The Seer

by Mali Wane ( )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

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Category: First Time

Rating: NC17

Spoilers: None

Summary: A mission gone wrong turns out beautifully.

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Warnings: Explicit m/m sex.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

Notes: Happy New Year to all my siblings on the M_A ONElist. This is something that started out as a PWP and then sorta got a plot, and then went longer than I thought it would. I started it yesterday evening, and didn't want to stop until I finished it, so here it is. Anyway, I've always heard that whatever you are doing on the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve is what you'll be doing for the rest of the year. The next best thing to actually being with these beautiful boys, is writing about them, so who knows? Maybe it'll work.

One more thing. I was in too big of a hurry to get this posted before I finally went to bed, so there was no beta. Please forgive the grammar errors, and try to enjoy it with the spirit in which it was intended.

The old woman watched suspiciously as the two figures approached the camp. She'd been aware of them for some time now; having marked their progress as they trekked across the wide, barren flatlands that stretched before her. It had taken them much longer than she'd expected, but as they neared her campfire, she understood the reason. The taller of the two had his arm around his young companion, who was obviously either injured or ill, as he could barely walk.

They stopped just inside the circle of light from her fire and she watched as the taller man bent his head to the boy and spoke quietly to him. The boy nodded briefly and then straightened as the older man moved slightly away from him. He watched the boy for a moment making sure he was not going to fall, and only then did he turn to face the old woman that sat on the ground.

"Old Mother," he said, bowing low.

She regarded him in silence.

He took a step towards her and then knelt down on one knee. "I would ask to share your fire this night," he said. "My apprentice was wounded when our transport was attacked by Denai bandits."

"Denai you say?" the old woman croaked.

"Yes, Old Mother. Their blasters contained some type of poison that I am unfamiliar with, and I'm afraid my apprentice is very sick."

"Bungart," she said, poking a stick in the fire.

"Excuse me?"

"The Denai use bungart." She raised her head to look at him. "Bring the boy to me."

He moved swiftly back to the young man's side and gently maneuvered him over to the fire and helped him to lie down next to the old woman.

"How long?" she asked.

"We were attacked two days ago."

She snorted then and with a speed that belied her age, began pushing open the boy's robe and tunic. A crude bandage covered the boy's chest and she delicately pulled the dressing away, gasping at the ugly wound underneath.

The boy lay quiet, gray-green eyes watching the old woman intently. The older man was kneeling next to the boy, lightly stroking his fevered brow.

"Can you help him?" the older man asked softly.

With a heavy sigh she began sifting through a leather bag tied around her waist. "Most die within a day of infection. He should already be dead. I will do what I can."

A large hand grasped her wrist and she turned to find herself looking into eyes the color of sapphires. "Thank you, Old Mother," the man said.

She shrugged off his thanks and pulled a wooden bowl and a small pouch from her bag. She reached into the pouch and extracted some odd smelling herbs that she carefully placed in the bowl. Reaching back into her bag, she brought out a tiny amber vial and gingerly added several drops to the herbs in the bowl. Using her finger as a spoon, she stirred the mixture until it was a thick paste. This she spread over the wound on the boy's chest.

He moaned softly at her touch, his eyes bright with pain. She felt something pass from the older man to the boy and her patient's discomfort seemed to ease just a bit.

After covering the wound with the herbs, she placed a clean cloth over it and then reached for the boy's sash that she had removed earlier. Understanding her intentions, the older man helped the boy into a sitting position so she could wrap the sash around him to hold the cloth in place.

Indicating that the boy should remain sitting up, she picked up a stick and hooked it through the handle of the old kettle that hung over the fire. She poured some water from the kettle into the small bowl that held the herb mixture and then swirled the bowl around. This she placed to the boy's lips, urging him to drink. He took a tentative swallow and then gagged and tried to move his head away from the offending bowl.

"You must drink," the old woman growled, pushing the bowl towards him again. He looked up at the older man who only nodded imperceptibly, and with a grimace, he drank the liquid. Only then did she allow the older man to once again help him lie down. He removed his robe and covered the boy with it.

"Who are you?" she asked, moving to take her seat next to the fire.

She waited while he made himself comfortable on the ground, moving the boy so that his head rested in the older man's lap.

