Souls of the Sea

by Ticklesivory

Title: Souls of the Sea
Author: Ticklesivory (
Archive: master_apprentice, and tickles-fic LJ
Category: AU, drama, romance, action/adventure
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, m/m sex, language
Summary: When Obi of the Van Mer is called upon to sacrifice himself for his kingdom will the price of his offering be too much to pay?
Thanks to Pronker for her ongoing motivational support and guidance.

Part I of Q/O Mermen series
Part II -- "Heavy Lies the Crown"

Chapter One

The Sea of Van Mer is peaceful, enchanting, and the only home he's ever known. Its blue-green currents shift lazily during the cycles of the kua, allowing the most delicate and colorful seaplants to grow along the broad expanse of the Riutta. Far above the colorful reef, the waves of Van Mer gently lap against ragged cliffs and banks of solid, black magma, created centuries ago when the planet's orbit shifted and everything lay wasted. The mountains crumbled, the ground trembled, and the human population was obliterated by either the scorching molten lava or the heat of the relocated sun.

Once the planet stabilized, the waters of the sea ran warmer and the Mer moved deeper in search of cooler temperatures. There, they discovered the magma-enriched soilbeds of the deepest part of the bay allowed them to cultivate crops they'd previously been unable to.

This was his duty. He was known as Obi of the Mer: Cultivator of crops. A farmer. Not exactly what he'd dreamed of as a podling, but it was a rewarding vocation. To be able to supply the Mer with nourishment gave Obi pleasure, nearly as much as swimming amongst the deep red swaying dulse leaves, harvesting the golden eucheuma, whose stalks gave off a sweet scent, which attracted the most colorful kala.

Obi found he was content with his life, though sometimes on cool evenings and only after the full kua appeared, he would venture alone to the surface and stare out across the waves toward the shoreline with its abandoned villages, whose low, broken shadows resembled the blue Bangini which occasionally breached and floated along the waves far out from his home. But Obi wouldn't stay up there for long. The hot air was difficult to breathe even at night and the drifting ash of the rumbling Tulovuori stung his gills.

Sometimes, he would swim out to the edge of his world, to the border of the Riutta and gaze out into the steep, dark waters wondering what lay beyond. Very few had ever left Van Mer and those who had did not return. Rumors were the only information to rely upon and Obi didn't consider the fantastic tales as fact. He had always wanted to find out for himself if the stories were true. If the Bangini there were as enormous as he'd heard. If there were Ryks with teeth sharp enough to tear off a Mer's tail with one bite. Obi had wanted to even venture far enough into the forbidden Suuri, where the unfriendly and vicious Veden lived - a clan of merfolk who ruled the Suuri and would rather filet a Mer with their Blades of Battle than speak to one of them.

But the Mer and Veden Wars had ended long ago, and the peace treaty between them would last for generations, that is, as long as certain stipulations were met.

Never had Obi believed that he, personally, would be one of those obligations.

It had been written that the Mer were prohibited passage into or through Suuri territory. They were forbidden to cohabitate or even communicate with a Veden. But once during every reign of each King of Veden, a Mer citizen was sent to Velika Talo, the grand palace, to become a part of the King's serai. The current King of Veden, Qui-Tan the Exalted One, preferred the intimate presence of mermen, and it was rumored that among his one-hundred mercubines, over seventy percent of them were male.

Word had reached Van Mer through a Veden messenger that King Qui-Tan had only recently decided to execute this particular sanction of the treaty, and Obi wondered why. The Veden ruler had to be nearing fifty years of age. Had he grown bored with the numerous mercubines already in his possession?

Why now? And why him?

"The gods of the Mer have blessed you," attendants whispered as they prepared him for his journey. Three female Mer had been assigned to clean his tail, removing any sign of crustacean or hint of algae. His skin was rubbed raw with a spiney kuoret, and then smoothed with a soft demosponge. He practically glowed.

"It is a privelege to have been chosen," another whispered, her bright green tail briskly stimulating his scales. "You are honored, Obi of Mer," the third one said as she placed a wreath of woven rose laminaria and tiny pink kotilo on his head.

If what they were saying was true, Obi wondered, why was he so nervous? In his head, he knew it was his duty to protect and serve Van Mer, but in his heart, he longed to stay home, to tend his crops, and sleep next to his lover -- the merman Obi had been with for nearly five years.

Xan did not agree with Obi's decision to leave, but what choice had he had? It had been the Mer Council's recommendation, and although an alternative could have been selected, King Qui-Tan's desire was clear, and Obi fit the description precisely: Male, compact, strong, not prone to verbosity or temper, light-colored scales, and eyes the shade of arame in third season.

Obi stared at his reflection in the tall glass kioret before him. His tail had never shimmered so much. Every trace of light cutting through the waters seemed drawn to his glowing skin and silver scales.

"Why do you have to be so damn beautiful?"

Obi thought he was alone. The attendants had left a few minutes ago and so he was surprised to hear a voice in his head, although he recognized its source. He spun slowly to gaze into eyes that revealed the opposite of his own brilliance.

Xan's usual light blue orbs were darkened with pain and it tore at Obi's heart.

"I'm sorry, Xan."

"You didn't have to accept. Why did you?" There was anger in his tone, but Obi understood. They had made plans, were going to be together for a lifetime, although no formal vows had ever taken place. Obi often wondered about that.

"You know why," Obi argued, distancing himself from the raw grief before him with a simple swish of his lateral fin. "The request was very specific. You wouldn't want another war to begin would you?"

"I don't give a damn about the Veden or the Mer!" Xan's eyes blazed now. No longer dark blue, they seemed to glow like the molten lava which spoiled the ground above them. "All I care about is you. Come away with me. Let's go to the Veri where you've always wished to go. Where the waters are cool and clear, and green fronds and seabirds fill the sky."

Obi glared at his lover. He had been trying to get Xan to leave Van Mer and go to the Veri two years ago. Xan had always laughed at his desires, calling them foolish dreams.

No. If this was his destiny, he would bravely accept it. No matter how badly it hurt Obi to see his lover in pain, Xan would just have to understand. Perhaps he would in time.

"I must do what the Council has ordered."

"Then you'll do it alone."

Now it was Obi's turn to be distressed. Even though Xan hadn't wanted Obi to leave, he had agreed to accompany him as far as the Riutta. But Obi had to make Xan see what he was doing was right, or at least prove his determination.

"Then so be it."

As Obi turned to join the Mer Defense Patrol elected to escort him to Suuri Veden, he knew the look of devastation on Xan's face would stay with him the rest of his life.

Chapter Two

The twenty-member armed convoy cleared the coral barrier beyond the Riutta without incident, but came to a halt upon sighting a shadowy mass moving toward them. Obi stretched his neck to see around the bodies of the security patrol which blocked his view.

Could it be one of the infamous Ryks he had heard so much about? Or perhaps it was one of the Suuri Bangini, whose blowhole was large enough to fit their entire convoy inside. Obi noticed the nervous attention of the guards, who readied their electrostaffs in preparation, and assumed one of his guesses was correct. Whatever was approaching was not something from the friendlier side of the reef.

Several tense moments passed and the patrol, though not relaxing their postures, did lower their weapons. What was approaching was not an aquatic predator, although just as dangerous.

As quickly as he could, Obi counted forty, no fifty armed and armored warriors advancing, and his heart tripled its rate. It was too late to turn back now. His life would never be the same.

The Veden force surrounded the Mer, making them seem small and insignificant by comparison. Each soldier representing the Great Suuri was taller and more broad than the next. Their Blades of Battle were solidly hammered and twice as long as Obi was from tip to tail. Their armor consisted of forged silver chest plates and helmets with filigree shields over their faces.

They were intimidating and powerfully built warriors, and Obi was in awe at the sight of them, wondering and worrying what he had gotten himself into. If the rumors about this King were true, that he possessed the strength of five of his best warriors, Qui-Tan must be massive.

A deep, bass voice issued out an order for all to hear, ordering the small Mer band to retreat back beyond the Riutta. The Veden guards would continue the journey with the mercubine alone.

Without further comment, Obi was abandoned to the fate of the strangers surrounding him, who silently motioned for him to continue on.

As the group moved ahead, Obi watched the strong muscular movements of the dark blue tails ahead of him, occasionally glancing to the faces on his left and right. However, the eyes of his protectors never wavered from their diligent watch. Devoted to their task, the warriors continuously surveyed the ocean depths, preparing for any sign of attack. If they failed in their duty, Obi had no doubt the King of Veden would ensure their punishment was severe. It was said he was a ruthless and unforgiving ruler.

The seabed below him had disappeared long ago, and Obi realized he had never been in this deep of waters. He was nervous, but not as nervous as he was when the closest soldier to him roughly pulled Obi aside while the rest of the company formed a narrow vee, with the strongest warriors at the point. Obi once more had to crane his neck to discover what the oncoming danger was and gasped when he spied the largest and fiercest-looking kala he had ever seen.

No, not a kala.

As the creature spun its enormous body and hungrily appraised its potential meal, it revealed three rows of what appeared to be very sharp teeth.

A Ryk! He had seen a Ryk! Xan would never believe this! Not that he'd ever get to tell him.

The danger quickly passed, however, as the beast obviously decided to move onto easier prey and swam away, it's dark gray body vanishing into the murky waters.

Unwavered, the group moved on, ascending to where the intense sunshine pierced through the ocean, dappling the shimmering kala which scurried out of their path.

It wasn't too long after, or perhaps several hours later when the water changed color again, turning a most brillaint shade of blue. The warriors dove deeply and Obi followed, only slightly weary from the journey. However, his weakness was soon replaced with a shot of adrenaline that surged through his veins at the sight of a massive palace emerging just below them.

He had never seen anything so majestic.

Formed halfway out of a stony outcropping jutting up from the ocean floor, was a structure carved from rock. At least the height of three Bangini, the building merged with several enormous kotilos of the auger variety, which formed most of the palace's outer structure. The pearly casing of the augers glimmered with their splendor, beckoning all eyes to gaze upon their beauty. Other kotilo of several types combined with the stone to create a simply magnificent work of architecture. Obi was stunned.

So, this was Veliko Talo, he thought. His new home.

"Come, Lutka."

The strange voice in his head bristled Obi's scales and set his heart once more into a rapid rhythm. What the Veden had just called him was fitting, but it still bothered him.

A whore. A King's whore, but nonetheless, a whore.

"Oh, Xan," Obi groaned inside. "I should've listened to you."

Obi was taken directly through an intricately carved gate created entirely from Junonia and led through a hallway covered in more of the pearlescent auger specimens. A courtyard lay directly beyond the hall and was exposed to the open ocean above. Around the perimeter of the yard were several cavern openings, guarded by individual warriors, though not quite as muscular as his armed escort, Obi noticed.

At the far end of the grand, circular court were several stone steps, and at the top, a curtain of lacy, white agarum, which parted to reveal none other than the King of Veden, Qui-Tan the Exalted One.

"All hail, King Qui-Tan," a voice issued out and all merfolk surrounding Obi, even those on the outskirts of the courtyard, beyond the doorways curled their tails inward and bowed their heads in reverence.

But not Obi.

A curious glance was cast his way as the King eased up from his opalescent throne, floating down to tower over the brave visitor who gaped up at the incarnation of Jumala himself. The merman was everything the rumors had said he was. Magnificent. Powerfully built, tall, and his hair! No Mer had hair like that. It was tradition to keep Mer hair shorn short, but King Qui-Tan's -- it had to reach down to his narrow waist in still waters, but the currents were presently moving through the open courtyard and stirred the dark and silvered mass upward, reminding Obi of the way the porphyra danced in his garden back home.

The face was a bit stern, framed by a trim beard and moustache, but the striking blue eyes were gentle, and Obi could not be drawn away from them, even when a voice -- a completely different voice than before, spoke out. "Lower your eyes, you worthless Mer."

"Do you speak?"

The next voice he heard matched the magnificence before him, Obi thought. A deep baritone, masculine, and very much in command. It also carried with it an accent similar to the warriors who spoke to him earlier, but much more cultured and royal, reminding Obi of the reason he was here.

