
by Aeshna (

Series: Knightshades

Author's web page:

Archive: Yes please! Whoever wants it; just let me know where it ends up.

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Bruck

Category: non-Q/O, PWP

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: JuvenileDelinquent!Padawans ahoy! The boys are 18, in case you're wondering....

Summary: Bruck and Obi-Wan are late....

Disclaimer: not mine, alas, no matter how many toys I buy. Everything here belongs to George.

Feedback: of any variety is very much appreciated, but not essential -- I'll post anyway! I've suffered for my art, now it's your turn....

Notes: it's all RavenD's fault, honest. She encouraged me! As did various other reprobates in #bic. Not that I seem to need much encouragement these days....

As you can see, I'm placing this in a series -- well, everybody else is doing 'em so I figured I'd have a go! (g) In truth, I started off over a year ago with a still-unfinished piece that began demanding backstory, much of which doesn't fall into MA's field of interest and so won't be posted to this list (but that's what web pages are for). One of these days I will get that first long story done before Clarence and Res kill me but, in the meantime, here's a piece of random fluff to be getting on with. Thanks, as always, to Dee for the beta (and the title!).

"Oh, gods, did you see the look on her face when you yanked that feather?"

"I thought it was a part of her costume, all right?" Obi-Wan was trying to be irritable but failing miserably. He looked the deep blue plume in his hand and giggled drunkenly. "How was I supposed to know it was attached to her?"

"'Cause she was an Iljanan -- feathers are what they have, Kenobi!" Bruck didn't even attempt to hold back his own amusement. "Were you sleeping through 'Diversity Within The Republic' or what?"

"I don't know -- I must have been off on a mission or something...."

"They're Initiate classes!"

"Oh... I don't know!" Obi-Wan glared at his pale-haired companion then looked down at his prize once more. "It's a nice feather though."

Bruck snorted. "Yeah, you'll have to get some more, start a collection. I'm sure Tsa'shaal wouldn't mind donating a few --"

"I'm not drunk enough to try grabbing a handful from Tsa'!" Obi- Wan shuddered at the thought. "She'd gut me. Literally. I've seen her claws."

"You have no sense of adventure." Bruck told him and dropped down onto the bench by the transport pad. "Wonder where the others got to?"

"Aalto went off with that girl at the third bar, remember? The rest just sort of trickled off...." Obi-Wan shrugged -- their rare free evenings out of the Temple usually followed this general plan. "Fershen and Serrel were still with us when we went into the club, weren't they?"

"Yeah, think they left earlier though." Bruck stretched and looked around to see if there was any sign of the skybus that worked the route between the pleasure towers and the Temple -- they had a curfew to beat. He glanced up at the steady lines of lights that marked the traffic streams, bright sparks turning to black specks as they crossed the face of one of Coruscant's smaller moons....

Bruck frowned suddenly, trying to calculate lunar positions in his head. Giving it up as a bad idea after that many intoxicants, he asked, "What time is it, Obi?"

"Huh?" The other padawan pulled out a chrono. "It's about -- oh shit! We're never going to get back before curfew!"

"What?" Bruck suddenly felt considerably more sober than he had a moment ago. "You were supposed to be keeping an eye on the time, Kenobi!"

"Don't give me that, Chun -- I thought you were doing the timekeeping!"

"You're the one with the bloody chrono!"

"So?" Obi-Wan snapped, then ran his hands down over his face. "My master is going to kill me if I'm back late."

"Mine won't be too thrilled either," Bruck pointed out. "Shit. The 'bus is never going to make it back in time -- too many stops."

"We could find a cab?"

"All the way back to the Temple? We can't afford it, Kenobi, not unless we hijack it and I doubt the Council would see the funny side of that. Besides, most of them are droid-driven and they're hard to threaten." Bruck sighed despondently. "You can't even whammy them into submission...."

Obi-Wan frowned, rather lopsidedly, then brightened. "I've got it!"

Bruck blinked at him. "Got what?"

"How we're going to get back in time." He grinned. "Follow me...."

"You have got to be joking, Kenobi!"

"Shhhh!" Obi-Wan pointed across the private parking bays at the glassy eye of an inset wall-cam, the security device undoubtedly connected to microphones and other equipment. Pressing himself back against a ferrocrete column, he whispered, "So, do you have any better ideas?"

"We can't just steal --"

"Borrow. We're going to borrow it."

