
by obi-ki

Title: Retrogression
Author: obi-ki
Archive: MA, anyone else please ask.
Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
Category: Qui/Obi, Angst, Drama
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, m/m sex.
Spoilers: none, set pre TPM
Summary: A mission brings on some very unusual changes.

Disclaimers: Everything Star Wars belongs to George Lucas and Lucasfilms. I am just playing in his world, borrowing the boyz and their accomplices and will return them all when I'm through. No money is being made from this, it is all done for entertainment only.

Author's notes: This story has been almost almost 2 years in the making--what started as a short piece ended up basically taking over my life. Thanks to Mac for the original plot bunny that inspired this epic. Massive Qui-Gon hugs to my marvelous beta/editor, Monalee. She's been involved in this story from the start, going over it from top to bottom, making plot suggestions in addition to checking for consistency and characterization, correcting grammar and always finding just the right word to get the thought across. Without her help and support this story would not have been finished. Also thanks to Artemis and Writestuff for reading through it and giving me all kinds of comments and suggestions. I couldn't have done it without them. As always, I took some suggestions and ignored others in addition to making a few final tweaks, so all mistakes are mine. Hope you enjoy the story.

Feedback: Please, it's the only way a writer knows what works. Onlist or off at

Accepting the datapad from Master Windu, Obi-Wan moved back to stand one step behind Qui-Gon's left shoulder. He watched a twinge of dismay cross his master's face before it was schooled back into the man's unshakable Jedi serenity. Trying to contain his own dismay, he listened attentively to his Master's questions.

"How did the situation disintegrate so quickly?" Qui-Gon asked.

From the moment they had received the summons to the Council chambers, Obi-Wan had perceived apprehension coming from his Master, along with a vague sense of foreboding. He could almost sense Qui-Gon releasing his apprehension to the Force as he waited for Mace's reply.

"The communiqué did not give many details," Mace explained. "The ambassador told us that a group of Cerenti militia broke the treaty by attacking an Oliani refinery ten days ago. The attacks have increased in frequency to the point that the Prime Minister fears another civil war may be imminent." Brown eyes looked intently into Qui-Gon's blue ones as he added seriously. "I know that you are supposed to be on a teaching sabbatical but you have been requested personally."

Obi-Wan struggled to contain his frustration as he watched his Master closely for any sign of a decision. They had moved from one miserable mission to another for the past nine lunar cycles and had only been back at the Temple for three days of what was scheduled to be a three-cycle break. As flash of acquiescence came across the bond, he knew what the man's reply would be. With that knowledge, the faint tendril of control he held over his frustration evaporated.

"We accept the mission. When do we leave?" Qui-Gon asked.

"A diplomatic shuttle will be waiting for you in bay 38 tomorrow at 1400," Mace replied. "I will download all the information we have into the ship's computer system. The trip takes almost a day and a half so you will have plenty of time to review the material." A slight smile appeared on the normally serious, bronze face. " Spend the evening doing something relaxing."

A raised eyebrow was Qui-Gon's only response to Mace's unusual nod to the more intimate aspect of his and Obi-Wan's relationship. It was evident to Obi-Wan that his Master could feel the annoyance radiating from him even as they bowed low in unison before the assembled Councilors. Qui-Gon sent a note of reproach over their bond but Obi-Wan could only manage the slightest twinge of remorse.

As the door closed behind them and they moved into the quiet corridor, Qui-Gon stopped and looked sternly at his apprentice. "Your behavior in the Council Chamber was unacceptable, Padawan. It was very disrespectful to the Councilors to not even attempt to shield your feelings."

"I'm sorry, Master," Obi-Wan said lowering his gaze, "but you can't expect?"

"I expect you to comport yourself in a manner befitting a senior padawan and I think some extra meditations on respect are definitely in order," Qui-Gon said as he started down the corridor again.

The combination of frustration over the mission and annoyance with himself over his loss of control exploded inside him. It was so strong that even the wrath of his Master's censure wasn't enough to keep Obi-Wan from speaking openly. "But Master, they're sending us back to Ambria. I won't be able to do anything," he grumbled as he walked at the older man's side.

"Don't you think that you're overreacting just a bit, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon said sternly.

"Not really. I've been there before, remember," Obi-Wan replied. "It was difficult enough when I was still an adolescent but at twenty-four it will hardly be bearable. The age of majority is twenty-five standard years in all sectors of Ambria. So even though I am only two cycles short of that age, I will be relegated to being segregated with the children."

"You will still be a great help to me, Padawan," Qui-Gon said sincerely..

"How? I won't even be able to attend any meetings, interrogations or negotiations," Obi-Wan returned sarcastically. "It would have made more sense for the council to send a Master and a Knight pair or even two Masters."

"You know that the Oliani Prime Minister requested me personally," Qui-Gon replied patiently. "We are Jedi. The needs of the many outweigh our personal wishes, Padawan."

With a heavy sigh and a barely sincere, "yes, Master," Obi-Wan palmed open the door to their quarters and motioned the older man to precede him. When the door slid closed behind them, he propped himself against it and waited expectantly for the additional reprimand. He was surprised when Qui-Gon draped his cloak on the hook by the door and walked silently out onto the small balcony. Although he had expected to be corrected for his lack of respect, his behavior had not been severe enough to warrant this icy withdrawal. Confusion evident on his face, he hung his robe and went to join his teacher. "I apologize for my disrespect, Master."

After a few minutes of staring out at the Coruscant skyscape, Qui-Gon turned to meet his apprentice's penitent gaze. "I know, Padawan. There's just something unsettling about this mission." His eyes bored into Obi-Wan's until it seemed he was looking through him, not at him. "Maybe it would be best if you remained at Temple for the length of this mission," he said softly.

"No," Obi-Wan half shouted, as a strong pulse of wrongness at that thought surged through him. After a couple of deep breaths to regain his composure, he added. "We are a team, Master, and I belong at your side."

"You said yourself that you won't be allowed to actively participate, Padawan," Qui-Gon said seriously. "It's selfish of me to expect you to accompany me just because I would miss your presence."

As unhappy as he was about their being assigned this mission, staying behind was an option he didn't even want to consider. "Master, please don't ask me to stay behind," Obi-Wan pleaded. "I shouldn't have complained about the mission." A shudder ran through him as another wave of fear engulfed him. "I don't trust anyone else to protect your back, beloved."

Shifting from his masterly role, Qui-Gon pulled his young lover into a reassuring embrace. "You could concentrate on your studies while I'm away. I'm sure the Council could find an adequate Knight to accompany me."

"Ambria could be a war zone by the time you arrive," Obi-Wan argued. "You'll need someone who can fight beside you seamlessly and instinctively. Pairing two Jedi who are not in sync could be a death warrant for both of you."

Qui-Gon remained silent at that remark, fingers absently stroking the long braid that lay down Obi-Wan's back. After a few moments, he released the younger man and stepped back. "I think I'll meditate. Maybe I'll be able to gather some insight on this feeling of unease."

Moving a few steps back into the common room, Obi-Wan grabbed their meditation mats then rejoined Qui-Gon. Placing the mats facing each other, he asked. "May I join you, Master?"

Qui-Gon reached up and cupped his apprentice's cheek in a tender caress. "I think it would be best if I meditate alone, Padawan. Would you mind putting together a light supper for us?" He stroked the cleft of the strong chin with his thumb and smiled. "If memory serves me correctly, the food on Ambria ran the gamut from heavily spiced, rich dishes to outlandish items we could barely identify and I expect we may be dining at a number of formal banquets. A simple meal in the comfort of our quarters rather than the bustle of the dining hall would be most welcome."

Obi-Wan picked up his mat and bowed formally to his Master. As he left the balcony, he released his pain at having been so politely dismissed and considered Qui-Gon's request. It was unusual for Qui-Gon to allow feelings of prescience to influence his decisions. The fact that he was focusing on such a feeling was something that Obi-Wan hardly wanted to consider. Pushing back his own apprehension at this dilemma, he headed into the kitchen. If his master wouldn't let him share his burden then he could at the very least give him a pleasant meal. Beyond that he would let the rest of the evening decide itself.

Releasing the brief pang of distress he felt over the hurt his words had caused Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon dropped to his knees on the meditation mat. He hated having to separate himself from his apprentice but he needed to be alone to freely explore the unease that was engulfing him. Closing his eyes and slowing his breathing, he allowed the Force to flow through him and dropped into a trance.

Bringing his fears to the forefront, he focused on the moment in the Council chambers when the vague feeling had solidified into something more. The impression has been strong but brief: a swirl of chaos over a backdrop of the Oliani capitol. He concentrated and opened his mind more fully, trying to bring clarity to the mental flash. Flipping images of various people looking at him with a variety of expressions and Obi-Wan's face looking down at him in concern were overlain with strong surges of emotion from within him. He was unable to see himself in the vision so he concentrated on getting a clearer sense of his mental and physical state. Pain, frustration, confusion and annoyance were clearly evident but a sense of helplessness and an inability to think clearly prevailed in his mind. Hoping to find visual clues to help discern the cause of those emotions, he again concentrated on the images. He attempted to shift the scene so that he could see himself but a slight glimpse of his boots and robe were all that he could manage.

Accepting that he would learn nothing more this way, Qui-Gon cleared his mind and eased into a deeper meditative state to help him regain his center. When awareness of his surroundings returned, the sky beyond the balcony was shaded with the colors of dusk and the aromas of freshly baked bread and roast fowl wafted in from the kitchen. He rose to his feet, stretched his stiff limbs and released any remaining anxiety to the Force. Tomorrow would be soon enough to ponder what this mission to Ambria would bring. Tonight, he would enjoy the wonderful meal his padawan had prepared for them along with the younger man's company and, Force willing, dessert would be served horizontally, a la Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan felt his Master surfacing from his meditation and began heaping food onto two plates. Luckily, all the necessary ingredients for one of Qui-Gon's favorite dishes had been in the cooling unit and he had worked feverishly to prepare it. He set the plates on the table and was just uncorking the Almarian wine when his Master came through the doorway. He was glad to see that the deep worry lines that had creased the man's forehead earlier had lessened somewhat. "Perfect timing, my Master," he said with a smile.

Qui-Gon inhaled deeply as he surveyed the table and watched the wine being poured. "Dinner smells wonderful, Obi-Wan. Thank you," he said as he moved behind the younger man and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Obi-Wan turned in the embrace and placed a chaste kiss on the bearded cheek before directing Qui-Gon into his seat. "Eat while the food is hot. As you said earlier, who knows how long it will be before our next decent meal." he chuckled. Settling into his own chair, he joined his Master in enjoying the food on the table before them.

At the beginning of the meal, the conversation remained pleasurably light but as it progressed Obi-Wan found he could no longer contain the question that had been fighting to escape his lips. "Did your meditations provide any insight into your apprehension, Master?" When the older man shook his head, he decided to press forward. "Will you share your concerns with me?"

Qui-Gon reached across the table and enclosed Obi-Wan's hand within his larger one. "I got a flash of something during the briefing but I was unable to bring any clarity to it during my meditation." He smiled weakly at his apprentice. "I couldn't see myself and was only able to sense some rather elusive emotions and feelings."

Obi-Wan looked intently at his Master and asked, "Could you see anything or anyone you recognized?"

"I recognized the Oliani capital," Qui-Gon replied as he shifted his gaze back to the plate in front of him.

Knowing that his Master might circumvent the truth but would never actually lie to him, Obi-Wan made the question more specific. "Did you see me during the flash, Master?" With his free hand, he cupped the bearded chin in his palm, turning Qui-Gon's face so that he was meeting his gaze. "Well?"

With a sigh of resignation, one soft spoken word passed the Master's lips.. "Yes." He must have realized that his padawan would be unwilling to leave it at that so he expounded a bit. "I could not see myself but could see the faces of a number people looking down at me strangely while your expression was more one of concern."

Obi-Wan fought to keep his face expressionless as he addressed that admission. "At least we know that the Force wills that I be at your side."

"That is only one possible future, my Padawan," Qui-Gon said patiently. "As you know, it could take only one minor modification to the events to completely change the outcome. Maybe I should direct it by having you remain on Coruscant."

Disbelief filled him as he listened to his Master's words. This was so against everything that Qui-Gon had ever taught him. "What happened to live in the moment, listen to the Living Force and let the future take care of itself?" Obi-Wan asked sarcastically.

It was easy to see that this was one of those moments when Qui-Gon regretted always prodding Obi-Wan to think for himself and fight for what he believed in. Obi-Wan waited patiently while his Master seemed to examine the foreboding again. "The feelings seemed to center more on me personally rather than the mission or you, Obi-Wan, and Force knows I'll be much more comfortable with you at my side," Qui-Gon admitted with a slight smile. "We'll face whatever trials occur on Ambria together. Now let's enjoy our dinner and what will be our last free evening at Temple for who knows how long, my Padawan." Qui-Gon said.

"Always together, my Master," Obi-Wan agreed.

Their conversation took on a much lighter note as they finished their meal and shared the clean up chores. They took turns in the refresher, each using the time the other man was showering to pack for the mission. Obi-Wan had showered first and managed to finish gathering his belongings before Qui-Gon finished his shower. Towel wrapped around his waist, he grabbed the half empty wine bottle and a fresh glass and placed them on the small table by their bed. He had left his braid loose after his shower so he put the beads and ties to adorn it alongside the wine bottle and a brush and comb on top of the quilt.

When Qui-Gon came out of the refresher, Obi-Wan was filling the glass. Taking in the expanse of slightly damp skin exposed by his master's barely closed silk robe, Obi-Wan smiled. "Come, sit on the bed and drink your wine while I brush out your hair for you."

"That would be wonderful, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied as he accepted the glass. He sat on the edge of the bed and almost immediately Obi-Wan settled behind him. He closed his eyes and sipped his wine, apparently enjoying the feel of the brush pulling gently through his hair. Every few minutes, Obi-Wan replaced the brush with his fingers and massaged his scalp, alternating between them until Qui-Gon was totally relaxed. Rising from the bed, Obi-Wan moved into a position on the floor and placed a hand on his Master's knee.

"Would you plait my braid for me, my Master?" Obi-Wan asked softly, as he knelt before him. It had been a while since they had completed the formal braiding ritual and he knew that the reaffirmation of their commitment would go a long way in calming his feelings of unease about the upcoming mission.

"I would be honored, my Padawan," Qui-Gon answered sincerely as he placed his glass on the table. He accepted the comb from Obi-Wan and passed it through the auburn strands until they were completely smooth. He chastely brushed the younger man's lips with his own then separated the hair into three even sections. He spoke softly as he began to weave the sections together. "The bond between Master and Padawan is a sacred trust sanctioned within the Force. Just as the strands of the braid become stronger together, so do the Master and Padawan become stronger in their partnership. May the Force bless the pairing until the Padawan takes his place in the Order as a Knight." As he spoke the ritual words, he deftly twined the sections of hair, interspacing the beads that represented Obi-Wan's accomplishments in his training. After he secured the end, he brought it to his lips. "And, Force willing, beyond," he whispered against the strands.

"Definitely beyond," Obi-Wan vowed emotionally as he laid his head on his Master's knees. After taking a moment to regain control, he rose from his knees and looked intently at Qui-Gon. "Is there anything else we need to get done tonight?" When the older man shook his head, he tossed aside his towel and smiled seductively. "Good. Then I intend on spending the rest of the evening making mad, passionate love to my mate."

Qui-Gon quirked an eyebrow at his young lover. "And if your mate just wanted to sleep?"

Taking a quick step forward, Obi-Wan pulled Qui-Gon to his feet long enough to dispose of the silk robe and then pushed his lover back onto the bed, straddling his lap and covering his mouth in a passionate kiss. When he pulled back, he was smiling wickedly. "I would do my very best to convince him that sleep is definitely overrated."

"With the proper amount of concentration and effort, you may be able to change his mind," Qui-Gon teased.

"I'm sure I'll be more than up for the challenge. My Master has always told me that persistence is my strongest asset," Obi-Wan quipped before diving back into Qui-Gon's smirking mouth. Taking advantage of his dominant position, he continued to devour the luscious mouth, licking and nibbling on both lower and upper lips before exploring the warm cavern with his questing tongue. He released the lips only to press warm kisses over every inch of his beloved's face. He slid down the rangy body, kissing and nipping at the long column of throat until he found a particularly sensitive patch of skin. After worrying it lightly with his teeth, he sucked until he drew a small circle of blood to the surface. He soothed it quickly with his tongue, then moved on to the broad chest.

Obi-Wan felt a surge of arousal flash though Qui-Gon as the red circle of a passion mark bloomed on his neck. He suppressed a chuckle as he sensed Qui-Gon fighting the desire to just flip him onto his back and ravish him. Qui-Gon must have realized that this uncharacteristic need to claim him was due to Obi-Wan's apprehension over the strictures of the upcoming mission, so after only a moment's hesitation, Qui-Gon gave himself over to the pleasure of the loving caresses and Obi-Wan continued his slow exploration of his master's chest. At first, he limited his touches to light licks and nips to the smooth skin and fading scars and he felt the large body shift in an attempt to direct his motions. "Patience, my Master. All will come in good time," he teased.

Qui-Gon lifted the cleft chin so that he could look into Obi-Wan's eyes. "Just remember, Padawan, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

Memories of nights when he had been held on the edge of release for hours on end convinced Obi-Wan that a change in tactic was probably in his best interest. The teasing touches ended as he sucked a peaked brown nipple into his mouth and nipped at it. He felt Qui-Gon arch under him and moved quickly to give the same treatment to the other raised nub. He slid further down and enclosed the thick penis to the root without preamble. He slid his lips up and down over the silken shaft while running his tongue along the length for a few strokes then pulled back until only the head remained in his mouth. He lapped up the drops of liquid pooled in the slit before releasing it completely and settling between those spread thighs.

A low moan of frustration escaped from Qui-Gon lips as cool air replaced the warm wetness surrounding his throbbing cock. He looked up at Obi-Wan kneeling between his legs and seemed to recognize the silent request for permission to continue written on his face. Taking the small bottle from the bedside table, he pressed it into his padawan's hand before shifting one leg around Obi-Wan's body and rolling onto his stomach. Looking over his shoulder, he said softly. "Take me, beloved. I am yours."

A swell of pure love rose in Obi-Wan's heart and obliterated all thought except for making love to the man before him. He quickly prepared his lover for their joining then directed Qui-Gon to shift partway onto his knees until their bodies were in line. Struggling to rein in his need, he quickly coated his penis and placed it against the opening to Qui-Gon's body. He pressed forward, sheathing himself in the silky heat in a single thrust.

Qui-Gon groaned deep in his throat as Obi-Wan penetrated his body. "Yes." He opened his mind fully to his lover and instantly Obi-Wan lowered his inner shields and reached for him. Pulses of love and pleasure flowed over the bond between them and they immersed themselves fully in the physical and mental sensations.

Thrusting into his lover's body as he extended across their bond, Obi-Wan was soon overcome by the myriad of feelings. Focusing solely on the pleasure of the tightness enclosing him and his bondmate's pleasure at being filled, he thrust over and over into Qui-Gon's body. He could feel his climax building rapidly and reached for his lover's shaft. Matching the motions of his hand to his thrusts, he felt the waves of his orgasm beginning to swell and gave himself over fully to the explosion within. "Love you, Qui-Gon," he breathed as his seed surged deep within his mate's body. He felt the matching pulses of fluid coating his fist as he fought not to collapse on the large body beneath him.

The feeling of Obi-Wan's release pulsing inside him pushed Qui-Gon over the edge. "My Obi-Wan," he whispered as his semen spurted over the hand surrounding him. When the tremors of his orgasm faded, he shifted until Obi-Wan's spent penis slipped from his body then rolled onto his back. He drew his young lover into his arms and nestled him against his chest, stroking the spiky, sweaty hair and kissing it reverently.

As his breathing and heart rate returned to normal, Obi-Wan felt another elusive tendril of apprehension wash over him. He propped himself on an elbow and looked intently into Qui-Gon's sated blue eyes. "Promise me that you will be cautious while we are on Ambria."

"I will do what I must, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon replied sternly, then softened his expression as a pained look replaced the fearful one. "I will not take any undue risks, love, but we cannot allow this vague apprehension to paralyze us. Trust in the Force to show us what we must do."

"That's what I am attempting to do, Master," Obi-Wan replied petulantly. "Trusting in the Force includes listening to its warnings. We will be separated much of the time and will not be able to backup and support each other as we normally do."

Qui-Gon caressed a smooth cheek as he tried to reassure Obi-Wan. "Then we will have to adjust our methods to fit the situation." He dropped another kiss to the sweaty head. "You are nothing if not resourceful, my Padawan."

Obi-Wan shifted forward and covered Qui-Gon's mouth with his own. The kiss was powerful and needy, a mixture of love and fear evident in the melding of lips. "I fear that this mission may tax even my unending supply of resourcefulness. But tomorrow will be soon enough to deal with that. Sleep now, my Master. You'll need to renew your strength for my plans for the rest of the night."

His penis twitched in response to Obi-Wan's words even as Qui-Gon chided him. "I'm an old man and do not have your endless supply of energy, Obi-Wan." He pulled his padawan to lie firmly against him. "Let's both get some sleep and, Force willing, I'll recover enough to continue this in the morning."

Obi-Wan woke to gentle kisses on the back of his neck and his shoulders. He melted into the touches and pressed his hips back into the solid weight of Qui-Gon's hardened penis. His mate was quick to take the hint, collecting a bottle of oil and stretching and coating the opening to his body. The slippery shaft pushed against his anus and slid easily into the familiar warmth of his body.

Their lovemaking was slow and gentle, a distinct contrast from their powerful joining of the previous evening. Qui-Gon thrust almost languidly into Obi-Wan, running his hands soothingly along the younger man's hip and flank as he moved. Obi-Wan reached for that caressing hand, interweaving their fingers and bringing their joined hands to his own cock. Movements continued at a slow pace and they savored the arousal building at a matching rate.. Finally, they could contain themselves no longer and their release pulsed from their bodies accompanied by soft moans of each other names.

After lying contentedly for a while wrapped in each other arms, Qui-Gon finally withdrew from his lover's body and rose from the bed. "Let's shower and get the morning started. There are still a few things to do before we rendezvous with the shuttle at 1400."

Obi-Wan groaned more from habit than real annoyance and rolled himself from the bed. Maybe they could manage an hour or two to meditate in the gardens before they were locked in a sterile ship's environment for almost two days.

I think that's a wonderful idea, Padawan, Qui-Gon sent warmly as he overheard the thought. The pleasure of being surrounded by the Living Force will be a balm to our souls against the emptiness of space.

So the two men began their day. After showering and dressing, they finished packing their last few things, checked messages, notified Obi-Wan's instructors of his abrupt departure and recorded new messages denoting an absence of undetermined length from the Temple. They detoured to the dining hall to break their fast and then headed to the water gardens to meditate.

They dropped into meditation easily, the soothing sounds of the water and the strength of their bond overcoming any apprehensions. The Force flowed easily between them as they opened their minds and allowed the tendrils to take them. Love, respect and determination flowed from Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon basked in the warmth of the sensations. He sent his own wave of love, pride and faith to his padawan, hoping the emotions would help to calm the younger man. Deeper and deeper they settled into the currents surrounding them, revived and rejuvenated by the strength of the Living Force.

A pulse of reminder from his internal chrono pulled Qui-Gon from their shared meditation. Opening his eyes, he looked into the relaxed features of his padawan. The younger man was still caught in the depth of his meditation and his face wore an expression of pure contentment. With a last prayer to the Force that they would survive this mission intact, he reached across the bond and pulled his apprentice back into the present. "Time to go, Obi-Wan." When his padawan opened his eyes, he asked, "Feeling more settled?"

"Somewhat, Master. This mission will probably end up being extremely trying but, Force willing, we will get through it," Obi-Wan replied.

A half smile crossed Qui-Gon's lips. "As we always do. Now, let's head back to our quarters and gather our things. The shuttle will be waiting for us."

In short order, they had collected their bags and were entering the hangar. They walked to the open ramp and were greeted by the pilot. "Good morning, Master Jinn. Padawan Kenobi. Are you ready to depart?" the craggy Corellian man asked.

"Good afternoon, Captain Embree," Qui-Gon replied with a smile. "We are ready. Glad to see that you will be our pilot again."

"A rookie pilot could never handle the demands of your missions," Embree laughed, as he followed the Jedi onto the ship.

