Taken by Surprise

by Inya Dreems

Title: Taken by Surprise
Author: Inya Dreems (padawan.inya@tiscali.co.uk)
Archive: MA, my LJ, or ask me
Pairing: Q/O/Other,
Category: PWP
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Unbetaed. I wouldn't want to make anyone examine this too closely.
Disclaimer: George's characters, not mine.
Summary: A Jedi is always ready to serve.
Note: This is in response to Emila's first-line challenge.
Feedback: Yes please

"I can explain."

This was going to be interesting, judging from the sight before Qui-Gon. He raised an eyebrow and refrained from commenting, waiting.

He had been unsettled for the whole of the trip from Coruscant. Obi-Wan had been uncharacteristically angry, and Qui-Gon understood why after the ridiculous scene in the Council Chamber. He was not going to change his mind, however, and that was what made Obi-Wan angry.

They had barely spoken since they left the Temple. Not looking forward to spending the night in their cabin in continued strained silence, Qui-Gon had decided to speak to his apprentice and bring the matter into the open. The tension was not good for the mission, and it was certainly not good for Qui-Gon. He missed Obi-Wan's easy good humour, and his small affectionate gestures.

He had returned to the cabin only to find it empty. Obi-Wan had not been in the control room of the ship, so Qui-Gon concentrated and stretched out with his senses to detect his padawan's presence. Unerringly, it led him to one of the other cabins. The one allocated to the ridiculous Gungan.

Obi-Wan was lying on the bunk, naked from the waist down, with the Gungan kneeling between his legs at the bottom of the bunk. One patterned hand was grasping Obi-Wan's erection and all that could be seen of the face were the large eyes on stalks staring unblinkingly at the Jedi master in the doorway. Jar-Jar pulled away suddenly and the tongue made an audible "slurp" as it exited Obi-Wan's body.

Qui-Gon noted with some small pleasure that it was the first time that he had known the Gungan to be silent for more than a few seconds.

Qui-Gon stepped into the room and the door swished closed behind him. Obi-Wan shuffled up the bunk and looked around for something to hide his nudity, but failed to find anything. His leggings were on the floor by Qui-Gon's feet, and the sheets had fallen from the bunk to lie in a heap out of reach. Instead, he pulled his tunic down, which just covered his still-erect cock.

"Master," Obi-Wan said, still rather breathless from the height of interrupted passion, "Jar-Jar was... in need. I offered to help him."

"It looks rather from here as though he is helping you, Padawan."

Obi-Wan had the grace to blush. "Well, yes. But you see, his diet here on the ship is too restricted. He needs to eat raw meat, usually alive. The ship's diet is insufficient."

Jar-Jar finally spoke. "Yessssa! Meessa needs crunchy meaties and nice flooooooids. Jedi Obi sez I needs flooooids. Body flooooids. So hesa letting meessa suckie him. Yummy Jedi Obi got lottsa flooooids!"

"That was very considerate of you, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon turned to go. "I will leave you to your... donation."

"Wait Jedi Qui-Gon!" Jar-Jar jumped up from his crouched position and leapt to grab Qui-Gon by the shoulders. Qui-Gon was relieved to see that he was not unclothed. "Youssa can help tooo, yes? You gotta lottsa flooooids, meessa thinking. Jedi Obi sez hesa needing a little restie soon, so you gonna letting meessa suckie youssa tooo?"

Obi-Wan had raised himself up on one elbow and was grinning wickedly. "Come on, Qui-Gon. How about a threesome?"

He considered for a moment, then bowed slightly. "I am always happy to serve."