
by Katrinka

Sequel to Vaartuslik

Archive: master_apprentice, and my homepage only. Anyone else, just ask.

Rating: NC-17 (A/U) (Since Obi-Wan's background is made up)

Warnings: Repressive Government

Spoilers: None for this part

Summary: When taking Maybeus to his parents, Obi-Wan decide that he would like to find out about his parents.

Feedback: Feedback is wonderful! I beg and grovel for feedback! :) Really, all feedback is welcome

Thanks to: ShannyK for Beta'ing this!

Notes on Story:

The Male Laws are based on the Talaban of Afganistan. There is no value judgements made about these laws in the story or myself personally.

The male tax is based on several cultures. Thousands of girl babies simply 'vanish' every year. Because a family can't afford the dowery on more then one girl. No dowery, no getting rid of the girl. So the child vanishes. India now has more males then females.

The use of the word hypospray is a term used by the author to describe a method of injections. If the author can ever find out the real name used by Star Wars cannon, she will change the word in her story.

Part One: Learning

Obi-Wan Kenobi walked through the Ahwatukee spaceport with his master. Young Maybeus walked beside Obi-Wan, holding his hand.

There was something strange about this place. There where woman of many species milling about, but no men.

"Where are the men?" Obi-Wan wondered aloud.

"They are here, Padawan." Qui-Gon said.

"I can't see them." said Maybeus.

Qui-Gon nodded towards a woman who had three people dressed head to foot in indigo, with even their faces covered in the blue cloth. "Those are men."

"Why are they wearing those clothes?" the boy asked.

Qui-Gon knelt beside the child. He pulled the boy's hood up, so that his face was covered. "It is the tradition of this planet for men to be covered."

"Will I have to wear covering all the time?"

"You'll be living in the alien zone. You don't have to wear veils in that area." Qui-Gon stood up and smoothed his cowl back into place, so that his face wasn't reveled. "Are you sure you want to go to this place, Obi-Wan?"

"Why wouldn't I? We promised to bring Maybeus to his parents." Obi-Wan adjusted his own hood. "From the records, my parents live here."

"You do know the laws of this system?"

"I studied the place of my birth, which I thought was where my parents lived."

"I suppose that means you have no idea."

"Yes Master."

"The system is a matriarchy. Men have a separate place in society. There are laws defining their behavior."

"What do you mean?"

"It is illegal for a man to show his face, at all times they must be veiled. A man is not allowed in public without a female. A woman can have three husbands. Oh, and there is the male tax."

Obi-Wan couldn't believe his ears. "A male tax?"

"For every male child, the parents must pay 500,000 republic credits. If they don't within the first year of the child's life, he is terminated."

"Why would the planet's government put that kind of law into practice?"

"The system had a population boom. This was a way of controlling it." Qui-Gon paused. "That and the male laws."

"I have a question - if this planet doesn't have many males, how can there be three men for every women if none of the women share?" Obi-Wan asked.

"For those woman who cannot have husbands, sperm donors are used." Qui-Gon said. "The law states that the child born of donors must be female."

Obi-Wan whistled under his breath. "What happens when they see us?"

"We are Jedi. I've been assured we don't fall under them."

"But my parents are from here."

Qui-Gon put his hand on top of Obi-Wan's lips. "They don't know that. If you took my advice, they would never find out."

Obi-Wan wanted to argue with his Master, but three more indigo-clad men passed them. "Yes, Master."

"Man, do you not have a female accompanying you?" The woman at customs asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time. "You must have a female sponsor!"

"We are visitors." Obi-Wan said. He had been at the space port for two hours. Two hours too long. He wished his master was here, but the older man had gone to contact Maybeus's parents.

Obi-Wan waved his hand. "We are permitted to travel."

"Yes, you are permitted to travel with a Female guardian!" The customs official said. "On this planet, we put men in their proper place!"

Obi-Wan groaned. Qui-Gon had always made the Jedi Mind trick look so easy. It was the most difficult part of the Force for Obi-Wan to control. He couldn't even change the mind of a customs official.

"Name!" the woman ordered.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi."

The woman typed it into a terminal. "Mother's name!"

"I don't know."

The woman glared up to Obi-Wan. "You don't know your mothers name?"

Maybeus looked up to the woman. "Ma'am, he is a Jedi. He is here with his Master."