The trip to Ambria passed uneventfully. They spent much of the time reviewing the mission information that Master Windu had downloaded into the ship's computer. They went over everything that had happened on the planet since the Cerenti had broken the terms of the treaty eleven days ago. They dissected the files, trying to find any indications as to why the situation had deteriorated to this point. They only found a few vague clues that pointed to a dissident faction in the Cerenti military. The Oliani police had picked up a couple of people outside the site of one of the attacks but so far they had been unwilling to say anything about the other members of their group. The only thing the detainees had been willing to admit was that the sabotage would continue until a more equitable treaty was negotiated.

The only breaks the Jedi took from studying the mission data were for meals, meditation and sleep. They took their meals in the dining area that they shared with the ship's small crew. During their times in the common area of the ship, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan comported themselves with the formal decorum of Jedi. At the onset of the changes in their relationship, they had decided to keep those details private outside of their Jedi brethren and so they did not allow themselves even the slightest intimacy outside their quarters. The only time they could even acknowledge their love was during the few hours between night meditation and dawn. They would lie together, kissing and caressing until they could wait no longer to be joined. Then they would make love slowly, savoring each shared sensation until the ecstasy erupted within them. When the tremors abated, Qui-Gon would wrap Obi-Wan in his arms and they would drift off to sleep together.

After breakfast the second morning, Master and Padawan went into the ship's cockpit, securing themselves into their seats as the pilot brought the ship out of hyperspace. Rising when the ship settled into its prearranged orbit around Ambria, they waited as the pilot contacted the Oliani capitol's flight control. "Aka'lat flight control, this is the Jedi ambassador ship 'Albatross' requesting landing clearance," Embree stated politely.

"This is Aka'lat control, 'Albatross'. Welcome and proceed to landing pad J24. I am transmitting the coordinates now," the female voice replied.

Embree watched the screen as the coordinates downloaded, then replied. "Coordinates received. 'Albatross' out."

Qui-Gon stood with his hands tucked inside the sleeves of his robe and looked intently at the display. "Where do those coordinates put us in relation to Aka'lat, Captain Embree?"

With a few keystrokes, Embree brought up a map overlay to his screen and pointed. "The coordinates are directing us to a private hangar adjacent to the Parliament building. It seems they are taking no chances with your security, Master Jinn."

"Which may mean that things have deteriorated even further since we left Coruscant," Qui-Gon replied. As he watched the ship move closer to the planet, he turned to Obi-Wan. "We don't know what we'll find when we leave the ship. Stay aware and keep your commlink on standby." At Obi-Wan's questioning look, he explained, "I will petition the Prime Minister to keep you with me but if I am unsuccessful, I want to be able to reach you even if the distance is too great for mental communication."

"Please keep yours handy as well," Obi-Wan replied as he took a step closer to the older man. Switching to mind speech, he added, Remember your promise to me, my Master.

Be mindful and all will be well, love, Qui-Gon sent in reply. The ship moved steadily closer to the ground and soon was maneuvering through the opening of a small hangar. Concentrating on the area around the hangar, Qui-Gon used the Force to get an impression of the city's residents. I sense a great deal of anger and fear among the people of the city. All may not be as it seems.

Hangar personnel directed Embree to a landing berth and he set the ship down smoothly. Unstrapping his seat restraint, he turned to Qui-Gon. "We will remain housed in the ship, on alert, until you notify us otherwise, Master Jinn. We will only leave the ship to procure the necessary supplies. If you have any further need of us, please contact me."

Qui-Gon stood silently, studying the eddies of the Force flowing around the ship. "That would be wise for the time being. Secure the ship and reinitialize the shield as an extra precaution once we have disembarked. I will keep in contact with you at regular intervals. If more than ten hours pass without me contacting you, contact Obi-Wan and he will apprise you of the situation." His expression became more serious and he added, "If you fail to get a reply from either of us, contact the Council and apprise them of the situation. May the Force be with you."

After taking a moment to verify both Jedi's comm frequencies, Embree nodded his agreement and turned back to the displays before him. The sound of their bootsteps echoed down the hallway as the Jedi headed to their quarters to gather their belongings.

Obi-Wan placed a bag over each shoulder and took his standard place, one step behind and to the left of his Master, as they disembarked from the shuttle. They could see a formal Oliani delegation waiting for them about twenty meters from the shuttle and headed towards them. They walked slowly, using the extra time to study the three men and two women of the welcoming party and the eddies of the Force flowing through the area. One man and one woman were dressed in the manner of security personnel with their blasters displayed in a highly visible manner on their belts. The other three appeared to be members of the government, possible advisors or members of the Prime Minister's cabinet. A dark haired man stepped forward just as they reached the group.

"I am Minister of Defense, Evet Xiandoran," the older man said. "The Prime Minister asked me to convey his gratitude for your assistance, Master Jinn.. Thank you for getting here so quickly." He pointed to the man and woman standing to each side of him and added, "May I present Ariq Joanson, our Minister of Domestic Affairs and Cindel Tarrik, our Minister of Foreign Affairs," he introduced the man and woman respectively.

Qui-Gon nodded politely to the three Ministers as he noted Obi-Wan bowing more formally to the delegation. "We are honored to meet all of you. We will do whatever we can to help to resolve this situation, Minister Xiandoran," Qui-Gon replied. "Will you be taking us directly to the Prime Minister?"

With a dismissive glance towards Obi-Wan, the Minister said sternly. "I can take you to the Prime Minister's office, Master Jinn, but as your apprentice has not reached the Oliani age of majority, he may not enter any government offices." He made a slight hand gesture and the female security officer step forward. "Major Arvid can show your apprentice to the minority visitor's quarters."

Knowing from his research that those quarters were quite a distance away, Qui-Gon took his most intimidating diplomatic posture and stated, "That will not be acceptable, Minister Xiandoran. I need to have my apprentice available to do research and perform other functions for me. Having him quartered on the other side of the city will preclude him from performing his duties." When the other man's expression didn't change, he added, "I will address this issue with the Prime Minister personally if I must. I accepted this mission at his personal behest so I am certain that he and I can come to a suitable compromise."

After sharing a nervous glance with the other two government officials, the Minister answered reluctantly. "Our laws are very clear in this matter. I am not authorized to allow your apprentice to enter into the Parliament building beyond the lobby area. But there is a small waiting area just off the lobby where he can wait while you meet with the Prime Minister."

"That would be acceptable," Qui-Gon replied politely.

"This way please," Xiandoran said.

Qui-Gon moved beside the Minister of Defense and started from the hangar. He knew that Obi-Wan was walking a step behind and addressed him silently. Stay aware while you are waiting, Padawan. See if you can get any sense of the underlying issues behind all of this. I have a strong sense that all is not as it seems.

I sense it as well. Be cautious, Master. There is something unsettling about Minister Xiandoran. He is strangely apprehensive for someone of such high political status. Obi-Wan sent in response.

Anyone watching Qui-Gon as he walked through the well manicured garden would assume that he was totally enraptured of his surroundings and nothing more. No one would suspect that he was studying the members of their escort while carrying on a mental conversation with his apprentice. Not only apprehensive but Xiandoran seems resentful of our presence here. It's as if he didn't want the Prime Minister to request our aid and he and Major Arvid are very nervous. Notice how they constantly glance at each other, as if they are sharing a confidence or expecting something to happen. They will bear close watching, Padawan.

Their mental conversation ended as they reached the entrance to the government building. Looking intently around the grand lobby, Qui-Gon could see that things had changed drastically in the seven years since he had brokered the original treaty between the Oliani and the Cerenti. The rich carpeting, plush furnishings, gilded ceilings and ornate wall murals that covered the lobby spoke of a vast government wealth. This was such a vivid change from the crumbling plaster and ragged wall coverings that had decorated the building on his last visit. It seemed that the Oliani has prospered under the treaty's peace and he wondered if the Cerenti had benefited as well. He was pulled from his thoughts by the Defense Minister's voice.

"Here is the waiting area," Xiandoran said as he opened the door to a small but well appointed sitting room. "Your apprentice is welcome to use any of the facilities in the room. Major Arvid will remain behind to attend to his needs."

It looks more and more like these two have something to hide, Master, Obi-Wan sent. Would you like me to actively use my resourcefulness and investigate?

Not yet, my impatient one. Be mindful and stay aware. Though if an opportunity were to present itself without any risk of detection, then by all means do so, Qui-Gon replied mentally. All the while he was speaking with Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon was fixing a penetrating glare on the defense minister. "To attend or to guard, Minister Xiandoran? There was a time on Ambria when the word of a Jedi was beyond question. I would find it a grave insult if the Major was remaining for fear that my padawan would not honor our agreement."

The minister's face reddened as he stammered out a reply. "There is no question of your honor or your apprentice's, Master Jinn," he hastily apologized. "I just thought she should remain in case the young man needed any assistance while you were tied up in the meeting."

"Obi-Wan has no need of a caregiver. My padawan has been tending to his own needs for quite some time, Minister Xiandoran," Qui-Gon said flatly. "He has been considered an adult by Jedi standards for a number of years now."

Qui-Gon was proud that Obi-Wan managed to keep the smugness he was feeling from showing on his face. The minister doesn't even see that you are backing him into a corner, Master, he sent with a mental smirk.

"You misunderstand my motives, Master Jinn," Xiandoran struggled to explain.. "Major Arvid's presence was intended as a courtesy should your apprentice have any needs, not for any fear that he would violate our customs."

"There are a number of people in the lobby area who could direct Obi-Wan should any needs arise," Qui-Gon stated. Let's see how far he is willing to take things in order to keep both of us under his scrutiny. he sent his apprentice.

Minister Xiandoran spared a quick glance at Arvid before addressing Qui-Gon.. "Well, if you are certain that your apprentice will not need any assistance, I would prefer that Major Arvid accompany us," he said trying to salvage the awkward situation.

"I am quite sure Padawan Kenobi will not need assistance," Qui-Gon said sternly. Seems he was unwilling to press the issue, Master, he heard in his mind. "I will collect you after I meet with the Prime Minister, Obi-Wan," he said as he turned to face the younger man . Silently he added, I'm sure that you can find a number of reasons to confer with a few of the government employees in the lobby during the interim.

"I will await your return," Obi-Wan replied politely. Between the employees and the computer terminal, I should be able to coax out some information that isn't in the official government releases.

With a nod of agreement to his apprentice, Qui-Gon turned back to Minister Xiandoran and followed the group across the lobby and into the lift.

After a short walk down the hallway, the group reached the Prime Minister's outer office and were greeted politely by his aide. Qui-Gon watched the two security officers take positions just inside the doorway while the three ministers accompanied Qui-Gon into the inner office.

Keeping a tendril of awareness on his padawan's activities, Qui-Gon entered the Prime Minister's office and studied the man seated behind the large wroshyr desk. The diplomat had changed substantially in the seven years since Qui-Gon had last seen him. Well into his sixties now, the elder statesman's hair was almost entirely silver with only vague shadows of the dark auburn it had been. A well-trimmed goatee hid the wide scar that Qui-Gon knew remained from the deep shrapnel wound that had been healing when the treaty was signed. "Good morning, Minister Shaadir," he greeted with a formal bow.

"Good day, Master Jinn and welcome to Aka'lat," Shaadir replied with a small smile. "I am indebted to the Jedi and to you personally for agreeing to help Ambria and for your speed in dealing with my request."

"We exist to serve, Minister Shaadir," Qui-Gon replied politely. "Though I am pleased to see that things have improved tremendously since my last visit here."

"All of Ambria has prospered under our hard won peace, my friend, and that is why it is so imperative that we find the people responsible for these cowardly acts," Shaadir answered thoughtfully. "I could not bear to see all our years of hard work rebuilding laid to waste by these radicals. The attacks have all taken place outside of Aka'lat itself but they seem to be moving closer to the capitol."

"Eventually, those responsible will be revealed," Qui-Gon reassured. "Have you been able to secure any additional information on the terrorist attacks?"

"Just a few minor facts but nothing that points to the leader of this faction," Shaadir responded. "The Cerenti Prime Minister disavows any knowledge of the activities of this militant group but has confirmed that the two people we apprehended were former members of the Cerenti armed forces. He is as concerned as I am that we find the culprits."

"Have there been any additional attacks?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Only two minor ones," Shaadir answered. "A power relay was disabled at the hydro-electric plant and a fuel barge was diverted and its cargo taken." His expression got a bit more pensive and he added, "A group of Oliani citizens have taken it upon themselves to retaliate for these attacks - against my strong opposition, I assure you. The counter-attacks occurred near the Oliani/Cerenti border and although they have also been relatively minor, I fear that if we don't find the culprits soon, people will begin to lose faith in the government's ability to protect them."

"I would like some time to review the material on these new attacks, both Oliani and Cerenti," Qui-Gon explained. "Afterwards, I would like to interrogate the two people you are holding. Could you arrange that?"

Obi-Wan watched as his Master and the rest of the Oliani delegation continued through the lobby and entered the lift. After the lift doors closed, he walked into the small sitting room and sat down at the computer terminal. Basically set up to allow visitors to select attractions to visit in Aka'lat, the only sites readily accessible were museums, restaurants, clubs and historical sites. Keeping part of his awareness on his surroundings, he set about to use the time he was waiting to get beneath the system's safeguards and find out what he could about the situation between the Cerenti militants and the Oliani.

In a matter of minutes, Obi-Wan managed to bypass the security protocols and access the government files. Knowing that Qui-Gon would be provided with all the details of the attacks, he focused his attention on any military factions that opposed Prime Minister Shaadir and his policies. He also took a few moments to access any information he could find on Defense Minister Xiandoran and Major Arvid. Taking a small personal datapad from his belt-pouch, he looked intently out at the people working in the lobby. Seeing that there was no one close enough to identify what he was accessing, he settled down to read through the information, noting any pertinent facts into his pad.

"All the information we have on each of the attacks has been downloaded into the terminal in your quarters," Shaadir replied. "The two terrorists are being held in the detention center a short distance from here. Major Arvid will be available to transport you there at your convenience."

"A visitor's suite has been set up for you in the parliamentary residence building, Master Jinn," Xiandoran explained. "The full communications set up and computer terminal installed there are at your disposal. If you have any additional needs, please let me know."

"Yes, Master Jinn," Shaadir insisted. "If there is anything at all that we can do to assist you or make your stay more comfortable, please don't hesitate to ask."

Qui-Gon watched the flash of annoyance cross Xiandoran's face as the man realized that he and the Prime Minister had opened the door for his request. "There is one thing that would be very helpful, Minister Shaadir," Qui-Gon remarked politely.

"Anything, Master Jinn," Shaadir answered enthusiastically.

"Defense Minister Xiandoran informed me that separate quarters, quite a distance from mine, have been arranged for my padawan," Qui-Gon explained. "It would be most helpful if my apprentice shared my quarters. There are numerous duties I will need him to complete for me during this investigation and having him nearby would make things much easier."

Prime Minister Shaadir looked to each of the three government officials in the room as he pondered the request and Qui-Gon could just imagine Shaadir's mental debate. Qui-Gon knew that Minister Shaadir was not a man to ignore his debts and he owed a great deal to both he and Obi-Wan. It was clearly evident that Xiandoran did not want him to comply with the request while the other two ministers seemed less bothered by it. His opponents could use the breach of protocol against Shaadir but Qui-Gon had read of enough precedents during his research that he knew that this type of minor concession could be made. No major damage would be done unless Obi-Wan was allowed to accompany him into the meetings themselves or into any of the official government areas.

"Your Padawan will be allowed to share your quarters, Master Jinn, but that can be the only concession," Shaadir acquiesced. "He will not be allowed to participate in any of the interrogations, talks or to go into any government offices. He must comply with all Ambrian customs and may not go into any majority segregated areas."

"Thank you, Minister Shaadir. Obi-Wan is fully aware of your culture's customs and will abide by them," Qui-Gon agreed politely. "His ability to conduct computer research and compile data for me will be of tremendous help."

Having reviewed everything on Defense Minister Xiandoran and Major Arvid that he could find, Obi-Wan made a few final notations in his datapad, tucked it back in his belt-pouch and backed carefully out of the computer terminal. His fingers flew over the keys as he worked diligently to remove any trace of his inquiries into the secured areas. After he was comfortable with his efforts, he created a false trail of wanderings through the tourist sites. He logged entries accounting for all the time his Master had been gone and then accessed information about the capitol's minority nightlife.

Leaving the screen open, Obi-Wan looked out into the main lobby area. The woman at the reception kiosk glanced away as he caught her eye. He chuckled inwardly as he saw the slight blush spread over her face. She had been watching him intently, although covertly, since he sat down in the small room.. Probably about five years older than he was, the woman was pretty in an innocent kind of way. Fair skinned, with dark eyes and long, dark curly hair, she radiated the presence of someone well schooled in manners and finesse but a bit unsure of her allure as a woman. He could almost feel the intensity of her gaze as she had inspected him and could sense that she found him both attractive and intriguing. Trained never to ignore any tools at his disposal, he rose and headed from the room. Maybe small talk with this woman would provide him with some helpful information. And harmless flirting was always a pleasant way to pass time.

The woman was looking intently at the computer screen before her as Obi-Wan approached the reception kiosk. Glancing quickly at her name badge, he smiled and addressed her. "Excuse me, Ms Kithra. Could you please direct me to the nearest sanitation facilities?"

The woman looked up, returning Obi-Wan's smile with one of her own and pointed across the room. "The facilities are behind the waiting area, to the left."

"Thank you for your assistance," Obi-Wan replied, then turned to leave. The woman's voice made him turn back.

"Is there anything else you need, Jedi Kenobi?" she asked. It was apparent that she had recognized Obi-Wan from the diplomatic briefings she was provided and hoped to prolong her conversation with him.

Turning back, Obi-Wan broadened his smile and asked, "Is there somewhere that I could purchase a cold beverage?"

The woman's smile dampened slightly as she answered, "The dining area is on the third floor and it's restricted." Then Ms. Kithra brightened as she thought of a means to keep the handsome young man near her a bit longer. "I could have something sent down from the dining hall. What would you like?"

"That would be a kindness," Obi-Wan replied. "Any type of juice would be fine." With another warm smile, he turned and headed towards the facilities.

Qui-Gon could feel frustration and a touch of anger coming from Minister Xiandoran as the Prime Minister's agreed to his request. This combined with the man's earlier behavior made him more certain that there was something going on that the Defense Minister was hiding. He and Obi-Wan would just have to pay close attention to the man's activities to see if they could find concrete evidence of any less than forthright dealings. Turning to the Prime Minister, he asked, "Is there anything else that I need to be aware of before I delve into this matter further, Minister Shaadir?"

"Not that I can think of," Shaadir replied as he rose from his seat and moved into the center of the room. "But I would like to allow you a short respite before we set you to work. Maybe we can catch up a bit." He turned to the three ministers who had accompanied Qui-Gon and dismissed them with a reminder. "I expect to see all of you at the formal welcoming reception for the Jedi at my residence, this evening at 1930. The last ten has been trying for everyone so it will serve us all well to relax in a pleasant gathering."

After reassuring the Prime Minister of their planned attendance, the ministers nodded politely and exited the office. Qui-Gon felt the animosity flowing from Xiandoran so he took a moment to send a mental warning of the man's possible approach to Obi-Wan before turning back to Shaadir.

He studied the older man more intently now, looking for any signs that the minister might have changed drastically since Qui-Gon had been on Ambria last. He and Obi-Wan had spent almost five cycles on the war torn planet, playing a variety of roles too numerous to mention. During that time, he and Shaadir had gotten to know each other quite well. Finally, he had been able to broker a peace treaty between the planet's two cultures, one that had lasted until just a ten ago. "It seems peace has been prosperous for the Oliani, Minister Shaadir," he said. "Has it been kind to you as well?"

"Yes, I must say it has," Shaadir replied. "But we are alone now, my friend, so please dispense with all this formality." He sat down on the small settee by the window and motioned for Qui-Gon to join him. "And what about you, Qui-Gon? Has life these past seven years been good to you as well?"

"The life of a Jedi is not without hardships, Odan, but I must say these past years have brought me a wealth of joy," Qui-Gon replied with a smile. "How is your family?"

"Vatiana is forever harping on me for something, just like a good wife should," Odan laughed. "And I am a grandfather. Mirith married shortly after the war ended, a well-respected young medical professional, and they now have a four year old son and a one year old daughter." He handed the Jedi Master a recent holo of his family from the corner of his desk as he continued. "Kairylyn is getting ready to begin her first year at university. Moytak finally completed his studies and was recently elected as this sector's minority representative. I guess politics is in his blood. He is really looking forward to seeing young Obi-Wan again."

"Obi-Wan is looking forward to seeing him again as well," Qui-Gon declared as he placed the holo back on the desk. "But neither of them are quite so young any more and you and I are also much older, my friend." Thinking back all those years ago, he remembered how much Obi-Wan had chafed under Oliani's age restrictions. But even kept from all official duties, his padawan had still managed to thwart the kidnapping of Odan's youngest daughter, Kairylyn, and detect and diffuse an explosive planted in the Prime Minister's home. "Thank you for agreeing to my request. Obi-Wan has become a full partner to me these past few years. He is going to find the constraints being placed on him even more difficult to reconcile this time." He smiled and added, "Hopefully Moytak will be available to spend some time distracting him from those constraints."

Obi-Wan engaged the receptionist in conversation about a variety of topics as he drank the juice

she had provided. She asked numerous questions about life as a Jedi, enthralled like many people were by the myths that surrounded the Order. He answered them as vaguely and patiently as possible, well schooled in the polite banter of diplomacy. He asked about tourist attractions and the nightlife until she became more comfortable with him. Then he mentioned the recent rash of terrorist attacks and was able to glean a few bits of additional information from her replies. He told her that he had been on Ambria toward the end of war and they talked about how much life had improved since the treaty. She mentioned that her brother was serving with the security forces and he and some of his friends felt that there was someone blocking the investigations. He was about to ask her if her brother had suspected anyone in particular when he got Qui-Gon's mental warning that Xiandoran and his group could be on their way down. Not willing to take any risks, he decided he should end the conversation. "Well, I'd better get back to my research. It's been a pleasure chatting with you." He smiled his most endearing smile and said, "I hope that my Master's duties will allow me an opportunity to visit with you again, Ms. Kithra."

A blush rose in her cheeks as Ms. Kithra stammered her reply. "I do hope that I will get to see you again, Jedi Kenobi."

With a final smile, he left the reception kiosk and moved back into the small waiting area. He sat back at the computer and was leisurely reading the information on the various minority clubs when the Defense Minister appeared in the doorway. When he made eye contact with the older man, he smiled politely. "Is the meeting finished, Minister Xiandoran? Is my Master on his way down?" He asked the last just to see what the Minister would say even though he knew exactly where Qui-Gon was.

"The meeting is over but Master Jinn is still speaking with the Prime Minister," Xiandoran remarked flatly. "I have no idea how long he will be."

Well aware of the annoyance the Minister felt over that fact, Obi-Wan fought not to allow a smug look to cover his face. "That's fine. I will just wait here until he comes for me, Minister Xiandoran." He watched as Xiandoran stalked off, Major Arvid trailing close behind.

Qui-Gon and Odan were still catching up when a female voice came through the speaker on the prime minister's desk. "The Labor Minister is here for your meeting, Minister Shaadir."

Odan walked over to the desk and pressed the button on the speaker. "Please let him know I will be with him in a moment, Rian." Turning back to Qui-Gon, he apologized. "I didn't realize it was so late. I wanted to walk you down so that I could say hello to Obi-Wan but I must deal with this.

Rising from his seat, Qui-Gon headed to the door. "I understand. We'll see you this evening for dinner."

"Yes, 1930 at my home," Odan replied. "Would you like me to send a car?"

"Do you still live in the same place?" Qui-Gon asked. When Odan nodded, he remarked. "That won't be necessary. The weather is very pleasant and a walk will be welcome after spending the afternoon doing research and reviewing data.

Odan opened the door and walked into the outer office with Qui-Gon. The male security officer who had accompanied them from the hangar still stood to the side of the door. "The Lieutenant will direct you to your quarters. Again, you have the Oliani government's and my personal gratitude for coming to our assistance in this matter, Master Jinn," Odan said formally. "I look forward to seeing you and your apprentice this evening."

"Until this evening, then," Qui-Gon replied as he bowed politely. He moved to the outer doorway without another word and headed to the lift. The security officer followed him silently as he proceeded down the hallway.

Aware of his Master's approach, Obi-Wan logged out of the computer, picked up the bags he had set aside earlier and moved to stand in the doorway. When Qui-Gon and the security officer reached the waiting room, he took his place at the older man's side. "Where are we headed, Master?" he queried as they left the building.

