Special Love

by Gaia (gaia_eagle@yahoo.com)

Archive: nowhere yet, but would like it to be archived at Master Apprentice

Category: Qui/Obi

Rating: PG 13

Warnings: no sex

Spoilers: none

Summary: Obi-Wan goes on a mission and something unexpected happens when he comes back. Qui-Gon has to find a way to save him.

Feedback: yes, please, any comments welcome.

Obi-Wan sat in his room, legs crossed in a state of deep meditation. Something has been bothering him lately, an uneasy feeling that he just could not place a finger on. Meditation, unfortunately, was not helping and the Force was being unusually quiet by not providing any answers. Suddenly, there was a buzz at the door, bringing him out of the meditation.

"Come," Obi-Wan said. The door slid open and Qui-Gon stood in the doorframe. Looking into the eyes of his former master and now lover helped evaporate some of the uneasiness Obi-Wan was feeling.

"Is everything alright, my love?" Qui-Gon looked very concern. "The Council has been trying to reach you for the past 2 hours now."

"Really? I turned off the com-link. There were some things that I needed to sort out," Obi-Wan replied.

"Anything that you wish to talk about."

Getting up Obi-wan placed a hand on Qui-Gon's face and they shared a moment of tenderness and caring. "Not now, could you just hold me for a moment." Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon locked themselves into a lover embrace, in which time stood still and there was nothing else except for the two lovers.

Finally, they let go of each other. "Well, my love," Qui-Gon said finally, "you better get up to the Council chamber quickly, before they decide to take away your title as Knight." This brought a grin and a slight chuckle from Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan entered the Jedi Council chamber, bowing in front of the masters.

"Obi-Wan, is everything alright. Normally it doesn't take you two hours to respond to us." Master Mace Windu asked.

"Sorry, Masters, I turned off my com-link in order to meditate a while."

"Okay, it is Obi-Wan," Master Yoda said. "Sending you on a mission, we are."

"Two opposing tribes on the plant of Yag'Dhul are uniting by a marriage between the oldest children of the two rulers," Mace conveyed. "These two tribes have been fighting for about 200 years now and there are two different factions, one both sides that do not want the fighting to end and could try to prevent the alliance. Lau-Klaf, the ruler of the Alabur tribe and Melroa, ruler of the Nikobur tribe requested a Jedi be sent to make sure that the wedding goes smoothly. Obi-Wan, be careful. Your past experience handling negotiations makes you the perfect Jedi for this mission. There is no telling what could happen. Once the couple is married, the tribes will be united and long awaited peace will result between them."

"Yes, Masters," Obi-Wan respectfully replied. Sensing that the meeting was over, Obi-Wan turned around and left the room.

"I don't want you to go," Qui-Gon replied when Obi-Wan told him about the mission. "Obi, my love, there is something more going on than is being said. I have a bad feeling about this."

"Qui, everything will be alright. You know as well as I do that I cannot go against the Council. I will be back soon. Remember, I love you and I will always return." Obi-wan leaned into Qui-Gon and they locked into a passionate kiss.

"Well, Obi-Wan, you need to get going. I love you."

"I know." Obi-Wan turned around and walked to the star fighter, preparing himself for the mission ahead

Three days ago, Obi-Wan arrived at the planet Yag'Dhul. Obi-Wan was given a place to stay near the bride at the manor, because both leaders thought that if something were going to happen, it would most likely happen to her first. Nothing unusual seemed to happen. The wedding preparations went smoothly as both tribes prepared for the alliance. Not a single word of resistance had been heard. Still, Obi-Wan could not shake the uneasiness that he had been feeling.

Finally, the day of the wedding arrived, and the manor was alive with servants doing last minute preparations. Caught up in the excitement, Obi-Wan forgot about the uneasiness.

