Re-Entry: Diverging Paths IV

by Flamethrower (

Archive: MA and my site, the Flamethrower's Archive. Linking to it is fine.

Category: Qui/Obi, AU, Slash!, Drama, Mild Angst, Intrigue

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Bunnies are good eatin'!

Spoilers: Nope. ...okay, okay. If you haven't seen the prequels... you're weird. You will also be confused. And all things considered, go watch the original trilogy as well.

Summary: A lot can change in four years... even darkness.

Series order so far is:

Waking Dream


Bits and Pieces - Will be revamped eventually.

Diverging Paths

Diverging Paths II

Diverging Paths III

Diverging Paths IV <--You are here.


Attainment II

Feedback: *bats eyelashes* Pretty please?

Thanks: To Lori, who loves to read my half-finished works and point out where I've done really stupid things. Appreciate it, hon. :) Thanks also to amireal, who can read pRon with a technical eye, and who has gotten really good at writing it herself... *twitch*

Disclaimer: "Rob? That's a naughty word, we never rob! We just... sort of borrow."

"Borrow? Boy, are we in debt!"

Qui-Gon Jinn entered the small cabin that he, Anakin, and Obi-Wan had been forced to share on the overloaded Nubian vessel. Obi-Wan lay curled up on the bunk, facing the door, still asleep. Qui-Gon hated to wake him, but they were almost out of time. He knelt down next to the bed. "Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan's hand flashed out, grasping Qui-Gon's wrist and pressing very gently into a nerve cluster in a move that was nearly too fast to track. Qui-Gon resisted the urge to pull away. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked as mildly as he could.

Gray-green eyes cracked open, and Obi-Wan looked up at Qui-Gon with a tiny smile. "Yes."

Qui-Gon winced slightly, feeling his nerves start to protest the applied pressure. "You've proven your point, I think. Would you mind stopping now?"

Instantly the pressure was gone, though Obi-Wan's hand remained around Qui-Gon's wrist long enough to leave behind the pins-and-needles sensation of Force healing. Obi-Wan sat up, brushing his hair out of his eyes and looking around alertly. "Where are we?"

"In orbit around Coruscant, waiting for clearance to land." Qui-Gon rubbed his wrist absently. "I take it you've finally lost patience with being ordered to sleep?" To make sure that Obi-Wan had a chance to fully recover from the spice, he had put him into a Force suggested sleep, renewing the command several times over the last three days before Obi-Wan woke up enough to protest.

"Gods, yes," Obi-Wan retorted, swinging his legs over the side of the bunk. "I can't believe you put me under for the entire trip." Then he smiled at Qui-Gon ruefully. "But thank you. I have to admit, it's a relief to finally be well-rested."

"You're welcome," he said simply. "I did manage to get your clothes aired out, so that neither of us will reek while meeting the Chancellor on the landing platform." It would have been nice to have clean clothing, something that neither of them had spent a over a week living in, but their belongings had been stowed on the Radiant VII. One could only hope that the crew had shipped their bags back to the Temple.

Obi-Wan nodded, narrowing his eyes. "You said we were in a holding pattern. How much time do we have?"

Qui-Gon checked his internal sense of time. "From what Ric said, probably two hours. Why?" Ric, with Anakin's help, had managed to get them a slot into Coruscant's traffic patters several hours ahead of schedule, but unless you were a diplomatic courier, direct access to Coruscant was impossible. The two of them were in the cockpit together even now, comparing features about the ships in orbit around them.

"Damn," Obi-Wan breathed, standing up and practically launching himself at his clothing. "Why didn't you... never mind. You didn't know. I didn't mention it."

Qui-Gon watched, amused and enjoying the show of watching Obi-Wan Kenobi force himself quickly into clothing that was designed to be donned slowly. "What's wrong?" he asked. Despite the nature of Jedi garb, Obi-Wan was still managing to get dressed faster than Qui-Gon would have thought possible.

