Tearing Down Walls

by Ali

Rated: G

Pairing: Qui/Obi

Category: Pre-slash, AU

Spoilers: Some for JA books. I do ignore a few things, though.

Archive: Master-Apprentice

Feedback: tooinsane2000@yahoo.com

Notes: This is a late response to Ruth's first line challenge.

Summary: A funny feeling happened on the way to the Inquisition -- I mean, the Council.

"It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside," Obi-Wan thought to himself as he and his Master went into the Temple. "I really should be scared out of my mind, after all, this is the Council we're talking about. But...I'm not afraid."

Quite the opposite, actually. He felt so full of joy he was certain all in the Temple could feel it as well. Joyful...and perhaps the faintest sense of smug pride. This visit to the Council would cement all he had worked for his entire life: becoming a Jedi. Despite what many thought, "it requited more than Force-sensitivity, wearing weird looking robes, and behaving like breathing statues: as his brother Owen had put it. It also required being chosen as an apprentice.

"Of course, I have never had things happen the easy way," he thought ruefully to himself. "I do believe I am the first Initiate in historu to be refused numerous times, sent to the Agri-Corps, and then finally taken as a Padawan---by the very man who kept on rejecting me, no less." He glanced up at his Master as Qui-Gon led him further into the Temple. The memories and pain associated with the rejections had lost most of their sting, especially since a deep training bond had formed between them.

"I am needed as much as he is," he thought contentedly.

Indeed you are, my Padawan. Obi-Wan smiled at the affection flowing to him. He then stifled a snicker as they passed a group of Initiates. Standing at the cery heart was Bruck Chun, formerly a dear friend but now a chief nemesis. Chun's jaw dropped at the sight of the pair.

Something amuses you, Padawan? Qui-Gon asked, sounding amused himself.

Forgive me, Master Obi-Wan replied, fighting a grin. I apologize for my unseemly behavior, but I do find Initiate Chun's surprise to be most...gratifying. He heard a mental chuckle.

"Hey...Kenobi," Chun called.

Oh great. "Hello, Bruck," he said calmly.

Qui-Gon also turned at Chun's voice, giving the boy a cool stare which seemed to fluster him further.

He swallowed hard before saying, "I, uh, just wanted to say welcome back."

Odd. He seems to half-way mean it.

Qui-Gon mentally swatted at him. That's probably because he does, Obi-Wan. Do not allow yourself to become mired in the past. The moment---

---Is what is important. Yes Master. Obi-Wan smiled disarmingly at Chun. "Thanks. I guess I'll see you around."

He followed Qui-Gon further. Soon they stood before the Council chambers. "Nervous?" Qui-Gon asked.

Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, just...excited."

Qui-Gon flashed a quick grin at him. "This will be one of the more pleasant times we will go before the Council."

They both quickly walked into the middle of the room. Obi-Wan sensed surprise at his presence from all but Master Yoda.

Stop smirking, you damned troll Qui-Gon thought to his former Master.

Smirking, I am not. Right I was. Listen to me, you should, Padawan mine Yoda retorted before rising from his seat.

"Come before us, you have, Master Jinn. Something tot ell us, you desire?"

Obi-Wan felt his master's sturdy hands settle on his shoulders. "I take Obi-Wan Kenobi as my Padawan learner..."

The rest of his master's words faded out. A sharp rap brought him back to the Chamber. "Desire this you do, young one?"

Obi-Wan answered quickly and firmly. "I accept Qui-Gon Jinn as my Master." Several mundane questions later, they were free to go.

"Do you still have that 'funny feeling', Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked as they left the Chambers. "

No Master. All I have is joy." Obi-Wan answered with a smile.

Qui-Gon smiled as well and drew him into an embrace. "As do I, my Padawan. As do I."
