
by SlashyDrgn ( or

Rating: G

Warning(s): none

Type and Pairing(s):

Spoilers: not a one

Category: POV, Pre-Slash

Summery/Notes: Obi-Wan reflects on what he's seen.

Disclaimer: By Lucas they are owned, by me they are borrowed (and more fun they have)

Archive: Yes to M_A, OKEB, and The Nesting Place

Feedback: would be appreciated

Notes: Just a bit of something that came late at night again. Thanks to my Beta's Chris, Angel and Holly. Thanks also to TC for helping with that writer's block.

The room was dark, except for a small candle in the far right corner that allowed a soft illumination. In the center of the room was a simple rag rug, placed over wood worn smooth with age. A motionless figure knelt on the rug near the doorway, and in front of a large picture window which presented him with one of the best views on the planet. Had he been looking he would see a lake that was a clear blue and reflected the sky perfectly as if it were a mirror. The lights from the city playing along the edges of the lake allowed for it to look as if there were two skies separated only by a string of brightly-lit jewels. It was an image that could bring peace to any mind and soul especially this night with the stars and three small moons of the planet in full glory allowing a soft light to bathe everything. Yet it seemed to be lost on the man in the room.

Eyes, usually as clear and blue as the lake, were nearly sightless as he looked within himself. His mind was a turbulent mass of memories and images. One recurring theme of course was that of family. He'd never been part of one - not in the traditional sense. Never had he been a part of what he'd seen these last few days, and a sadness had struck him as he realized that he never would be. Never before had he regretted this decision. Now, he felt regret. . .not regret but of wistfulness.

He had been left on this planet while his Master went on a solo mission to one nearby. The two sides not trusting one Jedi, let alone two, and had insisted that Qui-Gon Jinn come alone. Obi-Wan had been left here to wait for his Master's return. The youth hadn't minded this fact, the city being beautiful and his hosts delightful. The Padawan's thoughts turned to the couple he was staying with. He'd often been with couples and families that shared a closeness, but he'd never before had been able to study it and envy it.

The couple he was staying with amazed the apprentice. The young woman easily befriended the Jedi, taking him in as she would if he were her long lost son, even if she was just a few years older than he was. She was always making sure that Obi-Wan was settled and ate enough. Elizin would also make sure that he was left in peace when she knew he would be meditating. For conversation the woman was sharp and easily kept the younger man thinking in light hearted debates, and of course filled him in on any harmless gossip that was about.

Her husband Charric was just as accommodating. He also was not opposed to having the Padawan help with the chores once he realized that his guest was sincere. Charric was like his wife in his ease of conversation, at least in the aspects of his business and the political atmosphere of the peaceful planet. A bit quieter and shy when it came to his personal life. He seemed content enough to let his wife speak of that. It was clear he often agreed with her and would easily add his own points when he felt it was important.

It was when husband and wife were together that Obi-Wan truly envied the pair. As he'd learned, each partner was their own unique and good person on their own, but together - they became better. There was an ease in the way the two worked with and around each other. Obi-Wan had spent the day watching them under the guise of meditating near them. They had been a pleasure to watch, much like two Jedi Masters performing an intricate sword dance. Yet the truly amazing thing to the apprentice knight was that the pair were completely unawares that they did it.

The couple easily swung into a rhythm together as they went about their daily routine, never interfering with each other as they worked. Often one would be reaching for something, and the other would easily already be getting it for the other and handing it off. It was also as if they were finishing each other's sentences and thoughts. Elizin would be saying one thing only to stop to fix something, and Charric would easily pick up the conversation. The Jedi had been amused the first time that happened and then intrigued as it continued. He was used to seeing something similar between Master and apprentice pairs and the Masters at the temple. Still, to watch these two it was something more a warmth . . .

It was love he'd realized as he'd watched the day go by and Obi-Wan was fascinated by it, fascinated and a bit envious. The young man was now settled in the room the couple had given him, and he was meditating. He was awaiting his Master. Qui-Gon was due back early in the coming morning, and they would be leaving soon after. The communiqué had come in before he'd retired for the night. His initial attempt at sleep had been rough and uneasy as he went over the days in his stay here. Soon the restlessness had driven the young man out of his bed, as he moved to meditate on the floor. The youth spent a late night and part of a day on that rug, until he came to a sudden realization.

Qui-Gon loved him.

It had come as a shock to the young man as he began to run over the last year in particular. All of the times he and Qui-Gon had been working on exercises together, the way the older man was able to read the moves of his Padawan, to work in the younger man's space. It surprised Obi-Wan as he realized that he was able to do the same with his Master, that they too were able to seemingly read each other's thoughts, to finish the other's sentences. The fact they did this wasn't what shocked him. Obi-Wan knew they shared a bond, different from the couple he was staying with. Afterall he and Qui-Gon were Master and apprentice.

The shock came as he thought back to the other things. Little things much the same he had seen throughout the day between Elizin and Charric. The tiny things they did for each other, the simple caresses that transmitted the love they had for each other without being obvious. The ones no one would notice unless on the receiving end or looking for them. He'd been missing these things from his Master. Qui-Gon had been silently telling him the same things Elizin and Charric told each other. From the light caresses when just a word would have been sufficient, to the times when he had not truly listened to his Master's voice.

Obi-Wan had always known his Master loved him, and he could not remember a time any longer when he didn't love Qui-Gon. When the young man looked inside himself, he found one of the reasons he'd been envious of the couple. He'd never expected to have the same type of relationship. He'd always believed in the idea that he would be somewhat of a hermit in the life that he had chosen. Subconsciously he'd discouraged himself from ever thinking that he would ever have such a relationship. He'd never given thought - at least consciously- to having that bond, let alone with his Master. But when he'd allowed himself to contemplate it, he couldn't think of anyone he'd rather share that type of relationship with.

How many times over the year had he dismissed the quiet touches, the brief unguarded looks? The way his Master was always there ready for him should he be needed, the same way he was always ready to be there for Qui-Gon. He finally saw that the older man was just waiting for him to accept or decline, but willing to wait until Obi-Wan was ready to notice and to let him know. There was no hint of pushing, and Obi-Wan knew in his heart that Qui-Gon would accept either decision, sure to rejoice in the positive, and willing to accept the negative. There was no doubt in the Padawan's heart or mind of what the answer would now be. The young man wiped a tear that had slipped from his eye as he came to his conclusions. He had all that he was truly looking for after all, if he was ready to take it. He looked out the window again, and saw that dawn had come. The apprentice rotated his head and began to unfold himself from his position. Qui-Gon would be here soon, and he wanted to be ready.

A soft knock on the door came even as Obi-Wan was moving to stand. The young Jedi knowing immediately who it was. "Yes Master?" he answered, his voice calm as he waited a moment, turning to face his Master as he entered the room.

Qui-Gon opened the door. The older man's face was soft and unguarded for a just a moment and Obi-Wan basked in the quiet knowledge that he was correct in his thoughts. An almost puzzled look came across the Jedi Master's face as he asked, "Are you ready Padawan? It's-"

"It's time to go," he finished for the older man as he stood and took his pack from beside the bed, his tone finally returning all of the love and warmth he'd misinterpreted from his Master over the past months or had written off as something else. As he turned to face his Master again, his own face allowed the older man a brief glimpse of his own feelings. Obi-Wan planed to talk with his Master later in the day, and tell him of his revelations. "Yes Master, I'm ready."