"A Jedi?" The woman gasped. She picked up her communicator and talked into it. After a few moments, she said. "You will wait here for your Master. When she arrives, you will be given a limited clearance visa."

"Thank you." Obi-Wan said. //Master, have you found out when Maybeus will be picked up?//

//We will take him to the embassy tomorrow morning.//

A few moments passed, and finally Qui-Gon arrived. The customs official groaned. "Your Master is a MAN?"

"I am honored to be on your planet." Qui-Gon bowed formally. //Why didn't you use the mind trick on her?//

//I did! It wouldn't work!// Obi-Wan looked away. //I am sorry, my Master.//

//We will practice it later.// Qui-Gon waved his hand. "You will give us authorization to be on this planet."

"Jedi are welcome on Ahwatukee."

"We could use some permits." Qui-Gon waved his hand again.

The woman stamped some flimsies. "These are your permits. You must have them on you at all times. Be careful to stay within the restricted areas."

"Thank you very much." Qui-Gon bowed.

Obi-Wan looked out to the city, called Tagasi Hoidma. It seemed as if one of the favorite activities of the Ahwatukees was taking evening walks. Time and again, he would see a woman walking by herself, followed by three veiled men. He wondered why it was always three men.

This place reminded him of something. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

//Home. It looks like home.// he finally thought. //How long has it been?//

His mind went back to when the Jedi had found him. He was almost three when he had been given to the Jedi. He had been so young, that he could only remember images, sounds, feelings. A holo, he could remember a holo of this place.

"What are you thinking of?" Qui-Gon came onto the balcony and stood beside him.

"It's nothing, Master."

"We share a bond. I can tell when something is bothering you."

"I can't remember my parents." Obi-Wan confessed. "I have only dreams, but even those aren't clear. I can remember three men being my father."

"A trick of the mind." Qui-Gon said. "Do you wish you had met them?"

"I get curious sometimes. I wonder if I had brothers and sisters. If my parents wanted to keep me." He turned away from his Master.

"Your parents allowed you to go to the Academy because they wanted the best for you."

"Other students had holos of their parents. They would get letters from them. I didn't even have that." Obi-Wan said morosely.

"Why do you think of this now?" Qui-Gon asked. "Is it because of the boy?"

"I find myself wishing I could have met my parents." Obi-Wan asked. "Do you remember your parents?"

"I lived with them, before I became a Padawan."

"Children aren't allowed to live with parents at the Academy."

"My mother was a Jedi Master, my father her Padawan. They still lived at the Academy when I was a child." Qui-Gon explained.

"Your parents were Jedi?" Obi-Wan couldn't mask his surprise. Children born of Jedi were very rare.

"Sometimes I wish they hadn't been. Any time I had an accomplishment at school, it was always said I was good because of my parents." Qui-Gon paused. "When I became a Padawan, I changed my name. I wanted to be known for what I did, not what they had done."

"That's why you never mentioned it to me."

"Now that we are bonded, you have a right to know."

"We better get inside." the younger man murmured. "Maybeus is really scared to be alone."

Obi-Wan helped Maybeus dress in the clothes that the child was forced to wear. The robes, the veil. The clothes made Maybeus seem even smaller than he actually was.

"Sir, why must we wear these?"

"We must walk to the embassy. If we are caught by the male police, we would be punished." Obi-Wan tried to sound calm about the situation.

"Will I have to wear these clothes all the time?" the boy asked.

"You can take them off once we get to your parents." Obi-Wan put on his own veils. He could barely see through the dark blue fabric. Obi-Wan hated the fact that they had to walk through four blocks of non-alien territory.

There was a tap on the door. Obi-Wan answered it. Qui-Gon stood there, a veil over his face, but not wearing the other prescribed clothing. He put a card on a cord around Obi-Wan's neck.

"What's this?"

"Your pass. You must wear it when we go to the embassy." Qui-Gon explained. "Let's go."

Obi-Wan followed his Master through the streets of Tagasi Hoidma. it wasn't until they started walking that they realized that the embassy wasn't four blocks from the hotel, but fourteen.

The air seemed to ooze forbidding trouble. Woman glared at them as they walked by. Maybeus held onto Obi-Wan's hand tightly. "Sir, what is the penalty for being unaccompanied?"

