The Soul of A Hunter

by Ki

Warning: the following story contains male/male contents. Please stop reading IF you are below the legal age (that is, 18 years old). IF you are above 18, you can read on. Furthermore, if you are easily offended by male/male relationships, STOP reading NOW.

Disclaimer: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi belong to the mighty LucasWorld. This story is ONLY a PRODUCT of my imagination. It is not used for profit, only the satisfaction of my readers.

Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (QG/OB)

Rating: PG-ish, with slight NC-17 leanings , mild violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort (?)

[definitely AU] Summary: Pre-TPM, a story inspired by that picture of Qui-Gon in the Phantom Menace visual dictionary. Think 'werewolf', think 'lycanthropes' [Yes, I think that the picture of Qui-Gon looks absolutely deadly Just look into his eyes and tell me honestly that they are the eyes of a wolfish predator ] Yep, a sequel to "The Eyes of The Predator": Consequences. Is Qui-Gon cured forever from the lycanthropy? Is Obi-Wan safe? Will he tell his Master that he loves him again? {hint: this fic is written during weird hours of the morning, the CDs are playing New Age music (think angels and Seventh Heaven) and Savage Garden and the writer is feeling pretty surreal have to apologize if the story comes out skewed.}

It took several months to recover. He was subject to long sessions of intense meditation, assisted by Masters Yoda and Mace Windu. The Jedi High Council had ordered strict supervision on the part of the two Jedi Masters. It was hard but slowly, painfully, the wild urges began to lessen, tamed by the strengthened Force.

Obi-Wan Kenobi watched as the venerable Yoda and the stoic Mace Windu knelt next to his Master, their eyes closed in quiet meditation. Now and then, Qui-Gon would shudder spasmodically. Perspiration beaded his upper lip and his hands trembled.

It was terrible to watch.

The young man silently slipped out of the room, deciding to seek solace somewhere and to ease the pain in his heart. He couldn't feel anything from Qui-Gon, not a single shred of thought. Yoda had advised him to raise up his shields. Since then, he had felt isolated, alone. The shared togetherness he had with his Master was gone, shut off.

No, he didn't want that to happen again. He didn't want to see Qui-Gon turn into into a wild beast. He could still remember the night when he was being relentlessly pursued by a transformed Qui-Gon. Why him? Why did that beast target him?

And the way Qui-Gon kissed him

Obi-Wan shut his eyes and repelled all negative thoughts. But fragments kept creeping back. He could still feel the pulsating hunger and desire in his mind as Qui-Gon prowled in the darkness.

As if the lycanthropy of the Lupen folk had somewhere accentuated the innermost, darkest parts of his Master's mind

With an audible sigh, Obi-Wan meditated, letting the Light cleanse his own troubled heart.

Yoda opened his eyes and observed the man next to him. The sun was streaming down and bathing him in a sheen of light. He looked rested.

"Rest you must," the Jedi Master said softly, watching Qui-Gon finish his meditation. "Eased we have the Urge but persist further."

Qui-Gon Jinn nodded, relieved for the moment that the wild Need was gone. Yet, he knew somehow it was lurking in the back of his mind.

A brown hand rested on his shoulder

Without thinking, he growled low in the throat and saw his friend Mace Windu eyeing him with slight alarm on his face.

"It's still here, " Mace said shaking his head. "Maybe the Lupen officials are right afterall. This form of lycanthropy is incurable."

A chill hand of horror ran up Qui-Gon's back. With that came anger. Hot burning anger. He immediately curbed it down, willing the Light side of the Force to tame it.

"Try we must, " Yoda took his cane and thumped his way to the door.

Qui-Gon stood up, feeling the pins and needles in his feet like little electric jolts. "Master Yoda, am I still Obi-Wan's teacher?" He asked quietly, already searching in his mind for that vital link.

It wasn't there.

Mace Windu gazed at him. " Your condition isn't stable yet, Qui-Gon. We can't possibly endanger you and your Padawan."

Qui-Gon lowered his head, feeling sudden remorse. Yes, he had no doubt frightened Obi-Wan. He recalled that kiss.

He shuddered.

"Rest, Qui-Gon." Mace said and he left with Master Yoda.

For a while, the Jedi Master stood alone in the meditation room, hearing Yoda's cane thump-thumping down the corridor and Mace's softened voice. He glanced around the room, realizing with shock that he wanted to break something within his reach. And he would do it with pleasure.

Obi-Wan saw the Jedi Masters leave the room, the two in private conversation. Master Windu appeared particularly worried.

The meditation session had ended.