"To our quarters," Qui-Gon said casually as if it had been a foregone conclusion. He acknowledged Obi-Wan's slight nod of agreement then put his focus on the matters at hand.

Directing their attention to their surroundings, both men studied the area intently, making clear mental images of the path to their quarters and everything else they saw on their walk from the Parliament Building. Attention to each minute detail was something taught early in a Jedi's training and both men knew that this innate awareness of their surroundings had saved their lives and the lives of their charges on more than one occasion. As during so many prior missions, each one focused on prearranged things that they would then share at their first opportunity.

They completed the short trip in silence, winding through a number of small streets to reach the visitor's residence. Entering into an ornate lobby, they passed by a manned security station before riding the lift to the building's top floor to reach their assigned quarters. After opening the door, the lieutenant placed two key cards into Qui-Gon's hand and bowed formally.. "These rooms have been set up specifically for you, Master Jinn, and you should find everything you need. If you have any additional requirements, please contact the security officer on duty."

"I'm sure we have been provided with anything we could need, Lieutenant," Qui-Gon noted as he walked through the door. He turned back and nodded to their guide. "Thank you for directing us to our quarters." With a polite bow, the Lieutenant turned from the doorway and headed down the hallway. As Obi-Wan entered, he allowed the door to slide closed behind him. Qui-Gon moved further into the lavish suite of rooms and observed, "This is will be a welcome change from the accommodations on many of our missions, Padawan." Still looking around almost leisurely, he added silently, Let's err on the side of caution and check for surveillance equipment, Obi-Wan. Discreetly, of course.

Of course, Master he affirmed with a mental snort. "Sleeping in a warm, dry bed and not on the cold hard ground is enough for me," Obi-Wan replied as he entered the bedchamber and dropped their bags on the floor. Two large beds, decorated with fluffy pillows and soft blankets, stood on each side of the room with a desk, a large armoire and small divan completing the scene. Looking around the room casually, he checked walls, ceiling, furniture, light fixtures and the like for any devises. One device, audio only, embedded into the design of a sculpture on the desk, Master, he declared mentally. He moved into the large refresher and sighed happily. "And no baths in cold lakes or even colder streams," he announced as he reached the large ceramic tub. Noticing the small control panel on the wall, he thought. 'A whirlpool bath. Since there's no surveillance in here, I can think of some very enjoyable things we could do in this tub.' He chided himself for not shielding the thought when he was gently reprimanded. We are on a mission, Padawan, not on a vacation.

Well, we do have to bathe, Master, so we might as well enjoy it, Obi-Wan sent in reply as he rejoined Qui-Gon in the common room. He took the older man's cloak and hung it with his by the door. Pointing to the small kitchen area on one end, he asked, "Would you like me to make you some tea, Master?"

"That would be a kindness, Padawan," Qui-Gon agreed. Two in the common room, one visual, one audio and I'm sure anything done on the computer terminal can also be accessed.

After filling the small kettle and setting it to heat, he checked the area thoroughly while retrieving cups and placing some sweet biscuits he found in the cupboard on a plate. None in here, Master. The devices must be sensitive enough that the two audio ones will pick up sounds from all the rooms. he informed Qui-Gon silently. Do you think Minister Shaadir is aware that the suite is under surveillance?

No, I am certain that he would not have agreed to such an invasion of privacy. Especially since he was the one who requested our presence, Qui-Gon insisted mentally. I would be more inclined to suspect either Minister Xiandoran or Major Arvid or maybe even a faction of this terrorist group that we are currently unaware of. We will discover the connection soon enough.

Balancing the plate and the two cups, Obi-Wan placed them on the low table before walking to another console. After pressing a few buttons, the sounds of relaxing music came through speakers ensconced in the walls. If we develop a need to obscure sound, I can always look for some more boisterous music to play, he sent smugly. Knowing that suspicions would be aroused if they didn't speak, he commented. "Would you like me to unpack for you, Master, or is there something else you would like me to do?"

Taking his cup in hand, Qui-Gon settled into a self-conforming chair and looked over at Obi-Wan. "I would like to review the new information on the terrorist activity." Taking a data pad from his belt, he handed it to his apprentice. "Could you download the information for me? I would prefer remaining where I am for the moment."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied politely as he grabbed his cup. Mentally his reply was very different. Let the lowly padawan spend hours sitting in the uncomfortable chair at the computer doing endless amounts of research while you sit in comfort.

Toeing off his boots, Qui-Gon reclined in the chair and rested his heels on the edge of the table. We must keep up appearances, Padawan. I did tell the Prime Minister that I needed you to share my quarters so that you could help with the research, he teased silently as he sipped his tea.

With a mental snort, Obi-Wan searched for the relevant files. After he had downloaded the first one, he took another datapad from his pouch and crossed the room to Qui-Gon's chair. "Why don't you start on the first file, while I download the rest," he said aloud. His mental comment as he handed a pad to his Master was quite different. These are the files I downloaded while you were with the Prime Minister. You will find some interesting tidbits on Minister Xiandoran. Also, the receptionist told me that her brother serves in the security forces and that he and some of his colleagues feel that someone inside the guard is blocking the investigations of these terrorist attacks.

They spent the next few hours doing more of the same. Qui-Gon read through the data that Obi-Wan presented while the apprentice searched out every bit of information available on the attacks. Aloud, they spoke only sparingly, Qui-Gon requesting additional research on a few particular events. But mentally they carried on a constant conversation, discussing all facets of their investigation, from the material Obi-Wan had collected secretly to their observations of the area on the walk from the Parliament building. Obi-Wan ordered a light lunch delivered to their rooms and they ate while they worked.

By 1530, they had reviewed most of the data and Qui-Gon rose from his chair to access to the comm unit beside the computer. He entered the code for the security desk and asked them to arrange for someone to transport him to see the prisoners.

"What would you like me to do while you're gone, Master?" Obi-Wan asked deferentially.

"After you have finished unpacking, your time is your own, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied, somewhat sternly. "Just remember that if you leave our quarters, you must conform to all Ambrian customs. Stay aware so that you do not unknowingly enter into any age restricted areas." This will be a good test to see how closely you are kept under observation, Obi-Wan. It will help us to decide how to proceed, he added in a mental voice much more caring than his verbal one.

"I'll stay in the non-segregated areas, Master," Obi-Wan responded thoughtfully. "I'd like to check around to see if I can find an exercise facility close by. Maybe I could reserve a training room for us for early mornings?" Do you want me to attempt to lose any chaperons that I may attract or just monitor them? he queried mentally.

"Being able to exercise daily would be a blessing. See what you can find," Qui-Gon remarked wistfully. Monitor only, Padawan. See how carefully they are observing your movements, he added silently.

The comm unit beeped and Qui-Gon opened the connection. "Jinn."

"Major Arvid will be here to take you to the detention center in five minutes, Master Jinn," the male voice announced.

"Thank you, I will be down shortly," Qui-Gon replied then went back to his chair to pull on his boots before heading towards the door.

Obi-Wan shut down the terminal, secured the two small datapads back in his belt-pouch then retrieved his Master's cloak from the hook by the door. He draped Qui-Gon's cloak loosely over the older man's shoulders before opening the door. "How long do you expect the interviews to take?"

"Not too long. I don't expect these initial conversations to provide much new information," Qui-Gon contended. "I'm just hoping that I'll be able to get some insight from their reactions and emotions. I should return by 1800. Please be back here by then. We are expected at the Prime Minister's home for dinner at 1930." Without waiting for a verbal reply, he walked out the door, toward the lift.

Obi-Wan allowed the door to slide shut and headed into the bedroom to unpack.

Qui-Gon had barely made it to the lift door when Obi-Wan's mental voice again echoed in his head. I'll be back before then. Is this dinner a formal reception? his padawan queried hesitantly.

Qui-Gon chuckled at the apprehension in his apprentice's mental voice. Yes, it's our official welcome to Oliani. A mental groan was his only reply and for a moment he pondered leaving Obi-Wan to fret over a boring evening.. After a moment, he gave in and sent, Minister Shaadir did mention that Moytak and some of his agemates would be in attendance. As he exited the lift and walked over to Major Arvid, he heard the grumbled silent reply.

Do Masters get their rankings increased each time they vex their padawans?

Qui-Gon answered the query in the dry, controlled tone that he knew always annoyed his apprentice. Did you know, Obi-Wan, that there are over one hundred variations of Jedi meditations to curb insolence and disobedience? Maybe I should arrange for you to spend the evening going through them instead of attending the reception. He allowed a slight glimmer of amusement to flow across the bond to ensure that Obi-Wan didn't think he was serious. A wave of affection came back to Qui-Gon as he sensed Obi-Wan beginning to unpack their belongings and readying their dress uniforms for later in the evening.

Qui-Gon greeted Major Arvid politely and followed her to a waiting transport. It took only a few minutes for them to reach the Aka'lat detention center and make their way inside. He waited silently while Arvid had the two terrorists brought from their cells to a small interrogation room. He entered the room at her direction and was not surprised to find that she had entered behind him. He stood silently as he studied the two men sitting behind the long table. The first man, Farl Corgan, appeared to be in his early forties while the other, Ean Carib, looked to be in his mid thirties and they met his gaze with only a slight hint of nervousness. Both men comported themselves in a manner befitting their military training and studied him almost as intently as he did them.

After allowing a few more silent moments for the men to ponder the situation, Qui-Gon finally spoke. "I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. At the request of the Oliani Prime Minister, I have been asked to investigate this recent series of sabotage and attacks. Do either of you have anything you wish to say before I begin my questions?" He felt the slight surge of fear coming off the men as he introduced himself and hoped it would be enough to affect their cooperation. He waited a few minutes and when neither spoke he sat down in the seat across from them. "Very well, let us begin."

Qui-Gon spent the next half-hour asking the two men questions that he already knew the answers to. He could feel the confusion of both the prisoners and Major Arvid but he ignored it. He was a trained negotiator and was very good at reading the little nuances that a person radiated even as they declined to answer. It was easy for him to tell when they were being less than truthful and he filed all the information away to be reviewed later. Finally he rose from his seat. "Well, I have no further questions." He turned towards Major Arvid. "Anything you wish to ask these men, Major?" He felt a flash of apprehension coming from one of the men as he addressed the security officer.

"I have already questioned them extensively and they were unwilling to tell us anything more," Arvid replied.

Turning back to the prisoners, Qui-Gon added, "If either of you should remember any additional facts, please have a guard contact me and I will return to speak with you again." With that last statement, he left the room but not before seeing the glare Major Arvid directed at the older prisoner. Filing that fact away for further investigation, he walked back to their waiting transport.

After his chores were completed, Obi-Wan left their quarters and headed into the center of Aka'lat. He caught sight of someone following him and assumed it was one of Major Arvid's people. Taking a very scenic route, he meandered through the streets, even stopping to sit in the park for a few minutes. He looked like a tourist just wandering while he was really taking in both his surroundings and the emotional state of the people he passed. When he reached the shopping district, his shadow must have decided he wasn't worth watching and disappeared.

Obi-Wan continued to walk at a leisurely pace, watching for any reappearance of his watchdog while stopping at points to look into shop windows and finally entering a particularly intriguing one. The shop was tiny, containing a glass case that ran the length of the back wall. Enclosed within the case were large, sectioned trays that contained rocks and gems of all shapes, sizes and textures.

Obi-Wan's hand automatically went to the small pouch in his belt that held the river stone Qui-Gon had given him for his thirteenth name day. That non-descript stone that he had so casually dismissed when it was given to him had saved him from the horrors of a mind wipe only a few months later so he was fully aware of the power of inanimate objects. He walked the length of the case slowly, drawn along by a vague nuance in the Force. It strengthened when he reached the last section and he could almost feel one of the stones calling out to him. Unable to decipher which one it was visually, he called over the shopkeeper.

The elderly man who had been watching him silently came forth and inquired, "Something here that calls to you, young Jedi?"

Taken back by the man's choice of words, it took Obi-Wan a few moments before he replied. "I'm not sure. Could I look at the items in that tray?" he asked warily. Without a word, the elderly man slid open the case, removed the tray and placed it gently on the transparent case top. Pushing back his uneasiness, Obi-Wan held out his right hand, palm down, and passed it slowly over the contents of the tray. The eddy of the Force strengthened further as he reached the middle of the tray so he looked at the shopkeeper and requested. "May I touch them?" At the man's nod, he lifted a small brown stone and placed it into his palm. When the feeling did not deepen, he placed it gently back into its cubby and moved onto the next one.

Obi-Wan continued this way, holding subsequent rocks in turn until he came to a small, smooth stone. As his fingers hovered above the almost translucent rock, he felt a strong pulse from the Force. Picking it up, he could feel warmth radiating from the stone. He placed it in his palm and started to examine it. Other than the warmth it exuded, at first it seemed quite unremarkable. About four centimeters in diameter, the stone was oval shaped with one side slightly flatter than the other as if worn down. But after a few moments, the color of the stone began to shift. No longer translucent, the center of the stone seemed to solidify and become a very light shade of blue. He watched in awe as the color slowly deepened until it shone like the deepest sections of the Mon Calamari oceans or Qui-Gon's eyes.

Obi-Wan was so caught up in the amazing changes he was witnessing that the sound of the shopkeeper's voice barely registered. Looking up quickly, he apologized. "I'm sorry, Ser. Were you addressing me?"

"It seems you have found what you were looking for or maybe, young Jedi, it found you," the elderly man asserted.

Obi-Wan could no longer hide his confusion as he held up his hand and looked intently at the shopkeeper. "What is this stone, Ser, and does it always react like this?"

"The being I purchased it from called it a tiketis but I'm not sure what the stone is made up of, young Jedi, as it's the only one like it I have ever seen," the shopkeeper responded. "I was told that it was harvested from a Pydyrian jewel mine but it doesn't have the same characteristics as those do. As for the reaction, I've seen it shift slightly when different individuals have held it but never like this. It seems to have connected with you somehow."

Obi-Wan turned the stone over in his palm and inspected it from every angle.. He found the color change was complete and there was no longer even the slightest sign that it had once been translucent. He glanced at the gentleman behind the counter then placed the stone reverently back into its holder. A shudder ran through him as he lost contact with it so he rested his fingertips lightly against it. "What is the price of the tiketis, Ser?" he asked tentatively. He only had a few credits with him and was relatively certain that they would not be enough for a treasure such as this.

"How much do you have?" the shopkeeper queried.

Mind racing, Obi-Wan tried to figure out a way to purchase the unique stone.. "Only twenty Republic credits on me but, depending on the price, I could leave it as a deposit and return tomorrow with the remainder." He stood silently as the elderly man studied him for a few moments, surprised when the man suddenly closed his eyes.

When the man's eyes opened again, it was as if he had come to a decision. "Twenty credits will be sufficient for you to purchase the tiketis, young one," the shopkeeper said softly.

"But Ser, the tiketis is amazing," Obi-Wan asserted. "I'm sure it's worth much more than that."

"I have no idea what it's really worth," the elderly man declared. "The tiketis came into my possession about five years ago. It was part of a large collection that I purchased from an elderly Ithorian recluse. When I asked him about the stone he was very evasive. The only thing he would say was that the tiketis would choose its owner and there would be no doubt when that happened." He picked up the blanching blue stone and dropped it back into Obi-Wan's palm. The color began to darken again as soon as it made contact with the young man's skin. "I would say the tiketis has chosen."

Closing his hand around the warm blue gem, Obi-Wan focused on the sensation flowing through his palm and opened himself to the Force. He closed his eyes and waited silently, knowing that if he listened closely, the Force would tell him what he should do. Heat from the tiketis pulsed in his hand and he knew he had his answer. He opened his eyes and scrutinized the elderly man's face. "It does feel that I am meant to have the tiketis but I do not want to take advantage of you, Ser."

"You cannot be taking advantage if I am choosing, young one," the shopkeeper. "I have lived in Aka'lat my entire life and I, more than most, know the great service that the Jedi provided in bringing peace to our planet. You may or may not be the same young man that was part of that Jedi team seven years ago but placing this stone in your possession seems the least I can do."

"You honor us with your conviction, Ser," Obi-Wan declared. "I was here seven years ago but my Master was the person responsible for negotiating the peace you so strongly revere." He reached into his belt pouch, pulled out the credits and placed them in the shopkeeper's hand. "Thank you for your kindness. I will relay your gratitude to my Master."

The shopkeeper pulled out a small blue satin pouch from beneath the counter, took the tiketis from Obi-Wan's palm, dropped it into the pouch then handed the sack back to the younger man. "May the fates?" He began the typical Oliana blessing but stopped suddenly. "I do not even know your name, young one."

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ser," the padawan answered. He shifted the pouch to his left hand and extended his right in greeting.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am Tedn Darlyn," the elderly man responded. "May the fates bring only goodness into your life and the lives of those you love, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe our paths will cross again before you leave Oliani."

"I hope so, Ser Darlyn. May the Force be with you," Obi-Wan affirmed with a slight bow. Holding the small pouch securely in his hand, he turned and departed from the small shop.

Qui-Gon was somewhat surprised that their quarters were empty when he returned from the detention center. After hanging his cloak, he settled into the conforming chair and removed his boots. Leaning back, he closed his eyes and allowed the stresses of the day to flow from him. After a few moments, he dropped into a light meditative trance, allowing the Force to assist him in reviewing the information that he had learned since arriving on Ambria.

The sound of the door opening a short time later pulled Qui-Gon from his meditation and he opened his eyes to see the smiling face of his padawan looking down on him. "Meditating, my Master, or napping?" Obi-Wan chuckled.

"A little of both," Qui-Gon admitted. "So how did your little sightseeing tour go?"

"It was very enlightening," Obi-Wan replied aloud while adding mentally, My escort disappeared as soon as I started window shopping. He must have figured I wasn't worth his time. "The city has prospered since we were here last," he said, but there is an undercurrent of fear that runs through almost everyone. "Though I found a very interesting little shop in my travels," he stated with a chuckle.

"Really," Qui-Gon said.

After dropping to kneel in front of his Master's chair, Obi-Wan pulled the blue satin pouch from his belt and placed it into Qui-Gon's hand. "I even bought you a present."

After untying the strings to the little bag, Qui-Gon turned the contents out into his palm. "A rock?" he laughed.

"I thought it would be a nice change to give a rock rather than receive one," Obi-Wan replied, as the stone began to change color as it had in the shop.

"It's getting warm and changing color. What kind of stone is it, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked, as he watched the gem in his hand.

"The man in the shop called it a tiketis and it seems to be Force sensitive," Obi-Wan explained. "It called to me. He said that it chose me but I think that it's really meant for you," he added as he watched the stone darken until it was the exact color of Qui-Gon's eyes at the height of passion.

Qui-Gon continued to stare at the intriguing gem in his hand. The heat that radiated from it combined with the Living Force emanating so strongly from such an inanimate object had him totally enthralled. He studied it for a few more moments then looked up at his apprentice. "It's wonderful, Padawan, but it's your treasure. You found it."

"For you. I'm sure of that now," Obi-Wan said firmly. "I don't know exactly why but I'm sure that the Force directed me to it so that I could give it to you."

Qui-Gon placed his free hand against his padawan's cheek as he closed his hand over the stone. "Thank you, Obi-Wan. I will treasure it always."

They stayed like that for a few moments, Obi-Wan resting his face in his Master's hand, just drinking in the comfort of each other's presence. Finally Qui-Gon allowed his hand to fall back in his lap, tucked the stone back into its bag, placed it on the table beside him and said softly, "We really should get ready to go to Minister Shaadir's."

Very reluctantly, Obi-Wan rose to his feet and reached out a hand to his Master and the two men moved from the small sitting room into the bedroom to change for dinner. Out of sight of the video surveillance, they had stripped out of their soiled uniforms when Qui-Gon glanced at the chrono and smiled. If we don't dawdle too much we could even shower together, he sent and without waiting for an answer he took the younger man's hand and pulled him eagerly towards the refresher.

With a tiny glance of longing at the large tub in the corner, Obi-Wan slid open the door that led into the tinted glass enclosed shower and used the Force to turn on the faucet and adjust the water. Knowing that the sound of the water would obscure any noise they made, they entered the stall and were in each other's arms before they even had the door fully closed. Lips met in a passionate kiss as the water poured over them, tongues dueling as they explored each other's mouths. Wrapping his hands into the heavy mass of his Master's hair, Obi-Wan moved his mouth down to his neck, tasting and licking as he went. He stopped on one particularly sensitive spot for a moment, sucking a passion mark to the surface to the sound of Qui-Gon's breathy moan. He slid further still nipping and sucking at one dusky nipple and then the other but as he tried to move to his knees, a hand on his shoulder stopped his movement.

"As much as I would love to take this slow?" Qui-Gon began but stopped as Obi-Wan turned, braced his arms against the wall of the shower and looked over his shoulder at him.

"Well if you insist," Obi-Wan acceded, the come-hither look on his face hardening Qui-Gon almost instantly.

Not wasting another second, Qui-Gon grabbed the bottle of shower gel from the shelf, poured a generous amount into his hand and dropped to his knees. After taking a moment to nip at the tempting ass, he spread the gel over his fingers and pressed a fingertip into the opening of his lover's body. A quick shift and that finger sank fully into Obi-Wan's body, soon becoming two, coating and stretching to allow the joining they both craved.

"Enough, I'm ready," Obi-Wan growled, reaching down and trying to pull Qui-Gon up.

Getting to his feet, Qui-Gon spread the remains of the gel on his shaft then moved into position behind his lover. With one hand on Obi-Wan's hip and the other steadying his penis, he pressed forward slowly into the tight heat until he was fully sheathed within his lover's flesh. Their minds reached for one another as their bodies became one and the feelings of desire and love roared through them with such force that they moaned in unison at the sensation.

They were immediately lost in the passion of this age-old dance. After only a few slow strokes, Qui-Gon increased the pace of his thrusts until neither of them could think of anything but the pleasure spiraling through them. It wasn't long before he was coming, his release flowing deep into Obi-Wan's body. As the tremors of his climax began to fade, he must have realized that in his passion he had neglected his lover. Reaching around, he grasped Obi-Wan's leaking penis, stroking firmly as he ran his thumb gently through the fluid at the tip. "Come for me, love," he whispered into the ear beneath his lips. It was only a matter of seconds before the muscular body against him began to tremble and warm semen pulsed over his fist. He wrapped his free arm around his lover's waist when Obi-Wan's knees buckled and together they collapsed onto the tile floor of the shower.

Turning so that Obi-Wan was sitting in his lap, Qui-Gon covered the handsome face in light kisses then apologized. "Sorry for being so selfish. It just felt so good being inside you that I lost sight of anything else."

"Don't be sorry," Obi-Wan scoffed. "I enjoyed it immensely, especially the fact that I can cause my always so controlled Master to lose his vaunted restraint. Plus, you can make it up to me later."

"You have my word on it," Qui-Gon promised. After another brief kiss, he pushed Obi-Wan from his lap and rose carefully from the floor. "Now we had better get dressed or we'll be late for the reception at Minister Shaadir's.."

After washing quickly, they rinsed off and each grabbed a thick towel from the shelf, drying off as they moved back into the bedroom. Obi-Wan had laid out their dress uniforms before going out, so it didn't take them long to put on the various black pieces. After they had pulled on their boots, Obi-Wan motioned Qui-Gon into a chair and brushed out his hair. He plaited the heavy mass into an intricate braid, tying it off with the silver clasp he had given his Master on his last name day. Then he moved to kneel before his mentor, handing him the brush. Qui-Gon acted on the unspoken request, unwinding the twisted strands of reddish hair and brushing them smooth. Obi-Wan looked intently at his master as the long, thick fingers twisted the strands together effortlessly. Qui-Gon met his padawan's steady gaze, deftly spacing the beads denoting Obi-Wan's accomplishments into the strands without even glancing down.

When the long braid had been tied off, Obi-Wan grasped the retreating hand and brought it to his lips. Love you, my Master he sent, mindful of the microphone imbedded into the sculpture on the desk beside them.

And I you, Qui-Gon returned, caressing the smooth cheek beneath his fingers as his hand was released.

The two men rose in unison, one from his knees and the other from the chair and headed out of the bedroom. Pausing a moment to retrieve their cloaks, they draped them over their shoulders and left their assigned quarters.

The air was a bit brisk and the early evening sky was clear creating very pleasant conditions for the two kilometer walk to Prime Minister Shaadir's home. Both men spent most of the walk taking in their surrounding and watching the demeanor of the various people they passed. The tension they had sensed earlier in both the hangar and the shopping district was still very evident. When they reached a spot with no other pedestrian traffic, Qui-Gon pulled out his commlink and signaled their pilot. After a very brief conversation, he clipped the commlink back on his belt and they continued towards the Prime Minister's home.

