
by Franzi (

Rating: R

Pairing: Q/O, Q/X

Archive: MA, my site (, others please ask

Feedback: Sure, go ahead

Summary: Sometimes red roses are not a sign of love

Warnings: Non-Con, but not too graphic. Character death.

Notes: Dedicated to Paddy, who wanted evil!Xan. Huge thanks to Ally for the in-chat beta and to Tem-Ve for the final beta. Also thanks to Alex for inspiration :)

Part 1

From a safe distance, Xanatos watched as Obi-Wan opened the door and inspected the bouquet of blood red roses that was lying on the floor.

Pick it up, he thought, as if he could control Obi-Wan's action.

He smiled as Obi-Wan bent down and the skin of his hands made contact with the roses. Yes, soon the poison would take effect.

Soon, Qui-Gon Jinn would come to him.

Qui-Gon froze as he entered their quarters. Obi-Wan. He was lying still on their bed. Quickly, he reached out to him with the Force, checking his condition. He was alive, barely though. Rushing towards the bed, Qui-Gon stumbled across the roses on the floor, and bent down, puzzled. Next to them, he found a small card.

"I hope Obi-Wan enjoyed the present. X."

Hurriedly, he picked his lover up and rushed to the Healers' Ward.

Xanatos. So he wasn't dead. And Qui-Gon knew he had to find him if he wanted to save Obi-Wan's life.

He only had hours.

Part 2

Xanatos was sitting next to Obi-Wan, watching him. Sweat was glistening on the boy's face, his breathing was shallow. He was dying, the poison slowly killing him. His body was already beginning to shut down, his sight gone, too weak to access the Force.

It had almost been too easy to kidnap the boy out of the Healers' Ward and take him into his nearby hide-out. The Jedi weren't what they used to be.

And now he was in his hands, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn's most precious thing. He bent down to kiss those delicious lips, which were slightly opened as yet another moan of pain escaped the boy's throat. He smiled as he reached out for Obi-Wan's mind.

Obi-Wan moaned as another wave of pain rushed through his body. He felt as if he was on fire, his whole body aching. And then lips. Full lips touching his, a tender kiss, long fingers tracing the contours of his face, long hair tickling against his chest as the other one moved lower.

Qui-Gon. It had to be. He couldn't see, couldn't reach out with the Force, but he heard his voice in his mind.


He arched up under the touch and then cried out as another wave of pain, stronger this time, hit him, almost making him lose consciousness.

//Shh, it will be okay, Obi-Wan. Help is on its way.//

The pain subsided, leaving him even weaker, trembling. Help, yes, all he wanted was relief from the agony. Qui-Gon. He was his only anchor, the only reason to keep going.

"M... Ma-ster...," he managed to whisper, his voice almost gone.

"No, he won't come. You will die in agony, Obi-Wan. Alone."

He froze as he recognised the voice. Xanatos... it had been him all the time. Not Qui-Gon, not his Master, not...

Obi-Wan's mouth opened in a silent scream as something inside him broke.

Part 3

Qui-Gon's heart stopped for a second as he walked into the room, his lightsabre ready, and took in the scene before him. Xanatos sat next to a barely conscious Obi-Wan, stroking his hair. Qui-Gon almost winced at the whimper that escaped Obi-Wan's throat.

"Ah, Qui-Gon Jinn. Welcome to my humble lair. We're having a private party here, your precious Padawan and I." Xanatos bent down to cover Obi-Wan's mouth with another kiss. He smiled as he sensed Qui-Gon tighten his grip on his lightsabre. "I wouldn't use it if I were you. You don't know where I've hidden the antidote; you don't want to kill Obi-Wan by accidentally destroying it."

Qui-Gon loosened his grip on his sabre, then turned to Xanatos. "What do you want?"

"You. Your body, like you had mine."

"No." Qui-Gon shook his head. "If you think I would give in like that, you're wrong, Xanatos."

"I don't think you have time for games, Master. How much time do you think Obi-Wan has got left? His body is already shutting down. You'd better get down on your knees, if you want to save his poor life."

"Xanatos, you don't have to do this. There are other ways..."

"On your knees," Xanatos interrupted him, his voice hard.

