
by Nansi Alexander (

Category: AU, Romance, Humor

Pairing: Q/O

Summary: Our boys end up surprised in more ways than one

Series: First in a series, followed by "Wrapped Around Her Finger" and "Crisis"

Notes: Thanks to Annie who, as usual, provided excellent beta services.

PROLOG/Delandria Prime

Forest Moon Province/Midnight/Night of the Aligned Moons

There is an old wive's tale peculiar to the Delan System, that if a couple is deeply in love and they make love on the Night of the Aligned Moons, they will, should the Goddess be in a giving mood, conceive a special child. Of course, there are some conditions which have to be met, because the Goddess wasn't born yesterday, and she usually likes to have people work for their presents.

One such condition is that the couple in question must make love under the stars, in a certain Province, on Delandria Prime, and do so at midnight, in the open air, in full view of a constellation the Goddess is particularly fond of. It is called the "Sky Serpent," which is not very original. When one is, as the Goddess is, even older than Yoda, one tends to leave invention behind and just go for whatever works best.

Fortunately, the Goddess is usually in a giving mood on that night, though she has been known to hand out some surprises as well.

And she has always loved putting one over on The Force.

The old wives' tale was known to the two visiting negotiators sent to Delandria Prime. But they paid it no particular attention, after all they knew it would not affect them. What was important was that the talks they were sent to mediate had ended more quickly and happily than expected and that the leading dignitary had suggested they might like to visit the very beautiful Forest Moon Province before returning to Coruscant. The weather was particularly benign at that time of the year and the negotiators decided to camp out. The leading dignitary had no idea his respected negotiators were also a bonded pair.

However, the night was beautiful, warm and inviting, and the place was private, and no one but the goddess heard the deep moan that rose from the depths of the heart.

She heard the supplication, and she smiled.

And granted the deep and unacknowledged wish it carried.

Goddesses are tricky that way.


"I ordered these especially - roasted leech worms.

Guilty passion of mine." The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic eyed the platter happily and put a huge helping onto his plate.

That was the final straw. With no time to be polite about it, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi knight, diplomat, unflappable negotiator, turned a particularly violent shade of green, emitted a sound between "Urp" and "Oh Force!" and fled from the reception with a fleetness of foot that owed more to sheer desperation than the Force.

He left his lifemate and fellow Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn, looking after him, a half-finished sentence and a worried frown on his lips.

Supreme Chancellor Valorum, whose unfortunate passion for leechworms apparently had precipitated the mad dash, said mildly, "He could have cried off if he wasn't feeling well, poor chap. It's only these deadly dull trade fellows from Naboo, after all."

Qui-Gon frowned. "He was fine, until they brought in the food. Leech worms, Val?"

"Horrible, but I do love them. That was a nasty business on Athascan. Do you think he picked up a bug there?"

Possible, Qui-Gon knew, but not likely. True, their most recent mission - to negotiate a mutually beneficial grant of mining rights between the Republic and the Athascan Oligarchy, had been nasty. The planet was as inhospitable as the Oligarchy was hostile. But Obi-Wan had been off-color and acting oddly for quite some time. "I'm going to check on him. Our apologies for an early exit, Val."

The Chancellor shook his head. "No need. I hope Obi-Wan hasn't got anything seriously wrong going on."

So did Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan slithered to the bathroom floor, resting his aching head on his knees. He was fairly certain there wasn't anything else to heave up; he wasn't moving until the room stopped trying to swirl, though. Currently, he was just too exhausted to utilize the force to assist in the stabilization process. He heard boots striding across the tiles and was unsurprised to hear his lifemate's voice overhead.

"No more putting it off, Obi-Wan. You are going to the healers." Qui-Gon spoke with the deadly soft-toned voice that meant there was not going to be any argument. Not that Obi-Wan felt like arguing.

Well, not very much.

"I feel fine now."

Qui-Gon ignored this idiocy. "Can you stand up?"

Obi-Wan considered. Cautiously he raised his head to meet Qui-Gon's rather anxious gaze. "I'm a bit dizzy."

"I can help that." Qui gently touched Obi-Wan'sforehead. "Better?"

The room abruptly ceased its alarming swirling dance. His stomach settled back into place. "Much. Thanks."

"Come on." Qui-Gon helped him to his feet.

"Did you make my apologies to the Chancellor?"

"Yes, but there was no need -- he much preferred your hasty exit to the alternative."