When an apparently wealthy but noticeably edgy young man had moved past them, Obi-Wan commented, "Even the prosperous citizens seem apprehensive. I hope we can uncover those responsible for these attacks quickly."

"We will have to be observant and remain patient," Qui-Gon remarked. "Eventually, the culprits will make a misstep and all will be revealed."

Any further discussion was curtailed as they reached the driveway leading to the Prime Minister's estate. The liveried footman standing beside the wrought iron gate greeted them with a formal bow. "Good evening, Ser Jedi. Please allow me to escort you to the main house."

"That won't be necessary," Qui-Gon countered. "We know the way." When the man nodded, he and Obi-Wan continued up the driveway.

The footman must have called up to the house to announce their arrival because by the time they reached the bottom of the stairway, Prime Minister Shaadir and Moytak were stepping out onto the landing. Shaadir stood regally in his place but Moytak started down the stairs as the Jedi were walking up.. When he reached them, he bowed formally and greeted Qui-Gon. "It is an honor to have you back on Ambria, Master Jinn."

"The honor is ours," Qui-Gon replied in the same formal tone. He took a moment to study the poised young man standing before him, categorizing the numerous changes that had transformed him from the gangly teenager he had last seen almost seven years ago before adding with a slight smile, "The condition of Aka'lat isn't the only thing that has changed in the past seven years. What happened to the freckle-faced boy whose eyes always held a hint of mischief?"

"He's still here, Master Jinn," Moytak laughed. "Just buried under the veneer of years of political training." He turned to look at his counterpart and added, "Much like Obi-Wan, I would guess." Sparkling brown eyes met mischievous green ones as Moytak wrapped the younger Jedi into a fierce hug. "Though I'm certain we could find some mischief to get involved in if it would make you feel more at ease."

Moving up a few more steps, Qui-Gon looked up at the Prime Minister waiting on the landing and remarked in an amused tone, "Maybe things haven't changed that much after all, Odan."

"I fear you are right, old friend," the Prime Minister replied, taking Qui-Gon's hand in a firm grip as he reached the landing. "Though I hope that the trials of their lives will never deplete all of their capacity for lighthearted behavior."

Obi-Wan and Moytak bounded up the steps to where the two older men were standing and Obi-Wan bowed formally. "It is an honor to see you again, Minister Shaadir."

"It is wonderful to have you and your Master back with us, young Obi-Wan. I just wish it was under more pleasant circumstances," Shaadir replied.

"Well, we'll just have to 'live in the moment' and make the most of whatever time we have together," Obi-Wan declared with a smile, before turning his full attention back to Moytak.

"Let's leave these two young ones to visit, Qui-Gon, and head inside. I have a feeling that they won't even notice that we've gone," the Prime Minister said. "We can share a glass of mulled wine and I can introduce you to the rest of the political contingent before we sit down to dinner."

Qui-Gon looked over at his apprentice, gray-green eyes meeting his only long enough to acknowledge the attention before turning back to his conversation. "Yes, sharing seven years of mischievous escapades could take quite some time," the elder Jedi said as he and the Prime Minister walked into the house.

A goblet etched with the crest of the Oliani and filled with dark blue liquid was pressed into Qui-Gon's hand as soon as his cloak was taken from him. He took a long sip of the tangy wine as the Prime Minister directed him towards the first group of politicians.

The time before dinner passed quickly as Qui-Gon was introduced to a number of government representatives. At one point, he noticed Obi-Wan and Moytak entering the room but they passed by without speaking, heading directly for the section of the reception area set up for the minority guests. He kept his senses attuned to the emotions of those around him and by the time they were directed into the ornate dining room, he had found a few individuals whose behavior seemed to be circumspect.

Feeling a slight pang of regret as he took in the seating arrangements, Qui-Gon realized that Obi-Wan would be seated at the opposite end of the room. Over the years, he had grown accustomed to relying on Obi-Wan's instincts as well as his own. During diplomatic dinners, they would share silent conversations about the dynamics of the situation even as they participated in the spoken discussions around them. This method had proved very useful to them during numerous missions and he wished that they had the opportunity to use it here. He would just have to hope that Obi-Wan would be able to glean some information from the younger attendees while he focused on the senior group.

Qui-Gon was seated to the right of the Prime Minister with Defense Minister Xiandoran seated three chairs down on the opposite side of the table. Even as he talked to Minister Shaadir and the others seated around him, Qui-Gon could feel Xiandoran's attention on him. This intense scrutiny only reinforced the belief that this man definitely warranted watching.

Conversation remained neutral throughout most of the meal, with politics discussed but the topic of terrorism skirted around. Only when the plates from the main course had been collected and dessert dishes left in their place did Minister Shaadir rise and address the issue that had brought the Jedi into their midst. "Honored Jedi and my fellow Oliani. The seven years since the end of our bitter civil war have been peaceful and prosperous for us. This current wave of terrorism threatens to destroy everything we have fought so hard to build." He glanced over at Qui-Gon then continued. "With the help of our Jedi colleagues, we hope to soon uncover the masterminds behind this scheme and bring peace to Ambria once again."

Much to Qui-Gon's surprise, Defense Minister Xiandoran rose from his seat, held his wine goblet out in front of him and proclaimed, "Let us toast to a quick resolution of the current conflicts." Everyone at the table mirrored the Defense Minister's motions, then emptied their glasses in testament to that hope.

The conversation centered on the terrorist activities for a time, with various government officials voicing their opinions on the matter. Through his bond with Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon could sense that it was the topic of conversation at the minority table as well. As he listened, he hoped that between the two of them they would hear something that would help them in their investigation.

When the last diners had finished their dessert, the two groups moved into separate sitting rooms. Obi-Wan gave his Master a brief smile before following Moytak from the dining area. After returning the smile, Qui-Gon headed into the large sitting room across the hall with the Prime Minister and other guests.

Now that the social protocols of the meal had been completed, the discussion on recent events moved into full swing. The politicians and aides gathered in the room held a variety of opinions on who could be responsible for the attacks. Qui-Gon continued to listen intently to all the conjecturing, knowing that clues sometimes came from the most unlikely sources. More than once, he heard speculation that with the lack of information the investigative teams had been able to uncover, someone could be undermining the investigation.

When the group surrounding them had moved off into other conversations and only he and Minister Shaadir remained in this section of the room, Qui-Gon decided to ask some questions that had been gathering throughout the evening. "How long have you known Minister Xiandoran?"

"I knew of him during the war but have only known him personally a few years," Odan replied. "He was my opponent in the last election." Glancing towards a group of men talking across the room, he continued. "In order to foster party unity, First Secretary Eloy suggested that I give him a post in my cabinet and Defense Minister was the logical choice as he has an extensive military background. He attained the rank of General during the war and retired from the Army shortly after the peace treaty was signed."

Qui-Gon considered that for a moment as he followed Odan's gaze, bringing up memories of his previous mission to Ambria and the information from his mission dossier. Secretary Eloy had been with the Prime Minister throughout the war years and had been his running mate during both post war elections.. "What was your campaign like?" Qui-Gon finally asked.

"Like most campaigns, I would think," Odan replied with a soft chuckle. "It was not without name calling and mud slinging."

"And since Xiandoran has been Defense Minister?" Qui-Gon continued.

"We have had a few differences of opinion, mostly about military appropriations and such. I think he has had some difficulty making the transition from military to civilian life. Why do you ask?" Odan asked, in apparent confusion.

"Just a feeling, really," Qui-Gon explained. "There is something about the man that just doesn't sit right. I'll keep an eye on him and let you know if I learn anything more concrete."

Knowing from experience that he didn't want to discount a Jedi's feelings, the Prime Minister replied, "yes, please do," but before he could say anything further the Welfare Minister approached them and the topic shifted to domestic matters.

One by one the guests departed over the next hour until only Minister Shaadir and Qui-Gon were left in the main sitting room. Finally able to ignore the division they had been forced into for this public event, Odan called out to his son and directed Qui-Gon to follow him. They moved into

the main living area of the spacious home and soon were seated in Odan's private study. Obi-Wan and Moytak entered right behind them, followed almost immediately by the Prime Minister's wife, Vatiana, and his youngest daughter, Kairylyn. Although the two women of the Prime Minister's household had been at the dinner, the seating arrangements had not allowed either Jedi the opportunity to speak with them.

Obi-Wan turned around and kissed Vatiana's hand with a flourish. "Mer Shaadir, it is wonderful to see you again. You are as beautiful as ever, my lady."

When he released her hand, Vatiana pulled the young man into a warm hug, "Welcome Obi-Wan. You're as charming as I remember though I must say much more grown up."

The young Jedi returned her hug then looked over Vatiana's shoulder as he stepped back. "And who is this elegant beauty?" he asked as he looked towards the door. "This cannot be little Kairylyn, the laughing young girl who always pulled my braid and refused to go anywhere without her stuffed tiger, Babaruk?"

Kairylyn blushed lightly as she stepped forward and hugged Obi-Wan. "I can't believe you remembered his name. It's good to see you, Obi-Wan."

"Her penchant for stuffed animals has now been replaced by an interest in boys and fashion," Minister Shaadir teased.

"Father, really," she exclaimed in an affronted tone. "You make me sound like a flighty teenager."

Shaadir winked at Qui-Gon then rose and pulled his daughter into a hug. "You will always be my little girl, Kairylyn, even when you are old and gray like me."

Obi-Wan tossed a quick glance at his Master and teased silently, I'm glad that you don't still see me as a little boy.

Qui-Gon ignored his padawan's teasing and rose from his seat to greet the two newcomers. "It's good to see you again, Vatiana. Obi-Wan is right about one thing - you are as beautiful as ever."

"Such flattery. I will have to find some way to extend your visit," Vatiana teased, then added seriously, "Thank you for coming. I know Odan was very relieved when he was told that you and Obi-Wan were on your way."

"I'm glad we were available," Qui-Gon replied then he turned to Kairylyn and greeted her as well.

Everyone settled into seats after the greetings were finished and conversations that had nothing to do with the recent events on Ambria began immediately. Much had happened to all of them over the years since their last visit and they used the time to share a variety of tales. The time was spent very pleasantly and each one contributed, although the three young people had the most things to share.

A quick glance at the chrono made Qui-Gon realize how late it had become and he stood reluctantly. "Obi-Wan and I really should be heading back to our quarters. It's getting rather late."

"I understand," Odan replied. "Hopefully we will have a few more opportunities to visit while you are here."

As Obi-Wan stood to join his Master, Moytak said, "Let me drive you back to your quarters."

"That's not necessary, Moytak," Qui-Gon replied. "It's a beautiful night and the walk will do us good. We have not had time for a workout since we arrived."

Obi-Wan frowned at that statement realizing that in his enchantment with the stone he found, he had not located a training facility for them. "I never got a training room for us, Master. I will look into it first thing in the morning."

Moytak smiled and said, "No need. I remembered how important your workouts were so I made arrangements with a facility only a few blocks from your quarters. They will have a training room available for you anytime you wish to go over for the duration of your stay."

"Thank you, Moytak. That was very thoughtful," Qui-Gon said.

Obi-Wan leaned down and whispered, "Thanks, I owe you one."

"What are friends for," Moytak quipped as he rose and handed Obi-Wan a card with the gym information.

The butler standing at the door to the study handed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan their cloaks and the family escorted them to the door. As they headed down the steps, Moytak called out, "Don't forget our plans for mid-meal, Obi-Wan. Meet me at my office in the minority building at 1300."

"I'll be there," the young Jedi called back as he and his Master started down the driveway.

The air had gotten a bit cooler than on the walk over but it was still very pleasant. They began the walk in silence, enjoying just being outdoors as much as they enjoyed each other's company. Suddenly a noise caught Obi-Wan's attention and he examined the area around them with the Force. We are being observed, Master. There is a person about fifteen meters behind us and another twenty meters up the road.

Yes, indeed. Let's tell them what they want to hear, Qui-Gon replied silently before saying, "I think I'll request an appointment with the Cerenti Prime Minister in the morning. Hopefully, he will be more forthcoming with a Jedi than in his conversations with Minister Shaadir."

"You think he knows more than he is admitting?" Obi-Wan asked, while adding silently, Someone else is approaching from the side. They seem very nervous.

Stay alert. Something is definitely amiss here, Qui-Gon replied just as a blaster bolt was fired in their direction. Obi-Wan ignited his saber and redirected the first shot harmlessly into a tree, continuing to deflect the shots as Qui-Gon moved to circle their attacker. Suddenly they heard a pained shout and moved rapidly in the direction of the noise to find Major Arvid pointing her blaster at a man sprawled out dead on the grass. Another security officer was rushing over from the opposite direction.

"Are you injured, Master Jinn?" Arvid asked as the other officer checked the man on the ground for a pulse.

"We are fine, Major," Qui-Gon replied as he moved to stand in front of her and nodded towards the would-be assassin. "Though he doesn't seem quite as healthy. It would have been better to take him alive so that we could have questioned him," he reprimanded.

"I didn't want to take the risk that either you or your apprentice would be injured," Arvid retorted coolly.

"Well, it's a moot point now," the master said. "So what, may I ask, brought you out walking this late at night, Major? Getting some exercise?"

"I was concerned with your safety," Arvid replied, "and with good cause, I see."

"Thanks for your concern but I'm certain my apprentice and I could have handled it," he said, not quite containing his sarcasm. "Since there will be no questioning possible, Obi-Wan and I will continue back to our quarters. Please transmit your full report to my computer as soon as it is completed. Good evening, Major."

"Another security detail is on its way. Let me get them to escort you back, Master Jinn," the woman declared. "There could be other gunmen waiting in the shadows."

Qui-Gon thought about refusing then decided it would probably alert her to his suspicions so he agreed. "Just get them here quickly. It's been a long day and I'd like to get back to our quarters."

It took less time than it should have for the additional security detail to arrive but the Jedi said nothing, just accepting their escort with a nod. They kept up polite conversation for the remainder of the walk, talking about dinner and their workout plans for the morning and not even mentioning the attack. Qui-Gon was certain that the officers escorting them were finding that odd and would be sure to report it back to their supervisor. They were left at the doorway of the visitors' residence and headed straight to their rooms.

When the door closed behind them, Obi-Wan hung their cloaks and asked, "Would you like some tea before bed, Master?"

"That would be a kindness. Thank you, Padawan," Qui-Gon answered formally, as he settled into the conforming chair and pulled off his boots. He leaned back into his seat, rested his stockinged feet on the low table in front of him and closed his eyes. His posture would give the person monitoring the surveillance equipment the impression he was dozing while he communicated mentally with Obi-Wan. It was very convenient that Major Arvid and her people were so close by when we were attacked, wasn't it Padawan?

Yes, Master. Just as convenient as the Major having to kill the gunman to stop him, Obi-Wan replied as he set the tea to brew.

All in all, a very neat little package. I'd say that it's a very strong possibility that the gunman was killed to keep us from connecting him to the masterminds, the Master added.

After pouring the tea and sweetening his with a substantial amount of honey, Obi-Wan brought in the two mugs into the sitting room. "Here you go, Master," he said as he handed the older man his mug. He settled into the chair across from Qui-Gon, mimicking his Master's posture as he sent, I'd even go so far as to say that the little display against us was arranged to divert suspicion from the real culprits.

Well, the Major and her cohorts will find that they have achieved the opposite result. Tonight's events have only increased my suspicion of both her and the Defense Minister, Qui-Gon sent as he drank the rest of his tea. He placed the empty mug on the table and rose from his seat. "We probably should head to bed. I expect that tomorrow will be another full day of investigation if we want to get to the bottom of this."

Obi-Wan watched his Master disappear into the bedroom as he finished his tea. He rose and took the empty cups into the small kitchen. After washing them and setting them to air dry, he secured the door, switched off the lights and headed to join Qui-Gon. He couldn't quite suppress his sigh of disappointment as he looked at the two beds in the room. He walked sullenly over to the bed Qui-Gon had claimed to hang the man's dress blacks in the wardrobe then went back to his bed to pull off his boots.

Qui-Gon came out of the refresher to find a dejected Obi-Wan getting undressed. As he watched his apprentice hang his blacks, he too felt a pang of disappointment that they would not be able to share a bed. But with tonight's events, he felt it was even more imperative that no hint of their expanded relationship leak out. His sense of foreboding about this mission had increased after the attack and, even with just audio surveillance in this room, it would be impossible to hide that kind of intimacy. He walked to where Obi-Wan was standing, making certain that they were well out of sight of the visual surveillance from the common room before he pulled the younger man into his arms. I, too, wish things could be different, love, he sent as he kissed him gently.

I know, Obi-Wan answered the same way as he rested his face against Qui-Gon's neck. It's not like this is the first time we have had to sleep apart on a mission but for some reason I find it's bothering me more.

Running his hands soothingly over his apprentice's bare back, Qui-Gon replied, I suspect it's the presence of the surveillance equipment. Normally even though our private moments together are few and far between, we at least have a modicum of privacy. This type of personal invasion is not something that is ever easy to come to terms with. He kissed Obi-Wan again, a bit more hungrily this time before pulling back. "Sleep well, Padawan," he said aloud while adding silently, I love you.

Running his fingertips over a bearded check, Obi-Wan copied Qui-Gon. "Sleep well, Master," and I love you too. He leaned in and kissed the hollow of the long neck before collapsing onto the bed he had already turned back, tossing aside his linens as he laid down.

Qui-Gon leaned down and pulled the blankets over Obi-Wan, tucking them around him as he had when his padawan was just a boy. He ran a fingertip down the straight nose, teasing the cleft chin for a second before stepping back.. "Let's plan on heading over to the gym for a workout in the morning. Then we can come back, share first meal and plan our day. Hopefully by then we'll have Major Arvid's report."

"Sounds like a plan, Master," Obi-Wan replied. He pulled out his hand from under the covers, ran it teasingly over Qui-Gon's bare thigh and added silently, A workout will definitely be in order to work off some of this pent up sexual tension.

Insatiable brat, Qui-Gon sent as he tucked the offending hand back under the blankets while pushing back the surge of arousal the light touch had caused.

But you love me anyway. Obi-Wan returned as he watched that firm ass move away from him.

'More than my own life,' Qui-Gon said to himself, blocking that thought from crossing over their bond. He pulled off his own linens, and then lay down on the bed. As he pulled the covers over his own body and closed his eyes, he hoped that the Force would never call him on his silent vow.

Qui-Gon came awake as the first light was just beginning to stream in the window by his bed. He couldn't help but smile as he looked over at Obi-Wan to see him tangled in the bedding. By the looks of him, the restless movement that had categorized his padawan's sleep when he was a young boy had returned full force. Over the years the pattern had changed. His apprentice was a very calm sleeper when they shared a bed and was much less restless than he had been in his early apprenticeship even when they didn't. Qui-Gon found it odd that Obi-Wan had reverted to the habit at this time and wondered how much of that was his own apprehension being passed on to his padawan. Hopefully they could find the time and privacy to discuss the issue at some point.

Moving silently through the room, Qui-Gon took a few minutes in the refresher for basic necessities before dressing for the gym. He was sitting on the bed, pulling on his boots when he felt Obi-Wan begin to wake up. He watched as the younger man struggled to come awake, his sleep-tousled appearance making him look much younger than his twenty-four years.

Sleepy green eyes finally opened, immediately locking on amused blue ones. "Why are you staring at me?" Obi-Wan mumbled, still more asleep than awake.

Qui-Gon just raised an eyebrow and pointed at the tangle of blankets. When all he got was a more confused look, he sent lovingly, Because you're so cute.

"Babies are cute. Puppies are cute. Twenty four year old men are not cute, Obi-Wan growled mentally.

They are to me, Qui-Gon replied as he crossed the distance to the bed and sat down on it. Out of sight of the surveillance equipment, he cupped Obi-Wan's cheek and kissed him gently, then added, Although I love the man with all that I am, I still enjoy seeing glimpses of the boy who wormed his way into my heart. He kissed his apprentice again then rose from the bed and said aloud, "Now if you will get your lazy arse out of bed, we can head over to the gym."

"What did I ever do to deserve a Master who believes that the day must start with the first rays of the sun," Obi-Wan grumbled as he disentangled himself from the blankets. Evidently his Master's attention had awakened him from a very pleasant dream, the evidence of which could be plainly seen on his naked body and Obi-Wan flaunted the fact as he stretched. A flash of desire flowed over the bond at the sensual view and Qui-Gon was not surprised when Obi-Wan smiled wickedly and teased, Too bad we aren't able to indulge in some horizontal exercise.

Deciding to turn the tables on his mischievous apprentice, Qui-Gon directed a light tendril of the Force against the erect penis and sent suggestively, If someone would move his butt and we can get to the gym early enough, we might be able to find a secluded place, a private shower facility perhaps..

After taking a few steps towards the refresher, Obi-Wan looked over his shoulder, speared his lover with his most sultry look and sent, It won't be quite the same but I guess it'll have to do.

Qui-Gon fought to hold back a chuckle as Obi-Wan disappeared into the refresher. Once again he thanked the Force for blessing him with the young man's love and prayed for the strength to survive his Padawan's libido and sense of humor.

By the time Obi-Wan came out of the refresher, Qui-Gon had already moved into the kitchen to brew tea. As expected, Obi-Wan had dressed and packed a small duffle bag with the clean uniforms they would need after their workout. He handed his apprentice a tall glass of pink juice as the younger man entered the kitchen. "Drink up, Padawan," Qui-Gon ordered with mock sternness. "I need to make sure that you're fully hydrated before I put you through your paces."

Ignoring the double entendre hidden in the innocent phrase, Obi-Wan accepted the glass with a polite, "Thank you, Master." Nothing more was said as they drank their juice and then their tea. When they had finished, they put on their cloaks, Obi-Wan slung the bag over his shoulder and they left for the gym.

The sun was slowly rising over the horizon as they left the building. The sun had not been up long enough to take the chill out of the air and they found the walk as refreshing as they had the evening before. The gym building was less than a kilometer from their living quarters and, with the detailed directions Moytak had given them, they found it without any difficultly..

They did not see anyone else as they entered the clearly marked building. The man tending the counter looked up at them questioningly as they approached. It was still very early and although recreational facilities allowed all ages, usually the only mixed groups were parents with teenaged children..

Qui-Gon ignored the confused look on the young attendant's face and approached the counter. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn. Moytak Shaadir arranged for a private training room to be set aside for us."

Recognition dawned in the attendant's eyes and he became a little flustered as he flipped through the schedule book. "Yes, Master Jedi. Room A3 has been reserved for your exclusive use until further notice." He pulled two key cards from a box behind the desk and handed them to Qui-Gon. "These cards will ensure that only the two of you have access to the room. Even the staff will be restricted from the room while it is occupied. There is a private locker facility off the room that will be reserved for you as well."

Obi-Wan's teasing, I will definitely have to thank Moytak for his thoughtfulness, floated over the bond as Qui-Gon accepted the keycards. "Thank you. That is most considerate."

The attendant moved out from behind the counter to stand in front of them. "If you will follow me, I'll show you to workout room A3."

They followed the man in silence down a long hallway, veering off about halfway into a shorter one until they reached the last door. "If there is anything else you require, Master Jedi, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Thank you but I'm certain that you have provided anything that we may need," Qui-Gon replied as he slid the keycard into the door slot.

The attendant nodded and took his leave as the two Jedi entered the training room. It was a good sized room, about five by six meters and would be more than adequate for katas and stable form sparring. Qui-Gon was glad to see that the ceiling was high enough to facilitate some of the aerial movements Obi-Wan liked. When he finished looking over the workout area, he looked up to see his apprentice standing in an open doorway in the back corner of the room.

When Obi-Wan glanced back at his Master, he was wearing a wicked grin. "Nice facilities, Master. With these types of amenities, I expect that I can find a number of things that could substitute for lube." Qui-Gon rolled his eyes but said nothing as he walked over to the doorway and Obi-Wan was smart enough to hold his tongue. He took Qui-Gon's robe and dropped the duffle bag onto the floor as he pulled off his own. He hung the two cloaks on the hooks provided before walking back into the workout room and closing the locker room door behind him.

Qui-Gon had already moved back into the center of the room and was going through the first motions of his warm-up routine so Obi-Wan took his position beside him. They went through their personal stretching routines then moved directly into the Natuel. This saberless mid-level kata involved a complex pattern of mirrored movements used to develop strength and endurance. Because of his smaller size and lower muscle mass, Obi-Wan had always found this particular kata extremely challenging while Qui-Gon moved through the motions almost effortlessly. As he struggled through the movements, he wondered briefly if the choice of routine was payback for his earlier teasing but his need for concentration banished the thought.