He walked steadily to the room where he had shared with his Master for a few years. His heart was beating especially fast and he felt his hand going to his lightsaber

NO! This isnt right!

Obi-Wan stepped into what he thought was a disaster area. Things were strewn everywhere. Books lay scattered. Two bowls were smashed. In the center of the storm was his Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

As if he noticed Obi-Wan for the first time, the tall man calmed himself with a tremendous effort. As usual, he couldn't even hear Obi-Wan's thoughts.

The young man was behind a huge barricade.

Qui-Gon didn't begrudge him at all.


Hesitation. Then, "Yes, Master?"

"Please forgive me."

Obi-Wan darted a quick glance around the room, at the mess. His body language was revealing. He wanted to be close yet he was frightened. Very much so.

(Oh damn, I'm not going to change into a crazed animal)

He stopped himself. He was an animal once.

"Clear up the room, Obi-Wan. Then we go for a walk."


"Do it."

"Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon knew that Obi-Wan was trying very hard to control his trembling.

They walked along the immaculate gardens of the Temple. Obi-Wan allowed the tranquility of the place fill his soul. Next to him, Qui-Gon padded along, his hands folded. His intense blue eyes were taking in everything. In a fashion Obi-Wan found unnerving.

(It is as if he has the soul of a hunter )

Obi-Wan couldnt help but smile a little. His Master. Qui-Gon Jinn. Reckless. Stubborn. Displaying a tenacity at odds with the Council. He was always very restless, like some caged

He shivered, even though the sun was warm on his back. The Urge was unpredictable. He didn't really know when Qui-Gon was going to transform. Qui-Gon could control it, tame it. Twist it to his will. Yet

Yet would Qui-Gon ever know that he, Obi-Wan, secretly loved him?

Did that hunger-filled mind absorb anything?

"Obi-Wan "

He snapped back into 'obedient Padawan' mode. "Yes, Master."

"Do you think I am an animal?"

Somehow the question moved Obi-Wan. He protested, "No, you are not, Master "

"I was and I almost hurt you. "

"You were under the influence of the lycanthropy."

"I still have the lycanthropy, Obi-Wan."

The Padawan bit his tongue.

"If you want you can choose a new Master " Qui-Gon halted in his steps, unable to speak any further.

Obi-Wan found his eyes brimming with tears. His Master's pain was palpable and he realized that the Master-Padawan link was still there. Present, strong. "Master, I will only have you as my teacher "

"Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan " Qui-Gon whispered, his voice suddenly tender. "I told that I will not hurt you. And that I am so unstable jeopardizes you "

The young man blinked, struck with the idea that his Master did love him.

Before he opened his mouth to reply, a shout ripped through the air: " 'WARE!"

What happened next, Obi-Wan couldn't follow. All he saw a fuzzy blur leaping forward. A Agri-corps cart slammed into a statue, narrowly missing. The metal shell was given a huge dent on its side.

The huge grey-furred snow-wolf was back.

Obi-Wan gaped as the snow-wolf padded up slowly to him. This time, the naked hunger was gone from the canine face. Only a bizarre calmness. Three heartbeats and Qui-Gon stood before him, nude.

Coolly, casually, Qui-Gon picked up his shed clothing and put them on with a deliberate slowness as crowds of people observed the strange spectacle with a mixture of horror and admiration. Obi-Wan blinked.

Qui-Gon had saved him.

Obi-Wan swallowed. Images were flashing past in his mind. His Master as the snow-wolf. His Master naked. His Master saved him.

"Err" He said unsure of his next words, torn between embarrassment and gratitude.

Qui-Gon, in the process of re-dressing, smiled and waved away the people. "Alright, the show is over. Obi-Wan?"

"I err" The apprentice was still tongue-tied. "Thank you "

His Master slipped his boots. "Are you still afraid of me?"

Reality check.

"Master, I "

"Obi-Wan, you don't have to answer." Qui-Gon said soothingly. "C'mon, all these running and jumping has given me an appetite let's go and eat."

The apprentice nodded. He wanted to tell Qui-Gon that he had somehow oddly accepted the shapeshifting bit.

"Transformed you did!" Yoda's reprimand was soft but its impact was like a thunderclap.

"The runaway cart almost hit Obi-Wan."

Qui-Gon regarded the Master calmly. He was meditating when Master Yoda entered unannounced into the room.

Obi-Wan watched the exchange of words nearby.

"Control that Urge you have to!"

"I can control it, Master Yoda. I can actually change at will."


Qui-Gon's hand clenched and Obi-Wan fervently prayed that his Master wasn't thinking about striking Yoda.

"Look, Yoda. The lycanthropy might be a blessing afterall."