Despite further protestations of "feeling fine now" from Obi-Wan, Qui propelled him straight to the healers as soon as they got back to the Jedi Temple.

Thankfully, Dexant Bas was on duty when they came in; Dex was a friend of Obi-Wan's, extremely skilled, and not given to asking stupid questions.

He handled them with a minimum of fuss and a friendly professionalism which went far toward calming Obi-Wan and reducing Qui's tendency to hover. "Right, I need to examine you Obi, drop your clothes and hop up on the table." Dex nodded toward Qui-Gon "And do you want Qui here during the exam?"


"Fine. Qui - sit down and stop looking like a Mirkhat with one kit."

Dex began pulling out an assortment of hand scanners and other odd looking instruments. Unlike many Jedi healers, he had taken a good portion of histraining outside the Temple, at a large teaching hospital on Corellia Prime, learning from non-Jedi experts the more practical aspects of the medical arts. Somewhat heretically, he had returned with a keen appreciation of what medical equipment could do, when integratedproperly into a course of treatment, and if some of the more traditional Jedi didn't like that, well fine. They could see someone else.

Obi-Wan let out the breath he'd been holding and relaxed. He finished shedding his clothing and climbed onto the exam table.

Dex ran two different hand scanners over him; frowned at the readouts as though he suspected the machinery was faulty, then did a hands on sensing using his Force training to accomplish the same thing. Finally, he said "Tell me what kind of symptoms you've been having, Obi."

"Well, it started about six weeks ago..."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Seven."

Dex nodded. "Ok, between six and seven weeks ago and?"

"I've never been sick much in my life - suddenly, there were mornings when all I could do was roll out of bed, run to the fresher and throw up."

"For a while it was at least seven out of 10 mornings." Qui-Gon put in.


It was Qui-Gon who continued. "That seemed to pass he's had no problems recently. But he's been experiencing bouts of extreme exhaustion alternating with abdominal pain and cramping. No more nausea fordays, though, until tonight."

"Those worms are revolting!" Obi-Wan protested.

Dex grinned. "Leech worms aren't a favorite of mine, either. But, still, that was a rather extreme reaction. Now," he grew serious again, "I have to check some things out. My aide will be in shortly to take some blood and tissue samples, Obi-Wan. That won't take but a minute or two. Then go home and rest. Come back to my office first thing in the morning."

Puzzled, but happy to be out of it so lightly, Obi-Wan said "Fine."

"Are you sure he'll be all right?"

"Umm...yes. I think I have a handle on the problem, but I have to do a little research to confirm it. I'll see you both in the morning. No missions until I clear him. That means no dashing off at dawn because the Council has got its robes in a twist about the trade delegation from Whatever. Understand?"

"Right." Qui-Gon, at least, seemed certain.

Obi-Wan began to feel distinctly uneasy. What could be wrong with him?

Jedi Temple/Med Center/Coruscant/Following Morning

"This is a film of the abdominal scan we did on your routine annual physical six months ago." Dex pressed a button and Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon found themselves studying a holo of Obi-Wan's abdominal organs. It was quite colorful and looked pretty normal to them both, given their rather hazy memories of A & P 101.

"In case you don't realize it, that's a completely normal picture."

Well, Obi-Wan thought, that was good. "That's good, right?"

Dex shook his head. "Wait. This is a film of the scan I did last night." He pressed a button and the first holo winked out and a new one took its place. The picture this time was still colorful, but vastly different.

"Why are all the organs squished together like that?" Obi-Wan asked around the lump of nausea in his throat.

"That's what I suspected, but needed to research. You see this," Dex's finger gently traced around the outlines of a large sac-like area just below Obi-Wan's solar plexus, "this area, that's pushing everything else out of line, with all the blood vessels and so on connected to it? It's a womb."

Silence. Then, enunciating very, very carefully, Obi-Wan said "I beg your pardon, Dex."

"You're pregnant."

Obi-Wan was extremely glad he was sitting down. "I seem to be suffering from auditory hallucinations, Dex. I imagined you said I was pregnant."

Qui-Gon hadn't said a word so far, he appeared to be stunned.

Dex nodded. "That's exactly what I said. I'm sorry to break it to you like this, but...I thought showing you would make more sense. When I accessed the medical Archives, I discovered something I'd read years ago as a Padawan and mostly forgotten -- didn't think I'd ever see a case, you see. It's documented that in the very beginning of the Order and for, oh, several hundred years after it was organized, there were Jedi who conceived this way."

Qui-Gon finally located his voice. "Conceived this way? You mean bonded males?"

