Stranger Things...

by sidewinder (

Summary: Well, it had to happen. My take on the whole 'one of the guys is pregnant' discussion on the list yesterday.

Category: humor, romance

Rating: S for atrociously silly!

Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine. They'd probably disown me after this story anyway. Knocked it out (or should I say knocked it up) in about an hour. Mistakes are my bad.

Feeback: sure, tell me how crazy I am.

Qui-Gon stood before the assembled council members, his padawan close at his side.

"You wished to speak with us?"

"Yes," Mace Windu answered. Studying Qui-Gon closely, he asked, "How are you feeling, Master Jinn?"

The unexpected question caught Qui-Gon off-guard for a moment, then he answered, "Fine, Master."

"Went to the healers, yesterday you did," Yoda said.

"Yes, stomach was upset. Nothing serious, I can assure you."

"That is not what they have just told us," Windu added. "Apparently there were some...abnormalities in their test results, which they did not understand until today."

Yoda cut to the chase: "Pregnant, you are, Qui-Gon Jinn."

Qui-Gon blinked. He felt Obi-Wan's shock hitting him like a bolt of Force-lightning, but he suppressed a similar reaction and responded calmly, "If you will excuse my questioning these results, I did not think such a thing was...physiologically possible."

"Neither did the healers. Which is why they want to see you both for some further tests, to confirm this and determine how such a thing has happened."

"Yes, of course." Qui-Gon stood there silently for a moment. "Is there anything else?"

"Not for the moment. We will be monitoring your condition closely, and with great interest," Windu answered. "May the Force by with you."

Neither master nor padawan said a word as they left the council chambers and walked to the lift. As the door whooshed shut behind them, Obi-Wan whirled to face his master and exclaimed, "PREGNANT?!"

"So it would seem."

"But how is that possible?"

"That's what I'd like to know."

Obi-Wan paced in front of him and accused, "You're being infuriatingly calm about this."

"What reason is there to be upset? It is a curious thing, certainly, but if this is the will of the Force, then I will accept it."

"We'll see if you're still saying that nine months from now when it comes time for the delivery," Obi- Wan remarked. "The tests have to be wrong. A human male can't get pregnant!"

"The Force has been known to allow many seemingly 'impossible' things to come about, Padawan. Stranger things have happened."

"Name one."

Qui-Gon thought for a moment. "Well, nothing comes to mind immediately but I'm sure they have."

The lift stopped on the healer's level and the two men stepped out into the corridor. "Is it our child, do you think?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Who elses' would it be?"

"Well if the Force put it there, it could be anyone's, really."

Qui-Gon focused and reached out with the Force, trying to sense the life he was told was growing inside him. Sure enough, he felt a gentle response, a small pulse in the Force that was like an echo of himself...but also of another, one whom he knew well. "No, it is definitely, somehow, our child, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan gave him a curious glance at his announcement but said nothing more about it. In fact, they had little chance to say anything at all to each other for the next several hours, as medtech droids and curious healers swarmed about them, asking questions, running tests, poking, prodding, and generally making terrible nuisances of themselves. In the end, the healers knew little more about Qui-Gon's condition than they had before and remained utterly baffled. The Jedi were both glad when they were finally allowed to return to their quarters and spend some time trying to come to terms with this unexpected event.

"A baby." Obi-Wan placed his hand over his master's stomach as they sat together on the sleep couch. His eyes widened after a moment and he exclaimed, "There really is a baby in there!"

"Indeed there is, Padawan."

"I can feel him...or her...I can't tell... This is so bizarre. I never really thought about being a father before."

"And how do you feel about it now?"

"Just...surprised. I suppose I'll get used to the idea." He looked up at his master and gave him a wide grin. Qui-Gon knew that particular grin usually meant trouble. "Bloody hell, you're glowing!" Obi-Wan said with a laugh.


"Glowing. I always heard that people who were pregnant got this 'glow' about them. Never believed it until now." He reached up to tangle his fingers in his master's hair and added, "It's terribly sexy, you know."

"Is it."

"Oh yes, very." Obi-Wan shifted so that he was sitting on his master's lap, hands massaging his shoulders. He leaned in closer and whispered, "Incredibly sexy" before claiming his lover's lips for a lingering kiss. Qui-Gon felt his padawan's love, pouring into him through the kiss, his touch, his reassurance that as bewildering as this turn of events was, it would not change anything between them...


Qui-Gon opened his eyes. Disoriented, he found himself lying in bed, daylight streaming in through the windows. His head hurt, his mouth was dry, and he felt feverish and achy all over. "Obi-Wan?"

"Here, Master." Obi-Wan settled on the sleep couch next to his master, touching his forehead gently and looking down at him with a worried frown. "No more Anrian Sweet Wine for you. You had a bad reaction to it last night almost as soon as we left the reception. Do you remember?"

Dimly, Qui-Gon recalled a dinner reception...something involving entertaining several visiting diplomats who were donating a significant endowment to the Jedi Temple... "Vaguely."

"Yes, well, the healers say you're not the only one who's knocked for a loop today, thanks to the diplomats' 'gifts'. Apparently the Anrians forgot to mention their distilled spirits tend to be suitable only for those with the strongest constitutions. You still feel hot; this should help." Obi-Wan offered him a cup of cool mint tea, which he sipped gladly. "You're to take it easy today, until you're feeling better and this fever goes away."

"I will. I'm not feeling inclined to go anywhere at the moment."

"Is something else wrong?"

"Nothing. Just a dream I had while I was asleep. Must have been from the fever."

"A nightmare?"

"No, hardly. It was just...very unusual."

Obi-Wan slipped under the light blanket and settled in against Qui-Gon, offering love and healing energy in his embrace. "Well, since you're not going anywhere, I think I'll stay here for a while as well, if you don't mind."

"Never," Qui-Gon answered, sighing at the pleasant feeling of his lover's body close to his own.

A dream...that was all it was. Impossible to be otherwise.

Still, he had to admit he felt a touch of regret to know that was all it had been. He loved Obi-Wan more than anything, and the thought that their love could have produced a child, against all logic and laws of nature...

Well, it was a pleasant dream to hold onto, even if it could never really happen.


"Yes, Master?"

Qui-Gon brushed his hand through Obi-Wan's hair. "Do you believe in miracles?"

"Of course." He lifted his head and with a smile said, "Ever since the day you told me you loved me, I have."

Qui-Gon smiled back at his padawan, and decided that he, too, believed.
