Something to Talk About: Verse Two

by Susan Anthony (

Pairing: Mace/Desrin, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan

Sequel: Something To Talk About

Archive: Master_Apprentice and anyone else, just ask

Category: AU, Romance, Humor

Rating: PG

Spoilers: None

Summary: Will Mace get a clue?


Warnings: Canon? What canon? M/M relationship. YENTA!Yoda makes yet another appearance. You'd think he'd learn. Also, this story is about Mace and Desrin. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan appear and play a big part but the story focuses on Mace and his padawan.

The Jedi Council Chamber

"...Once the Lodans were captured and the Primary released, the two main Herdani factions stopped blaming each other and combined their votes. I have no doubt they will be petitioning to join the Republic within the year," Qui-Gon said in a calm tone as he completed his report with a slight bow. He looked, as always, the soul of serenity and confidence; a Jedi who once again had completed his mission and returned home safely.

Except for the rather vivid purple and green bruise adorning his left eye.

"Excellent work, Master Jinn," Ki-Adi Mundi said as he studied the tall man's face closely, wondering along with the rest of the Council where in the seven rings of Jothos Qui-Gon had picked up such a shiner. "The Herdani will be a welcome addition to the Trade factions in the Senate."

"Indeed," Qui-Gon replied blandly, ignoring the curious glances from the other council members at his colorful face.

"Was there anything else you'd like to mention about the mission, Master Jinn?" Mace Windu asked as he glanced from Qui-Gon to Obi-Wan and back again. His dark eyes were gleaming with curiosity though his face was dutifully serene. The younger master had read the mission report thoroughly and there was nothing mentioned that would have put that kind of bruise on his friend's face.

"No, Master Windu," Qui-Gon reported solemnly. "Nothing of significance."

Mace glanced behind Qui-Gon to see Obi-Wan's lips twitching ever so slightly. "Padawan Kenobi? Is there anything you would like to add to your master's report?"

Mace saw Qui-Gon's blue eyes glance almost nervously towards his padawan for a moment before the serene mask again layered itself as much as possible over the colorful bruise around his eye.

"No, Master Windu," said the apprentice in a solemn tone. "I have nothing of significance to the mission to add to the report."

Mace leaned back and steepled his fingers as he observed the master/padawan pair. "Nothing of significance to the mission?" he repeated.

"No, Master Windu," Obi-Wan dutifully replied before he briefly turned away to clear his throat. Even he could feel the waves of curiosity rolling off the assembled Jedi Council.

"Ah." Mace glanced over to Ki-Adi, who in turn looked down at the small Jedi between them with a questioning look. Yoda merely tapped his gimer stick on the floor.

"Run into a wall, did you, Padawan?" Yoda asked bluntly, his wide green eyes curious.

"Something like that, Master," Qui-Gon replied, his face and manner the epitome of serenity. Obi-Wan had to turn away and clear his throat again.

"More careful you should be when you go to Boros," the little Jedi continued.

"Excuse me?" Mace asked in surprise as he glanced down at Yoda. "I understood that Desrin and I would be going to Boros for the negotiations there."

"You will be."

There was a moment of confused silence as Mace and Qui-Gon both looked at the smug little troll sitting in the First Councilor's chair.

"Two teams, Master?" Qui-Gon finally asked. "The negotiations there hardly call for that kind of Jedi presence."

"Know that do you?" Yoda asked in a suddenly irritated tone. "Know something I do not, do you?"

"Obviously not, Master," Qui-Gon replied with a perfectly straight face he'd perfected long since he'd attained his knighthood.

"Indeed you do not!" Yoda insisted as he banged his gimer stick on the floor again. "On the Council Mace has been for three years. Help him adjust back into missions you will."

The dark skinned master looked down at his old teacher with an indignant expression. "Master, my padawan and I are perfectly capable of negotiating the Borosian's annual governing agreements."

"Help you will need," Yoda insisted in a flat tone. "Help Qui-Gon will need to avoid those walls that jump in front of him in the dark."

A sudden snort in the back of the Council Chamber was followed quickly by Obi-Wan pulling his hood down to cover his face completely. Qui-Gon merely blinked. Mace, however, was not so serene.

"I assure you, I do not need any help-" he began with a firm tone but the old Councilor cut him off.

"My final word this is," Yoda growled. "Go you both will to Boros with your padawans."

Recognizing the tone, Mace subsided back into his chair. He wasn't sulking because Jedi Council members didn't sulk. But he was certainly glaring at the far wall intently.

Yoda turned back to the pair standing before the Council. Obi-Wan had regained his somewhat fragile hold on his serenity and pushed his hood back. He stood quietly behind his master, meeting Yoda's gaze without blinking. Qui-Gon looked as bland as always.

Yoda looked narrowly at the bruise covering quite a bit of Qui-Gon's face before he sniffed. "Leave you will in four days. Time, that will give you to see the healers, Master Jinn."

Qui-Gon bowed. "Thank you, Master," he said as he turned to go, followed quickly by his student.

"And more careful you will be of walls."

"I will try, Master."

"There is no try. Do or Do not, Padawan," Yoda lectured.

Qui-Gon suddenly glanced away from his master, his cheeks reddening slightly while Obi-Wan pulled his hood down again.

"Of course, Master," Qui-Gon replied after a moment he used to assume a serene countenance once more. Then he led his now coughing apprentice out the doors of the Council Chamber.

The doors shut behind them and Obi-Wan finally let loose the laughter he had been holding in.

"Are you all right, Padawan?" Qui-Gon inquired diffidently.

Obi-Wan nodded with a grin as the pair moved through the halls of the Temple towards their quarters. "That wasn't so bad, Master," Obi-Wan finally commented.

"It could have been worse," Qui-Gon agreed.

After a moment, Obi-Wan asked, "Why do you suppose Master Yoda has assigned all of us to the Boros mission?"

"I do not know." The Jedi Master was silent for several steps before he turned to his apprentice warily. "Remember that Yoda never does anything without a reason," he finally stated. "The only problem is that sometimes the reason only seems reasonable to Yoda."

Obi-Wan blinked. " understand his motivations, you're suggesting I think like Yoda?"

"Hells no!" Qui-Gon said sharply as he stopped in his tracks, causing Obi-Wan to walk right into him. Several surprised glances darted their way before Qui-Gon smoothed his expression back to his legendary serenity. He walked on, motioning his padawan forward to walk beside him.

"Obi-Wan," he continued softly, leaning down to make sure his apprentice heard him. "If you ever start thinking like Yoda, I swear I will ship you off to Agricorps."

