Something Happened on the Way to Heaven

by Bronwyn (

DISCLAIMER: Don't own, wish I did, no infraction meant, no suing, okay George? Title from a Phil Collins song, don't own that either.

NOTES: Okay, this is my first TPM/SW fic, but not the first fanfic I have written, so if you wanna slag, go ahead! All comments of any kind are welcome, including flames. I am a pyromaniac, flames only feed my obsession! ;-) However, I am NOT, repeat NOT on the Master_apprentice discussion list, so if you send stuff there, I won't get it! Direct it to!

Many thanks to Beck for her suggestions about Obi-Wan and fatherhood, endless rounds of: 'Is it finished yet?' and a fantastic beta! Thanks bud, a naked Obi-Wan's on it's way to you(We wish! g)!

WARNINGS: Has SPOILERS for EVERY Star Wars movie, from TPM right through to ROTJ. It's definitely AU, I'm kinda trying to fill in the gaps between TPM and SW. Don't expect canon! Also has a fair amount of violence, you've been warned!

Also, a plot device here may get me in trouble...Star Wars purists be warned. But then again, how can you expect strict canon following when we slash Obi ad Qui to hell and back? Lucas sure didn't put that in, at least not intentionally(remembering final scene with Qui and Obi - highly suspicious....).

SUMMARY: My take on events between TPM and SW - Obi-Wan and Amidala deal with Anakin's betrayal and the destruction of the Jedi.

RATING: uh, PG-13? PG? better say PG-13 to be safe... Angst, H/C, AU, Drama.


ARCHIVE: M/A, Rising Force, my homepage(see sig line), Jedi Hurtaholics if you want(not sure if it's appropriate. Anyone else wants it, just drop me a line!

Enjoy the fic!

// thoughts.


Even as he screamed it, Obi-Wan Kenobi dove forward, rolling then straightening as he fended off the blaster bolts raining around them. But the storm-troopers surrounding them were too many, and it was all he could do to stay alive and defend those escaping.

He deflected another barrage, but one blast slipped through his defense, narrowly missing his leg. He felt the heat of it as it passed him by. He was vaguely aware of Bant running past him, lightsabre also ready, returning shots.

"That's it, that's everyone!" she shouted.

Slowly, the two knights began to back away to the waiting ship's ramp, the ship that had to be defended at all costs.

For it held the some of the last living Jedi, as well as civilians and the person who held Obi-Wan's heart.

But Obi-Wan was beyond thinking of the politics of the situation, the statistics, the sheer mind numbing fact that only twenty three Jedi had made it to the hangar, and that he and Bant were all that was defending them. All they could do was retreat to the ramp, praying they would make it before being cut down like so many others of their kind.

There was a brief sound of machinery powering up behind them, and the ship's onboard lasers began wreaking havoc amongst their attackers. A few moments of carnage, then the troopers hastily retreated, the guns too much for them.

Obi-Wan and Bant used the brief respite to increase their speed, racing to the ship. But Obi-Wan began to slow as he felt a presence approaching. A familiar one...

"Bant, get onboard now."



He shoved all the considerable Force power he held into the command, as well as all the authority he had gained as one of her respected friends and a Jedi Master. A brief moment of hesitation, then Bant obeyed.

But at the top of the ramp, she paused again.

"Obi, let's go! While we still can!"

Oh, he wanted to, badly, but unless he did this now, none of them would get out alive.

"Take off, Bant! I'll meet you at the dropsite, or not at all!"

Bant's head snapped up as she suddenly sensed what Obi-Wan had noticed. "Obi, no! You can't!"

"Bant, go! Or are you so selfish that you allow the last Jedi die for me?!" Cruelty barbed his tone, and he saw her flinch, but it achieved the desired result. The ramp rose, the hatch snapped shut, the engine sound rising in pitch as it prepared to take off.

And then there was no more time to watch the ship.

Obi-Wan breathed as deeply as he could, trying to banish his exhaustion into the Force. He had expended too much energy into just trying to reach the hangar alive, and he would more than likely pay for that with his life. But as long as the ship escaped, precious cargo aboard, it was a life well given.

No time for introspection now, the door at the far end of the hangar rolled back on its gears.

Obi-Wan forced himself to concentrate solely on the upcoming battle, not the surge of hatred that blazed through him at the site of his former apprentice. Though still tow-headed and bright eyed, still angelically beautiful, Anakin Skywalker was the epitome of evil.

A dark smile lit up the man's face as he saw the Jedi knight standing at the entrance to the ship.

"Obi-Wan," he breathed. Beside him, a storm trooper raised his blaster, only to have his head savagely crushed as Anakin struck a blow to his temple. "That one is mine!"

The remaining storm troopers fanned out, converging on the ship, but it was too late. Its engine's hum rising to a fevered pitch, the ship rotated 180 degrees then blasted out into the Coruscant skies, narrowly avoiding killing Obi-Wan in the back draft.

Anakin's hiss of anger went unheard over the deafening roar, but the fury he unleashed into the Force was felt even by the Force-blind troopers. Several gasped, dropping weapons, others shook their heads. Only Obi-Wan and Anakin didn't move for a long moment, then Anakin's voice cut through the silence left in the wake of the ship's departure.

"Out. I will deal with this...mynock...myself."

The troopers hurriedly obeyed, eager to be away from this terrifying, yet compelling man. As they left, Anakin crossed the hangar to Obi- Wan, who had not moved at all. The young Sith apprentice paused six short feet from his former Master, his stance casual and uncaring. But a seasoned warrior, Obi-Wan knew that he was ready to strike.

Anakin smiled ferally. "It's been a long time, my Master." Then he paused, tapping his chin thoughtfully with one black gloved finger. "But, oh, you're not the Master anymore, are you, Obi-Wan. Only one of a handful of remaining Jedi, whom I will hunt to the ends of the universe. Even now, your kind dies around you."

Obi-Wan still did not move, muscles not in the least strained by the effort of remaining motionless. Only his eyes showed evidence of life, following Anakin's every gesture. His face was carefully schooled impassiveness, an expression the emotional Anakin had always detested.

Undaunted by the lack of reaction, though his eyes tightened slightly at the expression, Anakin waved a hand expansively. "Do you like how I've redecorated Coruscant? I think the Jedi Temple looks far better painted red and black with Jedi blood and carbon scoring, don't you?"