"Y...yes," he stammered, blushing furiously.

"This is the Mer, whom I have requested?" King Qui-Tan asked one of the mermen in the room, a tall pale-skinned Veden with a bald and narrow head topped by whisp of white hair tied in a tail, who immediately rose and rushed to his side.

"Yes, your Majesty."

Obi continued to stare upward, lost in the depths of unbelievable blue, despite the pale Veden's warning glances.

The King, however, seemed unaffected by Obi's rude behavior, taking the time to appraise his gift. Obviously pleased, Qui-Tan smiled, the simple gesture causing Obi's heart to flutter.

"Take him to chamber three."

Immediately, the merman with the annoyed face ushered Obi through one of the courtyard doors, back along a shining hall and into an oval room filled with at least twenty other male mercubines who lounged on beds of kelp, lazily fed themselves from hinged kotilo, or slept.

He was deposited there with no word and no idea of what to expect next.

Chapter Three

"Try not to worry, Obi, I'm sure your time will come."

The encouragement came from a slender maid from the Etela Ocean, a much further distance from Suuri Veden than Obi had traveled. Her name was Ryba and she had a startling red and gold tail. Her yellow mane was long and flowing, decorated with flowering red Fucus. She was friendly and Obi liked her.

He tried to find comfort in her words, but was confused. It had been two kua cycles since his arrival at Velika Talo and the King had not called on him. Not once. In one way Obi was glad, in another, he was disappointed.

Did Qui-Tan disapprove of his looks? Maybe his disrespectful behavior had damaged the King's opinion of him. In either case, Obi couldn't help but feel neglected. By the King and everyone else as well. He knew the other mercubines were talking about him. Often, he picked up on whispered conversations. However, he refused to fall into a remorseful or vengeful attitude, and simply did his best to make friends with those in the palace. Most of the time, he succeeded, except when it came to one particular advisor -- the pale, bald-headed Veden he had met on his first day. He had a name, Obi found out. It was Ki-Adi. Obi also found out that every one in the Suuri had hyphenated names, and even some of the mercubines did as well, but only those in good favor with the King.

Obi was still known as Obi. Sometimes, he was still referred to as Obi of the Mer, and he wondered how long it would be until that changed. He was beginning to worry if it ever would, and Advisor Ki-Adi was one of the ones who never let him forget where he came from.

The pompous blowkala constantly reminded him of his idleness, his uselessness, and seemed to detest the fact that Obi was using up Veden oxygen.

Obi wasn't sure why, but the merman simply didn't like him. Maybe Ki-Adi was the reason King Qui-Tan hadn't called for him, but then Qui-Tan didn't seem to be the type of ruler who took much advice about anything. He seemed to be the type of ruler to make up his own mind and then stick to his decisions, no matter what the outcome.

Which made Obi wonder why. Why he was brought here in the first place, why Qui-Tan specifically demanded a certain look, eye color, tail color, and then avoid his presence once he had arrived.

The problem was perplexing and often sent Obi into the outer courtyard where he had volunteered to work in the palace kitchen garden. Although the crops were designated to feed the entire palace staff, Obi was surprised at how small a plot had been developed, and he quickly questioned the reason.

Obi had learned that the Veden were not algarian as all Mer were -- as he assumed all merfolk were, but that they were meat eaters; hunters of kala and other big game of the waters. It saddened and sickened him. He was an admirer of all life in the Van Mer and Suuri and could not understand the consumption of living, breathing animals, but he kept silent, not wanting to further damage his relationships with the Veden.

He toiled diligently in the garden, looking forward to once again being able to witness the fruits of his labors when a particularly sensitive and tasteful strain of Ulva would bloom and be harvested for the King to dine on. Perhaps, Obi thought, if he could tempt Qui-Tan through his stomach, he would be invited into his bed.

It was a ridiculous idea and made Obi laugh merrily.

"I'm glad to see you're so happy with your life," a familiar voice with a sarcastic tone rang out in his mind.

It took Obi a few seconds and more than one glance to realize that the blue-tailed siren before him was none other than Xan. Obi quickly grabbed his ex-lover and pulled him into a cavern alcove, out of sight from the kitchen staff.

"What are you doing here?"

"Trying to protect the Mer I love," Xan replied haughtily, anger clouding his features. "But I see I've wasted my time."

Obi grabbed Xan's arm when he tried to swim away, turning his torso round to face him. "Wait. First of all, I'm happy to see you, but it's dangerous for you to be here! If you're discovered, you know what will happen."

"Look Obi," Xan pleaded, releasing the hand which gripped his arm and wrapping his blue tail around Obi's silver one, "I just wanted to see how you were doing, to see if you were as miserable as I am. Obviously, I was wrong."

"Xan." Obi unwound his tail, knowing that if they were caught in such an intimate position, they both would be in serious trouble. "I'm adjusting to my new life. It's been difficult, but it's something I have to do. Please," he begged, torn between sympathy for Xan and being angry at him for putting them both in this position, "please go home. Just go."

"No, I won't. I didn't spend the last two cycles grinding enough fresh blue Fucus to dye my tail just to say a quick hello and then leave. I'm staying. Some day soon, you're going to need me, and I'll be here."

A clatter of utensils sounded through the nearby kitchen portal, and Obi frantically brushed Xan away. "Just leave. I don't want you here," he demanded, trying to intentionally hurt his lover in order to save his life.

Xan smiled sadly before spinning to swim away. "I'll never leave you."

Chapter Four

Obi didn't see Xan for several kua cycles, but that didn't keep him from worrying about him. The penalty for a Mer trespassing into Veden territory was severe. One single infraction could result in imprisonment, torture, or even death.

What Xan had done, even if he considered it for a good reason, was selfish and inconsiderate, and provided further evidence as to why Obi had been reluctant to make any personal committment to him. Even though Obi was aware of the Mer's faults, he loved Xan and did not wish him to come to harm. But there was more at stake here than Xan's safety. His presence endangered the very civilization of Van Mer. If Xan were discovered, it was within the King's rights to declare open war upon his home.

Obi couldn't allow that to happen. He had to find a way to convince Xan to leave.

"He volunteered for this job?"

"Yes, your Highness. Not too long after his arrival. He's a tenderhearted soul, I must say. Why, reminds me of my own merson who was eaten by a..."

Qui-Tan loved the old maid, Ko-Ata. She had been one of his mother's dearest friends, but sometimes she had the tendency to ramble when all he had asked was one simple question. Qui-Tan would've silenced any other servant, but Ko-Ata held a special place in his heart, much like the young Mer did, which was the reason he had been procrastinating the Medeni -- their first night together.

Qui-Tan wasn't necessarily interested in the merfolk of Van Mer. He didn't like them, as a matter of fact, but he could no longer ignore his duty as King, which was to abide by the stipulations outlined in the Veden-Mer Treaty. The Royal Council had been after him for years to get it over with, his friend Ki-Adi reminding him often that Qui-Tan was no longer a young Veden.

The trouble was, he wasn't attracted to the Mer. They were small in stature, pale in comparison with his own kind, and they thought too highly of themselves. It was the reason he had made such outrageous demands of the Mer; to provide him with a mercubine he honestly didn't believe existed.

But they had. Obi was by far the most enticing specimen he had ever seen. True, his skin was pale, but it seemed to glow like the full kua rising over the ocean, and his eyes...his eyes were the most gorgeous shade of gray and green --exactly what he had asked for; not to mention that they provoked the most delicious desires, something no other mercubine of his had done in years.

And now there he was, laboring in crops which were not his own, struggling to satisfy a King who, so far, had nothing to do with him. He'd had no choice, Qui-Tan reminded himself. Like all other Mer he had ever encountered, Obi was too proud -- standing fin to fin with the Exalted One of the Suuri and not even lowering his gaze. The young mercubine needed to be taught a lesson.

"He's a wee bit of a thing, but so sweet and gentle. You should see the way he cares for those plants, with the most tender hands," Ko-Ata continued once she realized she was not going to be rebuked for her loose thoughts.

Qui-Tan smiled down into her chubby, dimpled face. He could think of other things Obi should be touching with that those gentle fingers rather than plants.

Perhaps, he'd waited long enough.

"Don't say that. You are very handsome," Ryba consoled Obi as they gathered around their mid tide meal.

"Then why?" Obi detested the whining tone of his voice, but he had reached his limit. It had now been two and one-half cycles and still no word from the King.

"Electric Eels, Obi! He's the King of Suuri Veden! Don't you think he has responsibilities?" Ryba's golden eyes sparked with disbelief. "I think you need to be patient and stop worrying so much."

If Ryba only knew about his greatest worry, he wondered what she'd say. The two of them had grown close over the past several tides, but he wasn't sure they were close enough to ask the one question that burned in Obi's mind.

He lifted a strip of fresh, aromatic Kombu into his mouth, chewing it slowly while he gathered his courage. "Was his...," he stopped, deciding to rephrase his question. "Do you find that the King's, uhm, weapon to be, er, a bit overwhelming?"

Obi could tell Ryba was doing her best to stifle her laughter, and he blushed despite his efforts not to do so.

"Actually," Ryba replied and Obi was surprised to see her skin mottling a faint pink as well. "I've never been summoned."

"What?" He had always thought or always assumed Ryba was at the top of Qui-Tan's call list of mercubines, even though she hadn't yet been given a hyphenated name. She was a beautiful Etellian maid, perfect in every way. "How long have you been here?"

"A little over a rotation."

Obi failed in disguising his shock and subsequent apprehension, although Ryba dropped her gaze and absently twirled her boiled Eucheuma between her fingers. "There are over one-hundred mercubines here, Obi. Stop flattering yourself, thinking you would be immediately called. Some of us wait many rotations for the Medeni. You're not that special."

Before Obi could respond to the sharp comment, Ryba had shot up from the kuoret, her trim tail carrying her quickly away. Obi wanted to go after her, to apologize and better explain his concerns, but his path was immediately blocked by two large Veden guards; To-Lan and Bu-Tar. Their simple statement sent a caused Obi's stomach to quiver.

"Obi of Mer, you have been summoned."

Chapter Five

This time around, Obi's preparation was being performed by hands which were not so gentle. An older Veden male rubbed Obi's torso raw, while another applied a clear, jelly-like substance to his spiked hair. He hissed in pain as two ringlets of silver were pierced into his left upper and lower ear. Thin silver chains were wrapped around his upper arms, neck, and wrists. He blushed furiously when yet another Veden began to rub on the sensitive point of his fluke.

"Focus and cooperate, Mer," the old Veden applying the gritty exfoliating substance onto his stomach ordered, obviously disgusted with the task, which made Obi blush even further. He closed his eyes and tried to picture the last time he had lay with Xan, shivering when another webbed hand joined the first, sweeping up and down his tail, obviously trying to locate his dorsal flap.

"Unless he's erect, this isn't going to work," the maid attendant unnecessarily commented. Everyone knew all merfolk were similar in anatomy, the anal cavity only accessible during excretion or sexual stimulation, and Obi wasn't needing to move his bowels. However, he was feeling the need to dive into a sea serpent's hole and never come out.

"Allow me."

Obi's eyelids flew open at the sound of a familiar voice and his mouth gaped as he watched Xan ease forward. Was he insane?

"I've studied the Mer," Xan explained to the curious onlookers present in the chamber who backed away despite their reservations, "they have peculiar tastes."

Xan didn't waste any time in sealing Obi's mouth in a blistering kiss, his tongue immediately delving deep into its recesses, while his disguised tail wrapped around Obi's, the broad fluke caressing and stimulating him. Xan knew every one of Obi's erotic zones, and he was taking advantage of that knowledge, causing Obi's penis to fill rapidly.

With their bodies pressed tightly together, there was no way Xan hadn't noticed the effects of his seduction. When Xan pulled his head back and smirked, Obi was sure of it.

"Can we take this somewhere more private?"

Obi was surprised with the audacity of Xan's request, but was shocked when the Veden attendants approved, handing Xan a smooth, egg-shaped stone about the size of his fist.

"This must be inserted fully."

"No problem," Xan insisted, pulling Obi into a specified alcove concealed behind a curtain of teal algarum. The two Mer were immediately back in each other's arms, Xan's tail once more wrapping itself around Obi's, stroking the fluke and fin.