"There's something that's been on my mind, and this is the only opportunity I've had to look for it." He wrapped his obi around his body, tossing his belt over his shoulder. "I'll be in the observation lounge. I need to be alone for this, or I don't think it's going to work." He tossed a harried glance over his shoulder. "And yes, I'll tell you what I'm talking about. Later, when time isn't such a concern."

Qui-Gon watched him go, and his eyes fell on Obi-Wan's boots, abandoned in his haste. Laughing to himself, he picked them up and tucked them under one arm. He had no idea what his partner was up to, but it gave him time to finish his written report to the Council. They were going to have an apoplectic fit as soon as he mentioned the word Sith, anyway.

Obi-Wan settled, cross-legged, on the floor. The recovery time that Qui-Gon had granted him was going to be unexpectedly beneficial -- he could not be more rested for what he was about to try to do.

He watched the traffic float silently past the large transparasteel window, letting the darkness of the room and the moving patters lull him. His breath steadied from his short sprint through the Nubian ship's corridors, and softened, until his chest barely moved. He was trancing steadily down, steadily inward, reaching farther into himself than he did for regular meditations. This was going to require the connection to the Force that he had once worked so hard to build, and just as carefully had hidden away in the last four years. There were too many Jedi who had been bothered by the intensity of his presence in the Force -- some had even been blinded by it. For their sake, and for his own privacy, hiding had become necessary.

Now he opened himself to the Force completely, and gasped softly as the warmth of it filled him, heightening his awareness in a way that was exhilarating and nearly frightening. He had missed this so. In his other life, there had been no reason to put this aside, and every reason to keep doing it. Here... Obi-Wan sighed, almost melancholy for the desert.

He opened his eyes again, but this time he did not see the ship before him, or the ships outside the observation port. He saw the stars, but not in the same way he saw them normally. The points of light were now all different sizes, different colors. He saw the life force of every being that he was surrounded by, dancing around him as they reacted to the Force in whatever they were doing. He could feel Qui-Gon wrestling to write a mission report, use the word Sith, and not feel like the world had turned upside down.

He could even feel the love the other had for him, burning brightly in the Force. For a moment he paused, basking in it. Obi-Wan suspected strongly that Qui-Gon had nearly acted on it several times, only to be interrupted. I should have done this a long time ago, he thought wistfully. All the confirmation he would ever need about his place in Qui-Gon Jinn's heart was rather obvious from this point of view.

You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view, he thought, remembering the sudden understanding in Luke's eyes as he had tried to tell the young Jedi why he had acted as he did. I have forgotten my own lesson, he thought, being completely honest with himself. He had trapped himself in one point of view, because it was easier.

That time was over.

Breaking away from his musings, putting them aside to deal with another time, he turned his attention to Coruscant. It was the brightest of all -- there were so many living beings on the planet that they all tended to jumble together. If he wanted to, he could focus, and the mass of blinding, swirling chaotic light would separate itself into the separate points that represented each individual.

Unnoticed by Obi-Wan, the deck plates -- tile in this room, an expense not used in the rest of the ship -- began to lift free of their foundation. They floated gently around the room in a pattern that flowed from one point to the next, never meeting, always changing.

Obi-Wan drew back from the planet, centering on himself again, and slowly began to build a shield. Strand by strand, he laid the lines of the Force, making sure that there was nothing that could influence him but the Force itself. He came to the bonds he had with Qui-Gon and Anakin, hesitating. I'm sorry, he sent to both of them, startling them both out of the tasks they were doing. It's only for a short time.

Then he shielded himself from the bonds as well, trying not to wince at the shock and confusion he could feel before their influence was lost. Now he could hear nothing but the Force, and it was angry -- closing off the bonds, even only for a moment, was against its will. It poked at him, trying to determine what could have possessed him to do such a thing.

