Thrice Bitten

by Robin Serrano and Mac

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon

Category: Romance, H/C

Summary: When Obi-Wan is poisoned during a mission, some very unexpected side effects result.

Archive: M/A and our sites at and (when its working)

Feedback: Is always appreciated

Spoilers: None

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: This is a hobby, no money made, honest.

Comments: From Robin: It's been my utter privilege and pleasure to write with Mac. Damn, she's good!! I think you'll agree with me. :-> And thanks to Tara T for the spark that led to this idea.

From Mac: It's Robin's fault, she made me do it! <gg> But she's a fine writer and much fun to work with. Thanks for the ride, bud!

Oh, it would be good to get off of this Force-forsaken rock, Obi-Wan sighed to himself as he paced the gardens of the Heath palace. Assignments in the Outer Rim were beginning to feel like a cliché to him. But fear of the Hutts so nearby, political intrigue and a desire for order and peace were not a cliché to the people of these worlds, so Obi-Wan was always careful to be sensitive to the beings he and Qui-Gon were sent to help.

In this case, a young princess had been kidnapped and the Heath royal court had suspected the neighboring planet of Honognr, who were awaiting approval to join the Republic. He and his Master had spent several sun cycles hopping from rooftops and scurrying in dark corridors searching for clues until they finally found the errant princess. It turned out the rebellious little heiress had decided to run away with her commoner lover, and had staged her kidnapping rather than face the wrath of her father, the king.

Obi-Wan had to smile, though. That young woman was a handful! Whilst trying to free her from her 'captor' in the low-life pub they found her ensconced in, Qui-Gon had been kicked in the shin and Obi-Wan had been bitten on the hand. Bitten! By royalty!

Once they had realized that the girl was there of her own free will, it was slightly more complicated. It was a domestic affair, and really no business of the Jedi. However, her little stunt was causing intergalactic tension, and so they had no choice but drag her back to the palace-- kicking, screaming, and still biting. Why Qui-Gon didn't just mentally sedate the little spit-fire, Obi-Wan couldn't fathom.

The king had not been pleased. Seemed he'd been getting more vocal about his distaste for the Honognr and was not of a mind to apologize for the accusation. Thus, Qui-Gon still had some negotiating to do. Obi-Wan, being of an age not much older than the princess, had been summarily dismissed. The king had had enough of childish antics, he's proclaimed. Obi-Wan had bowed out gracefully, he believed. He'd gone from the king's advisory chamber with a slightly sympathetic grin from Qui-Gon, and a promise from the king that the 'adults' would have this resolved in a few hours.

Well, at least the gardens were a pleasant change from the dank city streets, Obi-Wan consoled himself. Lots of interesting species of fauna and blooming flowers. Actually, they were quite fragrant, he mused. Ah, there was one he'd never seen. Fuzzy looking petals the colour of a night sky, with an odd sort of black stripe coming from the center.

He lifted it with gentle fingertips to smell its natural perfume... but the black stripe leapt at his hand, and Obi-Wan felt tiny fangs sink into his skin. He shook his hand away faster than the naked eye could see, but it was too late. Damn it to all the Sith underworlds!

The little reptilian creature was gone, but his hand throbbed. He examined it under the light of the sun, seeing that it was only slightly swollen, just where his thumb creased to the top of his hand. He brought it to his lips and sucked, then spat to the mossy ground anything that might have gotten into his mouth.

He looked to the arched gateway, having sensed his Master's approach, and began walking to Qui-Gon before he had to call for him. His Master had a bemused look upon his face-- an expression that never failed to make Obi-Wan's breath catch. He had to smile.

"I believe, Master, that I've worn out my welcome on Heath. That's twice now, that I've been sent away with sharp teeth."

"Obi-Wan?" Oh, but the truly puzzled look was as enjoyable as the bemused one... but why was Qui-Gon suddenly looking so blurry? And what was wrong with Heath's gravity? It made him feel too heavy.

He held up his hand, with more effort than it should have taken. "I've been bitten again." Why did his voice sound so odd? Obi-Wan wasn't amused any longer.

"Padawan, I think you should--"

Lay down, yes. He should lay down... His legs gave out from under him and Qui-Gon gathered him up as darkness rushed over him. His vision narrowed quickly to Qui-Gon's worried eyes, and then nothing.

On those occasions when he'd been hurt or ill, Qui-Gon was not a perfect patient. On the even rarer occasions when Obi-Wan was ill or hurt, he was even worse. He paced. He sat for a time, then stood and paced again. He made a quiet, restrained nuisance of himself asking the Healers for information which he'd already received. He hovered.

He was a strong man, capable and self-assured, but the sight of his Obi-Wan lying limp and pale in his arms had shaken him to the core. Qui-Gon had come to see him as strong, his ever-present quiet companion, as reliable as his Lightsabre. So he paced and worried and waited.

Finally, after what seemed like years, the Healers appeared - and they were relaxed. He let out the tension he'd hardly been aware of.

"Master Jinn? Yes, he's much better. The local medical centre had an antitoxin for the Spidergrub on hand and it took only a little genetic alteration to make it suitable for young Obi-Wan. As you were told, the poison is a nasty neural toxin, fast acting and often fatal. Your quick-thinking and the young man's natural resilience kept him going until we could treat him."

Qui-Gon nodded, hands tucked inside his robe sleeves, as he turned to follow the Healer back into Obi-Wan's room. "Any after effects?"

"None, that we can find. He will be a little weak for a time, perhaps experience some nausea and vomiting, but his readings are already almost up to normal. See for yourself!"

He stood next to the bed and watched the slow rise and fall of Obi-Wan's chest and sat down in the chair carefully, trying to sort out his feelings. In sleep, Obi-Wan seemed so vulnerable, so defenseless, the colour only just now returning to his cheeks. He untangled the braid and laid it across Obi-Wan's chest and gently laid one hand on the pale cheek, felt the warmth, sensed the steady heartbeat.

//So close. Such a stupid, senseless way to lose him. After all the fights and dangers, to have died from a bite!//

He was still sitting there, waiting with restrained patience, when the eyelashes stirred on Obi-Wan's cheeks and his eyes opened. Dazed, his focus wandered until he saw Qui-Gon, and then he woke.

"Don't try to speak, the toxin will have affected your vocal chords. Are you thirsty? Nod if yes."

Obi-Wan nodded, closed his eyes again and tried to swallow. Qui-Gon put the cup to his mouth and held his head as he drank, rationing the water out in small swallows. When Obi-Wan motioned he'd finished, he lowered his head down and put the cup aside.

"You will recall you were bitten. It was a little monster called a Spiderslug, highly poisonous at this time of year. You apparently disturbed its search for a mate. Things were a little difficult there for a while."

"Yes.." Obi-Wan whispered, swallowing carefully. "I feel..." He sat up abruptly and Qui-Gon grabbed the bowl provided for the purpose. He held Obi-Wan's shoulders as he emptied the contents of his stomach, wiped his face with a damp cloth and propped up his pillows.

The Healers arrived at that moment and began checking their patient for after-effects. He was scanned, tested and read until he was left, pale and exhausted, ready to sleep again. As he turned his head to the pillow, Obi-Wan pressed his face into Qui-Gon's hand and sighed, before sliding into sleep.

There was a lot of leaning over the side of the bed, Qui-Gon crooning to him and holding his head while he retched. There were blurred visions of his Master running a cool cloth over his hot face, and it felt so nice. Mostly there was the feeling that he was perfectly safe and that Qui-Gon would let nothing harm him while he was weak.

He knew they were on a transport headed for home, the temple on Coruscant; he had a vague recollection of Qui-Gon placing him in the narrow bunk. Oh, he wanted to be home again. Just he and Qui-Gon, in their own quarters, with some much needed downtime to themselves. And when he was strong again, he would re-claim his place at Qui-Gon's side in the field. When he was strong again. How long would that be, when he couldn't tell one day from the next?