Still no response.

Anakin snarled suddenly, his features twisting in darkness. "This silence gains you nothing! You will still end this day spitted on my 'sabre. And don't think that your Master's blade can save you, it couldn't even save him."

Anakin's anger came quickly, as it always had, Obi-Wan noted distantly, still holding position.

Before him, his former padawan flung back his black cloak, snorting at Obi-Wan's defiant arrogance.

//Nor has he lost his melodramatic flair// Obi- Wan noted dryly.

Anakin leant closer, though keeping a protective distance. "The Jedi will be no more. I have slain countless of their numbers, this resistance of your's is useless!" he spat savagely, hand moving to his 'sabre at his belt. "It is only a pity I have you this soon. I would have rather have caught you last, burnt out by the deaths of all you care about."

He stepped back again, still holding his hand near his 'sabre. "I have dreamed about it, you know." Speaking almost conversationally. "All the Jedi destroyed, and I hunt down you...and Padme."

Anakin had never referred to his wife as Amidala, she was Padme in his eyes. It had been all that has stopped Amidala going insane at times, she could almost fool herself into thinking that Padme was someone else, all the terrible things that Anakin had done, that was someone else's husband. Her husband was Ani, the young man who loved her and his Master beyond anything.

Anakin's eyes held a dark light now, as his mental imaginings overtook him. "I would kill you before her. It is only fitting that she watch the death of the one she betrayed me with. Then...I will kill her. Slowly. And my vengeance would be complete."

Obi-Wan's impassive mask shattered at that, and he moved. His face drew back in a snarl feral enough to match Anakin's own, and he flowed into the first stance of the 'mre' kata. The kata of battle.

A snap and a hiss, and Anakin's 'sabre lit before the Master. It's blade was no longer blue, the colour Anakin had chosen to honour his master, no, now it was red, an imitation of the blood it spilled.

Anakin undid his cloak, throwing it aside, removing it as a hindrance. The action revealed another 'sabre at his belt, his old one. In a quick movement, he unhooked it and tossed it to Obi-Wan. A silent, though formal declaration of his resignation from the Jedi corps.

The Master's hand lashed out and caught it, clipping it to his own belt. An equally formal declaration that his resignation was accepted.

"Well," Anakin turned his blade in his hand a few times, getting the feel of it. "Now that the formalities are over -"

He lunged forward, and the two blades, one red and one green, clashed.

The deck of the ship trembled beneath Bant as the Calamarian stumbled toward the cockpit. She had given the order to retreat over the intercom beside the entry hatch, and as she reached the cockpit, the ship shot forward smoothly.

A Jedi Master - Asca Nevc, Bant remembered his name was - was piloting, and as she looked, the copilot seat spun around.

"Where's Obi-Wan?!" cried Amidala, seeing she was alone. The pilot also turned to her at that, shock on his face.

Bant drew a gasping breath. "He stayed to defend. Vader turned up."

All colour left Amidala's face at that statement. "Skies above. He'll kill Obi!"

The Master/pilot nodded as well. "We have to get him out of there. We've too many dead already, we can't lose anymore. We need him, especially." The Master didn't look at Amidala as he spoke, though his words concerned her directly.

He brought the ship round in a graceful arch, returning to the hangar. He knew that the freighter could manoeuvre easily, the hangar was enormous.

"You two had better get down there to pull him aboard. The pick up is going to be fast."

Amidala and Bant rushed to obey.

Anakin lunged forward, trying to drive his 'sabre between Obi-Wan's defences, but his former master was too quick. Using his preferred style of fighting - acrobatics - he somersaulted out of the way of a potentially lethal thrust. This move increased Anakin's frustration, he had never mastered acrobatics as an offensive and defensive technique, something he severely regretted now.

Lightsabres clashed, and again, the Sith apprentice determined to kill Obi-Wan, the other man determined to survive. But as in their last encounter, Obi-Wan skipped several opportunities to wound Anakin.

The young dark lord smirked. Obi-Wan still believed he could be saved. A notion he had to be disabused of immediately.

On the peripheral edges of the fight, Obi-Wan became aware of the return of the transport ship, and though he was angry, he feel relief as well. While he had no wish to die, he knew he also could not strike Anakin down, not now and perhaps not ever.

The Master fell back, retreating from his own padawan, searching for a way to distract Anakin from the transport's approach.

He aggressively dove forward, spinning and slashing, calling on his longtime mastery of fighting. His master had always said he had never seen Obi-Wan's equal in battle, and Obi- Wan knew he had not met that match in Anakin Skywalker.

The transport surged back into the hangar, the noise of its engines deafening in the confining space, drowning out Anakin's roar of rage as it swooped forward to collect Obi-Wan, much in the way Obi-Wan and he himself had saved Qui-Gon from the Sith apprentice on Tatooine long ago.

He pounced forward, moving so quickly Obi-Wan could only deflect the blow slightly as he drove his 'sabre into his former master's chest like a knife through water. He stumbled back as Obi-Wan began to slump, as if suddenly horrified by what he'd done, but then the freighter was there, Obi-Wan being Force-pulled on board by the other Jedi, being grabbed by Amidala as the freighter lifted and began to move away.

Amidala looked out the hatch as the ship lifted once more, her arms cradling a still and bloody Obi-Wan. For a moment, she did not see Vader, the murderer of millions, but her beloved husband Ani, reaching for her, calling her name...


Then perspective snapped back into place as she glanced down, uncertain, and saw Obi-Wan's damaged form. The hideous wound that would probably kill him. Inflicted by the man she had exchanged marriage vows with.

She lifted her head and screamed her hatred for Darth Vader, the man that had taken over her husband's soul and body.

"Padme is dead, and so is Anakin Skywalker!"

Then the ship accelerated out of the bay for the second and final time, and others were there, helping Obi-Wan, trying to heal him, and she was so wrapped up in saving the life of the last person she could trust, Amidala did not hear Anakin screaming her name.


Bant withdrew her hands from Obi-Wan's forehead and favoured Amidala with a tired smile. "I have set the healing trance. Obi-Wan's body is already repairing itself. As long as his fever does not rise too high, he will be fine with a few weeks." The Calamarian kept to herself the fact that it would be only days with Bacta treatment and a proper Jedi healer, Amidala was worried enough as it was.