'The same penalty for us wearing our lightsabers in open." Obi-Wan glanced at Qui-Gon's lightsaber.


"Death." Qui-Gon said.

A Hover-Car stopped beside them, on the side it said "Male Police". Four female guards got out.

//Stay calm!// Qui-Gon ordered.

"You men! What are you doing?" the Captain demanded.

"We are taking our charge to the Namur embassy." Obi-Wan said.

"Where is your escort?"

Obi-Wan held up his permit. The woman studied it. "You pass."

The second woman looked Qui-Gon up and down. "Why are you not wearing the prescribed clothing?"

"I am a Jedi." Qui-Gon said.

"Sure you are," The woman snorted, "A male Jedi?"

The third woman tried to take Qui-Gon's lightsaber off his belt. Qui-Gon used the Force to send the woman sprawling to the ground.

The fourth woman got out her gun. She pointed at Qui-Gon. "You are under arrest!"

"What about my friends?"

"They are free to go." the Captain said.

"Master..." Obi-Wan said.

//Go Obi-Wan. I can take care of this.//

//But Master--// Obi-Wan began.

//Do as I say!// Qui-Gon ordered. //Your job is to take care of Maybeus.//

//Master--// he again protested.

//If we fight, we all might be arrested. Then they would find out your heritage, and you would be automatically destroyed.//

//I didn't think of that.//

//As soon as you get away, I will use my powers to escape.//

//Yes Master.// He took Maybeus's hand and they walked off.

Obi-Wan looked back just in time to see Qui-Gon being shoved into the back of the hovercraft. Then a hypospray was shoved against his Master's neck, and he slumped over, unconscious.

Part Two: Searching

"Are they going to kill Master Qui-Gon?" Maybeus asked as they arrived at the Namur embassy.

"I hope not." Obi-Wan said, willing any other possibilities out of his mind.

The guard stopped them, and Obi-Wan showed her their passes. They were let inside, where she then called for Maybeus's parents.

Obi-Wan and Maybeus waited inside the courtyard. A woman and a man entered the courtyard. The woman strongly resembled Maybeus. She looked at them strangely. "I am Brak Balan. Can I help you?"

"Ms. Balan, I have a delivery for you." Obi-Wan explained.

"It's Ms. Brak. On this planet, the custom is for the family name first."

Maybeus took off his veil.

"Maybeus!" Balan yelled. She ran over to him, and took her son into her arms.

"Mother! I've missed you so much..." The boy began to cry. They were soon joined by Maybeus's father, Brak Juruta.

Obi-Wan stepped back a few paces, meaning to slip away. Juruta looked at Obi-Wan. "Is there anything we can do to thank you?"

"Seeing him back with you is enough."

"He's lying Father." Maybeus said seriously. "His Master, Qui-Gon was arrested by the authorities. They didn't believe he was a Jedi."

"Is that true?"

"Yes, it is." Obi-Wan admitted.

"I'll take care of it then." Balan promised.

"Lawbreaker!" the guard sneered at Qui-Gon as she gave him another hypospray, the fourth since his arrest. He had been awake in this holding cell for about two hours, and didn't know how long he had been sedated.

Qui-Gon flexed his muscles. He was bound to a chair by his arms and legs. No matter how he tried to move, the bindings wouldn't come off. He tried to use the Force, but he couldn't feel the midi-chlorians.

"Why do you give me injections?" Qui-Gon asked.

"The authorities would like you still be here when your trial takes place." The woman smiled. "If we didn't give you the medication, you would escape."

"It takes away my ability to talk to the midi-chlorians."

"Exactly. But if we took away the midi-chlorians, then you would die. Then we could have no trial."

"When do I go to trial?"

"Tomorrow morning. Your verdict is guilty. You will be stoned a few minutes after the trial."

The door to the holding area opened. A woman came in, followed by a police official and a man, heavily veiled. The man stood in the back, his head down.

"How is the prisoner?" the official asked.

"He just received his fourth injection." replied the guard.

The woman whispered something to the official, who then said, "There is a 50 percent chance of his Jedi powers returning."

The veiled man's head snapped up, his hand moving instantly to his belt. Underneath the robes Qui-Gon could see the bulge of a lightsaber.


"The prisoner will be released immediately." ordered the official.

"Ma'am! The execution has all ready been set!" the guard protested.