"Yes. According to the Archives, the symptoms you've been experiencing and what you see on this scan, are all products of your midi-chlorians and Qui's midi-chlorians, ah, for lack of a better terminology, rebuilding and re-arranging things so your body can carry to term the child they and you have created.

Fortunately for you and Obi-Wan, the healers of the time left extremely detailed medical records. That will help with managing this rather unusual...situation. If you choose to continue the pregnancy, that is."

"What?" Obi-Wan asked, head swimming with information.

"It is your right to terminate this, should you wish, Obi-Wan. In the records, there are several instances where the pairs in question made that choice."

"No." As he uttered the word, his head stopped swimming and the room fell back into its proper proportions.

"You may want to think it over, discuss it."

"Dex, you heard him. It's his decision." Qui-Gon said firmly.


"And I second it."

"Right. Well, in that case, we'll need to set you up on a formal management plan -- you'll need dietary supplements, careful monitoring of hormones and enzyme levels. As things progress, there'll be adjustments to make."

"No, really?" Obi-Wan thought this a fine time for Dex to be displaying a talent for understatement. The healer grinned at him, unrepentant.

"Yes, really. Your muscles are going to be trying to accommodate something they were never constructed to accommodate, and you're already experiencing what the re-arranging effect is having on your stomach. I'm afraid it also means no outside missions until you deliver. We can't risk it. The information left by my predecessors indicates that there can be wild hormonal and enzymatic fluctuations during the pregnancy. Not the sort of thing you want to try and deal with on the backside of Dantooine."

"No, indeed." Obi-Wan said; despite his earlier refusal to terminate this...he still felt that at some point he was going to wake up and find it was all the oddest dream. And at the same time he knew quite surely that it was not.

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/Following Afternoon:

"I can walk, thank you."

"You know what Dex said about not over-doing it, Obi-Wan."

Exasperated, Obi-Wan stopped dead in the middle of the Temple's Grand Staircase, causing Qui-Gon to nearly run into him. "I am perfectly, healthy, didn't you listen to him?"

"Yes, I did. And he also said no over-doing physical activity."

"No lightsabre practice, no katas beyond the simple ones any 4 year old can do, no running, no jumping, no gymnastics. I did listen to him, Qui. He didn't say one damn thing about stairs. And he said walking was good for me."

"In moderation. I just think that from now on you should use the lifts."

An annoyed voice drifted over their heads. "Talk, talk, talk, is it talk at each other you do, or walk down the stairs?"

Qui-Gon turned his head. Master Yoda was just behind him, two steps up. His former Master's ears were twitching in a manner he realized boded a lecture.

"Master, I'm sorry, I was just..."

"Hmmf...making a fuss about nothing." Yoda gracefully levitated up from the step and drifted around them, hovering just below Obi-Wan. "When 800 years old you are, you will realize that pregnant people can walk down stairs."

Triumphantly, Obi-Wan crowed "See, Master Yoda says I can."

Stubbornly, Qui-Gon insisted "I still think that you are over-doing it. And I'm sure that "balance exercise" you were doing this morning comes under "advanced katas"."

"I've got to refocus my center of gravity – you heard Dex."

The barometer of Yoda's ears indicated they both had a long talk in the offing. "Come with me."

He was at the bottom of the stairs, impatiently tapping his gimer stick, before either Jedi quite realized that he'd moved.

"Come along, is it frozen you are now?" Master Yoda crabbed as they both stared down at him.

"Oh, right." Obi-Wan moved first, Qui-Gon following him.

There was no more talking until they reached the beautifully chaotic kitchen gardens. Yoda motioned Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to a bench and, when they'dseated themselves, began pacing back and forth. "Some advantages there are to living so long. Seen this before I have, when a young knight."

"A birth?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Master Ismet and his bondmate, Knight Chesne." Yoda stopped pacing and smiled. "Closely, did I get to observe them, as Master Ismet had been my own Master. Dexant has spoken to you both of the medical aspects."

A statement, not a question, and neither Jedi was surprised. Nothing got by Yoda. The less reverent of the Senior Padawans swore the old Master knew how may times their bed linens were changed. . .and why.

Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, no missions for me, I'm afraid, Master."

"Of course not, a fine thing it would be, would it not, giving birth in a war zone." Yoda's ears twitched. "More to it than that, I think. I know."

Ah, Qui-Gon thought, there was information Yoda possessed that had not been entered in the Archives.