They had raced to pull Obi-Wan back into the ship, horror almost tangible at his wounding, Amidala releasing a cry of pain. As quickly and efficiently as they could, the two women brought him to a cabin, laying him out and treating his wound with both Bant's Force abilities and the meagre medical supplies on hand.

Their efforts had been further hampered by the rocking of the ship as it evaded Palpatine's ships that hung in orbit around Coruscant, but escape they had, and somehow lost all pursuit. Now, the flew deeper into space, as far from Palpatine and Anakin's destruction as possible.

Bant gently ran a hand along Obi-Wan's forehead, smiling faintly at Amidala as she sensed a faint surge of jealousy briefly overcome worry.

"Don't worry, Amidala. The healing trance will accelerate his recovery, he will be with us again soon."

The amphibious knight stood. "He will have a fever for a few hours, cooling his skin should help. But he should be much better by the time we reach the hideout."

Amidala tore her eyes from Obi-Wan long enough to frown at Bant. "We are going to Hoth?"

The female spread her hands. "We have no choice. There is nowhere else to run." She smiled reassuringly at Amidala's worried expression. "We have all we need to fight the Empire Amidala. Take strength from our cause and your care for Obi-Wan. The Force will guide us."

As Bant left the room, Amidala gently stroked Obi's warm cheek, before softly kissing it. "Please, Force, guide us. Help us. We need it."

Amidala carefully wrung out the cloth and before placing it on Obi- Wan's forehead again. But the fear was rising in her as the hours passed and the fever climbed.

They had reached Obi-Wan in time to treat the wound, but their ship had been chosen in haste, and was a freighter carrying foodstuffs. There were few medical supplies and they were barely adequate. Obi-Wan was not the only one injured in the escape from Coruscant, but he was the worst case.

They didn't have what they needed to help him. The Jedi healing trance was not working. And his fever just kept rising.

Amidala gently used another cloth to wipe the sweat from Obi's face and neck. As she did so, she realised her hands were trembling badly, and she forced herself to lay them in her lap. But serenity and calm eluded her.

Anxious to move, to do anything, she stood, aiming to refill the bowl with cool water. But as she emptied it into the sink, her hands betrayed her again, and she dropped the bowl. Water splashed around the small bathroom.

Amidala closed her eyes, leaning against the cool surface of the bathroom mirror. She could handle this. She had no choice. She took several deep breaths before raising her eyes to meet her reflection.

It had started out so simply. She and Anakin had met on Tatooine during the mission to save her world, Naboo, from attack. An attack that Palpatine, one of her own Senators, precipitated. Not that they knew that until too late, she reflected bitterly.

It was on the same mission that she met Obi- Wan, then apprenticed to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. She had found him a wonderful, beautiful man, indeed, had developed a crush on him. She had been delighted that circumstances, though sad, ensured that she saw him often when he accepted Anakin as his padawan. Anakin had come to see her every opportunity he had, but she had thought his attention blind infatuation, not real love, like her feelings for Obi-Wan.

She would give anything now to have paid attention then.

And it was because she saw Obi-Wan so often that she learned that his heart was taken. It had died with his Master in the melting pit under a tattooed Sith Lord's blade. He had told her, unfolding his heart to the young girl, that he and his Master had been lifemates - the Jedi equivalent of marriage, though far more spiritual - and that he barely felt able to live in a world without his love. She had cried bitterly for weeks before accepting that she could not have him. It was at her twentieth birthday, the day when she was officially a sexually mature woman by her culture's standards, that she noticed the sixteen year old Anakin in a new light.

They had married four years later, at the midpoint of Anakin's studies. Though such things were not usually allowed by the Jedi, the rules had been stretched to pretzel consistency in Anakin's case already, and the marriage had been allowed. Mostly in the hope that Amidala could ground Anakin and prevent him from becoming out of control. It hadn't worked.

//We were so happy// she sighed at her reflection, fighting tears back again. She forced air into her lungs and released it. Behind her she heard a faint murmur, a voice wracked with pain.


Cursing herself for wasting time when he was so badly hurt, she quickly refilled the bowl and returned to his side. Laying one soft and on his forehead, furrowed with too many worry lines, she frowned. His temperature was not abating.

She set down the bowl, wet and replaced the cloth on his forehead, began to wipe his face again. They had been left alone in a separate cabin on the ship so Obi-Wan would not be disturbed, but she remembered the horrified faces around her when Bant and the other knight had pulled Obi-Wan aboard.

She understood the feeling.

Like so many others, he seemed invincible, able to handle all. His padawan had turned against him, yet he still fought for the light. All his friends dying around him, yet he did not despair. The love of his life gone, yet he found someone else to love. At the thought, Amidala's hand moved down to touch the gentle swelling of her stomach. At three months pregnant, the children were only just beginning to show.

Wringing out the cloth again, Amidala spoke into the oppressive silence of the room, still tenderly wiping his skin to cool it.

"After Anakin and I married, we were so happy, Obi. I know you were too, glad to see that we had a love like your's and your Master's, but afraid that we would lose it the same way. I guess we did, in the end."

The young exiled queen ran the cloth down one arm, up the other, across the neck. She continued the ministrations, soothing in a way, the same rhythmic, unceasing motion. It twined her into thought again.

She wasn't sure exactly when Anakin had started to be standoffish and suspicious when Obi-Wan was around. She had been aware that on some level, Anakin had always known that she had wanted Obi-Wan, but she didn't realise that the Sith Lord would take this knowledge and twist it until Anakin believed he was the second choice.

The loser.

The one she had to take when she couldn't have what she wanted.

It wasn't true, had never been, but Amidala felt guilt shuddering up inside her. Had she in some way led him to think that? After Anakin had left them, Obi-Wan had told her, no, she had done nothing. It was his own insecurities controlling him. But that didn't help in the coldness of night, when she slept alone.

The day Anakin left had been terrible. She had been out all night in talks, state matters, returning in the early morning to their rooms. She had been turning a problem over and over again in her mind, considering a possible solution that Obi-Wan had offered. He sat in on most government meetings, offering advice and counsel.

