The Club (The Script)

by Trudy West (

Title: The Club (The Script)
Author: Trudy West,
Rating: NC-17
Categories: AU, Q/O, O/Other, Angst, H/C
Archive: MA, others probably OK, please email to ask
Warnings: Whore!Fic. Genteel and voluntary, but it still is prostitution, so if it squicks you, don’t read. Some descriptions of kinky and/or violent sex.
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me. No money involved.
Summary: A Jedi hesitantly explores the opportunities of bought sexual services and meets an attractive provider.
Comments: this story won’t appeal to everyone --the genre is unusual. It’s in the style of a screenplay (more or less, it’s not exact to industry conventions). The first few scenes came to me in dialogue-only, and I got intrigued to see how much of the story could be told that way. I couldn’t avoid minimal descriptions, however, so I had to put in some staging directions. Readers do have to work harder to get through this story, and insert most character behaviors and expressions, emotional connotations, and scenery. If it’s not your thing, pass on by. Unbetaed, all mistakes mine.


[An office furnished in opulent but understated style. Mr. YORINCO and Mr. JENNON sit in comfortable chairs, conversing. YORINCO is an elderly, elegant man with short steel-gray hair and perfect posture, wearing a suit so plainly tailored it almost looks like a uniform. JENNON is a tall, stern-faced man with long hair pulled back in a loose tail, dressed in conservative clothing, less formal that a full suit but still giving an imposing impression.]

YORINCO: I’m delighted that you’ve decided to accept the offer of Membership. Before we get started, would you care for something to drink?

JENNON: No, thank you.

YORINCO: Is there anything you’d like to ask, or shall I launch into my usual introductory spiel?

JENNON: I do have questions. Mr. Yorinco, you yourself are --an investor? An employee?

YORINCO: I’m one of the Partners who collectively own the Club, and I am also an employee. My association with the Club began as a Host Member, many --many --years ago. The Club has a preference for prior Members, especially Host Members, as employees and partners.

JENNON: I see. So you have long familiarity with the organization and the particular issues that arise here.

YORINCO: Indeed. Prior experience and continuity is our greatest asset in assuring a quality experience for all of our Members. Perhaps if you would permit me to go into more detail, and excuse my didactic tone?

JENNON: Please proceed.

YORINCO: The Club is both a physical and social entity. Physically, we have many of the same facilities as any upscale resort: restaurants, meeting areas, sports and entertainment venues, and guest rooms. The only deviation from ordinary resort design is that our facilities are designed for greater privacy. Socially, the Club is composed of three groups: Patron Members such as yourself, Host Members, and employees, of whom I am one. All are males and over 95% of them are of the various human species. A mix of ages. Note that as a licensed adult entertainment provider, we forbid Membership below the age of majority, and we extend Membership invitations to very few adults who are close to that age. For participation in the Club in any role, we require a certain psychological maturity that precludes many young people. And of course many older people as well.

JENNON: I understand.

YORINCO: Thank you. We do try to be direct yet diplomatic about the extent and limitations of our services.

JENNON: I am particularly interested in the Host Members: how they are selected, compensated, and so forth.

YORINCO: Of course. That is often the first question from our applicants; they are concerned about the risk for abuse of Host Members. Payment for any personal service always involves the possibility of exploitation, either emotional or physical. That is one of the reasons that the Club is unusual; we have created a formula that allows for individuals to have encounters within a framework of protection for all parties.

JENNON: How are Host Members protected?

YORINCO: If approved for Membership, they pay the nominal Host rate for access to the Club’s facilities, plus any incidentals --food, drink --that they consume. Those are the only fees they pay to the Club. Host Members set their own rates and their own hours, establish their own boundaries of offered services, and accept or reject any Patron, or Host, who wishes to enjoy their company. Employees and Partners are forbidden from intimate interactions with Patrons and Hosts, by the way. As to the Host-Patron interaction, there is never any obligation to provide any service to any Patron. Interactions may be as limited or extensive as desired, and either Host or Patron may terminate their relationship with no penalty. All that the Club requires of Hosts is that they pay their dues and provide accurate information to the Club and the Hosting Directory as to their rates, requirements, and services.

JENNON: Who are the Hosts?

YORINCO: Almost all of our Members, both Hosts and Patrons, have a Club pseudonym and prefer to remain anonymous, at least publicly --they may, of course, exchange real names and backgrounds with other Members as they choose. So I can’t give you details. I can tell you that most Hosts join the Club for one of two reasons: either they simply enjoy being Hosts as a recreation, or they need the money and find this an acceptable and pleasant way to earn it. Many of our Hosts are students, artists, musicians, volunteers or in low-income professions, and find the Club a means to augment their income.

JENNON: What are the requirements for admitting an applicant for Hosting?

YORINCO: Most importantly, applicants for Host Members are thoroughly screened for mental health and stability. That is absolutely the most important attribute and is never waived. Secondary criteria are the physical, intellectual, and social. We, the Partner Selection Committee, know our Patrons are generally men of intelligence and good standing in their profession. So popular Hosts must match those requirements: show accomplishment in their chosen field, high social skills and emotional intelligence, be an entertaining companion, and of course be physically fit and healthy. In short, a successful Host will be both good company as well as good to look at.

JENNON: What if a Host wishes to leave the Club?

YORINCO: They can resign their Membership at any time.

JENNON: What about assaults and the like?

YORINCO: The Club maintains a security system that balances safety with privacy. Outright attacks are extraordinarily rare, result in immediate expulsion and are subject to court penalties if the victim presses charges, just as with any crime. Disagreements or misunderstandings among Members occasionally escalate to the point that a complaint is lodged with the Club, and we deal with each of those individually.

JENNON: What are the requirements for Patrons?

YORINCO: Patrons as well go through an application process, as you have. The Club’s success is based not only on our Patrons’ satisfaction with the pool of Hosts, but on the Hosts’ satisfaction with the pool of Patrons. Club fees are on a sliding scale. We wish to attract a variety of Patrons, and not exclude interesting individuals due to income level. Because Hosts set their own fees, those fees can vary widely from Host to Host. For that reason, as well as for simple comfort and convenience in initiating relationships, we strongly recommend that Patrons use the services of one of our Coordinators, such as myself, to identify suitable Hosts. Of course a Patron is free to approach any Host; but the Host is likely to come running directly to a Coordinator to find out who he is dealing with, the Patron’s preferences, budget, and so forth. So it’s usually easier and more discreet to rely upon the Club to do an initial screening, recommend likely candidates, and make introductions. You’re already provided us with your profile as part of the application process, unless you have any you’d like to amend? Keep in mind that you can modify your profile at any point; most Members do, as they become more comfortable in their experience as Members and wish to expand their initial horizons into other activities.

JENNON: No, what you have is fine. I’m not sure if I’m a long-term candidate for Membership, but as long as I can cancel at any time...

YORINCO: Yes, of course. Again, as a Patron Member, you’re free to visit, use the facilities, talk with other Members in the common areas. You need not have a relationship with a Host Member, if you prefer not. But most of our Patrons do at some point form a relationship, or have a transaction, with one or more of our Hosts.

JENNON: It’s hard to see the point of Membership otherwise, I suppose.

YORINCO: Indeed. There are other, cheaper, places, if all one wants are the typical resort amenities. It is the opportunity to acquire various personal services in a safe, discreet and non-exploitative environment that attracts Members to us.

JENNON: Very well. I’ve heard all I need to know at this point.

YORINCO: It’s a pleasure to have you with us, Mr. Jennon.



[The Chancellor’s Office in the Republic Senate building. CHANCELLOR VALORUM and QUI-GON JINN are sitting at a table sorting through stacks of datapads. JINN is the same man as JENNON, now dressed in Jedi robes.]

JINN: I took you up on your offer, Finis.

VALORUM: My offer...?

JINN: Your introduction to the Club. They approved me for membership, even waived the initial fee. You pressed me so hard to consider it, and you’ve forgotten already?

VALORUM: Really! I’m surprised --pleased, but surprised.

JINN: I’m not sure how long I’ll last. It doesn’t seem to be my, ah, thing. I appreciate your intentions, but...

VALORUM [interrupts]: Give it and your thing a chance, Qui. It’s a wonderful place. And my argument still stands: you need a change of scene, some relaxation, away from the Senate, the Temple and that tiny sterile box you call your residence.

JINN: I can’t justify paying for a sexual encounter. It’s not --

VALORUM [interrupts]: Then don’t. Forget the sex part. You don’t have to indulge. Find someone who’s good company and let them entertain you for an evening. Socially. Find someone who knows how to fence and trade your lightsaber for a pedestrian metallic version and wipe the floor with them. Spend time with someone who doesn’t see you as the stereotypical stern and mysterious Jedi Master. I wish I’d known about the Club twenty years ago when you were my bodyguard during that terrorist scare, I’d have introduced you to the place then. I haven't been there much in recent years, but I'm sure it hasn't changed. Trust me, Qui. We’ve been friends for a long time. I wouldn’t recommend anything that I thought would conflict with your morals or your personality. You may not care to try some of the Club’s activities; that’s fine, I don’t participate in them all either. But you’re stuck on Coruscant for a half-year, might as well make the best of it and try something new.

JINN: I keep hoping for a reprieve.

VALORUM: Ha. If your healers are as cautious as mine, they’ll wait the full half-year to make sure those flukes don’t recur. The last thing they need is a Jedi Master collapsing from liver failure during a mission.

JINN: Damned infestation.

VALORUM [laughs]: Professional risk from visiting all those uncivilized, unsanitary worlds. Be thankful that you contracted a condition that’s not communicable between humans, even via body fluids.

JINN: I’m not going to be exchanging fluids with anyone.

VALORUM: Well, you might sweat on them at the Club gymnasium. You might. And you don’t have to worry about any consequences from that. Isn’t that fortunate.



[A well-appointed public seating area at the Club, off a main corridor. YORINCO and NOBIA approach from different directions. NOBIA is in his mid-twenties, light-skinned, light-eyed, with waves of finger-length dark hair that brush his collar in the back. He is wearing simple, modest clothing of dark blue and walks gracefully with a touch of swagger.]

YORINCO: Ah, Benjamin. Do you have a moment?

NOBIA: I’m on my way out but I do have a few minutes. You messaged that you had a Patron to recommend?

YORINCO: Yes, a new Member, and unless I’m quite mistaken, he’s just your type. Take a look at his records.

NOBIA: Thanks for thinking of me, Yori, but I don’t want any new Patrons.

YORINCO [coaxing]: Take a look at this one anyway, as a favor to me. I feel strongly that he may suit...yes, he’s quite striking, isn’t he. And that image doesn’t give justice to his in-person presence. A quiet but dominating figure. Too intimidating for many of our Hosts. Intelligent, well traveled and subtle. The majority of our Hosts, impressive as they are, wouldn’t up to his standards, I suspect. But you, you’d enjoy him, and he would be very intrigued by you.

NOBIA: Who is he really, Yori?

YORINCO: You know perfectly well I can’t tell you that. Tsk, tsk.

NOBIA: It was worth a try. You know you can trust me.

YORINCO: It’s not an issue of trusting you, it’s an issue of our commitment to confidentiality. Now a clever young man like yourself should be able to read his file and draw some conclusions. And of course, the best way to find out, is to ask him yourself.

NOBIA: Throwing him at me?

YORINCO: You’ll like him, and he’ll like you. Trust me. When have I ever been wrong about a pairing?

NOBIA: What are the cons?

YORINCO: None, really. He’s the best match I’ve seen for you so far. You’re both strong-minded and opinionated, so sparks will fly, but you’ll both enjoy that. Though he probably won’t admit it. Probably the biggest drawback is that he won’t be around as much as you’d like, he has a demanding job.

NOBIA [sighs]: All right. I’ll meet him. When?

YORINCO: I’ll schedule. But fair warning.

NOBIA: Aha, there is a catch!

YORINCO: No, you’ll like this too. He’s undecided about this whole Club business. He’s not sure if he should be ashamed of himself for joining a Club where personal, including sexual, services are available. So he has to be approached very carefully. If he feels that this is a slam-bam job, or in any way oppressive to you, or an assault on his dignity, the last we’ll see of him will be that long hair flying as he runs out the door.

NOBIA: Gods. Another high-maintenance Club virgin. They’re too much trouble, Yori. Why don’t you just introduce me to someone who knows what they want and goes directly to it?

YORINCO: Because you’ve had a few of those, Benjamin, and they bore you. You’re good with them, but they bore you. Correct?

NOBIA: Well, yes. But they’re less frustrating.

YORINCO: Your psyche needs someone more challenging than your average Patron. Oh, and there’s one more thing.

NOBIA: Why am I not surprised?

YORINCO: He’s on a budget. You’d have to offer a discount on your usual rate.

NOBIA: Oh joy...high maintenance, skittish, and on a budget.

YORINCO: Now Benjamin--remember your favorites? That visiting medical researcher, back from vanquishing the epidemic on Kashyyyk? Or that smuggler-made-good, with his stories of outwitting the Trade Federation? You like those types. This is one of those rare gems. Meet him, check him out. You’ll end up wanting more time with him than you get, I’ll warrant.

NOBIA: All right, all right. Discounted rates, then. And advance warning of the first appointment, I need to gear myself up to deal with this one, I can tell.

YORINCO: I knew you’d be agreeable. Of course, if he’s not to your taste, just be pleasant, cut him loose and let me know. I doubt that you’ll have to worry about him making any kind of aggressive move on you, especially in the first meeting.

NOBIA: Are you saying he’s repressed?

YORINCO: No, I’m saying he’s a gentleman, and he’ll wait for your invitation. I predict he’ll be a little slower to get going than some, but very satisfactory if and when he decides to proceed.

NOBIA: I’ll take your word for it. You’ve been doing this for longer than I have. Much, much, much longer.

YORINCO: Trying to make me feel ancient, as usual, when I so clearly remember sitting over on your side of the desk, it was only yesterday...thank you for considering this, Benjamin. You won’t regret it.

NOBIA: And if I do, you know I’ll never let you hear the end of it, old man. Take care, I’m off, must get to my afternoon seminar.

YORINCO: See you soon, dear boy.



[YORINCO’s office at the Club. JENNON enters.]

YORINCO: Mr. Jennon, so good to see you again.

JENNON: You wanted to speak with me?

YORINCO: Yes, indeed. I have a Host that I’d like to present for your review. A Mr. Benjamin Nobia. Please feel free to take a look at his file.

[JENNON takes the proffered datapad and scans it silently.]

YORINCO: I sense some hesitation...?

JENNON: His coloring...he’s dark haired.

YORINCO: Yes, a pity, it is the only deviation from your requirements. But if I might make a suggestion?

JENNON: Certainly.

YORINCO: In your case, I made a considered judgment that your social requirements for a Host in the areas of intelligence, personality, and interests were probably your top priority. And in those particulars, I can honestly say that in my many years here at the Club, I have rarely found a Host and Patron so well matched. Now, if his appearance is an impossible obstacle...

JENNON: Are you implying that I am a shallow man, Mr. Yorinco?