Finally, completing the routine adequately if not exceptionally, Obi-Wan walked over to the locker facility as he cooled down, pulling two bottles of water from the small cooler just inside the door. He had almost drained his by the time he handed Qui-Gon the other bottle. He was not surprised when Qui-Gon rattled off a general critique of the routine.

"Your extensions were good but you need to focus on holding the positions longer to get the maximum benefit," the Master instructed. "Your agility and flexibility are valuable assets but there are times when you will need strength to succeed." He finished his water then handed the empty bottle to his Padawan. He waited until Obi-Wan had discarded the two empty bottles before moving into first position of the next routine.

Obi-Wan smiled as he crossed the floor to take his place opposite his Master. Qui-Gon had unclipped his saber from his belt and was standing in the ready position for the Byatte, a saber kata that was one of his padawan's favorites. The movements of the kata required a level of teamwork that took years to refine and, since their bond had deepened, they had been able to perform the routine just a bit short of perfect synchronization.

Obi-Wan unclipped his saber from his belt, bowed formally before Qui-Gon and spoke the ritual words, "I await my lesson, Master."

An impish wink shaded the formal tone and Qui-Gon couldn't quite suppress his smile as he replied, "It is my honor to teach you, Padawan." That said, he raised his saber in salute and dove into the routine.

Blue and green sabers flashed through the air, striking and parrying with amazing rapidity. The Jedi moved around each other in a carefully choreographed dance that was done so perfectly it appeared almost effortless. Only the sounds of clashing blades and slightly heavier breathing gave any indication that either man was exerting himself. The motions of the routine got faster and faster until it ended in a surge of swift strokes that had Obi-Wan pushed back onto his haunches, with the green flame of Qui-Gon's saber mere centimeters from his neck while the hilt of Obi-Wan's saber skittered away harmlessly. The position was held for a few seconds before the green blade vanished with the traditional hiss and Qui-Gon was pulling his padawan to his feet.

"Well done, Obi-Wan, "Qui-Gon declared with obvious pride after a few deep breaths. "You finally got the time timing for the middle sequence perfectly and the aerial maneuver that starts the final progression was done flawlessly."

After again retrieving water for each of them, Obi-Wan took a few moments longer to calm his staccato breathing then answered. "The portion I've been struggling with just seemed to come together. Must be the endless number of hours we've spent working on it." His eyes took on a mischievous glint as he added, "Or maybe it's the sexual frustration that I redirected into my exercise."

"Then, maybe I should schedule a period of enforced celibacy for you as an experiment? We could see what kind of effect it would have on your training performance," Qui-Gon said dryly, handing his empty water bottle back to his apprentice.

Qui-Gon tried to keep his expression completely serious but the hint of amusement seeping over the bond kept Obi-Wan from panicking. "If it's all the same to you, my Master, I'll pass on that little experiment," he called out as he discarded the empty bottles and closed the locker room door.

"As you wish, my Padawan," Qui-Gon replied with a half smile. "Let's see how far this extra energy will take you in a bout of freeform."

Before Obi-Wan could even respond, Qui-Gon ignited his saber and went on the offensive. Unlike their earlier routine where the movements were more subdued, Qui-Gon's moves were powerful and aggressive and Obi-Wan was hard pressed to keep up his defense. Sabers slashed against one another in rapid sequence and his arm and shoulder vibrated from blocking the powerful blows.. As if realizing that he wouldn't last long at this pace, Obi-Wan flipped over Qui-Gon's head and sprinted back a couple of meters to give himself time to regroup.

Qui-Gon kept his position, using the break Obi-Wan had initiated to regain his breath. As he rested, he watched intently knowing that it wouldn't be too long before his Padawan made his move. The break had only lasted about forty seconds when Obi-Wan lifted his saber in salute and crossed the floor to engage his Master.

Blades clashed again in a shower of blue and green as the men dueled aggressively. Although their fighting styles were very different, years of sparring together made them aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses and as such they were well matched. Qui-Gon's taller frame gave him a longer reach but kept him to a much more grounded style. Obi-Wan's smaller stature limited his striking distance but allowed him to use the aerial style he so enjoyed. So when Qui-Gon got too close Obi-Wan would flip over him or to his side and force his Master to chase him. His younger age gave him a little more stamina and he needed every ounce of it to battle his master's years of experience.

The battle went back and forth with Qui-Gon pressing his advantage repeatedly but Obi-Wan always managed to wiggle his way out of the precarious positions. Qui-Gon knew Obi-Wan was aware that he was cataloguing every misstep for a detailed review later even as they fought.

They had been going full force for over forty minutes when Obi-Wan mistimed a jump and came down to the heat of Qui-Gon's saber centimeters from his throat. "I yield," he gasped as he rolled onto his back. He watched as Qui-Gon disengaged his saber and clipped it back to his belt before dropping to sit on the floor beside him. "Thank you for the lesson, my Master," he said after he had stopped gasping for air. Qui-Gon was almost as winded as he was and Obi-Wan reached over and wiped a drop of sweat from his lover's throat.

"Well fought, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied, when he finally found his voice. "Your defense against the reverse lunge has improved dramatically. If you hadn't mistimed your leap this bout could have gone on for quite some time."

"I don't think so, my Master," Obi-Wan chuckled. "I'll be surprised if you don't have to carry me into the locker room when my legs refuse to hold me up."

"So much for the stamina of youth," Qui-Gon teased as he leaned down for a quick kiss.

Obi-Wan took a kiss of his own before asking, "Did your stamina ever help you when you were training with Master Yoda?"

"Are you kidding?" Qui-Gon laughed. "If he put his mind to it, the little green troll could still beat both of us together without even working up a sweat." He pushed himself back to his feet and reached out a hand to his apprentice. "Now I could really use a shower, Padawan."

Obi-Wan accepted the helping hand Qui-Gon offered, dragged his tired body off the floor and followed his Master into the locker facility. The facilities were very well appointed, with four shower stalls, a two-person hot tub and a small sauna, all in pristine condition. After applying a Force lock to the locker room door just to be on the safe side, the two men stripped off their sweaty workout clothes and each moved into separate stalls to wash off the sweat and grime.

Obi-Wan managed to finish first - washing his shorter hair always took much less time - and was standing at the door to the sauna when Qui-Gon emerged.. "Sauna or hot tub, my Master?"

"Sauna first, I think. It will be relaxing," Qui-Gon replied, grabbing two towels from the shelf. He opened the door and spread the towels at opposite ends of the bench while Obi-Wan poured a pitcher of water over the hot coals and closed the door.

"Hey, why did you put my towel way over here?" Obi-Wan groused when he turned around.

"We're supposed to be relaxing, refreshing ourselves from all that exertion," Qui-Gon maintained.

"I can think of a lot of ways we can relax much closer together," Obi-Wan insisted.

"Later, my own," Qui-Gon said as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the hot wood.

Not able to suppress his pout, Obi-Wan settled onto his towel and studied his master. Qui-Gon's hair was still wet from his shower, drops of water dripping slowly down his chest. His skin glistened from the water that had not been toweled away and he knew that would decrease the longer they remained in the sauna. His hands rested palms down on muscular thighs as his breathing slowed to almost a meditation rate. The quiescent penis rested against his right thigh, impressive even in its flaccid state. The picture was so enticing that he couldn't resist a little contact so he stretched out one leg until his toe barely touched Qui-Gon's knee. When he got no outward reaction even though he was certain his master could feel the touch, he considered that tacit permission to continue. He slid his toe slowly from knee to the junction of thigh and hip, keeping the touch feather light. After a few passes like that, he pushed forward a bit until about a third of his foot was resting on Qui-Gon's thigh. He traced the path again, pressing a bit harder this time and was able to feel the muscles twitch under his touch. He got a little braver with each pass, finally running his toe along the length of his lover's penis. He managed to do it three more times before a hand came out to grab his foot and blue eyes opened.

"What happened to resting, Padawan?" Qui-Gon reprimanded, failing to completely hide his smile.

"I can rest and touch at the same time, Master," Obi-Wan replied. "Multitasking is a skill you taught me long ago." When Qui-Gon didn't reply, he reached out with his other foot and resumed his motions. A large hand wrapped around both ankles stilling his movement while fingers tickled the bottoms of his feet. "Hey, tickling's not fair," he cried out as he attempted to pull away from the strong grip.

"I'm the Master. I get to decide what's fair or not," Qui-Gon said. He continued to tickle the feet he held for a few seconds longer then released them so quickly that Obi-Wan almost fell off the bench. Rising from the bench, Qui-Gon grabbed his towel and exited the sauna leaving his apprentice struggling for breath and control.

Qui-Gon was lowering himself into the hot tub when Obi-Wan finally managed to get out of the sauna. He dropped his towel on the floor, stalked over the tub and sat down in his master's lap. "You wiped the floor with me in our workout, made me shower alone and wouldn't let me even sit next to you in the sauna," Obi-Wan complained. "When we leave this facility, we probably won't get to spend any time together until it's time to sleep and I don't plan on wasting one more second." That said, he covered the mouth beneath his in a probing kiss, exploring and tasting until they were both panting and breathless.

After gulping in a couple of quick breaths, Qui-Gon initiated a deep kiss of his own, moaning into the mouth he covered as Obi-Wan rocked in his lap. By the time this kiss ended, they were both hard and ready for the joining they craved. A pull of the Force brought a bottle of massage oil across the room and into Qui-Gon's hand. Placing his hands on Obi-Wan's waist, Qui-Gon lifted his lover until he was leaning against the edge of the tub and quickly coated and stretched him.

Obi-Wan grabbed his Master's hand and pulled him from the tub. "Make love to me, Qui-Gon. Now. I want to feel you inside me."

Qui-Gon sat on the side on the tub, leaning back on his hands and allowing his legs to dangle in the warm water. Taking the silent invitation, Obi-Wan poured some oil into his palm and spread it over Qui-Gon's heavy cock. Then he settled onto his knees, straddled the muscular thighs and impaled himself. Matching moans escaped from both of them as Obi-Wan took Qui-Gon into his body. Placing his hands on Qui-Gon's shoulders for leverage, he lifted up slowly until only the head of his lover's penis was inside him then dropped back down just as slowly until he was deeply filled.

So different from their frantic lovemaking in the shower the previous evening, the pace they settled into now was slow and deliberate. The sensation was exquisite and they lost themselves in the pleasure flowing between them over the bond. Rising and falling, surrounding and being surrounded, filling and being filled. The sensations merged until they could not be sure which of them was feeling what. Their bond was wide open and their love flowed between them amid the pleasure until they thought they would drown in it.

Obi-Wan increased the pace of his movements until he was rising and falling in quick succession. Qui-Gon shifted his feet to the ledge to increase the leverage, wrapped one hand around Obi-Wan's erection and leaned forward to take his lover's mouth in a passionate kiss. In a matter of moments, they were coming, Qui-Gon spilling his essence into Obi-Wan's body and Obi-Wan's semen pulsing over his hand and chest. Their cries of release were swallowed within the kiss and their lips remained locked until the need for oxygen made them both finally pull away.

When their breathing and heart rates returned to normal, Obi-Wan kissed Qui-Gon again then rose reluctantly from his lap. "I think I need another shower."

"I do as well," Qui-Gon agreed as he, too, got to his feet. Reaching out, he pulled Obi-Wan into his arms and kissed him passionately before saying softly, "I love you, my own."

"Love you too, my Master," Obi-Wan repeated as he buried his face against the older man's chest. He stayed in that position for a moment, savoring the comfort of being held in the strong embrace. Suddenly a feeling of dread washed over him and he pulled back to look up into Qui-Gon's eyes. "Promise me you will be cautious, my Master. There is much more to this situation than meets the eye and desperate people will go to any length to cover their own duplicity."

Cupping Obi-Wan's cheek in his hand, Qui-Gon looked intently into worried green eyes. "Forewarned is forearmed, Padawan, and our suspicions will make us even more aware. I'll be careful, love. Don't worry," he pledged. "Now, about that shower."

They separated a bit hesitantly and headed for the shower stalls. It didn't take them long to wash again and get dressed in their full uniforms. Obi-Wan stuffed their dirty workout clothing into the small duffle and secured the two keycards in the inside pocket. He tossed the strap over his shoulder after he put on his cloak and left the locker facility at his Master's side. They nodded politely to the attendant as they passed by and headed out onto the street.

Qui-Gon had noticed a small non-segregated café on the walk to the gym so they headed in that direction. The hostess at the door must have recognized them from their dress because she was almost tripping over herself to take care of them. The café was still rather empty this early in the morning and they were immediately shown to the semi-private table in the back that they requested.

They had barely slid into the leather benches on either side of the table when a waiter approached with menus and a nervous smile. "Good morning, honored Jedi. May I bring you beverages while you look at the menu?"

"I would love a cup of sanela tea, unsweetened, and a glass of cintriana juice," Qui-Gon replied.

"I'll also have a glass of cintriana juice with a cup of moachi caf with cream and honey," Obi-Wan added when his master had finished and the two men watched the waiter take his leave with a slight bow.

"I'd forgotten about your taste for moachi caf, Padawan, though I don't know how," Qui-Gon said dryly. "Especially after the night the peace treaty was signed when you drank eight mugs and I had to endure you pacing the floor for the entire night."

Obi-Wan laughed as he recalled the fallout from drinking that quantity of the flavorful liquid. He had consumed so much stimulant along with tasty brew that it had taken him hours to purge enough of it from his system so that he could sleep. "Don't worry, Master," he chuckled. "I have learned my lesson and will limit my intake."

The waiter came back with their beverages and quickly took the food orders. When the waiter walked away, Qui-Gon pulled out his comm link and contacted Captain Embree. All was still quiet at the ship, so he reiterated his message from the night before, broke the connection and turned to Obi-Wan. "Unless there is some new information in Major Arvid's report, I think I'll arrange another visit to the detention center. Maybe the Cerenti detainees will be more forthcoming if I speak with them alone."

"I expect they might be," Obi-Wan replied and he and Qui-Gon settled into a detailed discussion of everything that had transpired since their arrival on Ambria. The location of their table and the small number of patrons in the café allowed them to converse much more freely than would have been possible in their quarters. Reviewing both the actual facts they had plus their long list of suppositions, they planned their strategy for the day. They talked between bites after their food was delivered, enjoying the plainer fare especially in light of their vigorous workouts. By the time they had finished their meal and paid the bill, they had their day pretty well planned out.

The walk back to their quarters took only about ten minutes and they entered the rooms to see the message light on the communication console blinking. Qui-Gon hung his cloak then went directly to the unit. With the push of a button, Major Arvid's report on last night's attack appeared on the screen but, as expected, it yielded no concrete clues. Gathering up his datapad, he relegated his seat at the computer to Obi-Wan and settled into the conforming chair.

Because they had already decided how they would proceed, they worked in silence, each engrossed in their own reading for quite some time before Obi-Wan said, "Well, this is interesting. It seems that our attacker from last night served in the same militia unit as the older of the Cerenti terrorists.."

"That is interesting," Qui-Gon replied aloud while adding silently, I wonder if this connection goes any deeper and whether either of those men have some hidden connection to Minister Xiandoran or Major Arvid. Switching back to verbal speech, he continued, "I'll make some inquiries and see what we can find."

After a few more minutes, Qui-Gon rose and grabbed his cloak. "I think I'll head over to Minister Shaadir's office to see if he can arrange a meeting with the Cerenti Prime Minister."

"I'll continue with my research until it's time for me to leave to meet Moytak," Obi-Wan said. Maybe while I'm there, I can get access to a computer terminal and do some more in depth investigating.

"I'll meet you back here later this afternoon," Qui-Gon replied. After a side trip to the detention facility. "Comm me if you learn anything of importance."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan answered while adding a silent admonishment. Please, be careful. The look he got might have bothered him if not for the wave of love that flowed over the bond to him. He fought a smirk as an amused, Just who is the Master here? echoed in his head as the door closed behind Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan settled back at the computer terminal and continued his research, entering notes into a datapad as he worked. He found quite a few details that he wanted to check into more thoroughly so he decided to head to the minority senate office early in the hopes that he could find a computer to use before he and Moytak shared lunch. After setting the terminal to stand-by mode, he snatched his cloak and left their quarters.

When he exited the building, Obi-Wan briefly considered taking an air taxi to Moytak's office but the warming air and bright sunshine changed his mind.. He used the three-kilometer walk to again get a sense of the people he passed and was not at all surprised to sense his shadow from the previous afternoon trailing him. Using his strategy from yesterday, he started to slow his pace, perusing the shop windows along his route until the man following him again decided he wasn't worth the effort. Suppressing a smile, he continued on to the minority building in a much more direct route.

The timing of his arrival at Moytak's office worked seamlessly into Obi-Wan's plans. Just going into a meeting with a senate committee, the young Oliani senator gave his friend full access to his own office computer. Obi-Wan settled into the seat, accepting the mug of moachi caf that Moytak's secretary pressed into his hand and getting to work on his investigation. Opening his datapad, he explored each of the points he had listed earlier, making detailed notes about his findings in the datapad.

Obi-Wan was surprised that almost two hours had passed when Moytak entered the office and flopped onto the sofa. "I hate committee meetings," he grumbled as he stretched. "Sometimes I think I should have become a businessman, not a politician."

"You'd have been bored as a businessman, Moytak," Obi-Wan replied as he saved his research and signed off his friend's terminal. "Not enough lively and interesting debate."

Rolling up into a sitting position, Moytak muttered, "Right. Listen, I'm starving. Let's go and get some food, Kenobi. You can tell me about all the hearts you have broken since you were seventeen and fill me in on the current love of your life."

Pondering ways to get out of this conversation, Obi-Wan rose and laughed. "I'm sure the details of your conquests are much more interesting than mine.. Let's go. I could eat a bantha."

The two young men left the minority offices and headed back into the center of the business district. They chatted as they walked, reaching a small eatery frequented by the younger crowd in less than ten minutes. They were quickly led to a table in the crowded room so it was obvious that Moytak had called ahead for a reservation. As they settled into their seats and looked over the menu, a number of Moytak's friends and acquaintances stopped by to chat. In the midst of their stream of visitors, the waiter came by to take their orders and bring their beverages. Each person that stopped by was intent on being introduced to Obi-Wan and did their best to ingratiate themselves into the young Jedi's graces. Well schooled in the art of diplomacy, Obi-Wan made each and every individual feel special and managed to develop a rapport with each one.

Luckily by the time their food was delivered to the table, the procession of visitors had ended and they were able to eat their meals. Obi-Wan managed to direct the conversation to Moytak's love life and away from his own until the meal had ended and they were leaving the eatery.

"On Sixthday, my friends and I usually go to a small dance club by the minority offices," Moytak said. "It has a great house band and an intimate dance floor. Why don't you join us tonight? I know that more than a few of the people you met last night and today would like to get to know you a little better."

Obi-Wan struggled to find an answer that his friend would accept with a bare minimum of explanation. "Well, the dance club sounds like fun but I'm not sure if I should."

"Why not, Kenobi?" Moytak asked. "I'm sure your Master wouldn't begrudge you going out for a few drinks and a little dancing."

"It's not that," Obi-Wan said as they started down the street. "It's just that I'm involved with someone?"

"What do you mean 'involved'?" Moytak interrupted. "Fess up. I want details, Kenobi. Is this lucky person anyone I know?"

Before Obi-Wan could even contemplate the choice of either being less than honest with his friend or disregarding his master's directive, a warning from the Force tingled over his nerves. Instinctively reacting to that warning, he was surveying the area around him before he even drew his next breath. The warning got stronger as each second passed and he opened his senses fully hoping the Force would offer him a clue. About thirty seconds had elapsed when he felt a wisp of Qui-Gon's Force aura and looked down the street to see the vague outline of a group of people about a half-kilometer away. The Force was practically screaming at him at this point so he ignored Moytak's shocked look and started running down the street.

Obi-Wan had barely made it ten steps when blaster shots began to rain on the group and Qui-Gon's green blade materialized to deflect the barrage. He closed the distance to the group with Force-enhanced speed and was only about fifty meters away when he saw Qui-Gon collapse to the ground. He stifled a scream and only his deeply ingrained sense of duty propelled him to ignite his saber and take a position to defend the group rather than run to his master's side. He had only deflected about a half dozen shots when the firing stopped and the assailants disappeared from sight. Seeing some of the Oliani security forces heading after them, he turned back toward the group behind him to access the situation. Prime Minister Shaadir had been spirited off the street and into a building a few meters away so he knew that he was no longer in danger.

Scanning the group with the Force, Obi-Wan could sense no other injuries and no further immediate danger so he picked up Qui-Gon's saber hilt from where it had fallen, clipped it and his own to his belt and moved to his master's side. He fully expected to see a large blaster burn marring Qui-Gon's flesh and was surprised when he could see no outward sign of injury. Just as he knelt at the older man's side, Qui-Gon started to convulse, arms and legs spasming uncontrollably while his head lolled off to one side. He knelt beside his master, using both his hands and the Force to prevent any further injury while he checked for the cause and tried to bleed off the pain.

As he searched for any sign of a wound, Obi-Wan placed his hand against a bearded cheek and called out, "Qui-Gon." When no answer was forthcoming, he extended over their bond and called out mentally. Qui-Gon, can you hear me? A very weak mental, Yes, came back to him before another wave of pain engulfed his master.

Qui-Gon continued to thrash on the ground, Obi-Wan's efforts barely dampening the excruciating pain surging through the man's body. Obi-Wan felt his master's heart stop momentarily and panic threatened to overwhelm him before it resumed at a frantic pace. Every major organ in Qui-Gon's body seemed to be in flux, heart struggling to beat, blood struggling to flow and lungs struggling to draw in vital oxygen as the convulsions continued to rack him.

Unable to find a visible wound, Obi-Wan slid very carefully forward until he could cradle Qui-Gon's head in his lap. He focused his full attention on sending energy into his master while bleeding off as much pain as possible.. After what seemed like an eternity but was in reality only about four minutes, the seizures finally abated and heavy lidded eyes opened.

Obi-Wan breathed out a sigh of relief as he watched the blue eyes open slowly and he spoke gently to the older man. "Remain still," he ordered before Qui-Gon could even think about moving.

As pain-filled eyes scanned the area behind the padawan's head, Qui-Gon said something that Obi-Wan couldn't quite hear. When he leaned closer, he heard the whispered, "Just like my vision." Pulling his gaze away from his Master for a moment, he scanned the area to see that a large group of people had congregated behind them, most of whom were looking down upon the two Jedi with a variety of expressions. When he caught sight of Moytak coming over to disperse the crowd, he ignored their presence and refocused on his master. He continued to send energy into Qui-Gon while probing his body for a cause. "Were you hit, Master?" he asked although he could find no outward sign.

"Not by blaster, something else," Qui-Gon forced out between ragged breaths.. He managed to slowly lift his hand to the back of his neck to point out the place where he had first felt the pain.

Obi-Wan attempted to examine the spot without jostling the older man too much, preventing Qui-Gon from rolling over when he attempted to give him a better view. He could see the medical transport approaching, so he ordered gently, "Don't try to move until the medical personnel can look you over." Qui-Gon nodded in reply and Obi-Wan could feel the effort it was taking for his master to control the pain, even with his help.

Thankfully, they only had to wait a few more seconds for the medics to make their way over to them. After sending a last influx of energy to Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan laid his master gently back on the ground and stepped back so one of the medics could take his spot. Another medic moved to the other side and the third spoke to Obi-Wan. "What happened to him?"

"I'm really not sure," Obi-Wan admitted. "There was an attack against the Prime Minister and Master Jinn was defending the group from blaster fire. As far as I could tell, he was not struck by any of the blaster shots but he said that he felt something strike him in the back of the neck even though I couldn't find any evidence of a wound."

The medic moved back to kneel beside his companions, apparently comparing information and discussing options for a few moments before coming back to Obi-Wan. "We need to get Master Jinn to the medical complex so that a more in-depth examination can be conducted."

One of the other medics had gone back to the transport and was pushing a hoverbed towards Qui-Gon, so Obi-Wan nodded and knelt back beside his master. "They're going to take you to the medical facility, Master," he said as he placed a hand on Qui-Gon's shoulder and tried to bleed off more of his pain. As the medics reached down to shift Qui-Gon to the hoverbed, he stopped them. "It will be less stressful if I move him." He heard one of the medics start to argue but he saw Moytak step in so he turned back to Qui-Gon. "Ready Master?" When Qui-Gon nodded, Obi-Wan drew on the Force and carefully lifted his master from the ground to the hoverbed. He had barely settled the older man on the mattress when the convulsions began again. He continued to feed Qui-Gon energy as the medics covered him with blankets and secured him for transport, feeling extremely relieved when this batch of tremors abated after only two minutes.