"You feel so good," Obi moaned as Xan's lips moved down his neck. "How did you know?"

"That you'd been summoned? I told you: I'm not leaving you. I've been watching your every move."

Obi sighed as Xan's long fingers dipped beneath his unresisting dorsal flap and teased his opening. Xan was a skilled lover, but his presence in the palace was extremely dangerous.

"Did the King give you these?" Xan asked, nipping lightly upon the jewelry recently placed in Obi's ear and about his neck. "And what about this?" His mouth moved to the aquamarine pendant hanging from the silver chain on Obi's chest, sliding over to bite a nipple. Obi squirmed in approval and groaned aloud when Xan began rubbing the smooth stone around his dorsal opening. "You'll like this." Xan continued murmuring, bucking his own impressive erection into Obi's tailfront while slowly gliding the stone inside. "Just imagine it's that big bastard, Qui-Tan, doing this to you. It's his huge cock inside you, filling you up. That's what you want, isn't it?"

"No." Not exactly. It was just the way things were, Obi declared silently. He was doing his duty and protecting Van Mer!

Obi didn't like repeating himself and he didn't care for the caustic tone in Xan's voice either. He didn't want this kind of history between them. Xan was forcing himself on him, and he didn't like it.

"Stop, Xan." Obi insisted, repeating the request when Xan ignored him and adding a forceful shove this time, but Xan's bigger body pressed Obi against the back of the alcove, subsequently shoving the stone fully inside him. Obi grunted in painful discomfort and used his tail to aid his escape, pushing against the wall with all his might. Xan slammed against the opposite side of the alcove, hesitated, his face twisted in confusion and grief. Obi prepared for another attack, but then Xan crumpled upon the ocean floor, sobs wracking his body.

Obi knelt and pulled his ex-lover onto his lap, rocking gently back and forth. "I'm sorry this had to happen, but please understand. I was never meant to remain Mer. Xan, if you love me at all, please let me go and leave. Find someone else and live your life."

When Xan pulled his head up, his dark hair drifted forward into his eyes. Obi smiled in fond remembrance of how often he had begged Xan to cut his hair in the style of Mer, but Xan had always been a little rebellious. In the beginning of their relationship, that trait had been one of his more attractive features. Later, it had become an annoyance. Obi reached forward to tuck the strands behind one ear.

"All right, Obi. If this is what you really want, I won't stand in your way," Xan agreed quietly.


The two friends embraced and the huge burden Obi hadn't realized he'd been carrying was lifted from his shoulders. Now, he could enter the courts of Qui-Tan with no regrets. He kissed Xan soundly one last time and helped him rise before sending him on his way.

Chapter Six

"You will wait here, Mer," the Veden servant who had sanded Obi's skin disdainfully commanded after depositing Obi into what he assumed was the King's personal chamber, although Qui-Tan was nowhere to be seen.

Obi was left alone for the time-being and he floated about the spacious cavern, hoping to get some sense of who this Veden ruler was. There was an expansive weapons collection on one side of the room, displaying exotic spears which represented several different ocean worlds -- probably taken in battle, Obi figured. In the center of the room was a large kuoret, pale blue and lined with layers of smooth, white porphyra. Qui-Tan was a big merman, but it was the largest docinia Obi had ever seen. He figured at least five Mer could sleep in such a large space.

His snooping took Obi to the opposite side of the cavern where another collection was displayed. He had expected to see the weapons, but was surprised to be gazing upon a variety of seaplant forms -- some he did not recognize. The ones he did know were located within the Suuri, but not in the range of colors he saw. One organism in particular caught his eye and Obi tenderly splayed his fingers through the fronds. It was red Chondrus, which he thought only grew on the itaan side of the Riutta. Its leaves were a nutritious diet supplement, but it was best known for something else -- something, which Obi realized he was going to need very soon. The thought warmed his belly and reminded Obi of the stone which lay deeply inside him.

"It's Chondrus."

Obi was startled by the rich voice which drew his attention to the cavern entrance. He didn't hesitate in bowing low and averting his eyes when he realized King Qui-Tan had entered the chamber.

The gentle brush of moving water swept across Obi's skin and soon a hand tilted up his chin. Obi looked up and up into eyes of the deepest blue, his courage challenged under such intensity.

"You don't have to lower your gaze here. I want to see your eyes."

Obi did as he was told, even when Qui-Tan descended his mouth upon him. Obi was too nervous to respond, simply allowing the kiss to occur, lost in the nearness of Qui-Tan and in the depths of the wide open blue orbs hovering right above him.

Qui-Tan smiled when he backed away and continued his discussion as if the kiss had never occurred. "Over the years, I've made it a habit to gather specimens in my travels. Others I've accumulated in trade. The red Chondrus is from Van Mer. You can't find Chondrus crispus anywhere else."

"It's a lovely specimen," Obi remarked, once more allowing the nearly transparent fronds to drift across his fingertips. When he turned his attention back to the King, he couldn't help but blush under the Veden's fervid scrutiny. What had he done to offend him now?

"Do you miss your home?"

Surprised by the personal question, Obi stammered out a reply. "Y..yes. I mean, no. Kind of."

Qui-Tan obviously didn't seem to mind Obi's lack of oratory skills, or else he wouldn't be smiling so much, would he?

"I miss my friends," Obi continued, nervously watching the King's approach until he disappeared around the back side of him. Suddenly, Obi felt like one of Qui-Tan's collections, a rare item being appraised for its value. "And my family. I also miss working in my garden, but the one you have here is more than adequate."

"I've been informed about your habit of visiting and tending the palace gardens. Why do you chose to do so?"

"Because..." Obi twirled to face the King who had relaxed upon the grand kuoret, leaning back on his bent arms, his massive blue tail hanging over the edge, "because of something my mother once told me."

"What's that?"

Sensible words were escaping Obi. He could no longer think clearly with the sight of Qui-Tan sprawled out before him in such an inticing manner. Once more, the stone within him seemed to vibrate and Obi swallowed hard, focusing his thoughts away from his lower body. "Idle fins are an iblis' playground."

"She sounds like an interesting maid. I'd like to meet her."

Once again, Obi was stupefied. His Medeni was nothing like he thought it was going to be. He had never expected a discussion, or any talking at all for that matter. He was pleased about it, but Qui-Tan's innocent statement saddened his features. "I'd like that too, but she died when I was a podling."

"Come here."

Obi's gills widened with a deep intake of oxygen in an effort to settle his nerves. This was it. What he'd been waiting for.

He approached Qui-Tan, intending to slide upward along the lengthy body, but was instead pulled forward by his arms and allowed to drift down next to the King's side. A big, powerful hand was splayed across Obi's chest, massaging the muscles there and then brushed across his nipples. As a whole, merfolk were tactile beings, learning through the sense of touch, but it seemed as if Qui-Tan was committing every aspect of Obi's body to memory through his hand.

Firm strokes were applied to his arms, fingertips brushed through his hair and gently across his face and neck, and then once again massaged their way down his tail. When the King's attention reached Obi's fluke, his entire body shuddered. Qui-Tan repeated the caress where the bisected fins met and once again a shudder passed through Obi.

"You like that," Qui-Tan said as if making a mental note before continuing his exploration. "Turn over."

Obi obeyed and felt his heart race. He stilled his body and relaxed his muscles, preparing for the entrance of Qui-Tan's cock, but it didn't happen. Instead, both of the King's hands were placed on his shoulders and began to knead taut muscles. Obi sank into the porphyra, groaning in appreciation. By the time Qui-Tan had finished massaging his lower back, Obi was as flexible as a spineless gelkala -- up until the point when Qui-Tan's touch moved to his dorsal entrance. Obi tensed when he felt large digits probe the area, but was relieved when the weight of the preparation stone disappeared, as did Qui-Tan's fingers.

Obi found himself being rolled back over where he was delighted to spend what seemed like an entire tide kissing the King of Suuri Veden. He lost complete track of time inside that glorious mouth and was pleasantly surprised to find the beard and moustache were soft and rather ticklish. Qui-Tan was playful as well as sensual, nipping and licking Obi's lips in between deep and arousing probes.

By the time the King was finished with his thorough explorations, Obi was aware his penis was pressing firmly up against his anterior flap, but Qui-Tan ignored the obvious bulge on his tailfront, pulling Obi snugly to him.

"Stay with me until the sun breaks through the waters."

Obi released a long sigh, glanced up through the portal in the ceiling and silently prayed to Jumala that the night would never end.

Chapter Seven

"You requested my presence, your Majesty?"

"Yes, please relax, Ki-Adi."

Counselor Ki-Adi was one of Qui-Tan's oldest friends. Qui-Tan often confided in him concerning issues regarding the Suuri and invariably took his advice into consideration. They didn't always agree on philosophies and strategies of politics and war, but Ki-Adi was intelligent and honest and Qui-Tan valued his opinion.

However, this early tide, Qui-Tan had not summoned Ki-Adi to his main audience chamber for a debate on legal matters, but on a subject of a much more personal nature.

The King leaned forward upon his designated seat, doing his best to maintain a serene composure, though inside he felt like a podling on his first outing of Koulu.

"You have something to talk about?" Ki-Adi prompted following the extended silence.

"I wish to speak about Obi."

"The Mer? Is there a problem? Just say the word, your Highness, and he shall be dealt with. I knew it was only a matter of time before he..."

"Hold your tongue," Qui-Tan forcefully demanded. "There's not a problem. Not exactly, unless you believe constant distraction a problem. Ki, he is undoubtedly the most attractive Mer I've ever seen, perhaps the most beautiful merman in the Suuri."

Ki-Adi shifted uncomfortably on his sieni, but did not speak, adding 'wise' to Qui-Tan's descriptive list of the friend.

"I find myself wanting to dismiss all my other mercubines in favor of his presence alone."


The single word was spoken in total bewilderment and Qui-Tan smiled. If there was one other Veden who disliked the Mer more than him, it was Ki-Adi.

"It's difficult to explain." Qui-Tan leaned forward, resting his hands in his lap, lost in the pleasant memories of his night with Obi. "He may be small, but he's not weak as I expected. His tendency to constantly find work to do has hardened his muscles, which I find far more appealing than the softened and flabby skin of the majority of my serai. And his voice. It ebbs and flows, and is as melodic as the seabirds which once inhabited the shores above.

But it's those eyes. I could stare into them for an eternity. They are indescribable, really. Sometimes they're green, and other times, especially when he's aroused, they turn a completely different shade -- closer to gray. I've never witnessed anything like them, and I'll admit I would prefer not to." Qui-Tan scrubbed his hands and then began to flick the webs between his fingers, a nervous habit he knew annoyed Ki-Adi. "I'm lost, aren't I?"

It was quite a while before Ki-Adi responded, as he seemed to be struggling for the most diplomatic reply. Qui-Tan waited patiently, aware that his confession was a lot to take in all at once.

"As your Top Advisor, my King, it is my duty to inform you when I feel you have fallen short of your otherwise impeccable reputation. In light of that, let me say I believe it is necessary to warn you of the possibility of you showing favoritism. Doing so would no doubt result in dissension and jealousy amongst the mercubines, as well as controversy within the Royal Council. I would not want you to suffer any sort of disapproval over a temporary albeit strong infatuation with a Mer."

"I see," Qui-Tan said, mulling over Ki-Adi's words, which rang true in his mind, except for one problem: The very idea of summoning another mercubine into his bed other than Obi was incomprehensible at this point. Perhaps with time, he would grow tired and bored with his newest servant as he had the others, and the act wouldn't seem so vile. But right now, summoning someone other than the glowing, green-eyed siren was the furthest thing from his mind. "I'll take your thoughts into consideration." Qui-Tan responded habitually, an unspoken understanding that Ki-Adi's presence was no longer required.

Once alone, the King's thoughts immediately returned to glimmering skin, a quivering tail of silver, eyes that transformed to the color of a stormy sea, and he wondered how many tides should pass before it was considered acceptable to call for the young Mer again.

Chapter Eight

Obi was enjoying some recreation with several other mercubines, playing a game of hoops and stones when he was approached by a Veden guard.