"I'm sure the Council will see it that way." Bruck looked at the object of Obi-Wan's interest, a brand-new racing-style speederbike, every inch of the sleek, glossy black shape speaking of an owner with far more money than sense. It was a beautiful machine and one that he found himself desperately wanting to touch, but -- "We can't do it, Obi." He waved a hand towards the other vehicles in the hangar, less impressive than the 'bike but also less likely to attract attention. "One of these --"

"Wouldn't be as fast. Finding this thing here is a... gift from the Force or something" Obi-Wan smirked at his companion, his expression suddenly sly. "You know your trouble, Chun? You have no sense of adventure...."

Bruck glared, recognising his own words thrown back at him. "The thing is going to be full of security devices."

"And I don't believe for a moment that we can't disable all of them inside two minutes. Come on Chun, you're the one whose master is teaching you to be an assassin. What's a bit of speeder theft?" Glancing back at the wall-cam, the brown-haired padawan narrowed his eyes in concentration... and there was a sharp plink as the glass lens fragmented, the sound followed by the softer hiss of expiring circuitry as the microphones surrounding it fried. Smiling serenely at Bruck, Obi-Wan tucked his feather inside his jacket and said, "So, that's one down. Let's see how many more we can find...."

The 'bike was indeed full of alarms and disablers and stun- circuits, everything the manufacturers could think of to discourage the less-salubrious inhabitants of Coruscant from making off with their shiny toy. What might deter an opportunistic thief was, however, of little use against a pair of determined Jedi padawans. Obi-Wan moved along the vehicle, finding each security device in turn before letting Bruck, with his more delicate telekinetic abilities, neutralise it without setting it off. As predicted, the whole process took little over a minute to complete.

"There!" Obi-Wan stood back to admire the now-vulnerable 'bike. "That curfew shouldn't be a problem now!"

"Right, I can just see us parking this on the Temple landing pad and strolling in...."

"We'll think of something," Obi-Wan said breezily, dismissing Bruck's concern with a wave of his hand. Lifting the 'bike's rear seat, he removed a pair of visored helmets, each as glossily black as the vehicle itself. "Perfect -- protects us from the airflow and hides our faces! This is going to be.... Hey! What do you think you're doing, Chun?"

"What does it look like?" Bruck replied. Settling himself before the controls, he reached back to pluck one of the helmets from the other padawan's hands. "You're too bloody drunk to drive."

"Am not! Anyway, you're hardly sober."

"No, but I wasn't drunk enough to decide to steal a speeder worth more than some small planetary economies!"

"But I want to drive! I found the 'bike!"

"Tough. I don't want to start a new career as a skyscraper mural." Bruck tucked his long braid down the back of his tunic collar and pulled the helmet over his head, feeling the padding adjust itself around him to give a perfect fit -- someone out there was very rich indeed.... Laying one hand over the control panel, he used a gentle touch of Force to bring the engines to softly purring life. "Get on or walk home, Kenobi. You can sit back there and cuddle your feather or something."

"I'm going to bloody get you for this...." Obi-Wan continued to grumble about safeguards and automatic anti-collision systems as he slid on behind Bruck, pressing close to grip the other boy's waist tightly. Bruck found the contact rather appealing, although the effect was ruined somewhat by the discovery that the helmets had microphones and earpieces built in. Ignoring his muttering passenger, the white-haired padawan concentrated instead on the 'bike, letting his senses expand to encompass the machine, feeling for its responses as he coaxed it into the air and turned towards the exit. It moved like it was a part of him, each fine touch instantly translated into smooth action. Grinning to himself, Bruck began to see just why Obi-Wan had been so keen to take the controls. If it was this good in the hangar, it should be incredible once they had free air and he could open the engines up to the extent they seemed to be begging him for.

A spike of Force shorted out the energy field that protected the entrance and Bruck launched the 'bike forwards, streaking out into the cool night sky. The wind slid smoothly around them, the savage rush of air tamed and directed by the sleek lines of their mechanical steed as it raced away from its rightful owner and between the brightly-lit towers and walkways of the pleasure district. Obi-Wan's complaints had changed into a whoop of approval for the 'bike's acceleration and his grip on Bruck's waist tightened as they turned towards the Temple, ignoring the sedate pace of the traffic lanes for the swift freedom of open air. It wasn't exactly legal but speeding seemed a minor concern, all things considered....

"This is great!" Obi-Wan's voice sounded odd over the helmet speakers. "Can we stop? I want to drive."


"We're not going to hit anything!"