It felt like a dream when they moved him from the transport to a temple gurney. He had the oddest feeling that Qui-Gon laughed when he insisted he could walk to their quarters. But he supposed he didn't walk after all, as he didn't remember anything after his Master's warm chuckle.

His most lucid thought in what seemed like days came when he woke with a pounding headache and realized he was in his room at the temple... his Padawan room in Qui-Gon's quarters. Now that was odd. Why was he not in Qui-Gon's room? He glanced out the window. It was indeed the middle of the Coruscant night cycle.

Knowing his cautious Master, he hadn't wanted to disturb his Padawan's sleep, especially in his condition. Obi-Wan smiled. Qui-Gon should know better; he couldn't sleep nearly as well when he wasn't snuggly fit against his Master's warm body.

Yawning hugely, Obi-Wan stood slowly. The room turned in wobbly circles until Obi-Wan breathed deeply and centered himself. He snatched up his pillow and trudged out of his room. It was dark in the common room, and it seemed to tilt just to his left. It was disorienting, but he could see Qui-Gon's door was ajar. He tiptoed to the door, fighting to keep his balance, and stopped short at the sight; Qui-Gon lay on his back, sound asleep, shuttle traffic light illuminating his golden skin.

His blankets covered him to his waist, and one had rested, loosely curled, on his belly. He crept closer and knelt, just caressing Qui-Gon's sleep softened features with his eyes. He silently blessed the Force to have this man in his life. I love you, he mouthed silently and then rose shakily.

He made his way to the other side of the bed, carefully turned back the covers, and gently climbed in so that the dip in the bed wouldn't rouse his weary Master. And if he'd cared for Obi-Wan the way he remembered, he had to be weary.

Curling into a ball, Obi-Wan snuggled as close as he dared without waking Qui-Gon. He sighed contentedly. Now it felt right. Now he could sleep.

His sleep was alive with images, emotions and sensations. The feeling of Qui-Gon's large hands tending him while he was ill. The stirrings of love that his Master's compassion evoked in him, and the image of those full lips caressing his forehead and cheek so softly.

Despite the constant activity of his mind, Obi-Wan felt incredibly refreshed when he woke. He felt stronger and more sure than he ever had. Oh yes, sleeping next to his lover had been just the remedy to get his strength back. He stretched his legs out straight, reveling in the tingle of awakening muscle, and stifled a yawn.

He turned to Qui-Gon and plastered himself next to the larger body. His cheek fit so perfectly on his Master's shoulder. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to warm, soft skin. Mmm. It felt so good. Eyes closed, Obi-Wan moved his kisses to Qui-Gon's neck, opening his mouth a little to taste-- ahhh, the tang of Qui-Gon's body, so rich and satisfying on his tongue. When his Master awoke, he wanted to taste even more of him, the most intimate flavors of him. But for the moment, he was content with languid kisses and the pleasure of full body contact. It couldn't be more perfect, Obi-Wan thought.

Qui-Gon woke from a ideal dream. It was a familiar dream, one where he was holding Obi-Wan in his arms, being kissed and held by him, surrounded by the warmth of that perfect young body. He sighed as he opened his eyes, letting the dream fade away -

Only to find it had crept through into reality. Frozen by surprise, he turned his eyes to find his Padawan lying next to him in a very intimate embrace. Sleepy blue/green eyes were mere inches from his and as he turned his head Obi-Wan leant forward to press his lips to Qui-Gon's neck.

"Good morning, Qui," he said, mouth and tongue lapping gently at the skin under Qui-Gon's ear. "Before you ask, I feel much better." A hand slid over his hip beneath the coverings, heading down towards his groin. "And I just need one thing to make me feel perfect." Before Qui-Gon could even take a breath, that hand swooped down to cup him with astonishing familiarity.

He rolled over and backwards, practically pushing Obi-Wan away. "Obi-Wan - what in the name of the Force is the matter with you!"

Looking no more than mildly surprised, Obi-Wan moved across the bed and tried to embrace Qui-Gon again. "Well, I'm feeling fine now, really. I just need a good fucking from my Master to make me feel like a new Padawan."

If Obi-Wan had said he was quitting the Jedi, Qui-Gon couldn't have been more shocked. Fuck? This wasn't right, wasn't his sane, normal Obi-Wan! He took one of the hands trying to touch him, let Obi-Wan wrap himself around him and sent a deep probe through their link. It was a touch unethical but desperate times called for desperate measures . . .

It was all there, a reality imprinted over Obi-Wan's mind like a blanket. Padawans often had fantasies about their Masters, it wasn't unusual at all. Yet somehow Obi-Wan's fantasy had become intermingled with his reality, so that he couldn't tell one from the other. In his mind, his Master and he were lovers.

//Oh, such a sweet fantasy, so easy to accept those touches, those lips.// He gently rested his hands at the junction of Obi-Wan's shoulder and throat, pressed lightly and gathered the limp body to him as his Padawan slumped unconscious. He hesitated for a moment, then bent to place a kiss on the face resting against his shoulder. All there was for him, perhaps, of that wonderful fantasy life.

And remain a fantasy it must, Qui-Gon knew. It was apparent that the neural toxin had something to do with his Padawan's confused state of mind. And this was a dangerous fantasy to confuse with reality. With a sigh, Qui-Gon gently extricated himself from the bed. Obi-Wan had to be taken to the healers immediately. He brushed his hand across his Padawan's forehead then donned his clothes quickly.

He hovered over the healers and watched everything they did intently, as oblivious to their irritation as he was to the odd looks he had received as he carried his unconscious apprentice through the Temple corridors. He was a Master with a singular mission: to see to it that Obi-Wan became healthy again, physically and psychologically.

Finally, he was rather bodily escorted to the waiting room of that ward of the infirmary. The healer who dragged him there assured him that they aspired to the same goals concerning Obi-Wan's health. With an exasperated sigh, he sat on a waiting bench and tried to stare through the door, to will himself to see what was happening to Obi-Wan.

After an hour of imagining everything from the worst scenario to the best, he was shown back inside. The healer handling Obi-Wan's case, a humanoid, instructed Qui-Gon to sit in the chair next to his Padawan's bed. Unconsciously, he took Obi-Wan's still hand and looked expectantly at the healer.

"The neural toxin was indeed neutralized, Master Jinn. However, there were side effects from the antitoxin. It worked by blocking the venom's path to Obi-Wan's synapses; that was done by numbing the synapses, making the venom believe that there were actually no viable nerve endings to attack. So, the toxin basically found nothing to destroy, and atrophied. The problem now is that many of Obi-Wan's synapses have not yet regained their life, and so many of his memories are re-routing themselves in his mind."

Qui-Gon took the healer's pause as an opportunity to absorb the information. His mind grasped the basics; Obi-Wan's pathways to thought were numbed so that the venom wouldn't attack them? He thought he was beginning to see.

"His neural pathways are not routed where they should be yet, and so his thoughts are routing fantasy to reality?"

"Exactly, Master Jinn," the healer seemed pleased at his comprehension.

"But if these synapses are merely 'numb', they will eventually regain their functionality again, correct? And he will be able to distinguish a true memory from a fantasy?"

"Yes, again. But this might take some time, Master. These thought pathways have to search out their original connections, and there are billions of them to sort through. The good news is that he is out of physical danger."

Qui-Gon glanced at Obi-Wan's unconscious face. Force, he looked so vulnerable. He wondered for a moment what it must be like to not know if a memory was real or not. The thought of it made him shudder.

"Yes, I know that the fantasy that is confused in his mind raises a dilemma for you," the Master Healer said sympathetically. Qui-Gon glanced up sharply at that. He realized that the healer had anticipated his next question. "I have to tell you Master Jinn, that it could be quite traumatic to have to be told that what he imagines is real, is not. It would be best not to force that truth on him, but to let him come to the realization himself."

"But I can't-- I cannot allow anything to come of his belief! That would be unethical for one, and personally appalling for another."

The healer started at Qui-Gon's vehemence and he realized he'd misunderstood.

