracing his way back down. In his arms, Obi-Wan shuddered slightly.

"About Master Windu, and the Dark Side."

Qui-Gon trailed a single fingertip up over the line of the back of his padawan's neck, feeling the knots of the spine. "Isn't the nature of religion a little heavy a topic for this time of night, my beloved?" Obi-Wan swallowed a moan when Qui-Gon's fingers began a light, teasing path over his jaw, catching on the day's growth of beard there. "That... may be, Master," he said, struggling now to keep his voice steady, "but the time of day does not seem to stop my mind from working, nor does my need for sleep."

Qui-Gon caught the exhaustion in those words and the beautiful tone. He smiled against Obi-Wan's neck. "Would you allow me to help, Padawan?"

Obi-Wan turned his head until he could meet the incandescent eyes of his master. "It has been a long while since you put me to sleep."

"Yes, it has. Insomnia is not an affliction that you usually suffer from, my heart." Qui-Gon stoked a large palm over his padawan's cheek. Will you let me?" After a moment's deliberation, Obi-Wan nodded. "Then let us return to bed. If we sleep here we shall both ache in the morning."

Having stripped off the robe, Obi-Wan settled into his master's protective embrace. Lying on his side, with Qui-Gon at his back, the young Jedi closed his eyes and concentrated on the sound of his master's quiet voice, lulling him with words of love and soothing. As he kept up the hypnotic stream of endearments and Jedi phrases, Qui-Gon reached into Obi-Wan's mind, finding the bright light that he was always aware of at the end of their bond and wrapping himself around it, using the Force to subtly quiet his padawan's subconscious. Slowly, blanketed in warmth, soothed by the voice, and lulled by the Force, Obi-Wan slept without dreams.

He woke refreshed, feeling relaxed and calm for the first time in days. He was lying on his back, Qui-Gon on his side next to him, facing him, his master's breath tickling the fine hairs on his shoulder. Turning silently, Obi-Wan pushed his arm under the pillow, supporting his head so that he might watch his master sleep. How long had it been since he realized how beautiful Qui-Gon was?

He had fallen in love with the man at his side well before his age allowed him to take steps to quell the burning urges. The soulbond, Qui-Gon had explained, would make certain that one day they would become lovers, would forsake all others forever and would never desire anyone else. Those words, spoken when he was already wrestling with the natural changes of his body in its transition from boy to man, had only served to frustrate Obi-Wan more. As always in his life, he had looked to Qui-Gon for the answers to his desperate questions. And Qui-Gon had delicately explained to him the nature of sex, the rewards of masturbation and the suggestion of experimentation with others his own age. The suggestion had shocked and appalled Obi-Wan. He had wanted no other but his master, and had stated as much. But Qui-Gon had seemingly thrown his admission of love back in his face, and Obi-Wan had been hurt by that. The same night he had gone in search of someone - anyone - in whom he could bury himself and his aching desire. Instead, someone had found him, and his first time had very nearly happened by force, in a shaded spot in the academy grounds. If it had not been for Qui-Gon's reactions to his padawan's mental cry of terror.

He had come to Obi-Wan's aid then, as he had done every other time his padawan had needed him. Yet their roles had often been reversed. Obi-Wan prided himself on the fact that his master could rely on him to do or say whatever was required in volatile or dangerous situations. He had fought many times at his master's side, supported Qui-Gon in diplomatic situations and political wranglings. He knew Qui-Gon was proud of him. That was all he had ever really wanted from his training; to please his master.

Obi-Wan smiled at his own thoughts. Hardly! he scolded himself. The soulbond, as he grew older, had developed within him those other needs, sometimes greater than even he could bare. He could feel that now, feel the other's longing as he longed to complete the bond, to end their futile fasting and to take Qui-Gon - urge Qui-Gon to take him - until they were both unable to walk.