One of the advantages of being so long-lived – Yoda remembered things that had long been forgotten by everyone else. "And?"

"All of the children so born lived and thrived," Yoda began, "but all were Force-blind."

"How could that be?" Qui-Gon demanded; Obi-Wan said nothing, he only watched Yoda intently.

"My Master thought it was because the children were given other talents in compensation, other paths to walk than that of the the Jedi. His own daughter was a doctor, Lirit of Telka."

"Lirit...wait a minute, didn't she discover bacta and its usage in medicine?" Obi-Wan asked, as the name clicked in his head with some long forgotten history lesson.

"The same. Others were diplomats, soldiers, writers, poets..." Yoda paused, then shrugged, "all walks of life, all honorable professions. And, all had children of their own who did come to the Temple and were trained as Jedi. Perhaps that too, is part of the purpose. Ches thought this. Their grandson was Master Pel, my first Padawan."

"So, our child will not be a Jedi, but our grandchild will?" Obi-Wan asked softly.

"If you follow the others' pattern, yes, that will be so." Yoda answered.

Qui-Gon looked up, his gaze intent. "Who carried their daughter, your Master or Chesne?"

"Chesne did. He was Belandian, as is Obi-Wan. In the Archives, you will find it said that Belandian physiology lends itself more readily to this than some others. A question of more room in the abdominal cavity, I believe." Yoda's ears swiveled again. "That Dex can explain, and will."

"So that is why..." Suddenly seeming embarrassed, Qui-Gon didn't finish his sentence.

Obi-Wan reached out and took his hand. "It's all right. I know." He knew that, if their positions were reversed, far from the gamut of emotions he was experiencing, Qui's reaction would have been unadulterated joy and delight in life-giving.

"So," Yoda was smiling now, "I will tell the rest of the Council. Teaching assignments you will undertake until the little one arrives."

"A good idea, Master," Obi-Wan agreed.

"You, I think, I will have with the young ones. Good practice for you. Qui-Gon also, but three Padawans he has raised and parenting will not be as much of a shock to him." Yoda was actually grinning now. "Yes, the young ones for you Obi-Wan. Much good experience they will provide."

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/The Kenobi-Jinn Household/12 Standard Weeks Later

Obi-Wan paused as he caught sight of his own reflection in the full-length mirror that graced their bedroom. Naked, just out of a hot shower, his skin was still slightly flushed, water-darkened hair clinging to his shoulder blades and dripping moisture down his chest.

From this angle, he looked the same, he thought, as always. Obi-Wan didn't spend a great deal of time on mirrors or fretting about his appearance. Taking stock, he noted the obvious: his hair had grown long since his knighting three years earlier, he supposed his shoulders were a bit broader now than they had been at 24. His hand covered the spot just below his solar plexus where their child hid. He imagined the bright energy growing under the covering skin and tissue and marveled. Without removing his hand from that spot, he turned sideways, eyes narrowed, trying to imagine what he would look like when the baby had grown larger. Was it his imagination, or could it be true that his abdomen wasn't quite as flat as he recalled it being?

"Just enough that I can tell and you can, though I doubt anyone else would notice much at this point."

Obi-Wan turned, a smile lighting his face. Qui-Gon leaned against the door-frame, watching him, a tender-amused expression on his face. "I thought maybe I was imagining it."

"No. Does it bother you?"

He considered a moment, then said "No, it's just...this not a thing I ever remotely considered. I keep having to remind myself it is real."

"It's real, a daughter. Our daughter." Just that morning Dex's scanners had informed them the baby was definitely female. Qui-Gon came forward and stood behind his lover, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan's waist, his hands covering his lifemate's abdomen. "It's a miracle. A gift. A second gift to me, after you."

It was not like the normally reserved Qui-Gon to say such things. Obi-Wan was left speechless. He turned his head, only to be met with a kiss, and then familiar touch guided him until they were chest to chest and hands were holding his face gently as Qui-Gon kissed him again. Top lip, bottom lip, just a touch of talented tongue, and Obi-Wan was pushing against solid body, desperately needing more contact.

Qui-Gon drew back. "I don't think. . ."

Obi-Wan pushed him away. Hard. "Stop it!"

"But. . ."

"Dex said everything is fine. Dex said making love is good for both of us. If you don't come over here and make me believe you think I'm sexy, I'll do something drastic, I swear it." He glared, and despite his dripping hair, stark nudity, and growing erection, he made a formidable picture.