"What I mean is that I could never take advantage of my Padawan in that way. The thought of doing so is repulsive," Qui-Gon clarified with his tone softened. The healer nodded with compassion.

"I understand. I leave it to your discretion how to avert his need to act out this fantasy. Just remember that to completely reject him before he comes to understand what is real, could be harmful."

Qui-Gon exhaled a long breath. "Understood."

"Perhaps he should be taken off the Temple grounds, to a healing facility on the other side of the planet? We have a recuperative facility with private gardens. It's at surface level, and thus the grounds are extensive, allowing us some secluded quarters," the healer suggested.

Qui-Gon was puzzled. "Why would he need such facilities if he is no longer in physical danger?"

The healer smiled. "Because it will mean less chance that Obi-Wan will inadvertently meet with someone who could prematurely disabuse him of the reality of your relationship. It would be just as traumatic to hear from someone else that you two are not lovers, as it would be to hear it from you."

Qui-Gon's shoulders slumped. "Of course. I'm sorry I'm not thinking clearly."

"It's quite alright, Master Jinn. You have much to consider and this problem is complex. I'll alert the facility coordinator that you and Obi-Wan will be arriving this afternoon. I suggest you pack a bag and collect your Padawan in about one hour."

Qui-Gon stood and clasped the healer's hands in his own. "I'm indebted to you, Master Healer." He bowed shortly.

"It is my duty and privilege to help you both."

Obi-Wan was quiet during the transport to the West Temple Recuperation Centre. He had accepted Qui-Gon's explanation that the antitoxin was having some side effects that caused him to have memory gaps and that they needed to be at the facility to monitor his progress in a safe, relaxing environment. But Qui-Gon knew that Obi-Wan sensed his nervousness. Obi-Wan had always hated to be a burden.

Qui-Gon was grateful that there was a score of other passengers on the transport, thus requiring discretion with public displays of affection. He noted with a small smile, though, that Obi-Wan did subtly squeeze his hand now and then, hiding the gesture under the sleeve of his robe. Try as he might, he couldn't make himself regret that Obi-Wan so needed that fleeting physical contact. It was so innocent, and so unconscious that it plucked at the most tender spots inside of Qui-Gon every time the younger man did it.

When they arrived at the unpretentious front entrance to the recuperation facility, Obi-Wan took his own pack from him, shouldered it, and offered him a sunny smile. "It's only for a while, right? And then we can get our lives back."

"Yes, Padawan, you are right." But it struck a sad chord inside him that Obi-Wan didn't realize that the life he'd regain was not the one he thought it would be.

Obi-Wan took in a deep breath and let it out as a sigh. Logically he knew the Healers and Qui-Gon had done the right thing. Emotionally, he was still uncertain. He felt really well and, aside from a few incidents of dizziness and a little disorientation, he seemed perfectly healthy.

Still, if he had to be recuperated, there were uglier places to be. The grounds were lushly wooded and beautifully landscaped and birds and small animals had been released to give it a properly balanced ecology. There was even a small swimming lake set in the middle of the woods, temperature-maintained and sparkling clean.

It would be really quite pleasant, if he could only understand why Qui-Gon was being so distant. He'd accepted the small touches and even responded a little in public, which was unusual for him, yet Obi-Wan sensed he was holding himself back.

It was night by the time they arrived and settled into their comfortable lodgings. Their quarters looked out onto the central gardens through a perplex wall that could be shaded from transparency to nearly opaque for privacy. Though fairly plain, the room had comfortable sofas, an entertainment unit, vid and book stocks and a computer terminal. It also had two large beds. He went to one of the beds, pulled off his boots and stretched out with his arms behind his head. Either he was more weary than he'd thought or the ambience of the place got to him - - he realised he'd dozed off and opened his eyes to find Qui-Gon standing by the bed looking down at him with the oddest expression on his face. It was almost - - sad.

He sat up slowly, pushing a little wave of dizziness aside, and held out his hand. After a second's hesitation, Qui-Gon took it and sat beside him.

"You look a little disturbed, Qui. I'm fine, really." He smiled and reached out to gently push a long fall of hair away from his lover's face. "I could do with being held, though. It seems like a lifetime since the last hug."

There was no hesitation then as he slid sideways into the open arms. He nestled his head under Qui-Gon's chin, felt the comforting warmth of the familiar, strong body wrap itself around him. "Have I told you lately," he said, as he pressed his lips to Qui's throat, "how much I love you?"

The hands on his back tightened slightly. "Not recently. . ."

Obi-Wan moved his lips down the length of throat. "Then let me tell you again," he said, as he kissed the warm skin at the opening of the multiple layers of tunic.

"Obi-Wan, you must remember what the Healers said: no stressful activity."

The Voice of Reason made him growl with frustration. "But I feel fine! And really horny!"

Qui-Gon's chest rumbled with a brief laugh. "So I see. However, as you well know, where alien toxins are concerned, feeling well means nothing." He was carefully dislodged as his frustrating lover stood. "I will wash and change. I think we both need some sleep after the last few days."

By the time Qui-Gon emerged from the 'fresher Obi-Wan had stripped down to his usual sleeping gear of just a pair of briefs and was already under the covers. Qui was wearing his light sleeping gear: a mid-thigh length sleeveless tunic tied at the waist with a soft sash and briefs beneath. Aside from straight-out nudity, it was the most erotic thing he could wear, though he was totally unaware of its affect.

He sat on the edge of the bed and rifled in his bag for a few seconds before locating his hairbrush. As he went to undo the tie at the back Obi-Wan slid across the bed and reached around him for the brush.

"I think I can probably manage to do that," he said, smiling. Qui-Gon handed the brush over without a word. After untying the strap holding back the side lengths, Obi-Wan began working the brush through the long fall of hair. As always, it was a tranquil time for them both - Qui-Gon relaxed under the pleasant sensation, his head tipping back slightly to allow Obi-Wan to reach the sides.

He loved that hair, loved to touch it, to brush it in regular sweeps until it lay shining down the length of Qui's back. Sliding forward, he dropped the brush to the floor, wrapped his arms and legs around Qui-Gon's body and rested his face against the smooth hair. "I'm really tired of being sick," he muttered as Qui-Gon's hands rested over his where they had slipped inside the tunic. "Can't we just. . ."

"Patience, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, dislodging Obi-Wan and gently pushing him back. "Sleep, recover. There is plenty of time for other things." Feeling a little like the child he no longer was, Obi-Wan let himself be tucked in. He rolled onto his side as Qui-Gon climbed in, watched him pile up his pillows and settle back to read a datapad. It was so familiar, so ordinary that without realizing it he drifted off to sleep.

Qui-Gon stared, unseeing, at the datapad in his hands. He was acutely aware of Obi-Wan lying so close, could almost feel the warmth of his regard. He forced himself to read the meaningless words, concentrated on the screen until he had regained a portion of his normal serenity.

Serenity wasn't easily gained after a day of such intense emotion. Was that why, he wondered, so few Jedi took mates? / /We strive for a life of emotional restraint until we remove ourselves from what it is that makes us human.// He wondered which way was more natural, and therefore more at one with the Force. . .

Affection stirred at the corners of his mind like faintly heard music. It brushed against his senses, warming him with unaccustomed pleasure. While Obi-Wan had been the best of Padawans, their relationship had been restrained. They were both, by nature, reserved people not accustomed to demonstrations of emotion. To know that his apprentice had sexual fantasies about him was one thing, to experience the reality of that unabashed craving was quite another.

A Jedi Master's lauded control would have been welcome at that moment, Qui-Gon decided. A Master he was, but also a man, he admitted at last. Most surprising of all, a man with desires and feelings of his own to contend with. Obi-Wan, for all that he did not realize it, was eroding his self control. It was also a revelation. It had forced him to acknowledge that as far as his own emotions were concerned, his love for the young Jedi had no limits at all.

