Snapshots: Obi-Wan Kenobi, this is your life (November 2001)

by Pumpkin (

Author's webpage:

Archive: yes to m_a, swal

Rating: G - NC17

Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan

Warnings: none

Spoilers: none

Feedback is always appreciated

Summary: The date listed is the date the 'snapshot' was written/posted. Each piece is a segment within the same universe, but they are not in any sort of order. Each piece stands alone. The snapshots will run the gamut from G to NC17. Some may be several pages long, some only a couple of paragraphs; some will contain smut, many will not; they will be different styles with different voices.

Disclaimers: Mine they are not, dream a girl can

November 01, 2001

Obi-Wan looked at the bowl of spanini the Lasso serving boy put in front of him and forced a smile on his face.

"Thank you."

"That sounded less than sincere, Padawan."

Obi-Wan glanced over at his master. Qui-Gon's face was impassive, but Obi-Wan could have sworn he was being laughed at.

"It is one of your favourite dishes," Qui-Gon pointed out mildly.

"Was," Obi-Wan ground out, trying to keep his face impassive.


"You know very well, Master, that we have had this every day, three times a day since we've been here. Two months, Master! I don't think I'll ever eat spanini again." He wasn't very happy about it either; if he'd known it was going to be fed to him constantly, Obi-Wan would have chosen another dish when the Lassoan ambassador had asked what his favourite meal was.

"They are trying to accommodate us, be good hosts."

"I realise that, Master. But it doesn't change the fact that I shall never be able to look at spanini noodles again, let alone eat them. And you finding this funny is not helping."

"But I don't find it amusing, Padawan. In fact, I sympathise greatly."

Obi-Wan looked suspiciously at his master.

"One of my first missions with Master Yoda was to Lasso. We were here for seven months."

"And before you arrived the ambassador asked you what your favourite food was." Obi-Wan couldn't suppress his shudder. Two months had been bad enough, seven was unthinkable.

"Indeed. Be thankful you chose a dish such as spanini. When we were here I was much younger than you..." Qui-Gon's voice trailed away and Obi-Wan would have sworn he saw his master shudder.

"What did you tell them your favourite food was?"

Qui-Gon smiled ruefully at him. "Chocolate."


November 02, 2001

I have never been tired before. I have thought I was, but now I know that was just a little sleepy, sluggish.

This...this bone deep heaviness of day after day without sleep that I carry with me in all that I do -- this is tired.

And somehow I must find it in me to continue or watch beings die.

November 03, 2001

He is tired, as are we all: myself, Master Tinas and her padawan, Knights Zola and Larch, but it is to him that my support and concern go. As it must.

He is my padawan.

November 04, 2001

We let off another barrage of bubbles, their beautiful destruction raining down over the capital. We watch with growing frustration as they explode harmlessly in the sky, the Jedi working their magic still.

Not one lands, though several come close; they are slowing. They are after all only six. And it looks like Sidious was right -not invincible nor invulnerable.

And so our energies are poured into the next volley. They must grow tired and soon shall make fatal mistakes. Victory is but a blink away.

November 05, 2001

"Master Obi-Wan?"

"Yes, Padawan?" His answer is distracted. He's reading from a datapadd, fork moving between his plate and mouth.

"What is this?"

"Evening meal." He's still distracted by what he's reading.

"I know, but...what is it?"

That gets his attention and he looks down at his plate and then back at me.

"I believe it's anderian war beetles."


"Ani," he gives me a wink, "I know they've served it with a cream sauce, but really, try to eat it anyway - every culture is different."

Somehow I manage not to roll my eyes, I don't need the extra meditation. "Yes, Master."

November 06, 2001

There is a difference between the wild abundance of nature and these orderly rows created by hand. Even I can feel it. For my master it must be incredible.

I know he wants to go and visit outside of the city, to really feel what this planet's lifeforce is like. I can only imagine his ache to submerge himself in the untamed Living Force.

I wonder if his ache matches the one in me, the one that would see me submerged in the living force that is Qui-Gon Jinn.