Sensing Qui-Gon coming awake, Obi-Wan reached out and touched the ends of the long hair that cascaded around the strong features of his master's face. The silky strands were one of Obi-Wan's earliest memories. As a child, he remembered (and Qui-Gon always liked to remind him when he required a way to turn his padawan red), he loved to take up the long hair into his small hands and press his face into it. He loved the feel of that silk against his skin. For his seventeenth birthday, Qui-Gon had given him a deep blue spun-silk shirt. He still had it, still loved to wear it.

Obi-Wan curled the hair around his fingers, minding not to disturb his master. It astounded him how much he loved this man. How much he was loved in return. There was nothing more familiar to him than the features of his master's face, the timbre of his voice, the warmth of a laugh seldom heard by others but shared so willingly with his soulmate.

Qui-Gon opened his eyes and smiled at the intensity with which he was being watched. "Did you sleep well, Obi-Wan?"

"I did," a rueful smile accompanied the admittance, "thanks to you."

"You needed rest. And there is nothing to fear in allowing me to assist you in getting what you need." Qui-Gon moved forward, wrapping his leg over Obi-Wan's, pressing close to his apprentice, kissing him lightly. "Good morning, Beloved."

"Good morning, Master." Qui-Gon had lately found himself wondering at how his student could at times make the word 'Master' sound like the term of seniority and respect that it actually was, and at others turn it into an endearment of equal love and affection.

Obi-Wan returned the kiss, deeper and for longer. Naked, and so close together, their bodies could hide no secrets. Qui-Gon's arousal met that of his padawan that had been simmering for some time. The kiss grew more ardent as they pressed closer to one another, marvelling in the myriad sensations that the touches created. Obi-Wan wriggled his top leg in between Qui-Gon's two, crushing his own erection against his soulmate's stomach, trapping Qui-Gon's between his thighs. Qui-Gon groaned harshly into the kiss, arms winding tightly against his padawan as if he intended to try to escape. Obi-Wan pulled his arm out from under his head with some difficulty, and slipped it under Qui-Gon's neck, drawing him closer if that were possible.

It could have happened then, they both wanted it so much.

They both pulled back at the same moment. Not like this, not after so long, not without so much as a discussion or an agreement. In silent understanding, Qui-Gon rose, stumbling into the bathing room and into the shower. Obi-Wan watched, almost drooling, as the vague image of his master masturbating in the shower was afforded him through the open door and the frosted glass. With commendable willpower he quelled his own desires, knowing deep within him that by sunset he would have his Qui-Gon finally, soul and body.

Obi-Wan watched his fingers in the mirror as he rewound the leather and thread ties around his hair to recreate his braid. Unintentionally, he kept glancing down to the mark still visible across his throat. It was a constant reminder of the battle he had fought and the tragic consequences. It would be gone in a few days, and then the only reminders would be his memories that came alive in his dreams.

He sensed Qui-Gon behind him before his master stepped into view. He was turned gently, and the taller man took up the tying of his padawan braid. "How are you feeling, my love?"

"I don't know," Obi-Wan answered truthfully. "Everyone's being so... patient with me. So... nice." He tilted his head up. "It's not what I expected, Master, nor what I need."

Qui-Gon caught the almost pleading tone in his padawan's voice, and he sympathized. The council knew now that their secret was out, and they were going to painful lengths on the one hand to protect Obi-Wan yet on the other to hide the truth from him. The result was a great deal of false politeness that Obi-Wan had seen through from the very start. He knew something had changed, and if it were left the seeds of doubt and self-recrimination would become a part of Obi-Wan that the Dark Side could use against him; against them all. Qui-Gon would not sit by and watch that happen to his soulmate. Obi-Wan needed to know, and he had a right to know.

He tied off the braid and stroked his fingers over the delicate lock of hair that fell from the final leather tie. Obi-Wan caught his longing expression and smiled gently, leaning up to meet his soulmate's mouth with his own. "I want to end this teasing, Qui-Gon," he murmured softly. "Please."