No harm, no harm, he whispered back, touching and being touched by the currents around him. I needed to be able to see. Show me what you see. Let me see.

The Force answered in kind, and Obi-Wan gritted his teeth as it felt like a shroud he hadn't known existed was ripped from his mind.

"I didn't think you were going to make it," Qui-Gon said softly, handing Obi-Wan his boots. Anakin smiled as he watched his Master lean against the wall, tugging them on without thought for who might think it undignified.

"For a moment, neither did I," Obi-Wan replied, taking Anakin's hand with one of his own before grasping Qui-Gon's hand as well. Qui-Gon was surprised -- while their touching had become more common of late, it had never been around others.

Then he felt it, and wondered how he possibly could have missed it. Obi-Wan was angry, almost seething, though his eyes and face betrayed nothing. Anakin stopped smiling, looking up at him in concern. What is it, Master? he asked, voicing the question that Qui-Gon did not.

I'm sorry, Padawan. I'm just angry at myself right now, he said, squeezing the boy's hand reassuringly. And I thought if anyone could take my mind off of it, it would be the two people I care about most.

Qui-Gon breathed a sigh of relief as he felt Obi-Wan finally open the bond back up. It had been odd, not being able to feel his partner's mind, but he and Anakin had taken temporary solace in each other.

The anger was still a presence in his bond with Obi-Wan, but the other man was effectively putting it aside for now. Obi-Wan's mind was unusually chaotic, though, swirling with half-formed thoughts and notions, and almost all of them were meaningless. Can you sense what I'm doing with my thoughts? Obi-Wan asked, even has he greeted Queen Amidala -- still played by Sabé -- and her handmaidens.

Yes, Qui-Gon replied, seeing Anakin nod as well. That's a great mess.

I want you both to do the same. Obi-Wan nodded seriously to Panaka, who had managed to stuff enough weaponry into his and the handmaiden's clothing that they could fight a small war, if they wished to.

Panaka nodded back, just as seriously. They might not ever be friends, but after Qui-Gon had given the man an abridged version of the events on Tatooine, they had certainly earned his respect.

Anakin was already trying to do as Obi-Wan asked, sensing the urgency in Obi-Wan's request. Qui-Gon, more slowly, began to do the same. He had been keeping his mind well-ordered for so long that succumbing to Obi-Wan's request was going to give him one hell of a headache. Why are we doing this?

Obi-Wan glanced up at him. Because shielding all three of us would be more obvious.

How long? Qui-Gon asked, sensing that he was running out of time.

Until we're back inside the Temple.

Any questions that remark prompted, Qui-Gon had to put aside. The ship had landed. Somehow they all instinctively understood the order in which they were to descend. The rescued Naboo crew disembarked first, taking up guard positions on one side of the craft, and Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Anakin followed, in order of their given rank, to take up position on the other side of the craft. There was no danger here -- not when it was the Chancellor and the Senatorial Guard waiting for them -- but after Tatooine, they were taking no chances.

First Senator Palpatine, and then Chancellor Valorum stepped forward, greeting Queen Amidala and her retinue. She accepted their messages with a nod, a very faint smile of greeting on her face. Sabé truly was an excellent decoy for Padmé -- under the ceremonial makeup, the only way to tell them apart was by their aura in the Force. Padmé herself was listening carefully, filing away Valorum's tension with a flick of her eye. She knew instantly that something was wrong, but played her part as handmaiden without a hint of emotion on her face.

Senator Palpatine gave the Queen a warm, welcoming smile, and directed her towards the speeder they had waiting, already beginning to speak of ways to present the matter of the invasion to the Senate. Qui-Gon knew that Padmé had asked Sabé to make sure they made their way to the Senate as soon as possible. The faster she asked for their help, the faster she could get the Trade Federation off of her planet. It was their cue to step forward, all three Jedi greeting Chancellor Valorum with formal bows.