The ceremony went smoothly, nothing went amiss. Halfway through, Obi-Wan wondered if there was any reason for the Jedi to send him here. Well, watching a young couple get married is always a joyful event and maybe it was just what he needed. Obi-Wan thoughts dwelt on Qui-Gon. How wonderful it would have been if Qui-Gon could be here to share this event of love. Through watching the couple, Obi-Wan could clearly see that they were madly in love with each other as the said their vows.

Obi-Wan stayed a couple more days just to make sure nothing else was going to happen. Finally he left, wanting to get back to Coruscant and to the temple to be with Qui-Gon again.

Early in the morning, Qui-Gon received a message from Obi-Wan saying that he would be arriving back today. Anxious to see his lover again, Qui-Gon waited by the platform to be there at the exact moment that Obi-Wan arrived. A couple of hours later, Obi-Wan's ship landed on the platform. The hatch went up and smiling Obi-Wan got out of the star fighter, and walked over to Qui-Gon. The lovers locked themselves in a hug and a kiss, needing to feel each other's touch.

"See Qui-Gon, there was nothing to worry about. Everything went as smooth as silk." Obi-Wan said with a smirk.

"Then hurry up with the debriefing with the Council, so that I can have you all to myself with no interruptions." A small chuckle emanated from both of them.

Suddenly a wave of dizziness hit Obi-Wan, then he fell into blackness. Qui-Gon knelt by Obi-Wan's side, and gave him a slight shake, "Obi-Wan? OBI-WAN!!" Sill no response. Qui-Gon lifted up Obi-Wan and rushed him to the healers, hopefully they will be able to cure him.

"Qui-Gon, the Council is trying to get a hold of you. I informed them about Obi-Wan. Don't worry, he'll be alright." Barriss Offee said, trying to console a very worried Qui-Gon. Barriss was an exceptional healer, taking over the chief healer's position after she became a knight. If anyone could heal Obi-Wan, it would be her. Without saying a word, Qui-Gon gave a slight bow and headed up to the Council chamber.

The walk up to the chamber helped calm Qui-Gon enough that he was able to speak to the Jedi Council.

"Thank you for coming, Master Qui-Gon," Master Mace Windu said. "We have some disturbing news about Obi-Wan Kenobi." Qui-Gon felt his nerves start to shake, but he took a deep breath and found his center again. "Not long ago, we got a message from Yag'Dhul." Mace hit a button on his chair and a hologram appeared of a man.

"Jedi, as you probably know by now, the Jedi fool that you sent will die. We infected him with a disease that will kill him in the next ten days. It is not contagious and there is no known cure for it. Let this be a warning to you. Stay out of our business. We will handle the situation on our planet. If you try to interfere again, every other Jedi that steps foot on Yag'Dhul will die." The hologram disappeared.

Qui-Gon's nerves left him and a single tear could be seen falling down his face. "Qui-Gon, I know what Obi-Wan means to you. I want you to know that we will do everything to settle this matter and find out who is responsible for Obi-Wan's illness," Mace said. "Right now, we want you to be with Obi-Wan and do what ever you can to help him."

Qui-Gon found enough strength to bow slightly and reply in a very quiet voice, "Yes, Master." He turned around and walked out of the chamber.

Qui-Gon started walking throughout the temple, not really noticing where he was going, just concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. He found himself in the gardens next to the waterfall. The sound of the falling water always gave him peace. Qui-Gon walked up to the water's edge and sat down, listening to the calming sound. He had to regain his center before he faced Obi-Wan again. It would do Obi-Wan no good if he was not calm and focused. Many hours passed before Qui-Gon got up and walked back to be with Obi-Wan.

Barriss was waiting there for him. "I was wondering if you were ever going to come back." She placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Master Yoda told me about the transmission. Personally, I never believe that no disease cannot be cured."

"Thank you for this Barriss. You are a wonderful healer and a great Jedi Knight. Can I please be alone with Obi-Wan."

"I will be back in a couple of hours to check up on you both. There are some other things that I need to check on first." With that, she walked out of the room.

Qui-Gon walked up to the healers bed that Obi-Wan was lying in. Obi-Wan's normal rosy skin was a sickly gray-green color. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to Obi-Wan, reaching out to take Obi's lifeless hand.