"Obi of Mer, you have been summoned."

Surprise marked Obi's features, as well as the mercubines surrounding him. Only one tide had occurred since he'd enjoyed the King's company. A successive summoning was unheard of, especially with a serai as large as Qui-Tan's.

Obi reported to the preparation chamber, but was summarily dismissed, having been told the King desired him to present himself in his 'natural state.' Obi cringed at the thought. He'd been vigorously exercising for half the mid tide, but if that's what Qui-Tan wished, it was what he would do.

Obi peered past the privacy algarum of the Royal chamber, unsure of how to proceed without an escort, but was pleased to hear the King's rich and resonating voice.


The King was wearing several pieces of silver jewelry, much more substantial than what Obi had been decorated with. On his shoulder was a plate of hammered silver armor, and on top of his head was the elaborate Suuri Veden crown. Qui-Tan was sitting at a rectangular kuoret, staring at a lengthy scroll, which he immediately rolled up and put away when Obi entered the cavern.

"I have something for you."

Obi was humbled by the King's majestic appearance and fought against the desire to divert his eyes. He did, however, bow deeply, although maintaining visual contact with Qui-Tan the entire time.

The King approached, presenting Obi with a bracelet made from silver and aqua gems, woven between pearlescent rods of Murex. It was a breathtaking piece of art.

"I don't know what to say," Obi declared as Qui-Tan placed the gift around his left wrist.

"Perhaps a word of appreciation?" the King suggested with a smile.

"Thank you. It's lovely."

"It pales in comparison to you, but I thought you might like it. I acquired it in the Utara," Qui-Tan explained, removing his armored shoulder-plate and crown, placing them upon the kuoret behind him. "It was one of the gifts from the Utarian Prince -- a bribe to convince me not to conquer his kingdom." The King's smile turned surprisingly whimsical as he spoke, and Obi realized with delight that Qui-Tan had a sense of humor, despite the rumors of his severity.

"Where else have you been? Or should I ask, where have you not been?"

"Perhaps that would be a less time-consuming question," Qui-Tan joked, pulling Obi by his hand until he lay back on the bed.

Obi tried his best to concentrate on the King's story, but it was difficult when Qui-Tan's hand kept smoothing over his skin, stopping just short of his anterior flap.

"I accompanied my father, Try-Tan, on his journeys as a podling. It's his kingdom which I inherited, twice as large as his father's before him. Try-Tan aspired to conquer the entire ocean, but stopped short of the Utara and Etela domains. It fell on me to become the envoy to both kingdoms, and I daresay that I've enjoyed the experience. I like the travel and discovering the exotic seaplants and creatures I always find. I would daresay about the only place I haven't visited is the far Veri. Perhaps one day I will."

Obi's attention heightened dramatically at the mention of the Veri Ocean. It was the one place he had always wanted to take Xan. There, the waters were cooler and clearer, and it was said the sun was less bright, the land full of grasses and trees. He had never seen a tree before, but they sounded amazing -- nearly as much as the beautiful merman leaning over him.

"I would like to accompany you," Obi boldly declared, subsequently afraid of what Qui-Tan might think, but the King drew him closer, tenderly brushing his fingers through his hair.

"I would like that as well."

The hand moved to the back of Obi's neck drawing his mouth upward to meet Qui-Tan's. The King's kisses were as delectable as the most delicious and freshest Aramu and Obi savored them. However, he knew that Qui-Tan would not be satisified with mere kissing for long. Obi could tell by the firm length pressing up against the side of his tail. He too was aroused to the point of discomfort, needing to release his erection and soon.

As if Qui-Tan had read his mind and discovered Obi's need, the King's fingers pushed aside the scale which protected his genitalia and his penis protruded from his tailfront, thick and hard.

A gentle grip moved up and down Obi's erection as Qui-Tan's tongue mimicked the movement inside his mouth. Obi groaned, the sound muffled by Qui-Tan's kisses, which were disappointingly cut short. Obi had discovered a new sense of arousal with Qui-Tan's hand upon him as well as his lips and tongue, but it was nothing compared to the ecstatic joy he felt when the King swept down Obi's tail and drew the erection into his mouth.

Never in his life had Obi felt anything so gloriously wicked. Xan had never performed this act, calling it a Veden immorality, but nothing that felt this good could be wrong. Qui-Tan's tongue was exquisitely warm, caressing him with steady strokes, and when the King applied a small amount of suction, moving from the base to the tip, Obi's tail flexed violently and he spurted his release into Qui-Tan's mouth. Obi was shocked when the King had not retreated, but drank of his fluids almost greedily, continuing to lick him to make sure he was clean of all the sticky remnants.

When Obi regained the strength to open his eyes, he found the smiling face of Qui-Tan right above him and surged upward to taste himself on Qui-Tan's tongue, while his tail was rolled and secured by the King's. Large, blunt fingers soon began to probe his dorsal opening and Obi blushed apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I'm not prepared."

"No need. I'll take care of it."

Qui-Tan reached back to the side kuoret and snapped off a piece of the red Chondrus seaplant. Obi was familiar with the specimen and watched as the stem oozed out a thick gel into the King's hand. Once the Chondrus leaf was discarded, Qui-Tan once again intimately applied his fingers to Obi's dorsal flap, pushing the protective scale to the side. A single digit, slick with the Chondrus gel was inserted and pushed gently up into him. Obi squirmed in Qui-Tan's embrace, latching his teeth onto the King's nipple.

When two fingers entered him, the pressure wasn't anything Obi was not accustomed to. Xan had been a little over two fingerbreadths in width, but Obi knew Qui-Tan was larger, so he breathed deeply, relaxing his inner muscles when the King added a third.

Qui-Tan took his time moving the three digits in and out of Obi's passage while Obi kept his attention on the muscular chest within his tongue's reach. Soon, all discomfort passed and Obi flexed his tail backward in search of more stimulation.

Much to his surprise, a fourth finger was added. Obi couldn't help but tense up, squeezing his dorsal muscles tightly against the intrusion.


"I'm trying to, but don't you think that's enough?" Obi laughed to hide his growing nervousness.

"See for yourself."

Obi drew his hand away from Qui-Tan's broad back and reached between their tails to encounter the King's protruding scales and immediately felt guilty. He'd been acting selfish, much like Xan often did, only interested in his own pleasure, but he was determined to make up for it.

He pushed his fingers inside Qui-Tan's protection and probed, easily finding an engorged cock. Obi began to withdraw the King's erection, his half-lidded eyes widening as his progress seemed to be regressing. Qui-Tan's cock was as wide as his lower arm and nearly as long.

"Sweet mother of Boginni!" Obi exclaimed, regretting his exclamation of shock upon seeing worry crease the King's brow.

"Do you wish to try something else?"

As if he had a choice. This was the King of Suuri Veden! He took what he wanted. Didn't he? Obi had always thought so, but a quick study of Qui-Tan's face revealed honest concern. It touched Obi and he took the King's face in his hands, lavishing it with kisses.

"No. Please continue. I want to feel you inside me. All of you."

A sweet smile of relief turned up the corners of Qui-Tan's mouth and he continued his intimate massage. Just when Obi thought his tail would split, Qui-Tan added his fifth digit and slowly worked his entire fist in and out. Obi's flesh flushed hot and he lay quite still absorbing the feeling of extreme fullness, but amazingly discovered it wasn't enough. He wanted to join with this merman in the most intimate way possible.

"Now. Do it now," he urged, twisting his body in Qui-Tan's arms.

With one powerful arm wrapped around Obi's waist, the King maneuvered his enormous erection inside the stretched entrance. Even though Obi had taken in Qui-Tan's fist, the cock moving in him was still encountering difficulty, and he hissed between clenched teeth, stilling the King's movements with his hand. Once his muscles had adjusted, Obi prompted Qui-Tan to move again, and the large cock pushed forward in small increments.

It still wasn't enough to satisfy him.

Grabbing onto the side of the dosinia for leverage, Obi plunged his tail backward, shouting out when Qui-Tan filled him completely.

"Are you all right?"

It took some time for speech to return, but yes he was all right. In fact, he'd never been better.

"I'm fine. Fine."

Obi's weak assurance had apparently been enough, because Qui-Tan began to move again, although at a more cautious pace. Each thrust of the large organ hit Obi in the right spot, prompting his own cock to rapidly return to its previous hardened state. Qui-Tan's hand gripping him quickly brought Obi to full erection.

Once again, Obi pushed back and the King finally gave in, using his powerful muscular tail to thrust deeply on each stroke, driving the oxygen from Obi's lungs.

Qu-Tan's rhythm faltered and Obi was aware he was close to climax, so he curled his tail forward to allow an even deeper entry and reached back with both hands, grabbing hold of Qui-Tan's lateral fins. Two more powerful thrusts and the King ceased his frantic movements, shuddering against Obi's back before collapsing with him into the porphyra below.

Chapter Nine

His seat had been taken. Not that important really, but ever since his arrival to Veliko Talo, during meals, Obi had dined in the same place. Now, sitting next to his only friend, Ryba, were a trio of mercubines he had to admit he didn't know very well. Obi brushed off the incident as a coincidence in his mind and approached the circular kuoret anyway.

"Pleasant tide," he announced in a friendly manner, but was surprised to receive no reply whatsoever. Not even so much as a glance. The quartet of mercubines continued their meal and talked to one another as if Obi wasn't even there.

Maybe he should try again.

"The eucheuma looks a little dry," he said, commenting on what he knew was Ryba's favorite dish. Obi maintained his proximity to the kuoret, finally garnering a response after several moments.

Ryba looked up at him, her eyes as cold as the deepest dark waters. "Then maybe you should go home. I'm sure it's prepared perfectly there."

The others lounging with Ryba snickered loudly and it took him a while, but Obi finally understood. He flicked his fins and carried himself to the farthest kuoret where he ate his meal in silence.

Later, Obi was perched upon the wall dividing the inner and outer courtyards and watched as two teams of young mercubines play a game of hoops and stones. Up until this time, he had been on team alpha, and was their highest scorer, but the game had begun without him and no invitation to join had been offered.

It was obvious what was occurring. He was being shunned. Alienated for the very purpose he was here. Obi realized it was unheard of to be summoned by the King two tides in a row, but he had assumed Qui-Tan was simply getting to know him better, although Ryba had yet to be invited into the Royal Cavern.

Then, there was the bracelet. The King's gift to him on their second meeting. Obi stared at the beautiful piece prominently displayed upon his wrist. Perhaps he shouldn't have worn it out amongst the others, or perhaps he shouldn't have accepted it at all.

No, Obi decided quickly, he hadn't had a choice. A lowly mercubine simply didn't refuse to accept a token from the Exalted One. And besides, Obi was proud to wear it. It was a beautiful piece of artwork and Qui-Tan had bestowed it upon him. Him! A farmer from Van Mer. Unbelievable.

He realized, however, along with the pleasure of being in the King's favor came a price -- a difficult fee of seclusion and silence. Here in the grand palace, Veliko Talo, where hundreds of merfolk lived and worked, Obi had never felt more alone.

Finally tiring of observing the game occurring below him, Obi dove from the wall and circled behind the courtyard to enter into the palace. He wandered for a while until he found himself floating in the Hall of Records.

Reading was a solitary sport and something he had enjoyed when he was younger. It appeared as if he had the time to pursue the hobby once again.

After perusing through several scrolls of fantastic tales of sea monsters and valiant Veden warriors, Obi chose a heavy volume of Veden History, piled far in the back of the room where no other merfolk were. He found a comfortable demosponge and began reading.

Time passed quickly and before Obi realized it, the rays of sun coming through the ceiling portal had passed by and the glowlights in the Hall were on. He stretched out his tail and arms, replaced the scrolls, and turned to leave, only to bump right into a broad chest plated with silver armor.

"Obi of Mer, you have been summoned."

Obi comfortably passed through the Royal Court, beyond the alcove concealing the King's throne and directly into Qui-Tan's chamber. He only hesitated a small fraction of time before splitting the curtain and entering the room.