YORINCO: Quite the opposite. I’m merely recommending that you give this young man a chance. As a companion, he is most suitable --highly educated, thoughtful, well-spoken, can converse intelligently on any topic imaginable. He’s also an athlete --skilled in a number of the martial arts as well as the less aggressive sports. You could have a pleasant evening by engaging in some sporting activity, followed by drinks, dinner and discussion, perhaps attendance at one of our musical or cultural events. You need not do anything more intimate. Although I would suggest that you at least permit him to give you a massage. Good for the circulation.


YORINCO: Within your budget. I wouldn’t propose a Host to you otherwise.

JENNON: How do we find out if he’s amenable to the idea of me as a Patron?

YORINCO: He is. I’ve already determined that. You’ll be the envy of many of the other Patrons, if you choose to appear with him in any of the public areas. Mr. Nobia is quite exclusive in the company he keeps, and he has many admirers. He tends to keep to a very small number of Patrons and form longer-term allegiances.

JENNON [stiffly]: I can’t commit to that.

YORINCO: Oh, of course not! Before even an initial acquaintance? Certainly not, and he’s well aware of it. I only meant to point out that he prefers ongoing relationships. Depth rather than breadth for our Mr. Nobia.

JENNON: Any suggestions for getting to know him? I admit I find the idea of small talk in this situation to be ludicrous.

YORINCO: Don’t worry, we’ll arrange a comfortable introduction. Benjamin is very easy to talk to. Feel free to unleash the sharp edge of your wit, because, as I suspect of you, he enjoys a civil argument. For example, you should be sure to mention to Mr. Nobia that his looks were initially against him in your selection. He’ll be quite amused. He has plenty of Patrons chasing after him, knowing nothing more than that he’s the inhabitant of that body, it will be a pleasant change for him to meet someone who admits to finding him less than ideal in that department.

JENNON: You’re suggesting that I denigrate his looks? Mr. Yorinco, this is the first lapse of judgment I’ve seen in you.

YORINCO: Trust me, Mr. Jennon, I’m not lapsing. Mr. Nobia will find the concept quite intriguing and, with his competitive nature, he’ll also find it motivating.

JENNON: I’m not sure I want him motivated. I’m not certain that I’m interested in being motivated myself.

YORINCO: Mr. Nobia is the soul of discretion, with an almost magical intuition about people. Never fear, he won’t push in any direction that you aren’t interested in.

JENNON: Very well. Notify me when it’s scheduled, please. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dinner reservation.



[Later than evening. A small dining area in the Club. JENNON, sitting alone, is finishing a meal. NOBIA enters and approaches JENNON’S table. Several other diners give NOBIA discreet admiring glances as he walks by.]

NOBIA: Mr. Jennon?

JENNON: Mr. Nobia, I believe?

NOBIA: Yes, although feel free to call me Benjamin. And please excuse me for interrupting your meal.

JENNON: Not at all. [hesitates a moment] Take a seat.

NOBIA: Ah, thank you. [to the hovering service droid] Nothing, thank you, I won’t be staying. [to JENNON] I wanted to welcome you to the Club and say that I'm looking forward to becoming better acquainted.

JENNON: As am I.

NOBIA: If you'd care to join me for latemeal tomorrow, I can give you a tour round afterwards, or some other day, if time runs late. I'm sure that Yori has already given you the standard tour, but there are a few secrets that aren't on his usual stops that are useful to know about.

JENNON: That sounds fine.

NOBIA: Anytime after close of business day, then? You can have me paged, or come by my rooms. By the way, if you like music, there's a quartet playing later this evening in the atrium of the Blue Wing.

JENNON: Will you be attending?

NOBIA: Unfortunately not, I have a lecture to prepare.

JENNON [intrigued]: A lecture?

NOBIA: Yes, I’m a junior academic. I can expound ad nauseum on that topic tomorrow, but unfortunately I'm pressed for time at the moment. Do enjoy the music, though.

JENNON: I think I'll pass for tonight.

NOBIA [looks closely at JENNON for a few moments]: Pardon me for saying so, but you seem tired.

JENNON: I confess that I am. I recently returned from an offworld assignment that effected my health. Nothing serious, or contagious. Just takes time to get over.

NOBIA: If you like...please consider my suite to be at your disposal for the evening. It’s empty, I’m on my way out and won’t return until tomorrow afternoon. You could relax there undisturbed. The kitchen’s fully stocked, entertainment console the best, and plenty of antique literature cluttering up the place. Or just take a nap.

JENNON: I appreciate your offer, but it would be presumptive of me --

NOBIA [waving a hand dismissively]: Not at all. I’m paying for the damn thing, someone might as well enjoy it. Ask any droid or employee for directions, I’ll code you for entry before I leave tonight. [NOBIA rises from the table and bows slightly] Enjoy your evening. I look forward to seeing you again.

[NOBIA exits, walking past SIDIAN and several associates entering the dining area]

SIDIAN [looking at JENNON]: Dear me, look who’s here.

[JENNON rises politely and bows silently]

SIDIAN: Pleasant as always to see see you. Here at the Club, I’m called Sidian. And here you are Mr...?

JENNON: Jennon.

SIDIAN [with a practiced smile]: Ah. You must be a new arrival to our little Club. I had no idea that people of your...profession held Membership here.

JENNON: My Membership is temporary. I find myself limited to Coruscant for a duration. A friend cajoled me into a visit.

SIDIAN: Welcome, welcome. I saw you speaking to Nobia. One of my personal favorites. Very talented, unexpectedly so, given his refined manner. Do enjoy yourself with him.

JENNON [frostily, drawing himself up very tall]: If you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment.

SIDIAN: Of course, of course. Welcome, again.

[SIDIAN watches JENNON as he exits the dining area.]



[Later that evening. JENNON hesitantly walks through a corridor of a residential area of the Club. He stops at one door and enters a code. The door opens. In the hallway just inside the door is a low shelf with a pair of men’s shoes. JENNON thinks for a moment, then bends down to remove his shoes and adds them to the shelf.

JENNON enters into the main room of the suite, with seating area, dining table, fireplace and kitchen on an open floor plan. The furniture is in the Club’s standard blandly luxurious style, but the accessories are individualistic: an assorted collection of exotic and unusual art and cultural objects, flatscreen images, and an assortment of printed collectable books. Muted instrumental music begins to play. JENNON examines the controls for the entertainment center, scanning the musical selections, then wanders around the room, looking at the various objects.

JENNON investigates the rest of the suite. A doorway leads to a bedroom, and another to a very spacious bathing area, complete with steam compartment, hot tub and massage table. JENNON rests a hand on the massage table momentarily before wandering back to the main room. He moves to the transparent wall that separates the main room from the balcony, and slides open the door to exit. Standing at the edge of the balcony, he looks up at the transparent atrium ceiling, some stories above, and then down at the gardens several stories below.

JENNON reenters the main room, closing the balcony sliding door behind him. He picks up several books before selecting one and sitting down on the large couch to read.




[The next day, early evening. JENNON, looking faintly nervous, walks through a corridor at the Club. He stops before one door and rings the chime, visibly straightening and presenting an unperturbed expression. NOBIA opens the door.]

NOBIA [casually waves JENNON in]: Glad you could make it. [NOBIA walks to the kitchen, where food and utensils are spread on the counters.] We can always order in, but I enjoy cooking. I got menu ideas from the restaurant droids, based on your meals there. Don’t worry, I’m not that bad a cook, and if it is dreck, the delivery service can have food here within minutes. For a price, as always.

JENNON: I’m sure it will be fine.

NOBIA [radiating charm, bustling about in the kitchen]: Meaning you’re sure to have had worse and won’t complain. Very well then, I’ll be the judge of edibility tonight, but you might as well chime in with your opinions. It won’t hurt my feelings, and one can’t improve without honest feedback. But most of my concoctions turn out all right.

JENNON [silent, standing hesitantly]

NOBIA [taking a drink from a wineglass]: What’s your preference for beverage? I have a full bar, and again we can always order in what’s not on hand.

JENNON: Whatever you’re having will be fine.

NOBIA: The bottle’s in the cooler, glasses to the right, if you don’t mind pouring for yourself, given that my hands are full. Of course, if you prefer, I could wait on you hand and foot as if you were Arkanian royalty, but that doesn’t seem to be your style. Let me know if it is.

JENNON: No, it’s not.

NOBIA: Thought not. I hope you found the suite restful yesterday evening.

JENNON: I did, thank you for the invitation.

NOBIA: I don’t tend to let guests visit when I’m not present, but for some reason it seemed all right with you.

JENNON: You have quite a collection here. If these things are yours.

NOBIA: Yes, they are. I mentioned last time we met that I was an academic? An aspiring academic, I should say. Crossxenocultural studies. The more esoteric, the better.

JENNON: That’s a broad area. Any specialization?

NOBIA: Not for any specific culture. In terms of subject, I do tend to focus on the political sphere, especially the interface between the local power structure and the various collectives of galactic civilization.

JENNON: Still a broad topic.

NOBIA: You sound like my professors, advising me to get narrow and deep, or I’ll never win a tenure position. But I’m not certain that I want one. I’m in demand as a consultant, field advisor and so forth, and I like that work. Making a difference in solving real problems, rather than just incomprehensible research papers that only five people will ever read. Take that item there, that headdress of tiga loreng feathers, I was given that on a visit to Bimmisaari --.

[SCENE CONTINUES with JENNON and NOBIA in discussion about various political and cultural situations. The conversation continues over dinner and afterwards in the sitting room. JENNON appears surprised by the appearance of after-dinner tea. In preparing the tea, their hands make contact. JENNON gives NOBIA an intense stare.]

JENNON: You’re -- [cuts himself off]

NOBIA [their hands still in contact][softly]: What?

JENNON: Nothing, I just realized something. [withdraws his hand]

NOBIA [still looking at him]: I have what my family calls the Gift. Others call me an empath, a sensitive.

JENNON: Yes, when I touched you, I, ah --

NOBIA: -- you felt something. An emotional presence.


NOBIA: Yes, that’s the Gift, but it’s rare for someone to react to me so strongly. Pardon me for asking, but do you know if you’re psi-sensitive, or as some say, Force-sensitive?

JENNON [tersely}: Yes.

NOBIA: That might account for your reaction. And it might explain my own interest in you. That’s illuminating. I had wondered --that is, it’s highly unusual for me to feel drawn to --to trust someone so quickly.

JENNON: So it’s not common for you to be so --

NOBIA: Responsive. [at the same time] JENNON: Welcoming.


[The conversation returns to the dinner table topics of alien cultures, but JENNON appears to be increasingly nervous, his eye contact with NOBIA becoming more erratic yet watchful.]

NOBIA [with an air of gentle finality]: It’s late. Should we adjourn for the evening?

JENNON [getting to his feet]: Yes, that would be best. [making direct eye contact with NOBIA again] I did enjoy the evening. Thank you for the meal.

NOBIA [with sincerity]: So did I. If you’re available again, we might consider an afternoon’s activity? Yorinco mentioned that you were accomplished in several martial arts. We could spar, or go hand-to-hand...

JENNON: I’d like that. Are you free...?

NOBIA: Tomorrow afternoon? Or perhaps that’s too soon?

JENNON: Tomorrow is fine.

NOBIA: After midmeal, then. I’ll reserve a facility. Remember to wear light body armor. The edged weapons are blunted and vibrogenerators removed, but it’s better to be safe. It would be a dampener on our match if either of us lost a limb.

[NOBIA escorts JENNON to the door and closes it after JENNON leaves. NOBIA looks thoughtful.]



[The following day. A large exercise gymnasium room. NOBIA, dressed in formfitting bodysuit armor, is sorting through the contents behind an open wall panel. JENNON enters, dressed in street clothing and carrying a small bag.]

NOBIA: I was picking through the Club's supply of weaponry. [gestures at the items in the wall storage unit.] Take a look, see if anything catches your fancy.

JENNON [looks inside]: Pikes, batons, Weequay axes, ryyk blades, Bothan are the Corellian sabers?

NOBIA: Their balance is off. I've already filed a complain with the Club. For fencing, I prefer the Alderanian foils. Light, elegant, blunted point, the only injury one has to worry about is the welt if one’s opponent connects with a wild swing.

JENNON: Let's try those.

[JENNON removes one foil from the cabinet, puts it back. NOBIA removes one foil, steps away from the cabinet, and makes a few casual swipes. JENNON locates another foil, places it on the bench, and begins to change, pulling off his street clothes and pulling on fitted light bodyarmor similar to NOBIA’s.]

NOBIA [practicing basic moves while unobtrusively watching JENNON disrobe and dress]: If you like melee weapons, I should bring in a few from my own collection. Ever heard of gaderffii?


NOBIA: Also called gaffi sticks. The traditional weapon of Tatooine’s Tusken raiders. Ax, club, and nasty pointy bits, all in one convenient package.

JENNON: Odd that you mention Tatooine.

NOBIA: Why so?

JENNON: There’s a young student in our organization who’s from there. The, my superiors are pushing me to take him on. Our profession follows an apprenticeship model, so all students are teamed with a senior teacher in order to earn their qualifications. But I’m not inclined to teach him.

NOBIA: Why not?

JENNON: He’s a fine boy, with astonishing talent. But I don’t sense that I’m the right instructor for him. But, back to Tatooine --he’s from Tatooine. Released from slavery by a couple of Jedi who then brought him to us. What can you tell me of Tatooine?

NOBIA: I don’t want to talk about Tatooine. I know I brought it up, but I have mixed feelings about the place. It involved a Dug, a gambling debt, a high-speed chase, exchange of hostile fire on multiple occasions. And sand, lots and lots of sand. Worst of all I had an argument with my superior, and all else pales in comparison, as she is vastly more intimidating. So. Change of topic. I hope that foil is long enough for you. I don’t know anyone of your height who fences here.

JENNON: It’ll do. It’s a fraction shorter than my preference, but I’ll manage.

NOBIA: I’ll benefit from that, I hope. You already have enough of an advantage with your reach.

JENNON: If you think we’re unevenly matched with the foils, we could always choose some other combat technique.

NOBIA: If you like, but I was looking forward to this. There aren't many Members who fence, and even fewer who are any good at it. I've gotten rusty during my stay here on Coruscant. My brother will whip me mercilessly when I get back to Orindan if I don’t find a way to stay fresh.

JENNON [standing and taking foil in hand]: We'll see if we can remedy that.

[The two men face off. NOBIA gives a salute and a short bow.]

NOBIA: Traditional rules to start, then?

[JENNON nods. They move lightly, testing the footing and getting the measure of each other, and exchange a few short rallies.]

NOBIA: You're quite good.

JENNON: And you're holding back. I'll be insulted if you pull your hand to let me win. Tell me, does the Club require that of their Hosts?

[The conversation continues as the men begin to thrust and parry, fighting more aggressively now.]

NOBIA: It depends on the Host. For my part, I hate to lose, but I will, rather than annoy a Patron. Many of the Patrons aren't accustomed to losing and they don't take it well. They’re paying to live their fantasies, after all, and most of these men don’t have fantasies about losing.

JENNON: You don't have to coddle me. Try to win, if you can, though I doubt it.

NOBIA: Arrogance, Jennon? I like it. It suits you.

JENNON: You’re calling me arrogant?

NOBIA: Do you prefer self-confident? Brash?