As soon as he touched Obi-Wan's hand, Qui-Gon felt Obi's pain. Qui-Gon was drowning in it, but suddenly, the Force washed over him and he felt calm. Diving down deeper into the Force, Qui-Gon's mind left his body and entered into Obi-Wan's. From there he saw the disease breaking down all natural defenses that Obi-Wan's body had. In a matter of days, the defenses would be completely gone and then there would be nothing that could save him.

Calling up the Force, Qui-Gon sent healing energy and a sensation on love to Obi-Wan. Obi responded with love for Qui-Gon and a feeling of fear that the end of his life was coming soon and he would be leaving Qui alone. This cut through Qui-Gon, never before had he ever felt this feeling from his lover. Qui-Gon called the Force, going deeper into it.

Suddenly, Qui-Gon felt the presence of something else there, not Obi-Wan and not the normal feeling of the force.

*Who is there?* Qui-Gon asked.

*I am the one you call the Force.* It replied.

*I don't understand. The Force is an energy field that is generated from all living creatures. It is what binds the universe together.*

*That is correct, but I am also a consciousness.* It said plainly. At that moment, Qui-Gon noticed a bright light forming into the vague shape of a human. Staring at it longer, it formed to a shape of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had a face that was not old but not young, but instead, timeless.

*As I said before, I am the Force*

Bowing, Qui-Gon said, *I am Pleased to meet You*

*Do you love this man, the one that you are so close to loosing yourself over?*

*Words cannot describe how much I love him. My life is not complete with out him. We are halves of the same whole.*

*Are you willing to do anything to save him, even die for him?*

*Yes, with all my heart and soul, Yes*

She was quiet for a while, pondering all aspects of what Qui-Gon said and was feeling. He had never before felt so penetrated, as though this Woman could read every thought and feeling. Even Master Yoda could not see this much through him. An eternity seemed to pass. *Very good then, I will not take him away from you and I will not take you away from him. Go now my child and be with your loved one*

The Woman started to turn back into a ball of light, continuing until the whole span of consciousness was filled with light. Qui-Gon had never felt so much peace before. The light carried him back out of Obi-Wan and into his own body.

Feeling the weight of his mortal self again, Qui-Gon opened his eyes and looked at Obi-Wan. There was color already starting to form back into his cheeks. Someone dropped a data pad close to him.

"Oh my, Qui-Gon you are alright!" A very startled Barriss said next to him. "We were thinking that we were going to lose the both of you."

"How long was I unconscious?"

"About three days, I left to spend a couple of hours in the library, researching the disease that was infecting Obi-Wan. I came back to find you unconscious next to him, holding on to his hand. Everyone here had no idea what to make of it."

"I am not even sure I know how to explain it." At that moment, Obi-Wan started to regain consciousness, stirring just a little bit.

"Where am I?" Obi-Wan was finally able to ask.

"You are at the temple, my love. After you landed you lost consciousness." Qui-Gon said tenderly.

"Qui-Gon, thank you. I felt you there helping me."

"I know, love. Rest now, you have been through a lot"

Master Yoda and the other members of the Jedi Council sent an investigation to Yag'Dhul. With the help of the Rulers of the now uniform tribe, they were able to find out who tried to kill Obi-Wan. Apparently, the resistance group from the Nikobur was going to assassinate the newly married couple in order to send their two tribes back into war. The Jedi convoy got there in time to prevent the assassination. The conspirators were placed on trial and then sentenced.

Meanwhile, back at the temple, Obi-Wan got better, until finally Barriss said that he could leave her care. The two of them spent some much needed time together, reveling in the feeling of each other, something that both of them thought that they would never experience again.

"Qui-Gon, can you explain what happened. I know how close to death I was and then there was an overwhelming feeling of peace and light. Then the next thing that I knew, I was waking up and looking into your eyes."

"Obi, I am not even sure what happened, but lets just say, the Force thought that our love was special."