Before he could perform his customary bow, however, he was swept into muscular arms and spun upward through the top portal. Qui-Tan's mouth immediately sealed his while the King's powerful tail continued to propel them to the surface at an amazing speed.

They broke through the waves and Obi gasped as the heat of the night air shocked his system. Qui-Tan merely smiled, still holding onto Obi tightly.

"I want to show you something."

There, a short distance away from where they surfaced was an island. It was small and barren, like most Obi had seen before, but upon closer inspection, creeping up from its lifeless surface was a stick. On top of the stick were two small green leaves. Obi propelled himself out of the water to get a closer look, and indeed, before his very eyes was the rarest of organisms: A tree.

He smiled at Qui-Tan, who had joined him on the shore, his muscular arms easily carrying him up the sandy beach.

"I don't believe it," Obi proclaimed with delight, too afraid to touch the plant in case he may damage it.

"You doubt your own senses?" Qui-Tan asked aloud, shocking Obi with the sound of his outward vocalization. Not quite as deep as underwater, the tone of his voice was still imposing.

Obi decided to try his own and opened his mouth to speak. "Do you realize how long it's been since the ground has supported this type of life?"

The King smiled broadly, scooping Obi into his arms, dragging his body across the gritty sand, once again shocking his nerve endings in a most pleasant way. "At least two centuries."

"Amazing," Obi declared.

"Yes, you are."

Qui-Tan's reply brought a pink flush to Obi's skin, or maybe it was the heat of the sky. In either case, Obi began to wonder when he would ever quit blushing in the King's presence. Certainly, not this night.

"I want to make love to you on this beach."

The very idea sent a shiver through Obi's tail and it quivered involuntarily. "All right," he agreed wholeheartedly.

"First, let's cool off."

Together, they plunged back into the ocean, the soothing water washing away the coarse sand embedded in Obi's skin. Not that he minded. In fact, the thought of Qui-Tan thrusting into his body while pressing him deeper into the ground was an overwhelmingly erotic thought, and it was Obi who prompted Qui-Tan back to the shore.

However, upon reaching the banks of the island, it wasn't Obi's whose front was pressed against the sand, it was Qui-Tan's.

The sensation of that big drying body beneath him was astounding, and Obi found himself thoughtlessly undulating his tail while sliding his bare chest up and down Qui-Tan's back.

"I want you to fuck me," the heavy voice beneath Obi sounded, stilling his movements completely. Indeed, it was a night for surprises.

"Are you sure?" Obi couldn't help but ask.

"You're questioning me?"

"Of course not," Obi stammered back, berating himself for having forgotten his place. "Anything you wish, your Majesty."

The prospect of Qui-Tan's body completely under his control was a heady feeling and Obi didn't waste any time taking advantage of it.

He returned the King's earlier favor of massaging the strong back, after moving the heavy mane of hair, finding the dry skin not nearly as smooth, but in another way, utterly delightful. Obi followed his working hands with kisses, trailing his lips and tongue down Qui-Tan's spine, stopping to apply deeper strokes to his lower back. The big body beneath him relaxed with arms spread wide.

"That feels good," Qui-Tan murmured, his head turned in profile.

"Just wait," Obi replied wickedly, his seduction now planned out in detail.

His ministrations continued onto the King's tail, reaching the fluke which lay in the water. Obi took the tip of it inside his mouth and bit gently, sliding his teeth up the inside of the split fin. Qui-Tan groaned in response. He then applied his tongue to the sensitive point, biting there as well, and the big tail just about flipped him backward into the water.

Sliding upward along Qui-Tan's gorgeous blue-green scales, Obi discovered the dorsal flap already bulging, shoved aside the protective scale and applied his tongue there as well.

What sounded like a Bangini's cry escaped the King. It was a long, low-pitched wail of arousal, which motivated Obi to continue. He probed Qui-Tan's entry deeply with his tongue, then circled the ring of muscle, applying kisses and nips to the edge before settling into a thrusting rhythm. With each stroke, Qui-Tan's tail came further up from the sand, arching into Obi's mouth. This allowed the mercubine the ability to reach around and release Qui-Tan's turgid erection, which he massaged with his hand while he continued the assault with his tongue.

By the time Qui-Tan's cock had reached full capacity, he was begging Obi to enter him, but the merman hesitated.

"We don't have any Chondrus," Obi said, though soon he found his hand filled with the dark green algae which covered the shores of the island.

Silently, Obi applied the slick plant form to his penis and pushed forward into the King's waiting body. Obi may be small in stature, but his erection was not. Xan had always told him so, and from what he had seen amongst the other mercubines, Obi believed it to be true.

Qui-Tan also seemed to be in agreement, judging by the succession of grunts escaping him as Obi plunged into the broad tail over and over again. He stretched his upper body out on top of Qui-Tan's back and reached round again to grasp onto the amazingly long organ, to find the King's own hand gripping himself. Obi added his own, and together they stimulated Qui-Tan to completion, while Obi continued to buck his lower body. One, two, three more thrusts, and his erection spasmed, emptying himself physically and mentally inside the King of Veden.

Chapter Ten

The Hall of Records was once again mostly deserted. It seemed the Veden had better things to do than read. Obi comfortably lounged on a demosponge on the far side of the cavern, his lap adorned with scrolls. Obi was fascinated with the discoveries he was making about Veden history and was so focused on his readings, he didn't realize a small group of mercubines was approaching. That is, until one of them giggled, drawing Obi's attention up. Ryba was among them, and Obi caught her eye. However, instead of politely speaking to him, the group circled and hurried away.

Obi had had enough. He shot up and followed her, catching up with Ryba in the inner courtyard.

"Why are you treating me like this? I haven't done anything to you," Obi blurted out once he had swam in front of the group.

Ryba stared at him as if he'd grown meritursa legs. "Are all Mer as ignorant as you?"

That was uncalled for, Obi thought, but he held his words. He couldn't believe he'd befriended her!

The blond mercubine eased her way closer, but Obi kept his waters, exchanging her glare.

"You're still new here, so I'll give you a break. You don't realize what you're doing -- that you're damaging the future of Veden."

"I don't see how," Obi interrupted.

"Can you conceive? Can you bear the King's podling? No! As long as you are with him, every time you're with him, you are ruining the chance that one of my sons may grow up to be King of Veden! Why would you do that?"

"What sons?" Obi scoffed. "You haven't even conceived."

"And I won't as long as you're the only one fucking him! Why is that?" Ryba screamed in his mind.

Obi began to explain, to tell Ryba that there was a good chance he was in love with Qui-Tan, but he didn't think Ryba would appreciate or understand such a reply. Besides, she didn't give him the opportunity to speak anyway.

"I'll tell you why! Because you're a selfish, arrogant Mer who thinks of nobody but himself!"

Obi flinched as Ryba's finger jabbed into his chest with her final words. He gingerly rubbed the sore spot after she swam away and then turned himself to swim back into the Hall to tidy up the mess he'd left before slowly making his way to the Palace gardens.

Usually, the time he spent tending the King's plants was calming, but Obi couldn't relax with Ryba's accusations repeating themselves in his mind. When had he begun believing he had the exclusive right to Qui-Tan's affection? And now that he apparently had it, how could he give it up? Was it fair?

Perhaps a better question would be if it was realistic. How long would it be before Qui-Tan tired of him and began to summon other mercubines? And what would he do then?

Obi savagely tossed aside an unwanted urapu, which had dug its way into the garden, watching the hard-cased creature bounce against a rock on the ocean floor. He immediately hung his head in shame, apologizing to the gods for taking out his frustrations on a living creature.But he couldn't come to terms with the fact that some tide, and probably soon, another mercubine would take his place, and that he would be like the others who lounged about the Palace, living out their lives with very little to do.

He would go crazy, if that happened. Twice. The first time upon discovering Qui-Tan had a new favorite, and once again from idleness.

What was he going to do?

Qui-Tan looked around his chamber one more time, wanting everything to be just right. It was going to be a special late tide, and he had it all planned perfectly -- and his plans had very little to do with his bed. The idea that sex was just a side issue surprised him. Since when did the King of Veden desire the simple company of one of his mercubines?

Qui-Tan knew the answer: Since that silver-tailed vision came into his palace and swam right in his heart.

This was dangerous. He understood that. Obi was a sweet distraction and he thought of nothing else lately. Not politics or governing, not his subjects or the Council. All he thought about was making those gray-green eyes sparkle and seeing that dimple appear when Obi smiled. It was what he lived for.

And why not? It was an era of peace for Suuri Veden, and had been for the past twenty rotations. Qui-Tan had seen his share of war, and now it was time to enjoy his life.

His mind made up, the King exited the Royal Cavern and looked for one of his servants to summon Obi. However, instead of a guard being assigned the watch over the Main Chamber, he found Ki-Adi instead.

"Going out, or calling in?" his friend asked, folding his arms together, a sure sign that something was bothering the Council member.

"Calling in."

"May I ask for whom?"

Qui-Tan swelled out his chest and narrowed his gaze, although Ki-Adi didn't seem intimidated in the least. "No, you may not."

"Your Majesty, I have tried to warn you in the past, and I feel it necessary to do so again. If it is the Mer you are summoning, I must advise that you take a different course of action. There is argument amongst the Council members and jealous chatter between the mercubines. You are unknowingly endangering the Mer and your own Kingdom."

Qui-Tan's hands gripped his waist above his lateral fins. "Don't be ridiculous."

"If you do not secure an heir, soon it will be too late. All of your attention to mermen, especially this particular one, is jeopardizing the Tan Dynasty and destroying everything your Father worked for! Tell me, is this Mer worth that?"

A humbled King allowed his hands to drift back down to his sides, Ki-Adi's words finally sinking in through his thick skull. "You are right. Thank you for your counsel. I'll be spending my evening alone."

Obi pruned the final collection of seaplants, realizing it was late. He had tried to maintain his focus on the garden, but occasionally his eyes would drift toward the kitchen portal or the gate. There, he was expecting and hoping to see a palace servant coming to tell him he'd been summoned.

But no servant ever came, and Obi finally gave up and returned to the mercubine chamber alone.

Chapter Eleven

The Ulva was blooming. Finally, after waiting for the full kua to appear, the rare plantform Obi had carefully tended was ready to consume. Only known to grow in much cooler waters, at maturity the delicate organism released blooms not only sweet to smell, but delectable to taste. There was no other seaplant like it. Obi proudly snapped off the large, ivory blossoms of the Ulva and tenderly placed them upon a flat, round kotilo.

His initial intention had been to present this delicacy to the King, but Qui-Tan hadn't summoned him in nearly a cycle, and it was forbidden for a mercubine to present himself without being called for.

Seeing he'd lost all his friends, as a result of their own envy, Obi could only think of one other merfolk to share his gardening success with and that was the kind, old maid, Ko-Ata.

Obi's presentation of his diligent work paid off by a broad smile on her round face. "Oh my! Aren't they beautiful? And such an aroma. Why, I've never seen the like! You must be so proud."

Obi shrugged his shoulders and lifted a blossom to his mouth, chewing the Ulva and finding it bitter. Or maybe it was his situation he found difficult to chew. Ko-Ata, on the other hand, was making the most annoying humming sounds as she ate.

"This is the best thing I've ever tasted. You should take some to the King. Really, you should."

"I can't," Obi broke his silence, although quietly.

"Why, sure you can."

"No," Obi argued, setting the kotilo aside. He didn't have much of an appetite these days. "I haven't been summoned."

"There now, my little Mer. Don't you know how special you are to his Majesty? Why, the King was in here not too long ago talking about you and his eyes shone like the kua upon the waves."

Hope lit Obi's face as he regarded Ko-Ata's words. The old maid did talk a lot, but what she said was always truth. Was it possible? Was he truly favored? If so, then why had he been ignored for so long?

"Here now, let's make this more presentable." Ko-Ata dodged about the kitchen, digging through curios and cabinets until finding the perfect kotilo, then adding some adornment to the dish.

Obi smiled at the colorful presentation, the white Ulva making up the centerpiece. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Now, you get your tail up there and give this to Qui-Tan, and by Jumalla, if he doesn't accept and drag you in along with it, why I'll be a meri-apina's aunt. Now, get."