"I am Qui-Gon Jinn," he answered, and then added softly, "and this is my Apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi." One large hand rested on the boy's shoulder, toying with a long, slim braid, while the other moved gently through his short hair.

"Who are you?" she asked again.

He was quiet for a moment and she wondered if he would answer. Then with a small sigh he said, "we are Jedi from Coruscant."

"I know of the Jedi," she said. "Helped my clan reclaim their homeland many moons ago. They stayed in my father's compound, as Ambassadors, until about the time I passed my thirteenth moon. I got to know them quite well. Why are you here?"

"We were sent to mediate between a group of two warring factions in the city of Karamin. That is where we were headed when our transport was attacked."

"The Denai have caused problems for many years," the old woman said as she gently stirred the fire. "They grow bolder as their numbers increase. They killed my husband many moons ago."

"I am sorry Old Mother," Qui-Gon said. "And the rest of your people?"

"Are back at the main camp."

"Why are you out here alone?"

"I am the Magri-Gall of our clan," she replied, and at his questioning look, continued, "what you would call a Healer. I come to this place to meditate and understand the visions."

"The visions?"

"I am a Seer of things that have passed, things that are, and things that are yet to come."

They sat in silence for a time and she noted the boy was dozing lightly as the man continued to stroke his hair. She continued to feel the comfort the man was sending to the boy and wondered how this was being done.

"What are you doing to him, Sai Jedi?" she finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"As my Apprentice he and I share a training bond, and I am trying to help him heal through our link."

"I was not aware that such things were possible through a mere training bond."

"Our bond is much deeper than a normal Master/Apprentice training bond. From the beginning it has been so."

"You have never questioned why it is so much deeper?"

"I do not question the will of the Force," he answered.

"Ah, yes, the Force. I sense it strongly in both you and the boy."

"Are all of your clan Force sensitive?"

"No. I am the only one."

"Because you are the Magri-Gall?"

"No other Magri-Gall has ever had this gift, and like you, I do not question it."

Their attention was drawn back to the boy as he moaned quietly and tried to throw off the robe covering him. Qui-Gon gently soothed him with soft words and replaced the blanket.

"The boy will survive, Sai Jedi," the old woman said, sensing his concern.

"I am very grateful for your help, Old Mother," Qui-Gon said, his voice breaking. "He means a great deal to me."

"He is your lover." Voiced as a statement, not a question.

Qui-Gon looked sharply at her. "You misunderstand my words," he said. "Obi-Wan is my Apprentice, not my lover."

"You do not love him?" she asked, slyly.

"Of course I love him," he answered sharply.

"But not as a lover?"

He was silent for a long time as he sat staring down at the boy in his lap. He wanted to deny the words the old woman had spoken, but he knew she could see what lay in his heart.

"He is just a boy," he sighed softly. "And I am his Master. I cannot love him that way."

"He is a boy no longer, Sai Jedi. He has left his childhood behind him by several moons. I would guess he is in his twenty-second or twenty-third moon cycle, is he not?"

"He is twenty-four, Old Mother, though I still see him as a boy."

"You do not wish to face the truth," she stated.

"I cannot face this truth," he said, sadly.

"And if the Force wills it?"

"It is not the will of the Force. I am his Master."

"So you have said. It is wrong, then, for a Master to love his Apprentice?"

"It is wrong for this Master to love this Apprentice."

"But it does not go against the Jedi way?"

"No, it does not. It is not encouraged, but if the Apprentice is of age, and if it does not interfere with the training, it is accepted."

"You believe his training is at risk, then?"

"No. Obi-Wan is a fine Apprentice. I could not ask for a better Padawan. He is strong in the Force and excels at everything he tries. No, I do not fear his training would be at risk."

"Hmm," she said, not looking at Qui-Gon. "He is of age, it would not go against the Jedi to do so, his training would not suffer, you love him, and you share a bond that is much stronger than any other training bond." She cackled shrilly and then said, "I think I am beginning to understand the problem."

"I cannot tell him," he said quietly. "He cares deeply for me, but I know he would never return my feelings in that way. I will not burden him with the desires of an old man's fancy."

"Maybe you should let him decide what is and is not a burden."

"I do not wish to continue this conversation with you, Old Mother."