"Obi, will you shut up!" In truth, Bruck was enjoying himself far too much to relinquish the controls. The world was flashing past in streaks of multicoloured light, the 'bike moving more like an atmospheric fighter than a private vehicle. It was like being in hyperspace and yet far more immediate, with the audible rush of the wind around them, tugging at their clothing, the sense of pure speed carrying them --

"Oh shit."

"Obi?" If the other padawan was going to be sick, Bruck hoped he'd forget to take his helmet off. "What's happening back there?"

Obi-Wan shifted behind him. "We have company."

"What?" Bruck looked around, pulling his senses away from the 'bike, and swore. Sliding alongside them was speeder bearing the neon yellow and orange livery of the Coruscant Traffic Control, scarlet lights flashing as a voice sounded over the helmet system, telling them to halt immediately. "Fuck!"

"You're not going to stop are you?" Obi-Wan asked. He sounded a little nervous, as if finally realising just how supremely stupid an idea this whole escapade was.

"Not if I can help it...." Setting his jaw, Bruck pushed the engines... only to have them suddenly power down on him, the control panel flashing warning as the computer surrendered command to the patrol vehicle. "No, no, no, no...."

"We're slowing down!"

"I know!" Taking a deep breath, Bruck focused on the console before him, concentrating with the Force until he found the radio antenna and tore it free of its connections, finesse sacrificed for the sake of speed. Freed from its electronic tether, the 'bike jolted forward, velocity building rapidly as the engines fought to regain lost ground. Bruck couldn't quite help his cry of glee as the CTC speeder fell away, looking back just in time to see an equally-elated Obi-Wan making a rude hand-gesture at the other vehicle.

"Hah! Good going, Chun -- wish I could see their faces...." Obi- Wan's mood had turned buoyant once more and he clung closer as the 'bike continued its headlong dash towards the Temple. "They'll never catch... oh."

Bruck groaned. "They're after us again?"

"Yeah." Obi-Wan's voice held a hint of grudging respect as he added, "That thing's faster than it looks."

"Great, just great...." Bruck pushed the engines for more power, wondering how much more he could squeeze out of them. The 'bike was good but those patrol vehicles were able to reach escape velocity.... "Kenobi?"


"Hold on tight -- this could be interesting." Not waiting for a response, Bruck threw the 'bike's nose downwards, aiming for one of the artificial valleys that cut between the towers and upper levels. If they couldn't outrun the other speeder, they were just going to have to out-manoeuvre them....

Skimming dangerously close to a slow-moving transport, the 'bike flashed down into the ferrocrete maze that housed the bulk of Coruscant's population. Opening his senses as far as they would go, Bruck trusted the Force not to send him head-first into something solid as the lights of other vehicles and brightly-lit storefronts flashed past, leaving him with a sense of chaos in their wake. Other scarlet beacons began to flash as various law- enforcement vehicles took up the chase, appearing out of nowhere to block routes or to actively pursue. This had been a bloody stupid idea to start with but it was getting more insane by the moment. If their masters ever found out about this....

Obi-Wan was pressed close, his breathing harsh over the helmet mikes and his tension singing clearly to Bruck's heightened senses -- the other boy had never been one to sit silently through action and his currently helpless position had to be frustrating him. Strong fingers clenched in Bruck's clothing, digging into his flesh, the contact painful yet somehow arousing as they ducked and weaved through the traffic and the neon signs that protruded into their airspace as rainbow-hued obstacles. Adrenaline enhanced already-keen reflexes, drawing in an awareness of the heated body at his back, of the scream of speed-distorted sirens, of the pulse of the engines against his thighs --

A flicker of warning in the Force and Bruck jagged the 'bike to the right, narrowly avoiding a catchernet fired from one of the walls -- it seemed that the mid-levels had their own ideas about how to deal with speeding offences. As did the CTC speeder still dogging their heels, which suddenly began firing on their engines.

"Fuck!" Obi-Wan evidently didn't appreciate being used for target practice.

"Look, I'm not enjoying this either!" Gritting his teeth, Bruck aimed for a patrol vehicle that had positioned itself to block a route leading further into the labyrinth of residential units, skipping his mount up and over the canopy at the last moment and catching a glimpse of a horrified Rodian diving for cover within. "Hah!"

"Nice flying, Chun!" Obi-Wan's crow of triumph indicated that he approved of the manoeuvre, his helmet brushing Bruck's shoulder as he looked back at the suddenly-confused pursuit. "Didn't like that, did you, you bastards!"