"I'm glad to see you're all right," Valorum said, gripping Qui-Gon's hand firmly in his own. "When the crew of the Radiant VII reported in and said what had happened to you, I feared the worst."

"We're resourceful, Chancellor, you know that," Obi-Wan said, giving the man a vaguely impish grin as he gripped Valorum's hand. "I'm afraid I must leave you here -- my Padawan and I are to accompany the Queen to the Senatorial complex."

"That's news to me," Qui-Gon said, raising one eyebrow. He could tell by Anakin's expression that it was a surprise to him, as well.

"I know," Obi-Wan said. "I promised you an explanation, Qui-Gon. I swear you will get it. For now..." he shrugged. "Call us an extra protection detail."

Finis shook his head. "Whatever is going on, be careful, Obi-Wan. And you too, Padawan Skywalker," he added, reaching down to shake hands with Anakin solemnly. Anakin gazed back at him just as solemnly, then grinned and bowed with a flourish. The boy had been nervous around the Chancellor until he had gotten the chance to speak to the man beneath the title. Now they were quickly becoming friends, when away from prying eyes.

Qui-Gon watched Obi-Wan and Anakin go, uneasy and not sure of the source. Shaking his head, knowing that Obi-Wan would keep his word, he turned back to Valorum. Quickly, he informed the elder man of all that had occurred since they shipped out from Coruscant a week ago.

Valorum sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well, my friend, my migraine certainly just increased in size. You've been out of the loop for long enough that you don't know what's happened."

"You're right, I don't," Qui-Gon said, following Valorum as he began to walk the edge of the landing platform. "What is it? Senate meetings will give anyone fits, my friend, but you look unwell."

"Charges were filed against me by the Committee. Oh, they're baseless, just like everything else that's floating around," Valorum said, waving off Qui-Gon's shocked protest. "But I think this may be it. I have to admit, I'm relieved. I was never cut out for this sort of thing, anyway."

Qui-Gon shook his head decisively. "Finis, you not being a politician is exactly why you're perfect for this role. You won't play their games. This will pass, just as everything else has; the media just wants a scapegoat."

Finis nodded. "I know that you're right. Well, except me being good at this sort of thing." He smiled. "However, I think this scapegoat has already been marked. I'm only waiting, now for the vote to be called."

Qui-Gon stared at the man who he had worked for, not only willingly but happily, for the last six years. Finis was currently the only official in the Senate that he would even consider trusting, but there were a few junior senators now in house who were angry with the way their government was being demolished, and showed quite a bit of promise. But their time had not yet come, and they were going to need a leader who would be able to work with them. He didn't think anyone else was up to the job of uniting the Senate but the man before him. He turned the problem over in his mind, the glimmer of an idea beginning to form. "Then maybe we should give them a new scapegoat."

Valorum turned, the wind catching his robes of office, and regarded Qui-Gon with something like hope in his eyes. "Oh? What do you have in mind, Master Jedi?"

Qui-Gon pitched his voice low. "Schedule a press conference, for as soon as you can get it. It must be before the Queen of Naboo makes her appearance before the Senate. Tell them everything that I have told you regarding the embargo -- use mine and Obi-Wan's names if you must. The droid army placing the people of Naboo into those damned concentration camps will certainly catch the media's attention. You will not only give Amidala more power to sway the Senate with, but you will build your own strength. They've been complaining for far too long about how the Chancellor of the Republic is ineffective. Show them that they're wrong. Tell them you have already pledged her to do all in your power to help her."

"Qui-Gon, you and I both know that I no longer have any power," Valorum protested.

"Yes. But they don't."

Finis stared out into the skies of Coruscant, mulling it over. "It's a start, at least," he murmured. "Qui-Gon, why couldn't I have you as my political advisor instead of those dunderheads currently sitting in my office?"

Qui-Gon grinned tightly. "Because I hate politics, would go insane, and burn down the Senate after one too many questions about what I had for lunch two cycles ago."