"Then perhaps you should continue it with him," she said, pointing at the boy in his lap.

He glanced down and was shocked to find gray-green eyes staring up at him.

"Obi-Wan, how do you feel?" he asked, worried at how much the boy might have heard.

"Thirsty, Master," he replied hoarsely.

The old woman was already pulling a water pouch out of the leather bag at her side as Qui-Gon helped the boy into a sitting position. She handed the bag to the older man and watched as he gently held it to Obi-Wan's lips. After several swallows, Qui-Gon handed the water bag back to the old woman, nodding his thanks.

Obi-Wan swayed slightly and Qui-Gon's hand shot out to steady him.

The old woman moved to kneel next to the younger man as her fingers began unwinding the bandage at his chest. She pulled the cloth away and Qui-Gon was surprised to see that the wound, though still red and ugly, looked far better than it had just a short time ago.

"It is healing well," she said. "He is still very weak and I do not want him moved for a day or two. You will stay here until he is ready to travel."

"Yes, Old Mother," Qui-Gon said. "We are indebted to your kindness."

"I am needed back at the compound, but I will leave you with provisions for meals and there is a stream just a short walk away that will provide you with water." She was rising, gathering her few belongings. "I will return at nightfall tomorrow to check on him."

"Old Mother?"

She looked down at the young man, now leaning against his Master.

"I know what is in your heart, young Jedi, you need not speak your thanks. Save your strength for speaking that which is needed."

He smiled shyly up at her and reached up to take her old, gnarled hand in his own. They stared at each other for a long moment, and then she pulled away from him and began making her way slowly away from them into the darkness.

They sat in silence, enjoying the warmth of the fire until they could no longer hear the sounds of her shuffling footsteps.

"You should get some rest, Padawan," Qui-Gon said.

"As should you, Master."

"I'm not the one that took a chest full of poison from a Denai's blaster."

Obi-Wan would have argued, but Qui-Gon was already easing him down, urging him to sleep through their bond.

"Hold me?" he asked as he felt his body succumbing to Qui-Gon's mental suggestion.

"There is nowhere else I would be, my Padawan," Qui-Gon answered softly, moving to lie behind him. As Obi-Wan drifted off, he felt his Master's broad chest at his back while strong arms encircled him, holding him close.

Qui-Gon awoke just as dawn was breaking over the flat plains to find his Padawan had turned during the night and was now snuggled close to his body, his face against the older man's chest.

Though his arm was beginning to ache with the weight of Obi-Wan's head, Qui-Gon was loath to move him. Qui-Gon reflected on his love for the young man in his arms and how terrified he'd been at the thought of losing him. He allowed himself to slide into a light meditation trance, still very much aware of Obi-Wan and focused on his feelings for the younger man.

He loved Obi-Wan deeply, had since he'd first accepted him as a Padawan so long ago on that fateful mission. He couldn't say when his feelings began to change from loving him to being in love with him, but profoundly in love with him he was. Suddenly a single truth became strikingly clear to him. The man he held in his arms was not the love of his life; he was the other half of his soul.

Qui-Gon nearly cried out in anguish as the thought crystallized in his heart. How would he ever be able to conceal this from his Padawan when even the thought of hiding it nearly broke his heart?

//You don't have to hide it, my love.//

Qui-Gon's eyes shot open at the voice in his head and then he felt soft lips on his throat. He scrambled backwards, surprise etched on his face.

"Obi-Wan?" he gasped, getting up on his knees.

The young man slowly sat up, his eyes never leaving Qui-Gon's face.

//I love you, Qui-Gon Jinn.//

With dawning horror, he realized he was hearing Obi-Wan in his mind, something that only happened with the strongest of life bonds.

"No!" he nearly shouted. "This cannot be happening!" A life bond? It wasn't possible. Not without both partners wanting it. An even then it took a third person, someone very strong in the Force, to weave the life bond between the two minds. It was impossible to have one form on it's own.

"I love you, Qui-Gon Jinn," Obi-Wan said aloud. //You are the other half of my soul as well.// he added, using the life bond.

"No," Qui-Gon said again, with much less force than before. "It's not possible."