[JENNON makes a sudden slashing movement that NOBIA deflects.]

NOBIA: [amused] No, arrogant is definitely the word.

JENNON: It’s as much a flaw to be insecure in an area of strength as it is to be overconfident in an area of weakness.

NOBIA: You consider fencing one of your strengths. [NOBIA lunges inside the larger man’s reach, pushing up against him. Their foils press down near the guards. NOBIA speaks into JENNON’s face from a handbreadth distance.] And what would be your weakness?

[JENNON throws his mass against NOBIA, knocking the smaller man back. NOBIA keeps his feet handily.]

NOBIA: That’s enough of a warm-up. Shall we raise the stakes, change the rules to upper body contact permitted?

JENNON: Why play at escalation? Let’s go to full freeform.

NOBIA [hesitates]: Are you sure? You said you were recovering from something...are you fit?

[JENNON slices his foil horizontally, just barely missing NOBIA’s face. NOBIA, to his credit, doesn’t flinch or break eye contact.]

JENNON: I’ll worry about whether I’m fit. And you, do you have any disabilities that I should be aware of? I don’t want to hurt you.

NOBIA: As someone said recently, you don't have to coddle me. Try to win, if you can, though I doubt it.

[JENNON gives NOBIA a look, and they simultaneously jump into action, fighting intensely. Fencing moves are combined with freehand combat. NOBIA demonstrates a flashy, exuberant style, while JENNON is more restrained but no less effective. As the occasional blow gets through, the impact and accompanying grunt is heard. They fight for long minutes without a break. After one melee, they pull back. NOBIA’s nose is bleeding.]

JENNON [relaxing his attack posture]: Wait, you’re injured.

NOBIA [ignoring the line of blood running down to his chin]: Injured? This? My older brother would laugh like a Draxian hyena to hear that. I thought you were just trying to give me a twin to your own. [gesturing at JENNON’s nose, which has obviously been broken before.] How did that happen, by the way?

JENNON [still circling but hesitant]: Outer Rim planet with nonexistent medical facilities.

NOBIA [starting the action again]: Must have been a while back, I can’t imagine anyone easily doing that to you today.

JENNON: They had explosives.

NOBIA: Excellent idea. I’ll have to remember to bring some along next time.

JENNON: Some of your moves --they look like Jedi lightsaber stances.

NOBIA: Observant of you. Yes, one of my instructors was a Jedi who stayed in the neighborhood for a while. After she finished complaining about the weight of the silversteel saber, she beat me within a few seconds, and I begged her to teach me until she gave in to shut me up.

[They continue to fight, without speaking, moving quickly around the room. NOBIA finds an opening and strikes quickly. JENNON dodges but the tip of the foil grazes across his chest. Both men freeze. JENNON has a look of astonishment, and NOBIA laughs.]

NOBIA: [still chuckling] Go again? When you’re over the shock?

[Stung, JENNON explodes across the space between them, driving NOBIA back momentarily, then NOBIA rallies. They battle fiercely. At one point they grapple and in the struggle, lose their grip on both foils, which clatter to the ground. NOBIA fights well but JENNON presses his advantage of height and size by seizing the smaller man in wrestling holds, switching deftly from one to the next as NOBIA breaks each hold. JENNON manages to throw NOBIA flat and attempts to pin him to the floor.]

JENNON [panting]: You’re stronger than you look.

NOBIA [gasping]: And you’re heavier than you look. I’m suffocating here.

JENNON [pulling back slightly] Sorry --

[NOBIA jerks hard and almost gets away, but JENNON body-slams him to the mat again]

JENNON: None of that --

[NOBIA struggles but loses mobility as JENNON relentlessly traps each limb in turn, pressing him face-down on the floor, twisting an arm up behind him.]

JENNON: Submit. I’ve won.

[NOBIA clenches his muscles but can’t do much otherwise. He raises his head vainly. Blood is smeared over his lower face, and his eyes are dilated.]

JENNON [putting more pressure on the twisted arm]: Don’t be stubborn. I have you. Submit.

[NOBIA is silent.]

JENNON [twisting the arm further]: We can stay here all day if you like, if you’re enjoying this.

NOBIA [gasping]: In a strange way, I am. It’s been a long time since I’ve ended a match like this. I should be paying you.

JENNON: You didn’t end this match. I did. Submit. Say it.

[NOBIA moves under JENNON, but the movement appears slow, sensual, rather than resistant. Looking down at the back of the other man’s head and neck, JENNON’s face shows a sudden realization. NOBIA turns his face to the side, rests his cheek on the floor, and relaxes his body.]

NOBIA: I submit.

[JENNON pulls himself off NOBIA, goes to one knee, then stands, looking down at the smaller man, subtly adjusting his crotch. NOBIA levers himself to his knees, turns to face JENNON, and bows to the floor, placing his forehead on the top of JENNON’s right boot. JENNON’s expression is a mixture of shock and intense interest. NOBIA sits back on his heels, rolls his head back, opens his arms wide, then opens his eyes, focusing on JENNON towering above him.]

NOBIA: [smiling] See, I do know how to make a graceful surrender.

JENNON: You’re bleeding.

[JENNON reaches for NOBIA and pinches the bleeding nose with his right hand, tilting NOBIA’s head back into the palm of his left hand.]

JENNON: Hold still a moment.

[NOBIA closes his eyes and obediently stays motionless. After a minute, JENNON releases him.]

JENNON: [watching closely] There. It seems to have stopped.

NOBIA [touching nose gingerly]: That’s a nice trick. My nose actually doesn’t hurt that much. Your elbow must have hit me at just the right place.

JENNON: I’ll try to remember where that place is for next time.

NOBIA: Oh, no. You may beat me again, but you’ll need to find another gambit, I’m not falling for that feint a second time. I’m a quick learner. [getting to his feet, picking up his foil] Go again?

JENNON: Again? You’re wounded, I thought we should stop.

NOBIA: Stop? Of course if you’re tired...

JENNON: I’m not tired. My training routines tend to run an hour or two.

NOBIA: Really? I reserved the room for two hours, just in case. We might as well get our money’s worth.

JENNON: A frugal man. And with my money, too. One has to appreciate that. On your guard.

[As they begin to fight, SCENE FADES TO BLACK.]



[The same day. JENNON and NOBIA enter NOBIA’s suite. Both men are still wearing their bodyarmor and dripping with sweat. NOBIA’s face still has traces of blood.]

NOBIA: First stop, the bath.

[JENNON follows NOBIA to the large bathroom. NOBIA turns on the circulation in the oversize hot tub. Steam begins to rise. NOBIA glances at JENNON.]

NOBIA: Herbs?

JENNON: [uncomfortable] Herbs are fine.

[NOBIA opens a jar and scatters a handful of material into the water.]

NOBIA: Best to rinse off in the shower first.

[JENNON nods stiffly.]

NOBIA: [smiling, but kindly, not teasing] Would you prefer privacy? Or I can join you. Just for the water. If it’s an incentive, latemeal will be that much faster in arriving, the sooner I get cleaned up.

JENNON: Of course, we can share.

NOBIA: Great. Go ahead, I’ll be right back.

[NOBIA exits. JENNON hesitates, then pulls off his bodyarmor. He steps under the shower nozzle on one wall, activates the flow, adjusts the temperature. He quickly soaps and rinses. JENNON turns off the shower and gets into the tub, sitting on one of the molded seats. As he gets comfortable, NOBIA enters, carrying a large container of water and a bottle of wine, both chilled with condensation beading on their sides, and two glasses.]

NOBIA: [casual, waving the containers and glasses] Rehydration or intoxication. Take your pick.

[NOBIA places his burden on the wide shelf against the tub and offers the container of water to JENNON. JENNON takes a long swallow while NOBIA pours the wine. NOBIA strips. As NOBIA disrobes, two things become noticeable: he is circumcised, and he is shaved from the neck down, including his groin. JENNON picks up a wine glass while giving NOBIA a sideways glance.]

NOBIA: [moving to the shower] Go ahead, take a good look. That’s a more polite reaction that I often get, the first time people see me bare. My favorite comment was the fellow at a public gym who began sympathizing with me about what I finally realized was a treatment for pubic lice. So, answers to the most common questions: I shave because I want to, not because I have to. Got into the habit during fieldwork with a particularly fastidious indigenous culture. Yes, I like it. No, I don’t mind if other people don’t do it. Yes, it itches when it starts growing in. As for the condition of my member, all the males in my culture look the same way. Yes, my piece works just like everyone else’s. No, it doesn’t hurt, they snip it at birth. Yes, some people find it intriguing, others find it disturbing. No, you can’t touch it just because you’re curious and think it’s freakish. Any other questions come to mind, let me know.

[JENNON is bemused but says nothing. NOBIA showers off quickly, then walks to the tub and carefully steps in. He lowers himself into the water with a satisfied grunt, situates himself, picks up a wine glass.]

NOBIA: [waving the glass] A salute to the first man to beat me at fencing in a long time. Or beat me at anything, actually. I hope you stick around, as my fitness coach at least.

JENNON: [tips his glass in ironic acknowledgement]: I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Although that should probably be your line.

NOBIA: Most fun I’ve had in this place yet. Although that should probably be your line.

JENNON: Hard to believe that.

NOBIA: Oh yes. Don’t get me wrong. The Club’s fine, I enjoy myself here, and I can use the money. But I don’t plan to do this for the rest of my life.

JENNON: Neither do I. This is an unusual detour for me.

NOBIA: Ditto. But we might as well enjoy the moment. Be attentive to the present.

[JENNON gives NOBIA a sharp look, but NOBIA’s eyes are closed as he relaxes. The two men stay in restful silence for some time. Finally JENNON rouses.]

JENNON: [rising from the water] That’s enough for me.

NOBIA: [climbing out of the tub as well, handing JENNON a towel] How about a massage? [gesturing at the nearby massage table]

JENNON: [wary] Ah...

NOBIA: [grins] Purely platonic. Oh, get over yourself, climb up on the table. I have to pay you back, that is, repay you for the favor of whipping my ass, or rather, whipping me into shape today.

[NOBIA concentrates on toweling himself off, giving JENNON time to consider. JENNON wraps the towel around his waist and lies down on the table.]

NOBIA: Face up to start.

[JENNON rolls over. NOBIA takes a robe from a wall hook, puts it on, rolls up the sleeves, then steps up to the table. JENNON eyes him.]

NOBIA: [chuckling] Relax. Think of it this way. If I make a pass, you already know that you can make me regret it. I’ll be the one face-down on the bathroom floor with a pissed-off opponent grinding my face into the tile.

[JENNON quirks a smile, then closes his eyes. NOBIA begins to briskly massage JENNON’s shoulders and pectorals.]

JENNON: You’re quite good.

NOBIA: That’s what I said about your fencing technique earlier. If my massage skills are half as good as your fencing, I’m flattered.

[JENNON grunts. NOBIA works his way down the man’s torso. His hands move methodically to JENNON’s upper abdomen, where they circle.]

NOBIA: It’s here, isn’t it?


NOBIA: Your injury. No...your illness. Something in your upper GI, or in your liver. Infection? Viral, bacterial?

JENNON: Liver. Fluke infestation. Type of parasite.


JENNON: How did you know?

NOBIA: I could sense it. Not the condition itself, I’m not a healer. But I could sense your reaction when my hands moved over the area. I could tell that you were thinking about your health, something that was worth being careful about, but not overly serious.

[They fall silent. NOBIA continues the massage, diplomatically skips over JENNON’s toweled pelvis, and moves to mid-thigh, working downwards.]

NOBIA: Please turn over.

[JENNON turns over, his towel in disarray, and he pulls at it.]

NOBIA: Here, let me.

[NOBIA deftly lifts JENNON’s hips and slips the twisted towel from underneath, draping it modestly over the man’s buttocks. NOBIA carefully collects JENNON’s long hair and places it to the side. NOBIA continues the massage, starting at the shoulders. His movements are initially rigorous, then become slower, calming, more soothing. JENNON sighs deeply, his back rising then falling. NOBIA continues stroking reassuringly. After a time, JENNON’s breathing indicates that he is asleep. NOBIA’s touches become lighter and softer until they cease. NOBIA quietly takes an oversized towel and spreads it over JENNON. With one backwards glance, NOBIA exits, closing the door behind him.]



[Later the same day. JENNON wakes to find himself lying facedown on the massage table, a large towel draped over him. He sits up, runs a hand through his loose but dry hair. He takes a robe from a wall hook and wraps it around himself as he exits the bath. JENNON enters the main room where NOBIA is sitting on the couch, reading.]

JENNON [sitting down on the couch]: I’m sorry, I dozed off.

NOBIA [closing the book and putting it aside]: That’s the best compliment you could give me. You look like you could use more relaxation.

JENNON [slouching on the couch, tilting his head back]: It worked. I feel boneless. In a good way.

[NOBIA slides off the couch and kneels at JENNON’s bare feet. NOBIA places one of JENNON’s feet in his lap and massages it, working the pressure points. JENNON leans back in the oversize couch. NOBIA carefully adjusts JENNON’s legs to relax the knees and works the other foot, then massages the calf and shin. NOBIA massages the pressure points around the knee, his hands just under the edge of the robe. JENNON closes a hand over one edge of his robe and swallows noticeably. NOBIA’s hands move slowly up JENNON’s thighs as NOBIA watches JENNON’s face for any sign, but JENNON doesn’t move or open his eyes. NOBIA shifts his torso forward between JENNON’s legs as the robe begins to fall open as his hands move under it, revealing JENNON’s naked thighs, hips and genitals.]

JENNON [eyes closed, hoarsely]: You don’t have to do this.

NOBIA: I want to do this.

JENNON: I don’t want you to think you have to do this, to please me.

NOBIA: It would please me. Hopefully you too. Will you let me touch you?

[JENNON is silent, but he removes his hand from the edge of the robe. NOBIA teases the other man’s thighs and groin with his fingertips. JENNON’s penis is fully erect. NOBIA circles his hand around the other man’s shaft and pumps. JENNON rolls his head against the couch. NOBIA leans forward and takes the organ in his mouth, fellating, gently at first, then with more enthusiasm. JENNON’s breathing becomes louder, but he makes no other sound. NOBIA’s head moves against JENNON’s crotch. JENNON’s hand moves to the smaller man’s hair and runs fingers through it, and finally JENNON gasps his completion. JENNON slides down on the floor to kneel and embrace NOBIA.]

NOBIA [nuzzling the other man’s neck]: Sorry.

JENNON [reciprocating]: Hmm?

NOBIA [smiling]: I rushed it. Too impatient to taste you the first time.

JENNON [open mouth kisses NOBIA, then says]: I wouldn’t have lasted much longer in any case.

[Dialogue continues as the men grope each other]

NOBIA: Don’t worry, you can and you will. I promise that.

JENNON: Braggart. Now who’s arrogant?

NOBIA: You be arrogant about your skill set, I’ll be arrogant about mine.

JENNON: I want you.

NOBIA: That’s a relief. Last night after you left, I sat on the couch where you had sat, where I could still feel the heat of your body on the cushions, and I stroked myself off. That had its appeal, but I suspect it would have gotten old quickly.

JENNON: What would you enjoy?