"The Jedi has diplomatic immunity."

"He is an official of the Namur government." the other woman said.

"Who is this?" asked the guard.

"This is the attaché for the Namur Ambassador."

"She has a man working for her?" The guard couldn't keep the scorn out of her voice.

"By treaty, my staff is no concern of the Ahwatukee government." The woman said. "May I please take my staff member with me?"

"Of course. Make sure he is with a woman the next time he strays out of the international zone." said the official.

"I will." the woman promised.

//Master, are you all right?// Obi-Wan telepathed. It was odd, not being able to touch his Master's mind. Qui-Gon rode in the back of the aircar with Obi-Wan. The Padawan glanced at Qui-Gon several times, and tried to talk to him telepathically.

"We will be staying at the Embassy for the rest of our visit." Obi-Wan whispered to Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon nodded. He hadn't talked since his release.

What was Obi-Wan going to do if his Master's powers never came back?

//A Jedi isn't a Jedi without special powers.// He remembered being told at the Academy. //They die without them.//

Obi-Wan's fingers caressed his Master's leg gently. He glanced at Qui-Gon again. //Master, please answer me!//

Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan's hand, and squeezed it.

They were taken to their quarters at the Namur Embassy. The official asked if they would be interested in eating dinner with the Ambassador. Obi-Wan glanced at Qui-Gon, then spoke. "I think my Master needs time to recover, Balan, but thank you."

The woman made her good-byes and left.

Obi-Wan took off his veil, and ran his hand through his hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Considering that I very close to be executed, very well."

"Your powers!"

"My powers will come back, or they won't. We must accept it." Qui-Gon sounded blasé.

"Master! If your powers stay gone....." The Padawan was almost in a state of panic. "What will happen to us?"

"If it's the will of the force for us to part, then we must accept it."

"How can you be so calm???" Obi-Wan shouted. "I don't want to lose you!"

Obi-Wan swung to hit Qui-Gon. The Master caught his wrist. "I don't want to lose you either, beloved."

"Our Vaartuslik is gone!" Obi-Wan began to cry. Qui-Gon took him into his arms and stroked his lover's hair.

//I just got him! I can't lose him.//

Suddenly Obi-Wan could hear a voice in his mind. //I hope I won't lose you either.//

Obi-Wan pulled away from Qui-Gon, and now his tears were tears of joy. //You heard me!//

//Yes, my beloved.// He wiped the tears from Obi-Wan's eyes.

//But the hypospray?..//

//They gave me two an hour. If the effects were permanent, then I would have only needed one hypospray.//

The Attaché had given Obi-Wan a terminal that was hooked into the Ahwatukee central computer, but it was beginning to annoy him.

"I want you to list the addresses of residences that are owned by someone with the family name of Kenobi."

"Negative. No residences are owned by any woman named Kenobi." the computer chirped.

"Then give me a list of property rented by any woman named Kenobi."

"There are no residences on Ahwatukee that are rented by any woman named Kenobi."

"Stupid computer."

"What's wrong?" Qui-Gon came into the shared sitting room.

"This idiotic computer says there is no woman who have the name Kenobi living on the planet." Obi-Wan said, exasperated.

"Perhaps there isn't." Qui-Gon looked over Obi-Wan's shoulder. "This system uses family name first, not last."

"So Kenobi wouldn't be the family name..." Obi-Wan remembered.

"Computer, describe the name Kenobi." Qui-Gon said.

"Kenobi, ancient Ahwatukee word for miracle son. Kenobi is usually given to a son that is born after a difficult pregnancy."

"Then my family name is Ben." Obi-Wan said softly. "Computer, list all residences on Ahwatukee that are lived in by women named Ben."

The screen filled with names. Qui-Gon put his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, and squeezed it. "Your first clue."

"There are so many of them."

"I'll help you go through them." Qui-Gon promised.

"This is my quest." Obi-Wan said firmly.

"I understand."

"Computer, eliminate all families that have more then one son." He was surprised when only seven names disappeared from the screen.

"Computer, explain why most families have only one son?"

"The Male tax makes it prohibitive for most families to afford more then one son."

"Why did you eliminate the families that had more then one son?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I was curious." Obi-Wan admitted. "Since I was born on a different planet, I wondered if my family was well off."