"It was the old woman, Master," Obi-Wan said. "I could hear her thoughts as she spoke with you last night." At Qui-Gon's look, Obi-Wan laughed softly. "Yes, Master, I heard you as well while I was dozing. She told you that several Jedi stayed at her father's compound, but she didn't tell you that her mother was a Jedi. She died shortly after giving birth but the other Jedi did their best to train the child before they had to return to Coruscant. She would have been a great Jedi Knight had she chosen to continue her training, but the needs of her people was more important so she remained with her father."

Qui-Gon was staring at the younger man in disbelief.

"She knew what was in our hearts, Qui-Gon, and once she realized that both of us were too stubborn to speak to the other one, she took it upon herself to complete our life bond."

"To complete the bond?" Qui-Gon asked, not understanding.

"The bond we formed when you took me as your Padawan was not a training bond. It was the beginning of a life bond."

Qui-Gon knew the truth of his words, felt the rightness of them in the Force that swirled around and between them.

"There is still something we must do to finish the bonding," Obi-Wan said softly.

Qui-Gon found himself moving towards the younger man. "Are you sure this is what you want, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan sighed and brought his hands up to gently cup Qui-Gon's face. //I love you, Qui-Gon Jinn. You are my heart, my life, my light and my soul.//

//You are everything that is good within me, my Obi-Wan.// Qui-Gon sent, using the bond for the first time.

Obi-Wan pulled Qui-Gon down to him and their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss as Qui-Gon's arms went around him, pulling him close. He opened his mouth slightly, deepening the kiss and felt Qui-Gon's lips part, accepting the tongue that sought entrance.

Qui-Gon moaned softly as Obi-Wan's tongue moved slowly over his lips and into his mouth, mapping the warm cavern. He touched the tongue gently with his own and felt a shudder go through the younger man. They did nothing more than kiss for a long time, their tongues swirling together in and out of each other's mouths.

Finally Qui-Gon broke the kiss long enough to gently lower the younger man to the ground. Still holding his Master's face in his hands, Obi-Wan pulled him down to his waiting lips and kissed him deeply, darting his tongue in and around Qui-Gon's mouth.

After a moment, Qui-Gon pulled back. He reached for the hands cupping his face and gently brought first one and then the other to his lips, laying a soft kiss in the center of the palm, before placing each hand at the young man's side. Gray-green eyes held his gaze and he found himself wanting to drown in the love he found there.

He ran his fingers lightly over Obi-Wan's full lips and then moved on to his eyes and down his cheeks, trying to memorize by touch the face he loved so well. Moving lower he traced Obi-Wan's long neck, his collarbones, and his broad shoulders and then down the center of his chest, bared by the open tunic. Using just a finger on each side, he pushed the tunic open further, exposing two dusty-rose colored nipples. He circled one areola several times before gently touching the nipple, feeling it pebble beneath his finger and then repeated his actions on the other nipple. Obi-Wan swallowed, trying hard to remain still.

Qui-Gon moved his fingers to the sash that covered Obi-Wan's wound and then continued downward, across the flat stomach. Pausing again at his navel, Qui-Gon ran a finger around it several times before moving on to the drawstring at the waistband of Obi-Wan's leggings. With a quick twist he undid the drawstring and then slipped his finger just under the elastic and followed the stitching of the fabric around the narrow waist as far as he could go on either side. Adding a second finger, he began gently pushing the waistband lower as he slowly revealed the body of his soon to be lover.

Obi-Wan arched his hips slightly and Qui-Gon moved his fingers underneath his Padawan, pushing the waistband of the leggings down over the firm cheeks of Obi-Wan's bottom. Still holding Obi-Wan's gaze, he moved his fingers to the young man's hips and then back to his abdomen, continuing his quest to slowly rid him of his leggings. Obi-Wan moaned quietly when the waistband caught on his semi-erect penis, and then moaned again when Qui-Gon's fingers slightly brushed him as he worked to free the young man's growing erection.

Continuing his slow torment, Qui-Gon bent each knee as he pushed the leggings down Obi-Wan's thighs, down his knees and down his shins, stopping only long enough to remove his boots and socks, before finally pushing them past his feet.

Only then did he allow his gaze to leave Obi-Wan's face and slowly travel the length of the beautiful body that lay stretched out before him. Obi-Wan felt as if he were on fire as his Master's eyes followed the same path his fingers had taken.