When she had returned to their quarters, Anakin had been waiting. He had seen Obi-Wan in her thoughts, and when the door slid back, he had - - grabbed her, throwing her across the room. She had stumbled on the hem of her robe, tripped and fell to her knees. Before she could even gasp out a shocked query, Anakin sank his hands deeply into her intricately woven hair and savagely dragged her up to face him.

"You whore!"

He shoved her sideways, and she tumbled, the bottom falling out of her world. But Anakin had her again, pulling her up by her arm this time, in a grip hard enough to bruise.

"You were with him!

She managed to get out a word, little more than a breath, but heard nonetheless. "Who..."

She cried out as he threw her again, she struck the bedpost, pain lancing through her head. Wetness trickled down her face, and she knew she was bleeding.

"Obi-Wan!" The words were twisted, cruel. "My Master. Betraying me by the man who teaches me what is right and wrong!" He flicked a kick at her stomach, she managed to twist so it barely grazed her, yet the pain was still agonising. "Well, I have a new Master now, one who'll teach me how to make those around me respect me as they should!"

Not understanding, terribly afraid, Amidala sought to mollify this madman currently inhabiting her husband's body.

"Obi-Wan and I have done nothing, I love -"

He caught her hair again, rough fingers tangling in it. "Don't lie to me!"

"I'm not!" she screamed back. He had dragged her, hands still deep in her hair, to their mirror, shoving her face forward.

"Can you look yourself in the eye and tell me you never loved him?"

Amidala stared wide-eyed in the mirror, not looking at her own bruised face, rather focusing on the stranger's visage behind her. This was not her Anakin. It couldn't be.

His breath was hot on her cheek as he whispered to her, a frightening caress. "Do you know what it's like, Padme? To have the woman of your dreams, and know that she only thinks of another? That she shares his bed while feeding you lies about being in Council meetings?"

"I was in a Council meeting!" She still refused to cry, despite the pain and bewilderment threatening to swamp her.

His hands tightened even more in her air, eliciting a gasp from her red-painted lips. "Don't lie to me! I ran into Senator Palpatine, he denied there were any meetings on. And I was on my way back from practising my training kata's." His voice twisted viciously. "Alone. My Master said he had pressing business elsewhere."

Amidala barely had the opportunity to remember that Palpatine had requested that he be excused as he was feeling ill before Anakin's voice turned hoarse with badly suppressed fury and frustration. "I bet he pressed alright. Pressed your betraying little body into his bed while you begged and wept for more!"

She tried one last time, desperate to make him see reason. "I didn't-"

"SHUT UP!" he shouted. "I know you wanted him! You always have! And now you have what you want. I've lost much in my life. I was rescued from slavery, only to have to leave my mother behind. Have the man who promised me that my dreams would come true die. Meet and marry a beautiful woman whom I love with all my heart, only to have her reject me to seek comfort in the arms of the man I trusted above all else!"

Anakin's voice was as brutal as his grip on her body, his voice hissing. "I'm tired of being the fool, Padme. I'm tired of having things taken from me. Now I will take, take what I want, what I'm owed! And you look at yourself in that mirror, meet your own eyes, and tell me that you never once shared his bed."

Afraid to speak, she trembled, sensing the unstable insanity within him, saw Anakin take her silence for incrimination, wrench her head back, bring his 'sabre to his hands, activate it, bring it down -

Only to be blocked by a 'sabre of brilliant green.

Anakin dropped her, fingers pulling unbearably on her scalp for a moment before she fell free. He kept his 'sabre ready, but backed away from the avenging form of his Master.

"ANAKIN! What are you doing!"

"Taking my due!"

The queen could only stare in shock as her husband and closest friend fought one another, 'sabres darting, sparks flying. No mock battle, no practice match. This was a real fight, both combatants moving almost faster than the eye could follow. But it was rapidly apparent that Anakin was no match for Obi-Wan. He gave ground, cursing viciously. Finally, he dipped his 'sabre, deactivating it, conceding defeat.

Obi-Wan did not power down his own weapon. He stepped protectively in front of Amidala.. "Have you lost all sense!" he bellowed. "What in Sith were you doing?"

Anakin laughed rudely, spread his hands. "Why not reach into my mind and find out?"

Amidala saw Obi-Wan's eyes attain the semi- blank look they always did when he reached out with his mind. But then he reeled back, a strangled sound of horror emerging from lips gone numb with shock.

Anakin laughed again, slowly backing towards the door. But Obi-Wan made no move to follow, he only watched as Anakin opened the door.

"Goodbye, Master, Padme. I don't need you anymore. When you see me next, it will herald your death. You thought I was just a useless slave. I'll show you all!"

He was gone.

Amidala remained on the floor, one hand holding her damaged cheek. She waited long moments, but Anakin didn't return, and Obi-Wan didn't move. This increased her terror, and she scrabbled to her feet.

"Obi-Wan!" She shook him frantically, terrified by the pale flesh of his face, the blankness in his eyes. Awareness suddenly leaped back, and he touched her damaged face gently, withdrawing at her involuntary hiss of pain.

"The Dark side. Anakin has turned to the Dark side."

It had been a while before she fully understood what Obi-Wan meant, but eventually she did. Evil. Her husband, her love, had become pure evil.

Feeling hurt, downtrodden, imagining slights that were never there, he had nurtured a growing hatred of everything around him. This hatred grew, hidden so deep Anakin himself didn't know, yet expanding steadily until it exploded. Anakin had never gotten over having to leave his mother behind, he irrationally blamed Obi-Wan for that. He never moved past the anger at the Council's rejection of him, transferring that hatred to Obi-Wan as well, ignoring that it was Obi-Wan who had taken him in and trained him. He secretly felt that he wasn't good enough to be a Jedi, and that they laughed at him. He wanted to be better than them all.

The Sith Lord had watched the hatred grow, carefully and unobtrusively feeding it, planting the notion of Obi-Wan and Amidala being lovers. A thousand petty grievances all wove together in a tapestry of rage until it consumed him. Anakin turned to the only source that could provide the power and domination he craved.

The Dark side.

For three years, Anakin was neither seen nor heard of, though Obi- Wan spent much time searching. On Coruscant, the Council of the Jedi had murmured and shook their heads, all bearing the expression of 'I told you so,' in between worried musings about what this move portended.

Obi-Wan had nearly been destroyed by the turning, and as the only one who truly understood and shared the loss, Amidala became his confidant, his lifeline. The only one he could trust...

