The Storyteller Comes Again OR Rustlers of the Jedi Bounty

by MJ (

Series: The Storyteller (3/?)

Pairing: Q/O

Category: Humor, Adventure, AU

Rating: PG

Archive: MA only

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan must round up a fearsome band of Space Rustlers.

Feedback: Would be heavenly

Disclaimer: Dear Mr. Lucas, Your universe is yours, my universe is mine, and never the twain shall meet. To you is the power and the ownership.

Note: This little bugger should be read aloud in your best Flash Gordon voice for proper enjoyment.

Note-note: Plot bunnies! With sharp little teeth! Get off! Get off!

We begin.

The Storyteller sat glaring at his audience.

They glared back.

Well, young ones? Am I to tell you another Story?

They blinked.

Do you want Glory? And Bedazzlement?

They nodded.

Do you want hot-blooded, delectible, ravishing,...

They wrinkled their young foreheads.

Yes. Well.

And the Storyteller spoke.

The Mighty Qui-Gon Jinn clomped through the doors of the Glorious Jedi Council Chambers, followed closely by Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Handy Apprentice, at a more sedate ripple. Unexpected, they were. Undaunted, they looked. Pissed off, they seemed.

Uh oh.

The Council members decided en masse that it would be best to lean back, just a little, in their comfy chairs and, perhaps, suspend breathing for just a moment.

The Powerful Master smiled the smile of the just. Of the strong. Of the not-so-humble. And spoke, his melodious tones carrying clearly to all non-corners of the room.

"Padawan mine, I believe it is Time we showed the Council...Everything..." And the exquisite Obi-Wan smiled.

The collective gasp from twelve throats could be felt three corridors away.

Extending one hand gracefully toward his Handy Apprentice, the Masterful Jedi inserted nimble fingers through the front of his robe. As sweat collected in puddles on the nearest Council members, Qui-Gon pulled forth what appeared to be a flip folder of vacation snaps.

Disappointments were quickly dispersed into the Force.

Obi-Wan took hold of one end of the gaudy package and began unwrapping it, flip by flip. Twelve heads leaned forward, twelve pairs of eyes tried to pretend they didn't need distance lenses.

When the flipping stopped, Qui-Gon peered with frightening intensity at the small Head of the Council, his former Master, Little Green Yoda. Little Green Yoda tried really hard to appear nonchalant.

"Master Yoda, this could nigh well be the end. Really." He waved toward the pictures. "You see before you evidence of the most nefarious gang of operatives ever to darken our galaxy." He swirled suddenly, pictures flying wildly about his head. The Handy Apprentice dropped and rolled as Qui-Gon's voice thundered, "They Stop at Nothing!" He stopped and blinked, snapshots draped over his shoulders. "I mean. They stop at everything." His voice rose once more. "Everything! And they take it, take it, take it!" Yoda decided he could shake off the spray a little later.

Qui-Gon looked down at the delicious Obi-Wan sitting demurely at his feet, cocked his head, and asked, "Padawan mine, are we not overdue for a Rumble?" The Handy Apprentice pulled himself up The Master's nether regions with lightsome ease, his Pocket Secretary slipped neatly back in his pristine robe. "Yes, Master." His eyes, how they twinkled. His dimple, how merry. His cheeks were like roses. "It's best we not tarry." Smile.

The Chamber quivered.

In a flurry of robes, cowls and Executive Briefcases, the Mighty Qui- Gon and his Handy Apprentice whooshed to the doors, where one parting remark was born.

"We will save you, oh Masters." Flash! Rumble...

Little Green Yoda knew he would eventually stop trembling.

Posky's infamous Dirge For the Very Soon To Be Expired would have been highly appropriate in a situation such as the one now facing our Heroes.

They were deep in a cave system on the home world of Beebo the Hutt, Thief Extraordinaire and Head of a greasy group of ship rustlers. No butt wiper, he.

And now, Master and Apprentice, after slipping silently through damp tunnels and cramped passageways, trying to find a hole in the loop of Beebo's ring, were facing a nightmare in the dark: a Cave Bauble, dreaded glob of oderous body, squatted right in their way.

"Padawan, the Mark 3 Surprise, please."

"Yes, Master." There was a rustle as Obi-Wan pulled out seven inches of death and mayhem and passed it to the Mighty Qui-Gon. Still warm.

!Blaaaaht! A high-pitched squeal was followed by a loud, wet pop as the noisome creature said hello to the walls.

"Don't forget to reload, Obi-Wan. There may be others about."

