Black Wing: Thanatos

by Ki Slash

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Archive: Yes, M/A archive, personal homepage.
Pairing: Q/O, O/Xan
Series: Yes. This is the fifth chapter.
Categories: angst, a/u.
Warning(s): none.
Summary: This is a world where the Jedi are winged like angels. Obi-wan deals with his inner frustration and his despair in "Black Wing: Singed Feathers, Broken Dreams". We get to read about his dislike of his black wings and his difference. He seems to have accepted it at the end but for how long? Also, we get to see his dreams of flight and a certain stranger. "Whirlwind of Fury" deals with suppressed anger breaking free...and the consequences. "Open Rebuke, Hidden Love" sees the aftermath. Can Obi-Wan come to grips with his own anger? Can Qui-Gon reconcile the transformation in his apprentice and himself? "Thanatos" looks at the black-winged apprentice's inner yearning to meet with people of his own kind. He meets the stranger again... Dedicated to those who have encouraged me with their emails. Thank you for your inspiration and your feedback. Many thanks to Raonaid. **grin**
Rating: R-ish.

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Black Wing: Thanatos
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1. an ancient Greek personification of death.
2. Psychoanal. (usually l.c) the death instinct, esp. as expressed in violent aggression.

This time, there was no shining expanse of ocean, no wide and breathtaking sky. This time, there was a dimly lit corridor, illuminated with the glow of candlelight. His footsteps whispered on thick lush carpets and he gazed at the red and gold tracing beneath his bare feet. He looked around in silent wonder. The candlelight glittered off intricate statues of nymphs, of rare avians. His wings rustled behind him, a soft sound completely at home with the sensual surroundings. As he walked further down the corridor, he could hear haunting music... Harp? Zither? He didn't know. But he was drawn to it, like a butterfly to the flame. His soles padding on the carpets, his skin feeling the velvet indulgence, he traced the source of the music, listening intently.

He rounded a corner and there it was... a garden dappled with golden sunlight. It seemed odd but it was a dream and dreams were supposed to be strange... allowed to be strange. The dim corridor faded away...washed away as he stepped into the circle of sunlight, blinking at the sudden glare. The haunting music was still being played. Languidly. Beautifully. He blinked, suddenly realizing that the garden was filled with the most bewitching of scents. Taskian sandalwood? It was definitely incense. His bare feet relished the feel of soft grass and he gasped with surprise. He hadn't experienced the coolness of grass ever since he was a child. Getting more and more puzzled, he glanced around. Trees. Low-hanging green succulent tendrils. Orbs of fruits... hanging in clusters, advertising their ripeness. His mouth watered; he wanted to taste one and he bit his lip. He was Jedi and Jedi didn't care much for luxury.

But the fruits... they looked so delicious...

The music stopped. A soft, purring voice chuckled and spoke warmly, " I am glad you found your way here..." Right in the middle of the garden sat a man, draped in black robes. He had high cheekbones, hinting of noble birth; the face was framed with long hair... the color of night... the color of a raven's wing. His slender fingers curled casually around a zither. He looked immensely relaxed...

His eyes gleamed with secret amusement... And something startled the visitor of this strange garden. In a strange double vision, he saw himself...saw the wings on the man's back. Big, graceful, they fluttered as the man flexed his shoulder blades as if he was easing a stitch. They were beautiful, the feathers healthy...glistening like polished onyx...

"You look if you have seen a Force spirit," the man's voice was gentle, slightly mocking. He gestured with his right hand at an empty chair. "Come on. Sit down."

Hesitant at first, he paused. But the black-haired man urged him on with a slight nod and he went forward, sitting on the chair, feeling the softness of the cushion. It looked extravagant, covered with expensive softsilk. He found himself unable to speak and he tried to regain his vocal faculties. The man waited for him patiently, his eyes watching... watching...

Finally, he managed to say a few words: "Were you the man in my dreams?"

The black-haired man with wings like his smiled and reached out an elegant hand. The hand scooped up a plump-looking yellow fruit and held it close to his nose.

"What do you think?"



The voice didn't belong to a strange black-haired man. It was deeper, filled with years of authority. It was cultured and at this moment, the hint of impatience pierced through Obi-Wan's sleep-drenched mind.


He opened his eyes to see piercing blue eyes staring down at him. Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan groaned and rubbed his face. His Master could be seen walking towards the door, his brown robes rustling softly.