"Has Master Jinn ever had seizures before?" one of the medics asked as the hoverbed was settled into the transport.

"Not that I know of and I have been at his side for over ten years," Obi-Wan answered, watching as the medic nodded and moved back to his companions. Glancing back at the building where the Prime Minister was sheltered, he felt torn between his duty to the mission and his desire to go with Qui-Gon.

He was spared the choice when Moytak came over to him and said, "Everything is under control here, Obi-Wan, so go with Master Qui-Gon. Father and I will meet you at the medical complex shortly."

Grateful for his friend's consideration, Obi-Wan called out a quick, "thanks", as he climbed into the transport. He settled on the bench beside the hoverbed, careful not to get in the medic's way. He took his Master's hand and studied him intently. The tremors had not returned but he could see that Qui-Gon was staying conscious by sheer dint of will. Wanting to help as much as possible, he again started feeding him energy through the bond and bleeding off as much pain as he could. He felt the tension abate slightly in the taut body but put a finger to Qui-Gon's lips when he tried to speak.. "Don't waste energy trying to talk. No one else was injured in the attack so just relax and concentrate on yourself," Obi-Wan reassured, knowing his master would be concerned for Minister Shaadir's safety.

Qui-Gon acquiesced, closing his eyes and focusing inward in an attempt to figure out what was happening to him. Obi-Wan could sense his master concentrating on his body and used their bond to try to assist him but they still couldn't quite isolate the discordance. There was something definitely off in Qui-Gon's system, a difference that they could vaguely identify, but when they tried to separate it, it skittered from their grasp. It was taking more energy than Qui-Gon could spare to continue and Obi-Wan was relieved when he released his focus. His frustration evident, Qui-Gon opened his eyes but before he could say anything, the medic spoke.

"We're just pulling into the medical complex. We'll have you inside and settled into a more comfortable bed momentarily, Master Jinn," the man assured.

Obi-Wan jumped from the transport the minute the door opened, wanting to give the medics plenty of room to maneuver. Three people came out of the Aka'lat medical complex to meet the transport, two heading straight over to Qui-Gon while the third went directly to him.

"I'm Senior Healer Sarvai," the woman announced. "Prime Minister Shaadir contacted us but the details he gave us of what happened were rather sketchy.. While my colleagues take Master Jinn inside and begin the examination, I was hoping you might be able to offer more details about his injury, Jedi Kenobi."

Pushing back his surprise that the healer was looking to someone considered as a child by this world for information, Obi-Wan sought to explain as best he could. "As I told the medics, neither my Master or I were able to figure out exactly what happened to him. He doesn't have a blaster injury as far as I could tell. He said that he felt something strike the back of his neck but I couldn't see any marks." He stopped for a moment, thinking back to the sensation of Qui-Gon's body feeling wrong while he had linked with his master. "If I had to guess, I would think that he was injected with something but we were unable to isolate anything specific in his system.."

"Isolate anything?" the healer asked in obvious confusion.

"Jedi are very attuned to their own bodies and are normally able to use the Force to purge most poisons and toxins from our systems," Obi-Wan explained. He could see that the healer was thinking about his explanation and he hoped that she would find something that would help Qui-Gon in this small tidbit.

The hoverbed had been taken from the transport at this point and Obi-Wan and Healer Sarvai followed as it was maneuvered into the medical center. Qui-Gon was wheeled directly into the critical care diagnostic unit and much to his dismay Obi-Wan was prevented from following. "If you could please wait here, Jedi Kenobi," Healer Sarvai said as she directed him to a small room down the hall. "I'll come back to speak with you as soon as we know anything. If you need anything, please press this button," she added, motioning to a panel beside one of the chairs, "and someone from the staff will come to you."

"Thank you," Obi-Wan replied politely, trying to fight his desire to ignore the healer and search out his Master.

"We'll take good care of him, Jedi Kenobi," Healer Sarvai reassured.

Obi-Wan nodded and the healer disappeared back into the diagnostic unit. Pulling out his commlink, he keyed in the code to contact the ship. When Captain Embree answered, he explained. "Master Jinn has been injured and is currently being evaluated in the Oliani medical center. With this second attack, I want you to keep the crew on the highest alert in case of any eventuality. I will notify the Temple. Please relay any calls to me though my commlink frequency. I'm not certain when we will be returning to our assigned quarters."

"Understood, Obi-Wan," Embree replied. "Please keep me informed of Master Jinn's condition," he added, the formality of the request belied by the concern in the captain's voice.

"I will. Kenobi, out," he said, terminating the connection.

Obi-Wan dropped into one of the chairs, closed his eyes and fought back the helplessness that threatened to overwhelm him. After a few minutes, he managed to release his emotions to the Force and extended along the bond to monitor Qui-Gon. At first, he could clearly feel the barely controlled pain coursing along Qui-Gon's nerve endings with brief spikes as his Master was moved to the diagnostic bed, slightly colored by the man's annoyance at being in the infirmary in the first place. After about fifteen minutes, the echo of pain lessened and he realized that pain-blocking medication had finally been administered to Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan's single-minded focus on his master's physical and mental state was broken a few minutes later when the sound of the door opening drew his attention. He stifled his sigh of disappointment when he looked up to see the Prime Minister and Moytak entering the room.

"Has there been any word, Obi-Wan?" Minister Shaadir asked in obvious concern.

"Nothing yet. I was hoping when I heard the door that you were the healers," Obi-Wan admitted somewhat shamefaced.

"Was Master Qui-Gon able to give you any idea of what happened?" Moytak asked. "Father said he was shuffled away from the danger when the first shots erupted so he couldn't see what was happening."

"Not really. We know he wasn't hit by blaster fire but we have no clue what could have caused the seizures, muscle weakness or the intense pain," the young Jedi explained as he motioned to his friend to close the door. When he heard it clinch, he continued, "Qui-Gon said he felt something strike the back of his neck. I suspect that some foreign substance may have been injected into his system."

"Poison?" Minister Shaadir queried in horror.

"If it was, it wasn't any known substance that we could isolate," Obi-Wan admitted. "I mentioned my suspicions to Healer Sarvai. I just hope the medical team will be able to get to the bottom of this quickly."

"Healer Sarvai and her team are considered the best in Oliani so I would expect nothing less," the Prime Minister stated firmly.

The conversation ceased at that point as there was really nothing more any of them could say and they settled in for the wait. They remained sequestered in that room for almost two hours, with Obi-Wan alternating between pacing and futile attempts at meditation as he monitored his bond with Qui-Gon.. He was relieved when he felt his Master slip into a state that was part sleep, part semi-consciousness after about an hour. With sleep, the pain in Qui-Gon lessened drastically and Obi-Wan found he didn't really care if the healers had used additional drugs to induce it or whether it was the result of his Master's exhaustion.

Finally, Healer Sarvai returned to the small waiting room followed closely by her two colleagues. "How's Master Jinn?" Minister Shaadir asked before Obi-Wan could.

"He's stable and resting comfortably for the moment," Sarvai answered politely before turning to address Obi-Wan. "We could not find a wound that would account for Master Jinn's current state although we did find evidence of an almost invisible injection site at the back of his neck. The tox screens came back negative for all known poisons, toxins and neuro-altering compounds. The only thing we could find that was outside of the acceptable range is a high concentration of senotia derivatives in his bloodstream but that in itself could not be the cause of his extreme symptoms."

"What are senotia derivatives?" Obi-Wan asked in obvious confusion.

"They don't appear naturally in a humanoid's blood but are byproducts that remain in the bloodstream when an individual goes through anti-aging treatments," the healer explained. "They usually appear in very minute quantities, nothing close to the vast quantities that now exist in Master Jinn's bloodstream."

Obi-Wan fought the annoyance rising in him at the healer's implication and said sternly, "Jedi are very attuned to their bodies, Healer Sarvai. Qui-Gon would never take any drugs that were not absolutely necessary for his health and well being and I know for certain that he is not currently taking any medication."

The woman was quiet for a moment, seemingly in deep contemplation, before finally asking, "How old is Master Jinn?"

"He's fifty-four standard years. Why do you ask?" Obi-Wan asked.

Sarvai glanced at her colleagues before replying, "He is extremely fit for someone in his mid fifties."

Obi-Wan looked intently at the woman and said sharply, "As I said before, Healer Sarvai, Jedi take great care of their bodies. We spend many hours each day in both arduous physical exercise and in meditation and seldom indulge in any form of intoxicants."

"I meant no offense, Jedi Kenobi," the healer placated. "I am just astonished at his physical condition. Would it be possible to put me in contact with the healers at the Jedi Temple?"

"Yes, I could. What information do you require?" Obi-Wan asked.

"If they could provide a recent base scan and blood analysis for Master Jinn, it would give us something to measure against for even the most minuscule changes in his physical state," one of the other healers explained.

"I'll contact them immediately and have them transmit Qui-Gon's medical profile," Obi-Wan replied. "If you could show me to a communications console?"

"Please, follow me," the healer who had asked about the data instructed.

Obi-Wan followed him without delay, glad to have the opportunity to do something ? anything - that would alleviate the feeling of helplessness that had threatened to swamp him since Qui-Gon had fallen. He was directed to a room about ten meters away and, after giving him the necessary transmission code, the healer left the room. He was relieved to find the small communication room was fully private since he knew he would have to file a report to the Council about Qui-Gon's injury after he spoke with the healers.

Sitting down at the terminal, Obi-Wan entered in the code to relay his call to Coruscant. After only a short delay, he was connected with the main communications center. The knight on duty patched him in to Healer's Hall as soon as he identified himself and explained the situation. As he waited for the call to be relayed, he considered how he should proceed. Even though any master healer could access the records he needed, he knew he would feel more confident if he could speak with Qui-Gon's primary healer. Master Jufa had taken care of his master since way before Obi-Wan had even become his padawan and he would be more comfortable speaking with the master healer since he knew Qui-Gon so well.

A voice on the other end of the connection drew Obi-Wan from his thoughts. "This is Padawan Gassek. How may I assist you?"

"Padawan Gassek, this is Obi-Wan Kenobi," he replied. "I'm calling from off planet and it's very important that I speak with Master Jufa. Would it be possible for you to find him for me?" he added, relieved that he had managed to keep the terror in his heart from echoing in his voice.

"I think I saw him heading to his office a short time ago," the young man replied. "If you could hold on for one moment, Padawan Kenobi, I'll see if he's still there."

Obi-Wan tried to relax as his call was placed into standby mode but the minutes he waited felt like an eternity. Finally the young man came back and announced, "I'll transfer your call to Master Jufa, Padawan Kenobi."

Before Obi-Wan could even thank the young man, his call was relayed and the healer's gruff baritone came over the speaker. "I'm sure you're not calling me to exchange pleasantries, Obi-Wan, so what's the situation?"

"We're on a mission in the Ambrian capitol of Oliani and Qui-Gon's been injured," Obi-Wan explained without preamble. "He collapsed on the street while defending the Prime Minister from an attack and suffered from three or four bouts of seizures of varying length. It seems the only thing the Oliani healers found during their examination was an extremely high concentration of senotia derivatives in his bloodstream."

"Senotia derivatives?" Master Jufa repeated in apparent confusion. "Those are only created as a byproduct of some highly controversial anti-aging drugs. Why would they have been in Qui-Gon's system?"

"That's what the healers here are trying to figure out," the padawan replied. "The healer in charge wanted to know if you could transmit Qui-Gon's most recent base medical scan and blood analysis so that they could compare them to the ones they did earlier today."

"It should only take me a few minutes to get that information together," Master Jufa stated. "Did they give you a transmission code for me to relay the data, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan quickly gave Master Jufa the transmission code for the data along with Healer Sarvai's direct comm code but before he could say anything more the Master Healer spoke again. "Have you seen Qui-Gon since you arrived at the medical facility?"

"Not since he was taken into the critical care unit but I plan on insisting on being allowed to see him when I give Healer Sarvai this information," Obi-Wan explained. "I just need to notify the Council of Qui-Gon's injury and then I can track her down."

"I'll notify the Council after I have spoken to Healer Sarvai and I plan on contacting her as soon as I have transmitted the data," Jufa replied. "I'd like to take a look at her test results as well. Contact me as soon as you know anything more. I'll leave word with the staff that they are to track me down immediately when you call."

"Thank you, Master Jufa," Obi-Wan said sincerely as the call ended. As he rose from his seat, he wasn't sure whether he felt reassured or more apprehensive as of result of his conversation with the master healer. He headed back to the small waiting room to find only Moytak waiting there for him. "Where are the healers?" he asked his friend.

"They went back to Master Qui-Gon's room," Moytak explained. "They said I should have you wait here for them and they will return as soon as they can.."

"I don't think so," Obi-Wan declared as he strode back out of the room and headed in the direction of his master's presence. "They have kept me from Qui-Gon long enough."

Moytak caught up with his friend after a few steps and followed him down the hall. He watched as Obi-Wan moved confidently into the room and past the healers to stand at Qui-Gon's bedside.

"Jedi Kenobi, what do you think you are doing?" one of the healers grumbled..

Swallowing his sarcastic retort, Obi-Wan said calmly, "Checking on my Master."

"We still don't know what is wrong with him and he could be contagious," the healer reminded.

"I'll take my chances," Obi-Wan retorted rather brusquely. "Master Jinn's primary Temple Healer will be transmitting the information you requested shortly and contacting you, Healer Sarvai. He would like to be able to discuss your test results as well," he added before turning back to look at Qui-Gon.

Healer Sarvai gave him an affronted look, as if she was not use to having her orders disregarded, but stopped short of ordering him to leave. She went over to the bed for a moment, checked a couple of the monitors then snapped, "I guess I should go and get that data," before turning and leaving the room.

Obi-Wan only half heard the snippy remark as his full attention was focused on the still form of his master. Qui-Gon was sleeping fitfully, the medication he had been given dulling the pain somewhat but Obi-Wan could still feel the echoes as surges of pain skittered along his master's too sensitive nerve receptors. Reaching down, he pushed a strand of sweat soaked hair away from Qui-Gon's face as he whispered, "Oh Master, what is happening to you?"

Obi-Wan only realized he had spoken aloud when Moytak appeared at his side and said, "It's Qui-Gon, isn't it?" Not even pretending to misunderstand, he looked up at his friend and nodded, not trusting his voice to remain steady if he spoke.

Respecting his friend's privacy, Moytak didn't say anything else, just pushed a chair beside the bed for the younger Jedi to sit in.

Obi-Wan collapsed into it with a sigh and then redirected his full attention to Qui-Gon. He sat rigidly for a bit, holding one of Qui-Gon's hands in both of his as he fed energy to his Master over their bond. After a few moments, he slid further down in his chair and allowed himself the comfort of resting his head on the very edge of his master's arm. He sensed Minister Shaadir enter the room but heard Moytak filling him in so he didn't get up.. He remained that way for almost a half hour, totally focused on Qui-Gon, until the sound of other voices pulled him back to his surroundings. Turning, he saw Healer Sarvai approaching the bed so he stood up and asked, "Have you found anything?"

"We may have," the healer stated as she checked the monitors surrounding the elder Jedi. "We've run some additional blood tests and it appears that Master Jinn may have been injected with a dangerously high dosage of jeunsenotiaum."

"Jeunsenotiaum," Obi-Wan repeated, glad that total recall was a Jedi skill he had mastered.

"Yes. It's an synthetic compound used to reverse the effects of aging," Sarvai explained. "Treatments that involve the drug are usually restricted to individuals who are at minimum seventy years of age and suffering from debilitations directly related to aging. The protocol recommends that the drug be administered in extremely small dosage under strictly controlled conditions."

"And the side effects if the drug is administered in large doses or to someone who does not correspond to the suggested age parameters?" Obi-Wan asked apprehensively.

"We don't know," Sarvai admitted. "This drug and the procedure used to administer it are still considered experimental. The research was pioneered in a Cerenti facility shortly after the war ended and, since that time, the treatment protocol has been administered almost exclusively by Cerenti healers. I'm hoping that they may have some additional knowledge that could help us so I left a message at the facility asking the healer who headed the project to contact me," she added, her tone making it obvious that with the current state of affairs between the two peoples, she didn't really expect her call to be returned.

Obi-Wan looked down at the lock of hair still twined around his fingers, studying it intently for a moment before turning back to the healer. "The drug has started affecting his system already, hasn't it? There is much less gray in this section of hair than there was this morning."

"The drug seems to have already affected Master Jinn down to the cellular level," Sarvai agreed. "When I compared the scans forwarded by your Temple with the ones we completed earlier today, there was marked attenuation in a variety of the developmental indicators." The healer must have seen the identical looks of confusion on the faces of Obi-Wan, Minister Shaadir and Moytak because she repeated it in simpler terms. "The analysis of his cell structure on today's most recent scan gauges Master Jinn's age at between forty-two and forty-four, a decrease of ten to twelve years in the six hours since the attack."

"How long will the changes continue and what can be done to reverse them?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I regret that I cannot answer those questions at this time, Jedi Kenobi," Healer Sarvai replied. "As I said before, I have no experience with the drug being administered in such large quantities."

'What do you know?' Obi-Wan wanted to shout but he managed to stifle the comment. When he had regained a bit of control, he asked calmly, "Can the drug be purged from his system?" But before he could receive an answer, a movement from the bed drew his attention. A whispered, "Master," escaped his lips even as he chided himself for allowing his focus on Qui-Gon's physical condition to falter during the conversation. He remedied that immediately, reaching over the bond to bleed off the stronger pain that accompanied his master's return to consciousness.

"Thank you," Qui-Gon rasped softly. Sensing his thirst, Obi-Wan quickly poured a glass of water from the pitcher on the table and helped his master take a small drink. Qui-Gon drank a few tiny sips, allowing the water to soothe his parched throat then repeated a little louder, "thank you, Padawan," before looking over Obi-Wan's shoulder to the healer. "Have you made any progress in determining what is wrong with me?"

Allowing Obi-Wan to remain, the Healer pulled the privacy curtain around the bed and initiated an intense examination that continued for almost twenty minutes. As she examined him thoroughly, Sarvai explained what she knew. She relayed the same information to Qui-Gon that she had shared with Obi-Wan and the Prime Minister a few minutes before, along with the rather bleak news that at this point she knew of no way to purge the drug from Qui-Gon's system. Qui-Gon was focused on what the healer was doing as he listened and Obi-Wan was relieved to sense that his Master's pain seemed to be lessening to a more manageable level as the minutes passed.

Qui-Gon repeated a few of the questions Obi-Wan had asked and he received the same replies before asking an additional one. "Am I in any imminent danger at this point?"

"Not as far as I can tell, Master Jinn. Your vital signs are strong and all your major organs are functioning properly," the healer replied as she pulled back the curtain.

"Is there any reason that I need to remain in this facility?" Qui-Gon added as he maneuvered himself carefully into a sitting position.

"Do you think that is wise, Master?" Obi-Wan blurted out before the healer could reply.

"I have to agree with your apprentice on this, Master Jinn," Healer Sarvai stated firmly. "Although you are currently stable, we have no idea how your body will continue to react to the jeunsenotiaum as time passes and we will need to do a substantial amount of additional research before we can formulate a plan of treatment."

"You have done enough scans and tests and drawn enough bodily fluids that you should be able to complete this research without my presence," Qui-Gon commented dryly to her without even acknowledging Obi-Wan's comment. "You can contact me in our assigned quarters and I can return to the facility if the need arises during your research."

Obi-Wan was not pleased with this plan but he had been at Qui-Gon's side long enough to know he had no chance of changing the man's mind at this point.. So after looking up at his Master in barely concealed frustration, he turned to the healer and said, "If you could tell me what you did with Master Jinn's clothing, I will assist him in dressing."

Conceding defeat, Healer Sarvai pointed to a narrow closet by the door to the refresher as she led the Prime Minister and Moytak from the room.

The second the door had closed behind them, Obi-Wan amended his earlier decision and said, "Are you sure about this, Qui-Gon? The healers have no idea what kind of reaction can be expected from such a massive dose of this drug."

"Until the healers have formulated some form of treatment, there is no benefit to me remaining at the medical facility and I know I will rest more easily in our quarters. If I begin to worsen, you can bring me back," Qui-Gon insisted. He raised an eyebrow at his Padawan's look of exasperation as he slid on his pants and added mentally, And I expect that you'll be monitoring me so closely that you'll sense any changes in my condition before I do.

You can count on it, my Master, Obi-Wan replied the same way. He continued to help Qui-Gon dress in silence, reattaching the saber he had taken for safe keeping as the finishing touch.

Qui-Gon took a step forward somewhat shakily then drew on the Force to augment his strength. "Shall we go, Padawan?" he asked as he started towards the door. "I have been poked and prodded to the threshold of my normally limitless patience. It seems that any planet's infirmary inevitably exceeds the limits of my serenity." Before Obi-Wan could comment, the door opened to reveal the Prime Minister and Moytak waiting for them.

"I have arranged a transport," Minister Shaadir announced as the Jedi entered the hallway. "It is waiting for us at the main entrance."

The group started down the hallway and four members of the Prime Minister's personal guard met the group at the door to the critical care unit. They moved quickly into position, two walking a few steps in front and the other two a few steps behind. This was double the number that had been with the group on the street and something about their presence seemed to nag at Qui-Gon's still recovering mind. Obi-Wan noticed his confusion and queried him over their bond. Master, what it is?

Qui-Gon took a few more steps forward as he replied the same way. Not sure. So much of what happened on the street is still fuzzy but seeing the guards make me feel that something about them is important. I'll have to spend some time meditating on it when we get back to our quarters.

Obi-Wan could feel the effort it was taking for Qui-Gon to walk without allowing the pain he was still feeling to show so he chided him even as he fed him strength. After you rest. Blue eyes locked on him and an amused reply floated over the bond. Last time I checked, I was still the senior member of this partnership.

Taking in the hair and beard that now barely had any traces of silver gracing them, Obi-Wan sent the image to Qui-Gon with his reply. Not quite as senior as you were when you got up this morning. He hoped the teasing tone would help them both purge some of the stress of the last few hours so he was pleased when a smile crinkled in the corners of the blue eyes and Impudent brat, echoed over the bond as they reached the doors.

The transport was waiting at the curb and the guards flanked the group closely as they moved to it. The doors were closed as soon as they were seated and two of the guards joined the driver in the front section. The moment the vehicle started to move, Minister Shaadir turned to Qui-Gon. "I know you're not feeling as strong as you're pretending to, my friend, and I'm concerned with you being so far from the medical facility if you should have any further difficulties. Even if we leave a transport at the ready for you, it would take over a half hour for you to get back here should the need arise."

Before Qui-Gon could even comment, Moytak spoke up. "Father, my townhouse is only a couple of blocks from here. Maybe it would be best if Master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stayed there, at least for tonight."

"We wouldn't want to impose on you, Moytak," Obi-Wan said, remembering their lunch conversation about an evening at the clubs.

Moytak winked at Obi-Wan as he reassured, "It won't be an imposition. I have no plans to use it for the next few days and my friends will just have to find some other place for their evening trysts."

"I don't think that's necessary. I'm feeling much improved," Qui-Gon argued.

"Humor me, Qui-Gon," Minister Shaadir countered with a smile. "Or maybe I should just tell Vatiana that you had yourself discharged from the medical center against the advice of the healers. You'd be ensconced in the mansion under her watchful eye faster than you could blink."

Obi-Wan stifled a chuckle as Qui-Gon shuddered. Even after his many injuries, Qui-Gon had never become comfortable with being fussed over by anyone, so he wasn't surprised when he gave in.

"Well, if it will ease your mind," Qui-Gon said to the Prime Minister.

"I know it will ease mine, Master," Obi-Wan admitted when Minister Shaadir nodded. "We have no idea what type of reactions you can expect from that drug and knowing that we only have to travel five minutes rather than thirty to get to the medical center will make me feel better."

Moytak pressed a button on the side of his seat and said, "Change of plans, Tragett. Please take us to my townhouse."

"Yes Sir," came over the speaker in reply and the transport changed direction at the next intersection. The vehicle pulled through the gates of the secured complex in a matter of minutes and moved directly to the main entrance.

A liveried doorman moved quickly to the side of the transport, opening the door to allow the passengers to disembark. "Good evening, Minister Shaadir," the man said with a formal bow. When he stood up, he extended his greeting to Moytak and nodded politely to the Jedi as they exited the vehicle. "Would you like me to arrange a table for dinner for your party, Ser Shaadir?" the doorman asked Moytak.