She had woken in the middle of the hot summer night to a hand stroking her hair.


The smile that lit her face was genuine, Obi-Wan was the only person who could draw such a smile from her anymore. Shared pain and comfort had deepened the already intense bond between them, which lead to it deepening yet further as they shared more of themselves.

He was outlined in bright moonlight, painting his skin pale blue, sharply outlining his handsome features. A beautiful man still, though lacking the odd braid he had worn when she first met him. Wrapping a sheet around her naked form, she sat up, rubbing tired eyes.

"When did you return?"

Obi-Wan dredged up an exhausted smile, just for her. "Only an hour ago. I came straight here." His voice caught. "I needed to be with you. I can't tell anyone else, not yet."

Her heart stilled. "You found him?"

In response, the man before her pulled back the edge of his tunic from his neck. A half healed wound, one she recognised as a 'sabre mark, graced the previously unblemished skin, seemingly even more visible in the soft night time light.

She was fully awake in an instant. "He did that to you?" She reached out to examine the wound.

Obi-Wan nodded before dropping heavily into a chair beside her bed, gently pushing her fingers away. Though only thirty eight to her twenty seven, she could see pure white hairs on his crown, painfully obvious in the moonlight streaming in her window.

"I have no doubt now. Anakin is gone. He goes by the name 'Vader' now."

Overwhelmed by the terrible news that, effectively, her husband was dead, Amidala reached for something, anything to save her sanity. "V...Vader? Short for invader?"

Obi-Wan let out a bitter mocking laugh. "I don't know. All I know is that nothing remains of my padawan..." he met her eyes, "...or your husband."

She let tears take her, mourned as if she really had lost him, which she supposed she had. Nothing of the man she loved remained, only the dark warrior who had usurped his body and killed him.

Blind in her grief, she felt Obi-Wan sit beside her on the bed, holding her, sharing her grief. He stroked her thick mass of hair, muttered comforting sounds. He opened his mind to hers, allowing her to see what he had seen.

Anakin, sneering, uncaring about her, his former master or the light. He had again accused Obi-Wan of sharing Amidala's bed, though they never had, and for not having faith in him, which had only been briefly, at the start of Anakin's training, when the grief over Qui-Gon's death was still fresh. The torrent of his rage had poured out, and feeling its depths, Obi-Wan knew he couldn't save his padawan. But he had to try.

Nothing Obi-Wan said brought sanity to Anakin's eyes, but he had persisted until the former Jedi apprentice had turned and drawn his lightsabre on him. Obi-Wan had frozen in disbelief, and was struck. But instinct kicked in, and he had beaten Anakin back.

"I won't be caught out again." Obi-Wan's voice was soft in the darkness. "He'll come after you next. I won't let that happen."

Amidala closed her eyes, but still all she saw was black. "Where was he when you found him?" she asked listlessly.

Obi-Wan hesitated before answering. "On Tatooine. Standing over the body of his mother." He choked back a sob. "He killed her before I got there. I could sense it, tried to get there. I was too slow."

It was his turn to cry now, and Amidala held him. She gently stroked his hair, craving physical contact to push away all the horror her world had been filled with. And as she cradled him, the love she bore him came to the fore, and she tilted his head and kissed him.

He made a sound of protest, partway between a laugh and a sob. "I can't, Amidala, I can't. I'm bonded to Qui-Gon, he was my lifemate. I love him. He's waiting for me. It's not fair to you, to him -"

Amidala silenced him with a deep kiss, even as he responded slightly. "I'm not asking for the next life, Obi-Wan. My Anakin will be with me there, you'll have your mate. All I'm asking for is now, this life. We both need to heal this hurt within us, or it'll kill us both." Her voice dropped. "Please. We need this."

A shaky breath, and a nod. "You're right."

Hands roamed flesh, kisses taken desperately, each trying to satisfy the great void within them. And as their bodies coupled in the moonlight, striving for a union, those voids were at least partially filled.

Amidala did not cease her tending of Obi-Wan during her musings. It was laughable, in an entirely serious sense, that Anakin was so afraid that she and Obi-Wan were sleeping together that he drove them to do so. But she regretted none of it.

It had not been a one off encounter, they had remained close, engaging in comfort when they needed to, taking solace in one another. And it was by Obi-Wan that the two children growing inside her had been conceived.

She had been afraid to tell him, frightened it would tie him down in a way he did not wish, that it would drive him from her. She had been foolish to think so. It had been Obi-Wan who, in the end, told her that she was pregnant with twins, having sensed them. He was as apprehensive as she was about it, but they had moved past their fears, and had been ecstatic that they could create new life despite the turmoil that surrounded them.

They had agreed that, for now, the children's existence should be secret. It was not hard to hide, she was only five weeks into her pregnancy, it didn't show yet. They would worry about what to do when it became obvious. Somehow, she and Obi-Wan had found balance, and her life felt bearable again.

But she had been given precious little time to put all this into perspective as events happened frighteningly fast.

Anakin had returned. And the Sith Lord revealed himself.

Palpatine had declared her in violation of her planet's laws by committing adultery while her husband still lived, Anakin backing him on the claim. Belatedly, Amidala remembered Palpatine's deliberate deception of her husband the night he had fled Naboo and the light. Both Anakin and Palpatine had used the Force to twist minds into believing this charge, a charge that carried the death sentence on Naboo. Palpatine had sent a mob of 'outraged moralists' to kill her in hopes of driving Anakin further insane with her death, but Obi- Wan had saved her again. They hid amongst the Gungans until they could get off planet.

And Anakin's rage had grown.

They had retreated to Coruscant, Amidala protected by the Republic, but that safety was fleeting.

Within a few months, Palpatine and Anakin had twisted, perverted and overwhelmed hundreds of thousands of minds, turning them into their own private army. They had razed Naboo, killed every Gungan they could find. The Trade Federation had joined Palpatine's army, the number swelling to immense proportions.

This massive attack force had destroyed every planet between Naboo and Coruscant, enslaving populations, convincing some to join the troops. The Jedi realised who Palpatine was, what his intentions were, but it was too late.

Palpatine invaded Coruscant, Anakin at his side.

The slaughter had been ghastly, Jedi the main targets. Though they were excellent warriors, the 'storm troopers', as Palpatine's forces were called, outnumbered them in a huge proportion and the Jedi could only fight until they were exhausted, and then die.