Qui-Gon pulled away with a concerted effort. "As do I, Obi. But first, I have something to tell you." Immediately Obi-Wan feared the worst, and felt along their bond for the source of his master's distraction. But he could see nothing wrong there. Qui-Gon smiled when he sensed Obi-Wan's search. "It is nothing that will cause us harm, my beloved. It can only make us stronger." The words did nothing to ease Obi-Wan's fears, but he mentally backed away, trusting his master to tell him whatever it might be. "Not here. Let us go for a walk." Yet he lingered a moment longer at his padawan's shoulder before leading the way.

The Scantle flowers were full bloom, filling the air with the scent of the new season. Obi-Wan followed at his master's side until they were far from the temple, deep in the gardens where they knew they were alone and would not be overheard nor disturbed. Qui-Gon led them down to a small pond and they sat side by side on the short grass; Obi-Wan with his legs out to one side, leaning on his arm, Qui-Gon crosslegged, almost a meditative pose.

"What I have to tell you is something I found out only a few days ago, after you were taken to the infirmary. I did not believe it then, as you will not now. Yet the council believe it with their very souls. And Mace Windu tried to kill you because of it."

Obi-Wan looked away, across the pond. His voice was quiet as he asked, "They think I'm special, don't they? Some kind of 'chosen one'."

Qui-Gon stared. "You know...?"

"I've always known." There was no pride in his tone, not even acceptance. Just a statement of a fact he had lived with all his life, like breathing. "I can feel it... something... in my mind. Like silent voices." He shook his head slowly, lowering his eyes to the grass, picking at it absently. "If I listen to them closely I can hear the future." He spoke the words softly, without inflection. They sat in silence for a while, Qui-Gon not knowing quite what to say until he heard his padawan ask sadly, "Do you no longer wish to be bonded to me?"

Qui-Gon's head snapped around, and he reached out, his grip tight on his apprentice's shoulder. "Never think that. I love you. My feelings for you are no more simple, no more complex. I would want our bond no matter what. You are my soulmate. There is no question of that, as there is no question of my wanting you with me always." Obi-Wan smiled up at him, the sun catching his changing eyes, playing in his red-gold hair. At that moment he looked as innocent as the child he had once been and Qui-Gon moved his hand from the shoulder to the neck, stroking softly with his thumb. "Besides, chosen one or not, you are still my padawan."

There was humour in the words, and Obi-Wan sighed, relieved. "I would have mentioned it, one day," he assured. "It just seemed so very difficult to bring up the subject."

Qui-Gon chuckled. "Not really a conversation for the dining hall is it, Love?"

Obi-Wan shook his head, leaning into the touch that remained at his neck. "What happens now?" he inquired tentatively.

"Now, we sit here for a while until we feel ready to return to our rooms and give in to the desires we have been wisely, yet vainly holding out on."

Obi-Wan smiled, and sighed, but Qui-Gon knew he had concerns and fears they had not yet addressed. The master Jedi moved on his hands and knees until he was sitting behind his padawan. Thankfully, Obi-Wan leaned into him, back pressed to his master's chest, wrapped in the protective embrace that had always been his sanctuary. "Talk to me, Padawan."

"I'm concerned about the council, Master. I honestly do not know how much longer I can live under their...." He struggled to find the words.

"Their unseen, yet highly visible meddling in your freedom and way of life." Qui-Gon's apprentice nodded gratefully. "I will speak with them, Padawan."

"Thank you."

For a while they sat again in comfortable silence. Never alone in their own minds, the two had always been seen to sit like this, sometimes for hours, not seeming to say anything yet having entire conversations only they would ever be privy to. Now, though, Obi-Wan's mind was quiet as he watched the sunlight play in the water of the pond. Small fishes would periodically flit at the surface of the water, leaving the ripples to fade away.

"What is expected of me, Master?" Obi-Wan asked finally.