Catching the slight shake of Obi-Wan's head, Moytak replied, "Not tonight, Mercer. But Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi will be staying in my townhouse for a few days," he added as the other three moved ahead. "I'd be most grateful if you'd see to it that they want for nothing during their stay."

"I will see to it personally, Ser," Mercer replied.

"Thanks, Mercer. I knew I could count on you," Moytak said before quickening his step to join the others.

The group went directly to the lifts and were exiting on the building's uppermost floor in just a couple of minutes. Obi-Wan watched as Moytak keyed open the door, mentally storing the entry code for later use. When the door slid open, he directed Qui-Gon to the nearest chair, gently pressing him to sit without giving the man an opportunity to object.

"It seems too little to say that I'm sorry but I am, my friend," Odan said as he sat on the leather couch across from Qui-Gon. "When I asked you to come to Oliani to help me investigate the terrorist activity, I never expected that you would become the subject of personal attacks."

Qui-Gon watched while Obi-Wan completed his quick inspection of the elegant apartment, looking up at his padawan in inquiry as he returned to the common room. "All set, no surveillance," Obi-Wan informed him.

"Surveillance?" Odan and Moytak repeated in unison.

"Both audio and visual surveillance equipment are installed in our suite in the visitor's quarters," Obi-Wan explained in a neutral tone.

"How is that possible? I would never have agreed to such a blatant invasion of privacy, especially for invited guests," the Prime Minister exclaimed in banked fury.

"There's no question in my mind that this was done without your approval, Odan," Qui-Gon assured. "I did not inform you immediately because I wanted to figure out who was responsible first."

"I assume that you have suspicions, Master Qui-Gon," Moytak interjected.

"If I were to make an educated guess at this point, I would say that Defense Minster Xiandoran is somehow involved in all of this," Qui-Gon admitted.

"Major Arvid's staff is responsible for security in that building and was instrumental in setting up the suite with the computer and communications terminals that I expected you'd need," Minister Shaadir explained.

"And Arvid is Xiandoran's hand picked head of Oliani security," Moytak finished for his father.

"I will get to the bottom of this, I can guarantee that," the Prime Minister declared angrily. "And those responsible will be punished to the full extent possible under Oliani law."

"I would prefer that you let it rest for the time being, Odan," Qui-Gon stated. "If those responsible think we are unaware of their connection, then eventually they'll get overconfident and drop their guard."

"I cannot allow this type of duplicity to go on within my own administration," Odan said indignantly.

"Master Qui-Gon is right, father," Moytak said. "We have no idea how deep this subterfuge goes. The only way we'll ever discover those behind both the attacks and the terrorist activity is to keep all of our suspicions to ourselves until we have concrete proof."

"Minister Shaadir, are you confident in the loyalty of your personal guard?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Without question," Shaadir answered confidently. "Every one of them was recruited by me personally and has been with me for over ten years."

"Then I would advise you to keep at least two of them with you at all times," Qui-Gon recommended, "and not trust anyone associated with Xiandoran until we can do some more in-depth background checks. I expect that these attacks against me are an effort to discredit me and the investigation or a smoke screen to allow those responsible time to cover their tracks or more likely a combination of both." He stopped speaking for a moment as if a thought had just come to him then continued. "I think the full extent of my injuries and the few facts we have uncovered should be kept under wraps for as long as possible. If any knowledge the responsible parties can manage to get remains ambiguous and they think that we don't know that I was even injected with that drug, it will allow us more time to investigate."

"I still don't understand how you could have been injected with that drug, Master Qui-Gon," Moytak wondered. "You are so aware of everything that goes on around you. How could someone have gotten close enough to press a hypospray to your neck without you realizing it?"

"Honestly, Moytak, I'm not too clear on that myself," Qui-Gon admitted. "I had my full attention focused on the attack coming from across the street and did not sense anyone who was not part of our group originally coming up behind me. I will have to mediate to see if I can clarify the details of the sequence of events in my mind."

"I have a few trusted friends whose schooling includes investigative techniques and judicial procedures," Moytak said. "I think I'll assemble my friends and take a leisurely walk in the area of the attack before we hit the clubs this evening. Maybe we can find some clue at the scene that Major Arvid's official investigation may have missed."

"Don't place yourselves in any danger, Moytak," Qui-Gon enjoined.

"Don't worry, Master Qui-Gon," the young man reassured. "Arvid's people will dismiss us as inconsequential because we're all under the age of majority. Hopefully in this case their prejudice will work to our advantage."

Odan rose from his seat and looked over at his son. "I think we should let Qui-Gon get some rest." When Qui-Gon moved to stand, he waved him away. "Don't get up," he ordered with all the authority inherent in his station.

Smiling as his master settled back into his chair, Obi-Wan escorted the Prime Minister and Moytak to the door. "Thanks for allowing us the use of your apartment," he told his friend. "For all of Qui-Gon's stubbornness, I'll definitely feel more comfortable with the medical center close by should his condition worsen."

"It's the least I can do," Moytak replied. "I'll have your clothing and personal items brought over from your quarters. Contact Mercer if there's anything else that you need. There are a few basic items in the kitchen and any other items you want can be delivered from the restaurants or shops in the area."

"Contact me at home if the need arises, Obi-Wan, no matter what time," the Prime Minister insisted. "Otherwise I'll expect to hear from one of you in the morning."

"Certainly, and hopefully I won't need to be in contact with you before then," Obi-Wan agreed as the men stepped into the hallway.

Moytak waited unto his father had taken a few steps toward the lift before whispering, "The 'fresher in the suite is very well stocked. I'm sure you'll find everything that you could need if Master Qui-Gon starts feeling better." Without waiting for a reply, he joined his father.

As soon as Moytak and the Prime Minister entered the lift, Obi-Wan closed the door and moved back into the common room. He looked over to see that Qui-Gon had closed his eyes and was leaning back in the chair in obvious exhaustion. Struggling to keep his emotions under control, Obi-Wan knelt in silence in front of the chair, resting his palms on the muscular thighs. After a few moments, the blue eyes opened and he asked, "How are you really feeling, Master?"

Unable to be anything but honest in light of the concern in his apprentice's eyes, Qui-Gon replied, "Like I'm inhabiting a different body than the one I woke up in this morning." He gave a weak smile and added, "At least it's a younger body and not an older one."

Obi-Wan tried to return the smile but the events of the afternoon finally eroded his control and he buried his face against his Master's legs.

Qui-Gon reached down and stroked the spiky hair with his palm. "All will be well, Padawan."

"We don't know that," the younger man muttered into the coarse cloth. After a moment, he raised his head and met his Master's gaze. "Do you know how terrified I was when I saw you fall?"

"As terrified as I would have been if the situation had been reversed," Qui-Gon replied softly. "We will get through this just as we have gotten through numerous other crises, Obi-Wan."

"But at least most of those times we knew what we were dealing with," Obi-Wan argued. "With this, even the so called experts don't have any idea of what to expect. What if this starts to affect your heart or other vital organs?"

"We must trust that the Force will provide a solution to this dilemma as it always has, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon scolded.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied by rote but it was evident by his tone of voice that he was not convinced. After a moment, he changed the subject and asked, "Would you like some tea and something to eat or maybe a hot bath to help you to relax?"

"A long soak sounds wonderful," Qui-Gon remarked. When Obi-Wan rose from the floor Qui-Gon grasped his hand. "I know it's very hard not to give in to your trepidation, love, but just remember that whatever happens, we will deal with it together."

"Yes Master," the younger man replied with a bit more conviction. He headed to the refresher and started the sunken tub filling then went into the small kitchen to take stock. The cooler was stocked with a number of non-perishable items such as juice, preserved fruits and vegetables and prepackaged meals. The cupboards contained a few boxes of cookies, some dried fruit and two varieties of teas, both of which while passable, were not the varieties that either he or Qui-Gon normally preferred. Making a mental note of the few things they might need, he called down to Mercer and ordered these items along with late meal. When he ended the call, he went back to the refresher to turn off the water then headed back to the common room.

"Late meal will be here in about a half hour, Master, so that gives you plenty of time for your soak," Obi-Wan announced.

"Thank you, love," Qui-Gon replied as he rose from his chair. Heading directly to the bedroom, he had barely removed his belt and placed it, along with his lightsaber, on the table when Obi-Wan appeared and took over the task of undressing him. Naked, he was led to the refresher and directed onto the bench along the inner edge of the large sunken tub. "Aren't you going to join me?" he asked when Obi-Wan began to walk away.

"You need to rest and relax, Qui-Gon," Obi-wan scolded gently.

"I'll be much more likely to rest and relax if I'm holding you in my arms, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon retorted with a fond smile.

As inviting as that sounded, the events of the afternoon had alarmed him greatly and Obi-Wan did not want to do anything that would impede Qui-Gon's recovery. "Okay, as long as you promise no funny business," he replied as he began removing his clothing

"Me?" Qui-Gon remarked indignantly. "Unless my memory has been affected by this anti-aging drug, I seem to recall that I'm usually the one pushing you to control your urges when you are recovering." His eyes took on a sparkle as he added huskily, "Plus, I'd have thought you'd be anxious to see what this new younger body could do in that arena."

Obi-Wan slinked over to the tub, dropped down to kneel on the shelf between Qui-Gon's thighs and placed a gentle kiss on his lover's lips before turning to sit between his legs. "I have every intention of taking full advantage of this change," he whispered as his fingers traced a brief pattern on a well-muscled thigh before his voice shifted to a much a more serious tone. "And I will, when it no longer takes every ounce of energy you possess to cross the distance from the common room to the refresher and collapse into the tub."

Wrapping his arms around his padawan's waist and pulling him back to rest more securely against his chest, exhaustion pulled at Qui-Gon's body so he dropped a kiss to the spiky hair and conceded. "I'll yield, for now, but I reserve the right to reevaluate the situation at a later time."

The last words came out somewhat slurred and Obi-Wan could feel the change in Qui-Gon's breathing as the heat of the water accomplished what he had not been able to ? relax the overtaxed muscles in his Master's body. "A much later time," he muttered in amusement as he wrapped them both in tendrils of the Force to keep them from sliding under the water. It didn't take long for Qui-Gon to go from resting to sleeping and, when the water had started to cool, Obi-Wan deepened that sleep with a Force suggestion, used the Force to lift Qui-Gon from the tub, dried his Master gently and tucked him into Moytak's oversized bed. He had drained the tub and redressed in his leggings and inner tunic when the door chime sounded. He pulled the bedroom door closed and went out to answer it.

Opening the door, Obi-Wan found Mercer and another staff member standing there with a pushcart containing late-meal and a larger cart containing their bags and the supplies he had requested earlier. "Jedi Kenobi," Mercer said politely. "Ser Shaadir had your things brought over from the visitor's quarters. Would you like me to put them away for you?"

"Thank you, Mercer, but that won't be necessary," Obi-Wan replied, not wanting Qui-Gon disturbed but also not willing to reveal the depth of his Master's weakness even to these people Moytak seemed to trust.

"Very well, sir," Mercer replied motioning to his assistant to place the cart just inside the door. "If you need anything else, please contact the desk and I will see to it personally."

Obi-Wan smiled warmly and nodded, "I will, thank you," before securing the door behind the two men. He could sense Qui-Gon was still asleep, so he placed their meal in the warming unit and very quietly unpacked both the supplies and their things. He had everything arranged in the wardrobe and refresher and was getting reading to stow their travel sacks when a flash of blue caught his eye. Reaching into the bottom of the bag, he pulled out the blue satin pouch containing the tiketis he had gifted Qui-Gon with earlier.. After tossing the bags into the bottom of the wardrobe, he transferred the stone into his palm and watched it begin to darken almost immediately.

Observing the radical change as he made his way back into the common room, Obi-Wan turned the tiketis over in his palm and opened himself to the eddies of the Force emanating from its center. As before he could feel the Force trying to tell him something but again its implications were vague and just out of reach. After checking through the bond to see that Qui-Gon was still sleeping, he decided to use this time to get a clearer impression of the Force's message and dropped to his knees. Behind closed lids, his mind flashed haphazardly through the events that had occurred since their arrival on Ambria with no apparent sense of chronology. His trip to the shop, the party at Minister Shaadir's, lunch with Moytak, the receptionist at the Parliament building, Qui-Gon collapsing in the street, the attack during their walk home from Minister Shaadir's, the medical center, Xiandoran, Arvid and almost everyone else they had come into contact with since arriving. He struggled to slow down the images and center within the Force and after a time the number of images had fallen to about ten that continued to replay before him in random order. Making a mental note of every angle of these ten images so that he and Qui-Gon could dissect them together later on, he rose from his mediation.

Obi-Wan replaced the tiketis in its pouch and placed it on the small table before heading to the communications terminal. After placing another quick call to Captain Embree to update him on the situation, he entered in the code for the Temple and had his call transferred directly to Master Jufa's office. He only had to wait a few moments for the Master Healer to answer.

"How is he?" Jufa said without preamble.

"He seems to be stable for the moment and is currently sleeping," Obi-Wan replied. "Did Healer Sarvai forward you all their reports?"

"For what they were worth," Master Jufa grumbled.

"Then you know that Qui-Gon insisted on being released from the medical facility," Obi-Wan explained.

"Not surprising, and honestly it doesn't sound like they were able to offer much in the way of treatment anyway," Jufa replied. "I had a sample of jeunsenotiaum sent over from the Coruscant medical center and I am doing some research on its properties."

"Do you think the drug has caused all the physical changes in Qui-Gon it's capable of?" Obi-Wan asked in concern.

"I'd like to hope that's the case but my instincts tells me that it's not," Jufa admitted. "There are reasons this drug is administered in minute quantities under very controlled conditions. I think our best bet is to concentrate on finding something to counteract and reverse the effects."

"And if you can't?" Obi-Wan queried meekly.

"It won't come to that," Master Jufa said with forced conviction. "For now, I want you to keep a close eye on Qui-Gon and notify me of any more changes. If things become too dire, I'll have you bring him back to Temple."

"You know that Qui-Gon will not voluntarily abandon the mission before he resolves the situation, Master Jufa," Obi-Wan affirmed.

"I'll get the Council to order his recall if I deem it necessary but that's a battle for a later time," the master healer declared. "Make sure Qui-Gon rests and contact me in the morning. Hopefully by then I'll have something more concrete to recommend."

"Thank you, Master Jufa. I'll be in touch," Obi-Wan assured as he broke the connection. He released his frustration and apprehension to the Force, knowing neither would help him to deal with the current situation.

Sensing that Qui-Gon was beginning to awaken from his assisted slumber, he took a moment to raise the temperature in the warming unit and start a pot of tea brewing with the new mix that had been delivered before heading back into the bedroom. Blue eyes opened slowly to look up at him with a mixture of love and annoyance, so he leaned forward and halted the upcoming scolding with a tender kiss. "Ready for late-meal, Master?" he asked as he pulled back.

A hand on his wrist kept him from rising completely. "Not so fast, Padawan.. You can't take it upon yourself to decide what's best for me. I know you're worried but using a sleep suggestion to get me to rest is overstepping your boundaries," Qui-Gon reprimanded.

"You fell asleep all on your own, my Master," Obi-Wan disagreed. "I only used the Force to deepen your sleep which may be outside my boundaries as your apprentice but is definitely fully justified as your lover. You were exhausted, Qui-Gon; you're still exhausted. Your body has been through an upheaval that may be far from over. You need to husband your strength to be ready for any additional problems this may cause."

Qui-Gon shifted into a sitting position and pulled Obi-Wan down beside him. "That may all be well and true but that still does not give you an entitlement to decide such things when I am fully capable of determining my own course," Qui-Gon admonished. "We are partners, Obi-Wan, both as Master and Padawan and as lovers. Decisions must be made together. I want your word that you will not take it upon yourself to do something like this again."

"But what if you're unconscious and not physically able to make such decisions?" Obi-Wan objected.

"In that situation, you would be released from your vow. Otherwise, I have your word on this?" Qui-Gon repeated.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied seriously, "as long as I have yours if the reverse situation ever presents itself." For a moment, he thought Qui-Gon would object but then his Master nodded in agreement. He rose from the bed, grabbed a pair of clean leggings from the wardrobe, tossed them at his Master and smiled weakly. "If that's settled, do you think we could eat now? It's been quite a while since mid-meal."

The routine of something ordinary like sharing a meal went a long way towards restoring some sense of normalcy for Obi-Wan. Although the conversation included recent events, it was held in an investigative tone and it was easier to ignore the fact that these episodes had affected them so intimately.. In spite of that, Obi-Wan found that during their dialog he couldn't resist studying Qui-Gon, looking for any little signs that the jeunsenotiaum was continuing to affect his Master's physical condition. When he had finished cleaning up from the meal, he mentioned the results of his earlier meditation, shared the images he had isolated and they reviewed them from every angle.

They had been engrossed in the process for over an hour and found they kept coming back to an image from seconds before Qui-Gon collapsed. Searching his own mind, Qui-Gon found the associated image in his memories and they studied that one as well. He was totally focused on the battle in front of him, deflecting blaster bolts as he tried to keep those behind him safe. His earlier feelings about the guards surrounding them came back with a vengeance and he struggled to make sense of it. "Obi-Wan, concentrate on your view of this moment," he instructed. "How many guards are part of the Prime Minister's entourage?"

Concentrating as ordered, Obi-Wan focused on the image in his mind's eye and allowed it to flow over their bond so that Qui-Gon could see it with him. He fought the urge to focus only on his master and drew the other people in the image to the forefront. He could see Minister Shaadir being directed into the building behind them by two of his personal guard. Three members of the local security force were spaced out around the area and Major Arvid was standing in the space directly behind Qui-Gon. Allowing the broader picture to fill his mind, he could almost feel his Master's total concentration on those attacking as he defended the group and knew that Qui-Gon would have dismissed Arvid as inconsequential at that moment in time.

Pulling out of the memory, Obi-Wan said, "Well, I'd say that gives us a good idea of the who. Now we just have to figure out the how."

Opening their bond to the fullest, Qui-Gon focused on his point of view of his movements at that point, replaying the sequence in his mind at the slowest possible speed. He felt himself take a step backwards for balance, superimposed the image from Obi-Wan's memory over his own and answered that question. "That movement backwards would have offered her the perfect opportunity to inject me with something. Her right hand is only centimeters from my right shoulder." He closed his eyes again for a moment, replayed the image again then added, "The only question would be her readiness. She would have only had a few seconds before I moved forward out of her reach."

"That reinforces our notion that Prime Minister Shaadir was not the target of the attack," Obi-Wan replied. "The whole thing was probably arranged as a diversion to allow her to get close enough to inject you without being seen."

"Nice to know that our skills at deductive reasoning are taking us down the same path," Qui-Gon declared. "Only one problem." When Obi-Wan looked up at him with raised eyebrows, he added, "Proving it."

Glancing up at the chrono, Obi-Wan stood up as he replied, "I think we should leave that task for tomorrow. It's after 2300, we're both exhausted and I want nothing more at this moment than to put everything out of my mind and fall asleep snuggled naked in your arms." He held out one hand and wiggled his ass. "Coming?"

Despite his exhaustion, Qui-Gon's began to harden at the inviting sight. "Best offer I've had all day," he teased as he rose to his feet.

"Better be the only offer you've had, old man," Obi-Wan retorted huskily. "My Jedi serenity only extends so far."

Not bothering with verbal assurances, Qui-Gon pulled Obi-Wan into his arms for a searing kiss while flooding their bond with all the love he felt for him. When he pulled back, he wrapped an arm around his bemused lover and directed him into the bedroom.

Nightly ablutions were completed quickly as each of them took a turn in the refresher and in a matter of minutes Obi-Wan was diving into Qui-Gon's outstretched arms. "Missed this," he whispered as he burrowed deeper into the strong embrace. The heat of skin on skin and the strength of Qui-Gon's arms around him comforted him in a way nothing else could and he let it wash over him, pushing all the trauma of the day into the deep recesses of his mind. He stayed like that for a few moments, then insinuated one leg between Qui-Gon's and began to rock his hips. He placed a hand behind Qui-Gon's neck and pulled him down until their lips met. He kept the kiss soft and gentle, savoring the taste and feel of his lover. After a few minutes, the lips against his went slack and he pulled back. "Qui-Gon?"

"Mmm?" came back sleepily as the breath puffing over his face slowed.

"Nothing. Love you," Obi-Wan said as he rested his head against a broad shoulder. His penis throbbed almost painfully and he knew that all it would take would be to wrap his hand around his lover's semi-erect shaft and he would awaken and resume. But Qui-Gon had to be completely exhausted to fall asleep like this so he nestled deeper into his lover's arms, ignored his own arousal and let the sound of that reassuring heartbeat lull him to sleep.

The feeling of pain flowing over their bond brought Obi-Wan awake with a start. He looked down at Qui-Gon in concern but his Master was still sleeping fitfully. The early morning light was beginning to filter into the room through the skylights and he studied the sleeping form carefully. Qui-Gon had always looked younger in sleep but now he looked substantially younger. All traces of gray had disappeared from both hair and beard and Obi-Wan was sure when those blue eyes opened, the laugh lines around them that gave his Master's face such character would have disappeared as well. He lifted the sheet carefully and looked under, scrutinizing the chest and abdomen. Although in great physical shape, Qui-Gon was in his mid-fifties and had developed a slight thickening around his midsection as a result. That seemed to have disappeared as well, leaving a washboard abdomen and triangle of dark brown curls leading to a substantial morning erection.

Obi-Wan carefully slid a little further down the bed so that his face was directly beside his lover's groin. Although Qui-Gon had never been lacking in that department even at the age of fifty-four, Obi-Wan knew that as human males aged, the girth and hardness of their erections tended to lessen somewhat. Looking down in amazement at the sight before him, his eyes were riveted to the larger than customary penis that had risen to greet him. But before he could decide what he wanted to do about it, the sheet covering his head was lifted.

"Unless I grew a second one during the night, I don't think there's anything down there you haven't seen before, love," Qui-Gon rumbled in a sleep roughened voice.

After dropping a tiny kiss on the head of the object in question, Obi-Wan slid back up and greeted his lover with a proper kiss. "Good morning, beloved," he whispered as he broke the kiss. "How are you feeling this morning?"

As if he knew that 'fine' would not be an acceptable answer, Qui-Gon took a moment to catalogue his physical state then explained. "Still feels like someone is running a low-grade electrical charge along my nerve endings but other than that I'm okay." He motioned down to the area again covered by the sheet and added, "What had you so mesmerized down there?"

"Besides the obvious?" Obi-Wan asked, in a poor attempt at levity. "If I had to give a guess, I would say that you've de-aged another fifteen years or so since we left the medical center. If the healers repeated the scans this morning, I would be surprised if the analysis placed you at any older than thirty."

Tossing back the sheet, Qui-Gon rose from the bed and headed over to the full-length mirror by the wardrobe. He studied his reflection carefully for few moments, looking intently at his face, his eyes, his hair and only shifting to look at the rest of his body when his inspection was complete. "Been a long time since my stomach muscles were this firm," he said absently. Gazing at Obi-Wan's reflection in the mirror, he smiled and added, "Well, at least there are some side benefits."

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around his lover's waist from behind and rested his head on his back, his earlier fascination with the changes all but forgotten with the reality of the situation. "If this continues you'll regress to a ten year old by this time tomorrow," Obi-Wan declared in horror.

After standing in silence for a moment as if deep in thought, Qui-Gon corrected that assessment. "Don't make the situation worse than it is. I regressed ten to twelve years in the first six hours and an additional twelve to fifteen years in the following twelve hours so that shows that the rate is slowing substantially. It could even be stopping."

"Even if it decreases by half during each twelve hour period, that would put you at twenty-four by tonight, twenty-one by this time tomorrow and nineteen by the following morning," Obi-Wan argued, not wanting to contemplate what would happen if a treatment hadn't been devised by then.

"We have to have faith that the healers will find a solution," Qui-Gon reassured, Obi-Wan's fears easily transmitting to him over their bond. "Our job is to find out who is behind the terrorist activity, including the attacks on us, and find out what they hope to accomplish by these actions." He turned in his lover's arms, pulled Obi-Wan firmly against him and placed a tender kiss on his lips. "But for now it's still early and if you have no objection, I would like to take advantage of the positive effects of my rejuvenation."

Obi-Wan could feel the weight of Qui-Gon's renewed arousal pressing into his stomach and even as his body was reacting automatically to the nearness of his lover, part of him worried what effect that type of physical activity would have on his master. Fingertips lifted his chin and intense blue eyes pierced his.