Obi-Wan blinked again. Despite, his master's words, Qui-Gon's tone seemed as bland as ever.

"But Master, who would watch out for those pesky walls if I'm not here to help you?"

"The wall was not the problem. The distraction was the problem. And shipping you off to Agricorps would take care of that as well."

The apprentice smothered his grin. He liked being classified as a distraction to the great Qui-Gon Jinn. It was certainly no easy feat.

"I promise I will try not to think like Yoda," he solemnly vowed.

Qui-Gon responded with a relieved "Humph". A moment later, however, a rich chuckle caught the master's attention and Qui-Gon turned back to his apprentice with a curious gaze.

"Master, did you happen to notice that Master Yaddle's chair seems to be situated closer to Master Yoda's chair in the Council Chamber since the last time we were there?" Obi-Wan asked with a smirk.

Qui-Gon's blue eyes suddenly gleamed. "A keen observation, Padawan," he said, almost successful in his own attempt not to smirk. "I did indeed notice that."

Desrin stared at the datapad, his eyebrows drawn together as he thoughtfully nibbled on his lower lip. It seemed like a good idea. Really, it did. And he was certain his master would absolutely love it.

After a moment, however, the padawan sighed regretfully and flipped past the recipe for Saliman Flambe. The last time he'd attempted something like that in the kitchen...well, they hadn't been in this new apartment long enough to risk another try.

The next few recipes looked rather boring and Desrin only glanced over them before he moved on searching for something special. He hadn't gone all out in the kitchen for quite a while - since the last flambe incident actually - and he was feeling creative.

He had just decided to try an extra rich version of Jesells Cream Puffs with Souvian Gravy when he felt his master approaching the apartment. Cautiously, Desrin moved to the doorway of the kitchen and eyed the apartment door. He never felt his master along the bond like this unless Mace was truly upset about something.

A moment later, the apartment door slid silently open, allowing the Jedi Knight to enter. His face held a serene expression but Desrin could feel the frustration rolling off his master and if Mace had been able to slam the sliding door shut behind him, Desrin thought, it surely would have shaken the walls.

The padawan hurried forward and caught his master's robe as Mace tossed it at the chair beside the door.

"Hello, Master," Desrin said as Mace steamed serenely past him to the computer console.

"Desrin," the master greeted him curtly. Desrin stood next to the door, chewing on his lower lip, wondering if Mace was possibly angry with him. But after a moment, he relaxed and turned to hang up his master's robe. It didn't feel like Mace was angry or frustrated with him and Desrin knew that feeling racketing along the bond all too well. So, it must be something else.

"Is there something I can help you with?" he inquired in a cautious tone.

"No," came the clipped reply. Desrin nodded once and faded back into the kitchen, leaving Mace to check his mail in silence. He had been with his master quite long enough to know that tone and to know he was better off out of harm's way.

He attempted to be quiet as he cooked their dinner. The padawan hoped the sweet scent of cream puffs and gravy would put his master in a better mood, especially since Mace's mood might imply that all was not well on the Council front. Since they were due to leave quite soon for their first mission in quite some time, Desrin desperately hoped this didn't mean they were going to be stuck on Coruscant another year.

The young man finished setting the table and added a small floral arrangement he'd snitched from the dining hall just that afternoon. Then he set the warm dishes on the table along with a small pitcher of chilled Kellian ale, set discreetly beside his master's plate. After he glanced over the table a final time, he moved back into the dining room.

Mace was no where to be seen and Desrin sighed. His master must really be cranky if he'd retreated to his room already. Slowly he moved over to the closed door of his master's bedroom and knocked.

"Master?" he called warily.

The door slid open immediately and Mace stood there. Desrin was surprised at the man's sudden appearance and found himself caught by Mace's intense gaze. His master's eyes had always captivated the younger man. Their color reminded Desrin of a rich dark honey that he was particularly fond of. The two stood still a long moment, quietly staring at each other before Desrin blinked and lowered his own eyes.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Master," he said quietly as he stepped back. "But dinner is ready."

There was a long silence moment before a hand came to rest on his shoulder and the padawan glanced up.

"It smells delicious, Padawan," Mace replied with a slight smile. "Thank you for making it."

"You're welcome," the young man replied in a relieved tone as he turned towards the table. If his master could smile, even a small one, things couldn't be too bad.

Mace followed his apprentice into the kitchen and settled across the table. The older man glanced at the ale sitting beside his plate and he gave his padawan an almost sheepish glance.

"Thank you, Padawan," he murmured as he poured himself a glass and then offered the pitcher to Desrin.

"You obviously needed it," he replied, feeling enough on solid ground again with his teacher to tease him slightly. Mace snorted under his breath.

"You have no idea," he sniffed.

"Can you talk about it?"

"Yes, but I don't particularly wish to," Mace replied in a peeved tone as he spooned cream puffs onto his plate in abundance. Desrin nodded as he poured his own glass of ale.

"Very well, Master," he began soothingly before he smiled at his teacher. "I was sparring with Obi-Wan this afternoon and managed to score quite a few hits on him."

Mace smiled benevolently at his student. "I expected nothing less, Desrin. Your lightsaber skills are hard to match even among the younger knights."

Desrin beamed at his master's praise. Mace never handed out a compliment that was less than totally sincere and well earned.

"Thank you," he said in a very pleased tone as he sipped his ale. His face clouded for a moment as he continued. "Obi-Wan mentioned that he and Master Jinn would be leaving again soon for another mission though."

Mace's fork paused halfway to his mouth at his padawan's words. Then he set the utensil back on his plate.

"I love my master dearly, Desrin, make no mistake - but sometimes Yoda can be a complete and utter nuisance."

The younger man looked up at his teacher in surprise, completely confused at the apparent change of topic.

"Ah..." he replied intelligently as he searched for something else to say. Mace didn't notice.

"To think I need a sitter on our first mission away from Coruscant!" he seethed. "Just because it's been three years doesn't mean I don't remember how to negotiate a damned treaty. An annual treaty no less!"

Desrin stared. Ranting was not something his master was prone too. When he did rant, however, Yoda was usually the topic of discussion; he and Qui-Gon Jinn with Ki-Adi Mundi making occasional appearances as well.

"Are we assigned a mission, Master?" he asked warily, trying to make some sense out of his Master's rant.

"Yes. To Boros. To negotiate their annual governing treaty," Mace replied heatedly as he thrummed his fingers on the table.

"Boros?" Desrin asked as he tried to understand his master's anger. "But I thought you liked Boros."