Amidala rubbed her eyes, unable to believe that it had been slightly under a day since Coruscant had been invaded. The deaths, slaughter, fires, attacks, retreat, escape, all had happened so fast it had been a blur in her mind.

She had been asleep when Obi-Wan had burst into their quarters - he had insisted upon their sharing despite the Council's objections - waking her quickly, pulling her to her feet. She had been dressed already, thankfully, only taking a nap in the middle of the day, and he had given her a blaster.

They had fought their way out of the Temple to the landing pad.

The blaster he pushed into her hand was warm, and for a second she had the terrible thought that Obi-Wan had used it already. But that was ridiculous, the Jedi didn't use blasters.

"What is it?" She asked as he pulled her towards the other exit of their quarters. The Jedi had disapproved of their sharing quarters, but had agreed, clearly expecting her to sleep in Anakin's old room. The rooms Obi-Wan held were those that he and his Master had shared, Obi-Wan sleeping in his Master's old room. But she hadn't, couldn't bear to sleep in Ani's room, wanted to be with Obi-Wan. She shared his bed instead.

Yet now they entered the room that both had tried to ignore, moving to the door in the opposite wall. The door had been dysfunctional during Obi-Wan's padawan training, but he'd had it repaired. He was grateful for that now.

He pulled Amidala through the room, steadfastly refusing to look at the belongings Anakin had left there, Amidala doing the same. He keyed in the opening sequence, holding her back as he quickly checked the corridor.

"Palpatine has invaded."

Before Amidala could express shock, there was a crashing sound on the main door, then a fizzling sound as someone began to cut through with a lightsabre.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan breathed. He grabbed her hand, pulling her into the corridor. Lightsabre and blaster ready, they ran for it.

They encountered several squads of storm troopers as they made for the emergency assembly place for the Temple. All were engaged with Jedi, who defended them as they slipped through the corridors. To all the Force-sensitive Jedi, it was obvious Amidala was pregnant, and they protected her as well as they could, urging Obi-Wan to get her to safety. He needed no urging, but his fear was that Anakin would sense her pregnancy as the others had.

They dove through the twisting corridors, dodging squads. As they ran, they were moving to the west side of the Temple, and as they went, it became painfully obvious that the storm troopers had already been through here. Corpses and carnage everywhere.

Obi-Wan snagged Amidala around the waist, carefully guiding her through the debris and bodies, lightsabre ready.

"Nearly there," he breathed in her ear. He made her wait, while he darted around a corner.

Seconds later she flung herself to the floor as blaster fire erupted around her. Rolling behind a column, she managed to get a glimpse of her attackers.

Storm troopers, three.

There was a brief pause, she could hear the hum of communications equipment. Why weren't they attacking? She strained her hearing, and managed to catch what they were saying.

"She's the one we want, and any Jedi with her. Vader wants her. Get her alive."

//Like hell!// thought Amidala. She took a deep breath, and attacked.

She leaped to her feet and dove across the corridor, firing as she went, before lurching behind another pillar. //Thank the Force the Jedi go in for monumental architecture//

Aware that her hiding place was now known, Amidala fired blindly around the pillar, knowing from a muffled curse that she had hit one of them. As she fired, she screamed.


Painfully long seconds later, she could see him, racing down the adjoining corridor toward her. From her vantage point, she also saw Bant with him, felt relief that Obi's oldest friend survived. He needed her. She caught his eyes, indicating that there were at least three troopers. He quickly conveyed this to Bant, and their lightsabres flared into life as they burst into the corridor.

There were only the three, it was over quickly. The one Amidala had struck was dead, and Bant and Obi-Wan took out a remaining one each, deflecting their own blows back at them.

Obi-Wan grabbed her around the waist, pulling her too her feet and making sure she was unharmed, before grabbing her hand, pulling her back the way they came.

"They were looking for me," she gasped as she ran. "And you."

Obi-Wan's grip tightened slightly, reassuringly. "Don't worry, we're nearly there. They won't touch you."

Amidala sighed in relief. "Are there many here?" she whispered as they rounded the corner into the hangar. Ahead of them, some people were streaming up the extended ramp of a freighter. She could see civilians, some Jedi children, a few padawans and knights, and a Master standing guard as the others boarded.

Bant shook her head, an odd move for the amphibious creature. "Fifty at most, probably thirty. Too many troopers."

Amidala's heart sank.

The Master on guard met Obi-Wan's eyes, and she could see that they were communicating mentally. Obi-Wan's eyes widened, then he nodded.

Obi-Wan pressed a rough kiss to Amidala's forehead, then pushed her in the direction of the Master and the ship. "Get on now. There are more troopers coming."

"I love you!" she cried, seeing his answering smile, then she turned, running as hard as she could toward the ship as blaster fire exploded around her for the second time that day.

Which led her back to here. Obi-Wan, 'sabre wound in his chest, increasingly rising fever, laboured breathing. No medical supplies, little weapons, fleeing for their lives.

She was becoming afraid. She had done all she could, and Obi-Wan was still leaving her. She leant forward, grasping his hand until her knuckles lost all colour.

"Please, Obi-Wan. You can't leave me. I need you."

The only response was incoherent murmurings from the fevered sleep. Amidala gently brushed hair back from Obi-Wan's forehead before kissing it lightly. She carefully climbed up on the bed, lying beside him, taking him into her arms as she had done so many times before, and he had done for her. She could feel the heat radiating off him, and at a loss, she kissed him again.

"Please, love," she whispered. "Don't go."

It was deep into the ship's night when she awoke, hand fumbling for the light controls, setting them on dim.

For a long moment, she was uncertain, unsure exactly what had woken her. Automatically she reached for Obi-Wan, searching for his reassurance. It took her a few moments to remember his injuries, but the memory was brought to the fore when she brushed his skin.

It burned to the touch.

She reached for the cloth and water again, but they had grown warm while she slept, and with shaking, terrified hands, she grabbed them and stumbled into the bathroom. She hurried to refill the bowl with cool water, hands trembling, but dropped the bowl at a hoarse shout from Obi-Wan.