"It does no good to worry about things that you cannot change, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said gently. "All we ever really have is now, and to deny our love because of 'what-ifs' goes against everything we believe in."

Although he was still apprehensive, Obi-Wan buried his fears and, after a quick trip to the refresher for supplies, followed Qui-Gon back to the bed. Tossing the lube and towel on the night table, he climbed in beside his lover and dove in for a kiss. They kissed for quite some time, hungrily and greedily, taking turns exploring each other's mouths while their hands roamed over every bit of skin they could reach. Finally Obi-Wan pressed Qui-Gon onto his back and very slowly worked his way down the transformed body. He took his time exploring the taut nipples, the slightly firmer skin of neck and chest and the much firmer muscles of the solid abdomen with fingers, teeth, lips and tongue. Only when he had explored the area from the waist up to his satisfaction did he pull the sheet over his head and go lower. He nuzzled into the now all-dark curls surrounding Qui-Gon's leaking shaft and wrapped his hand around it before peeking out from beneath the sheet and looking hungrily at his lover. "Maybe it's a good thing we couldn't have met when you were younger. I might have had a serious inferiority complex."

Qui-Gon laughed, a pleasant, throaty sound that was seldom heard outside of his private moments with Obi-Wan, then countered, "As if you have anything to feel inferior about in that department."

Without deigning to reply, Obi-Wan returned his attention to the generous organ filling his hand. He leaned forward, running his tongue slowly along the length in thin stripes, savoring every moment of his intimate exploration. Only when he had licked every inch did he slip the head between his lips, licking the drops of essence that had pooled there. As he slid his lips down the thick column, he relished the way the larger shaft stretched his jaw and filled his mouth. For added stimulation, he enclosed the base in his fingers and stroked firmly as he began to suck. Qui-Gon's heavy moans filled the air around them, easily heard even through the bedding covering his head. He could feel Qui-Gon fighting to hold back, to keep from thrusting into his mouth and taking his pleasure. The thought aroused him immensely so he prodded mentally as he increased his suction, Let go, love. Take what you need.

"Yes," Qui-Gon cried out as he gave in and brought his hands down on either side of Obi-Wan's cloth covered head. His hips snapped forward almost without thought, pushing his cock deeper into his lover's mouth with each stroke.

Obi-Wan continued to pleasure his lover, using every trick he had ever learned to drive him quickly to the edge. Qui-Gon's moans got louder and more frequent and Obi-Wan knew his partner was close. He pressed his own arousal into the thigh beneath him, giving himself the contact he needed for completion as he sucked harder. As he heard Qui-Gon's cry and the tangy fluid bathed his mouth, the tiny part of his mind that could still process thought hoped that this rejuvenation also applied to Qui-Gon's recovery time.

Collapsing against the body beneath him, Obi-Wan caressed the softening penis with tiny licks until he managed enough energy to move. He tossed back the sheet that had been covering him, grabbed the towel to clean up the evidence of his pleasure coating his partner's leg then moved to lie in Qui-Gon's arms. In the aftermath of his fading pleasure, his earlier concerns rushed back through him like a tempest. He kissed the patch of skin under his lips then shifted so that he could look into Qui-Gon's eyes. "Master, promise me that you will notify the healers of any additional transformations you feel, no matter how minor?" A feeling skittered through him, brief and elusive, that they would find the key to all this in something so minor that it could easily be overlooked. "Oh, I spoke to Master Jufa while you were napping last night. Maybe you should contact him yourself this morning so he can get some information firsthand?"

"And how, pray tell, did Master Jufa get involved in all this?" Qui-Gon asked, in a tone heavily laced with annoyance.

"Healer Sarvai needed copies of your medical scans from the Temple so I contacted him," Obi-Wan explained, feeling absolutely no remorse. "He is very concerned about the effects of the jeunsenotiaum and is working on some research of his own while communicating with the medical facility here." He could almost sense the direction Qui-Gon's thoughts were taking by the look in his eyes so he continued, "Even though you will do everything in your power to keep from admitting it, your condition is serious and the more people we have working on a solution the better I will feel."

"Yes, Master," Qui-Gon quipped in a feeble attempt to lighten the mood. Obi-Wan's alarm and trepidation was coloring the Force around them and neither of them needed the additional stress. He kissed the pouting lips before him then slid his hand down between their bodies. "Let's worry about that later, okay? Now I would like to find out if this little mutation will be enough for me to match your boundless stamina." Without waiting for a reply, he flipped Obi-Wan onto his back and began an exploration as thorough as the one to which he had been subjected.

Biting his arm to muffle the screams of pleasure fighting to escape, Obi-Wan allowed Qui-Gon's ministrations to wipe all thought from his mind. Teeth, lips, tongue and fingertips nipped and caressed until he was squirming under the torturous attention. Wanting much more this time, he grabbed the lube from the table and pressed it into Qui-Gon's hand. "Enough already. If you're not inside me in the next five seconds, I'll ?" The sentence drifted off as his overloaded pleasure center made it impossible to come up with an adequate threat.

Using tendrils of the Force to keep his lover in place, Qui-Gon sucked hard on the flesh in his mouth before releasing it and retorting haughtily, "You don't appear to be in any position to make demands, my own." He traced the opening of his lover's body with one fingertip, pressing slightly harder with each pass as he returned his oral attentions to the hard shaft.

"Sith, damn you, Qui-Gon, just fuck me already," Obi-Wan growled as he pressed back onto the finger.

"Well, if you insist," Qui-Gon drawled as he released the tasty flesh and shifted to kneel between Obi-Wan's legs. Affected almost as much as his lover by the lengthy teasing, he quickly prepared both of them then slid his length slowly into the tight sheath of Obi-Wan's body.

Words ceased being necessary as they gave themselves over to the pleasure of this age-old dance. They fed their enjoyment to one another over their bond, the love, lust and desire caused by the delightful sensations seeming to multiply exponentially as they shared them. Qui-Gon quickly increased his pace, his rejuvenated body giving his movements a vitality he hadn't had in a long time. It felt so good to be joined together this way that they both shifted between wanting to drag it out as long as possible and wanting to just drive forward to completion. Obi-Wan's rumbling groans and pleas must have influenced Qui-Gon because he reached down and wrapped his hand around his lover's needy flesh and pounded into his body. Within seconds, they were both coming, crying out each other's names as their climaxes were ripped from their bodies.

Qui-Gon rolled off to the side as he slipped free of Obi-Wan, collapsing heavily against the mattress in his sated state. Obi-Wan grabbed the towel from the table and cleaned them both before rolling into Qui-Gon's arms and nestling as close as he could. It took only a moment before the two men were drifting off to sleep.

The sun was a little higher in the sky when Qui-Gon woke up again. He spent a few moments just taking in the sleeping form of his lover, basking in the beauty of the lithe body in his arms. A gentle smile quirking his lips, he rolled the younger man carefully out of his arms and rose from the bed. After a brief stop at the refresher, he pulled on a pair of leggings and he headed out to the small balcony off the common room. He took a few minutes just to breathe in the fresh Ambria air then settled on his knees in the classic meditation pose.

Qui-Gon used his enhanced connection to the Force to catalogue the condition of his body. What he had told Obi-Wan this morning was true, from a certain point of view. The de-aging process had slowed dramatically from its earlier rate but he was beginning to feel the toll this process was having on his internal systems. He was relieved that the process seemed to only be affecting his body and that his mental proficiency and abilities were still at the degree he had achieved during his fifty-four years of continual study. He used those years of intellectual discipline to study the internal changes within him. Most of his systems seemed to be no worse for wear. His muscles and bones appeared to be stronger, along with his respiratory system. The area of weakness he felt was in his circulatory system. His heart had been affected by the rapid transformation of his body and he could feel microscopic debilities in the muscle. His hormone system seemed to be a bit off as well, his hormonal levels in a state of flux he had not felt since he was a burgeoning adolescent. All this accompanied by the smarting along his nerves conveyed the fact that as much as he sought to reassure his apprentice, the possibilities he faced from this vindictive action were still very much in the realm of the unknown.

When he surfaced from his meditative self-examination, Qui-Gon noticed that Obi-Wan was still sleeping, so he decided to use the time to contact Master Jufa. It took only a few moments for his call to be routed to the master healer's office and, not bothering with pleasantries, he began to fill the healer in on his first hand impressions of the events of the past twenty hours.

As he rolled over, the feel of cold sheets instead of the warmth of his lover's body brought Obi-Wan awake in an instant. He tumbled out of bed, took a minute in the refresher, and headed towards the sound of his Master's voice in the common room.

The sound of Master Jufa's voice rang from the comm unit as Obi-Wan entered the room. "Head over to the medical center at some point today and have them redo those scans and a blood analysis and forward them to me. From what you have just told me, I'm concerned with the effect these changes are having on your heart and endocrine systems and I'd like to have the data to continue working on a treatment."

Qui-Gon looked up for a moment, smiled weakly at Obi-Wan, then replied to the healer, "I will do my best."

"You will do, Master Jinn, or you will find me arriving on your doorstep at the earliest possible moment, with a recall order from the Council relegating you off the mission roster and into my overbearing care," Master Jufa replied in a huff. "Don't make me come out there, old buddy."

"You've made your point, Meneit. I'll get them to you as soon as possible," Qui-Gon replied, breaking the connection to keep from being obliged to hear the other master's retort.

"That's one way to get the last word, Master," Obi-Wan said, his half smile doing nothing to hide the annoyance in his voice. When Qui-Gon looked up at him and smiled back without even bothering to reply, his tone darkened. "So are you planning to share Master Jufa's concerns with me or is last night's 'we're partners and we'll deal with everything together' now being overridden by the overprotective 'what you don't know can't hurt you' master theory?"

"It's not that big a deal, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon explained in the same dry tone he would have used discussing the weather. "While I was meditating this morning, I noticed some negligible imperfections in the consistency of my heart muscle and some fluctuations in my hormone levels so I followed your suggestion and contacted Master Jufa."

"No big deal. This is your heart we're talking about not a hangnail," Obi-Wan huffed. "I can't believe you're treating this so lightly." He saw Qui-Gon open his mouth to reply and added angrily, "And don't you dare lecture me on trusting in the Force. The Force helps those who help themselves. In this case, that means taking your illness seriously and working with the healers to find a treatment." He walked over, placed a hand on each side of Qui-Gon's face and stared into his eyes. "If you can't do it for yourself, do it for me."

Before he could even formulate a coherent response to his lover's plea, the comm unit chirped and Qui-Gon opened the audio-only connection, "Jinn."

"Good morning, Master Qui-Gon," Moytak's voice rumbled through the speaker. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Holding my own," the older Jedi replied. "I'll be heading over to the medical center shortly so that they can reevaluate me before continuing our investigation."

"I'll let Father know," Moytak replied. "Could Obi-Wan meet me at my office while you're at the medical facility? My friends and I found some interesting things during our leisurely stroll last night."

Leaning over his Master's shoulder, Obi-Wan answered his friend. "I'll be there later this morning."

"Until then, Obi-Wan," Moytak replied as he ended the call.

"I'll order first-meal for us. Any preferences?" Obi-Wan asked blandly as he stepped back, obviously using the opportunity to move away from their earlier emotional conversation.

Reaching out to wrap his hand around Obi-Wan's wrist to stop his padawan's withdrawal, Qui-Gon sought to both comfort and explain. "I am not disregarding the seriousness of the situation, Padawan, but I also see no point in spending endless hours brooding over the possibilities." He pulled the younger man forward until he was standing between his legs. "I promise I will continue to categorize the changes, relay the information to the healers and undergo whatever tests they feel are necessary if you will promise me something also." When Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, he continued, "Promise me you will not allow your fear and apprehension to sway your decisions. Finding those responsible for the terrorism must be our first priority, Obi-Wan. Do not let your concern for my well being distract you from our main goal.."

"I will do my best," Obi-Wan agreed, mimicking Qui-Gon's earlier phrase. "Maybe Moytak and his friends found something that will allow us to get to the bottom of this today. Now, about first-meal?"

"Surprise me," Qui-Gon said, allowing the sardonic reply to pass unchallenged, much to Obi-Wan's relief. He got up from the comm unit and walked into the bedroom, pulling out a clean uniform and heading into the shower as Obi-Wan entered in the comm code for restaurant.

Obi-Wan was just returning to the bedroom when Qui-Gon came out of the refresher, toweling his hair dry. "First-meal should be here shortly," Obi-Wan said. "I'm going to shower and get dressed if you wouldn't mind being available for the food delivery."

Qui-Gon nodded his agreement and Obi-Wan disappeared into the refresher, knowing Qui-Gon would dress, place their check-in call to Captain Embree and then go into the kitchen to make tea.

By the time Obi-Wan dressed and joined Qui-Gon in the kitchen, their meal had been delivered, the tea had finished brewing and Qui-Gon was setting the food out at the table. Like dinner, breakfast passed in conversation about the terrorist attacks and the theories they had worked out the night before. They speculated on ways to get the proof they needed and by the time they had finished their meal, they had each put together a list of things to research.

Obi-Wan escorted Qui-Gon back to the medical center then continued on to Moytak's office. The receptionist must have been told he was expected because as soon as he crossed the lobby, an aide was at his side to escort him to the minority senator's office. A cup of moachi caf was placed in front of him as he sat down then the aide immediately disappeared from the room.

"How is Master Qui-Gon?" Moytak asked as soon as the door closed.

"Not as good as he's pretending to be but not as bad as he could be," Obi-Wan replied.

"Try that again in basic?" Moytak chuckled.

"I expect the scans he's now undergoing will ascertain his age at about thirty years standard but the aging process seems to have slowed substantially," Obi-Wan explained. "One of the master healers back at the Temple is also doing research on a treatment so hopefully something will be found soon."

"It will be," Moytak said reassuringly. "I strolled through the area of the attack last night with the friends I told you about," he said as he delved into the reason for Obi-Wan's visit. "We spent about an hour, inspecting the area with as much detail as we could without drawing too much attention to ourselves and hadn't come up with anything. We were almost ready to quit when we found it - a medication cylinder that had been kicked into the grating of a storm drain." Hope sprang into Obi-Wan's eyes as Moytak quickly added, "This could be a major clue or it could be nothing at all. My friends are doing some tests on the cylinder, looking for traces of what it contained and, if the gods are with us, maybe a fingerprint or two. I will contact you with the results as soon as I have them."

The sense of foreboding Obi-Wan had felt since they were assigned this mission washed through him again. "Are you certain you can trust these friends of yours?" he asked, knowing Moytak wouldn't take offense.

"I have known them all since we were in primary school," Moytak admitted. "They were part of my resistance group during the war and I would trust them with the lives of my family."

"Good enough. I have some other things I would like to check into," Obi-Wan explained. "Is there a computer terminal I could use again?"

Moytak picked up a chair and plopped it behind his desk beside the seat he had risen from. "Right here. I've cleared my schedule for the day so that I can help you in whatever way possible. With luck, this will be a case where two heads are better then one."

Without delay Obi-Wan moved into the chair that Moytak had vacated and they began their research. The list he and Qui-Gon had compiled had given them a place to start and he and Moytak placed their initial focus on Major Arvid. Using Moytak's clearance along with many techniques that he had learned over the years, Obi-Wan delved into the security force leader's background. Details of her recent years were pretty bland but as they moved back into the pre-war years it became much more interesting. Arvid had been a Captain in the Oliani army, leading a unit of military police searching out those believed to be aiding and abetting the enemy. She had been involved in a large number of arrests and she and her team had even provided evidence that had resulted in a number of wartime executions. Most of those she had arrested had been brought to trial but they found two cases where the paper trail had suddenly ended only days after the original arrest.

Focusing on the first of these cases, Obi-Wan and Moytak researched the individuals involved. The Cerenti perpetrator had been pretty run of the mill, an intelligence officer who appeared to be looking for an edge for his faction. Nothing unexpected there. But the Oliani collaborator was a schoolteacher, a woman who appeared to be as far away from the war as humanly possible. That in itself seemed odd and as they continued to delve into the background of the two individuals, they found some very interesting facts. The woman was a distant relative of Minister Xiandoran and the Cerenti officer was Farl Corgan, the same man now being held in the Aka'lat detention center. Finally they had a connection, something to link the Defense Minister to these attacks.

They researched both of these individuals as thoroughly as possible, Obi-Wan making detailed notes in his datapad to review with his master. When they had done all they could on the first case, they moved on to the second. This one was not as clear cut. Again the Cerenti perpetrator, Tonak Lani, was a military officer, this time in the military police. Sani Amil, the Oliani collaborator, was a medical technician with no apparent interest in war or politics and they could find no obvious connection between the woman and either Xiandoran or Arvid. Lani was the gunman who had attacked he and Qui-Gon on their way home from Minister Shaadir's. That gave them a slight connection but with the man dead, investigation would be difficult. Still, Obi-Wan loaded all he could find about both parties into his datapad so that he could look into it further.

He had just finished when his commlink chirped. "Kenobi," he answered absently.

"Padawan, I just finished at the medical facility and I'm in a ground transport, heading over to talk with Minister Shaadir," Qui-Gon's voice echoed over the speaker. "How is your research going?"

"Moytak and I have found some very interesting tidbits of information," Obi-Wan explained. "Maybe I should come over to meet you?"

"You won't be allowed past the lobby," Qui-Gon reminded.

Obi-Wan glanced at Moytak. "Any suggestions?"

Moytak leaned closer so that his voice would be heard over the commlink. "Master Qui-Gon, tell my father I'll book a private dining room at 'Lontaign's' for 1300 hours. The owner of the restaurant is an old friend of the family and it's a non-segregated facility."

"I'll relay the message. See you at 1300," Qui-Gon agreed as he broke the connection.

Moytak's brow crinkled in confusion and he turned to Obi-Wan. "Why didn't you ask about his tests?"

"Because I promised him I'd put our duty to the mission before my concern for him," Obi-Wan said hesitantly.

"I don't know if I could do it," Moytak admitted.

"You don't know how badly I want to just maneuver him right back into our transport and set a course back to Coruscant at top speed," Obi-Wan confessed. "But that isn't who we are or what we do. 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' I was reciting that koan years before I truly understood what it meant. This isn't the first time that we have had to apply that mantra to our personal well being, although I admit it's been one of the most difficult." The words came out of him in a rush and Obi-Wan was a little surprised that he was pouring out his fears. But he and Moytak had been friends for years and, although they communicated with each other only rarely, the incidents they had shared during the civil war had cemented their trust and friendship completely. "Not knowing what to expect is the worse part. We have both suffered from more than our share of serious wounds and injuries but in those cases it was just a matter of staying alive until we could get medical care. This, in its own way, is so much harder."

"I know from when you were here during the war that you are sometimes able to see events in the future," Moytak said softly. "Have you tried to see if you can get an inkling of how this will turn out?"

"No, but don't think I haven't thought about it," Obi-Wan admitted. "And it's not as easy as all that. The future is always in motion, or so Master Yoda says constantly. While the Force may allow us to see glimpses of what may happen, usually it's a hazy picture at best." He took a deep breath and added, "Plus, it flows across the lines of being careful what you wish for. I don't know if I could go on if the Force showed me that the worst would happen." Obi-Wan got up from his chair, moved over to the window and looked down at the people walking through the courtyard below. "As Qui-Gon much more eloquently reminded me this morning, brooding on the 'what ifs' serves no purpose. We need to find out who is behind all this and what they hope to gain and hopefully the other answers we need will be revealed as well."

As Obi-Wan continued to stare blankly out the window, he heard Moytak make their reservation for lunch then make a few other calls but he wasn't really paying attention to the dialogue. Suddenly the word "senotia" echoing through the desk speaker brought his full attention back to Moytak.

"That's a big help, Jared, and let me know as soon as you get something definite on those fingerprints," Moytak replied. "And remember - this must be kept quiet. If I'm not here, just tell Caelyn you need to talk to me and she will track me down. I don't want any written messages that could arouse suspicion."

"That sounds promising," Obi-Wan said as his friend ended the call.

"Yes, they found traces of senotia derivatives along with a number of other compounds in the vial," Moytak explained. "They are continuing to analyze the substance and will do some more research. My guess is that they'll find that jeunsenotiaum has a very short shelf life and breaks down rapidly into its base elements." He closed down all the programs they had accessed, changed both his security passwords just for good measure and set the computer terminal on stand-by. "Gather our research, Obi-Wan. We have just enough time for a side trip to visit Mirith's husband, Feo, before we meet father and Master Qui-Gon for mid-meal. He's a healer but spends most of his time doing research looking for better treatments for various diseases. I would like to ask him to use his contacts to find out what he can about the jeunsenotiaum and add it to the list of items he is working on if possible. I know we can trust him and it can't hurt to have more people working on a treatment."

It was only a matter of moments before they were off. Moytak knew that even if they were observed no one would question a drop-in visit to his brother-in-law as he did that fairly regularly. There was always ground transportation on standby for the senate representatives so it was easy to get a driver to take them. Moytak dismissed the driver when they arrived at the research center as Lontaign's was only about 2 blocks away. People paid very little attention to Moytak and Obi-Wan as they strode through the facility to Feo's office. Medical facilities were exempt from age segregation and most people were too engrossed in their daily responsibilities to attach any importance to a frequent visitor.

Moytak knocked on the door and poked his head in, not surprised to see his brother-in-law dwarfed by the piles of transparisheets on his desk. "Is it safe to come in?" he asked with a smile.

"Moytak, to what do I owe the honor?" Feo asked in a teasing tone.

"Hey, it's not that seldom that I come visiting," Moytak grumbled in reply as he entered the room. After a moment Obi-Wan entered as well, closing the door securely behind him.

"No, but your timing and your companion tell me that this isn't a casual visit," Feo replied as he rose from him seat. He stepped forward and extended his hand to the young Jedi as he greeted him. "And you must be the famous Obi-Wan Kenobi. It's an honor and a pleasure to finally meet the man I've heard so many things about."

"Don't believe everything you hear, Healer Yagil," Obi-Wan replied with a half-smile, using the name that was engraved on the door plaque. He shook the offered hand firmly and added, "I'm honored to meet you as well. Anyone who could tame the lovely Mirith is someone I definitely want to get to know."

"Please call me Feo as you're almost family," Feo responded. "And you are overestimating my abilities, Jedi Kenobi. I don't think the man exists who could tame my firebrand, Mirith."

"Obi-Wan, please, as you said we're almost family," Obi-Wan replied as he stepped back.

"Now sit and tell me what brings you to my door," Feo said as he pointed to the sitting area at the other side of the room. "Moytak, can I assume this has something to do with the attack on your father and the injury to Master Jinn that your mother told Mirith about last night?"

"I knew there was a reason I encouraged my sister to marry you," Moytak quipped before his expression turned serious. "The bottom line is - during the attack Master Qui-Gon was injected with a massive dose of jeunsenotiaum. He suffered from seizures in the minutes immediately afterwards and then the age reversal started. He has regressed about twenty-five years in the past twenty-four hours."

"Seems a strange substance to use as a weapon," Feo stated. "But be that as it may, jeunsenotiaum is meant to be administered in minute quantities because of the transformations it causes. The human body is not made to withstand the type of upheaval that larger doses would cause. What other symptoms is he exhibiting?"

"He told me it feels like there's a low level electrical charge flowing along his nerves," Obi-Wan explained, the alarm Feo's blunt statement caused evident in his expression. "Also, when he was meditating this morning, he said he thought his hormones were out of balance and could sense minor irregularities in his heart muscle."

"I've never worked with the substance myself but I read a few papers about its early development while I was still at University," Feo said. "I also know a Cerenti woman who works for the research facility that developed it. I'll get in contact with her immediately. She wasn't involved with the project but may be able to find something that can help."

"Thanks, Feo, I knew we could count on you," Moytak said. "Try to keep this quiet. We are trying to downplay the seriousness of Master Qui-Gon's situation until we can find out who's behind it."

"Of course, Brother," Feo replied. "Can't marry into a political family without learning something about doublespeak."

"I'll be waiting to hear from you," Moytak said as he rose from his seat. "Now, off to meet Father and Master Qui-Gon."

Obi-Wan rose as well but stopped to write something on a dataslate on Feo's desk. "Here is the name and comm code of a Temple Healer who is also looking into the situation," he said handing the slate to the man. "I would be most grateful if you could forward any relevant findings to him."

"I'll contact him as soon as I know anything," Feo agreed. "Say hello to Father for me, Moytak, and tell Master Jinn that I look forward to meeting him."

"I will," Moytak replied as he and Obi-Wan moved through the door.

On to part two...