After what felt like an eternity, Obi-Wan slipped into a quiet sleep. Qui-Gon sighed in relief and turned gently on his side, finally allowing himself to look upon his Padawan's face. Smooth and unlined, his expression in sleep spoke of trust. Unthinking, he lifted one hand, but stopped himself before he could trace the dimple in Obi-Wan's chin.

Oh, my Padawan. what am I to do with you? Qui-Gon's mouth curled into a rueful smile.

Sighing, he placed the datapad on the bedside table and relaxed into his pillow. He'd have to take each moment as it arrived. He had to admit, though, having Obi-Wan curled next to him in bed, warm and peaceful, felt wonderful. His eyes drifted and in moments, he joined Obi-Wan in sleep.

Mmm. The solid press of Obi-Wan's body slowly awakened him. The young man's hand swept along his back in long, lazy circles. Obi-Wan's soft lips skimmed his neck. Qui-Gon breathed deeply, the smell of the young man's hair filling his lungs pleasantly.

It felt so good. Qui-Gon was in that wonderful place between dreams and the waking world, here he could stretch, feel, and let his body waken with languid ease. His arms tightened around Obi-Wan's body, and one hand cupped the generous curve of one buttock...

Oh, Force... his hand was on Obi-Wan's bottom? When had his hand slipped inside Obi-Wan's briefs? His eyes opened as wakefulness suddenly seemed a rude intrusion. What was he doing?

Obi-Wan's head tilted upward and silky lips ghosted over his cheeks. He was so hard he ached, and Obi-Wan's hunger for him battered at his will to stop before it was too late.

"Obi-Wan, we mustn't--"

Then the warm mouth descended on his. Sweet and slow, Obi-Wan kissed him, his soft tongue painting his lips. He couldn't help it, his own lips parted, and the gentle tongue slipped inside. Deeply, Obi-Wan drank of him, love and need pouring from the younger man until Qui-Gon thought he would explode.

Obi-Wan's thigh insinuated between his legs, and began to rub. He squeezed the firm buttock still in his hand, torn between the need to come and his conscious will to stop... "Stop!" he gasped.

He pulled back, both his mouth and his lecherous hand. Obi-Wan's expression was alarmed and not a little hurt. "Easy, my Obi-Wan, have pity on an old man," Qui-Gon soothed, the lie coming easier than he would have liked, but needing it. "It is barely dawn. We have time, Obi-Wan. Let us rest," he added tenderly, and with an affectionate caress to Obi-Wan's tousled hair. That touch was accompanied by a discreet Force suggestion.

The young man's eyes closed, and a smile curled his lips. Qui-Gon held him a loose embrace and kissed his forehead lightly as sleep claimed Obi-Wan again.

He exhaled a shaky breath. Just what did he think he was doing? He had to regain control of himself. He rose from the bed and paced, willing his persistent erection to fade. He could still taste his Padawan's sweetness on his lips, though, and the battle with his body was not easily won.

Win it he did, though, and then he sat at the computer terminal to peruse the information about the facility. He had to plan some sort of schedule for them; he had to find a way to provide distraction and activity to help him combat the unwitting seduction of his apprentice. This was not going to be easy.

Easy wasn't a word that Obi-Wan used at any time during their morning's activities. While his Master seemed concerned about putting his Padawan through certain types of stress, those didn't seem to include physical activities. Just reading the list had been tiring - a session of Sho-Mond, a five mile run around the centre's jogging track, a climb up the artificial mountain, with no Force assistance beyond that needed to prevent injury and a second level unarmed combat Kata series - all before lunch. To say the least, Obi-Wan worked up a sweat.

Qui-Gon had been at his most Jedi-Masterly all the time, too, instructing and watching, working with him as he had during their first years together. He'd been almost distant, though it wasn't quite that. Obi-Wan could sense the warmth and concern coming from Qui-Gon, but there was something else, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He was shielding, too, keeping his Padawan at a distance psychically as well as physically. For all his stated concern for Obi-Wan's well being, it didn't quite ring true.

They collected a package lunch before heading to the lake for a swim. It was a popular spot, with a dozen other Jedi swimming in or relaxing by it - for whatever reason, water always seemed to have an invigorating and relaxing effect on Force sensitives, even if one was only watching it. Qui-Gon to simply watch as Obi-Wan stripped to his briefs and dived into the pure cool water. He thrashed around for some time, sprinting back and forth across the lake's width before returning to shore and picking up the folded towel with a smile.

His muscles proclaimed fatigue, but Obi-Wan was rejuvenated nonetheless. He shook his head briskly, spraying lake-water droplets in every direction, including that of his lightly dozing Master. One eye opened and fixed an cerulean glare upon him, but it was too late; Obi-Wan had already seen the indulgent quirk of Qui-Gon's lips.

Obi-Wan grinned and then eased to his knees onto the blanket Qui-Gon had spread out in the grass by the lakeshore. Sighing contentedly, he reached into the sack of food his Master had also thought to bring for them.

"There is plenty of fruit and cold meat, Padawan. Eat your fill," Qui-Gon said, eyes closed once again as he basked in the peaceful day. Obi-Wan stopped, hand still in the bag, and watched Qui-Gon fondly. His Master feeling truly tranquil was a welcome sight, and an all too rare one in Obi-Wan's estimation.

"Thank you, Master," he finally replied softly, and for more than just Qui-Gon's thoughtfulness in bringing food for them.

Every now and again, Obi-Wan would come upon a moment in which it would strike him just how very much he loved Qui-Gon. Time would stand still in those moments, and Obi-Wan could simply let the warmth of his feelings ripple through him.

His eyes roved over Qui-Gon's chest, so strong and broad, with dark nipples peaked on the sun-kissed skin. He wore light leggings that clung to powerful thighs, and one large hand rested on his hip. Those hands had soothed him, guided him and shielded him since he'd become Qui-Gon's apprentice; and they had stroked and pleasured him since he'd become his lover.

Qui-Gon's physical presence was imposing and protective indeed, but those traits were only the corporeal embodiment of what his Master was to him. It was Qui-Gon's heart and compassion that stirred Obi-Wan so profoundly, and was what made his heart squeeze when he looked at his Master during these golden moments.

"Padawan, do you plan to eat today?" Qui-Gon teased.

Obi-Wan snapped out of his daydream to see his Master watching him keen amusement. He grinned, only a little embarrassed that his lover had caught him at such adoring appraisal, and he pulled a piece of keena fruit from the bag.

He bit into the tender flesh, and tangy juice ran down his chin. Sweet, ripe fruit, Coruscant's own private paradise, and Qui-Gon by his side-it was more than Obi-Wan could have ever hoped for.

So different than what their daily lives and duty demanded from them. Often, they were lucky to get a decent meal at all while on a mission, let alone a chance to relax in such a way as this. Although there was that one time...

"What is going on in that head of yours now, Obi-Wan? Should I be afraid to ask?" Qui-Gon smiled, sat up and leaned against the generous trunk of the tree that partially shaded their blanket.

"I was just remembering that last mission to Philar," he answered, not hiding his lascivious smile. Qui-Gon cocked his head, clearly puzzled. "How could you forget? After we returned the stolen crystals to the royal family? We actually had the whole night to ourselves, with no interruptions? I shall never forget it, I promise you." Oh, that had been some night!

Obi-Wan laid down and pillowed his head on Qui-Gon's thigh, staring up at Qui-Gon's face as he relived the memory.

"Remember? Communications had not yet been restored, so there was nothing we could do but keep each other company until the transport came for us in the morning. You tried to be so gentle with me, but I wanted to see you wild and impassioned. It wasn't easy, getting you to loosen your control, but oh when you did-you were amazing."

Qui-Gon's expression softened as Obi-Wan spoke, and he thought he saw a flash of melancholy in his Master's eyes. Qui-Gon's fingers carded through his damp hair, and the sensation had an almost hypnotic effect on him. Obi-Wan's voice was much softer when he continued.

"I'll never forget how you looked. Your hair hung down around your face as you thrust into me and your eyes grew wide as you made love to me with more force than you ever had before. Mmm, but the best was when you threw your head back and cried out my name as you came. I could feel you filling me with your seed, leaving me with a part you that would always be inside me. My own climax was nothing compared to the joy I saw on your face at that moment, seeing with my own eyes and feeling deep inside how much you love me."