NOBIA: You in me. Deep as you can.

JENNON: That can be arranged. Front or back?

NOBIA: What do you prefer?

JENNON: On your back. I want to see your eyes when I take you.

NOBIA: [laughing] Arrogant, indeed, yes we are.

JENNON: A fine match to you, it seems.

[JENNON pushes NOBIA to the floor. NOBIA raises his knees to his chest and spreads his legs as JENNON positions himself.]

JENNON: Ah...we’ll need something.

NOBIA: Meaning lubrication? Already done.

JENNON: [touching NOBIA with his fingers] [surprised] Ah.

NOBIA: I always plan ahead. If hopes were vindicated, preparation would be useful. If hopes were dashed, well, preparation wasted, but you wouldn’t know, and lube is cheap. Anytime now would be fine.

[JENNON leans forward and drives into NOBIA’s body. NOBIA wraps his legs around the other man’s waist, and they move tentatively for a few thrusts, then with more confidence, learning each other.]

NOBIA: Harder. I want to feel it in the morning.

JENNON: That implies you don’t want me to be here in the morning to give you a reminder.

NOBIA: How thoughtless of me. You’re welcome to stay. I always enjoy early-morning exercise.

[JENNON thrusts hard, and NOBIA writhes. Both men’s self-control is slipping. They clutch each other, but continue to lock gazes.]

NOBIA: [gasping] Gods, oh gods, the light, there’s light in you --

JENNON [amazed]: Force, I can feel it, your emotions, touching you, I can feel --

[The two men move together faster, with assurance, as the SCENE FADES TO BLACK.]



[VALORUM and JENNON are sharing a meal at one of the Galactic Senate Complex’ restaurants.]

VALORUM: So tell me about this Host you’ve been spending time with over the last few tens.

JENNON: He’s not what I expected.

VALORUM: Told you so. The Club always has an interesting collection of people.

JENNON: Yes...he’s strongly force-sensitive, for one thing.

VALORUM: Pity he wasn’t inducted by the Jedi.

JENNON: Yes, it is. He would have made a fine Jedi. [takes a swallow of his drink] But he grew up on a remote planet, helping his family establish an agricultural business. He did meet Jedi later, but after he was well past the age at which we select initiates. He learned some of his fighting techniques from a visiting Jedi.

VALORUM: You’re talking about your real identities?

JENNON: He discusses his history freely. I haven't told him who I am yet, and he hasn't asked. His comments feel genuine, I sense the truth in them. And I am intrigued by learning who he really is. I’m not interested in acting out some fantasy, as most of the Patrons are. I’d rather know the reality.



VALORUM: Just thinking. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Just don't get in too deep.

JENNON: What do you mean?

VALORUM: [shrugging] The Club is a place for forming relationships of a certain type. They don't necessarily translate into the rest of one's life. Patrons and Hosts are there for the fantasy, as you put it, an escape from their everyday constraints and obligations.

JENNON: Are you telling me I shouldn't try to have any meaningful conversations with him? Just screw him and be done with it?

VALORUM: No, no. Talk all you want. Just don't forget the context. And don’t make it more than it is. Because he won't.

JENNON: You're wrong. He and I are connecting, in a way that''s amazing. And I have talked with other Hosts at this point. No one is remotely like him.

VALORUM: That's a dangerous thought to have. Gods, to think that I talked you into joining the Club, now I’m talking you out of it.

JENNON: You sound like a Master lecturing a teenage Padawan. I’m perfectly capable of managing my own affairs, Finis.

VALORUM: I know, I know. But I'm a politician, I'm used to having superficial relationships with thousands of people. It's a job requirement. You, on the other hand, tend to have deep relationships with very few people. I don't want you to be dissatisfied with the eventual outcome of this new friendship. We both know how this ends: you'll go back to the field, or he will resign his Host status at the Club. Either way, at some point, you'll stop seeing each other. You'll be left with a pleasant memory that you won’t want to spoil by wishing it could have been more.

JENNON: [ironically] Yes, Master.

VALORUM: All right, all right, I'll shut up. Speaking of shutting up, did you see the expression on that Twi'lek's face during that committee meeting?



[JINN's quarters at the Jedi Temple. Simple but comfortable furnishings. JINN is seated at his desk comm., speaking to another Jedi onscreen.]

JINN: Thanks for getting this information for me, Ky'y'ah. I owe you.

OTHER JEDI: Not at all. The Institute's glad to reciprocate, given all the classes I’ve taught for them. Glad to be of assistance, Qui-Gon.

[The other Jedi's image blinks out. JINN selects a file onscreen and opens it. The file is a personnel record from the Coruscant Galactic Cultures Institute. A flatscreen image of NOBIA appears, next to the words "Obian Lars --Guest Researcher / Instructor." JINN scrolls through the text, which describes Obian Lars as a resident of the planet Orindan, and "who acquired his early interest in crossxenocultural studies while helping his family negotiate land use rights with the Orindan natives." JINN pages through a description of Lars' research interests, his fieldwork on diverse planets, and links to his published papers. Finally JINN scrolls back up to the title page, and sits thoughtfully looking at NOBIA's image.]



[Several days later. JENNON strides into the lobby of the Club. He hesitates briefly upon seeing a notice on the wallscreen that says Current Public Area: Gold Wing, then walks past it. Just past the sliding doors into Gold Wing, he stops and stares. In the seating area of the wing foyer, a naked man is on his knees performing oral sex. The naked man has a large letter A painted on his right shoulderblade. Two other distinguished-looking Patrons are sitting nearby, watching the act. One of them notices JENNON.]

WATCHING MAN: You're welcome to join us. I've already had him once, if you'd like to give him a try.

[JENNON doesn't respond and walks away, down through the atrium. The gardens are designed for privacy, and around every other corner, there are Hosts, naked or wearing various sexually enticing costumes, accompanied by Patrons. Some Patrons are engaged in sex with their Hosts; other Patrons simply seem to enjoy watching the action. All the Hosts are marked on their upper bodies with the letter A, R, or PC. One naked young man wearing an A, draped over a Patron, gives JENNON a broad wink and come-hither look as JENNON walks by.

In one open space, a Patron is flogging a Host who is chained to a post. The welts show clearly on the Host's torso. JENNON watches, his eyes narrowed, then walks to where he can see the Host’s face. The Host’s eyes are closed, and his face is flushed and slack. Behind JENNON, an elegantly dressed NOBIA walks up and stops slightly behind him.]

NOBIA [quietly]: There you are. Enjoying yourself?

JENNON [startles but recovers quickly]: I wanted to make sure it was consensual.

NOBIA: Don't worry, I know him, he's been doing this with Patrons for over five years. If you ever wonder if it’s consensual, just look at the groin.

JENNON [reactively glances at the Host's erection]: I disagree. A person can be aroused and still be under coercion.

NOBIA: True. But it's always consensual here. The Club is very carefully overseen.

[JENNON and NOBIA stroll leisurely through the gardens, passing other Members engaged in various social and sexual activities.]

NOBIA: So you've visited the Club's parties before?

JENNON: No, I wasn't aware until I walked into it.

NOBIA: I apologize, I forgot to check about the location of the public party or I would have met you in the lobby. Sorry you had to be exposed to this unexpectedly.

JENNON: I told you a few days ago that you don't have to coddle me. This is mild compared to what I've seen before.

NOBIA: A seasoned expert at public scenes? Or do you prefer that old-fashioned word 'orgy'?

JENNON: At least this is conducted according to certain rules. I've watched a few that were more, shall we say, anarchic. Either way I've never participated.

NOBIA: Yes, that used to be my experience as well, until I joined the Club. Do you want to spend part of our session here? Patrons are welcome to watch or participate. Was the lettering system explained to you? A means the Host is available to any interested Patron, R means the Host is restricted to his assigned Patron, and PC means Patron Choice, meaning the Patron is responsible for approving or refusing other Patrons who solicit the Host.

JENNON: And you? Would you join me?

NOBIA: If you wish.

JENNON: As an observer or participant?

NOBIA: As you prefer.

JENNON: What lettering would you wear?

NOBIA: In this case? PC.

JENNON: You would have sex with persons of my choosing?


[JENNON looks away.]

NOBIA: That disturbs you. Or does it intrigue you?

[JENNON says nothing.]

NOBIA: Perhaps I should explain the process further. Hosts choose whether they wish to participate in public activities at all. Some choose not do to so. If he chooses to participate, the Host chooses the letter he wears. Sometimes it varies according to the Patron that the Host is with that evening, sometimes it doesn't. Some Hosts are always As, for example. Me, I am never an A. I am usually an R.

JENNON: But you said you were PC.

NOBIA: With you.


NOBIA: I trust you. And to be honest, the idea excites me. Not the sex per se, I'm not particularly fond of sex with strangers, but I enjoy the idea of your having that level of control. Actually I very much doubt that you'd share me with anyone else. Although I could be wrong.

JENNON: [staring at him] Do you sub?

NOBIA: [grins] Only for the right person. Do you?

JENNON: Yes, I’ve acted as dom.

NOBIA: [grins wider] No, I meant sub. Do you sub?

JENNON [stiffly]: No.

NOBIA: You should consider it. You'd enjoy it, with the right person.

[JENNON looks flustered.]

NOBIA: Oh yes. I can tell. And I should know. I'm fairly confident that I have more experience in this area than you.

JENNON: No doubt. I thought you went down on your knees all too gracefully in the training room that first time we fenced.

NOBIA: [laughs] Thank you, but I didn't mean experience as a sub, I meant experience as a dom. I'm a switch; I do both sides. And I can tell: you would make a wonderful sub.

JENNON: I've been told I'm a wonderful dom.

NOBIA: [grins] No doubt. I'm sure you excel at giving orders. Plenty of practice, eh?

[The two men continue to walk aimlessly. JENNON's expression is distracted. NOBIA looks mischievous.]

JENNON: [abruptly] I'd like to play the dom with you. Very much. But I can’t promise that I would reciprocate. Switch. Sub to you. Not that it isn’t...that I don’t...

NOBIA: [interrupting] It's all right. It doesn't --

JENNON: [interrupting] No, wait, I was trying to say...

[NOBIA waits patiently as JENNON searches for words.]

JENNON: I did sub before. A few times. When I was much younger. It didn't work.

NOBIA: In what way?

JENNON: It went too fast. Beyond my limits. I was collared and I couldn’t -- [cuts himself off] I mean, the restraints, I couldn't safeword, couldn't stop the scene.

NOBIA: I'm very sorry. It shouldn't happen that way.

JENNON: It wasn't that bad. I withdrew into a, a meditative state, so it didn’t effect me as traumatically as it might have. But it killed any curiosity I had at that time.

NOBIA: That's a pity. For you as well as for your potential partners.

JENNON: It was a long time ago. I'm not against it, I just haven't had an opportunity...

NOBIA: I understand. It's all right. We don't have to explore that dimension at all. It's not like we can't think of enough other things to do. Myself, I prefer sub/dom games as part of a relationship, but not as the main course. If we skip this side dish, that's fine by me.

JENNON: [teasing, feigning at disappointment] Do you mean you’re backing out of your offer to sub?

NOBIA: [grins] Me? Back down? Never. We’ll see just how talented a dom you are. As for the other, the switching...why don’t we start with you as dom. And if that's where we stay, that's all right, I'll love every minute of it, no doubt. But if you ever want to try the other, we can. We'll go slowly. After all, that's what the Club is for, to provide a safe place to explore one's sexuality. If all you're not willing to push your limits, then you aren't really getting full value.

JENNON: I'm not as experienced in this area as some of your other partners.

NOBIA: No matter, I like virgins. That’s what I told Yorinco about you in the beginning.

JENNON: [with mock outrage] You told him what?

NOBIA: That I liked virgins. Club virgins. And confess, you are enjoying yourself, aren't you? Tell the truth, yes, you are, you are.

JENNON: I told Yorinco that I didn't care for Hosts with dark hair.

NOBIA: [feigning outrage in his turn] You didn’t! You did? Well. Damned insulting. You'll pay for that.

JENNON: No, I daresay you'll be the one paying.

NOBIA: [laughing] Promises, promises. My keyword is sapphire. You say it to start and end a scene, and I use it to safeword.

JENNON: What are your limits?

NOBIA: Why don't you figure them out yourself?

JENNON: I'd be more comfortable if you'd give me some idea about your hard limits. I assume you don't have a problem with mild physical punishment.

NOBIA: [chuckles] You've smacked me around in the gym often enough to know that I'm not finicky about a certain amount of pain. But I draw the line at any serious damage: anything that causes significant bleeding or breaking of the skin, or needs a major investment in bacta to heal.

JENNON: That shouldn't be a problem. Are there any other things that you’re finicky about?

NOBIA: Only a few things, and those probably aren't on your agenda anyway, given what I know about you. Excretion, for example, either giving or receiving. Highly unsanitary and just not...Not. [in response to JENNON’s wry face] Exactly. I'm accustomed to playing, and so are you, to some extent. So the rest we can discover as we go along. Rest assured, I'm interested or at least tolerant of a wide range of activities. And I'll safeword if I’m threatened. Don't worry about me. Just enjoy yourself.

JENNON: Very well. Sapphire.

[NOBIA immediately bows his head and sinks to his knees.]

JENNON: I'm not doing a public scene. What I do with you, I do in private. Get up and lead the way to your rooms.

[NOBIA rises, keeping his eyes down, and walks in the direction of the lifts, following by JENNON.]



[Some days later. JENNON enters the lobby of the Club and speaks to the Club concierge.]

JENNON: I was invited to join Mr. Sidian for evening meal.

CONCIERGE: Yes, sir. Mr. Sidian has a private room reserved for himself and his guests. It's off the dining area in Green Wing, the servers can direct you.

JENNON: Thank you.

[JENNON walks to Green Wing's dining area, where a serving droid gestures towards a closed door. JENNON rings the chime, it opens and he enters, halting just inside. A large group sits around several tables. Talk is boisterous, many in the group are intoxicated. SIDIAN is sitting at one of the tables, looking sober and distantly amused at the ruckus surrounding him.]

SIDIAN: Welcome. I'm so glad you could join us.

[JENNON slowly moves to the one empty chair and sits. The chair is across from SIDIAN.]

SIDIAN: Mr. Jennon, we haven't seen much of you in the public areas of the Club.

JENNON: I'm not one for groups.

SIDIAN: Then we should be especially honored by your presence tonight. I do hope you enjoy yourself. Some of the guests get raucous, we quieter types are left to preserve some semblance of sophistication in these gatherings. Rather a lost cause, I’m afraid.

[As SIDIAN is speaking, a door in the adjacent wall opens and a man comes out, wearing a smug expression, adjusting his clothes.]

MAN: [clapping SIDIAN on the shoulder as he walks by towards his chair] Damn, he's just as good as he was last time, Sidian. You have him at all your parties?

SIDIAN: Most of them, yes. He's popular with many of the guests, for one reason or another. He's quite the conversationalist.

MAN: [laughs] Yeah, right. Whatever does it for you, Sidian. I'm more interested in what goes into his mouth than what comes out of it. [takes his seat at the table]

[From the same door emerges another figure: NOBIA, bare-chested, with a thin wrap around his waist that he is knotting at one hip. He wears facial cosmetics, faintly glistening body powder, and has a ring through his right nipple. He glances at JENNON but gives no other sign of recognition.]