The passages were narrower here, leading off in a multitude of different directions, and Bruck took turnings almost at random, barely slowing as he tried to lose their pursuers. He was certain that the larger vehicles would not try to follow them down here but he had seen other speederbikes in the chase and --

"Turn left!"

Bruck started at Obi-Wan's sudden command but did as he was told - - Obi-Wan had the better foresight, after all. Two more turns, three... and they were out in the relative peace of a park chamber, artificial lights maintaining a motley collection of plants from various worlds. The garden was not as neat nor as elegant as those at the Temple but it had a mongrel charm to it and the greenery did much to calm the sense of urgency that the Force had taken on. Slowing the bike as he circled the central lake -- well, pond, really -- Bruck reached out, trying to find any sign of pursuit....

"I think we lost them," Obi-Wan said, his arms locked around Bruck's waist. He sounded almost breathless.

"I hope so." Waving briefly at the group of fascinated children watching them from the lawns, Bruck guided the 'bike down a side passage, moving slowly forward until he spotted a darkened alcove and stopped the vehicle in the shadows, safe from prying eyes. "Shit," he muttered, pulling the helmet off. "That was too fucking close."

Obi-Wan moved back a little, freeing his arms to remove his own headgear. "We lost them, that's all that matters."

"Yeah." Bruck was startled to realise how fast his pulse was racing -- he'd been trained for situations far worse than this one. But he'd have his master's blessing for charging into most of those.... "We still have that curfew to beat, though."

"We have made up a fair bit of time," Obi-Wan offered, sounding rather more sober than he had when they'd started out. "I think that a little recovery period might be called for here."

"Good." Bruck took a deep breath, calming his nerves... then froze as something whispered across the back of his neck, the light touch drawing a fierce response from his flight-heightened senses. "Kenobi, what are you --?"

"Shhh." Obi-Wan pressed himself to Bruck's back once more, rubbing against him with a sudden urgency that the other padawan could not help but echo. The adrenaline rush of the chase was still upon them, demanding action. Any action. Bruck gasped as Obi-Wan brought the feather up to tickle at his throat, stroking it over his pulse-point as sharp teeth grazed the skin behind his ear and a voice murmured, "My turn to drive now, Chun."

Bruck nodded mutely, then let his head fall back with a groan as Obi-Wan's hands slid up and under his tunic, straying over skin already damp from exertion. Nimble fingers roamed across his ribs, his chest, toying roughly with his nipples as the hard heat of the other padawan's erection grew against the base of his spine. His own cock was swelling in the tight confines of his trous, his balls pressing against the firm leather of the 'bike's broad saddle as his body responded to the challenge. Straddling the hovering machine, his thighs gripping the side pads as though they were still flying, Bruck was suddenly aware of how the skin- tight material must be clinging to the muscular curves of his arse, as clear an invitation as it had been in the club, where he had attracted the attention of more than just Obi-Wan. Grinning fiercely, he wrapped his hands around the control bars once again, bracing his arms as he pushed back to grind himself into the other padawan's crotch.

Obi-Wan hissed and seized Bruck's hips, thrusting against him for a few moments before grabbing at the waistband of the obstructing trous. The elasticated material resisted... and then slid smoothly down to reveal the tawny skin beneath, trapping Bruck's thighs more firmly against the seat as Obi-Wan pushed him forward, fumbling with the opening of his own leather leggings. Somewhere in the distance they could hear sirens, the sound just adding to the sudden urgency of the moment. "Gods, going to have you, going to take you, going to fuck you...."

Bruck bit his lip as he felt fingers probing at his crack, roughly delving for his opening. He was still slick from the club, where feather-girl had interrupted just as things were getting interesting, but his position meant that he still felt the burn as Obi-Wan gripped his buttocks and pushed forwards, cock nudging into the tight heat as his weight settled over Bruck's back. "Come on then, biker-boy," he grated, brown braid falling to hang over Bruck's shoulder. "Let's see what you've got...."

Bruck grunted as Obi-Wan thrust into him, hard. The fastenings of the other boy's trous rasped against his skin, counterpointing the stretching burn of penetration as Obi-Wan drove into Bruck's body with short, savage thrusts. Oh yes, this was what he wanted, something fierce and fast to wipe away the tension of that flight, to scorch away the excess of adrenaline. He could feel the sweat trickling down his spine to be absorbed by his clothing where Obi- Wan's chest pressed against his back, the material bunching and stretching as they moved together. His own cock was still trapped in the material of his leggings, caught between his body and the 'bike and aching with each grinding thrust. Odds were that he was going to chafe himself half raw but right now, braced across a stolen speederbike in a residential area with Kenobi's cock threatening to split him in two, he found that he really couldn't make himself care.