Qui-Gon tightened his hold around his padawan's waist and rested his chin in the soft golden spikes of Obi-Wan's hair. "You are expected to become a great Jedi Knight, my beloved. You will become one. You know your trails cannot and will not be faced alone." They had discussed this, and the council had agreed that being as Obi-Wan would never be without Qui-Gon due to the soulbond, his trials when they came would not require him to endure without Qui-Gon. The Jedi master privately thought that the council were merely waiting for them to encounter a situation during one of their missions that would later be heralded as Obi-Wan's trail, after the fact. It was better that way. To be parted from Obi-Wan, for even a few weeks, was more than the master could handle. "And then, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you and I will face the universe as one. The guardians of peace and justice. The most passionate lovers the worlds have ever known."

Obi-Wan twisted in Qui-Gon's embrace until they were face to face, Obi-Wan's thighs rested over Qui-Gon's legs, his arms twisted around his master's neck. The kiss started out as loving, swiftly became deep; an expression of the need and desire pent up in both of them. When Obi-Wan broke away, he leaned back. "I only ever wanted to be yours."

"You are, as I am yours, body and soul." Qui-Gon swept his hand over his padawan's hair. "You are special and precious to me. You always have been and we both know you always will be."

Again lips met in a kiss of passion. Qui-Gon slipped his arms around Obi-Wan and lifted him, standing as his padawan's arms circled his neck. Fuck decorum, fuck setting an example. Qui-Gon carried Obi-Wan back to their rooms.

By the time they were leaning back on the closed door inside their shared living area, Obi-Wan had his legs wound around his master's waist and Qui-Gon was clutching his beloved to him, one hand supporting his ass, the other cupping the back of his head. Obi-Wan's lips were tracing a burning path over Qui-Gon's neck and shoulder, nibbling and licking his way across and up until reaching the shell of his master's ear. Qui-Gon groaned when his padawan's tongue slipped inside his ear, the sound sending a shiver of heat down Obi-Wan's spine. He nipped the lobe, dipping the tip of his tongue into the shallow cave of the ear. Qui-Gon's groan deepened, his clutch on his padawan tightening as if he believed he could drop his precious apprentice. Finally his knees would not take much more and he managed to make it into his larger bedroom to dump Obi-Wan onto the kingsize bed he earned because of his rank and age. Obi-Wan always said it was one of the perks of having an older lover.

As their hands found their way over each other's bodies, searching out the pleasure spots previous explorations had discovered, the soulbond sang with the high note of desire. They needed an end to the waiting, to the tension. Clothes were shed with the urgency pressing now against their minds. Qui-Gon found himself reduced to a breathless, quaking form by his lover's mouth and tongue roaming over his skin. He himself remembered that he could collapse Obi-Wan simply by biting his nipples, and was rewarded by a shriek of exquisite pleasure when his teeth fastened to a hard nub and flicked his tongue over the dark skin.

After that, Obi-Wan wanted revenge. He somehow managed to curl his whole body over Qui-Gon's and turn his master onto his stomach. With his legs he parted Qui-Gon's thighs, and half lying on his master's back, he parted the firm buttocks the position presented to him and kissed a path down the cleft to the puckered muscle. Qui-Gon jerked back against him when he swept his tongue over his master's anus then returned to delve inside his body. A long moan crossed with a torturous cry escaped Qui-Gon's throat and he attempted to thrust back against the squirming tongue reaching within him. But he could not. Obi-Wan was deep now, lips pressed against the outside of the tight ring, base of his tongue stretching Qui-Gon in a way that felt so different from their usual fingering of one another. A finger could be gripped, pushed and pulled. A tongue could not be. Qui-Gon just had to lie there and take it.

Obi-Wan finally relented, moving down to drop his head between his master's thighs and lather the back of his testicles, sucking first one then the other into his greedy mouth. Qui-Gon shuddered, losing any shreds of pride he might have been clinging to when he began to grind his own painful erection into the bedclothes beneath him. When Obi-Wan's hand slipped under him and gripped his cock tightly, Qui-Gon yelled a bright profanity into the silence of the room.

"Obi-Wan, please, by everything... please, take me, fuck me, get that gorgeous cock of yours inside me, just do it.... End this torture!"