"I do like Boros, Desrin," the older man stated flatly. "I adore Boros. But Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan will be coming with us!"

Desrin immediately brightened. "Obi-Wan will be coming with us? That's wonderful!" Mace turned his glare on his oblivious apprentice as Desrin scooped another helping of cream puffs onto his plate. "I haven't been able to see Obi much in the last two years. I'll be glad to spend some time with him. Maybe even teach him a saber trick or two." The young man chuckled as he glanced up with a forkful of dinner in his mouth. He froze at his master's look. "Somtng wrng, Mahster?" he asked around his cream puff.

Mace saw his padawan's worried look and toyed with his own dinner as he looked away. "No, nothing at all," he sighed, striving to push his annoyance with Yoda away. Desrin, at least, seemed excited about the prospect of spending time with Kenobi and Mace suddenly found he couldn't rant in the face of his student's happiness.

Desrin carefully set his fork down as he tilted his head thoughtfully. His golden eyes seemed to spear Mace across the table. "You think Master Jinn is babysitting us on this mission?" he asked, finally getting the whole picture.

"Yes, I do," Mace admitted grimly. "And I do not like it."

Desrin pondered this for a moment. "But, Master Yoda knows your capabilities better than anyone," he pointed out.

"One would think."

Desrin's lips twitched at his master's tone. Only Yoda could ever produce a pout on Mace Windu's handsome face. The young man ran his fingers around the rim of his glass.

"I don't think he'd send Master Jinn to baby-sit you," Desrin said firmly. "There must be some other reason he is sending them with us."

Mace turned slowly to his padawan. Desrin's instincts were rarely wrong, especially when he spoke in that tone on confidence.

"Then why?" he finally asked.

The younger man shook his head slowly. "I don't know," he replied. "Perhaps Yoda thought they needed a vacation?"

"Why not send just them? The Boros mission hardly qualifies as a mission at all."

Desrin shrugged and grinned as he picked up his fork again. "I don't know, Master, but I have a suspicion we'll soon be finding out."

Mace snorted.

The next morning in the West Training Salle...

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it - and you'd better - is to find out for certain if Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi are doing it."

"Bant!" Desrin rolled his eyes before he glanced around the group of padawans that had cornered him during his morning sparring. It certainly hadn't taken long for the news of his mission to get around the Temple. "Why can't you just leave it alone?"

The Calamarian crossed her arms. "Obi-Wan refuses to 'fess up so we want proof."

"Can't you just take his word for it?" Desrin certainly didn't want to spend his first official mission in three years spying on his best friend and his best friend's master. He'd much rather be spying on his own master and had made judicious plans to that effect.

"That's just it, Des," another girl stated, her eyebrows lowered menacingly. "He won't give us a word. On anything."

"Oh, come on, Saas-Li," Desrin said as he attached his lightsaber to his belt. "That smirk of his says it all loud and clear."

"We want proof," Bant said again. "And this mission of yours with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan will be perfect for you to find out."

The younger padawan sighed loudly as he ran his fingers through his sweaty dark hair. "I can't imagine that we'd have anything else to do besides spying on Obi-Wan. Say like...negotiate a treaty or anything."

"On Boros?" Saas-Li chuckled as she waved off his words. "Why they even need a team to negotiate the treaty is beyond me. One Jedi could easily handle the Borosian negotiations much less four of us."

"This is a dream assignment, Des," Bant nodded, a bit of jealousy in her tone. "Boros is a paradise and I doubt you'll have anything more to worry about than what you'll be wearing to the evening parties."

"Or better yet, what Obi-Wan will be wearing," another padawan said dreamily.

"Or what Obi-Wan won't be wearing," sighed another. Desrin rolled his eyes.

"All right," he growled. "I will try to find out whatever I can. But I won't promise anything."

"But-" Bant started to protest but Desrin cut her off.

"Have you ever been the recipient of one of Master Jinn's glares?" he asked archly. Bant bit her lip and backed down.

"Very well," she said with a pout. "Find out whatever you can and report back after your mission."

"Very gracious of you," Desrin said, his tone heavily sarcastic.

"Actually, it is," Saas-Li said with a grin. Her green eyes gleamed. "I bet Master Jinn is just a big old feline when it comes to Obi-Wan."

"Yeah right," Desrin muttered. "Old feline my...."

"Oh and see if you can find out what happened to Master Jinn's eye," Saas-Li continued brightly, winking at him. "That particular tale would probably be worth more than the scoop on Obi and his master in some quarters."

"Master Mundi asked you to find out, didn't he?" Bant chuckled as Ki-Adi's padawan grinned.

"He did and I could just about get whatever I wanted from my master with that bit of information."

"And what would you ask for, Saas-Li?" Desrin asked, his brows high over his golden eyes.

"Oh, this and that," the girl answered with a vague wave and a smile. "Do see if you can find out, Desrin dearest."

Desrin nodded slowly with a sly smile of his own. "I'll see what I can do," he said. "But that little snippit won't come for free, I assure you," he said before he walked off towards the showers.

Bant smirked at Saas-Li as the pair watched their friend make his way across the salle.

"Think he'll find out?" Bant asked the smaller apprentice.

"Stars alone know what's going on with those four on a mission," Saas-Li replied with a thoughtful look. "He better come back with SOMEthing interesting."

"Think he'll finally make a move on Master Mace?" the Calamarian asked idly though her gaze was sharp on Saas-Li.

"One would hope so, Bant," the girl replied. "Boros is the perfect place to do so and I'm getting tired of him moping around."

Bant snorted. "If only Master Mace would get a clue!"

Desrin glared at the six stuffed pieces of luggage on his floor and absently chewed his fingernails. He could be mistaken but he considered six suitcases a bit...excessive. And then he'd have to carry Mace's packs as well. But what could he do? Everything was absolutely necessary for this trip. He was considering trying to repack everything into five really stuffed packs when the door to his bedroom slid open and Obi-Wan stepped inside. He stopped at the door and stared at the luggage strewn across his friend's floor. Then he glanced up at Desrin.

"Leaving the order?" he asked, his eyebrows raised curiously. Desrin restrained the urge to stick his tongue out at the older padawan.

"No, Obi, I'm just packing for our mission."

Obi-Wan grinned. "How long has it been since you and Master Windu were on a Mission again, Des?"

Desrin sighed and plopped onto his bed. "Give me some slack, Obi, I was fifteen the last time we went on a mission and that was to Thritica. We hardly had to pack anything for that trip."