"Oh love, you are so beautiful," Qui-Gon breathed as he moved to once again capture the younger man's lips in his own. Obi-Wan brought his hands up to Qui-Gon's shoulders, trying to pull him closer, wanting to feel his Master pressed against his body. Not wanting to put any pressure on Obi-Wan's wound, Qui-Gon allowed himself to be pulled down until his weight rested on his forearms, his hands grasping Obi-Wan's face as he passionately kissed the young man's soft, sweet lips.

Obi-Wan moved his hands into the older man's hair and then reached for the leather thong tied around the small ponytail at the back of his head. Using a touch of the Force, he loosened the thong allowing the soft, thick hair to cascade around them. One hand continued to card through the long locks while the other moved down to Qui-Gon's broad shoulders and then down his back.

//Too many clothes.// he sent through their bond. //I need to feel your skin next to mine.//

Qui-Gon pulled back and kneeled beside the younger man, but when Obi-Wan reached out for his belt, Qui-Gon took his hands in his own larger ones and once again brought each one to his lips, softly kissing the palm, before placing them gently at Obi-Wan's sides.

Intently watching his Padawan, Qui-Gon slowly removed his belt and then untied his sash, allowing his tunic to fall open. Obi-Wan was breathing shallowly, his lips parted, his tongue sneaking out to wet his too dry lips. Qui-Gon was sure he had never seen anything more erotic than the vision beneath him.

He moved a leg forward so that he was kneeling on one knee and bent to undo the fastenings of his boot and then pulled his boot and sock off at the same time. He shifted to bring his other leg forward and removed that boot and sock as well. He shrugged out of his tunic before rising gracefully to his feet. Still holding the younger man's gaze, he slowly moved his hand down his chest and stomach until he reached the drawstring of his leggings. A slight tug and he heard Obi-Wan gasp as the leggings slid down to pool around his feet. He stepped out of them and stood for a moment, watching as Obi-Wan's eyes traveled slowly over his body.

"My magnificent Master," Obi-Wan sighed, reaching out to the older man. In one fluid motion Qui-Gon sank to the ground, long arms enveloping Obi-Wan, pulling him close.

"Make love to me, Master," Obi-Wan whispered.

"I will spend the rest of my life making love to you," Qui-Gon responded. "Always and forever, with all of my heart, with all of my soul, with all of my life I will love you."

Their lips met in a crushing kiss, tongues swirling and caressing, each trying to devour the other. Qui-Gon straddled the younger man's hips and began to slowly thrust, causing their cocks to rub against each other. Obi-Wan tried to thrust back, but Qui-Gon held him down.

//Be still, my love.// Qui-Gon urged through their bond.

//But I want//

//Shhh.// Qui-Gon interrupted. //There will be time enough when you have healed.//

//Qui-Gon, my Qui-Gon. I love you so much.// Obi-Wan replied.

Qui-Gon slowly began kissing, licking, sucking and biting his way down the young man's neck, wanting to taste every inch of him. They could feel their bond strengthening, their minds beginning to become one as all of their tightly woven shields slowly disintegrated. Suddenly Qui-Gon realized he could feel the pleasure he was giving Obi-Wan as if he were the one receiving it and through their bond, knew that Obi-Wan was feeling the dual sensations as well.

He continued moving his lips down Obi-Wan's body and when he swirled his tongue around one of the younger man's nipples, his own nipple pebbled instantly in response. Obi-Wan slid his hands up Qui-Gon's strong arms and Qui-Gon could feel the silky skin that covered the hard muscles under his palms, even though his own hands were on the ground on either side of Obi-Wan. His Padawan shivered and he saw the flesh on his arms erupt in goose bumps as phantom hands stroked his arms as well.

Loosing himself in the sensations, he moved lower, and when his soft beard brushed against Obi-Wan's cock, he gasped feeling his own cock jerk as it was tickled. Obi-Wan was moaning softly as the incredible feelings washed through him, all of which was doubled and fed back to Qui-Gon through their bond.

Qui-Gon paused for a moment to look at the beautiful thick cock that sprang up from a nest of soft, golden curls, a drop of clear pre-cum glistening at the slit. He slowly leaned forward, his tongue darting out to taste his lover for the first time. He shuddered violently as Obi-Wan gasped and had to stop and close his eyes for a moment to regain control before he could continue.