Finally, Obi-Wan penetrated his master slowly and gently, knowing he would be the only one to ever be there from now on. His taking was an act of love and need, claim and possession. As he thrust into Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan began to feel a pulsing within his mind as strong as it was within his groin. //the soulbond// He spoke joyously into his master's mind.

//yes, beloved, we are becoming one another//

The intimate caress of his master's voice in his mind was the final push to Obi-Wan's already stretched control. He yelled hard, pumping into his master, feeling the slick channel squeezing and stroking him. Qui-Gon turned his padawan, bringing them face to face. "I love you, Obi-Wan."

"Qui-Gon, you're my life, my soulmate. I love you with my heart and soul." Everything Qui-Gon had put into his tone, Obi-Wan chose to put into words. "Now I want you inside me."

Obi-Wan's orgasm relaxed his body, making Qui-Gon's entry easy and painless even without preparation. The intense sensation of being penetrated by something a lot thicker than a finger drove Obi-Wan back to the brink of orgasm in minutes. Qui-Gon knelt behind his padawan, his arms around Obi-Wan's chest, hugging the young man to him, letting Obi-Wan set the pace and move on him as he wanted. Obi-Wan dropped his head back on his master's shoulder, moaning softly, Qui-Gon's name on his lips as he felt the shaft within him expand. Obi-Wan yelled at the extra girth within him and then he was being coated with Qui-Gon's seed.

Qui-Gon started to move when Obi-Wan held him steady, hooking his arm around his master's neck, drawing the kiss-swollen lips over his own mouth. //stay, just for a few moments// Qui-Gon pulled out of the kiss, meeting the intense gaze of his padawan's storm blue eyes. "I like feeling you inside me," Obi-Wan explained with no embarrassment.

"As I love being within you." Qui-Gon embraced his padawan tightly as they sat together. Eventually they had to move. Qui-Gon's legs started to ache and Obi-Wan's ass began to complain about the continuing abuse. Parting carefully, they arranged themselves on the covers, Obi-Wan blanketing his master. For a long time they stayed silent, each testing the awakened presence in their mind. From now, the soulbond would link them more intimately than anything they were used to. felt right, now it felt perfect.

//sleep, Obi. We can dream together//

Obi-Wan allowed himself to fall easily into his master's slumber. Qui-Gon held him mentally as he did physically. A warm darkness surrounded them as they both fell asleep. The shared dreams came later, and the hazy scenes and vague images that filtered through the two subconscious. Wrapped up in one another, their dreams merged. It would always be like this, even if they were physically apart. No more nightmares.

Obi-Wan woke in a cocoon of warmth. He was lying on his side, pressed back against Qui-Gon who was wrapped over him, arms wound around him. He felt filled with the strength and peace of a good night's sleep. He stretched his legs out, stroking Qui-Gon's legs with his feet. He knew his master was already awake; their sleep was linked as their dreams.

//one soul//

Qui-Gon smiled, not bothering to open his eyes. He snuggled closer to his padawan, placing a loving kiss into the soft gold hair tickling his throat. //you dream of yourself in the third person//

//don't you?//

Obi-Wan shifted back, wriggling against Qui-Gon, finding his master's erection with his ass. Qui-Gon bit back his gasp. "Waking up with you has been a temptation for too long."

"Now you can give in, Love."

The Jedi master lifted his head and nipped his lover's neck. Obi-Wan chuckled, moving his head, giving Qui-Gon better access. He did not expect the wonderings to be halted quite so soon. He looked around in query, but as he did, Qui-Gon reached over him to open the drawer in the low table by the bed. "Qui, what are doing?"

"I... have something...." the older Jedi took an object from the back of the small drawer with some effort and closed it, falling back to the bed. "I have something to show you." Obi-Wan turned on to his front and saw that his soulmate was holding a small, black velvet box.

"What is that?"