Certainly, he presented a vision Qui-Gon was unable to resist. He reached out and pulled Obi-Wan back into his arms and proceeded to demonstrate, quite thoroughly, just how desirable he felt Obi-Wan was.

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/The Kenobi-Jinn Household/Four Standard Months Later

"I thought I wasn't supposed to overdo it." Obi-Wan collapsed into a chair and rubbed his throbbing temples.

Qui-Gon said mildly, "Tell Yoda the 5 year olds are getting to be too much of a handful."

"They never stop asking questions. Why is the sky blue, when will they get their first lightsabres, how much traffic is there in the Coruscant sky at any given time, how long does it take for Igglet eggs to hatch, why can't they poke each other with sticks, when will they have lunch, why can't they have candy for lunch, when is dinner, did I know that my tummy is sticking out more each day..." Obi-Wan trailed off.

"Oh, you can laugh. Your students are senior Padawans."

Qui-Gon gestured to the reader on his desk. "Yes, and I don't know which is worse - inquisitive small children or grading senior philosophy papers. There doesn't seem to be an original idea in the lot."

Some of the throbbing had eased, as tension always eased for him in Qui-Gon's presence. "My little ones are full of originality. Today Asli Solo asked me if I minded getting fat and how they were going to get the baby out."

Grinning, Qui-Gon asked, "What did you tell her?"

"I said I did not mind being fat for the reason that it was the baby, and tried to explain about the surgery in terms a child would be able to cope with.

She stared at me with big purple eyes for about 30 seconds and then said "Ick. I hope I never have to do that."" He started to laugh, "And then Brendi -- Bant's nephew -- he swatted her with a compad and said "as if anyone would want you for a mother, Asli."

She smashed her nut paste sandwich in his face, and that was the end of that line of discussion."

"Nothing if not to the point."

"I made them clean Yoda's fish tank by way of punishment."

"Inventive. You're getting the hang of this, aren't you?"

Obi-Wan shrugged, and attempted to bend to tug off his boots. "I suppose. When I think about it, though, I'm still terrified. I just never considered being anyone's...mother -- or father, for that matter."

"Here," Qui was already up and over to his side, kneeling down. "Let me."

Gratefully, Obi-Wan gave up battling his footwear and leaned back. "I can't bend down the way I used to. And it's all your fault."


"No. Not a bit. Terrified, happy, occasionally nauseated, joyful and full of trepidation, but never sorry. Don't think it for a second. Of course, there is one thing I truly do miss and hate having to give up, even though its only temporarily."

"What is that?" Qui-Gon asked, then realized the answer as a flood of heated emotions swept over the bond.

"Making love with you, Qui. I miss that more than anything." Growing discomfort for Obi-Wan, no matter what the position and, subsequently, Dex's revised medical opinion, had put the better part of their lovemaking activities on hold.

"And I miss you more than anything, but it isn't forever. Dex says it should only be another two months before you deliver."

Obi-Wan sighed; the look he gave Qui would've unfrozen a Hoth ice cave.

Qui flushed and said "Don't. Do. That. Please."

Instantly contrite, Obi-Wan said "Sorry. I...will make it up to you."

"If we could trade places, I would." He sighed. "I'm the one who wished for children."

His mate smiled. Qui-Gon loved children, and it was no secret to Obi-Wan, who'd been Qui-Gon's Padawan for 12 years and then lifemate for 13, how much he had deep down, wanted a child of his own. And somewhere along the line in all of this, that had become Obi-Wan's wish too. "I know. But I don't hate this, Qui. I know I complain about the physical things, but I wouldn't change this. And, who can tell why it was me? Maybe it was just timing on Delandria."

"And the will of the Force." Qui-Gon tossed the boots aside and sat down at Obi-Wan's feet, leaning his head against Obi-Wan's knee.

Obi-Wan bent forward slightly and ran his fingers through Qui's unbound hair. They stayed like that for a long time, a soothing feeling of peace playing back and forth between them along their bond.

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/Kenobi-Jinn Household/Five Standard Months Later


Obi-Wan ate a revolting spoonful of Corellian ground-nut paste mixed with Malastarian Cheese, which smelled every bit as revolting as it looked (puce and sour yellow). The concoction was absolutely awful, especially served in the silvery bowl he had taken to using for eating this particular favorite. "No."

Qui-Gon bit back a sigh, and thumbed to another page on the reader. "Carison?"

"She's going to be a little girl, not a piece of hyperdrive equipment." Obi-Wan got up, went to the kitchen. There were various banging sounds and then he reappeared in the living area, hands on hips, distinctly unhappy. "We are out of fiber berries.

