
by Aileen


Category: Poem/Angst


Time Frame:pre-TPM...

Spoilers:I sincerely doubt it.

Archive: If you want it, you can have it.

Feedback: Sure. I love criticism...I think...

Disclaimers: I don't think it really needs any, but I will gain no money, favors, or otherwise for writing this.

Acknowledgements: I'd like to thank Katherine for taking time out to help me.

If I 
said that I loved you,
what would you say?
And if you truly understood my meaning,
how would you react?

I have said that I loved you,
but you thought I meant it in some other way.

And I've never bothered to correct you.

If I said that you were part of my soul,
you know, the important half that makes a whole,
how would it make you feel?
And if I showed you how vulnerable I really am,
would you even notice?

I couldn't say it,
not even once,
but I've tried hard to show it to you.

And it crushed me when I was ignored.

If I said that I was afraid of you,
afraid of your rejection and judgement,
would I lose status in your eyes?
And if I kissed your lips,
because I've always wanted to know how you taste,
would you feel shame?

I could never stand the rejection,
but I've always wanted to know what could be.

If only I was stronger...

I don't think I'll ever find out.