Qui-Gon's throat bobbed as he swallowed. "You are such a gift, Obi-Wan." His voice was tight.

"I do love you too, Qui-Gon. I get the feeling that I don't tell you often enough." Obi-Wan didn't know exactly why, but he felt it important that Qui-Gon truly understand that; that Obi-Wan did love him, so much.

Qui-Gon's fingers continued to run through his hair, and that combined with his Master's affectionate smile worked to create a languid feeling all over him.

"I do know that you love me, Obi-Wan. Now, you've had an exhausting day. So rest. Enjoy the warmth. I'll be right here, my Padawan."

Yes, rest sounded like a fine idea. Qui-Gon was a comfortable pillow, and the peace of this place was undeniable. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into Qui-Gon's thigh, the memory of this day tucked away into his treasury of moments with his Master.

The day had gone according to plan, much to Qui-Gon's relief-- until the swim, that is. Obi-Wan had been unaware of the sight he made, water beading on his smooth skin and the glide of toned muscles filling out his formerly slender Padawan. Obi-Wan didn't have to try anymore to make his Master see that he was no longer a child. Ironically, believing that he had already attained his dream of being Qui-Gon's lover had allowed Obi-Wan to carry himself with a sense of confidence that garnered much of the Master's attention.

When Obi-Wan had settled himself with his head on Qui-Gon's lap as if it were the most natural thing in the universe, it was nearly his undoing. It would have been so easy to dip his head and take those soft lips in a voluptuous kiss. Temptation was a formidable adversary in those moments.

So Qui-Gon had to be sure that he rebounded for the rest of the day. He allowed Obi-Wan a short nap by the lake, giving the Padawan a much needed rest and giving himself desperately needed break to meditate and regroup.

Feeling refreshed, Qui-Gon then roused Obi-Wan for yet another training session, this one with the remotes to work on reflexes. When he sensed that Obi-Wan again reached an acceptable level of fatigue, he sent him to the showers. All he had left for the day was evening meal, some academic training to occupy his Padawan for the night, and then bed... Well, he'd deal with bed when the time came. He decided to heed his own advice and concentrate on the moment.

Fresh from the shower in his casual attire, Obi-Wan was visibly disappointed when Qui-Gon told him they'd be dining in the mess hall, but he took it in stride and even joked a little. "If I didn't know you better, Qui, and I do know you better, I'd say you didn't want to be alone with me."

It was difficult, but Qui-Gon managed not to blanch at that statement. "Obi-Wan, fond as I am of your company, we cannot hide away from the Order. It is good for us both to be in the company of our fellow Jedi."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan answered dutifully but with definite sparkle.

Qui-Gon was pleased to find the mess hall rather crowded, making it necessary to share a table. An expectant young knight and her bondmate, a more seasoned knight, were their dinner companions, and the conversation was lively. Erisha was due to deliver at any time and her tales of a kicking little being inside her had Obi-Wan surprisingly entranced. In between huge portions of roasted meat and vegetables, that is; the boy's appetite was astounding.

Qui-Gon watched with a smile as Erisha placed Obi-Wan's hand on her distended belly once their dinner plates had been removed by the service droids. Qui-Gon laughed outright when his Padawan's hand flew backward as if he'd been shocked.

"It's a baby, Obi-Wan, quite harmless, I assure you," Knight Breen said with a grin.

Erisha laughed. "Now, Breen, be fair. You did the same thing the first time you felt her kick."

Qui-Gon quirked an eyebrow, thoroughly amused as he watched the exchange. Breen had the grace to blush at his bonded's mild admonishment. "Yes, my love, I did. Go on, Obi-Wan, try again. Erisha obviously does not mind," he added.

Glancing at Qui-Gon first, Obi-Wan placed his hand on the stomach again, his smile broadening as he obviously felt the child yet again. "It's amazing, Erisha. I'm so happy for you both."

It was obvious to Qui-Gon that Obi-Wan meant it. The boy's happiness and contentment radiated from him distinctly. When they finally bade the couple goodnight and began the walk to their quarters, Obi-Wan seemed so at peace; exhausted but appearing to be very content. Luck, and or the Force, was with Qui-Gon, he thought, as they strolled the corridor that led them from the dining hall.

Again, Qui-Gon had managed to surprise him. Obi-Wan had been disappointed when he learned that they would be dining in the mess hall, but his Master had been right; it was good to have dining companions. Erisha had been charming, and Breen had been amusing as the expectant father. Their happiness was contagious, he realized.

He gazed at the tapestries and wall hangings as they made their way out of the mess hall, further reveling in the peace that pervaded him. An oil painting caught his eye and he stopped to take a closer look. The palace depicted seemed oddly familiar to him.

He cocked his head to try to imagine it from a different angle.

"Padawan?" Qui-Gon sounded worried.

"Oh, I'm fine... it's just that this palace-- it seems familiar to me." Was that Kalan? Where he and Qui-Gon had strolled the ornate gardens hand in hand? No, wait... he seemed to recall sulking in those gardens, Qui-Gon having retired to meditate alone.

The two memories seemed to do battle for a moment, each jockeying for position in his mind. He shook his head, a fruitless effort to make the memories fall into their proper order. Ah, perhaps Qui-Gon had come back for him after his meditation, and the stroll had been a reconciliation for Qui-Gon having left him to his own devices... but the reconciliation was nowhere to be found in his memory.

"Master? Do you remember Kalan? The gardens there?"

"They were extraordinary, were they not?" Qui-Gon answered gently-- almost cautiously?

Obi-Wan nodded, continuing to study the painting as the memories began to calm. He sighed, deciding not to force his mind. This was probably what Qui-Gon was referring to when he'd explained that the side effects of his treatment had caused memory gaps. That reconciliation had to have taken place. It was the only thing that made sense.

"Obi-Wan? Are you all right?" A large hand settled warmly on his shoulder. He turned his eyes to his Master. The concern in Qui-Gon's eyes touched him deeply.

"I'm fine, Qui-Gon. Really. I think I'm just tired. I should probably rest now." He settled his hand over Qui-Gon's and smiled his reassurance. He was certain that the memory gaps would be bridged and that things would make sense again soon.

"I agree, Padawan. Rest is an excellent idea."

He took one more quick glance at the painting, and the two headed again for their quarters.

Qui-Gon could not be certain, but he had the feeling that Obi-Wan's memories were beginning to order themselves. The painting had obviously triggered some recollection of Kalan, the gardens in particular. The way in which Obi-Wan had asked him about them made Qui-Gon believe that there was some confusion in his Padawan's mind about them. His best guess was that Obi-Wan's true memories were beginning to conflict with his fantasies. If that was indeed the case, then Obi-Wan's mind was finally beginning to heal itself, and recovery was on the horizon.

Obi-Wan had a distracted air about him for the remainder of the evening. He went through his academic drills with little trouble, but more than once he furrowed his brow in concentration-- more than he ordinarily would have needed for these exercises.

When the hour was late enough to prepare for bed, Obi-Wan was a physically and psychologically exhausted apprentice, and Qui-Gon was an anxious Master. He'd been waiting for Obi-Wan to heal, but now that it was likely happening, he had to wonder how Obi-Wan would feel when faced with the realization that he'd been trying to live his fantasy life.

He was still so young, and this situation had the potential to seem mortally humiliating. Qui-Gon would be relieved to have the erotic temptation removed, but the ordeal would not be over. Not for either of them.

Toweling his hair dry as he came from the shower, Qui-Gon stopped and gazed at his bed. Obi-Wan was curled in the middle of it, the blankets pulled high so that the reddish spikes of his hair was all that he could see. Standing very still, he sent out an inquisitive tendril of Force and sensed that Obi-Wan had just drifted to sleep. At that moment, his Padawan had never seemed more vulnerable, and tenderness rose up in Qui-Gon that he couldn't-- and didn't want to suppress. True enough that Obi-Wan sought physical affection during this episode with his fantasies, but his strong and independent Padawan did not like to think of himself as vulnerable.