The older apprentice raised his brows. "I don't remember hearing about your trip to Thritica," Obi-Wan said curiously. "Is it true that the humanoids don't wear clothing there?"

Desrin's bronze skin gradually grew darker as he blushed and toyed with the hand-crafted comforter on his bed. "Actually no. Only the upper classes go without clothing. To show their true intent, you know."

"Ah," Obi-Wan said. "And how are Jedi regarded on Thritica?"

The younger man's skin darkened almost to a heated bronze. "As upper class clerics. At least Masters are." Desrin glanced up at Obi-Wan with a grin. "The lowly apprentice had to wear his robes, thank the Force."

"Got a good view though, hummm?"

"Oh yes," Desrin sighed, his eyes losing focus for a moment and Obi-Wan chuckled.

"I almost wish we would get that assignment," he said with a grin.

"It's not like you need it," Desrin replied with a pointed glare.

Obi-Wan blinked innocently before he idly tapped the nearest piece of luggage. "What is all this anyway?"

"Clothes, mainly. I wanted to look good for the parties and receptions." The younger man pressed his lips together almost angrily. "I figured if Mace saw me in clothing other than a padawan's uniform, perhaps he'd think of me as something other than a padawan."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly as he looked at the over stuffed bags. "The theory's sound," he noted. "But where in the stars did you get all these clothes?"

Desrin shrugged as he leaned forward to unsnap one of the bags on his bed. He pulled out a shimmering bronze tunic that softly molded itself to his hand.

"Have you ever met my mother?" he asked as he looked up at Obi-Wan. The older apprentice shook his head as he eyed the shimmering tunic. "She's from Naboo."


"Yeah. It's a backwater little monarchy known to few who don't actually live there. They believe firmly in traditions and appearances." Desrin snorted faintly. "You wouldn't believe some of the outfits they wear. My mother brings me these things with the hope that I'd actually wear them the next time she arrives." He laid the tunic on the bed almost gently.

Obi-Wan glanced up at his friend and then back down at the tunic. His green eyes narrowed speculatively as his lips curved.

"Des?" The younger man looked a bit wary at his friend's tone. "Has Mace ever seen you in this tunic?"

Desrin dropped the tunic on his bed. "No. I've never had an opportunity to wear any of this. My mother just keeps bringing the clothes when she comes to visit and it keeps piling up in my closet. Why?"

"Desrin?" Obi-Wan looked at his friend for a long moment. "Are you serious about Mace?" Desrin opened his mouth to give a hot retort but Master Jinn's padawan held up his hand firmly. "I know you've been pining after him ever since you were fourteen but you never seem to actually do anything about it."

Desrin opened and closed his mouth a few times before he stood. He paced the length of his small room before he stopped next to the doorway.

"I am serious about Mace," he finally said in a low tone. "It's not just a crush. I've meditated, I've run with my own yearmates, I've examined my feelings from every angle. It doesn't matter, though. He's still the one I want to be with. When I'm with him, the universe could come crashing down and I'd know it would be all right because he'd help me pick it up again." His lips curved slightly as his eyes were focused on an inner image. "There's just something about him that sings to me here," he touched his heart. After a moment, Desrin glanced up at his companion with a sheepish look. "Sounds pretty lame, doesn't it?"

Obi-Wan slowly shook his head. "I understand completely. What I don't understand is why you haven't done anything about it?"

"What should I do?" Des asked, holding out his hands. "I haven't the faintest idea how to make Master see me as anything other than his apprentice." Obi-Wan gave him that slight smile again that made Desrin's skin prickle. "What?"

"If you're really serious about this, Desrin," Obi-Wan began as he walked forward and picked up the shimmering Nubian tunic, caressing the silken, glittering fabric. "I have a cunning plan."

Desrin stared at his best friend. "Oh hells..."

The next afternoon...

Mace barely parried his student's quick slash and cursed under his breath as Desrin pressed forward with an aggressive move he had picked up from who knows where. Obviously, he'd been spending too much time with Kenobi again.

The Jedi Master pushed the thought aside for further consideration as he focused on the firebrand thinly disguised as his apprentice. Desrin was doing his level best to chase his master around the training room, bringing his every skill into play. His golden eyes were brilliant as the young man sunk himself into the Force and tried to defeat his master. Finally, though, Mace's years of experience brought the match to an unexpected close as he whirled his amber blade around and caught Desrin by surprise with a quick move that would have slashed the young man in two.

Desrin's eyes widened in surprise and then went slightly vague as he memorized his Master's move. "I yield, Master," he grumbled. "Since I'm now in two pieces."

Mace chuckled as he powered off his saber. "You're not the only one who picks up new saber moves, Padawan," he said as he dropped a hand to his apprentice's shoulder. "But that was excellently done."

"Thank you." Desrin beamed at the praise and then bowed slightly before he brushed passed his master to retrieve their towels. When he returned, he made sure to brush his fingers against Mace's as he handed over the towel. "I have been practicing."

"I know you have," the master replied as he wiped the perspiration from his face. "Just be sure you're not neglecting your other studies."

"I won't, Master," Desrin responded with a slight smile, his eyes meeting his master's straight on.

Mace nodded absently and then moved towards the door of their training room. "You seemed rather aggressive today. Is something bothering you?"

"Not at all," the apprentice replied blithely.

Mace turned to his padawan as they reached the door. "You know you can come to me with any problem, Desrin, don't you?" he asked, his tone sincere yet oddly vulnerable.

The younger Jedi nodded slowly. "Thank you. I know that," he said quietly.

The pair looked at each other for a long moment before Mace gently reached out to touch Desrin's cheek before he quickly turned to open the door.

"Good. Never forget that, my Padawan."

"I will not, my Master," he said softly as he followed Mace out the door and into the Main Training salle. As they moved towards the showers, Desrin walked beside his master, glancing sideways to see if Mace objected. The man merely smiled at his apprentice and Desrin grinned to himself.

"Master, Obi-Wan has asked me to go out with him and some friends this evening to the Iasif Fairs. Do you mind if I'm out late tonight?"

Mace looked at his padawan with thoughtful eyes. "The Iasif Fairs are not the most wholesome entertainment to be found on Coruscant," he noted.

"No, but they are a lot of fun. Bant, Chalif and Y'sagre are going as well. I'll be in good company."

"They are all senior padawans."

Desrin snorted. "Master, I'll be a senior padawan within the month."

Mace turned to give his apprentice an almost surprised look. "I had not realized your senior status was so close."