Forgetting the bowl, she fled back to his side, only to freeze in horror as his fever-wracked body began to convulse. She listened to his thrashing and harsh breathing for a brief second before throwing herself forward, climbing on top of him in an effort to still his flailing limbs to prevent him harming himself or reopening his partially healed wound.

Tears poured down Amidala's face as she struggled to hold onto the only person left in her life. She barely heard herself screaming to the other Jedi for help, hearing far more clearly her own mental babblings to the man below her.

//Oh, Force, please Obi-Wan, don't leave me, please!//

Obi-Wan's body arched impossibly tight for a moment; she feared he would snap. Then the fight left him suddenly, he tumbled limply back down onto the bed, breathing barely audible.

Amidala gently reached out, one hand tracing along his collarbone, dipping into the hollow of his throat, seeking his lifebeat. His flesh was so hot...and his lifebeat was so weak.

There was no doubt in Amidala's mind that Obi- Wan would not survive the night.

Silent tears tracked down elegant features, and her eyes darkened in grief. With a soft keening wail, she pulled Obi-Wan's still form into her arms, gently rocking him.

"No, please stay..."

She gradually became aware of a change in the quality of light in the room, dimness giving way to a soft, suffusing blue glow. Still cradling Obi-Wan's dying form, she lifted her head, blinking to clear salty tears from her vision.

What she saw stilled her heart.

At the foot of what was rapidly becoming Obi- Wan's deathbed, an indistinct figure swelled and shimmered, slowly gaining humanoid features. Her grip on Obi-Wan tightening uncontrollably, Amidala only stared as the dancing light rippled and then coalesced into the features of Qui-Gon Jinn.

She had only known the Jedi Master for a small time, preoccupied in saving her people, appreciated his help, yet did not take the time to know him better. Upon hearing of his death, and seeing a distraught, almost catatonic Obi- Wan - in shock from the shattered life bond - she regretted bitterly not learning of the man who gave his life for her people.

She had made up for that error in some small measure after his death, listening to Obi-Wan tell her of their past, helping him overcome his almost crippling grief. And though she knew him for only a few weeks, she easily recognised his features and his current form.

A Force Spirit.

Obi-Wan had told her of this phenomena, where Jedi had the ability to manifest themselves before those still alive after their deaths. He had warned her that they usually only appeared when those that they cared about, those that still lived, were in great danger, or dying themselves.

Qui-Gon Jinn had come for his lifemate.

He was dressed as he had been the day he died, his body whole and complete, showing no sign of the wound that killed him. His hair brushed his shoulders softly, tied back from the face that was as calm and inscrutable as it had been the day she had met him. Yet his figure was not fully complete: his belt was devoid of his lightsabre, the lightsabre Obi-Wan now carried, and that rested on the bedside table beside them.

The dead Jedi Master did not speak to her, he hadn't come for her. He silently reached out his hand to Obi-Wan, who shifted slightly in her grasp, hands twitching as if he reached for something of his own. He murmured softly, voice hoarse with pain.


The Force Spirit advanced around the bed, reaching out to touch the young knight's cheek.


The dispossessed queen clung jealously to Obi- Wan, pulling him away from the Spirit's incorporeal touch. "Don't take him, we need him, I need him..." She rocked his form again, aware she trod the fine line between grief and dark insanity. But she couldn't bear to lose Obi-Wan....she couldn't.

For the first time, the spirit deigned to look at her, the serene features taking in her red, tear filled eyes, her tight grasp on Obi-Wan, her palpable fear.

{Let him go}

She didn't hear the voice with her ears, rather it echoed in her mind, like a clear note struck from a bell. But the source of the sound was irrelevant, all she knew was that it was intent on taking her Obi-Wan away from her.

"I won't." Her voice was unsteady. "He is needed too much here."

{He suffers. Release him from the pain.}

She could sense anguish in the incorporeal figure's voice, sadness that his lifemate was in pain. Her political mind catalogued that observation, perhaps it could be used to bargain for Obi-Wan's life.

"He does suffer. We all do. But we need his strength, his courage..." her voice dipped in volume, uncertain how the spirit would react to her next statement, "...his love, to keep us going. To give us the will to drive back the Empire."

The spirit again surveyed her, but made no further move to touch Obi-Wan, a sign she prayed meant he would not take Obi-Wan yet.

{The Empire will be destroyed, young queen, but you will not live to see it.} The spirit's gaze shifted slightly to the limp figure in her embrace. {Nor will Obi-Wan}

Terror gripped her heart, an unbearable pressure that tightened further as the spirit narrowed it's eyes at her.

"No, don't take him, I need him..."

{He has already given you much.} A faint hint of jealousy entered the tone. {You share his bed and love, have taken much from him, taken him from me...}

"No more than your 'Force' stole from me!" she flared back. "Why shouldn't we seek comfort in each other when all else has been taken from us? He is all I have left, him and -"

She bit her lip to stifle her outburst, uncertain how Jinn would react to the words she had almost uttered. He showed jealousy that she shared Obi-Wan's bed and affections, how would he react to the fact she bore his children as well?

The spirit of Obi-Wan's lifemate paused, head tilted to one side as if listening to a voice only he could hear. After a long hesitation, he sighed, folding hands into his heavy robe.

{I have no right to be angry with you. Obi-Wan chooses his own path. I would have his company again, yet you have the right of it. His task is not done. I cannot be with him yet. But I can ease his pain.}

She inhaled sharply as the spirit's hand brushed Obi-Wan's cheek, gently caressing. Obi turned into the touched, a soft gasp escaping his lips, his breath evening out.

"Master..." he mumbled again.

A look of intense pain crossed the spirit's face, and it's hand hovered over Obi-Wan for a long moment, Amidala holding in her breath in silent fear.

The hand moved away.

Amidala allowed herself to breathe as the spirit stepped back, already beginning to disintegrate. It met her gaze evenly, it's tone purely possessive.

{You have Obi-Wan in this life, now that I am gone. But when he rejoins the Force, he will be mine and I will not share him}

The young woman nodded solemnly. "I do not attempt to take him from you. We share comfort now. Whatever happens after this life, I will be with my Ani, where I belong, and Obi-Wan will be with you, where he belongs." She didn't begin to wonder where their children would fit in, but she knew they would be loved and cherished, by herself and Obi-Wan if no one else.