MAN: [noticing JENNON looking at NOBIA] He’s even better than he looks. Go on, give him a try. Just not at the table, you have to use the other room, at least until the meal's over. Sidian insists on keeping up appearances, even at this place. Dunno why it matters where we fuck the whores.

SIDIAN: Romas, you are a boor.

ROMAS: [laughing] And you like me that way. [to JENNON] Go ahead, grab him while he's available. He won't be for long. [to NOBIA] Hey, fuckboy, since you’re off your knees for a moment, get me another glass of wine. In fact, bring me a whole carafe.

[NOBIA moves to fulfill the request. JENNON's face is sternly disapproving.]

ROMAS: What's the matter?

SIDIAN: This Host is an acquaintance of Mr. Jennon's.

ROMAS: [to JENNON] Oh, you don't like my attitude, huh? Come on, you know what he's here for. You might as well get with the party spirit. If you don't want to bang him in public yourself, then you can just watch the next time I do him.

[JENNON rises from his chair and moves towards the exit.]

SIDIAN: Oh, dear. Mr. Jennon, I do apologize. Romas has the manners of a Hutt. Please don’t take it personally.

[JENNON doesn't react, keeps walking.]

NOBIA: [pushing another guest’s fondling hands away and adjusting his wrap] [to SIDIAN] Goodbye.

SIDIAN: What do you mean? You're booked for the entire evening.

NOBIA: The evening is over as far as I’m concerned. You knew Jennon was a Patron of mine. You invited him without revealing that I’d be here. Stop baiting him. I don't approve.

SIDIAN: Nobia, you must know that this was all a misunderstanding.

NOBIA: I doubt it.

SIDIAN: I could report you for violation of your contract.

NOBIA: And I could report you for harassment.

SIDIAN: [sighs] Such unpleasantness. And this was supposed to be a happy occasion. Very well. Let's just part friends, then, shall we, with apologies all the way round. Next time, Nobia.

[JENNON exits, followed by NOBIA. They walk through the gardens towards the Green Wing exit.]

NOBIA: I'm sorry about that back there. Sidian's a bastard.

JENNON: He says the whole thing was a misunderstanding.

NOBIA: Do you believe that?

JENNON: No. But then, I have some acquaintance with him outside of the Club. I’ve never entirely trusted him.

NOBIA: You shouldn't. He's a bastard. Likes to manipulate people and act innocent when he's called on it.

JENNON: But you chose him as a Patron.


JENNON: And you keep seeing him, and entertaining his guests.

NOBIA: It's complicated.

JENNON: [dryly] No doubt.

NOBIA: I can't explain, I’m sorry.

JENNON: You're not obligated to explain.

NOBIA: He was trying to put you off me. He likes to drive other Patrons away. He has an instinct for people’s weak points, he knows where to slip the knife in. [NOBIA gives JENNON a look.] You aren't going to let him win, are you?

JENNON: What do you mean?

NOBIA: You aren't going to let him chase you off? If we’re not compatible, or you get bored with me, that’s one thing. But I would hate to think that we let Sidian manipulate us.

JENNON: [after a pause] No.

NOBIA: Good. [They reached a juncture of entryways. NOBIA looks at JENNON for a long moment.] Good night, then. I’ll see you soon.

JENNON: Good night, Benjamin.

[They exit in different directions.]



[Several days later. NOBIA's suite at the Club. JENNON is holding a wine glass, watching NOBIA prepare dinner, and making conversation. JENNON's glance slips to NOBIA's chest several times. NOBIA is aware of JENNON's distraction.]

NOBIA: [turning his back to the kitchen counter, hands on hips] Looking for something?

JENNON: Hum? [takes a sip of his drink]

[NOBIA slowly unbuttons his shirt from throat to shirttail. He pulls the fabric aside to expose his chest and slides his hand up to touch his nipple, watching for JENNON's reaction.]

NOBIA: Perhaps you were looking for something that you recently saw here?

[JENNON doesn’t deny it but looks embarrassed.]

NOBIA [teasing yet serious]: Disappointed? Sorry. Didn’t know you liked piercings. Generally I don't keep any beyond a single session. Bacta is wonderful stuff.

JENNON [attracted but trying not to show it]: You pierce yourself? Repeatedly?

NOBIA: Yes. Want to see?

JENNON: Only if you want it.

NOBIA [intense, his eyes alight]: For you, yes. Let's consider it an experiment. Go take a seat on the couch. I'll meet you there in a moment.

[NOBIA exits. JENNON takes a seat in the center of the large couch. NOBIA returns, fully naked and carrying a small tray of implements.

NOBIA: Take your clothes off.

[JENNON rises from couch, removes clothes efficiently, draping them over nearby chair]

NOBIA [grinning but admiring]: I always like this part.

[JENNON completes strip and glances at NOBIA.]

NOBIA: Now you can sit.

[NOBIA places tray on small end table and moves table near to couch. NOBIA steps up to JENNON and straddles JENNON's lap. NOBIA picks up ice cube from glass on tray and applies it to his left nipple.]

NOBIA: Numbs it a bit. And helps make it hard. It has to be hard to take the needle.

[JENNON watches NOBIA as NOBIA works ice against his nipple. Melted water runs down NOBIA's chest.]

NOBIA [husky]: I want something.

[JENNON says nothing but looks him in the eyes.]

NOBIA: I want you in me while I do this. I want to feel you in me when I put the needle through.

[JENNON’s eyes widen. NOBIA raises up on his knees, grasps JENNON’s now-erect penis, positions it, and lowers himself onto the organ. JENNON digs fingers into NOBIA's hips but otherwise does not move.]

NOBIA: Ah, that's it, that's good. You feel so good like this.

[JENNON is watching, silent.]

NOBIA [urgently]: All right, are you ready? Then watch.

[NOBIA takes needle from nearby tray. NOBIA positions the needle, drives it through, withdraws it. Two small drops of blood appear. NOBIA reaches for tray, drops needle, picks up small ring, inserts ring into piercing, adjusts it, twists ball on ring to lock. Then he looks back at JENNON.]

NOBIA [glassy eyed]: Well?

JENNON [husky]: What does it feel like?

NOBIA: It stings from the antiseptic and I can feel it pulling, feel the weight of it. Touch it, please, will you touch it --

[JENNON slips tip of finger under ring and flicks it.]

NOBIA [throwing head back]: Oh gods, more, I need to come --

[JENNON thrusts up against the smaller man. Both men move against each other. JENNON seizes NOBIA's erection and runs his thumb over the head.]

JENNON: Have you ever pierced this?

NOBIA: No but for you, for you I might consider --

JENNON: I want to watch you put it in.


[The two men climax, NOBIA throwing his head back, JENNON leaning forward to bite the other man’s shoulder. The men lie gasping, then manage to slowly topple sideways and arrange themselves lying embraced on the couch.]

NOBIA: Whew. Piercing isn’t usually that exhausting. I must be out of practice.

JENNON: Practice?

NOBIA: Need practice. Lots of practice.

JENNON: Rest a bit first.

NOBIA: Sluggard. It’s your fault anyway. No one’s ever watched me do that before. I had no idea an audience could be so inspiring.

JENNON: Sleep now. Later I’ll check that thing to make sure it’s securely attached. Can’t be too careful.

NOBIA: [beginning to snore softly]




[Some days later. NOBIA’s suite, main room. JENNON and NOBIA stand facing one another, just out of touching distance.]

NOBIA: I’ll repeat, we don’t have to do this. I was teasing you the other evening, trying to get a rise out of you, but I’m serious when I say that this is optional.

JENNON: I want to do this. I believe in reciprocating. How would it feel if we never reciprocated on penetration, for example?

NOBIA: I’m more interested in our mutual pleasure than in keeping score on who does what to whom. And if you truly disliked something, it would diminish my own interest in the act to think that you were forcing yourself.

JENNON: I’m not forcing myself. I want to try this.

NOBIA: All right. We’ll keep it short and go slowly, but you do realize the whole point of this game is to push oneself. So I will push you. Ready?

[JENNON nods.]

NOBIA: Polarity.

[JENNON drops to his knees and bows his head submissively.]

NOBIA: Let’s get a few things straight. While we’re like this, you belong to me. That includes your mind and your emotions. You know that I can sense your emotions, especially when I touch you. And I know that sometimes, for whatever reason, you try to block me from doing that. While we’re like this, I forbid you to do that. I need to feel your emotions, both to know how you’re responding and for my own pleasure. If I suspect that you’re blocking me, I’ll end the scene. Do you understand? Answer.


NOBIA: You will speak only when I give you permission. You will move only when I give you permission. You will keep your eyes down. When I give an order, you will act immediately and without hesitation. Any other behavior will be seen as resistance and deal with accordingly.

[JENNON is silent.]

NOBIA: Your posture is incorrect. Knees further apart.

[JENNON moves his knees apart.]

NOBIA: More. Hands closer to hips.

[JENNON obeys.]

NOBIA: Better.

[NOBIA moves behind JENNON, removes the tie from JENNON’s hair, and combs his fingers contemplatively through the loosened mane.]

NOBIA: From now on, when we do this, you’ll wear your hair loose. There’s something about your long hair that speaks of decadence, of sensuality. An erotic contrast to that very masculine body.

[JENNON remains still as NOBIA runs his hands over and through the mane. NOBIA removes his hands and takes a seat on the nearby couch.]

NOBIA: Stand up and strip. Throw your clothes over the chair.

[JENNON obeys, removing his clothes. For a moment he glances at NOBIA.]

NOBIA: I saw that. Because you’re new at this, and because I’m not inclined to get up after I’ve just sat down, I’ll let it pass. Once.

[JENNON finishes undressing and faces the seated NOBIA. NOBIA is silent. A slow minute passes with no movement or sound. JENNON shifts his weight from one leg to the other.]

NOBIA: [sharply] Stop fidgeting.

[JENNON stands perfectly still. NOBIA leans back and watches him through lazy eyes. Several minutes pass. Suddenly NOBIA claps his hands together sharply and JENNON tenses.]

NOBIA: Your mind is wandering. Fix your attention on me. I don’t want you asleep on your feet.

[They stay in place for another minute. NOBIA sighs.]

NOBIA: Fetch me a drink. There’s blue Aerith spritzer in the chiller.

[JENNON goes to the kitchen, pours the drink and returns. He kneels to present it to NOBIA with both hands.]

NOBIA: Better. You paid attention when I did this for you.

[JENNON remains kneeling, gaze down, at NOBIA’s feet. NOBIA reaches out with his free hand and runs it along JENNON’s shoulder, back of his neck, upper arm.]

NOBIA: [murmuring] You see, you’re slipping into the mindset easily...that’s it. That’s it. Relax. You don’t have to think, don’t have to talk. Be completely in the moment. Listen to my voice. Do exactly what I say. Surrender. That’s it.

[JENNON’s posture and muscle tone seem more at ease, although he does not noticeably move.]

NOBIA: [still murmuring] Gods, you’re a gorgeous man. Have you seen how people look at you? You could Host here yourself, you’d have no shortage of would-be Patrons. Half of them would want that big body on top of them, the other half, under them. But not now. Right now you’re mine.

[Some tension returns to JENNON’s still frame. NOBIA puts his drink aside and touches JENNON with that hand. JENNON frowns slightly.]

NOBIA: I know, it’s cold from the drink. You’ll warm it up for me. [places that hand to JENNON’s throat]

[NOBIA continues to touch with both hands, possessively running fingers and palms over JENNON’s shoulders, face, hair, chest.]

NOBIA: I’d better stop this or I’ll be tempted to break my own rules. I don’t give sex to a sub until they’ve earned it. And you haven’t yet. Although you are being good right now. Fetch a damp towel, and lotion from the bath, and come back and massage my feet.

[JENNON rises, leaves, returns with the items, and begins to wipe and rub NOBIA’s bare feet. NOBIA leans back and sips his drink.]

NOBIA: I could get used to this.

[JENNON continues massaging.]

NOBIA: Having my feet rubbed always has a certain effect on me.

[NOBIA moves one hand to his crotch and idly strokes the bulge there. JENNON continues massaging. They stay like this for several minutes.]

NOBIA: Enough. Stop.

[NOBIA leans forward, grabs JENNON by the back of the neck, and pulls him close, kissing his mouth, biting his lower lip. JENNON’s breathing accelerates but otherwise he doesn’t respond.]

NOBIA: You’re being very good for your first time. Turn around.

[JENNON, still on his knees, scoots around so his back is to NOBIA.]

NOBIA: On knees and elbows. Close your eyes and keep them closed. No blindfold today. I want to see your self-restraint.

[JENNON awkwardly positions himself. NOBIA strokes his flanks.]

NOBIA: This embarrasses you. I can feel it. Each time you do this for me, it’ll be easier, until you can do it without embarrassment. Now put your hands behind your back, I’m going to restrain you.

[JENNON hesitates.]

NOBIA: Are you defying me?

[JENNON raises his hands from the floor, taking a moment to find his balance before clasping them behind his back.]

NOBIA: [reaches out and grips JENNON’s wrists firmly in his hands] I’m going to teach you about restraints. Yes, I know you’re afraid of them. You wouldn’t use that word, but it’s true. They frighten you, they bring back that memory, more than one memory perhaps, of when you were restrained and couldn’t free yourself. But you don’t have permission to have memories, you have to stay here in the moment with me. Do you feel how I’m holding you?

[NOBIA waits a moment; JENNON does not respond.]

NOBIA: You remembered not to answer without explicit permission, that’s good. Now concentrate: you can feel my hands on you, holding your wrists. But because I only have two hands, and I often need them to do something else with you, I’ll use restraints, cuffs and straps and chains. They are my hands, holding you in an embrace, just as I am now. But wearing my restraints is a reward, just like my touching you is a reward, like my fucking you is a reward. Right now you haven’t earned these things. I’ll decide when you’ve earned them and give them to you.

[NOBIA removes his hands.]

NOBIA: Now keep your hands clasped until I give you permission to release them. Roll over onto your back.

[JENNON manages to move onto his back, keeping his arms behind him. His eyes are still closed.]

NOBIA: Bend your legs, knees out.

[JENNON obeys and NOBIA moves to kneel between the open legs. NOBIA reaches for the lotion and pours, spreading it on both hands.]

NOBIA: You’re doing very well. Let’s see how you manage with this next part. I’m going to touch you, but I don’t want you to move.

[NOBIA wraps one hand around JENNON’s erection, the other hand dips down below the testicles, probing. JENNON flinches.]

NOBIA: [softly but warningly] I told you. Don’t move. Relax. Let me in.

[JENNON lies still while NOBIA touches him.]

NOBIA: That’s it. Stay still. Do not thrust. Just lie still and feel me touching you. When you’re close, tell me so.

[NOBIA strokes JENNON’s erection firmly while fingering his anus. JENNON’s breathing accelerates and his skin flushes. Occasionally a muscle twitches but otherwise he is still.]

JENNON: [hoarsely] Close, I’m close.

NOBIA: Good. Hold off. You don’t have permission to come just yet. Hold off for me. I know you can do it. You’re being so good. Just a little longer. That’s it. Wait for it. Wait.