"Twenty-eight days and counting," Desrin informed him sternly. "I expect a very nice gift." When his teacher didn't reply, Desrin glanced at him to find a pensive look on his face. "So do you mind if I go, Master?"

Mace glanced at him with an odd expression before he shook his head. "Be sure to take your comm unit," was all he said.

"I will," Desrin replied with a pleased grin.

The chime pealed through the apartment and Obi-Wan sent a wave of the Force to open the door while he completed his preparations for the evening. "Come on in, Des," he called as he carefully wove the final gold bead into his braid. Then he straightened and checked his appearance in the mirror; black and dark green, his favorite combination. He tightened his sash and tweaked his braid before he turned around.

And gaped.

Desrin stood rather uncomfortably in the doorway as his best friend looked up and down his lean frame. He shifted nervously as the silence continued.

"Well?" he finally asked.

Obi-Wan was speechless for a long moment. He couldn't recall seeing his friend wear anything other than the beige and brown of a student Jedi. Now Obi-Wan carefully took in black boots, tight black pants topped simply by the shimmering bronze tunic that practically invited one to run light fingertips across it. The black sash at his waist was made of the same gleaming fabric as the tunic and invited all sorts of interesting thoughts all by itself.

"Hummmm..." Obi-Wan growled under his breath as he approached his friend and pushed him out into the main room. The older padawan circled, taking in the view from all angles. Desrin's thick black hair was casually spiked and his braid woven with a long cord the exact shade of his eyes. But the most amazing thing to Obi-Wan was the stark beauty of Desrin's face. The faint innocence still hovering in those golden eyes seemed even brighter when reflecting the silken material he wore.

Master Jinn's padawan stepped back and shook his head in amazement. Mace hadn't been the only one to see Desrin only as an apprentice. If the Council had ever had a look at this version of Master Mace's straight-laced student, Obi-Wan might have avoided last year's sex kitten mission/fiasco.

"Damn, Desrin. How did you even make it out of your quarters without your master pouncing you?" the older teen finally asked in awe.

Desrin pressed his lips together in annoyance. "He just stared at me and then stalked into his room, muttering under his breath." Desrin ran his fingers through his hair then fingered his braid as he sank onto the couch. He glanced up at his friend. "I did get some strange looks in the hallways though."

"I'll just bet you did," Obi-Wan laughed as he dropped down beside Desrin. "You look fantastic, Des!"

Desrin glanced up at him warily then down at his outfit. "You think so? Are you certain this looks okay?"

"Oh yes. More than just okay, Des. Chalif and Y'sagre are going to outright drool when they get a look at you in that outfit. And Bant will have guppies." Obi-Wan chuckled. "We may have trouble getting you back in one piece from the Fairs."

Desrin just looked up with a troubled expression. "Then why didn't Master say anything?" he asked.

Obi-Wan sobered immediately. "I don't know," the older padawan replied.

"I know," Desrin said as he leaned forward. "He just doesn't feel about me other than as his padawan. I've been following your advice all day and I can't tell a difference at all in his reactions to me. "

"Desrin, it's only been a day! You can't expect mountains, much less Master Mace, to move in a day!" Obi-Wan gave his friend a serious glare. "Besides, I don't think he is as oblivious as you seem to think. I was in the training salle this afternoon. He hardly looked away from you the entire time."

"We were training, Obi," Desrin replied. "He always does that. It's just the way he is. He always knows exactly where I am. But it doesn't mean he feels the same way about me as I do about him. I would know if he did...I would feel it...and he doesn't feel that way at all."

Obi-Wan remained silent though he touched his friend's shoulder gently. Desrin's instincts could rarely be argued with.

"I was hoping..." Desrin began softly as he traced patterns on the couch with his fingertip, "I was hoping that you being with Master Jinn might give him some inspiration." The young man smiled slightly before he glanced up at his friend. "You just seem so happy with your Master. But I guess it was hoping for too much."

"Padawan Naberrie," a calm voice spoke from the doorway. The two padawans jumped to their feet as Qui-Gon walked into the room. Neither had even heard the door to the apartment slide open.

"Master Jinn," Desrin said with a nervous glance at Obi-Wan. The older apprentice tried to give him a reassuring look as his master moved across the room.

"I hope you don't mind if I intrude myself on this conversation, but in all honesty, I feel I can help," Qui-Gon said as he gestured for the surprised pair to be seated again. Then he sat down across from them.

"Master?" Obi-Wan said somewhat surprised. Qui-Gon rarely interacted with Obi-Wan's age group and had never done so in such a manner before.

"Mace is a longtime companion of mine," Qui-Gon said firmly as he gazed at Desrin. The younger padawan flushed almost guiltily and dropped his eyes. "I always kept an eye on him when Yoda took him as a padawan after I was knighted. I knew what hells the poor boy was going through, after all." The Jedi Master smiled slightly. "He banged on my door many times after Yoda drove him particularly wild."

"Yoda still manages that, Master Jinn," Desrin muttered as he glanced up at the tall Jedi. Qui-Gon snorted.

"I know. And Mace still occasionally bangs on my door. Master Yoda will drive us all to the Outer Rim one day," he stated. "However, this doesn't have any bearing on the problem at hand." He gave Desrin a long look then he slowly let out a sigh. "Quite simply, I don't believe the problem is Mace's lack of such feelings for you."

"You don't?" Desrin asked faintly.

"No," the big man said seriously. "I don't. I think the main problem is Mace doesn't have enough experience to understand what it is he is feeling. Or how to act upon it."

Desrin gave Qui-Gon a confused look. "I don't think I understand, Master Jinn." Surely, Qui-Gon couldn't mean....

"Mace may be a Master Jedi but he's still rather young in the eyes of his people and he is a complete novice when it comes to romantic relationships." Qui-Gon stopped and then looked thoughtful before his lips curved in something that was almost a reminiscent smile. "Well, almost a complete novice," he amended before he glanced at Obi-Wan. "And that experience would have been several years ago," he added quickly.

To say that Obi-Wan looked surprised would have been an understatement. He couldn't decide whether to be jealous or amazed. Qui-Gon and Mace???

"Other than that, however," Qui-Gon continued, "I would hazard to say that in matters romantic Mace has only a little more experience than Obi-Wan."

"Master!" Obi-Wan squeaked in an outraged tone.

Qui-Gon gave his apprentice an inquiring look before he turned back to Desrin with a bland gaze. "Actually, considering the last six months, I'd have to say that Obi-Wan now has the lead in that area."

"Master!!" Obi-Wan choked out as Desrin stared at the tall, rather smug Jedi. There was an expression actually showing on his face! And was he teasing his student?