"Many people space travel that aren't well off. Look at us." Qui-Gon gave a half smile. He kissed Obi-Wan's cheek, and went back into his bedroom.

"Computer, return all families named Ben that have more then one son." Obi-Wan sighed. "Then, list all families with the name of Ben, who lived on the planet Xiaodan."

The computer listed fifteen families. A more manageable list. Obi-Wan asked for a hard-copy printout.

Part Three: Discovery

Obi-Wan was standing on the balcony, worrying again, which bothered the older Jedi. Obi-Wan seemed to change after they had rescued Maybeus. The hadn't shared a bed since finding the child. Maybeus's nightmares where as bad as his Padawan's.

Now Maybeus was back with his parents. Qui-Gon was glad that the child could live at an embassy, and not fall under the oppressive male laws.

Now there was another distraction, Obi-Wan's search for his family. Qui-Gon was surprised at the determination that the younger man had for doing the search by himself.

Obi-Wan stared out into the city, seemingly oblivious to his Master standing behind him. Qui-Gon couldn't imagine his lover living in a place like this, with his natural talents stifled under veils and laws.

Qui-Gon reached out, touching the younger man. He could feel Obi-Wan's muscles tighten, and then a shrug so subtle that only a Jedi could feel it. Qui-Gon let his hands drop and went back into his bedroom.

//I must concentrate on the here and now. Not my relationship with Obi-Wan.//

A few minutes passed, then there was a tapping on the door that led to the outside hallway. Qui-Gon made sure that his hood covered his face, then he answered the door. Obi-Wan stood in the doorway, his face also covered.

"May I come in Master?"

"You're always welcome in my quarters." Qui-Gon stepped to the side, letting his apprentice in.

Obi-Wan took off his cloak. He ran his fingers through his spiked hair. "I can't believe a place such as this is allowed in the Republic."

"This type of government was voted in by the people."

"I wonder if the men where allowed to vote?"

"I think we both know the answer to that."

"Now that you know where I am from. Can you still accept me?"

"Does knowing this about the way your people live change you?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I wonder what my life would have been like." Qui-Gon said softly. "Would I have survived the male tax? Would I be happy living as a husband?"

"What does your heart tell you?"

"I would hate it." For the first time since arriving on this planet, Obi-Wan smiled. "Thank you for letting me come with you."

"I don't think I could have stopped you."

Obi-Wan walked over to his Master. He took the hood off of him, then he reached up and undid the tie that held back the older man's hair. He let his fingers get lost in the softness. "In this room, can we be free of the male laws?"

"Of course, my beloved."

"I never told you how good it feels to hear that word from you." Obi-Wan pulled the taller man's head down, and kissed him on the lips.

//Slowly, take this slowly...// Obi-Wan told himself as they kissed.

The older man kissed his lips, bringing one hand to the back of Obi-Wan's head. The kiss was chaste, with no hunger on Qui-Gon's part. Obi-Wan could feel his Master hide his feelings again, trying not to let his lover see the excitement he really felt.

//Why do you want to protect me?// Obi-Wan questioned his Master.

//You're not ready for my passions.// Qui-Gon confessed.

Obi-Wan pulled away from his lover. "I trust you, Master."

"It's not a matter of trust." Qui-Gon traced Obi-Wan's face.

"You feel my need for you. Why can't I feel yours?"

Qui-Gon kissed him, this time opening himself to the need he felt. He crushed the younger man to him, exciting his Padawan even more.

//Yes...// A thrill coursed through Obi-Wan and he pulled his Master to the bed.

They landed together with a thump. Qui-Gon looked down to his lover. "Are you all right?" he asked, looking somewhat guilty.

In answer, Obi-Wan put his hand behind Qui-Gon's head, and pulled him down to his lips. Qui-Gon's hair brushed across Obi-Wan's cheek as the man kissed him again. Then it brushed across his chest. Qui-Gon deftly unfastened Obi-Wan's shirt, and his large hands went inside it, helping Obi-Wan pull it off.

The lips fastened on one nipple, and began to suck. Obi-Wan put his hand on top of his Master's head. Qui-Gon's lips went lower, his tongue making love to Obi-Wan's belly button.

At the same time, Qui-Gon busied himself with unfastening Obi-Wan's pants.

//Take them off, please.// was the request.