[JENNON’s muscles are beginning to shake with tension.]

NOBIA: All right. I’m about to give you permission to climax. If you need to move and make noise when you come, go ahead. Are you ready? All right, let go.

[JENNON’s hips arch upwards. JENNON groans and ejaculates. NOBIA continues to work JENNON with his hands until the climax is over. JENNON’s body collapses back to the carpet. NOBIA gets up, disappears into the bathroom, returns with a towel. He cleans JENNON, adjusts his legs into a more relaxed position, then reaches under JENNON’s body to free the clasped hands and fold his arms carefully over his torso. NOBIA reaches back and snags the folded blanket that was resting on the couch and spreads it over JENNON.]

NOBIA: [quietly] Polarity. Scene over.

[NOBIA kisses JENNON’s forehead, lies down next to him, throws an arm over him.]

NOBIA: It’s over. Are you all right?

[JENNON makes an effort to speak.]

NOBIA: That’s all right, don’t try to talk just yet. You’re postcoital and still coming out of submissive headspace. It can feel a little overwhelming. Just rest. We’ll talk later.

JENNON: It was...that was...thank you.

NOBIA: Rest now.

[NOBIA presses close to JENNON’s side as SCENE FADES TO BLACK}



[Some days later. NOBIA’s suite at the Club. JENNON and NOBIA are naked in a rumpled bed, both looking mussed and comfortable. NOBIA is in the midst of a story, while JENNON watches and listens attentively.]

NOBIA: [in mid-sentence] --was when I first realized the complexities of the issues around intervention. No ethical person wants to stand by and watch a society destroy itself. But you can’t save people from themselves. Not even the people you most love. You can advise them, support them, cheer them on, chastise them. But you can’t keep them from doing what they’re going to do. Ultimately we’re each alone in choosing our individual path.

JENNON: Benjamin, I want to ask you something.

NOBIA: Anything.

JENNON: Have you ever considered taking a Club relationship outside? Into the rest of your life?

NOBIA: Um. That’s a loaded question.

JENNON: You don’t have to answer it now.

NOBIA: I can answer it. Yes, I have thought about it. But, I don’t know that it’s possible. Things are complicated. My life is complicated.

JENNON: It’s all right. You don’t have to explain.

NOBIA: No, I want to explain, but I can’t, I really can’t. I just...there are things I must do, priorities. I can’t let myself think beyond that point. Hoping for anything would only be a distraction for me right now.

JENNON: Ben, I want you to know something. My name is Qui-Gon Jinn. I’m a Jedi from the Main Temple here on Coruscant.

NOBIA: [waving his hands in negation] Stop, stop, you don’t have to tell me this.

JENNON: I want to tell you this. I want you to know how to reach me on the outside. If there’s ever anything you need, if I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Reach the temple and they’ll forward you to my private comlink.

NOBIA: That’s very generous of you. I wish I could reciprocate. I’d like to tell you who I am, my real name, but that’s not a good idea.

JENNON: It’s all right. But I would prefer it if you would call me Qui-Gon.

NOBIA: In private, yes. I’d be honored. I can’t believe how lucky I was to meet you. Here, or anywhere.

JENNON: I feel the same. I’m not trying to pressure you. I very much enjoy what we share here, moment by moment. I just wanted you to know that I don’t consider you a casual encounter. A casual relationship.

NOBIA: Nor I you. [running his hand over JENNON’s naked torso] Speaking of our not-so-casual relationship, would you care to renew it, Qui-Gon?

JENNON: Any time.

[The two men embrace as SCENE FADES TO BLACK.]



[Several days later. In the gardens at the Club. JENNON is walking briskly along a path when an agonized shout is heard. JENNON looks around sharply, then begins to jog in the direction of the sound. He moves through a maze of plantings, towards an isolated corner of the gardens. He comes upon a group of conversing Patrons and guests, including SIDIAN. They have several Hosts with them, all dressed in variations of bondage gear: collars, chains, leashes. There are noises from the other side of the nearby hedge, and JENNON makes for the gap to reach the other side.]

SIDIAN: Ah, Mr. Jennon, wait. You probably don’t want to go back there.

JENNON: That was Benjamin.

SIDIAN: Exactly, which is why you don’t want to see this. Everything is fine, why don’t you just leave.

JENNON: [pushing past SIDIAN] If things were fine, he wouldn’t be calling for help.

SIDIAN: He’s not calling for help. He’s done this before, it’s nothing unusual. I’m warning you as a friend --

[JENNON slips through the gap in the hedge to see a group of men standing around NOBIA. NOBIA is face-down over a bench. His back has been beaten bloody. A guest kneels behind him, pumping and grunting, holding a neural stimulator to NOBIA’s lower back. The muscles of NOBIA’s back and hips are spasming. Several other man stand nearby, watching, drinking, cracking jokes. NOBIA’s head is turned away, and his arms and hands are limp; it’s unclear whether or not he is conscious. The guest achieves orgasm with a shout; he pulls out of NOBIA’s body and stands. He gives NOBIA’s torso a rough shove, spilling him off the bench and onto the ground, then steps forward and fumbles at his groin. The guest begins to urinate on NOBIA’s body, which prompts his fellows to make various comments: some amused, some disgusted.]

FIRST MAN: Dammit, do you do that every time?

SECOND MAN: I mark what I use. What a bunch of squealing old women.

FIRST MAN: Do you piss on your wife after you fuck her too?

[The SECOND MAN takes a mock swing at the FIRST MAN, who dodges, laughing. The group of men walk away; as they leave, one of them pours the remains of his drink over NOBIA, who lies unmoving on the gravel. JENNON strides over and kneels down by NOBIA, gently rolling him to his side. NOBIA slowly opens his eyes and focuses.]

NOBIA: [hoarsely] Qui-Gon...Qui, what are you doing here?

JENNON: [gently] Benjamin, let me help you. [reaches for NOBIA]

NOBIA: [resisting] No, wait. No. Qui-Gon, you shouldn’t be here.


NOBIA: Go. You need to go. It’s all right. I’ll be all right.

[JENNON looks confused and hurt.]

NOBIA: Go on. I’ll talk to you later. [closes his eyes]

[JENNON stands, looks down at NOBIA for a long moment, then slowly retreats, exiting back through the gap in the hedge. SIDIAN meets him on his way out.]

JENNON: I don’t know what kind of hold you have over him. But I’m going to stop this.

SIDIAN: Now, Mr. Jennon, don’t make trouble for yourself or for Nobia. Just because this type of sexual activity doesn’t appeal to you, doesn’t mean you have the right to forbid other people from participating. All of this is fully voluntary and within the Club’s charter.

JENNON: Nonsense. I happen to know that Benjamin doesn’t favor this kind of activity.

SIDIAN: I’m sure that’s what he told you. That’s what he does, Jennon. That’s what they’re all paid to do. They perform to our expectations, acting out our little scripts. He’s good at it, isn’t he? Like one’s best fantasy come to life. So believable. But it’s an illusion. All in good fun, except when people like yourself take it too seriously. But then, you’ve probably done things with him that you wouldn’t want other people knowing about, eh? Things you might be embarrassed about, if someone --say your superiors -- found out? Then you can appreciate Nobia’s desire to keep his privacy in this. Including privacy from your meddling.

JENNON: This isn’t over. [exits]

[SIDIAN watches JENNON leave. SIDIAN has a faint smile.]



[YORINCO’s office. JENNON and YORINCO sit on opposite sides of YORINCO’s desk.]

YORINCO: I understand your concern, Mr. Jennon. What you have described is exactly the kind of behavior that the Club finds abhorrent.

[JENNON waits expectantly.]

YORINCO: But in this case, the Club is aware of the situation involving Mr. Nobia and Mr. Sidian, and it has our approval. Or at least our tolerance.

JENNON [disbelievingly]: Your approval?

YORINCO: Please understand, Mr. Jennon. This is a very unusual case. Quite unique. I deeply regret that it came to your attention and disturbed you; I hold myself responsible for having introduced you to Mr. Nobia. Please be assured that the Club is aware, and that we are monitoring the situation.

JENNON: Monitoring? Why don’t you stop it?

YORINCO: I can’t discuss Club decisions regarding other Members. I’m sorry, Mr. Jennon. Your concern for Mr. Nobia is commendable, but in this instance, rest assured that everything that should be done, is being done.

JENNON [coldly]: I see. Or rather I don’t. No matter. Good day.

[JENNON exits. YORINCO sighs and shakes his head.]



[JENNON stands at the door of NOBIA’s suite and rings the chime. NOBIA opens the door.]

NOBIA [small smile]: Ah, it’s you. Please, come in.

[JENNON enters and follows NOBIA to the main sitting room. They continue standing and stare at each other in silence, JENNON’s expression challenging, NOBIA’s calm and restrained.]

NOBIA: Can I get you a drink?

JENNON: No. I won’t be staying.

NOBIA [regretfully but without surprise]: Ah.

JENNON [angrily]: Which is real?

NOBIA: What do you mean?

JENNON: The way you are here, with me --is this you? Or was that the real you, in the gardens, with them?

NOBIA: I don’t know what you mean.

JENNON: You --the way you are here, with me --I can’t imagine that person truly enjoying what you were doing in the gardens. Masks upon masks. How much of this here with me is another façade, you making yourself into the kind of person that you think will please me?

NOBIA: Don’t I please you?

JENNON: Not if it’s a lie! This relationship is arranged, I understand the need for some privacy, some protection of self, but I find that I need --I need to believe that what we do have is true, as far as it goes.

NOBIA [intensely]: It is. I swear it, everything. Please believe that.

JENNON: And what if that’s just another illusion? These are just roles that you play, different for each Patron?

NOBIA: We all play roles. We’re all different people in different situations. But we must try to stay true at the core. Qui-Gon, why don’t you ask me what you really want to know?

JENNON: I just want to know --I need to know. Which is closer to who you really are? He, your other Patron, in the gardens... Do you enjoy that? Do you want that level of abuse? Because if so, I can’t, that’s not...

NOBIA [interrupts]: That’s not who you are. I understand. It’s not who I am either. No, that act in the garden, I don’t want that, although, when I’m in it, there is a certain...enlightenment that I get sometimes, in transcending it. Other times, it’s just pain to be endured.

JENNON: Why do you do it, if you don’t enjoy it?

NOBIA: I could say, for the money.

JENNON: You have many men begging to be your Patrons, all with much more money than I. Why not take them on, and leave both me and the Se --ah, your other Patron --

NOBIA [interrupts]: The Senator, yes. You were going to say the Senator. I know who he is.

JENNON: Drop us both and take your pick of Patrons who would be more generous and less brutal than he is.

NOBIA: I said it could be the money. It’s not. The Senator and I have...a connection. I must stay with him. For now.

JENNON: A connection? Of what, promiscuity? Violent exhibitionism? What does he give you that you can’t get from someone else?

NOBIA: Nothing. It’s because of who he is out there, not what he does in here. To keep his interest, I adapt to his tastes, to his guests’ tastes. It so happens that his guests’ tastes are...exotic.

JENNON: I don’t understand.

NOBIA: I know you don’t, and I can’t explain. Damn you, do you think it’s easy for me? Do you think I’d spend a second with him when I could...The things they want, that’s not’s how they do them. I’m no more than an object for him, for them, a sentient object. He doesn’t care for me in any way, only what I can do for him, for his guests, his business associates. And no, I don’t like it, being used by strangers. In fact, I hate it. But for now, I must do it. I can’t explain the reasons to you.

JENNON: Tell me one last thing. Forget the Club, forget the Patrons, forget all of this. Out there, in the world, who you really are...what kind of intimate relationship would you choose?

NOBIA: A monogamous relationship with another man that I felt sexually, emotionally and spiritually attracted to. That’s what I would choose.

JENNON: Then why in all hells don’t you go out there and find it? Why are you here, doing this? Degrading yourself?

NOBIA: I can’t explain that to you. Just know that I must be here right now. This is not about me. There are things bigger and more important than me and my preferences. That’s all I can say.

[Both men are silent. JENNON is stonefaced but furious. NOBIA is guarded but regretful.]

JENNON: Well then. I’m leaving. I won’t be coming back.

NOBIA: I understand. Before you go, I want you to know that I’ve very much enjoyed the time we’ve spent together. It meant a lot to me, more than you can know. It’s been good being with you. And you’re always welcome to come back, even if it’s just to talk.

JENNON: Goodbye.

[JENNON exits. NOBIA, arms crossed and shoulders back, watches him leave. As the door closes behind JENNON, NOBIA’s posture collapses. He gives a ragged sigh, runs his fingers through his hair, then presses them to his eyes for a moment. Then his hands drop and he heads off to the bedroom.]



[JINN’s quarters at the Jedi Temple. The comm. beeps, and JENNON sits at his desk to answer it. YORINCO’s image appears.]

YORINCO: Ah, Mr. Jennon. Do you have a moment?

JINN: Just a moment.

YORINCO: I found out there was a confusion around scheduling...?

JINN: My request for Nobia’s calendar bounced, and the system informed me that I’m no longer on his approved list of Patrons. That was all.

YORINCO: The first I heard about it was Benjamin stampeding into my office a short time ago. The system had sent him an autoalert. He was quite distressed, poor young man, over the miscommunication. Apparently he thought that you had mutually cancelled your association.

JINN: We had a disagreement, but when I reconsidered, I decided that I was in the wrong. But I must have crossed a line. Please give my apologies to Mr. Nobia, and thank him for our time together. Also, since you called, please let this conversation be my official notice of resignation from the Club.

YORINCO: Oh dear, I thought as much. Well, not knowing the circumstances, I won’t try to dissuade you. But I have a promise to fulfill. [holds up a paper envelope] Benjamin asked me to pass this along. He borrowed pen and paper from my private stash so he could write you a note. Don’t ask me why he couldn’t message you directly. He said he couldn’t, I have no idea why not. But he was most insistent that you receive the letter from my hands.

JINN: Thank you for telling me. I’ll drop by the Club later today or tomorrow and pick it up.

YORINCO: We’ll miss seeing you, Mr. Jennon. Please let me know if you reconsider.

JINN: Goodbye, Mr. Yorinco.



[An atrium at the Club. JINN, in casual clothing, is standing off in a corner of the Club lobby, holding NOBIA’s letter. He tears open the seal and unfolds the note. It reads:

To QGJ --

The holder of this letter promised me he’d deliver it, and I trust him, as much as I trust anyone in this place. So I’m hoping that you will receive this.

I wanted to thank you for everything. I know the Club wasn’t your preferred environment, but I’m glad you were here for a while, so that we could meet. Knowing that you existed got me through some very difficult days.

I’m sorry about the scheduling problem. I didn’t think there was any chance you’d want to see me again, or I would have sent a message that I’d removed you from my approved list. Please don’t think it was because of anything you did. I was told that it was necessary that I not see you again. It wasn’t my choice but I understand the reasoning behind it.

I’m sorry there was so much that I was never able to explain to you. Again please believe that my reticence had nothing to do with you. We came together at the wrong time, that is all.

I won’t sign this letter with my name, because as you know, Benjamin Nobia isn’t really my name, and I don’t want to lie to you any more. So I’ll simply sign it as --your friend.