Harder now, oh gods, harder, making the 'bike tremble in its hover as stars danced behind Bruck's closed eyes. His body was ablaze at the point where he and Obi-Wan joined, the wet slap of their union almost drowned out by their gasping and groaning, by the creak of leather on leather as Obi-Wan sought purchase on the saddle, shifting his grip to Bruck's shoulders as he drove in harder, deeper, faster --

Something flashed in Bruck's brain, in his groin, and he came with a choking cry, coating the inside of his trous with his seed. His partner's completion seemed to push Obi-Wan to greater efforts, pounding Bruck into the seat as the darker boy's elbows gave way and left him sprawled wantonly across the 'bike's controls. "Yes, yes, tight... so tight.... Going to... have to do it... like this more... often, Chun...." He dropped his head to drag his tongue roughly across the back of Bruck's neck, savouring the sweat. "Yes...."

Bruck could only manage a moan in response, his world reduced to the slick warmth he was grinding into the leather beneath him and the searing pressure under his tailbone as Obi-Wan fucked him with ever-increasing force. Oh, this was good, the thrill of the forbidden adding an extra edge to their fierce rutting. If their masters ever knew what they had --

"Yes!" Fingers bit hard into Bruck's shoulders as Obi-Wan slammed home, his body stiffening as he lost his rhythm to the sudden surge of his climax, his hips jerking wildly as he spent himself in his partner's trembling rear. Collapsing heavily across Bruck's body, he muttered, "Fuck, that was good...."

Bruck nodded lazily, but satiation was beginning to give way to discomfort and an awareness of just why they were there. "Curfew."

"Shit." Obi-Wan pushed himself up, his softened cock slipping free from the other padawan's arse to nestle wetly against his thigh. Bruck remained sprawled across the 'bike for a few moments more, feeling Obi-Wan's seed trickling from his abused and reddened arse, then eased himself from his prone position, his legs cramping painfully as he did so. The seat was smeared with the residue of his own climax and he rather suspected that his trous were a lost cause but oh, it had been worth it.... "Reckon they're still looking for us?"

"After that ride, I guarantee it." Clambering awkwardly from the saddle, Bruck stretched his protesting limbs before readjusting his clothing as best he could -- it didn't look as though he had any choice about the wet spots here. Looking back at the 'bike, he winced to see the mess they had made... and to see the scorched evidence of blaster shots marring the engine casings. He hadn't realised they had come so close to disaster. "I say we dump it here -- we should be close enough to the Temple for a cab to be affordable if we can just get to the upper levels."

"Dump it?" Obi-Wan looked momentarily stricken, then he shrugged. "You're right. And the owner is going to miss it sooner or later. Wish I'd got to drive it though...."

"Riding me wasn't enough?" Bruck asked, rubbing at his sore rump. He was going to be feeling this one for a while.

The other padawan leered at him and jumped down to stand beside the 'bike. "I didn't say that." He ran a hand along the side of the chassis. "But I'm not going to get to play with one of these beauties again, I don't think. Certainly not with a chase like that."

"I could have lived without it," Bruck told him, then reconsidered. "Although it has to be said that it was fantastic foreplay...."

Obi-Wan snorted. "And I thought I was the kinky one." He stepped around the still-hovering 'bike, placing his hands on the side of the saddle before looking up at Bruck. "We should do a forensic sweep before we forget -- they'll track us easily if we leave it like this."

Nodding, Bruck took position opposite Obi-Wan and between them they sent a heated flash of Force across the leather, not enough to damage the material but sufficient to sear and denature the physical evidence they'd left behind. Quickly repeating the procedure along the length of the 'bike, they stripped away all trace of their presence, leaving only a tacky residue on the leather and the blaster damage. That done, Obi-Wan stepped back and looked around. "Now what?"

"Get to the surface, find a cab, see if we can't get back through the door in time."

"And the 'bike?"

"Leave it running." Bruck grinned evilly and turned towards the main passageway and the promise of more legal transport. "I'm sure the local kids will thank us for it and they can distract the police for a while. If they trash it, it's their problem."

"I can see why you're not a diplomat, Chun."

"Just shut up and grab your feather, Kenobi."