Obi-Wan, with help from his lover, removed his pants and settled back down on the bed. Qui-Gon's hand went inside his thigh, rubbing up and down. His lips followed the hand which then moved up to circle Obi-Wan's straining manhood, not touching, just enticing.

Suddenly warmth surrounded Obi-Wan's erection, sucking, urging him on. The long hair of his Master caressed the inside of his leg. A finger circled his anus, then entered him, stroking in time with the sucking. A second finger entered him, then a third.

"Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan moaned, his head rolled back and forth. It was taking all his willpower to keep control.

//Let go.// he heard Qui-Gon say. //I trust you too.//

Obi-Wan opened himself to the Force, and let his guard down. His hips began to thrust in time with the lips. Straining to get as much warmth around him as he could, suddenly the younger man came, and his lover drank his seed.

Then suddenly, Qui-Gon was holding Obi-Wan in his arms. His lips caressed his forehead. "Master, that was wonderful."

"I'm glad you liked it."

Obi-Wan could feel a need from his Master, a need that was still unfulfilled. "Master, do you want me to lay on my stomach?"

"No my lover, my need is different." He began to stroke Obi-Wan's cock. Obi-Wan was surprised to feel it respond to the missive, hardening as if he had never orgasmed.

"What is your need?"

"I want you to make love to me." the man breathed. "My dream has been to feel you inside me."

"I'll hurt you."

"I trust you." Qui-Gon got off the bed and slowly took off his clothes. He laid down beside Obi-Wan, kissing him deeply. Then he turned, laying on his side, his back to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan moved so his stomach was to Qui-Gon's back and ran his manhood across the older man's ass.

//That's it, beloved, like that.// Qui-Gon said in his mind.

Obi-Wan's manhood found the target, and he pushed inside. Qui-Gon opened himself to Obi-Wan. With another push, Obi-Wan was fully inside his lover. Qui-Gon opened his mind to Obi-Wan's. The Vaartuslik was reformed, two bodies, one soul.

Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around his lover's waist, his hand finding Qui-Gon's cock, manipulating it. Then slowly, he began to thrust. Qui-Gon pushed himself back to feel even more of his lover.

The warmth felt better then his lover's mouth. So much better. He could feel his Master as himself, so that not only was he making love to Qui-Gon, but he was Qui-Gon letting himself be loved by Obi-Wan.

"Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan yelled, as he spilled his seed into his lover.

His words where drowned out by Qui-Gon's cries as he too climaxed.

He tried to move away from his lover, but Qui-Gon's strong hand held his arm. "Hold me, like this."

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan said as he fell asleep.

"Computer, list all families that have the name Ben, that lived on Xiaodan for a period of at least two years."

The computer gave Obi-Wan a list that had only five names on it. "Now, tell me the years they lived on the planet."

One family stuck out, the only family named Ben that lived on Xiaodan when he was born.

"Master! I found something!" Obi-Wan said excitedly.

Qui-Gon sat down beside Obi-Wan. "What did you find?"

"I think I found the family that gave me up. They where the only Ben's that lived on the planet Xiaodan when I was born."

"That's wonderful, Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon smiled. "Are you going to contact them?"

"Not yet." Obi-Wan asked the computer for biographical information on the family.

The computer listed out the name of the woman, her three husbands, her one son, and four daughters. The woman was a minor official for the Ahwatukee Ambassador when Obi-Wan was born.

"I want to meet her." Obi-Wan breathed.

"Should I have a driver get us an aircar?" Qui-Gon asked.

"No, we need to contact the family first." Obi-Wan thought. "Will you make the contact for me?"

"I'd be honored to." Qui-Gon told him.

"It's dangerous for a male to go outside in this portion of the city, without female protection." the aide told them. "The male police have a very strong presence there."

"We are Jedi, we can handle ourselves." Qui-Gon said. "It's important that my Padawan meet these people without a female present."

"Are you sure?" the woman asked.

"I am positive." Obi-Wan told the driver.

They got out of the aircar. Obi-Wan let Qui-Gon lead and followed two steps behind his Master, trying to hide his nerves.

They stopped at the door, the word "Ben" was above the bell. Qui-Gon rang it.

The door opened. A heavily veiled man stood in the doorway. "May I help you?"

"I am Qui-Gon Jinn. I have an appointment with Ben Sidera."