"Yes, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked serenely.

"Did you have a purpose for entering this conversation?"

"Ah yes," Qui-Gon nodded as he turned back to the amazed younger apprentice. "I agree with Obi-Wan's thought that your master is not as oblivious as he might seem. I am certain your...ahem...outfit didn't go entirely unappreciated by him." Desrin blushed hotly as Qui-Gon's quick perusal of his clothing was followed by slight smirk. The Jedi Master glanced at Obi-Wan with raised brows as he looked his padawan over from head to toe. "I know I appreciate Obi-Wan's effort."

Obi-Wan blushed almost as badly as Desrin as he met his master's eyes with a grin. "I would hope so, Master."

Qui-Gon reluctantly turned his attention back to Desrin as the master stood to leave. "In any case, I do not think you'll have much longer to wait. If I know Yoda - and unfortunately I know him very well - I doubt Mace will remain unknowing for much longer."

Desrin looked completely confused. "What does Master Yoda have to do with this?"

Qui-Gon stepped forward and laid a sympathetic hand on Desrin's shoulder before he headed for the door. "That is a good question. Unfortunately, it never occurs to Yoda."

The pair of apprentices watched the tall Jedi move into his room before Desrin turned back to his friend.

"I didn't understand that last bit, Obi," Desrin said plaintively to his friend as Obi-Wan picked up his communicator and then headed towards the door.

"It's all right, Des," Obi-Wan assured him. "I didn't either."

"You can certainly tell who trained our Masters," Desrin muttered as the door snapped shut behind him.

"Use the Force, Mace."

"Master, I can play Kasric Poker very well on my own, thank you," came the testy reply - if Jedi were testy, which they aren't. "And using the Force would be cheating, would it not?"

"Allow you, this time, we will," Yoda said, eyeing his own cards. "Need the help, you do."

Mace glared at his old teacher over the cards he held. "Thank you, Master. Your benevolence is legendary. But I think I can manage well enough without resorting to the Force."

He laid down two cards and picked up the ones Qui-Gon dealt him in exchange. He struggled to release his pathetic sigh to the Force. The deck of cards was obviously created by a Sith for all the luck he was having tonight. A vague thought wandered through his mind and he wondered if Desrin was getting lucky before he brutally squashed the thought. That was no concern of his.

"Perhaps you should take all the help you can get, Mace," Master Adi murmured abstractedly, as she looked at her own hand of cards and passed on choosing another, quite pleased with its configuration.

"Thank you Adi," Mace muttered as he glared at his cards.

"By the way, I saw your apprentice heading out with Obi-Wan when they stopped by to pick up Chalif." Adi glanced up at Mace, her eyes surprised. "I had to look twice to make sure it was your little Desrin."

"Hardly little Desrin anymore," Qui-Gon said as he laid down one card and took another. "He'll be a qualified senior padawan within the month."

"With the outfit he was wearing, he'll be qualified for any number of things by tomorrow morning," another master at the table said with a smirk.

"Do you mind, Oscan," Mace said with a frosty look as he reshuffled the cards in his hand.

"No, I wouldn't mind at all, Master Windu," the older Jedi replied with a grin and a wink. "Desrin is one fine looking young man."

"Yes he is and he is not available!" snapped the other master testily, immediately earning surprised glances from everyone at the table.

"He's not?" Adi finally inquired when it was obvious that Mace wasn't going to continue. He buried himself deeper behind his cards and didn't look up.

Adi thrummed her fingers on the table for a few moments, obviously deep in thought as Master Oscan put down a card and Qui-Gon dealt him another. Being Jedi Masters, they accomplished all of this without breaking the stares they were leveling at Mace.

After a few moments of silence, Adi leaned back as her eyes brightened. "So you finally figured it out!" she said happily.

Mace looked up at her in surprise as Yoda used the distraction to grab a card off the discard pile. "Figured what out?"

"Mace, don't play stupid. You're a Jedi Master and it isn't becoming," she said primly.

Mace had no response to Adi's charge other than to look bewildered.

"You said your padawan is not available," she said with a sigh. "It's obvious he's not seeing anyone else. We would have heard it from our padawans."

"We certainly heard about it when he discovered sex," Oscan muttered. "Y'sagre went on about it for weeks. Said he sampled all the delicacies."

"Oscan!" Mace growled with a dark-eyed glare.

"What?" Oscan replied innocently.

Adi continued, ignoring Oscan. "Mace, the point is that since you say he's unavailable...."

"It's not that he's unavailable," Mace huffed as he turned his eyes back to his cards. "He's just not available to Oscan."

Adi looked at him for a long moment before turning her attention back to her cards. Her face showed a slight expression of disappointment. "So you haven't figured it out," she sighed.

"Figured what out!" Mace practically snapped back.

"Got the hots for you, your padawan has," Yoda finally said with an exasperated thump of his walking stick on the table. "Waited for you to realize it, he has." The Jedi Master sighed rather dramatically. "Thick headed you always have been, Padawan. Have to explain everything, do I?"

Mace stared at his former master. Then he sat up straight and rearranged his cards again. "You must be mistaken," he said in an expressionless tone.

"I don't think so, Mace," Qui-Gon answered for his master. The older Jedi gave his friend a long look. "It is obvious that Desrin has feelings for you. And it's equally obvious to me that you have such feelings for him."

Mace narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Just what I said," Qui-Gon replied serenely as he turned back to his cards. "Desrin is a fine young man. You would be foolish to ignore the fact that he is in love with you, especially when it is plain to see that you are in love with him as well."

"He is not in love with me!" Mace replied heatedly. "He's my padawan, for Force's sake! He sees me as his master, nothing more!"

"Thick headed, you are," Yoda snorted as he discarded the card he'd just swiped from the pile and waited for Qui-Gon to deal him another. "Work on your bond you should. Otherwise, know this already, you would."

Mace looked at his master, a bit surprised. "There is nothing wrong with my bond with Desrin," he said firmly as he tapped his cards on the table.

"So sure, are you?" Yoda asked, his eyes sharp on his most recent padawan.

"Very sure, master."

"Then, no problem there should be," concluded the ancient master benevolently as he laid down his cards showing a Yavin 4 run. "Know, you should, that your padawan has the hots for you." Gleefully, the little Jedi looked around to see if anyone could match his hand.

Mace threw his cards to the table and rubbed his forehead. Adi and Oscan sighed as they too folded. Qui-Gon, on the other hand, nodded slowly.