Finis barked out a laugh, as if surprised that he still could laugh. "You're right, of course. I'm glad you're my friend, though I have to admit I'm confused. Normally you claim neutrality when it comes to giving me political advice. What has changed?"

He stared back at the elder man. "A lot," he said finally. "And not all of it good. I must go, Finis. There are things I must share with the Council, as well."

The ride to the Senate in two separate speeders meant that Obi-Wan and Anakin eventually got lost in the shuffle. It took at least an hour to navigate the lower floors of the building, because already Senators and their aides, junior Senators and their aides, sycophants and maintenance -- all of them were flocking into the great room that housed the governing body. Leaving Anakin to look for reports of the Naboo invasion, Obi-Wan finally found Padmé, in full regal dress, standing alone in one of the observation rooms. He wasn't sure where she had found the time to switch places with Sabé, but her grooming was impeccable.

"What are you going to do?" he asked her softly.

She seemed unsurprised to see him, offering him a smile that the ceremonial paint nearly hid. Queen Amidala sat down gracefully on a bench, robes fanning out perfectly. Obi-Wan sat down beside her at her invitation, slouching in sharp contrast to the young woman's perfect posture. "Chancellor Valorum has called for an emergency meeting of the Senate, to begin in one hour's time," she said, resting her hands in her lap. "I will plead my case before the Senate and hope for results."

"Hope for results?" Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "You seem less confident in their involvement than before."

Her lips curved in a frown, almost lost in the ceremonial makeup. "I have been told that the Senate may be less inclined to aid us than I was led to believe." She turned to Obi-Wan. "Tell me, Master Jedi: what do you think will occur?"

He tilted his head back, contemplating her question. "Well... I'll be honest, Your Highness. Chancellor Valorum has done all he can at this point, at least through the public venues."

She frowned. "There have been charges filed against him by the Appropriations Committee. Senator Palpatine says that they limit his power, even during a session of the Senate."

Obi-Wan sighed. He had known this would happen, but it was still damned inconvenient. "The accusations leveled against him are baseless -- both Master Jinn and I know him personally, and you can take the words of two Jedi for the fact that there is not a corrupt bone in the man's body."

She smiled faintly. "As I have the feeling that you both have quite the disdain for politicians, that is a serious compliment."

He nodded. "And well deserved. But until those issues are resolved, you are going to have to rely on other venues."

Her face fell, a little bit. "I have been informed of that, yes. And the Senate?"

"Will immediately protest your accusation. The Trade Federation representatives will huff and puff, a committee will be appointed, and it will be months before anything comes of it. And you know what becomes of petitions sent to the courts."

She sighed, the tassels of her headpiece jingling slightly as she shook her head. "Senator Palpatine feels that the election of a new Chancellor would sway events in my favor. What do you think, Knight Kenobi?"

For Obi-Wan, it was a new piece of the puzzle falling into place. Could this be the start of the entire mess? Swaying a young ruler into calling for Valorum's dismissal? "I think that Senator Palpatine is being overly optimistic," he said carefully.

"How so?"

He leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees. "Even if Chancellor Valorum were unseated today, elections would still take several days to complete. And Palpatine has no way of knowing who will replace him." Well, he does, but I'm not supposed to know that, he thought sourly. "Then this new Chancellor would have to contend with the same problem as before, and your petition will still likely be sent to the courts. And, the new Chancellor would have to work for the backing of the Senate majority, backing that Valorum already has." He hesitated; what he told her next was less true than it could have been, in another life, but still held sway. "The Trade Federation has a very strong presence in the Senate, your Highness, with a very large amount of supporters. Those supporters would stand to lose a great deal of money if something happened to the Federation, and will work fiercely to make sure that does not happen. Without proof of a very specific nature, there is little that anyone can do politically."