JINN strides up to the Club concierge’s desk.]

JINN: I want to speak with Benjamin Nobia immediately.

CONCIERGE: [glances at his desktop viewscreen] I’m sorry, that’s not possible. Would you care to leave a message with me, or via one of the private comm stations?

JINN: No, I want to speak him now. [waves a hand] I’ll speak with Nobia now.

CONCIERGE: [with a blank look] You’ll speak with Nobia now...[confusedly] but that’s not possible, he’s scheduled with Mr. Sidian.

JINN: Never mind.

[JINN stalks determinedly into the Club’s main gardened atrium. After a few steps, he slows and stops. He takes a seat on a nearby bench and looks again at NOBIA’s letter. Finally he sighs, rises, and begins to walk back towards the Club lobby.

An earthshattering BOOM is heard. JINN snaps around, and sees a fireball blossom from one of the third level suites halfway down the long atrium. He suddenly realizes that the suite is NOBIA’s, and breaks into a run. Debris rains down from the explosion.

As JINN arrives at top speed, he sees a number of Jedi ringing the space in the garden underneath the location of the explosion. He tries to run past but is blocked by one of the Jedi, who waves him back.]

UNKNOWN JEDI: [warning gesture] Stay clear, stay back!

[JINN dodges and continues, but the UNKNOWN JEDI heads him off and ignites his lightsaber.]

UNKNOWN JEDI: I’m warning you, stay back, we need you to stay back --

[JINN sees another Jedi and shouts over to her.]

JINN: Betra Ahng! Betra! Over here! It's Jinn, Qui-Gon Jinn! Tell this Knight to let me pass!

JEDI BETRA AHNG [shouting back]: I vouch for him, he’s Jedi! Let him by!

[JINN slips around the UNKNOWN JEDI and heads for the lifts. They are deactivated. Turning on his heel, he makes the stairwell and runs up, leaping several stairs at a time. On the third floor landing, he bursts from the stairwell. The hallway is filled with Jedi, and he shoulders his way through them. Those who recognize him pull others from his path. The door to NOBIA’s apartment is open and he rushes inside.

At the threshold of the main room, he halts. The room is destroyed: walls, ceiling and floor blackened and cracked. The furniture has been demolished, blown to the sides of the room or out onto the balcony; the transparent wall and door to the balcony are gone. In the center of the main room, a group of Jedi, primarily Council members, stand over a figure lying on the ground. The figure is unrecognizable; it is emitting black smoke and snapping blue electricity. As JINN watches, the figure floats upwards and, still ringed by the circle of Jedi, drifts quickly out onto the balcony, where a large aircar hovers along the balcony edge. The Jedi and their prize bustle into the open door of the waiting aircar; the door snaps shut and the car pulls away.]

[JINN begins to step forward and is restrained by another Jedi.]

ANOTHER JEDI: Stay back, they're bringing another one out.

[Through the bedroom door comes another cluster of senior Masters and Council members escorting another levitating body. This one is not as completely burned, although most of the body is covered with black or red patches. As the body swiftly moves past, the head turns: it is NOBIA, his lower jaw charred but his cheekbone, eye socket and brow intact under his scorched hair. NOBIA’s head lolls to the side, and he seems to make eye contact with JINN. Flanked by Jedi, NOBIA is rushed onto the balcony and towards another waiting aircar.]

JINN: [pushing against ANOTHER JEDI’s restraining hands] Wait. Wait!

ANOTHER JEDI: I’m sorry, Master Jinn, they can’t wait, he’s near-terminal. They have to get him to the Healers. They won’t hold the car.

[JINN watches the group disappear as the aircar door closes behind them, then turns and dashes back out of the suite. Dodging out of the door into the hallway, he collides with YORINCO, standing just outside, almost knocking the elderly man down.]

JINN: Sorry --

YORINCO: I’m quite all right, Mr. Jennon, my fault entirely for standing behind a blind corner.

JINN: Benjamin’s hurt --

YORINCO: So I heard. They say he may recover yet, Mr. Jennon. Of course there are no guarantees with a Force attack of that magnitude. They'll put him in bacta and see what happens. We must hope, Mr. Jennon, we must always hope for the best.

JINN: What happened?

YORINCO: According to the Jedi Council, Mr. Sidian, or perhaps we should call him by his correct name of Senator Palpatine, is the greatest risk to the peace of the Republic in our lifetimes. Not a complete surprise to me, as the man’s character was loathsome, but the extent of his ambitions was appalling. So I was told. Our Benjamin Nobia was under cover, so to speak, no pun intended, in an attempt to confirm Palpatine’s identity as the source of this threat to the Republic. Quite a dissembler, our Benjamin. You, however -- you are a Jedi, are you not, sir? --were you aware of some of this?


YORINCO: I knew little more, I assure you. I knew that there was an unusual situation unfolding --the Council had to reassure me repeatedly that their young man could handle himself --but I was ignorant of the full extent of the situation. An impressive young man, very impressive indeed. I'm going to recommend him for lifetime Member status.

JINN: I have to get to the Temple.

YORINCO: And I must reassure the Members that today's disturbance is over. My very best hopes for Mr. Nobia’s recovery, and good wishes to you as well, Mr. Jennon. I do hope to see you again some time.

[As JINN runs through the Club towards the exit, an announcement is heard over the Club’s PA system.]

UNSEEN VOICE: This is Mr. Yorinco, Club Partner. We apologize for the recent disturbance. We currently have outside authorities in the Club, so please stay out of the public areas if you wish to maintain your privacy. Cleanup is proceeding apace, and we expect to have the Club back to standard operation within the hour. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact any Member of the Club staff...




[The Healers’ Wing of the Jedi Temple. A naked man is suspended in a bacta tank. It is NOBIA, much of his skin red and pink as it heals from the burns. There is a dark-skinned, dark-eyed old woman with close-cropped gray hair; she is wearing Jedi robes and sitting near the tank, talking with a young boy. JINN, dressed in his Jedi robes, enters and freezes, staring at NOBIA in the tank.]

YOUNG BOY: [running up to JINN] Master Jinn, Master Jinn! Look!

JINN: [tearing his gaze away from the tank to focus on the boy] Hello, Anakin.

ANAKIN: Look at my braid! Master Mace made me his apprentice today! I’m a padawan now!

JINN: [going down on one knee, patting ANAKIN on the shoulder] Congratulations. This is an important day for you.

ANAKIN: And I wanted to tell Master Irian and she was down here with Obi-Wan ‘cause it was the first day they let people in to see him and I wanted to see Obi-Wan too but he’s still in the tank so I can’t tell him today but Master Irian says he’ll be out soon and I can tell him then.

JINN: That’s good.

ANAKIN: I’ve known Master Irian and Obi-Wan my whole life almost. They were the first Jedi I ever met. They found me on Tatooine and they bought me and my mom with the money they got from the podrace cause Master Irian gambled with that Dug and got his racer and then Obi-Wan raced and he won the whole race and got a lot of money and that’s how they bought us and then we came on their spaceship and I ended up at the Temple and Mom ended up working for the Anti-Slavery Coalition.

OLD WOMAN: Anakin, you were too young to remember that race. You weren’t even walking yet.

ANAKIN: I do too remember it, it’s just about my most favorite story, except now my most favorite story is about being picked by Master Mace. I’ve told Mom about it twice already.

OLD WOMAN: Don’t run up the com charges too much, Ani, or Master Mace will be cross. Now that you’ve told Master Jinn and me your news and seen Obi-Wan, why don’t run along? I’m sure you have lots of other people to tell.

ANAKIN: Oh, I do. Bye! [exits at a run]

OLD WOMAN: [sighs] I never told the Council the specifics about that race, but now that Anakin’s been braided by Councilor Windu, all secrets will out. Ani isn’t one for keeping quiet. You must be Qui-Gon Jinn.

JINN: And you are...

OLD WOMAN: Irian Jaya. I’m Obi-Wan’s old master.

JINN: [gestures at the tank] And this must be Obi-Wan.

JAYA: Knight Kenobi. Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.

[JINN is silent, looking at the tank.]

JAYA: You didn’t know. He didn’t tell you.

JINN: No. No one’s told me anything. The Council questioned me, and in turn told me nothing.

JAYA: He kept his cover, then, even with you. Not that I expected anything less. They --the Council -- didn’t know who might be in league with the Sith, Senator Palpatine, and they advised Obi not to trust anyone. But I had wondered, when I heard the two of you were seeing each other regularly, if he had confided in you. I couldn’t ask him myself, they wouldn’t let me talk to him during this whole mission. Worried about an old master’s protectiveness, I suppose. Thank the Force it’s over. I’ve missed him. He’s a fine Jedi, and a good friend.

JINN: How long?

JAYA: Pardon me?

JINN: How long had he been involved in this?

JAYA: This mission? About a year. They chose him when he was still a senior padawan. After he passed his Trials, they reconfirmed his selection. He isn’t well known among the Jedi, especially those here on Coruscant, you see, and that was useful. The Council knew some Jedi were in cahoots with that Sith, they just didn’t know which ones. Conveniently Obi-wan and I had spent almost his entire apprenticeship off by ourselves, in other parts of the galaxy: the Outer Rim, the Corporate Sector... I apprenticed him when he was a toddler and I was the assigned Jedi for that sector, residing on his home planet of Orindan. So Obi was never in any creche. I still remember how disgruntled the Council was with me. Well, isn’t this the way we used to do it, I asked that group of traditionalists, back before temples and crèches and formal initiate training? Not much they could say to that. And then Obi-Wan’s relative lack of exposure to other Jedi turned out to be a plus after all.

JINN: I knew he was Force sensitive, but I never detected any Jedi training.

JAYA: You wouldn’t have. The Council, aided by a few Master Healers, put a block on his Force abilities. They knew it wouldn’t hold up to a direct sustained attack by a powerful Master or Sith, but the goal was to escape a full-scale assault by giving a believable impression of a raw empath. His empathic talents were part of the bait for Palpatine. We suspected that Palpatine was recruiting and training Dark Force users. We hoped he would be drawn to Obi-Wan and then test him to see if he was suitable.

JINN: But a block would have interfered with his access to the Force, as well as masking his signature.

JAYA: Exactly. He’s been deprived of a trained Jedi’s contact with the Force; he had to be convincing as an untrained natural talent. To undo the damage, they’ve spent more time working on his mind than on his body these last few days. Looks like the bacta is doing its job, but bacta won’t fix what’s between his ears. They’re not sure if he’ll regain his Force abilities. He may become the fastest disability-retired Knight in the history of the Order. He joked with me, right before he left, that no matter what happened to him, I’d keep him out of Agricorps, even if the only other thing he was good for was cleaning toilets. It’s a joke, you see, because he’s from a ranching family; they work with livestock and look down on dirt farmers, as they call them.

JINN: The Order owes him a great debt. He’ll get the best care we have to offer.

JAYA: I know. He did too. Does. And he has plenty of options, whatever happens. He could always stick around one of the Temples, but if he’s not a full Jedi anymore, he’ll probably go elsewhere. Obi-Wan has his pride, in case you hadn’t noticed. He could go back to his family on Orindan. Or stay with the Coruscant Galactic Cultures Institute doing crossxenowhachamacallit studies, he got good reports from the faculty there, during this assignment. There’s any number of jobs he could quality for.

JINN: It would be a loss to the Order if he left us.

JAYA: Loss to the Order? Yes, and to some of us in particular. Ah well, no need chewing on tomorrow’s worries today. Healers say it’ll take a few more days before he’s ready to leave the tank. Then we’ll see how it goes.

[JINN squints up at the tank, as if looking for something.]

JAYA: What is it? Is something wrong with him? Other than the obvious?

JINN: His hair, what’s left of it, what wasn’t looks light. I thought he was dark.

JAYA: He dyed his hair for the mission. No, he’s what they call red pally back on Orindan. The equan that his family raises sometimes come in that auburn color, very like his hair, they call it red pally. If you prefer it dark, he might dye it back for you, if you ask nicely. [JAYA quirks an eyebrow.]

JINN: [flustered] No, Not at all. I just wondered. Thank you for the information, I’m glad he’s recovering. I’ll return later.

[JINN exits. JAYA watches him leave, with a speculative expression.]



[The Healers’ Wing of the Jedi Temple. JINN, dressed in his Jedi robes, enters a recovery room. KENOBI, dressed in the pajama-like clothes of a patient, is awake and sitting up in bed, legs crossed, looking annoyed. JAYA is standing by his bedside with a fond if exasperated expression, listening to KENOBI, who is in mid-sentence.]

KENOBI: -- remotest idea of what they’re talking about. And they think they can help me? No thank you, I’ll pass.

JAYA: [to JINN] You’re just in time. We’re having a nice rant at the Healers. Never met a Knight that didn’t enjoy a nice rant at the Healers. Do feel free to join in.

JINN: What’s this about?

KENOBI: The Healers want me to have intensive counseling. Concern over the, how did they put it, ‘intensive sexual nature’ of the mission. I don’t want their help. I don’t need it.

JAYA: Now Obi, you should consider their advice. No, you should. Even though you’ve always been comfortable with your sexuality. When I think of all the times I scolded you for staying out late with your little boyfriends...

KENOBI: All those lectures I got about the high-minded chastity of the Temple’s Jedi padawans and how they should be an inspiriting model for smutty little field-chosen Padawans. That only worked until I got to know a few of the Temple Padawans, and I must say, Master, that standards seem to have fallen off remarkably since the remote days of your apprenticeship.

JAYA: Remember your joke when we first discovered the requirements for this particular mission? When you were trying to jolly me over the risks of this whole insane plan?

KENOBI: Ah, I believe I said something about how, um, all that shagging practice would now go to a noble end.

JAYA: Multiple ends, from what I’ve heard.

KENOBI: My ears are burning. Shameful language with such a distinguished Master.

JAYA: Ha! Distinguished is just another word for old.

KENOBI: [pointedly towards JAYA while glancing towards JINN] I didn’t mean you. And I didn’t mean old.

JAYA: Well if you meant him, he should be more familiar with those ‘multiple ends’ than anyone else. One end in particular.

KENOBI: Master Iri, have mercy, I beg you. Don’t tease your poor Padawan any more right now.

JAYA: Sense of propriety awakened? [glancing towards JINN then back to KENOBI] He is a good influence on you. I approve.

KENOBI: {wryly] Which of course is the most important thing. Goodbye, Master. I’ll see you later.

JAYA: I know when I’m not wanted. Fifty years in diplomatic service, one learns to pick up on subtle hints. Good day, Master Jinn.

[JAYA exits. JINN and KENOBI look at each other.]



KENOBI: Your Force signature. It feels the same, only much stronger now. When we were at the Club, I could feel your signature but, like everything else in the Force, it seemed veiled and far-off. Like the sky seen from the bottom of a deep well.

JINN: I can tell you’re the same person, but you’re much brighter in the Force now. How are you feeling? Physically and psychically?

KENOBI: I feel fine. My Force talents seem to be intact, if rusty. The Healers think I’ll make a full recovery. I suppose I should be thanking them, not complaining that they want me in counseling. I itch all over from the new skin though. I’m told the burns were extensive.

