Real Life: Take Four

by Ewankenobi (

Archive: MA . . . Any one else just let me know.

Rating: PG

Pairing: Q/O

Category: A/U, POV, Drama

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Feedback: Welcomed. Encouraged. Craved.

Summary: Yet another voice added.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns Star Wars. I own my laptop.

Notes: This is just getting fun! One more short ficlet after this one, then they get longer.

Private Communique:

TO: Xanatos D'Crion
FROM: Jedi Temple, Couruscant

The party you have been most curious about is on his way to Bandomeer, alone. Per his request.

I am given to understand his relationship is on very shakey ground. You did predict it, old friend.

Hopefully, you can achieve your goal.

I grow tired of Qui-Gon's blindness.

When you give the word, I will leave this failing, decrepit joke of an Order. As you are very aware, the only reason I have remained is to see my Obi settled and happy. He won't be that here.

You know I think of you as a son. My Obi has been the only bright spot since you left this place. Even his so-called mate doesn't know of all the times he has sought my council. I have told you of his preoccupation with you. I have encouraged and subtly helped it along.

Good Luck Son,


He's coming. It's time.

Qui-Gon has finally pushed him away. What a colosal fool!

I have watched this gorgeous creature grow-up. He should have been so confident. Qui-Gon ruined that for him. The insufferable, egotistical bastard!

I am not even sure Qui-Gon realises how great a Jedi Obi is.

Obi-Wan and I have "run into" each other quite a few times on these solo missions he pulls. First, he was distrustful. Then more and more often, we talked. I know he hasn't told Qui-Gon about this.

He should be here soon.

If he doesn't stay, it will hurt. I will just try harder.

He is mine. I love him.