"Proof," she replied, bitterness in her voice. "The word of the Queen of Naboo will not be good enough for the Senate. Not even the word of two Jedi, speaking of the atrocities facing my people, would sway the Senate in this if they choose to be blind."

"No," he replied regretfully. "It would not sway them."

"Then maybe it is time that someone tried something new," Amidala said firmly. She stood, face settling into a serene mask worthy of any Jedi. "I must still try. If I fail..." Her eyes hardened with resolve. "I will solve this conflict in any way necessary."

Obi-Wan stood also, bowing to her. He knew well the strength of Padmé Amidala's convictions. "Send word to the Council, or to myself, when a decision has been made. We will help you if we can."

"I will." She turned away from him, meaning to go, and then paused. "Obi-Wan... thank you."

He bowed low to her. "Padmé, you are quite welcome."

Anakin met him outside in the hallway, shifting nervously back and forth as he waited for his Master. Padawans weren't supposed to fidget, but Obi-wan decided to allow him the display of nerves this time. He felt like fidgeting, himself. "What is it?"

Anakin saw him and grinned broadly. "I think Master Qui-Gon had a brainstorm when we left, Master. I've been watching the news reports for the day. About a half-hour ago, the Chancellor called for a press conference. He told them all about the Trade Federation, and what was really happening on Naboo. Master, they're eating it up! Look at this!" He pulled out a mini-holoprojector, activating it and slowly flipping through the news feeds. The invasion of Naboo was all anyone could talk about.

Obi-Wan stared at it in astonishment. "You're not kidding," he said. "Is there anything about the Senate hearing?"

"Yeah. Emergency meeting or not, everyone knows all about it now. They're trying to guess what the Queen is going to say to them. Already they're talking about how the Senate is supposed to protect the planets under its juris... jurisdiction, and if they don't move to end the embargo, it's going to look bad." Anakin shut down the holoprojector, staring up at his master. "Do you think it'll do any good?"

Obi-Wan shook his head slowly. "I don't know, Padawan. It's certainly going to rile them up. Valorum couldn't have timed that better."

"Good," Anakin said, frowning. "They're mean to him. It's about time he got to step on their toes."

Obi-Wan hid a grin. "That's not a nice way to put it, but I agree with you. Come on. We've got to get back to the Temple -- the Council is making your other Master want to tear his hair out."

Qui-Gon gave his partner and Padawan a distracted mental greeting as both Obi-Wan and Anakin entered the Council chamber, let in by one of the guards who watched over the doors when a closed session was warranted. They certainly seemed to feel it was warranted in this case.

"The Sith have been extinct for a millennium," Ki Adi Mundi was saying, shaking his head in disbelief.

Mace steepled his fingers, leaning back in his chair confidently. "I do not believe the Sith could return without us knowing."

Beside him, he heard Obi-Wan sigh. "Do you want to refute what was seen because it was Qui-Gon who told you, or do you just not want to believe it?" he asked them bluntly.

Yoda's ears rose at that. "Believe Master Qui-Gon's words, I do, Obi-Wan. But sensed this, we have not."

Obi-Wan nodded in acknowledgment, clasping his hands together -- to disguise the fact that they were shaking, Qui-Gon observed silently. Obi-Wan glanced up at Qui-Gon, then back down at Anakin. "I'm sorry," he whispered under his breath. "But I'm going to have to do it again."

"Do what -- oh," Anakin said, feeling the bond he had with his Master suddenly disappear. Qui-Gon barely noticed the bond fade, caught up as he was in what he could sense Obi-Wan doing. The Force was moving and changing around his partner...

...and then, Obi-Wan wasn't there anymore.

"Force!" Mace exclaimed, nearly launching himself out of his chair. "Kenobi, what the hell did you just do?" There were similar exclamations from around the room, but it was Yoda who Qui-Gon focused on.

He had not moved, but Qui-Gon read it in his eyes. The tiny Master was horrified. It was an emotion that he had never seen on the ancient Master's face before.