"I apologize, Master..." The youth got up quickly, his bed-sheets crumbling around him. The dream was still in him, images whispering. Memories of a beautiful fragrance lingering at the fringes of his consciousness, of slender fingertips cupping yellow fruit... They were incredibly sensual...

He wasn't surprised to see a morning erection bulging in his thin night-trousers. Blush rising in his face, Obi-Wan was glad that Qui-Gon didn't see it. His Master had been so irascible lately. Ever since that confrontation, the two of them had been on tether-hooks. Qui-Gon had been meditating for a long time in his study room and Obi-Wan knew why.

The youth slipped out of bed and ran to the shower. Qui-Gon had retreated back to his room.

After a while, Obi-Wan found himself in the kitchen, trying to mix himself a quick decent breakfast of dried fruit and crispy flakes. He ate hurriedly, gulped down a glass of juice and meditated briefly, clearing his mind... before knocking on his teacher's door.

Qui-Gon was sitting in the pool of sunlight and Obi-Wan had to blink. He was reminded of the man in his dream, the black-winged man. But his Master seemed bigger, more rugged. The man was graceful... almost elfin.

At present, Qui-Gon rested with an open book on his lap, his finger tracing one line after another. Obi-Wan knelt, bowing deeply. "Master."

"You slept late," the older man said quietly and put the book away. "You were late for the early-morning meditation."

"I apologize."

"I believe a high-level kata will clear your mind of...distractions." Qui-Gon's voice now bore amusement. He rose to his feet and placed a hand on Obi-Wan's right shoulder.

The apprentice bowed once more. He planned to work himself into a sweat.


Groups of Jedi initiates glanced towards Obi-Wan's direction as he strode towards the public training area. Word was still going around about the black-winged apprentice's destruction of one of the training rooms. Young boys, about 6 years of age, sidled close to the senior student leading them. Obi-Wan ignored them. The memory of his 'outburst' still rankled in him.

The kata flowed through him and he moved, the Force as a guide. There was a blessed fluidity in his movement and he reveled in it. He simply danced with the silent music, kicking out in the intricate steps of the kata.

He did exercise himself into a fine lather and he finally slumped onto the mat, feeling relaxed and deliciously tired. He closed his eyes...

"What do you think?" The black-haired man said as if he hadn't been interrupted. The yellow fruit exuded a sweet smell. The skin was so close to Obi-Wan's nose that he could see the tiny tracings of veins and fuzz. With a laugh, the man pulled it away and took a small bite. Clear juice trailed down his neck and he licked his lips, smiling. He handed it back to Obi-Wan, his gesture conciliatory.

Obi-Wan stared at the small mouth-shaped bite on the yellow fruit. He saw the small seeds in it.


This time, he almost leapt out of his skin at the sight of Qui-Gon striding down purposefully towards him. He was sleeping, for Force's sake... in the training room!

Obi-Wan was embarrassed...ashamed of his slackness. His black wings drooped as he prepared for the inevitable lecture. His self-esteem fell a few notches and he felt like an errant initiate, pinned down by the piercing eyes of an angry teacher. He lowered his eyes, staring at the patterning on the carpet. He could see Qui-Gon's boots in front of him. Agitated Force could be felt crackling around his a controlled lightning storm. Qui-Gon was angry. Very angry.

A soft sound, Qui-Gon exhaling slowly, his way of dealing with his anger. Obi-Wan trembled inside. He could already hear the words. Words of frustration and anger. Words of disappointment. Qui-Gon had the right to feel disappointed. He wasn't behaving like a proper apprentice. Sleeping...daydreaming when he was supposed to be meditating.

What do you think? The low voice whispered and Obi-Wan could see the fruit, half-eaten, oozing sweet juice...

"You are behaving strangely, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon's voice was reined anger. The blue eyes flashed like sapphires, cold and forgiving. "Sleeping late. Sleeping in the training room. This is unbecoming of a senior padawan."

"Please forgive me, Master." Obi-Wan lowered himself on his knees and bowed his head in the posture of the repentant student. He heard Qui-Gon sigh.

"Obi-Wan, what is wrong?" The tone was different now. The anger was still there. But there was compassion too. Detached curiosity.

What do you think? The voice chuckled. Gently mocking.

"Nothing, Master. I am just...tired." Obi-Wan said quietly. He could feel Qui-Gon's gaze on him, a warm heat.