//Please, oh please, oh please, oh please.// he heard through their bond, only to realize he was the one doing the begging. Groaning loudly, he once again lowered his mouth to Obi-Wan's throbbing cock as the younger man reached up to tangle his hands in his Master's long hair.

He moved his tongue slowly around the underside of the engorged head, paying close attention to the vein that ran the length of Obi-Wan's cock. Obi-Wan couldn't help but thrust upwards, wanting more as Qui-Gon found himself wanting to thrust into a mouth that was not there. Their bond was humming as the incredible sensation shot back and forth between them.

Obi-Wan cried out when Qui-Gon's mouth left his weeping member, only to cry out louder when he felt his balls being gently suckled and licked. Then Qui-Gon's hands moved to his hips and gently lifted him and suddenly Obi-Wan felt a hot, wet tongue circling his puckered opening. He groaned loudly when he felt Qui-Gon's tongue pushing past the tight muscles and began thrusting in earnest as Qui-Gon thrust his tongue in and out.

After only a moment, Qui-Gon moved his mouth once again back to Obi-Wan's screaming cock. Taking just the head into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around it and over the slit. At the same time, Obi-Wan could feel a large blunt finger pressing against his still wet opening, and he didn't know whether to arch upwards into the hot, wet mouth that was slowly beginning to engulf his cock or push down on the finger seeking entrance to his body. Qui-Gon made up his mind for him as he brought up his other hand to press down on Obi-Wan's abdomen, keeping him still.

Qui-Gon sucked hard, moving his lips downward, relaxing his throat in order to take all of Obi-Wan's cock deep into his mouth. Then he felt Qui-Gon's finger gain entrance as it moved past the tight muscle, sliding easily the rest of the way in. Just as Obi-Wan felt Qui-Gon's lips touch the hair at the base of his cock, his Master swallowed, constricting his throat around the throbbing organ. At the same time his finger scraped against Obi-Wan's prostate and the younger man screamed as a bolt of white light flashed across his mind. His body went rigid and then he began to shudder as wave after wave of pleasure shot through him. He was sobbing Qui-Gon's name over and over as he shot his seed into his Master's mouth. Through their bond he felt Qui-Gon struggling mightily against the orgasm that threatened to sweep him away as he greedily drank the hot cum that continued to spurt from the young man's body.

With one final shudder it was over and Obi-Wan lay gasping, painfully trying to draw air into his tortured lungs. After a few moments he realized his hands were still tangled in Qui-Gon's hair and he gently tugged the older man up, needing to hold his bond-mate close. Qui-Gon moved up and wrapped his long arms around Obi-Wan, holding him as tightly as he dared, still very aware of the bandage around the younger man's chest. Obi-Wan sought his Master's lips with his own, his tongue licking his own cum from the corner of Qui-Gon's mouth. He would never get his fill of kissing his beautiful Master.

Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon's desire for him flowing strongly through their bond and realized he was already growing hard again just thinking about it.

//Obi-Wan, love?// Qui-Gon questioned through their bond, raising his head to look at him. Obi-Wan's eyes filled with tears and he thought his heart would burst from the love he felt for this man. After giving him the most incredible orgasm he had ever experienced, the man was actually asking for Obi-Wan's consent before he would take what Obi-Wan would gladly give. He understood that it would forever be this way between them, always asking, never taking, and he was deeply humbled.

Obi-Wan pushed all the love he was feeling through their bond and Qui-Gon had his answer as he was bathed in the white light of pure love coming from the younger man. Dipping his head for another long, sweet kiss, he manipulated the loving tendrils, doubling and then tripling them before sending them back to Obi-Wan.

He moved so that he was kneeling between Obi-Wan's thighs. Obi-Wan reached down to grasp the backs of his knees, spreading his legs and pulling them back at the same time. Qui-Gon glanced around, looking for something to ease his passage when his eyes fell on the battered kettle the old woman had used the night before. Smiling, he reached across Obi-Wan and picked up the kettle, noting it was more than half full. Though the fire had long since burned itself out, the kettle was still slightly warm to the touch, as was the water inside.