Qui-Gon pulled on his sleeping pants and turned down the lights. He briefly considered taking Obi-Wan's bed, but dismissed the idea. His Padawan was entirely too tired to initiate a seduction, and Qui-Gon felt a yearning to just be near Obi-Wan, to shield him as he slept, in a way that he would not be permitted to do if Obi-Wan was awake. Gingerly, Qui-Gon slipped under the blankets next to his apprentice and eased down into his pillow.

Obi-Wan made a soft sound and turned over, seeming to seek Qui-Gon's body by instinct. Silently, he cursed himself; obviously Obi-Wan was not deeply asleep yet. A second later, a ruffled head was resting on Qui-Gon's bare chest. His heart was pounding so hard, he decided it was a wonder that the noise didn't rouse Obi-Wan to full wakefulness.

A long sigh from Obi-Wan, and one of the boy's legs climbed over Qui-Gon's thighs possessively. Qui-Gon held himself very still... he wasn't sure, but it felt like Obi-Wan wore no leggings or briefs. Very carefully, Qui-Gon grazed his fingertips over Obi-Wan's hip... yes, his Padawan was as bare as the day he was born.

And he was also more awake now. The soft mouth that latched onto his nipple proved it. Electric tingles from the sensitive flesh sent an urgent and traitorous message to his penis, making him grow hard against his will.

"Shsh now, Obi-Wan, you need your sleep," Qui-Gon managed.

"Mm. In just another moment, Qui. I've missed this. I just need to feel you close to me. Just for a little while," Obi-Wan murmured and continued to nuzzle his chest sleepily.

Before Qui-Gon realized what Obi-Wan was doing, he had subtly maneuvered on top of him, one leg on each side of Qui-Gon's hips, groin to groin and belly to belly. The young man squirmed for a moment, getting settled, and again laid his head on Qui-Gon's chest.

Qui-Gon swallowed hard to rid himself of the lump in his throat. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around Obi-Wan's waist. What else could he do?

Obi-Wan moaned softly, and his hips rolled gently, pushing their erections against each other. Qui-Gon fought his gasp, but trembled nonetheless. Great Force, but the feeling of his warm, naked Padawan undulating on top of him made his whole body feel so alive.

"Oh, I need this," Obi-Wan whispered softly, then slid his hands under Qui-Gon's back and clutched his shoulders for leverage. He then began to rock steadily, seeking the friction of the soft cloth of Qui-Gon's sleep pants.

The lithe body continued to move over him and enflame his own need. Control-- he had to control himself... He couldn't just make Obi-Wan stop, he had to allow the boy this much. But he could not let himself give in.

Of their own volition, Qui-Gon's hands gently roved the smooth skin of Obi-Wan's back, enjoying the glide of hard muscles under soft skin. Obi-Wan's muted gasps then worked to wrench Qui-Gon's control away from him. Those soft sounds were so unconsciously erotic and they accompanied every thrust of Obi-Wan's hips.

Qui-Gon battled down orgasm as he felt his sleep pants grow damp from his and Obi-Wan's pre-ejaculate. And Obi-Wan's hot hardness continued to rub against his own. The flimsy cloth barrier between them was almost negligible.

Suddenly, Obi-Wan's thrusts became erratic, and the young man buried his nose in Qui-Gon's neck. Obi-Wan was about to come... His own self control nearly shattered, Qui-Gon grasped the warm swell of Obi-Wan's ass and battered back his climax, his eyes clenched shut and his body quaking all the way from the firm set of his jaw to his feet braced on the footboard of the bed.

Warm wetness gushed over his groin as Obi-Wan softly cried out his name, over and over.

Breathe-- he had to breathe. He took a gulping breath and realized he was still clutching his apprentice intimately. He loosened his grip and slid his hands up Obi-Wan's back, settling one on the young man's shoulder blade and the other on the back of his skull. Using no words but plenty of soft sounds, he soothed his shaken Padawan in the way that he wished he could be soothed. Oh, for a time there he had wanted that intimacy as much as his Padawan had. It was a realization for which he didn't believe he could be comforted.

After long moments, Obi-Wan settled upon him, boneless. "Qui? You didn't--"

"It's all right, my young one. That was for you," he whispered and kissed the top of Obi-Wan's head, already feeling his erection blessedly subside. "Now it's time for you to get the rest you need."

He didn't need to use more than a brushing of Force suggestion to get Obi-Wan to nod off. The force of his Padawan's climax had drained him of any remaining energy he had left.

Then Qui-Gon himself was left depleted, but awake with the knowledge that they had crossed a line over which they could never truly return.

Mm. It was warm, comfortable. The soft sheets felt nice against his skin. And Qui-Gon's solid body made a fairly nice pillow. His head lay on his Master's chest, and he still had one leg draped over Qui-Gon's, his morning erection pressed firmly against the older man's hip.

Obi-Wan's eyes flew open.

Oh no. No!

He scrambled backwards out of the bed, grabbing the top blanket and dragging it with him to cover his nudity. It all came slamming home to him; the gardens of Kalan and what really happened versus what he wished had happened; the mission to Philar and how Obi-Wan had truly spent that last night on the planet.

Worst of all, it came blasting into his mind that he had actually been living these last few days as if he and Qui-Gon...

"Obi-Wan, all will be well, you must believe that," Qui-Gon's voice finally pierced through his panic. His Master had awakened, of course, when Obi-Wan had fled the bed. But he couldn't look at him, he couldn't meet his eyes.

Obi-Wan was thoroughly mortified.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me go on like that?" It didn't help that his voice came out in such a childish croak; and his eyes remained on the blanket that he clutched over his naked groin.

"The healers told me that you had to remember on your own-- that it would too traumatic to be told." Force, but Qui-Gon's voice sounded so gentle. He wanted him to be firm, or loud, something far from intimate; anger suddenly flared within him.

"Oh, and it's not traumatic for me to wake up and realize that I've dry humped myself to orgasm all over you?" This time his eyes did meet Qui-Gon's, but he could barely make the man out in his vision, as unshed tears welled. I will NOT cry, he ordered himself and willed the moisture to dissipate.

His vision did clear, and what he saw made his stomach ache. Qui-Gon looked as if he had been slapped. He could not blame Qui-Gon. What was the man supposed to do? The healers had obviously told him to play along with his ridiculously delusional Padawan. Was it Qui-Gon's fault that his apprentice had all the self control of a rough trader at a Corellian brothel?

He dropped his eyes again and fought to breathe normally. He had to think-- or he had to stop thinking, stop remembering the offensive things he'd done and said over the last few days.


The sharp command for attention demanded that he face his Master. Resigned, he lifted his head.

Qui-Gon slipped out of the bed and approached him, cautiously, as if trying to not to frighten him, Obi-Wan realized.

"You have no reason for shame, do you understand? It was a biological illness that caused this, and you are not at fault. It is unfortunate, and understandably embarrassing that your private thoughts were exposed in this way, but you have done nothing wrong."

Was it his imagination, or was Qui-Gon about to touch his face? No, couldn't be. Force, he must still be ill! When would he finally be free of his damned longing?

"If I've done nothing wrong, then why do I wish this blanket, or the Force, would swallow me whole?"

Qui-Gon did touch his face then, gentle fingers skimmed his jaw before lifting his chin to meet his Master's eyes. The man's expression was gentle in a way that nearly destroyed him. "Because you have a heart, Obi-Wan, and right now it's feeling a little bruised, yes?"

Obi-Wan nodded and swallowed hard.

"All will be well, Padawan. I do promise you. All will be well."

Possibly, Obi-Wan thought. But it would not be easy to resume his former relationship with Qui-Gon now that he knew that his Padawan lusted for him, had dreamt of him. Oh Force, every time Qui-Gon had left him yearning for him, Obi-Wan had fantasized of how he wished it could really have been, and Obi-Wan had revealed many of those dreams these last days.