Qui-Gon leaned up on one elbow and opened the lid of the box, turning it to show his padawan. Obi-Wan gasped, taking the box from Qui-Gon with shaking fingers. Laid on the velvet inside were two silver rings, made up of the ancient Jedi symbol for eternity, going on and on to form the strong yet delicate rings. Rings given in the ceremony of formalising the soulbond. Obi-Wan's wide eyes met those of his master, his beloved. "Do you mean...?" A soulbonded pair could formalise their relationship in public if they wished to do so, but Obi-Wan had only ever heard of one pair doing so. He had never expected Qui-Gon to make such an offer.

"Only if you want to, Obi. We know that this is permanent, we know what we are to one another. A formal ceremony is not necessary."

"I do, Qui-Gon. I will... I want to. I love you."

Smiling, Qui-Gon took the box back and snapped the lid shut as he would his arm around his padawan and pulled him into a happy, deep kiss.

There was a definite, obvious change in the two Jedi as they walked through the temple to the council chamber. All eyes followed their leisurely pace through the halls. Qui-Gon wondered absently if the fact that he and Obi-Wan were holding hands had anything to do with the interest they seemed to be generating. The 12-hour old, full soulbond usually had to be given time to settle. Physical contact eased the need to be close, holding hands seemed the most natural thing in the world. Despite that need, a part of Qui-Gon wished they had consummated the bond earlier. He had never felt so at peace, so sure that whatever was thrown at them, together they would defeat it or die. Together. It was all that mattered.

Yoda stared at the two as they stepped into the council chamber. Hands dropped, but they stayed close to one another. Their whole aura was one of triumph. Yoda frowned. "Done it, haven't you?"

Qui-Gon bowed his head in mere affirmation. "We have, My Master."

"By whose permission did you?"

"By our own, My Master."

Obi-Wan bit back his smile.

Sighing, Yoda steeped his fingers in front of his chin, regarding the two before him with sparkling eyes. "Requested an audience with us you did."

"Yes, my Master. Obi-Wan and I request a formal ceremony to publicly recognise our soulbond."

There were hushed gasps from the assembled council members, but Yoda smiled. "Made for tomorrow the arrangements will be."

"Thank you, my Master."

He stepped into the small, cool chapel knowing his intentions, feeling his wondrous connection to his padawan surge forward as he entered. He looked up, and his breath caught in his throat. Obi-Wan was waiting for him, dressed in his usual Jedi garb. Yet the slightly crooked fall of his tunic revealed the crease where his neck met his shoulder, the smooth flesh accentuated by the stream of sunlight from the high windows in front and above him. Qui-Gon was gripped by the urge to trail his tongue along that sensual crease. The same sunlight played in the soft spikes of Obi-Wan's hair, highlighting the gold. Through his braid, he had threaded a strand of deep purple wrapped in gold, the end of which fell with his cascade of hair almost to his waist. Obi-Wan smiled when he knew his master had seen it, and as the smile lit his features, Qui-Gon remembered where the silky cottons had originated. That thread had once wrapped around Qui-Gon's own padawan braid.

//you are beautiful, my beloved//

//as you are, Qui-Gon, my heart//

Qui-Gon had taken all his hair back into a long, thick plat from the back of his head and dropping between his shoulders. Within the braided hair were woven fine threads of blue and violet. He too wore his usual tunics and robe, and in his hand he grasped the velvet box he had shown Obi-Wan only two days previously. Stepping forward, he handed to box to Bant, where she stood at Obi-Wan's side.

Master Yoda smiled as he lead a few other council members into the cramped space of the old stone chapel. Friends waited outside in the gardens for the blessing to be given and the joining to be completed. After, there would be celebrations.

Bant stood to one side, there only to witness the blessing and to present the chosen rings.

Taking his place on the step before the alter, Yoda regarded the two men before him, both down at his level, each on one knee, hands folded across the top of the other. Qui-Gon was the most dear of his padawans. The wilful force that was now an infamous Jedi Knight had filled Yoda's days, had taught even him that there were other things beside the Code. So many years ago, Yoda had looked into the intense blue eyes that now watched him steadily and had seen the most terrible of futures, the most tragic and wasted of deaths. That had been before the soulbond, before Obi-Wan's glad acceptance of it. Now when he looked, he could see little of that future still remaining. It had convinced him that the paths laid before them could be altered, by the Force, or by their own sheer willpower. Of course, his revelation had not been shared with others. That would never have done.