Obi-Wan unclasped his hands, curling them into fists. "Feel this, you cannot," he said, in quiet mimicry of Yoda. "Can you?" he said challengingly, his chin thrust forward in one of the most stubborn poses Qui-Gon had ever seem him make. "If you can find me in the Force, then I will concede Master Yoda's point."

Qui-Gon stared at him, and his mind, trained since birth in the creche to see with the Force, could barely comprehend it. He knew that Obi-Wan stood there -- he had only to reach out and touch the sleeve of his tunic to know that -- but his mind was in denial. His Force sense was telling him, firmly and resolutely, that there was no one at his side. It was enough to make him break out in a cold sweat. "Please stop," he whispered. "I find that I cannot bear it."

"You've made your point, Obi-Wan," Depa said, her dark skin pale, her eyes shocked. "I think you can stop now."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes, breathing out slowly, and the shielding slowly faded away. The currents of the Force returned to normal, or at least as normal as they were of late. Then he met the eyes of every member of the Council in turn, speaking in a strong, clear voice. "Once, I witnessed a talented young Jedi speak to a seemingly superior foe. He said to him, imprisoned as he was: ‘Your overconfidence is your weakness.' " Obi-Wan brushed at his forehead, wiping away the sweat that had suddenly appeared -- only then did Qui-Gon realize what kind of effort Obi-Wan had made to hide himself so completely. "Please don't let it be yours."

Mace stared hard at Obi-Wan. "Who won?"

Obi-Wan's lip twitched. "I suppose you could argue semantics about what happened, but it was the young Jedi who walked away alive."

For Mace, that seemed to settle the issue, and he leaned back in his chair consideringly. Qui-Gon finally realized why Obi-Wan had tucked himself away for the last two hours of flight. "You were doing something similar to this on the ship."

"I think I was trying to find out if I could still do it," Obi-Wan said wryly.

Master Yoda was holding his gimer stick tightly to his chest, but he seemed to have recovered from Obi-Wan's display. Qui-Gon envied him. "So," the ancient Master said finally. "A Sith it was. Another, there will be. Demonstrated, young Obi-Wan has, that possible, anything is." Yoda's ears dipped at that, very much announcing his displeasure with the way Obi-Wan had chosen to make his point.

Adi rested her hands on her knees, leaning forward. A Corellian always did love a challenge, Qui-Gon thought fondly. "Obi-Wan, can you tell us anything about the Sith that you and Qui-Gon fought on Tatooine?"

"You mean the one we ran away from?" Obi-Wan asked her, not in the least bit ashamed to admit it. "His name was -- is -- Darth Maul. He's a Zabrack -- sorry, Master Koth," Obi-Wan said apologetically. Eeth shrugged -- his people were not known to be warlike, but there were certainly exceptions, present company included.

"He's almost powerful enough to qualify as a Sith Lord in his own right, but he's not. He's the Apprentice. I'm afraid I can't tell you much more than that. I know very little about him."

"Why is that?" Eeth asked curiously.

"Because I sliced the son of a bitch in half," Obi-Wan replied starkly, his eyes shining with sudden anger. "I wasn't in the mood to ply him with a lot of questions."

Eeth leaned back at that, surprised. "When? I thought that the three of you left him behind on Tatooine?"

"Not... then. I..." Obi-Wan stopped speaking, rubbing his forehead as if in pain. "Six days from now. If things continue the way that they have been, at least."

The Jedi Council members exchanged worried glances. "Six days from now, in this other time..." Saesee Tiin looked at Obi-Wan consideringly. "You would still have been wearing your braid, I think."

Qui-Gon abruptly noticed that Anakin had stepped up between them, and was holding both his and Obi-Wan's hands in his own. He squeezed that small hand gently, receiving another squeeze in return. Anakin looked up at him with thoughtful, worried eyes, and Qui-Gon sympathized completely with the boy. He knew exactly how Anakin felt.