The spirit bowed, the bulkhead becoming visible through it. {Have courage, young queen. The children you carry will destroy the Empire. I bear them, and you, no ill will.}

A wistful note entered the rapidly fading voice.

{Tell him I love him, and I am waiting...}

The blue nimbus dimmed, vanished.

Jinn was gone.

For countless heartbeats, Amidala simply remained still, Obi-Wan's lifebeat throbbing under her fingers, his chest moving evenly with each breath. She finally raised her eyes to the sound of feet pounding down the corridor. Confused, she looked at the chronometer.

Only seconds had elapsed since Obi-Wan's seizure and her terrified screams.

Bant and the Jedi Master burst into the room, running to her, pulling Obi-Wan from her grasp as they hurriedly examined him. She watched in a daze as colour trickled back into his pale cheeks, and he sighed, as if in sleep.

Felt dizzy relief at the pronouncement that his fever was broken, he would live. Could only watch in distraction as the other Jedi guided Obi-Wan back into a healing trance, their relief also palpable.

Bant told her to rest, still dazed, she lay down again, curling around Obi-Wan as the other Jedi left, feeling his heartbeat, listening to the soft rhythm of his breath.

They had been given another chance at happiness, and she would be damned if she would let it go.

It was several months before they returned to Coruscant.

There simply wasn't time to get there any sooner, between coordinating attacks and setting up the rebel base on Hoth. Several other ships had met at the rendezvous point, survivors aboard. But it was rapidly obvious that only only around two hundred Jedi were left from thousands. Much time was spent organising the survivors, into patrols, setting up shelters, organising supplies and guerrilla attacks on the empire that sprang up in the Republic's ruins. Much of that time was also spent healing by Obi-Wan. He was all too aware that in the Jedi Temple he would have healed within days, but without the advantages of Jedi healers, it had taken weeks.

None of the Jedi they had been able to save had been healers, most were padawans. Only twenty Masters, Obi-Wan included, a score more knights. A sad lot. And no one even knew what had happened to the Council members. If he tried his hardest, Obi-Wan was sure he could feel Yoda, being faintly linked to him through his Master, Yoda's former padawan, but the effort left him weak.

The first time he had tried this had been just after recovering from his battle with Anakin, and it nearly undid his healing. Amidala had nearly been insane with anger and worry. She had screamed at him for his foolishness, and had said some nonsensical comment about how she had managed to hold onto him once and wouldn't be able to do so again. He put that incomprehensibility down to stress.

Yoda lived, he was sure of it. But what of the other Council members?

Sadly, the truth was more than likely that they were dead, and as Obi-Wan stood in the ruins of the Jedi Temple, identifying what corpses he could, he had to deal with the fact that they were.

The sight of Mace Windu, eyes blank and unseeing, upturned to the sky, insides ripped out bloodlessly with a 'sabre, had him on his knees, retching. Amidala had found him that way, hunched over, rocking silently, trying not to let the destruction around him tear his mind free of its roots in sanity.

The woman gently placed a hand on his shoulder. Snow fell around them, the destruction of most of the planet's surface altering the weather, driving it from pleasant to bitterly cold. But after spending months on Hoth, the cold didn't bother Obi-Wan at all. However, he did rise at the sight of Amidala, wrapped heavily in furs, standing beside him.

"You shouldn't be here! You'll make yourself ill!" He wrapped his arms around her and she lay her head on his shoulder, careful of her distended belly.

"I can't sit on the ship and wait for you while you suffer. I did that once before and you nearly died for it." Her next words were soft, but unmistakable. "Besides, I draw strength from you. I think I would die if you weren't there for me."

Obi-Wan said nothing, merely held her close and kissed her cheek. He had survived the fight with Anakin, but in doing so had received a Force-sight, of a day, many years ahead, when he would meet Vader again and die by his hand. But that lay ahead, and faced with the destruction of now, it was little comfort.

The two stood like that for long moments, twined around each other in the fashion only lovers could, staring at the wreckage surrounding them. Then Amidala looked up at him, sorrow filling her beautiful brown eyes.

"What happened to us, Obi? We both used to have it all. People who loved us, wonderful homes, family." She stared distantly at the remains of the Jedi Temple. "Now we are all we have left. How did it go so wrong?"

Obi-Wan released a soft, choked sob. "I guess something happened on the way to heaven."

He closed his eyes, locking out the sight of his destroyed world. "Come on," he reached blindly for her hand, felt her take it. "You shouldn't be out here too long in your condition."

As he made to lead her back to their waiting vessel, she halted. When he moved to question her, she stopped his lips. Perhaps as a concession to the lifestyle they would be forced to lead, she used his new name, one they'd agreed to use, because their old names carried too much pain and memories with them.

"I love you, Ben Kenobi. I know that in the next life, we will be reunited with those that hold our souls, but for this lifetime, we have each other. You are my world."

Obi-Wan gently caressed her cheek. "I love you too, Dala. We will save Anakin. I promise it. I foresee it. But until then, I am yours." No need to tell her that her husband was the one that killed him.

The young dispossessed queen smiled sweetly, taking his hand. "We have much to do. Plans to make, an empire to destroy." Her hand touched her distended stomach lovingly. "Children to raise."

Obi-Wan met her eyes steadily. "Do you ever wish they were his?"

The startlement that filled her eyes was genuine, as was her explanation. "No! I thank the Force each day that the children born of my body will be yours and..." her voice softened in sadness, her eyes downcast, " of whatever it is that tainted Anakin. You will be an excellent father, Ben. I foresee that."

The two made their way back towards their ship and the future. A future that would be full of pain, for both of them, and their children as well. A future where Amidala would die barely three years after her children were born, in a raid on a rebel base by the Empire, leaving Obi- Wan alone once more. A future where Obi-Wan was forced to hide his children, one on Alderaan, one with his brother, barely being reunited with his son and setting him on the course of his destiny before being struck down by his former - and only -Padawan.

A future where Anakin would mistake Luke's age, and confuse him for being his own son, recognising Amidala's life energy signature within then boy, but not Obi-Wan's. A future where Amidala and Obi-Wan's children restored the balance to the Force forever. A future where peace would reign, but at a terrible cost to the two people now approaching the ship's ramp.

Obi-Wan smiled slightly at Amidala as he wrapped his arms around her. Together, they boarded the ship to begin a new life, one they prayed would be filled with a new hope.
