All Sexed Out

by Krystine (

Archive: MA, anyone else please let me know
Category: Humor, PWP
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Q/O
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Feedback: All comments (or criticism) are greatly appreciated.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Mr. Lucas, no offense (or profit) is intended.
Notes: Many, many thanks to Master Ferfer and Crystal for their comments, suggestions, and encouragement.
Summary: Obi-Wan learns why he should think before he speaks.

As I walked into our quarters, I could see Obi-Wan sitting at the table in the main room. He was hunched over a datapad reviewing, as he had for the last two days, the text for his Ethical Implications of Political Freedoms class. By the bored expression on his face, I knew he wasn't finding the material any more interesting than when he had first looked at it and commented, "It could put the Force to sleep."

Pausing his lesson, he turned to me. "Master, where were you?" he asked, rolling his shoulders in an obvious hint that he wanted a massage.

In my present mood, I didn't trust myself to touch him -- his shoulders were far too close to his neck. It would be so easy to give into temptation and strangle him. No, it was better to keep my distance, at least for now. Ignoring his invitation, I shrugged out of my robe and tossed it over the back of the nearest chair. "I had a meeting with the Council," I said simply.

"We have a mission then?"

Although the question was casually asked, his expression betrayed his eagerness. Obi-Wan wanted to right the wrongs of the universe, and each new assignment was a chance to do so. Plus, I suspected he was tiring of our prolonged respite at the temple.

"No, I was called to answer an inquiry."

He had not expected my response and looked at me questioningly. "An inquiry?"

I knew I had his full attention now. "The Council wanted an explanation as to why my apprentice was," I paused, trying to remember their exact phrasing, "all sexed out."

Ignoring Obi-Wan's suddenly pallid face, I continued. "Yes, they were most interested in learning why I had allowed my apprentice to reach such a state."

"How would they know?" Obi-Wan stammered.

"That is an interesting question, Padawan, but I think the bigger question is why did they know and I did not? Can you imagine my surprise, not to mention my embarrassment, at learning that I have exhausted my twenty-one year old lover? Half of the Council now thinks I'm some sort of insatiable monster," I snapped, remembering the disgust on Saesee Tiin's face when I recounted the frequency our sexual activities.

"You're not a monster," Obi-Wan quickly interjected.

"Thank you. I'm very relieved to hear that."

I felt slightly vindicated when Obi-Wan winced at my sarcastic reply, but I still could not dismiss my steadily growing anger. Fixing him with my most severe look, I again asked why the Council knew of this before I did.

"I don't know," he confessed, dropping his head into his hands. "I only told Garen."

"Told Garen what?" I demanded when it looked as though he was not going to offer anything more.

"I just, um, said that I wouldn't be able to spar with him because I was..."

"All sexed out?" I finished for him.

He looked at me and nodded miserably.

"Would this be the same Garen whose master sits on the Council?" I asked, already knowing the answer. The only other Garen in the Temple was a young crècheling who was barely able to hold a lightsaber, let alone spar with one.

"Yes, Master."

At this, I stalked to the table and leaned over him. He cringed in apprehension. He knew I was angry, and while I would never strike him, I was not above using other physical means for punishment.

I glared at him for a few moments, and then sighed dramatically. "Is it true, my Obi-Wan?" I asked sadly as I gently caressed his cheek with my thumb. "Have I sexed you out?"

"No, Master!" he protested. Although he was confused by my sudden change in demeanor, it didn't stop him from eagerly leaning into my touch.

"That's good," I whispered into his ear. "I was very worried about you. I could never forgive myself if I harmed you."

As my words ended, I planted a trail of kisses along the left side of his neck. His sharp intake of breath when I reached the ridge over his collarbone let me know I had reached the correct spot. Obi-Wan's neck was incredibly sensitive, a delightful discovery I eagerly exploited every chance I had.

Pulling the soft skin into my mouth, I alternated between nibbling and sucking on that tender spot. His body melted against me, and I could feel him purring where my cheek rested against his throat.

I loved it when he did that. There was something so natural, so sensual about the way he vocalized his pleasure in the soft moans and cries he uttered when we made love. They excited me, and it was those sounds that I concentrated on when I willed myself not to give into the fire building in me with each thrust that joined us. Those sounds were what allowed me to last well beyond any limit I had previously thought myself restricted to, allowing me to defy my age and physical limitations. It was those sounds that were now calling me to remove his clothes and take him to my bed.

"Obi-Wan," I beckoned and pulled back, allowing him to feel my need over our bond.

Effortlessly, he rose and followed me. His face was flushed and his eyes were half-closed when he entered my room.

"Qui," he murmured as I pulled him to me and slid my hand past the waistband of his leggings, fondling his growing erection. His need was swelling, as was my own. If I was not careful, it would be over too quickly.

"Please," he gasped when I kissed that special place on his neck.

Guiding him to lie on my bed, I laved his skin before I acknowledged his plea. "Please what, my love?"

"Please ... take me," he begged and reached to pull me closer.

"So impatient," I admonished. "Relax, enjoy this."

"Can't. Need ... need you," he whimpered, pulling at his tunic, which was still held tightly closed by his sash.

I watched him struggle and smiled. I had him exactly where I wanted him.

Straddling him, I pinned his wrists to the bed. "Obi-Wan, is this what you need?" I asked as I ground my body against his very responsive one.

His eyes were squeezed tightly closed and he nodded frantically. "More," he demanded, making those little sounds that I loved.

"But, Obi-Wan, I can't," I finally whispered into his ear when I thought he was nearing climax. "Remember, you're all sexed out."

With that, I rolled off of him and exited the room, leaving my very aroused and bewildered lover to contemplate why one should think before they speak.
