
by Glass Houses (

Archive: MA and my site, others please ask

Category: Angst, POV

Rating: R

Warnings: None

Summary: An observer sees something out of the ordinary

Feedback: Good, bad or ugly, onlist or off, I can take it

Disclaimer: "This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Lucasfilm, Ltd. No money is being made and no infringement is intended." That's my story and I'm sticking to it

Notes: Written during my trip to London, and inspired by a challenge on TPM100, an LJ community found here:

This one outgrew 100 words rather quickly. My thanks go to Emu and Smitty for thorough betas and great suggestions. I tweaked before posting, so all mistakes are my own.

I step outside to empty my wash bucket when I spot movement in the alleyway. I slink back to the relative safety and shadow of the door and wait to see who is in this low rent, low-level hotel's back entrance at this time of night.

I see a tall man, and a shorter one following behind, both cloaked. They stop together as if on cue, and the taller one looks around. The other man is quite young - I can see that now as they have stopped under the faint, dirty glow of a street light - and he remains still, his hands tucked inside the voluminous sleeves of his cloak, his face cast downward.

Jedi, I realize suddenly. An uncommon sight, even here in the quadrant adjacent to their great Temple. What are they doing? I lose my fear, and very nearly step out towards the gutter to finish my chore. I have many more rooms to clean tonight.

But before I move, the tall man - who must have found this alleyway to his approval - turns to his companion, pulls back both their hoods and leans in for a kiss. The other man remains in his stiff, formal stance, unmoved by the kiss. I can see his hair is cut very short and he sports a long braid over one shoulder. A Padawan, then, and the tall, bearded man is likely his Master.

I'd heard they were celibate, but who really knows what Jedi are like, or what they do? Perhaps the gossip is true, if they are here. The young man still doesn't move.

The Master suddenly drops to his knees, parting his ward's robes and pressing his head into his waist. I hear a word, husky.


The young man's hands finally unfold from their sleeved shelters and come to rest on the tall man's shoulders, pushing him back slightly.

"It's not... It's against the Co--"

But he is interrupted.


There is a hesitation and the world seems to wait. I find I'm holding my breath. Finally the young man nods his head sharply.

Rising to his feet, the Master pulls him close, crushing his lips in a fierce kiss while walking him backward to the alley's wall. It is sudden, almost violent.

Never breaking the kiss, he parts the young man's tunic and begins pulling at his leggings, then unfastening his own. His hands are large but graceful, moving with an economy of motion, as if he had mentally practiced these movements many times.

His Padawan doesn't move his hands from his sides, but doesn't resist either. His mouth, neck and ears are all devoured in fierce kisses as his Master grinds him against the dirty stone wall.

Abruptly, the tall man drops again to his knees, and swallows his apprentice's flaccid cock. The young man shouts out now, both hands going briefly to the tall man's long brown hair, clenching on the tie that holds it back before returning to his sides.

The older man sucks steadily, head bobbing in and out of the shadow and I can see he is working himself with one hand as well, pulling rapidly. Perhaps a minute passes this way, with the young man unmoving - his eyes are gazing upwards.

Then he begins to gasp and twist his head from side to side as if resisting an unseen enemy and finally shouts and bucks his hips once, twice.

I can see the tall man swallow - his throat and face are in profile - then he buries his face in the fold between his apprentice's groin and thigh, muffling a shout as his own hand slows then stills.

Finally he slumps back onto his heels and looks up at his unmoving partner, then barks out what may be a sigh, or a sob, or both.

I've seen many things, working where I do. I don't need to have a Jedi's skill at mind reading to know what the young man received was neither needed nor wanted, or to see the desperation in his Master's ministrations.

When the large man stands and fastens his leggings the young man finally moves to straighten his own clothes.

Then they face each other, the smaller man's hands again safely tucked in sleeves, face cast slightly downwards.

The Master gently traces the young man's cheek, thumbs brushing his lips, as if waiting for a response, a sign, anything. He receives none.

Almost reverently, he pulls his companion's hood up, hiding the short, jet-black hair, then turns and walks back up the alleyway. After two steps, the apprentice follows.