About 23, they soon found out, each one smellier than the last, each one left behind them, a slimy Rorschach on the walls of the cave system.

The Mark 3 Surprise was getting pretty hot.

Beebo the Hutt glared at his newest acquisition. It didden wanna pway. It just satted there and looked googly-eyed. No fun! No fun! Don't make Beebo mad! (huge pout)

The nearest colleages in robbery tried to distract the Fat Bas...the Boss...from his temper tantrum. Pounding the floor with no feet just doesn't do it.

The newest acquisition was pretending to be djello: it quivered, it glazed over in spots, it gurgled little bits of the unknown around its insides.

Beebo lost patience and, grabbing the Bad!Acquisition, he threw it across the room, where it smacked the wall with a resounding glurg. Bad thing gone! Me wannanother thing! Now!

Across the room, the glurg found happiness in flathood and became a quite significant God. How nice.

Beebo was now pounding the floor with a somewhat surprised Assistant Underdog, yelling cogent orders in all directions. Toy! (pound) Now! (aaaaagh!) Toy! (pound) Now! (aaaaagh!)

Some distance yonder, the Masterful Qui-Gon Jinn felt the vibrations through the surrounding stone. Ah, yes. That way...They turned and sidled up the dark, rocky passage.


Beebo the Hutt was playing Bogarian Hopscotch. Jump! (pound) Play! (aaaaagh!) The local baddies were running out of Spray and Wipe.

Tunnels to the right of them. Tunnels to the left of them. Too damn many tunnels...


Beebo the Hutt was feeling distinctly peckish. Food! (pound) Eat! (aaaaagh!)

Our Heroes now found themselves at the bottom of a narrow stairway. Qui-Gon felt forward with The Force. No one.


"I'll go first, my Padawan. You guard my rear."


Obi-Wan's hand said 'fine by me'.

And they started up. Quietly. Step. By step.

"The Mark 3 Surprise, my Obi-Wan. Is it loaded?"

Step. By step.

"Of course, Master."



Beebo the Hutt was playing with his food. You play cards! Me wanna win! The food looked blearily at the huge mound before him and let one eye roll back in its head. The other three were on their own.

The Mighty Qui-Gon Jinn and the Handy Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi sped on winged feet down the last passageway, their goal in sight. This stinkin', no-good, hell-of-a-hole would soon be shut down, closed up and sent packin'. It was Time to Shake the Digit of Doom at Beebo the Hutt.


Beebo was not a happy camper.

Me want toys! (pound)

Me want food! (aaaaagh!)

Me want...!

There was a tap on the door.

Who there?

Blam! Blam! The double doors to Beebo the Hutt's hidey hole flew open with the sharp sound of smoke and the smell of thunder. Two Blazing!Jedi stood in the doorway, eyes hard with the music of Justice and the Jedi Dream, sabers set on Barbecue.

Way Cool...

Whang! Whish! Brong! Zzzzzzzttt! Lightsabers dancing the Jedi Jig, The Mighty Qui-Gon and the Irresistible Obi-Wan hopped their way around the room, thieves and brigands deciding that arms and legs were unnecessary if death was inevitable. Smart.

Whoung! Poing! Kshshsh!

Beebo the Hutt forgot to be angry. He forgot to be mad. He forgot what it felt like to have a bottom as the sections that used to be himself lost touch with each other.

So long, Beebo. We hardly knew ye.

Our Heroes Shwanged and Mwommed their way up one wall and down another until nary a thug nor a rustler remained corporeal anywhere. Then they turned to face each other, saluted, stashed their Trusty Weapons and, arm in arm, headed for the showers.

The silken rustle of sheets whispered across the moonlit shadows surrounding the spacious bed. The scent of Passa berries was sharp and tangy, floating in the air like some delectible dew.

"Where do you suppose that goes, Master?" The laugh was rich with possibilities.

"Padawan mine, is that a trick question?" Slow shift of bedsprings.

"Qui-Gon. It distinctly says 'insert tab A into slot B'." He gave a charming gurgle. "Can't you read?"

"Oh, yes, my Obi-Wan." He wrinkled his nose and smiled with all of his teeth. "And I also speak in tongues..."

....Okay...(cough)...okay...that's all...

[Wait! Wait! What were they making?]


[Yeah. You know, tab A, slot B. That stuff.] organ. Pipe! Organ. Go away.

[Oh, please? Tomorrow?]

Could be. Could be I'll come another time. We'll see...

The Storyteller stood, with quite a small stagger, and headed away down the path. If the pond had just been on the other side of the garden...

The End.