Obi dodged the swat of Ko-Ata's large, green tail and quickly swam out of the Palace kitchen, but the closer he got to the Royal Cavern, the slower his fins carried him.

What if Ko-Ata was wrong? What if Qui-Tan dismissed him? Or worse, had him arrested?

It was a risk, but Obi couldn't take living the way he had been any longer. He missed Qui-Tan and he wanted to know why the King no longer desired him. So, he bravely entered the hall leading to the wide algarum-covered doorway, only to reverse his tailflap upon seeing someone else there.

Ryba waited outside the white curtain, her hair adorned with golden clasps, her wrists and arms banded with elaborate gold jewelry.

She'd been summoned.

The shock of seeing her floating at the King's doorway was bad enough, but when Obi heard Qui-Tan's rich voice commanding Ryba to enter, something inside Obi snapped. The moment he'd been dreading had come. He had witnessed it himself.

But not again. He would leave Velika Talo and never return.

Qui-Tan flicked his middle finger against the webbing of his opposite hand, staring at the diplomatic scroll before him, but his attention was elsewhere. He couldn't concentrate these days, much less make important decisions.

Ki-Adi had been right. Not only was Obi a danger to the future of Veden, but to his present reign as well. Why, before Qui-Tan realized it, the warriors of Etela and Utara would be pressing upon his gates while he lay in bed with a Mer, albeit a fine-looking Mer.

What had he been thinking? He had allowed his emotions to overrule his judgment, shirking his duties at the same time. But no longer. He would make his father, Try-Tan, proud and provide the Veden throne an heir.

However, when the young mercubine, Ryba, floated outside his door, Qui-Tan hesitated. He didn't want this. He didn't want her. He wanted the gleaming, masculine body of Obi in his arms, to take the wide, pale cock into his mouth, and feel that silver whip of a tail wrap itself around him.

Qui-Tan sighed heavily. It seemed, that sometimes even a King doesn't always get what he desires.

Qui-Tan called the Etellan maid forth, not entirely repulsed by her appearance. She was good looking for a female, with her thick blond mane, and her petite body with full breasts, and it would do his Kingdom well to have an heir with Etela blood. Perhaps it would keep peace between their kingdoms that much longer.

"Come forth," Qui-Tan commanded, immediately finding his tail being laved with kisses and suckles from Ryba's delicate mouth. She was an eager, young thing, of that he was sure.

Qui-Tan lay back upon the soft woven strips of porphyra and tried to enjoy the feel of those small hands upon his fluke, but his heart kept reminding him that this was not Obi. This was not what he wanted.

"Do I not please you, your Highness?"

Qui-Tan lifted his head to see the maid focusing all of her energies upon his anterior flap, which was adamantly refusing to open, and he hissed out his frustration. "You're doing fine. Don't stop," he consoled, trying to hurry Ryba along. The sooner he got this over with, the better.

But it wasn't until he allowed his mind to enter into a fantasy featuring non other than his beloved Mer, that Qui-Tan became aroused. He and Obi were traveling to the Veri, making several stops along the way to observe newly discovered lifeforms. There, amongst the waving Laminaria and Sargassum, they would make love, the waters cool and pleasant against their heated skin.

Qui-Tan groaned, caught up in the erotic vision, only to be interrupted by a more higher-pitched moan. He opened his eyes to see Obi bouncing his head up and down upon his tail.

No, not Obi. It was Ryba.

Gravely disappointed, Qui-Tan focused his vision up through the portal in his ceiling, and gazed out into the darkening ocean waters above him.

It was Ryba, he reminded himself.

No, it was Obi.

"Obi?" he broadcast, vaguely aware of the heat disappearing from his cock.

"Pardon me, your Majesty?"

He could've sworn that through the portal, he had seen Obi swim past. But that was impossible. Above his chamber was open waters. Surely, Obi wouldn't be swimming out into open waters alone.

But then, to Qui-Tan's horror, he discovered Obi wasn't alone. A great, black Ryk swam past soon after.

Shoving Ryba off his lap, the King adjusted himself, then quickly grabbed one of the forked weapons from his collection. He shot up through the portal at full speed in pursuit of the deadly predator.

Chapter Twelve

Qui-Tan was quickly closing the distance between himself and the Ryk with each powerful stroke of his tail, but he knew the beast was a much stronger swimmer, and he wasn't sure if he was going to make it to Obi in time. Determination to save his beloved Mer added speed to his pursuit though, and soon he was within speaking range. Qui-Tan loudly called to the oblivious Mer.

Upon hearing his name, Obi turned, his eyes widening with fear.

Qui-Tan was still too far away to fling his spear, but luckily, Obi maneuvered out of the way just in time. Nearly. The great black predator swung around quickly, catching the mercubine with its massive dorsal fin, swatting Obi in the head and shoulder, sending him careening backward through the water. Qui-Tan wasn't sure if Obi was seriously injured or not, but he didn't have time to check.

The determined Ryk, now seeing his prey was damaged and weak, doubled its speed in order to devour the meal before something else got to it first. Its opportunity was short-lived however, as Qui-Tan's aim was precise, his forked spear deeply piercing the Ryk's side. The beast bared its multiple rows of teeth, violently thrashing about in the water before going still and slowly sinking to the ocean floor. Qui-Tan sighed in relief, turning to find Obi just as the breath was knocked from his lungs.

Dazed, he spun around to face another Ryk, this one larger than the first. Odd, he thought. Ryk usually don't hunt in pairs.

Weaponless and winded, Qui-Tan prepared for the attack, which came swiftly. The beast rounded about, this time bearing his ghastly smile, and charged at him. Qui-Tan timed his movements and just as the Ryk attacked, he dodged to the left, swatting the predator with his own tail. The huge animal squealed in anger as it turned round to come at him again. This time, when the creature closed in on him, Qui-Tan darted up and immediately back down, landing directly behind the Ryk's massive head.

Qui-Tan reached inside the lateral crease and attempted to tear the thing's gills out of its skull, but the Ryk's desperate flailing soon knocked Qui-Tan off its back.

The adrenaline gone from his body, and his muscles weakening from the battle, the King knew he was in trouble. One fatigued miscalculation caught the thickest part of his tail inside the Ryk's powerful passing jaws. Qui-Tan roared in pain and attempted to thrust his fingers into the mighty's beast's eyes, despite the protective shields which covered them during feeding frenzies such as this.

A searing, agonizing pain shot through his body, followed by complete numbness. He couldn't get free, and thought he had reached his end, until surprisingly the Ryk's mouth opened, releasing him, its squeal splitting the relative silence of the ocean. Above the Ryk floated Obi, who had jabbed Qui-Tan's retrieved spear behind its skull. The bleeding Mer twisted the fork before pulling it free, sending the lifeless monster sinking to the deep.

"You're injured," Obi observed, looking over Qui-Tan's tail. The King had suffered several deep tears of his scales outlining the bite mark of the Ryk, with open muscular wounds tinging the waters red.

"So are you."

Obi swiped at his nose and head, washing away a trace amount of blood. "This? This is nothing. We've got to get you some help."

Qui-Tan attempted to straighten his tail, but cringed with pain. "I can't. You go back. Tell them what happened. Send someone."

"No! I won't leave you out here alone. It's too dangerous."


Obi looked away in shame. His impulsive and irresponsible behavior had nearly cost him his life, as well as the merman he loved. "I'm sorry."

"Can we talk about this later?"

Qui-Tan wasn't looking well at all. His normally tan skin was pale and his grip was weak. Obi frantically searched about, unsure of where they were. He couldn't see the palace at all and was about to ask how far out did Qui-Tan think they were, when the King's body went limp in his arms. Qui-Tan was unconscious. Obi was on his own.

One thing he knew for sure, they couldn't stay out in the open. They were an easy target out here. Especially the King.

Swimming slowly while pulling Qui-Tan's body along with him, Obi spied a shadowy recess in the sea bed below them, and maneuvered as quickly as he could down to it. He peered inside the narrow cavern, ensuring there were no current residents, and then drew Qui-Tan in.

The surrounding beds hosted a plethora of common seaplants and kala, and Obi was soon among them, gathering anything he thought would have curative properties.

He plucked Laminaria, which was known as an anti-inflammatory, Haizao, which would help stop the blood flow, and Zicai to speed the healing process.

Obi returned quickly to the dark cave and pulverized each specimen between two rocks, packing Qui-Tan's wound with the thick pulp. He wrapped the tail in strips of porphyra and then lay down next to Qui-Tan, only then realizing how exhausted he was. Before long, Obi was sound asleep.

Chapter Thirteen

When Qui-Tan awoke, he was at first confused, not recalling exactly where he was or how he got there. One look at his tail though, and he remembered fighting the two Ryks.

The small, dark cave he was lying in was vacant and he hoped nothing else had happened to his mercubine. What kind of warrior was he if he couldn't protect his own mate?

Perhaps Obi was injured as well, Qui-Tan wondered, now curiosity turning to concern. What if the Mer had passed out and was lying on the bottom of the ocean? What if he was hurt so badly, he was unable to return to the cavern, or worse? Qui-Tan had nearly made up his mind to unravel the bandages on his tail and go seek out Obi, when the handsome young Mer made his appearance.

"Good, you're awake." The words were spoken far too nonchalantly in the face of Qui-Tan's exceeding amount of worry.

"Where have you been? Did you not learn your lesson before? It's not safe to go wandering around in the..." The King's frantic outburst was silenced by the gentle slide of a hand across his mouth. He fought the urge to taste the fingers as they lingered, but much too soon, they were gone.

"Calm yourself. I only went searching the nearby beds for something to eat. I apologize if this isn't to your liking, but I simply couldn't bring myself to kill anything living. You'll have to do that yourself."

Wrapped in Obi's arms, hidden inside a heap of plantlife was a hummeri, its wide claws tied shut for protection. Qui-Tan took one look at the proposed meal and then to the blank expression on Obi's face. "Let it go," he announced.

"Let it go? Do you know how long it took me to catch it? I know you'd probably prefer fresh kala, but I'm not a meat eater, and I.."

"Neither am I," Qui-Tan interrupted, gazing into a surprised face.

"But you're the leader of the Veden, and all Veden eat kala."

"A common presumption. Entirely false, but common," Qui-Tan reasurred Obi before focusing on removing the wrappings about his tail.

"Allow me." Obi freed the hummeri and deposited the rest of their meal onto a nearby rock before going to work on removing the porphyra strips. He then gently washed away the pulp. He smiled, obviously pleased with the results of his efforts. Qui-Tan observed his injury as well. He would have scars, but the wound was nicely stitched together.

"Can you move?"

Qui-Tan tested his tail's strength, grimacing when discovering how tender the muscle was, but yes, he was able to flex and straighten it quite easily.

"Good. We should head back. I'm sure everyone will be worried about you and soon they'll be sending out the entire Veden army."

Obi had yet to meet his eyes, and Qui-Tan reached out, pulling up that handsome cleft chin. "Soon. Tell me first. Why were you leaving Velika Talo? Why were you leaving me?"

An increased pulse rate was noticeable along Obi's neck, but he bravely maintained eye contact. His mercubine was nervous, more than the King had ever seen him. "Tell me," Qui-Tan gently encouraged.

"I..." the young merman paused, apparently gathering his courage. "I saw Ryba go into your chamber, and I was envious. Jealous that she was going to be with you. When I first came here, I thought I was doing Van Mer a service. I was doing my duty and at the same time, would get to enjoy the splendors of Suuri Veden. But now, I can't."

"Why now?" Qui-Tan pushed. He could always tell when someone was withholding the entire truth.

"Because, now it's different. Before, I was excited to serve, to please you, but when I think of someone else serving you? Especially Ryba? It drives me insane."

"Because?" Qui-Tan once again prompted. He had to hear this from Obi's own mind.

"Because? Because it should only be me in there! You should only be with me!"

Obi's declaration was loud, but his mouth was soft as Qui-Tan drew him closer, silencing the Mer with a kiss. When he pulled his head away, he smiled with pleasure. There was that sparkling green gaze he so often dreamed of, although too quickly the sparkle diminished. "Are you in love with me?" Qui-Tan asked, watching with interest as Obi's eyes danced nervously.