I distinctly remember asking you to get them."

Damn. Damn. Damn. Soothingly, Qui-Gon replied, "The shipment was delayed. Stores will have some in a couple of days."

Obi-Wan said a Huttese word that left Qui-Gon's eyebrows residing in his hairline and stomped back into the kitchen.

Qui-Gon went back to studying the lists of baby names he'd uploaded from the Temple and CoruscantCentral Libraries. He only winced slightly as the sounds of banging continued to float out of the kitchen. To say that Obi-Wan had become a tad hormonal of late, was like saying Dagabah was a little bit on the damp side. Still, Dex was monitoring his mate carefully, and assured them both these mood fluctuations were reasonable and to be expected. And, after all, Qui-Gon was a seasoned Jedi Master with the ability to use the Force to ...

"I hate all those names. Every one of them dreadful." Obi-Wan returned and flung these words defiantly at Qui-Gon. He flounced to the couch and flopped down, eyeing what was left of the disgusting goo in the silver dish as though waiting for it to back him up.

/ /With the ability to...//Qui-Gon, resigned, at the thought go. His head was beginning to pound. "Fine. What about the ones in your section?"

Obi-Wan scanned his reader, lower lip stuck out in what was definitely a pout. "Lianti - sounds like a wine; Salandre - sounds like a diplomat I wouldn't get along with; Persimmon? Ugh; L'remori-Ahn – sounds the sort of disease people don't discuss in public."

Qui-Gon found his grip on the whole 'serene Jedi Master' thing slipping. "Well," he said with forced sweetness, "what do you suggest?"

"I don't think you can research a child's birth-name the way we would look up background on a diplomatic mission! I'd much rather wait and..."

"See what the Force wills." Qui-Gon finished for him.

"Yes, Mr. Live in the Moment who seems to have forgotten his own favorite advice."

Exasperated, Qui-Gon snapped back: "At the rate things are going, our child is going to be named 'The Force Hasn't Decided Yet.'"

"Well, it hasn't!" Obi-Wan seemed about to say more, then stopped, his gaze turning inward.

Qui-Gon held his breath - these episodes of seeming communication with their baby had begun with the child's quickening and continued sporadically in the weeks since. The exchanges were wordless, of course, just light and warmth and energy feeding back and forth between Obi-Wan and their child. Then, just as abruptly as it had started, the interval was over and Obi-Wan was smiling at him.

"Darshan." Obi-Wan said it with profound satisfaction.

"The Force told you that was the name?"

"I think she did."

"You got words from the baby?"

"No," Obi-Wan shook his head, then said "See."

Qui-Gon felt a thrum of energy along their lifebond, and then he was "seeing" intense light, moving in energetic tendrils, different colors and hues, and a strange feeling that translated into sounds..."Oh my." He knew he had a rather silly smile on his face.

"Yes." Obi-Wan tossed his reader aside, relaxed.

"I like it very much. Darshan." Qui-Gon tried it out, attempting to imagine the small girl it would belong to.

Smugly. "Wouldn't matter if you didn't."

"Now, look here..."

Sweetly. "Oh my, time to practice those Force enhanced breathing exercises Dex gave us!"

"Just wait. Just you wait."

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/Six 1/2 Standard Months & Counting

One minute he was sitting on the floor, in the middle of a group of happy, giggling five year olds, telling them a story about a RaMouse that thought it was an Igglet, and the next he was in the med-center, staring into the equally worried faces of Qui-Gon, Dex and Yoda.

Dex explained, brief and to the point. "You passed out."

"I don't remember anything. Are the children all right? Did I frighten them?"

"Never mind that," Qui-Gon sounded impatient because he was worried and frightened. "How do you feel? I never should have let you continue to teach, not after seeing how tired out you are."

Obi-Wan considered. Other than the fact that he felt a bit hollow, which was odd under the circumstances, he felt fine. "I feel OK. What about my class?"

Yoda looked approving. "Waiting outside they are. Would not go back to the creche until they saw you were all right."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "Qui, help me sit up."

Qui looked at Dex, who nodded. "Slowly, take it very slowly. You had a sudden drop in blood pressure and elevation of enzymes, that's what caused the faint. We've stabilized you for the moment."

Qui, handling him as though he were the most fragile of Terrelian crystal, eased him into sitting position and put another pillow behind him. "How is that?"

"Good. And its not you're fault, Qui. I insisted on working."