November 07, 2001

"What do you think it is?" asked Padawan Sloughit, spoon carefully moving what looked like tentacles around on his plate.

"I'm not sure," replied Garen, who hadn't even picked up his own utensils yet.

"Who's going to try it first?" Sloughit wanted to know. Both boys turned to Bant, who looked a little green around her gills. She shook her head.

"Too bad, Obi-Wan's not here." Garen looked glum.

"Why? Does he like strange foods?"

"No, but he'll put anything in his mouth." Garen looked over at Bant who giggled and started to poke at her own meal, showing a new enthusiasm.

November 08, 2001

"Obi-Wan won't do it. He's a scared-y baby."

"I will too!" Obi-Wan planted his feet and glared at Bruck.

"Don't do it, Obi-Wan." Bant's voice was soft and her face had turned an icy blue -- she was concerned.

"I'm not scared to do it, Bant."

"Come on then, if you're so brave, Obi-Wan. Open up."

Obi-Wan turned back to Bruck and, taking a deep breath, opened his mouth. Bruck picked one of the roaches out of the jar he'd brought with him and popped it into Obi-Wan's mouth.

It tried to escape, but Obi-Wan closed his lips, trapping the bug in his mouth as Bruck began to count to fifty.

November 09, 2001

Obi-Wan's fingertips pressed against the deep bruise on his neck.

Qui-Gon's lips were brands across his skin.

Qui-Gon's teeth were nails that sank into him.

Qui-Gon's tongue was the flame that burned him, that sealed the cuts.

Qui-Gon's breath was his own.

Obi-Wan's fingertips pressed against the deep bruise on his neck, his master's mark. It was hard not to purr.

November 10, 2001

Obi-Wan loved swimming. He could move fast in the water and not trip over his own feet. It didn't matter that he was littlest in the water, he could swim faster than all his agemates. And Master Tim was teaching them how to hold their breath for a really long time, so he could stay under water longer and longer.

Once, Master Yoda had taken them to an aquatic animal display and there had been seals who had waddled and dragged themselves awkwardly on the ground, but as soon as they slipped into the water they were like magic, flying through the water. That was how Obi-Wan felt.

November 11, 2001

Obi-Wan was nine when he discovered he could fly through the air like he did the water.

They told him he had to be careful with the landings, but the Force was there to help, propelling him up and around with barely a thought, catching him as he came down.

It was a fantastic feeling, being connected to the Force and flying.

There was a freedom in the air that he didn't have in the water, the need to eventually breathe necessitating more caution in the water, a need to know where he was that gravity and the Force took care of in the air.

He was like a leaf and the Force like the wind, blowing him about, making him dance through the air.

November 13, 2001

Fire training was something they all talked about in hushed tones. There was no set time or age to do the training. When you were ready, Master Chu'lau would come to the initiate dorms in the morning and hold out his clawed hand, asking you to go with him.

How Master Chu'lau knew you were ready was a matter of great debate among the initiates, the most popular theory being that the masters picked your name at random, perhaps writing each initiate's name on a little square of paper and putting them into the hood of a cloak for Master Chu'lau to pick.

However it was done, whenever Obi-Wan saw the small, scaled master appear, he would bite his lip, worrying that today it was he Master Chu'lau would name.

One day it was.

The scaly, four-fingered claw came out. "Obi-Wan Kenobi, come with me."

Obi-Wan swallowed and walked slowly to Master Chu'lau. He slipped his hand into Master Chu'lau's clawed grip and knew.

He was ready.

November 14, 2001

Obi-Wan stumbled. He didn't fall, catching himself with a twist of the Force. He glared at the ground, at the dirt that had managed to trip him up.

None of the masters could understand it, they said he was bi-pedal, humanoid, he should have a natural affinity for the earth. He didn't.

The water and the air both welcomed him, made him feel grateful, bold and capable. Fire took all his concentration, honed his use of the Force. The earth on the other hand seemed to mock him, tripping him up and making him seem clumsy.

He didn't give up though, one day he'd be as graceful and as ease on the ground as he was in the air or water.