"How can I be? I'm only a mercubine, amongst a hundred others, a lowly farmer from beyond the Riutta. I'm not worthy."

"Are you?" Qui-Tan repeated, holding Obi tightly when he felt the young merman try to retreat.


The admission was softly spoken in his mind, but it brought a huge relief. "Good. Because I'm in love with you as well." Qui-Tan didn't hesitate in making the bold statement. He could no longer contain the declaration, and it burst forth like magma from the Tulovuori.

It seemed as if several cycles passed before Obi managed a reply, his eyes still anxiously darting about. "That's not possible."

His dear, innocent Mer, Qui-Tan laughed. "Oh, but it is. I've thought of none other but you."

"Then, why Ryba?"

"Ah." The King placed Obi at arm's length to better watch his face. His Obi wore his feelings like a Royal banner declaring war, his features so open and easy to read. "For three centuries, the Tans have ruled Suuri Veden. It is my duty to supply the throne an heir to continue that heritage."

"I would give you an heir if I could."

Touched by the sentiment, Qui-Tan reached for Obi's hand and tightly enveloped it with his own. "I know you would, but that is not what I desire from you."

What did he desire? A committment? How was that possible? With the current laws as they were, he was required to provide an heir. Or was he? He was King! Could he not create or alter the laws that governed the Suuri? Of course he could, but perhaps the best thing to do was to not rush things, changing a little at a time. He would do what was allowed for now, and take care of the rest later.

"What do you desire of me, my King?" Obi humbly declared, bowing slightly, his eyes averted, though immediately drawn back up by Qui-Tan's hand.

"I desire for you to participate in the Avio-Litto, the naming ceremony, so that all Veden will know you are the Chosen One -- my Erity."

Qui-Tan observed the worry lines on Obi's face slowly begin to disappear and once more, his skin began to glow. It filled the King's heart with so much joy, he didn't know what to do with it. Even though he was not Mer, Qui-Tan felt his own skin was radiant. He pulled Obi to him and lavished the young merman with kisses, his head filled with Obi's sweet laughter.

A distant echo, however, interrupted their shared joy, his name being shouted out in a much deeper voice than Obi possessed.

The Mer turned to peer out of the cavern's entrance and then quickly returned to the King's arms. "There are about fifty or so Veden warriors heading this way."

"Then, let's go greet them."

With Qui-Tan leading the way, the two approached the Royal Guard who were heavily armed and armor plated. The largest, dark-skinned warrior Obi had come to know as Win-Du approached first, bending nearly in half with his bow.

"Your Majesty, we feared the worse. Are you injured?"

Qui-Tan followed Win-Du's gaze to the line of bite marks upon his tail. "I am well. If it wasn't for this Mer, I would most likely be food for the Ryks."


Qui-Tan silenced Obi with a silent glare when the mercubine tried to argue with him. He then continued. "He took on a Ryk I was hunting and single-handedly killed it. He saved my life. To show my gratitude, the next early tide, he will participate in the Avio-Litto."

Win-Du bowed once more, accepting the King's desire, as he should. "Whatever you wish, your Majesty."

Qui-Tan knew, however, there was a certain Council Member who would not accept the news so graciously.

Chapter Fourteen

"You did what?"

Ki-Adi's reaction was not totally unexpected, but Qui-Tan had already made his decision, and there was no dissuading him.

"I've scheduled Obi for the Avio-Litto. I'm within my rights as King to do so."

"I'm aware of that," Ki-Adi anxiously replied, clasping his hands together, although coming just short of wringing them. "But are you sure that's wise? No Mer has ever even been considered for the ceremony. You'll be setting a precedent that, frankly, may cause problems for future Veden rulers."

"Ki-Adi, you worry too much." Qui-Tan clasped his friend's shoulder and smiled fondly. The merman had once been a powerful and mighty warrior, and together they had fought side by side through many battles, but in his older age, Ki-Adi was far too dependent upon tradition and rules. Qui-Tan, on the other hand, had always followed his heart.

"Maybe so, but be careful Qui-Tan, or your enemies will increase."

Not even Ki-Adi's words of gloom could hamper Qui-Tan's excitement. The time had finally come. Soon, Obi would be declared his Erity and no longer would he be required to seek arousal with another. For a full cycle, Obi would be required to spend every kua's passing in Qui-Tan's bed, and the Council could not say a thing about it.

Pleased with himself and feeling quite blessed, the King approached the carved auger podium and gazed out into the open coliseum. The entire Kingdom of Veden was present, as was required, numbering close to four thousand merfolk. During his reign, the population of Suuri Veden had doubled, but he did not take full responsibility for that. During peaceful times, the Veden bore many podlings, and their numbers grew quickly -- clear evidence of the contentment of his subjects, and another reason to be pleased about this tide.

The object of Qui-Tan's pleasure floated directly to his right and the King had trouble maintaining his focus on the crowd. Obi had never looked more splendid. Ropes of silver had been added to the jewelry in his ear and dangled down and across his shoulders. The silver and aqua band which Qui-Tan had given him glittered upon his wrist. But nothing glowed as brilliantly as the Mer himself.

No, no longer a Mer. Qui-Tan no longered considered him one. Obi was simply a merman, and he was his. His alone.

"As Ruler of the Suuri Veden," Qui-Tan addressed the crowd, "and Master of one-hundred and three mercubines, it is I, King Qui-Tan the Exalted One who calls you here today to witness the Avio-Litto. Only twice in my lifetime have I encountered a mercubine worthy of this recognition. I present to you, Obi of Van Mer, hereafter known as Obi-Wan of Suuri Veden."

Ripples of water rushed past the podium as the audience cheered, their dorsal fins undulating swiftly. Qui-Tan smiled broadly. His plan to aid Obi had worked. The mercubines gathered directly below him were smiling as well. It seemed as if they had overcome their envious tendencies, once they had learned of Obi-Wan's courage in battling a Ryk and saving their King. They were obviously pleased for him.

Except for one. Displeasure and jealousy was written all over the face of the Etellan maid, Ryba.

Qui-Tan was no fool and would have to watch her carefully for the next few tides. Being the daughter of the current Ruler of Etella, she could cause him problems. But that was a worry for another time. Right now, he was focused on Obi-Wan's pleasure, which was rolling off the young merman in waves.

Obi-Wan turned to face him, daring to reach out with his fluke to touch Qui-Tan's, and much to his own surprise, the King allowed it. Although not prone to public displays of affection, there was nothing sweeter than feeling Obi-Wan's tail upon him.

As customary, Qui-Tan reached for the silver and aqua ring he had had custom made for the occasion, and slipped it onto Obi-Wan's little finger, and then he did something that was not customary. He leaned forward and took Obi-Wan's mouth in a kiss, and not just a simple meeting of lips, but a deep and probing exploration.

Qui-Tan smiled after their separation, feeling the ripples of his subjects' pleasure roll past him, although their delight was not long-lasting. From somewhere toward the back of the crowd shot up a tall merman with a dark blue tail, hair as black as a mid cycle sky, and skin pale and glowing. If he didn't know any better, Qui-Tan would think he was looking at a Mer. Only merfolk from Van Mer displayed glowing skin during times of strong emotion.

"No! You can't do this!" the strange merman shouted, gathering the attention of the entire coliseum attendance. Qui-Tan was confused as to whom the stranger was speaking to, until he looked toward Obi-Wan and noticed his Erity's face was more pale than usual, and his eyes were wide with fear.

"Obi-Wan?" Qui-Tan whispered to him alone. "Do you know him?"

"Yes," Obi's honest confession was just as quiet, though overheard by several alarmed council members, including Ki-Adi, who had approached the podium. "He is called Xan. He's my former lover from Van Mer."

Chapter Fifteen

For one tide. For one glorious tide, Obi-Wan enjoyed the greetings and well wishes of his fellow mercubines. Although he didn't like the idea of not telling the entire truth of their battle with the Ryks, Qui-Tan had convinced him that the truth often has different points of view, and what he had told the Veden guard wasn't necessarily a lie. Whatever it was had helped Obi-Wan exceedingly -- made him a hero amongst not only the Palace servants, but among the general Veden population as well.

He was smiled at, spoken to, reserved a seat at meals, and invited to join in serai activities including his favorite game of hoops and stones. And above all, he was about to be named the Erity, the King's Chosen One. Perfect. Everything was perfect in the Suuri Veden.

But that was the past.

In the present, Obi-Wan was floating tail to tail with a merman three times his size, arguing with Bar-Tu, the guard on duty outside the cell where they were holding Xan.

"There is nothing you need to say to the prisoner," the Ryk-of-a-Veden growled at him.

"I just want to see him!" Obi-Wan pleaded. "What do you think I'm going to do, help him escape?"

Playing against the Veden's superiority of mind was Obi-Wan's final ploy, and it worked.

With a cocked brow, Bar-Tu led Obi-Wan through a dark and dismal cave in front of an opening barely large enough to admit the smaller Mer. The black magma bars blocked his view, but soon the hollow eyes of Xan peered out between them.

"Why didn't you leave?"

Despite his situation, Xan smiled, although the expression didn't change the emptiness of his gaze. "I told you. I'm not leaving you."

"Xan, I care about you and I do love you, but I'm not in love with you. Do you understand that? When you get through this, and you will, I want you to return to Van Mer. Get as far away from the Suuri as you can. Don't come back. It will only cause you more pain."

Once again, Xan's face displayed a smile, although this one disturbingly manic. "Pain is a small price to pay for you, Obi. When you wake up from this dream, after the King has tossed you out on your tail, I'll be there to help you up. Then, you'll be the one to understand. To see that we belong together. There'll never be anyone else, Obi."

Obi-Wan frowned. There was just no persuading Xan. The Mer had obviously made up his mind, and he feared it was a mind filled with fantasies, which simply were never going to come true.

Perhaps, Obi thought with despair, whatever the Veden had planned for him, whatever torture Xan had to endure, would hopefully change his mind and he would leave the Suuri once and for all.

Obi-Wan squeezed through a capacity crowd pressed inside the Veden Court, doing his best to join everyone else who had come to witness the trial and punishment of Xan of Van Mer who had dared trespass into Suuri waters.

Following the Avio-Litto, Obi-Wan had tried to explain to Qui-Tan what had happened, why Xan was here, but chaos erupted and Obi-Wan was immediately taken away by the Royal Council for questioning. Xan had been arrested.

The Council had kept him for the rest of the tide, asking him the same questions over and over, only worded differently. He went to the King's chamber afterward, only to be refused, and deservedly so. He shouldn't have kept this from Qui-Tan, but then again he hadn't been sure Xan was still around. He'd been hoping Xan had taken his advice and returned to Van Mer. Obviously, he hadn't.

"Pardon me." Obi-Wan tried being polite as he bumped tails with a Veden, although he did not receive the same in response.

Somehow he managed to secure a spot behind the rail of the second level balcony overlooking the Royal Court below. There were three enclosed balustrades in total stretching around the half-kua shaped cavern, with a straight wall on one side. This was where the Council sat on their grand kotilos -- seven of them casting their arrogant gazes into the pit beneath them. There, far below the condemning gazes of the Veden lay Xan. The merman's arms and tail were banded and chained to hooks embedded in the stone floor. He was face-down, prostrate before his accusers. His beautiful tail of green and white was missing several scales, obviously as a result of being scrubbed free of the blue dye he had so carefully applied as a disguise. Xan looked as though he'd fought a Ryk himself, and his trial hadn't even begun yet.

Obi-Wan glanced about the cavern, estimating the number of those present. It appeared as if the entire population of the Suuri were here -- minus one. Much to Obi-Wan's disappointment, the King was nowhere to be seen.

The murmurings floating around Obi-Wan's mind ceased immediately with the wave of one of the guard's Blades of Battle, and Ki-Adi, the eldest Council member rose from his place and gripped the podium. He addressed the prisoner who tried to raise his weary head.

"Xan of Van Mer, you have been accused of trespassing into Veden territory. You are also accused of treason, in attempting to persuade one of the King's mercubines to abandon his position within the Palace. This court finds you guilty on both counts. Your punishment will be severe. May Jumala have mercy on your soul."