"For once I agree with our master, Mace. Look to your bond with Desrin and then come back and tell me if it is just a training bond between you," he concluded as he laid down a Royal Alderannian Flush.

Yoda glared at Qui-Gon's cards and then at Qui-Gon. "Cheated, you did!" he accused his former student, who obviously had learned a little too much from his teacher. Qui-Gon merely pulled the pile of crystals from the center of the table and added them to his own growing stash.

Desrin walked slowly down the hallway leading to his apartments. He walked slowly primarily because it was late and he was very tired. But also because he'd had just a bit more jarma juice than he usually allowed himself.

Since he'd been out of the temple for the first time in months and surrounded by friends, Desrin had felt relaxed enough and safe enough to indulge in the entertainment the Iasif Fairs were famed for. He'd spent the evening playing the contests, dancing with his companions and fending off more than a few advances. He'd been surprised at the amount of attention he'd received not only from strangers at the Fairs but also from his own friends. Chalif and Y'sagre spent almost the entire evening trying to outdo each other in their gallantries towards him. Obi-Wan had laughed his head off and Bant, of course, had more than a few sharp comments to wrap around the pair. But all in all, while Desrin had been flattered by their antics, he wished that it had been his master paying him such close attention.

The padawan stopped outside his apartment and tried to envision Master Mace down on one knee and serenading him as Chalif had done in the middle of the dance area. The image immediately broke the young man out in giggles as he palmed open the door and stepped through.

It was dark inside once the doorway slid shut and Desrin took in a deep breath, trying to stifle his giggles. He sent a pulse along the bond he shared with his master to let him know he was home and was surprised when the response came from across the room.

"Padawan," Mace called quietly and Desrin looked towards the tall windows in surprise. The master was seated on the floor next to the largest window. Desrin tilted his head slightly in concern. That was his master's favorite place when he needed to meditate deeply.

"Master?" he called as he slowly moved across the room. "Are you well?" He made a motion to turn up the lights but Mace forestalled him.

"Leave them low, my Padawan," he said. "I am fine. I know it is late but I need to speak with you."

Desrin bit his lip as he quickly checked his bond with his master. There was an oddly intent feeling emanating from the older Jedi but he didn't feel any anger or upset.

So, why did Desrin's instincts scream that things were about to change? For the better or worse, it was impossible to tell.

"Of course, Master," he said as he dropped to the floor before Mace, his hands loosely held on his thighs as he fought to bring his scattered thoughts back into focus.

As Desrin settled himself, Mace noted the light shining in from the windows reflected off the gleaming tunic that beautifully outlined his padawan's form. He noticed that Desrin's hair was far more scruffy than it had been when he had left earlier in the evening and the golden cord that had been wrapped around his braid was frazzled and loose. He also noticed that Desrin's golden eyes were bright with happiness but were becoming darker as Mace let the silence continue.

But the thing Mace most noticed was that these were things he had been seeing and reacting to for a long while without even being aware of it. Desrin's importance to him was far more than a padawan would normally be and Mace only now understood the reason behind that.

He sighed deeply as he realized Qui-Gon had been correct. The Jedi Master flexed his fingers and drew on the serenity that he'd nurtured inside himself since he'd been old enough to understand what serenity was. It always ticked him off to no end when Qui-Gon was right about something.

"Master, are you certain there is nothing wrong?" Desrin finally asked as Mace closed his eyes and then opened them again as he felt his padawan's concern float along the bond that they shared.

"Nothing is wrong," the older Jedi replied quietly as he reached out to reassure his padawan with a gentle touch to along his chin. "I am just trying to find my way, Padawan."

Mace watched as the apprentice leaned into the caress as he always did, with a slight smile and a soft sigh. Why had Mace never noticed that before?

"Are you lost, Master?" Desrin inquired softly as his teacher's hand dropped away.

"Not lost, Padawan," Mace replied as he met his student's golden eyes. "I've come to a crossroads and find myself with a choice. To follow the road I've been on for most of my life or to move onto a new path, one I've never followed before."

Desrin found that he was suddenly holding his breath and forced himself to slowly exhale as he held his master's eyes. Following his instincts and trusting, as he never had before, Desrin reached forward and took his master's hands in his own.

"Is this path we can walk together?" he asked, his tone almost formal as he opened himself completely to their bond, offering whatever he could to assist his master. "You know wherever you go, I will follow."

"Desrin," Mace whispered as his thumbs caressed the back of his student's hands. "Here is the path I walk."

Then he too opened himself to the bond that was singing between them. For the first time, Mace saw clearly the depth and strength of the link that he had with his padawan. He saw the open affection, devotion and love pulsing along the bond not only from his padawan but from himself as well. The bond that lay between them was far more than a training bond and had been for a long time.

Mace opened his eyes though he didn't remember closing them. He met his student's golden gaze and his hands tightened as he pulled the young man into his arms. Desrin burrowed into his robes and hugged his master tightly as Mace wrapped him securely in his arms.

"I'm sorry it has taken me so long to understand what lies between us," Mace whispered into his student's ear.

Desrin leaned back and met his master's gaze. His eyes were bright as he reached up to touch Mace's face. "It's all right, Master," he replied. "As long as you understand now."

"I do, Padawan," Mace replied with a grin as he traced his student's face with his fingertips. "I think I started to understand when you walked out of your room this evening wearing sunlight thinly disguised as that tunic and looking seriously like someone who was going to be jumped before the night was through."

Desrin chuckled. "It's not like they didn't try." The young man met Mace's eyes with something of a leer. "But I only wanted you, Master. That's why Obi-Wan suggested I wear this tonight. He said it would get your attention."

"It did, Desrin," Mace replied as he ran his fingers down the fabric covering his padawan's chest even as he allowed his mental fingers to roam along the link shimmering between them. Desrin gave a delighted sigh and then he leaned forward and touched his lips to his master's.

Mace stiffened and Desrin pulled back in surprise and hurt. He didn't move far, however, before Mace's hand at his neck stilled his retreat. The Jedi Master's serious dark eyes met his padawan's.

"Desrin," he began and then stopped. "I didn't mean to...." He took a deep breath, cleared his throat and then continued. "What I mean to say is that I am not as...experienced as some of your other partners." Mace's skin darkened as he felt the blush rush to the surface but he held his padawan's gaze. "I haven't touched someone nor have I been touched in that way, in a very long time. You'll need to have a little patience as I find my way."

The younger man studied his master for a moment before he relaxed and rubbed his cheek against Mace's. He leaned forward and kissed Mace softly, caressing his master's mouth as his fingers gently stroked along his teacher's chin.