"I-- I don't know what to say. Or where to go from here," he finally whispered, afraid his voice would crack.

Qui-Gon grinned, a little sadly, Obi-Wan thought. "You don't have to say anything just now. We can talk whenever you're ready."

Qui-Gon cupped the back of his head in a brief caress then stood and made his way to the 'fresher.

"Master... I don't... I don't want to have my morning meal in the dining hall."

Qui-Gon looked at him from over his shoulder. "I understand. We cannot hide away forever, Obi-Wan, but I think we can allow ourselves a little time before we face the galaxy again."

We? Well, Obi-Wan decided, at least Qui-Gon planned to help him and stand beside him as he faced his humiliation. It was a small comfort. Very small indeed, considering the bulk of his humiliation came from what he'd done and said to Qui-Gon himself.

Qui-Gon now knew his deepest secrets and his most private desires, and that could not be undone.

Qui-Gon couldn't remember a more unpleasant day. The natural harmony that had always existed between he and his Padawan was gone. Obi-Wan wouldn't look him in the eye, though he behaved with perfect courtesy. Stiff courtesy, like a stranger. He had built a defensive wall around himself, he walked apart. He no longer smiled. The charming, gentle lover was gone as if he'd never been.

//It was a dream after all// Qui-Gon thought as they sat together on the shuttle back to the Temple. file://We both lived in that small, delightful fantasy but instead of happiness ever after all we have is misery. Will this wound ever heal?// But that was the way it had to be, wasn't it?

Once back at the Temple, the Healers did a final check and announced him well. Obi-Wan thanked them with his usual good manners and, with nothing more than a brief comment, went off to check his study roster for the day. Leaving a perturbed and worried Master behind him.

The days passed slowly. Outwardly everything was fine. No-one could have guessed, from watching them together, that anything was wrong. Qui-Gon knew, though. This cool, detached young man wasn't his Obi-Wan. That almost mystical "oneness" that they had shared was gone. They were no longer a team, they were two separate people, estranged by a discomfort that grew with each passing hour.

There didn't seem to be a solution. Just when he thought there was no path to take that did not lead to disaster, Obi-Wan came to him, to talk.

Qui-Gon was sitting in their small common parlor staring out at the night lights when the door opened and Obi-Wan entered. He hesitated, went to turn to his own room, then stopped.



"We need to talk."

Qui-Gon swung around in his armchair and nodded as he looked across at Obi-Wan's pale face. "Yes, we do. I find, though, that I am not quite sure what words to say." He smiled a little sadly. "An unusual situation for a diplomatic negotiator."

Obi-Wan walked over and sat in the chair opposite him, a determined gleam in his eyes. "I have been thinking - which is something I haven't done for a few days. Why did you accept me into your bed?"

Qui-Gon flushed, gripped his hands together inside his robe. "I told you, it was necessary -"

"To ensure I suffer no problems with my healing. Yes, I know. Yet there were alternatives. I could have been drugged and allowed to recover in the medical center. It wouldn't have been as natural, but you would have avoided unwanted intimacy. Unless - it wasn't unwanted."

Qui-Gon froze as sensation fizzled through his nervous system like living fire. "Obi-Wan - you know you are very special, very dear to me. . . .you are my Padawan and . . ." Words finally failed him and he staggered to a verbal choke.

For someone recovering from an illness, his Padawan was able to move quite fast. One moment he was in the chair across the room, the next on the floor in front of him and Qui-Gon was looking down into a bright, intent pair of blue/green eyes.

"I knew it. You want me, don't you Master? Don't you?"

Qui-Gon raised a hand, tried to speak, to deny, but the words wouldn't come. It was impossible to ignore demand for truth, especially a truth so dear to his heart. He nodded slowly, wishing he had words of wisdom to frame the moment with, finding himself looking into those wonderful, changeable eyes with some sort of mute desperation. He, who was so accustomed to leading him, could not lead Obi-Wan in that moment. The rules said no. They could not. He was a Master, bound to obey the rules. How did he answer that when everything was telling him to open his arms and accept him?

With that perfect sense of the Living Force that he was blessed with, Obi-Wan made the choice for them both. He stepped forward, lifted his arms and took hold of Qui-Gon. His strength was enormous, but gentle, an inexorable persuasion. Before Qui-Gon knew what was happening he was on his knees and Obi-Wan was there with him. Oh, it felt so wonderful to be held by him, to hold him. His familiar clean smell filled Qui-Gon's nostrils, his aura was wrapped around him in a living sense of warmth. Before he could even stop to rationalize it he turned his head and rested his lips against Obi-Wan's cheek.

With just a small turn his face shifted and his mouth was on Qui-Gon's. Just there, waiting, in that odd way that time dilates sometimes in moments of stress or crisis. Pull back, the thinking part instructed Qui-Gon, move away. It seemed he was not the platonic sort, after all. That day had been so revealing -

- because he opened his mouth, touched him with his tongue and then they were truly kissing, pressed together chest to chest, hands sliding up to move through his hair to the back of his head. He was content just to be there, where every tradition forbade him to be. In Obi-Wan's arms.

"Is this wrong?" Obi-Wan asked, his breath warm on Qui-Gon's lips. "Is this truly so wrong, Master?"

"Yes. No. I don't know anymore." He'd turned off his brain, apparently, the moment Obi-Wan had touched him. He continued to touch him, his hands sliding up Qui-Gon's arms and pushing the robe away from his shoulders and down over his arms. He watched, fixed in place, as Obi-Wan undid his belt and let it drop, then the long sash. When it was gone he pushed Qui-Gon's tunics open, one by one and bent to kiss and taste the body revealed to him. Qui-Gon touched his head tentatively, his own head dropping back as lips and teeth fastened on his chest. No-one had ever touched him so and small sparks of hot pleasure flashed through him, charging his nerves and making his skin prickle.

Obi-Wan laid his Master down gently on the floor, propped his head and back with cushions and continued to explore him, inch by sensitized inch. Qui-Gon was nearly incoherent, a mass of inflamed nerve ends, reason long gone. He was touched . . .slowly, almost reverently . . .the warm moisture of a mouth on his belly. . . his hands clutched the cushions as hands moved over his hips in a slow, sensual stroke.

He was wise in the ways of Qui-Gon's body, or his touch was somehow a match for his Master's needs. The air was cool on his skin as his leggings and briefs were pulled down, and when his boots were removed he was naked. Cool skin prickled with sudden heat - his touch surprised Qui-Gon often, where it went, how it went. Lips on the soft skin of his underarm made him twitch with pleasure.

Oh, it felt so right, and acknowledging the rightness of it seemed to lift an enormous weight from Qui-Gon's worried mind. He listened to the Force and let his Padawan love him; let the sweet lips pay homage to his skin, and let Obi-Wan's feelings for him warm him.

His Padawan's mouth skimmed along his jaw and then swooped down to meet his own in a soft kiss. Obi-Wan sat up then, kneeling between his Master's splayed thighs. His eyes scanned him adoringly, and a smile full of affection lit his young face.

There was such happiness and surety in Obi-Wan's expression. This was not a boy lost in the delusion of a fantasy world; this was a young man on the brink of a love so profound that he would not allow anyone to convince him that it wasn't right-- not even Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan's smile subtly turned naughty, and the young man hopped to his feet. Curious, Qui-Gon turned his head on the pillows and watched his Padawan dash off to the 'fresher. He returned quickly and stood again between Qui-Gon's spread legs.

Obi-Wan dropped a vial of massage oil onto the pile of his Master's discarded robe and tunics. The predatory gleam in the young man's eyes as he stripped off the remainder of his own clothes made Qui-Gon shiver. That expression told Qui-Gon he was about to be devoured. He was a most willing prey, he realized as he felt himself grow powerfully aroused.

Seconds later, Obi-Wan was standing over him, unabashedly naked with his thick erection pointing straight out from the curly frame of his groin. His Padawan sank to his knees and began to kneed Qui-Gon's thighs. Oh, yes, the boy's hands were strong and confident.