This was nothing like Obi-Wan was used to. Not only had Xan not been given the opportunity to speak, but the sentence was being carried out right away, in front of every Veden present, podling and elder.

Obi-Wan couldn't take his eyes off Xan, even after the punishment began. He had to take it all in, feel every strike upon Xan's back as if it were on his own, so that he would always remember what his selfishness had cost.

But when the rod changed to a blade, Obi-Wan closed his eyes. He couldn't watch as Xan's back was opened and blood began to flow. When he dared to look, Obi-Wan gasped. Xan's back was criss-crossed not only by swollen, red whelps, but by raw and open wounds. The water all around him was colored pink.

At least it was over, Obi-Wan thought. It was horrible, but Xan would live.

Then Ki-Adi approached once again and dashed all of Obi-Wan's hopes. "Guards, bring in the crosspiece."

Two broad-shouldered Veden warriors drug a wide beam of black magma shaped like a forked spear across the ocean floor. Upon it, they tied Xan and then hoisted the beam upon their shoulders.

"Take him to the surface. Xan of Van Mer, for the act of treason, you have been sentenced to death. You will be taken and secured upon the surface of the ocean, where the sun's rays will scorch your body and steal your breath until you are dead."

Before the guards carrying Xan made it to the first level, Obi-Wan performed a forward flip from the balcony, suspending himself in front of a surprised Council.

"You fucking barbarians! Now I know why Queen Sy-Dan insisted upon a Mer presence!"

"Be silent, Mer! You may be favored by the King, but you have no say here!"

"It's so easily forgotten, isn't it?" Obi-Wan continued, undeterred by Ki-Adi's attempt to shut him up. "The treaty wasn't designed to protect the Mer from Veden, but Veden from the Mer! We conquered you! Queen Sy-Dan was Mer!"

"Silence!" Another Council member yelled, also rising from his seat. "You fill this cavern with lies!"

"You arrogant bastards!" Obi-Wan could not control his anger any longer. He was filled with rage and numerous Mer curses.

"Guards! Escort the King's Erity from this court!"

Obi-Wan was physically hauled out of the cavern, and tossed beyond the outer yard, two posted guards ensuring he would not return. He had no intention of doing so. If there was anyone who could help him, it was the King.

Chapter Sixteen

No guards were posted outside the entrance to the King's chamber, allowing Obi-Wan instant access. He split the white curtain and was immediately enveloped in a strong embrace. Obi-Wan had entered the Royal Chamber frustrated and angered, his emotions raw and out of control, but once inside the haven of Qui-Tan's arms, his focus became more clear and Obi-Wan gripped the broad body firmly, burying his head and sobbing against Qui-Tan's chest.

"I'm sorry."

The King's voice was a soothing salve to Obi-Wan's frayed nerves, but Xan's plight was foremost in his mind. "Why?" Obi-Wan pulled back, the single word containing all his sorrow.

"The Council upholds the Law and passes judgment. There's nothing I can do. I'm so sorry."

Obi-Wan pulled out of Qui-Tan's embrace, turning his back, not seeing how the King's arms drifted out as if reluctant to release him.

"I don't understand. What kind of Kingdom is it where the King has no power? Surely, there must be some way you can stop this!"

Qui-Tan was disturbed by the anguish radiating from his Erity, as well as the only explanation he could give, which seemed entirely insufficient in light of Obi-Wan's pain. This would be much easier if he didn't have to look into Obi-Wan's face. Not knowing what to expect, Qui-Tan once again opened his arms, sighing with great relief when Obi-Wan returned to his arms.

"Over many rotations, even before my reign, the Royal Council has slowly accumulated more and more power, and not without Veden approval. As King, I control the army and very little else. The King of Suuri Veden is basically an icon."

Qui-Tan's reply was nothing but a pitiful excuse for his behavior, even though Obi-Wan seemed to accept it.

"Why did you refuse me?" Obi-Wan asked, moving to arm's length, though still grasping onto Qui-Tan's hands. "After the Council's interrogation, I came to see you, and was refused."

This time, it was Qui-Tan who pulled away, unable to look upon Obi-Wan's unhappiness. "I was too angry."

"At me?"

"No," Qui-Tan turned, reassuring his Erity with a smile. "I don't blame you. According to Ki-Adi, you thought Xan had left cycles ago."

"You spoke to the Council?"

"I spent most of the late tide arguing them, but to no avail. I'm sorry, Obi-Wan."

"What are we going to do?"

Defeat was a powerful enemy and seemed to weaken the smaller merman before the King's very eyes. He drew Obi-Wan once again into his embrace and the two of them folded themselves together, floating down upon the hard ocean floor.

"We shall mourn Xan, as he deserves to be."

Obi-Wan took refuge in Qui-Tan's arms, finding a small amount of comfort within the strong rhythmic beat of his lover's heart.

Through the cavern portal above the two merman, past the group of kala glistening in the rays of the setting sun, floating above the gentle waves of the ocean echoed another heartbeat, although this one in a dangerously weakened condition. The sun had already blinded him, his tail and arms completely numb. Death would be a welcome relief to the agonizing pain of his scorched skin and scales. He welcomed it. Longed for it.

With his final breath, a single wish slipped past Xan's lips, severely cracked from dehydration. "Be happy, Obi. Be...happy."

Chapter Seventeen

The skeletal remains of Xan, picked clean by oceanic scavengers, were sent back to Van Mer. Obi-Wan was only told the news. He didn't wish to see for himself, wanting to remember Xan as the handsome young merman he once was. It was Qui-Tan himself who had demanded the delivery, expressing Obi-Wan's wishes that what was left of his previous lover be returned to his family.

Obi-Wan felt it was a minimal effort on the Council's part to make up for their cruelty, even though they had acted within the boundaries of the Veden/Mer Treaty. Never had he imagined such barbaric behavior possible. Not in this age. He realized, though, there was more motivating the Council's decisions than simply following Veden Law. The Vedens were egocentric, their Council even more so, thinking themselves better than other merfolk, especially Mer.

And there nothing he could do to change that.

Through Qui-Tan, Obi-Wan had learned that the documents he had studied on Veden History were manuscripts created long ago during the reign of Queen Sy-Dan. Since then, the Veden/Mer Treaty had undergone radical amendments, and the final agreement was a shadowy reflection of the original. It seemed as if time and the Veden, had erased the true reason for a Mer presence within the Palace, which was to keep an eye on Veden activities and report them to Van Mer. Basically, Obi-Wan was intended to be a spy, as originally agreed between the Mer Queen of the Suuri and the ruling body of Van Mer.

Over time, the Mer forces retreated behind the Riutta and settled there, the Dan Dynasty died out, and the Tans took over. During that process, the Veden Council was formed to support the ruling King of the Suuri, and the treaty radically changed in such a way as the Mer were no longer welcome inside the border -- any trespass met with the strictest discipline. The only presence of a Mer tolerated and in fact required inside the Suuri, was in the capacity of a mercubine.

What was most surprising to Obi-Wan was Qui-Tan's awareness of the situation, and how he had simply come to overlook the Veden Council's abuse of authority which rightfully should belong to him.

"I could attempt to overthrow the Council and disband them. I'm sure the Veden Army would fight by my side," Qui-Tan whispered to Obi-Wan's mind in the darkened waters as they lay together in the King's chamber.

"A civil war? And in the process, how many innocent Veden would die?"

"Probably many."

Qui-Tan moved to hover over Obi-Wan's body, tails curling about one another, their dorsal fins drawn together. "You know, before you came to Velika Talo, I was content to live my life as it was."

"I'm sorry I messed things up for you." Obi-Wan's smile glowed in the shadowy waters.

"You've opened my eyes and humbled me, my Erity, and I thank you for that."

"My pleasure," Obi-Wan continued to joke, his face caught in Qui-Tan's hands, and his mouth smothered by the King's kiss.

"I may not have the authority to act as I wish, but there is something I can do, which will serve Veden and put an end to this mockery."

The slide of Qui-Tan's hand down Obi-Wan's ribcage was distracting, but he could hear the serious undertone in the King's words. "What are you planning?"

"Absolutely not!"

Obi-Wan was extremely uncomfortable being present at this meeting, but Qui-Tan had insisted he come, even after explaining to Qui-Tan how much Ki-Adi disliked him.

Qui-Tan, on the other hand, looked at ease, and more relaxed than he had in many tides. "I'm not asking your permission, old friend. Your very rebuttal only motivates me to continue."

"But Veden has never been without a King! We are a monarchy!"

"Veden hasn't been a monarchy in a decade, Ki, and you know it. Veden is a democracy and should remain so. It is pointless for me to continue this charade."

"But what about the armed forces? Who will lead them?"

"I've taken the liberty of appointing Win-Du as General. He will report to you directly." Qui-Tan informed the shocked council member.


Obi-Wan watched the interplay between the two mermen carefully. He had always believed Ki-Adi to be a strong leader, but when confronted with true leadership, such as Qui-Tan possessed, the pale Veden did not measure up.

"Yes, you. You are the Head of the Council, are you not? You will continue to be so, and the Council will now being the ruling body of Suuri Veden. You will answer to the merfolk of Veden and their judgment. Is that clear?"

"I can't believe you would give up the throne and your heritage for this." A swipe of Ki-Adi's hand indicated Obi-Wan who had drifted back behind Qui-Tan.

"This, you call it, is the most important thing in my life. Obi-Wan is the reason you still exist, Ki-Adi. Perhaps you should be grateful."

The pale face of the proud council member scrunched with anger and Qui-Tan laughed.

"Come now, old friend. Let us not part with disagreement between us. We've been comrades for a long time. I would like to remember you as such."

"Should you wish to return, your chamber will remain undisturbed." Ki-Adi replied after calming down. "And what of the serai?"

"Free them."

Qui-Tan's demand surprised Obi-Wan. He hadn't even considered what would happen to the mercubines if they did not have a King to serve. Obi-Wan's chest swelled with pride and he slipped his hand into Qui-Tan's.

"Free them and let them return to their homes. Those who wish to stay, bestow upon them property within the boundaries of the kingdom, for their own protection."

"I will do as you wish, out of respect for you and your father, Qui-Tan, although I still believe this is a decision you will someday regret."

"Then, regret is something I will have to live with. Lead well and with honor," Qui-Tan spoke to the council member, offering his arm for a ritual farewell.

Ki-Adi took the offering and grasped Qui-Tan's wrist, holding his gaze for several moments before letting go and promptly swimming out of the chamber.

Chapter Eighteen (Epilogue)

"Where are we heading?" Obi-Wan shifted the shield and sword which Qui-Tan had placed upon his back to a more comfortable position while he watched Qui-Tan pack away his belongings into a large hinged kotilo. Qui-Tan's own shield was broad and heavy, covering most of his back, and when Qui-Tan spun round, he picked the longest spear from his collection.

"Why, to the Veri, of course."

"The Veri?" Obi-Wan wasn't sure what he'd been thinking. Perhaps, they were going to Etella or even visit Van Mer, but to be going to the Veri? It was beyond his most fantastic dreams!

"Is that acceptable? You've always wanted to visit there, haven't you?"

"Of course, I mean, yes! But isn't it far away?" Obi-Wan quickly caught up with Qui-Tan who had already swum through the portal, not bothering to look back.

"Yes, it is. It will take us at least three cycles to get there."

"Three cycles? That seems like a long time to be spending with someone like me."

Following Obi-Wan's statement, Qui-Tan ceased his tail movement and turned to stare incredulously at his lover. "Someone like you?" Now, he sounded like a mimicker instead of his beloved. "Obi-Wan, you are the most amazing merman I have ever met. Your compassion and honesty, your diligence, your tendency to try and see the best in every possible situation, not to mention your glowing skin, your enchanting eyes, and that glorious mouth of yours -- these are all the things I adore. You are not a farmer, a mercubine, or even the Chosen One. You are Obi-Wan and I love you. I want to be with you, only you... forever."

Slowly, the young merman's face revealed a wide and beautiful smile. "Just checking. Let's go."