"Rest more then. Take the day off. I have to meet Masters Windu and Yoda now. Go to the Aerie and meditate." The Master turned away and headed for the doorway, leaving Obi-Wan alone again in the room.


After a meal by himself in the Dining Hall, Obi-Wan did what his Master had told him: he went straight to the Aerie. He passed a few senior students, inclining his head politely as he padded silently to the huge crystal-glass cathedral in the center of the Jedi Temple. He ignored the sly gibes made by Bruck Chun who lounged with his cronies near the Stream of Tranquility. His wings twitched at the remarks but Obi-Wan soldiered on, walking up the stairs to the Aerie.

The Aerie was the Jedi's place of sanctuary. Spacious, enough to house two large cruisers, it was a place where Jedi and even non-Jedi could come and sit down to think, contemplate about Life. It had small ledges where people could sit down or stand. Sunlight flooded down from the glass roof, illuminating the center of the Aerie. There was the sound of a running stream but no one knew exactly about the whereabouts of the water. It was a mystery, even to the senior Masters.

There was a few people in the Aerie today, mostly Jedi. They were flying, taking delight in the rush of joy, the exhilaration of freedom. Obi-Wan found an empty ledge where he sat cross-legged, taking deep breaths to calm himself. The Aerie's aura of serenity seeped in him, fusing with the Force. He felt immediately cleansed, his worries dispelled away. He could hear the laughter from the flying Jedi: happy sounds that lifted his spirits immensely.

He wasn't aware of the figure watching him. It sat on a ledge to his far right. It said nothing but it held a fruit to its lips and smiled.


He was back in the garden. The incense seemed stronger, more heady. The black-haired man sat languidly on his chair, plucking the zither's strings lazily. His black wings fluttered once or twice. When Obi-Wan approached, the man turned his head and smiled warmly.

"What do you think?" The man said, his voice soft. "Playing the zither has never been my forte."

Noting the expression on his visitor's face, he laughed and held forth the yellow fruit again. This time, the fruit looked whole, uneaten.

"Come... have a slice..." He flourished a knife and sliced the fruit neatly into eight sections. He speared one with the knife and gestured gracefully.

"Don't hesitate. Eat it."

Obi-wan took the slice of fruit and placed it in his mouth. It was sweet and sour, the juices running down his throat in a sugary stream. He found himself enjoying the taste ... and he wanted more.

"See. The fruit is harmless. It's one of my favorites." The man stood up and stretched. He was wearing almost nothing this time. Gone were the black robes. He was only wearing a thin loincloth but he didn't seem to be ashamed of his almost-nudity. As he stretched, Obi-Wan could see the muscles ripping down the slender back. The man spread his black wings and the pinions shimmered.

"What is your name?" Obi-Wan asked and the garden suddenly became hazy, dreamy.

Then the man's face was inches away from his own. He could see those dark eyes. For a split second, he thought he saw sorrow. Rage. A helplessness like a caged bird. It was soon gone, replaced by the sudden predatory intensity.

"I am one of your kind," the voice was silky, the lips moving. Obi-Wan focussed on the lips: red, moist, moving.

"My kind?" Obi-Wan's heart began to hammer. "What is your name?" He repeated again.

"They call me Thanatos," the man said and leaned over, the tip of his nose touching Obi-Wan's briefly. He grinned when Obi-Wan pulled back. The yellow fruit appeared magically and it was whole once more. The man called Thanatos placed it gently against Obi-Wan's lips...

...And Obi-Wan bit into it, feeling the firm skin of the fruit splitting, tasting the sweet juices. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste.

...Thanatos tilting his chin up and kissing him on the lips. He could taste the fruit in the man's mouth. Thanatos kissed him, bruising his lips...slender hands slipping around his waist like cool bands...

"You must know that they have been feeding you lies..." Thanatos's voice said, almost dream-like. Hazy... fragmented. "There were once Black Wings...too numerous to count..."

"But Black Wings were supposed to be Sithhhh..."

"Sith? A lot of rubbish through and through...." And Thanatos kissed him again...

As they lay on the grass, basking in the sun, the black-winged man turned to Obi-Wan and said:

"Ask your Master... Probe him further..."

...Hands sliding down his belly... curving around his member...


Obi-Wan opened his eyes, staring at the darkened ceiling. His room was still and he could hear the white noise of never-sleeping Coruscant. He stared at his groin and knew -- painfully -- that he was aroused... terribly so...
