A Special Day

by kimberlite

Archive: Yes to M_A.

Category: Q/O

Rating: strong PG

Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's tradition on Obi-Wan's birthday.

Spoilers: Slight one for JA#3, doesn't follow cannon.

Thank you: To Destina Fortunato for insightful beta.

Disclaimer: These gorgeous Jedi belong to George Lucas, not me.

Feedback: Yes, please, to kimberlite@cox.net

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

Obi-Wan looked up to the gently smiling face of his master. "Thank you," he replied, accepting the small gift Qui-Gon held out to him. Even through the wrapping paper, Obi-Wan had a sneaking suspicion he knew what was inside.

Last year, the first birthday he had shared with his master, Qui-Gon had given him a smooth black river stone streaked with red. At first, he had been puzzled, since it was just a rock. But eventually he had discovered it was Force-sensitive, and it had actually allowed him to complete their mission successfully. That experience had certainly given him a new appreciation for rocks.

Obi-Wan unwrapped his gift to reveal a jagged cluster of clear orange crystals. He recognized the mineral immediately as Ixian wulfenite, a valuable and much sought after resource. The sample reminded him of their mission to Ixia, and Obi-Wan felt a warm glow flow through him as he realized the significance of his master's gift.

While helping to negotiate mining rights to the mineral, Obi-Wan had suggested a radical solution. As the youngest participant by far, he had been unsure if the delegates would listen to him. However, his master had listened and then supported his idea. Eventually, the solution was agreed to and the mission completed.

Obi-Wan grinned at Qui-Gon, accepting the gift as recognition of the trust that had built between them. "Thank you, Master. It's beautiful. I'll treasure it always."

That evening before going to sleep, Obi-Wan looked around his room, trying to find a special place for his growing collection. He cleared a mid-level shelf in the corner next to his desk and set out both the rock and the mineral specimen. Now, whenever he was studying, he could look over and see a tangible symbol of his relationship with his master.

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

Obi-Wan smiled at his master, his eyes glinting with excitement as he took the package. "Thank you." The remains of the celebration of Obi-Wan's eighteenth birthday lay around them, but the other padawans and masters had left, and they were alone. Over the years, the giving of this gift had become a sort of ritual, a reaffirmation of the bond they had formed when Qui-Gon had first accepted him as padawan.

Qui-Gon's latest gift was a piece of limestone containing a perfect Epeirian ammonite fossil. The delicate suture patterns of the ancient sea creature's shell were beautifully preserved. Carefully picking up the fossil, Obi-Wan reverently traced the patterns with one finger. Even though the creature had been dead for millions of years, he could still feel a faint Force-impression, unique to the fossil, whispering of the freedom of the vast ocean currents. "Thank you, Master. It's beautiful. I'll treasure it always."

Qui-Gon touched Obi-Wan's cheek lightly, tracing down his jaw. Obi-Wan closed his eyes and held his breath as Qui-Gon leaned down to kiss his forehead. As he had matured, Obi-Wan had recognized that his love for his master had changed. He not only loved his master, he wanted him. During the last year, he had found it increasingly difficult to hide his desires. He knew a physical relationship between master and apprentice was strictly forbidden, but that didn't make his feelings any less intense. The touch of Qui-Gon's lips on his skin sent a shiver of sensation through his body.

With a faint smile, his master withdrew, retreating inside his room. Obi-Wan wondered what the kiss had meant, if Qui-Gon could ever share his feelings. Looking at the fossil, he realized there was a time for all things in the Force. He would just have to be patient. Feeling more a peace with himself then he had for a long time, Obi-Wan smiled and went into his room to include the fossil on his treasure shelf.

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

Obi-Wan glared at his master, practically snatching the rock from Qui-Gon's hand. "Thank you." Barely having time to identify the gift as an iron meteorite, he ducked his head as an explosion sounded uncomfortably close to them.

It wasn't the time or place for the relaxed ritual of years past. Obi-Wan was desperately afraid that Qui-Gon's wounds were serious, and after two days of fighting, they had been unable to reach the spaceport. Yet, Obi-Wan was subtly touched that Qui-Gon, even amidst the chaos and pain, wanted to celebrate their ritual.

Looking at the meteorite, Obi-Wan saw the scarred and pitted surface protecting the shining, pure interior, and thought how similar it was to his master. Another blast tore through their surroundings. Trying to shield his injured master from the random destruction of the war zone, Obi-Wan gasped, "Thank you, Master. It's beautiful. I'll treasure it always."

Ten days later, battered but alive, they reached the Jedi Temple, and Obi-Wan was able to add the meteorite marking his twenty-first birthday to his collection.

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

Obi-Wan smiled sensuously, kissing his lover's hand before turning to his gift. "Thank you." Erosion by running water had carved the small block of basalt into a natural sculpture. Obi-Wan ran his hand around the stone, all smooth curves and rounded indentations. The shape and feel of the rock was vibrant, fluid, a reflection of the new bond between them. "Thank you, Master. It's beautiful. I'll treasure it always."

After passing his trials, Obi-Wan had been knighted. In a solemn yet joyful ceremony, Qui-Gon had cut his padawan braid and closed their training bond. After so many years together, their time as master and apprentice was over.

No longer bound by the strictures of the Code, Qui-Gon was finally able to declare his love for Obi-Wan, and his hope that they would remain together. Obi-Wan had been overwhelmed by emotion. The man who he respected and adored above all others truly returned his feelings. After years of patient waiting and wondering, Obi-Wan had his answer. All doubts removed, Obi-Wan had ecstatically accepted his master's desires. The bond created that evening was a deeply intimate connection between the bodies and minds of lovers.

Obi-Wan slipped into his room to deposit the rock on his shelf. Then he returned to his master's room, the room he had shared with Qui-Gon since his knighting, six weeks before his twenty-fifth birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

Noting the amused look on Qui-Gon's face, Obi-Wan reached out tentatively to receive his present. "Thank you." Obi-Wan identified the stalactite of travertine, then did a double take as he noted the rather suggestive shape of the rock. Had his master just given him a dildo? Torn between embarrassment and excitement, Obi-Wan looked at his master, seeing that Qui-Gon could barely restrain his wicked grin. It amazed Obi-Wan that, even after over three years of being both lovers and a Jedi field team, Qui-Gon could still surprise him. He laughed quietly in joyful recognition of his lover's sense of adventure and fun. "Thank you, Master. It's beautiful. I'll treasure it always."

It wasn't until the next morning that a smugly satisfied Obi-Wan found a place on the shelf for his latest treasure.

"Happy Birthday, Padawan."

Obi-Wan caught a sense of excitement tinged with nervousness radiating from his master. Wondering why his thirtieth birthday gift would cause such emotions in his master, he accepted it. "Thank you." Obi-Wan lifted the cover off the intricate wooden box to discover a Caldonian bonding diamond nestled inside. He gasped in startled joy as the implications of the gift sank in. Qui-Gon was formally asking permission to create a soul-bond with him.

Obi-Wan gazed into Qui-Gon's eyes, crystal blue and sparkling with emotion. Accepting unconditionally, Obi-Wan gently touched Qui-Gon's face and murmured, "Thank you, Master. It's beautiful. I'll treasure it always."

That night, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan joined together, bodies and souls intertwining to create a new bond, forged in the strength and complexity of their unique love.