"Come in, please." The man bowed.

Obi-Wan followed his master into the house. The house had a small entry way, to one side he could see a kitchen, where two other veiled men worked. They walked past the kitchen and into a sitting room.

"I will tell my wife you are here." The man bowed and left.

Obi-Wan looked around the room. It was sparsely furnished. There where holos on one wall, all of a boy that resembled him.

The man came into the room, followed by a woman. She looked at the Jedi with some curiosity.

"I am Ben Sidera. Can I help you?" the woman sat down on a chair. it was the woman in Obi-Wan's dreams.

"I know it is unusual for unaccompanied men to go to someone's house, but we had to speak to you." Qui-Gon said.

"You are Jedi. Our laws do not apply to you." She gestured to a couch, "Please, have a seat."

Qui-Gon sat down, he gestured to Obi-Wan with his eyes. Obi-Wan sat. "We needed to ask you about your son."

"My son Anton was killed three years ago."

"Was he your only son?"

"I could only afford the Male tax on one son."

"It's understandable, the tax is very high."

The woman's eyes were sad. "We wanted many sons. But the law prevented it."

"We have on record that you gave a son to the Jedi." Qui-Gon continued.

"That was confidential information...if the government found out, they would have the right to terminate him." The woman seemed scared.

"You never registered his birth?"

"I was off planet when he was born. I thought about pretending that he was adopted, but there was one drawback. He would have been given a DNA test. The results would have ended in his termination." The woman got a far-away look in her eyes. "The doctors took a midi-chlorian count, which was very high. Enough that the Jedi would take him. I had to save his life."

"We understand." Obi-Wan said.

"Sometime, I wish I could see my son. I wonder if he was able to become an apprentice. I never exchanged letters. I was too scared the government would find out..." She looked the men over. "Is there a point to this? Why bring my past up now?"

"I was looking for answers." Obi-Wan said.

"Even Jedi's should leave private matters alone!"

"This concerns your private matter." Obi-Wan tried to gather his thoughts. "If your son came to you, would you turn him in?"

"Of course I wouldn't!" Sidera was irritated. "But you have no news on my son. His name was changed when he was taken to the academy."

Obi-Wan decided to take a chance. He took his hood off. The woman's eyes got large. She gasped. "Kenobi!"

"Yes, I am Ben Kenobi." He hesitated, wondering if the woman would change her mind about turning him in.

"You look so much like your brother." Tears formed in the woman's eyes.

"I wish I could have met him."

The woman went over to Obi-Wan. She reached out, touching his face. "Giving you away was the hardest thing I ever did."

"I understand, mother."

Sidera did something unexpected. She hugged Obi-Wan. "If I had my way, I would have kept you."

Obi-Wan put his arms around the woman. "You gave me up because you loved me."

Sidera looked at Qui-Gon. "Is he a good apprentice?"

"He's going to make a great Jedi Knight someday." Qui-Gon said.

"Would you like to meet your fathers?" Sedera asked.

"My fathers?" Obi-Wan repeated.

"How many fathers does Ob...I mean Kenobi have?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Three." When she saw the shock on her son's face, she said. "For an Ahwatukee it takes the seed of three men to impregnate a woman."

"I see, that's why every woman has three husbands."

"You understand." The woman paused. "Would you like to meet your fathers?"

"Is there time? I don't want to put you in danger by being here."

"I think we can spare the time for your fathers." The woman left the room.

A few moments passed. Sidera came back with three men, all took off their veils when they saw Obi-Wan. It was strange, one man had Obi-Wan's build, the other his coloring.

"You must be Kenobi." the first man said. "I am Kunagi. This is Kaki, and Kolmi." He gestured to the other two.

"it is an honor to meet you." Obi-Wan bowed.

Kolmi looked at Qui-Gon curiously. "Who is this?"

"My Master, and my bondsmate."

The man smiled Obi-Wan's smile. "Then it is an honor to meet two sons."

Obi-Wan left much later, with holos of his family. He now felt whole, complete. His question had been answered. He now knew that his family really did want him. He had arranged a way to contact them, by only using the name Obi-Wan.

"How does it feel to meet your family?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I am glad I met them. But," Obi-Wan thought for a moment. "I am glad I am a Jedi. Otherwise, I would never have met you. What happened to me was meant to be."