JINN: They were. I saw you when they carried you out.

[KENOBI nods.]

KENOBI: Did you know?

JINN: About what? About you?

KENOBI: Me. The mission. Any of it.

JINN: No. I was at the Club for purely recreational reasons.

KENOBI: Ah. I hope that having your recreational choices become public doesn’t cause any difficulty for you. With the Council or the other Masters.

JINN: [shrugs] That doesn’t concern me. [silence, then] Yorinco told me that they’d likely offer you a lifetime free Membership.

KENOBI: Gods. The last thing I want. I can’t imagine having any interest. Quite the opposite. I’m considering celibacy.

JINN: Really?

KENOBI: Sexually I’ve done...more than I want to contemplate. I’m not sure if I can go back to a so-called-normal sex life. I’m not sure if I want to. And taking the vow would make my place in the Order easier.

JINN: How so?

KENOBI: The Council’s keeping this quiet outside, but they can’t muffle it inside. I’m going from the Jedi that no one had heard of, to the one everybody has heard of. The first thing everyone will think when they see me or hear my name. Kenobi the whore.

JINN: That’s harsh. It was a difficult mission, and you excelled.

KENOBI: Excelled at what is the issue. All right, maybe it’s just Kenobi the very sexually experienced. But considering that the Order promotes celibacy as the recommended lifestyle, even if it’s not experience puts me beyond the pale. Which leads to two outcomes. One, others thinking of it negatively or distastefully. Two, others being curious and attracted by it. Either way, it’s the defining trait in my identity. Declaring celibacy would realign me with the Order’s teachings.

JINN: You must act as the Force guides you.

KENOBI: You don’t agree.

JINN: It seems an extreme action and one that is at odds with your personality.

KENOBI: Even before this, my personality was borderline too sexual for the Order. Now I’ve gone far beyond that.

JINN: Why do you care so much what others think?

KENOBI: I’ve dedicated my life to the Order. I’d give my life to defend it. Of course I care. Our teachings were developed and proven over thousands of years. I have the greatest respect for our traditions.

JINN: Perhaps you shouldn’t conform to tradition if it requires you to sacrifice your individual gifts.

KENOBI: What gifts are those?

JINN: Your ability to feel at fully home in your body, to express a wide range of emotion and experiences through your sexuality. And to give that to your partner. That is a gift.

KENOBI: An unusual perspective for a Jedi.

JINN: I’ve never been fully in line with all the Order’s traditions. As many people will tell you.

KENOBI: I suspected that. At the Club, when I realized you were Jedi, I thought you’d been sent to keep contact with me. But as our relationship developed, I realized that you were there for your own reasons, and that seemed odd.

JINN: It is odd. The Club won’t release Member records of course, but I’ve been given hints that I’m the first Jedi Member in its history.

KENOBI: And now you will continue to be the sole remaining Member. Because I will be vowing celibacy.

JINN: As you wish. But if you want my advice, you should wait until you’re certain. You’re an honorable man. If you swear and come to regret the oath, you’ll be pained in the keeping or the breaking of it. You’ve been alone, cut off from the Force, working under an assumed identity for a year. It’s understandable that you’d be feeling alienated from the Order, and desperate to be back at home within it. But don’t make a vow rashly.

KENOBI: You know, when they asked me to consider this mission, I was so glad to be asked. Partly for the opportunity to help with something of such importance. But I was also secretly pleased that the legendary leaders of the Main Temple, the Coruscant High Council, thought me, a field-chosen and field-trained Padawan, to be worthy. I had long felt second-best, peripheral, and their choice of me seemed to confirm the rightness of my position as a Jedi. But after I got into the mission, I felt more isolated from the Order than ever. Master Jaya would be horrified to hear me saying this. But then Master Iri doesn’t think the Coruscant Temple and its solemn Council is any great shakes. Or any of the temples and councils for that matter. When I begged many years ago, she did bring me to one of the temples for classes, and then I reversed course and asked if we could leave.

JINN: Why did you want to leave?

KENOBI: Childish reasons. I didn’t fit in. All the other Padawans had been together since they were initiates, I was odd man out. I dressed differently. I had a strange accent. They laughed at me. To them I was a backworlds rube. Other than the Force exercises I didn’t know anything about their little Padawan universe. I felt my trust in the Force, in my calling to be a Jedi, was under threat from my own doubts and fears. And Master Jaya never saw the point of living at a temple anyway. So she went back into her field residency and took me with her, and I continued my academic studies remotely. But because of that experience, I decided that I would never been seen as a bumpkin again. I would become competent, sophisticated and cultured.

JINN: You succeeded in that.

KENOBI: [ironically] Another skill that came in useful at the Club.

JINN: All you’ve said emphasizes my point. Don’t make any hasty decisions. Give yourself time to find your center again.

KENOBI: Thank you, Master. It’s good advice.

JINN: I’d best be going.

KENOBI: Thank you for stopping by.

[JINN exits. KENOBI sits in his infirmary bed, thinking.]



[Later that day. KENOBI’s room in the infirmary. JAYA enters.]

JAYA: How did your conversation with Master Jinn go?

KENOBI: Well. I thanked him for visiting.

JAYA: With appropriate enthusiasm, I hope? [winks]

KENOBI: He’s a Senior Master. I wouldn’t insult him that way.

JAYA: Insult him? What are you talking about? The man’s infatuated.

KENOBI: Ridiculous.

JAYA: Can’t fool an old matchmaker like me, boy. That man is yours, if you’ll just reach out and take him.

KENOBI: Jinn doesn’t want me. He thought he was paying for an unusually erudite prostitute, an untrained Force sensitive, someone he could enjoy, look down on a bit, even try to help. I’m sure he’s stunned that his rental turned out to be a Knight in disguise, but he’ll recover and go find himself another bed partner. One without any baggage.

JAYA: He wants you, baggage and all. You think a man like Jinn will really be satisfied with some part-time playmate?

KENOBI: I told him that I’m considering a vow of celibacy.

JAYA: Why are you trying to scare him off?

KENOBI: I’m not. I am considering celibacy. I’d rather devote my life energies to something more meaningful than sex.

JAYA: Like what?

KENOBI: Like being a better Jedi.

JAYA: How?

KENOBI: By...well, by...having more energy for worthwhile pursuits.

JAYA: Balance, Padawan. Balance in all things. Do you know how many people are unfulfilled in their personal and sexual lives? Lots. Lots, lots, lots. And you, here you are with this great capacity for love and passion, and you want to throw it down the garbage chute.

KENOBI: Many Jedi are celibate. They commit themselves entirely to the Light. Why would so many Jedi do it, if it’s a bad thing?

JAYA: They do it because many people, including Jedi, don’t know how to be in a deeply intimate relationship and still maintain their other commitments. It’s a hard balancing act. It’s easier just to select the one and turn your back on the other. But that’s not the answer for everyone. Listen to me, Padawan. Do you want to be a good Jedi? A good person? Then the best classroom, the first classroom, is your spouse, your immediate family and your closest companions. You will learn things about yourself and about the world that you can’t learn any other way. But it’s hard. It’s humiliating. No great man is great where his nearest and dearest are concerned. They know his weaknesses, you see, and he knows that they know. But if he learns from it, he’s a better person because of those other people. Why do you think I originally chose to be a career field-posted Jedi? Field-resident?

KENOBI: I’m not certain.

JAYA: Because the Order is too monastic. I don’t believe in hiding away in temples or raising initiates away from their families. Why do you think we stayed in touch with your family, spend holidays with them? When you have a great treasure, should you hoard it, or should you spread it around where it will do the most good? We Jedi have a treasure: ourselves, our knowledge, our skills, our ability to do good for people. The universe needs us. We should get out there, and not on some fly-by mission, here today and gone tomorrow. We need to go out and live with people, be a part of their lives day to day. That’s where you really make a difference. The temples are important; they are our centers of knowledge, places to learn, to rejuvenate, to teach, to meditate. But we shouldn’t shut ourselves up in them, away from the rest of life.

KENOBI: That’s one opinion, Master.

JAYA: It’s a considered and tested opinion, Obi-Wan. I’m an old woman. I had a long and loving relationship with a wonderful man, not a Jedi, who died before you were born. That part you know. And I wouldn’t trade that time with him for anything. And if I were ever lucky enough to find that kind of connection again with another person, Jedi or not, I’d leap at the chance. Obi-Wan, you’re so full of life. To hear you talk about taking a vow of celibacy, against all your natural inclinations, and all this rot about sacrifice and such nonsense, it makes me sad. That Sith finally got you. He hurt you so badly that you’re cutting off part of yourself and crawling under a rock. No, that’s the wrong metaphor. You’re trying to hide in the middle of the herd, the Jedi herd. Because you think it will make you happy, make you feel safe, like you belong. Well, I have news for you, Padawan. Belonging has more to do with what’s inside your head than what’s outside. If you’re so worried about being marginal, about not being a good enough Jedi, you’ll keep squirming your way into the middle of the herd, and you’ll give up your individuality and your judgment and anything else to get there. And you’ll never be secure, because you’ll always be afraid that you’ll end up outside the herd again. And you won’t be any good as a Jedi, then, either.

KENOBI: I don’t want to disappoint you, Master.

JAYA: Forget about me. Forget about the Order. What about you? What do you want? What is your calling and purpose in life? And who do you want on the journey with you? You’ve got to answer those questions, Padawan, and Force help you if you lie to yourself.

KENOBI: Master, I don’t know this Temple well. Where can I go to meditate?

JAYA: Come on, I’ll show you. They have lots of nice gardens here. Overly manicured, most of them, but that’s Coruscant for you.

KENOBI: Am I approved to leave by the Healers?

JAYA: Bah. You’re well enough. If they want you, they’ll know how to find you.

KENOBI: I’m not dressed.

JAYA: I know, I forgot to bring your clothes. Again. Rub it in. You think these high-and-mighty Coruscant Jedi haven’t seen a person in their pajamas before? They see it every night in the mirror. At least some of them do. Come on, Padawan, let’s walk the halls and speculate for each Jedi we pass, if they [stage whispers] sleep in the nude.

[JAYA takes KENOBI’s arm, and they exit.]



[JINN’s quarters in the Temple. The door chimes. JINN opens it to find KENOBI, wearing full Jedi attire, standing at the threshold.]

KENOBI: May I come in?

JINN: Certainly.

[KENOBI steps inside, gives a cursory glance around the room, and turns to face JINN. JINN, without his robe, out of habit crosses his arms and tucks his hands inside the loose sleeves of his tunic.]

KENOBI: I wanted to thank you for your advice the other day.

JINN: I’m glad if it was helpful.

KENOBI: It was. You were correct. I was being too hasty. A few hours on my knees cleared me up.

[JINN twitches very slightly at the phrase ‘on my knees’ but otherwise seems composed.]

JINN: What did you decide, if I may ask?

KENOBI: I’m not taking the vow. Not yet. Perhaps never. I’m not sure I’m called to that.

JINN: You can always revisit this decision, but you cannot unmake the oath once it’s sworn.

KENOBI: Exactly. And since you were so helpful on that issue, I have another.

JINN: Another?

KENOBI: I don’t want to be overly hasty again.

JINN: Of course.

KENOBI: During my last mission, I met someone and formed an attachment. But I was under cover, and the circumstances were highly unusual. But now I find that I want that relationship to continue, in some way. And I have no idea if that’s possible, or advisable, or of the remotest interest to the other individual. So, Master, I’m asking your advice. Do I say something to this person now? Or is that too hasty, should I wait for a certain amount of time to pass? Or should I decide to let the relationship go and let memories be memories?

JINN: What do you want with this person?

KENOBI: Ideally? Everything we had, and more. Now that I don’t have to lie about my true identity. If that’s not possible, at least a friendship of some kind. But I don’t know his feelings on the matter.

JINN: It sounds like you’re speculating.


JINN: And how to do you plan to get the data to resolve those speculations?

KENOBI: Directly, yet tactfully.

[KENOBI waits. JINN is silent.]

KENOBI: Throw me a rope, please. Hand signals, anything. I can cope with any answer, I just need to know in which direction I need to go.

JINN: [clears throat] Will you be staying here on Coruscant?

KENOBI: It depends. Is there anything on Coruscant worth my staying for?

JINN: You shouldn’t plan your future around a tentative relationship with another person.

KENOBI: People do it all the time. I’m very fortunate in that I have a great deal of flexibility right now. I’m wallowing in Council approval. I could ask them for just about anything, and they’d grant it. A temple posting, a mission or any other position. Including my choice of assigned partner. So the question is, do you want to stay on Coruscant, or is there anywhere else you would prefer to be?

JINN: So you were talking about me.

KENOBI: [dumbfounded] For the...of course it’s you. How could you think it was anyone else?

JINN: [still reserved] I don’t know about your other relationships at the Club. With the exception of Sidian.

KENOBI: No other relationships. Not like you. I never had more than a couple of Patrons at a time. I picked up Sidian early on, and from then on, I only took others Patron to keep him jealous and interested, and preserve the fiction of my Host status. Most of the others were pleasant enough. A few of them could have been friends, in other circumstances. None of them were anything like you.

[JINN is silent, thinking.]

KENOBI: [quietly, defeated but with dignity] It’s too much, isn’t it. Too much to get past. I’m sorry, I had hoped...No matter. I’m sorry to disturb you, Master Jinn.

[KENOBI makes a move towards the door.]

JINN: You’re doing it again.


JINN: Acting hastily. Not all of us are as quick to talk about these things as you are. Give me a little time.

KENOBI: [stunned] Of course, I...of course. I didn’t mean to push. I’ll give you some time to decide --

JINN: I’ve decided. I was just having difficulty finding the words.

KENOBI: Master --

JINN: My name is Qui-Gon. You used to call me that. Are you sure you want to stay on Coruscant? You’re not accustomed to highly urbanized planets, according to Master Jaya. And there’s the issue of possibly bumping into Club Patrons, at the Senate, for example.

KENOBI: I’ve enjoyed living on Coruscant so far. As for the Patrons, I wonder if many would recognize me, with my hair color, beard growing in, the Jedi robes. If it’s ever an issue, I’m certain I can handle it.

JINN: Would you want to live with me, or have your own rooms?

KENOBI: I wouldn’t want to invade your privacy, or crowd you.

JINN: You won’t. You’ll ask the Council for a full suite for us. Temple accommodations aren’t as luxurious as the Club’s, but we’ll manage.

KENOBI: [grinning] While I’m still in the Council’s favor, is there anything else that I might acquire for you?

JINN: My other acquisitions where you are concerned, I have no interest in the Council knowing about. I can acquire materials for those activities myself. Unless you have no interest anymore?

KENOBI: I have interest in all kinds of activities where you are concerned. Shall I go make arrangements for your upcoming relocation?

JINN: Not yet.

[JINN steps forward and takes KENOBI’s face between his hands.]

JINN: Welcome to my quarters. Although I don’t expect to be here for very much longer, I’d like to give you a tour.

KENOBI: Please say we’ll start with the bedroom.

JINN: We’re start with the bedroom. Though I must admit, I find that a conservative statement, for you.

KENOBI: You’ll have to help me express my adventurous side.

[Arms around each other, they exit into the bedroom.]