He poured a small amount onto his hand and then set the kettle down before reaching down and gently began pushing one finger inside Obi-Wan. Using the Force, as well as the water, his finger slid easily into the young man. He moved it in and out several times before adding a second finger. He moved his other hand to Obi-Wan's cock, which was once again fully erect, and began sliding his hand up and down the thick shaft, his thumb rubbing the head with each stroke. Obi-Wan sighed deeply as a third finger joined the other two, stretching him, preparing him. His sighs turning to moans as Qui-Gon stroked his prostate, once and then again.

And then the fingers were gone and Obi-Wan cried out at the loss of sensation. Hands shaking, Qui-Gon once again reached for the kettle and poured a liberal amount into his palm. Setting it aside, he reached for his own cock, nearly coming as he stroked himself.

Shuddering with need he moved his cock to Obi-Wan's puckered rosebud and pushed against the tight muscles. Obi-Wan watched as sweat broke out on his Master's forehead as he struggled to not just shove himself deeply inside the tight heat.

With a grunt, he finally broke through and he stopped, with just the head of his large cock inside, waiting for Obi-Wan to adjust. After a moment he began to push again and this time it was Obi-Wan who used a touch of the Force to ease his way, and suddenly Qui-Gon found that his cock was fully sheathed, his groin pressed against Obi-Wan's bottom. He groaned loudly, the sweat now trickling down his face.

Once again they were sharing their experiences through their bond and Qui-Gon groaned again as he felt himself being filled even as he was filling Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan's eyes rolled back into his head as he experienced the feeling of having his cock surrounded by tight, white heat at the same time his Master's large cock continued to stretch him.

Qui-Gon began to move then, pulling slowly almost all the way out and then slamming back into Obi-Wan, his rhythm quickly increasing. With each stroke he pushed against Obi-Wan's prostate and the younger man cried out with every thrust. Grasping Obi-Wan's thighs hard enough to leave bruises, Qui-Gon felt himself spiraling out of control. Their bond was singing with completion and the Force swirled around them, filling them, uniting them.

"Come for me," Qui-Gon sobbed. "Oh love, come for me, oh please, love."

Obi-Wan reached down and grabbed his engorged cock, matching his strokes to Qui-Gon's thrusts. Without warning he was suddenly screaming, his hot cum spurting up and over his chest, his muscles contracting tightly around Qui-Gon's thick shaft.

Qui-Gon threw his head back; the muscles in his throat standing out like thick cords, as he thrust once more, feeling his orgasm rushing towards him. His body began to spasm, and with a roar he was shooting his seed deep into Obi-Wan's body. Their shared orgasm continued, much longer than either of them ever thought possible, as the last of their shields dropped completely away. Their minds and bodies fully joined, they fed their pleasure back and forth to each other. The Force gusted around them and through them and for a short time they actually became one with the Force.

Then finally they were spent and Qui-Gon collapsed on top of his Padawan. When he finally came back to his senses, he pushed himself up onto his elbows, trying to take some of his weight off the younger man without actually moving away. He was having trouble focusing and then realized it was because tears were streaming from his eyes.

//My beloved Obi-Wan.// Qui-Gon whispered through their bond. //I love you with every ounce of my being. I was wrong, when I said you were the other half of my soul. You *are* my soul.//

//For the first time in my life I am whole. You have completed me.// Obi-Wan responded.

In the distance the old woman sat watching over the newly life bonded pair. She had been there through the night, painstakingly weaving the life bond strand by precious strand. It had taken many hours and much of her life Force, but nothing she had ever done in all her many moon cycles had ever felt so right.

She knew she would be joining the Force soon, and she had no regrets. She was tired and she was old. Not as old as Yoda she thought with a small grin. He had been one of the Ambassadors that lived on her father's compound those many moons cycles ago, and was the one who insisted she be trained. In fact, he was the one who had done most of her training until he returned to Coruscant. He tried hard to persuade her to return with him but her loyalty to her clan had been too strong.

Yes, she would like to live long enough to send a message back with the Jedi. A message to the little green troll who had been her best friend for nearly thirteen cycles of the moon. Hah, she thought, as her life Force slowly ebbed from her body. All those years, right under his nose, and he never saw the struggling life bond, even though the older Jedi had once been his own Padawan. Yoda, my friend, you must be getting old. With that she gave up her hold on her earthly body and became one with the Force.