And Obi-Wan.... He had known the truth from the moment he had met the child. The Force was not only strong with him, it seem to flow from him, gathered around him, waiting to be shaped. The soulbond was the Force's way of protecting its chosen one. Choosing Qui-Gon, Yoda believed in his more pessimistic moments, was the Force's way of annoying him. Yet Obi-Wan truly could not have a greater friend, a greater alley, nor a greater Jedi at his side. Together they made an impressive pair, an impenetrable line of defence, and a very beautiful couple.

Which was why they were here.

Yoda held out his hands. Qui-Gon placed his left hand on to that of his old master, Obi-Wan his right. Holding both their hands lightly, Yoda began to recite the words that were so rarely used.

"A soulbond has been born between you. It cannot be undone, nor destroyed, nor denied.

To accept this, to acknowledge it, is to accept one another, and to acknowledge one another.

This you do here, before your witness, before each other.

Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are one soul, one heart. When one is broken, the other is broken. When one heals, the other heals. When the Force claims one, it will claim both. This you know. This you accept.

Through the Force that has granted this bond, I bless you both and the link that joins you."

Yoda brought the hands together, laying Obi-Wan's over Qui-Gon's and holding them there.

"Hand to hand, soul to soul, you are no longer one, but two. You are no longer me, but us."

Bant stepped forward and handed them the rings. In silence, Qui-Gon slipped the silver band onto his padawan's finger. Or rather, it was supposed to be in silence. As he did, Qui-Gon wondered how many other pairs throughout the galaxy broke this rule unnoticed. //for always, my Obi-Wan, I will love you for the eternity that is ours to take//

Obi-Wan mirrored the action of their fingers, smiling at his soulmate's flouting of the ceremonial rules. //I give you all that I am, beloved. I share with you everything, and will do so long after the universe claims these physical forms and the Force claims our joined soul as one. I love you.//

Unaware of their own silent vows to one another, Yoda continued.

"The bands of eternity seek only to be symbols to others. In your minds you feel each other, in your hearts you know one another.

This circle is for eternity. Rise, and seek your fate together."

Yoda shifted from the step and met Bant at the closed door, behind the other council members. As it was opened, she realised the other two were not standing behind them as they should have been. She and Yoda turned in sync. Still standing in front of the alter, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were wrapped in one another's arms, Qui-Gon's large hand cradling his love's head as Obi-Wan tilted his face to kiss his soulmate deeply.

Yoda tried to make a subtle 'clearing his throat' sound as he had seen other humans do in these types of situations, but when that had no affect, he tapped the end of his stick on the stone floor of the chapel. "Stop that you should," he muttered in mock anger. Bant just stood and stared. She believed they were the most sensual sight that had ever befallen her. She had always thought of Obi-Wan as out of reach. His telling her of the soulbond so many years before had confirmed her thoughts. But that did not stop her from day-dreaming, once in a while. This was giving her imagination plenty to work on.

Obi-Wan was aware only of the new band around the base of the finger on his left hand, and of the closeness of his soulmate. Qui-Gon's tongue grazed the roof of his mouth, torturously tracing the contours of his pallet and teeth while his own tongue could do little but lick the base of the welcome invader. Obi-Wan reached around to the back of Qui-Gon's head and wrapped his hand around the thick braid, sliding down it, caressing the length of platted hair as if it were a different part of his Qui-Gon's body. //maybe we should wait until we are out of the public eye before we start that part of the ceremony, my Obi//

"If you say so, my Qui-Gon." They both turned and looked at the faces of their witnesses. They only smiled. Each with an arm around the waist of the other, they walked out into the crowd of friends who awaited them.

End part one
