The Fear

by Adelaide Morgan

Category: Angst, H/C

Archive: You want it, you got it. Be sure to drop us a line to let us know though, won¹t you

Rating: PG

Feedback: Loved it? Loathed it? Couldn¹t give a damn? Tell me anyway. Email address is

Spoilers: Nope, not a single one.

Disclaimer: The Star Wars world and all it¹s inhabitants are the property of George Lucas.

Thanks to: You, for reading this. Rushlight, as ever, for the beta.

Summary: Obi-Wan has difficulty coming to terms with his emotions following the battle again Maul on Naboo

Fear. Fear is, as Master Yoda likes to remind us, the path to the dark side, through anger, hate and suffering. I can understand why. You always said, Master, that that which does not destroy us makes us stronger, and that we should always face our fears and defeat them so that we are no long afraid.

I never knew what I was afraid of until it was too late, and it is now slowly eating me apart. I¹m scared, so very scared, and it hurts. Being scared is making me even more afraid, because I know where it could take me, and how close I am to going there.

Not only am I feeling fear, but also anger, hate and I am suffering, which in turn increases the fear in a vicious circle that is slowly, but surely wearing me down.

I am angry that I was unable to help you, that I was stupid enough to get knocked off the catwalk and was not able to catch up with the fight. I am angry that the Sith harmed you and there was nothing I could do about it. I¹m not sure if I¹m more angry with myself, or the Sith, but I suspect it does not matter.

I hate the Sith for what he has done to you. I hate Naboo, for although it is a beautiful planet, it is the source of my pain. I hate the senate for insisting it be you to negotiate with the Trade Federation. I hate the council for not believing the threat of the return of the Sith.

I am not suffering, but you are. The wound delivered by the Sith almost killed you, and has left you very weak. You spend all your time recuperating, sleeping, and recovering. Seeing you suffering so hurts, a near-physical ache in my chest, constricting my throat, making it difficult to breathe.

You feel my distress and reach up to comfort me again, reassuring me that we are safe, the Sith is gone and you are alive. You know how concerned I am about falling prey to the dark because of all this, and remind me that if I was falling I would not be so disturbed by these feelings.

Tell me what to do Master, for I have faced my fear and I fear it is destroying me from the inside, leading me slowly down the path to the dark, and I am scared.