"Don't worry, Master," he whispered. "We'll walk this path together." Then he leaned back and grinned wickedly. "And fortunately, this is a path I have trampled down quite a bit."

"Have you indeed?" Mace said as he cupped his padawan's chin. "Then I trust you will be able to show me the way."

The next morning...

Desrin strolled into the dinning hall the next morning with a serene smile on his face. He glanced over at the Masters' table and met Mace's eyes as he felt a surge of affection and love down the bond he shared with his dark-skinned master. He continued on, however, and walked through the line for his breakfast before he settled at his usual table. He sat down across from Obi-Wan and gave his friends a brief smile.

"Good morning, Des," Bant said as she speared him with a silver look. "You look happy this morning."

"Master and I will be sent out on a mission tomorrow," he replied as he picked up his fork. "That is definitely something to be happy about."

"I'd heard Master Yoda had sent you and Master Mace to Boros," another padawan replied. "With Obi-Wan and his Master."

Desrin smiled as he shared a glance with Obi-Wan. "I don't know about the Boros mission but Master and I will be leaving for a different destination on the morrow. I think what Yoda had in mind for the Boros mission would be moot at this point."

Obi-Wan glanced up quickly at his friend and at Desrin's bland look, the older padawan broke out in a grin. "Well, Boros is somewhat boring this time of year," he said with a smirk.

"That's what I heard too," Desrin replied as he turned back to his breakfast with an absent grin.

"Ah," Bant replied with a smirk as she glanced in the direction of the Masters' table. "I see." She chuckled under her breath. "I am so glad my master doesn't have a gender!"

Desrin gave his friend a long look before he finally set down his fork. When he glanced up again, his golden eyes were wide and guileless.

"Bant, I don't understand why you keep saying that," he said as he looked at her curiously.

She gave him a long-suffering glance as Obi-Wan raised his brows. "Des, you know my master is Idelibian," the Calamrian answered primly. "It has no gender whatsoever."

"Yes, I know that," Master Windu's padawan replied evenly. "But lately, I had some free time to do some research. Ideliban was in a sector near to Boros, you know, and there was plenty of information available on the species of that planet." Desrin propped his chin on his hand and made sure he had a good view of Bant. "From what I gathered, Idelibians are only genderless when they're young. Around about their fourteenth decade, they not only develop gender, but they develop three different genders." He looked at her thoughtfully. "How old is Master Tsiri again?"

Bant stared at him, her silver eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. She was the very picture of a massively stunned Calamarian. After a few moments of silence, Obi-Wan leaned over and closed her mouth.

"As I remember, Desrin, Master Tsiri would be about one hundred and thirty-six," Obi-Wan commented thoughtfully. "I seem to recall a hatching day bash just last year held by a certain Calamarian padawan. Would that be about right, Bant?"

Obi-Wan's yearmate stared at him for a long moment before she cleared her throat and stood abruptly. "Ummm...ahhhh...excuse me, I think I...need to do my laundry," she stammered out before she hightailed it out of the dining hall in search of her master.

Desrin watched her go with a laughing golden gaze before he winked at Obi-Wan. "Never thought I'd see her speechless," he commented as some of the other padawans around the table chuckled.

"A singular accomplishment, I must say," Obi-Wan nodded.

"But I have a question for you as well, Obi-Wan," Desrin continued as he picked up his fork again and speared an errant pastry. Obi-Wan gave him a wary look as their companions quieted again and stretched their ears. What more entertainment could Padawan Naberrie come up with this morning?


"Well, Master happened to mention that he saw Master Yoda shopping around for a bluewood gimer stick," Desrin remarked idly. "He said Master Jinn might know something about it. What do you think that means?"

Obi-Wan's green eyes brightened before he quickly turned his attention to his food.

"Well, Master once mentioned that for Master's Yoda's race, a bluewood gimer stick is something given at a bonding ceremony."

Students around the table were silenced, before turning as one to stare at the Masters' table.

Yoda froze with a pastry half chewed as he felt that familiar ominous regard from the Padawans' table followed by an equally ominous Force-blessed vision. Across from him, Mace and Qui-Gon leaned opposite ways as the pastry went flying between them. Ki-Adi hurried to thump his hacking master on the back before the old Jedi pushed his hands away and turned to glare at Mace.

"Master Windu, too much time you and your padawan spend in Jinn's company!" the little gnome barked as he jumped to the floor and huffed out of the room. Mace turned to Qui-Gon with a pleased grin.

"Did you see that, Qui-Gon?" he beamed. "I pissed off Yoda."

"I'm very proud of you, Mace," Qui-Gon congratulated him.

"Never managed to do that when I was his padawan."

"It takes years of practice."

"I don't see why either of you would wish to do such a thing," Ki-Adi said sharply. His lips were thinned in a scowl. "Why would you want to make Yoda angry at you?"

Mace gave Yoda's oldest padawan a pitying look. Ki had been around how long and hadn't figured it out?

"I bet fifty credits that a new mission will be waiting for me when I return to my quarters," the dark-skinned master commented as he glanced beside him at Qui-Gon, who sipped cautiously at his hot tea. "A mission that will be lightyears away from wherever he'll be sending Qui-Gon."

"And what does that have to do with making Yoda angry?" Ki still wanted to know.

Mace looked at the older master sympathetically. "That means, Master Mundi, that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan will be gone. And Desrin and I will be gone." Master Windu smiled slowly. "Now who does that leave for Yoda to play with?"

Ki-Adi Mundi slowly set down his warm cha as Qui-Gon and Mace regarded him with matching smirks. If it were possible for a Cearean to go pale, Ki would have done so.

"Oh no," he moaned as his companions suddenly turned to look toward the front doorways leading into the dining hall.

Ki's sprightly apprentice chose just that moment to saunter in, her dark green eyes immediately searching out her master and casting him a winsome smile before she gracefully moved towards the Padawans' table. Qui-Gon and Mace glanced at each other before they both turned back to their companion. Ki was still watching as his student settled herself at breakfast. Then he met his companion's eyes.

"I think perhaps it is time to step down from the Council for a while and start taking missions again," he stammered, as close to panic as either Mace or Qui-Gon had ever seen him.

"That would probably be a wise idea," Qui-Gon said stoically.

"Useless but wise," Mace added before he picked up his own cooling tea.

"I hear there's a mission available to Thritica," Qui-Gon continued thoughtfully.

Ki-Adi Mundi laid his head on the table and groaned.