Obi-Wan licked his lips in concentration as he drizzled some of the oil over Qui-Gon's twitching sac. His Padawan's hunger for him and the sensation of Obi-Wan's hand cradling his scrotum so intimately made him moan helplessly. Obi-Wan's eyes flicked to his with a brief but fond glance, and then he turned his attention back to his Master's groin.

Obi-Wan's hand clasped his hardness in a slick grasp, and Qui-Gon choked on a gasp. Reflexively, he reached for Obi-Wan and cupped the Padawan's cheek. Obi-Wan smiled at him and continued to stroke, slowly, firmly until Qui-Gon's cock was slippery and glistening, and he was near mad with the pleasure of it.

Obi-Wan's other hand petted his Master's balls, occasionally fluttering his fingers over his sensitive perineum. Oh, but where had the boy learned to tease like that? He could sense that Obi-Wan craved a full joining and was determined to have it; so why didn't his fingers move lower? Just a little lower, and Obi-Wan could be easing his way into Qui-Gon's body.

Need driving him, Qui-Gon parted his legs even further in invitation. Obi-Wan chuckled. "Patience, Master. All in good time," he murmured. The irony of having his words turned on him was not lost on Qui-Gon, despite the state of frenzy Obi-Wan had created in him.

Obi-Wan abruptly stopped his steady stroking, and Qui-Gon's body trembled with the loss of the blissful sensation. Obi-Wan straddled his hips then, though, and was quickly kissing him breathless, making him forget the protestations he was about to voice.

Obi-Wan's tongue danced in his mouth, sweet and lively, and Qui-Gon groaned his pleasure. His Padawan's hands clutched at him, and he in turn finally began to roam Obi-Wan's body as well. At last their lips parted and Obi-Wan sat up, still straddling him, and their erections rubbed together as the young Jedi undulated his hips.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and pressed his head into the pillow as he fought to calm his body's response. Just as he was able to breathe almost normally, he felt Obi-Wan shift over him, and his Padawan again had his erection in his slick hand.

His eyes flew open wide as he felt the blunt head of his cock press against a firm barrier. Obi-Wan's jaw was slack and his head was thrown back. That firm resistance gave way, and he felt himself sinking into unbelievably tight heat.

"Obi-Wan?" he could barely manage.

"I need this-- I need you!"

Obi-Wan sank down and Qui-Gon's cock was deeply buried. Both Jedi cried out. They were joined in exactly the way that Obi-Wan most desired. Qui-Gon knew this because he could feel Obi-Wan's tremendous joy and his triumph. His Padawan's feelings vibrated from him so strongly that Qui-Gon could almost physically feel them, as strongly as he felt the boy's inner muscles grip and massage him.

He moved one large hand to Obi-Wan's waist, to caress him, to feel even more of him. His other hand skimmed over Obi-Wan's face, feeling the flush of his cheeks and his kiss-swollen lips with the pads of his fingertips. Obi-Wan's mouth closed over one of those fingers, and as he began to rise from Qui-Gon's rigid cock, he swirled his tongue over the thick finger sensuously, his eyes closing in his apparent bliss.

An overwhelming compulsion swept over Qui-Gon has the agile young body hovered over him, the tip of his cock snug within the tight anus-- he wanted to thrust upward and sink into the moist heat again, to push himself as far into Obi-Wan as he could. His body quaked as he fought that compulsion.

Obi-Wan's eyes opened, and he released Qui-Gon's wet finger, giving it a playful nip first.

"Do it," his Padawan then ordered, his voice huskier than Qui-Gon could ever before recall; and both of them knew exactly what Qui-Gon had been commanded to do.

The next step was his. Obi-Wan had declared his desires, and claimed him physically. Now it was his turn to claim Obi-Wan.

Panting harshly from holding back his spiking need, Qui-Gon grasped Obi-Wan's hips and met the fire in the young man's eyes. With a long, low moan, he surged upwards, his cock driving into his Padawan's body.

"OHH-- Yes!" Obi-Wan cried out again and his body trembled.

Qui-Gon kept his grip on the slim hips, and used it to help them establish a rhythm. Obi-Wan lifted again, pulling off of the turgid erection until only the tip remained inside of him, then Qui-Gon pulled the Padawan down again, pressing deeply inside.

The harder, deeper and faster he pressed inside of Obi-Wan, the more attune to him he felt spiritually. Obi-Wan's whimpers and groans spoke to him of the elation his Padawan felt at having his feelings consummated.

"Obi-Wan... Obi-Wan..." he gasped, the only coherent words to make it past his lips; but his feelings were projected clearly. He loved Obi-Wan with his every breath, and he cherished him with every cell in his body.

As Obi-Wan rose and fell again, impaling himself deeply, Qui-Gon could see that his Padawan understood; he saw it in the passion of Obi-Wan's eyes that he knew how very much he was loved.

Gazes still locked, Qui-Gon continued to guide his Padawan up and down on his rigid member with one hand, and slid the other hand across his taut belly and down to his groin. His fingers carded briefly through the sweat-damp curls at the base of Obi-Wan's erection before he finally grasped it firmly.

Obi-Wan's brow furrowed and he braced his hands on Qui-Gon's chest as he shook and moaned. "Come for me, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon urged with a tight voice, thrusting up and into the young body with more and more vigor, stroking Obi-Wan's cock steadily.

He had to come soon; Qui-Gon himself was on a steep precipice, and couldn't last much longer. "Oh... yes... Obi-Wan, come for me..."

He tightened his grip and glided his thumb over the leaking tip of Obi-Wan's cock and thrust even harder.

"Master!" Obi-Wan thudded down, hard, on Qui-Gon's heavy cock, and he stilled. His mouth opened into trembling O, but for a long second no sound came from him. One more deliberate stroke of Obi-Wan's cock, and the boy erupted. He came with a series of mewling cries, shudders rippling through him, and clutching Qui-Gon's shoulders.

Obi-Wan collapsed against his chest, still panting, and Qui-Gon's arms tightened around him protectively while he rode out the last of the tremors. One last, forceful jolt burst forth from him, and he bit down on the damp flesh of Obi-Wan's neck, marking his lover in an act of possessive pleasure.

Seconds later, he continued to hold Obi-Wan to him, kissed his moist temple and reveled in the aftershocks of their emotional and physical union. Obi-Wan slipped down, sighing as Qui-Gon's cock slid from his body and he wrapped himself around his lover with lazy content.

"That's three times I've been bitten. The third time was the best."

Qui-Gon sensed Obi-Wan's pleasure, his absolute certainty, and it was truthfully difficult for him to think at that moment of anything beyond how good it felt to love him, to be loved by him.

/ /But I have to think, damn it, that is my responsibility of care. I am his Master and I've given into this fantasy, accepted it as my own. Wanted it as much, perhaps more. I am a disgrace.. . ."

Warm fingers folded around his face, turned his head and he saw Obi-Wan resting on one elbow, watching him with concern growing in his eyes. "Qui-Gon . . .please don't start looking for the bad parts of this. I wanted this as much as you - even more. You did not abuse or seduce me. I am not a little child, I know my own mind and body."

"And the years, my Obi-Wan? What of those? I am old enough. . ."

"Please don't say it! Do you know how much that matters to me . .?" He moved his hand down across Qui-Gon's chest, burning a path of delight as fingers played through hair, pressed nipples, stroked ribs. ". . .it means you know so much more than me, and can teach me, and show me . . .what it is to be loved . . .by a Master Jedi . . ." He bent to kiss a scar on Qui-Gon's side, a wound from some old battle, soft young lips paying homage to his flesh.

He stroked the soft hair of his lover's head as he lay being pleasured by him, letting the doubts slide away. In truth, he would protect and teach as he always had, that much would not change. The rightness of their being together sang through the Force, without trace of any darkness.

It seemed he had been bitten as well - and if he was very fortunate, it was an affliction from which he would never recover.