Qui-Gon sank down on his knees, knowing that this was his only chance to save Obi-Wan. His eyes were on his Padawan all the time as Xanatos slowly stood up and walked over to him. Qui-Gon could feel Xanatos standing behind him, one of his hands soothingly massaging Qui-Gon's right shoulder.

He winced as his robe was cut by a knife and his pants were yanked down, exposing his bare flesh. All he could do was to hope that it would be over fast.

Qui-Gon tried not to cry out as Xanatos took him. Obi-Wan didn't need to hear exactly what was going on. He tried to ignore what was being done to his body and drew strength from the Force. He focused on Obi-Wan and on his own physical pain, trying to push the humiliation into a far away corner of his mind.

It seemed to take forever, one deep stroke following another, while Obi-Wan was growing weaker by the second. Finally, he sensed Xanatos tensing and felt hot semen filling him; it was over. Xanatos had what he wanted.

"Thank you, Qui-Gon," Xanatos said, his voice coloured with sarcasm. "But you didn't really think it would be that easy, did you?"

"Why?" Qui-Gon's voice was shaky from exhaustion.

"Oh, I was hired to develop a new poison." Xanatos gripped Qui-Gon's hips even harder, nails dug into the delicate flesh. "I needed some volunteers to test it on. The fact that I was already on my way to Coruscant was an added benefit. A nice way to combine work with revenge for all that you did to me."

Qui-Gon groaned as Xanatos, still deep inside him, pushed his hips forward, the motion adding to his pain.

"Before I go, I should tell you that I'm not exactly sure if the antidote is actually working, but it would be interesting to find out... if you manage to inject it in time that is."

In a quick motion, Xanatos drew the knife and reached around to bury the blade in Qui-Gon's belly, causing him to scream at last.

"Good luck," he said with a smirk as he pulled his cock out of Qui-Gon and let him drop to the ground.

Qui-Gon groaned as he lifted his head, needing to check on his Padawan. On the bed, Obi-Wan's body was tensing, arching up as his collapsing lungs desperately tried to get more oxygen. Laughing, Xanatos tossed the syringe to the ground next to where Qui-Gon was lying, knowing very well he would never make it in time.

Part 4

Obi-Wan woke up alone. Immediately, he recognised his surroundings - the Healers' Ward, a place all too familiar to him. But this time Qui-Gon wasn't with him; the chair next to his bed empty and there was no one smiling down at him. Then Obi-Wan remembered, barely, the sound of a knife slicing through flesh, Qui-Gon's scream. Surely, his Master was still in a bacta tank? If not by his side?

He frowned as he reached out for Qui-Gon with the Force and found... nothing. No sign of Qui-Gon, no sign of the training bond, just emptiness. And he remembered - roses, poison, agony, kisses that weren't Qui-Gon's, foreign hands touching him, screams that weren't his own. Dead, he should be dead and not left.... Alone. Obi-Wan wanted to cry, but he couldn't, his mind was not yet ready to accept the possibility that his Master was dead, taken away from him.

From the corner of his eye he saw a bouquet of black roses. He reached out for the card, his hand trembling from the effort it took.

"Thank you for the wonderful time. I quite enjoyed it - and Qui-Gon. X."

Horrified, he let the card fall down to the floor as if it was burning his fingers. He was remembering more now. Qui-Gon, he had sacrificed himself for Obi-Wan's life, letting Xanatos... he winced as he remembered the sickening sound of flesh pounding against flesh, Qui-Gon's scream and then nothing but a feeling of slowly drowning. Qui-Gon must have saved him, injected him with the antidote while Qui-Gon himself was dying.

An anguished cry filled the room as the pain of the loss hit Obi-Wan. He curled up around the blanket, allowing his tears to run freely down his cheeks while his weak body wouldn't stop trembling.

He didn't notice as a healer entered the room and injected him with a mild sedative, sending him back into a dreamless sleep.

From a distance, Xanatos watched as they burned his old Master's body. He took in the tortured form of Obi-Wan and smiled. The boy would get over it and might be useful for him in the future; Obi-Wan was strong.

Xanatos touched his right cheek. Qui-Gon was dead; the circle closed. Now it was time to get on with his own life.