"Blessing you say but learn you must. A game this is not."

Obi-Wan didn't see Qui-Gon move a finger but suddenly he was on his backside, thrown by a Force push. Yoda had raised a hand.

Qui-Gon's eyes snapped blue fire as he got back onto his feet.

"Listen. Hunter you are not. Jedi you are, strong with the Force. Not bestial urges."

With amazing speed, Yoda was off.

Silence descended. Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon's frustration like a shimmering wall in the room. It pulsated with a deeper undercurrent.

"Please, Master. You have to listen to Master Yoda."

Qui-Gon turned that hooded look at him.

Obi-Wan clamped down hard on his trembling. "Master, please ... You are Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master. Not a lycanthrope. Not a hunger-driven beast."

The hooded look cleared. Suddenly, Qui-Gon collapsed onto his knees and started to cry.

Obi-Wan's heart lurched in shock and in a few steps, he was holding his Master in his arms, sending in gentle waves of Light to soothe Qui-Gon. The sobs were hoarse, desperate, scaring Obi-Wan.

For a while, Master and Padawan held each other.

"I don't know who I am anymore " The voice of Qui-Gon was low, tired.

"You are my Master."


The voice in his head was unmistakable.

((Master, I hear you.))

((Please forgive me.))

((I have already forgiven you.))

"Well, if the word gets out that Master Qui-Gon Jinn was seen crying like a baby " Qui-Gon laughed, wiping his eyes ruefully.

"I promise I will keep this a secret " Obi-Wan grinned and placed his hand on Qui-Gon's own, squeezed it reassuringly. Qui-Gon drew him into a tight embrace and Obi-Wan could hear the soft heartbeat of his Master.

((You are a very caring man, Obi-Wan.))

Obi-Wan started. ((So are you, Master.))

((Self-effacing and modest.))

Obi-Wan laughed and he kissed Qui-Gon impulsively. He could feel the man stiffen, then relax as he reciprocated.

Like a roaring ocean, the emotions came flooding over him, crashing into him. Unrestrained, wild. The kiss became more heated, more intense. And the feelings became stronger, wilder

Reflexively, Obi-Wan pulled away, frightened once more.

((I am sorry, Obi-Wan. I guess I still need to control the Need.))

((Please don't apologize ))

Qui-Gon pulled him gently back to his feet.

"I have to find a cure then."

Obi-Wan nodded and once again, he was in his Master's embrace.

Nightfall. The Jedi Temple was still.

Obi-Wan woke up in the darkened room, rubbing his eyes ---

He could't feel his Master's presence.

Startled and growing concerned, he twisted around to find his Master. He wasn't there. Only a pile of clothes.

Qui-Gon had transformed again.

Something drew Obi-Wan to the window and he edged towards it. He looked out, seeing only shadows of trees and night-covered contours. Then he saw him.

The snow-wolf/Qui-Gon was slipping in and out of the groves of trees. Crouched. Ears back. Slightly hunched.

Qui-Gon was hunting.

He met Qui-Gon at the breakfast table the next day. Dutifully, he poured the hot beverage into Qui-Gon's mug and served him his usual bowl of sweetened grains.

"You saw me last night, didn't you?"

Stunned, Obi-Wan almost spilled his own mug of milk.

"You were standing next to the window, watching me."

"I was. I woke up to find you gone."

"So I was. " Qui-Gon said contemplatively, chewing on his spoonful of grains. "Obi-Wan " His tone was gentle. "I know you find the transformation unsettling."

"Qui-Gon, " Obi-Wan spoke up with determination. "The lycanthropy isn't going to be permanent."

He heard the intake of air. A hand slammed onto the table-top, half-scaring Obi-Wan.

"I can control it." Qui-Gon said through gritted teeth.

"No, we need to find you a cure. It's controlling you!"

Shudder. Qui-Gon passed a hand over his eyes, shaking his head. "Damn it, it got me again."

Obi-Wan leaned over and grasped his Master's hand. "You can control it, maybe eradicate it forever from your systems."

((I will try ))

((You have to.))

Obi-Wan drifted in the beauty of the Force, letting the streams of Light rejuvenate him. He breathed deeply and lifted his head.

A pile of his Master's garments faced him.

He stood up. ((Master?))

No answer.

This time, Obi-Wan ran.


A faint ((Obi-Wan)).

He found Qui-Gon kneeling in the midst of the bedroom. As usual, he was naked as a result of his lycanthropy-induced shift. Obi-Wan pulled off his robe and draped it on his Master gently.

"Obi-Wan, I have to find a cure."

The apprentice could only nod, his heart aching to see Qui-Gon in this state