He put gentle fingers up to hush the rest of Qui's words. "Not your fault. Now, let me see the little ones."

Dex frowned. "All right, but only for five minutes.

And no more classes, Obi-Wan. In fact, you'll stay on bedrest for the rest of the time until you deliver."

At his patient's outraged expression, Dex remained unmoved. "Don't argue. Its only going to be three more weeks, tops. You'll stay flat on your back and give me and poor Master Jinn no arguments about it."

We'll see about that, Obi-Wan thought. Aloud, he said only: "The children?"

Dex nodded to Yoda, who disappeared through the door and returned a few seconds later with a very anxious little group of initiates.

All 10 very anxious little ones trooped in, eyes big as plates, and surrounded the bed.

"Are you OK, Obi?" Asli Solo, never shy, pulled a chair over and stood on it, the better to see her teacher. "You didn't get to finish the story."

He smiled at her. "No, but I can do it later, if you like."

Brendi nodded. "We'd like that. Are you going to have your baby now?"

Dex stepped in and shook his head. "Not right now, Brendi. But soon, very soon. And you can all visit Obi-Wan after that happens."

Qui-Gon put a restraining hand on Asli's shoulder; she seemed about to topple over onto the bed. "We might even let you all babysit sometime. But for now, Obi-Wan needs to rest."

One of the others, a Nivehdian with iridescent amethyst skin and silver eyes, wormed his way to the front of the group and, taller than the others by a head, was able to very gently reach over and hug Obi-Wan. "Get better soon. Will you come back and be our teacher again, Obi?"

"I would like that."

Yoda began shepherding them towards the door. "Come with me, not so good at stories am I, as is Obi-Wan, but we will see what we can do," and the little group followed him from the room, trying to be quiet about it and not succeeding.

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/One Week Later

When his blood pressure kept fluctuating and his hormone levels remained stubbornly all over the place, Dex had moved Obi-Wan into the med-center for round the clock monitoring. Yoda visited twice a day, Mace usually managed to be "in the neighborhood" at least every other day and Qui-Gon simply moved into Obi-Wan's room.

The only ones who didn't seem bothered by any of this were Obi-Wan and the baby.

Obi-Wan was surprised at the number of other visitors he received, when Dex allowed them. Knights he didn't know and Masters he'd only been aware of as names showed up, all of them wishing him well. They seemed...awed by what had happened to him. Obi-Wan remained surprised by the attention until, meditating on this one afternoon, he realized that with the veneration the Jedi gave to all light and life, it was only natural that they would be awed by such a concrete manifestation of the generative force.

And his poor, long-suffering mate - Obi-Wan often wondered how well he would be doing if their positions were reversed and he was the one who had nothing to do but hover about anxiously, waiting, as Qui-Gon was forced to do.

Jedi Temple/Med Center/Coruscant/4th Hour/7 months Total

"All right, now, I want you to breathe the way you've been practicing, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon, utilize the Force the way you have been practicing to ease the contractions and numb Obi's mid-section."

The contractions had begun, light and far apart at first, almost 12 hours earlier. Now they were coming in earnest, barely a half a minute apart and the feeling that he was going to explode was becoming unbearable.

The med-bay was awash with light, Dex and Qui-Gon appeared strange in their enveloping sterile robes.

Obi-Wan bit his lip until it bled to keep from crying out as another contraction tore through him. He swallowed the metallic taste of the blood and pushed his concentration back onto the rhythmic breathing exercises that were supposed to help him ride out the worst of the spasms. He knew he was gripping poor Qui's hand hard enough to break a few bones, but couldn't stop himself. But Qui-Gon was beside him, face drawn in concentration; tendrils of Force reached out and enveloped him, bring with them an abrupt easing of pain. He relaxed his body and his death grip on Qui-Gon, drifting, feeling support, love, and concern pouring through the bond he shared with his mate.

"I'm going to make an incision the way we discussed, Obi-Wan. You shouldn't feel any pain; if you do, we'll stop and administer conventional anesthetics. Ready?"


"All right. Here we go." The laser scalpel in Dex's hand winked in the overhead lights and then Obi-Wan felt faint warmth and tingling along his abdomen. Nothing more. Beside him, Qui-Gon continued to send an unrelenting wave of Force around and through him, effectively keeping all pain at bay. He drifted on that strength, not really concentrating on anything but Qui-Gon's hand clasping his...

"What is that?" Obi-Wan roused himself to ask, wondering where the strange, high-pitched wailing sound was coming from. He was fairly sure he wasn't responsible. Dex started to laugh at the question and when Obi-Wan glanced up he saw that Qui-Gon was laughing too and crying.

"That," Dex said, "is your daughter announcing she's arrived."

Something small, wet and very wiggly was placed on his chest and Obi-Wan blinked, then sucked in his breath as the baby's eyes opened and impossibly blue eyes stared straight at him. The gaze was astonishingly direct and seemed, to his tired mind, to be assessing him. Then, as though deciding that he wasn't such a bad deal, she yawned, eyes closing, one tiny hand waving about.

Qui-Gon put out a finger and she immediately grasped it wrapping tiny fingers around his. Her eyes opened again and she sort of smiled - though Dex would have dismissed the upturning of her lips as simple accident. Once again, Obi-Wan felt that burst of light and approval coming from the baby, the same sensation that he'd felt when considering her name.

"Hello, Darshan," he breathed softly. She made a funny, baby squeak and wriggled a bit more. Obi-Wan smiled up at Qui-Gon, knowing he must have an extremely fatuous look on his face and seeing it mirrored on his lifemate's.

"Oh my. She has an amazingly strong grip."

"Yes, indeed. She has your eyes, Qui-Gon."

Laughing and crying, Qui-Gon said, "All babies have blue eyes, love."

Dex motioned to one of his satellite healers and she came forward, gently wrapping Darshan in a blanket and picking her up. "No, don't take her!" Obi-Wan instinctively protested.

Dex's voice was unacharacteristly husky. "It's all right, Obi. Anke is just going to bathe her and put some warm clothes on her. She'll be right back. And in the meantime, I'm going to clean you up and have Tradil heal that crushed hand of Qui-Gon's."

"Crushed...oh." As gently as he could, Obi-Wan released Qui-Gon's hand, noticing the wince his lifemate couldn't hide. "Sorry about that."

Qui-Gon laughed. "Any time, it's nothing. This are everything."

"Go on," Dex shooed Qui-Gon towards the hovering Tradil. "Get fixed up and when you get back Obi-Wan will be put back together and your daughter should be ready for breakfast."

Jedi Temple/Coruscant/One Month Post-delivery

Most cultures have traditions regarding the birth of a child. The Jedi, as a rule, don't, but then they generally recruit from without their ranks, rather than within. Yoda, however, recalled the ceremony that had attended the birth of his own Master's daughter and offered the information to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon with the hope that it might help them to decide what, if anything, to do for Darshan.

What he described, Obi-Wan thought, was an earlier, much simpler version of the traditional Belandian naming ceremony that he, himself, was familiar with from his homeworld. Qui-Gon liked its simplicity and dignity and as did he. So it was decided to follow the tradition used long ago by Master Ismet.

The ceremony was held in the Garden of Fountains, a favorite spot of Qui-Gon's and the same location chosen by Ismet and Chesne, Yoda told them.

Belandian children, by custom, have two adults, usually close friends of their parents, who stand by them at their formal naming ceremony and pledge to guard them, protect them and guide them to adulthood should anything untoward befall one or both of their parents. These adults are known as Birth Guardians.

It needed only a little discussion before Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon reached a decision and asked Dex and Yoda to stand by Darshan on her naming day. Both agreed with alacrity (Yoda, after all, had been hinting about it for months).

Another friend, Master Windu, was asked and agreed to conduct the ceremony.

The garden was, of course, climate controlled, and as they gathered for the naming, only the softest of breezes was in evidence. Sunshine drifted through trees and glinted off water flowing in the many and varied fountains and pools.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon held their daughter between them, Dex and Yoda on either side.

"Who presents this child to receive her name?" Mace began.

As one, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon answered, "We present our daughter to receive her name."

"And who will stand for this child in time of need?"

Dex and Yoda answered, in unison, "We will."

"Then by what name is this child to be called?"

It was Obi-Wan who answered this time. "I who bore her choose. She is to be Darshan."

Smiling broadly, Mace reached out and gently took Darshan from her parents arms. Carefully, he raised her up so that all could see. "Welcome, Darshan, a part of us."

There was silence, broken only by the trickling of water and the faint sighing of the breeze as it teased its way through green leaves overhead. Everyone seemed transfixed by the moment, even the baby was quiet, her blue eyes watching the world with a strangely old wisdom and tolerance.

Then, from just behind Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon came a small, but very distinct voice. It belonged to Asli Solo.

"NOW can we please eat?"