"And had it cut after, would be my guess, if you defeated a Sith," Depa said, smiling warmly. "I could see that as something that Qui-Gon would have boasted about for years."

Qui-Gon could have happily throttled the woman, Mace's old Padawan or not, as he watched all of the color drain from Obi-Wan's face. "Yes," his partner said softly. "I suppose he might have."

It didn't take more than a moment for Obi-Wan's meaning to become clear, and Qui-Gon found himself the center of attention. "I already knew," he rumbled quietly. "You told me," he explained, when Obi-Wan glanced at him in confusion. "Spice."

"I... oh, damn," Obi-Wan swore, crossing his arms and staring down at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he said, ignoring the Council's stares. "Believe me, I have no intention of dying, Sith or no bloody Sith."

"You'd better not," Anakin muttered under his breath. "Or I'm going to kick your ass." Qui-Gon grinned and squeezed Anakin's hand again, letting him know that he had been heard.

He reached over with his free hand, touching Obi-Wan's face. His partner slowly lifted his head, and Qui-Gon stared into eyes that were full of memory, and the memories were all painful. Suddenly there were so many questions he wished to ask, but not here, in front of staring eyes. But there was one thing that he would do. He moved his hand further back, placing his fingers along the back of Obi-Wan's neck before pulling him just close enough to plant a soft kiss on his partner's forehead. "I am not going anywhere," he whispered. "Do not forget that."

Obi-Wan's eyes seemed brighter. "If you think I had any intention of letting you, you're out of your mind," he whispered back.

"If you two are quite finished," Mace drawled, catching their attention again. "We still need to decide what we're going to do about our new friend, Darth Maul."

"That, and unless I miss my guess, this is exactly what you once warned us about four years ago," Adi said, propping her chin on her hand. "You once gave us a promise."

Obi-Wan faced them thoughtfully. "To the first, everything currently resides in Queen Amidala's decision. The Sith was sent to ensure that she signs the treaty. We were his target on Tatooine because we stood between him and his goal. If the Nemoidian blockade is successful, we all know what would result."

"Bloody chaos, that's what," Ki Adi Mundi spoke, pulling on his new beard thoughtfully. "And there aren't enough of us to go around, if we were needed to fight a trade war."

"And to the second?" Yoda asked, tilting his head consideringly. "Tell us, you will not?"

"Tell you, I cannot. Not yet," Obi-Wan said, looking at Yoda sadly. "You and I both know that there is one more player."

Yoda nodded slowly, looking at them with knowing eyes. "The Sith Lord. Know who he is, you do. And tell us, you will not."

Obi-Wan half-smiled. "No, Master. Not yet."

"When will that be?" Saesee asked, narrowing his eyes in annoyance. "You're asking us to take a lot of things on faith, Knight Kenobi."

"Hells, Saesee. Force knows it's worked for the Jedi so far," Mace said curtly. "Why should we stop now?"

Qui-Gon glanced down at his partner, who didn't seem bothered by Master Tiin's words. "I have a feeling that when I know, so will you all."

"Great." Mace rubbed his face with his hands before sitting up to address them formally. "Master Jinn, Knight Kenobi, and Padawan Skywalker, leave us now. There is much the Council needs to discuss." In a softer voice, he said, "If you're right, we have time until Queen Amidala makes a decision regarding her planet's future. Get some rest while you can."

Despite the Council's advice, Qui-Gon found himself roaming the Temple instead, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan to return their own rooms, with Obi-Wan muttering about a direly needed shower.

He entered one of the training rooms, running into several Jedi who he had seen around the Temple often but never officially worked with. They asked him to join them in a multiple-sparring session, and he gladly accepted.

The other three Jedi were thoroughly trounced by Qui-Gon, but it didn't bother them in the slightest - laughing it off, they asked for another round. Qui-Gon willingly gave it to them, and the four Jedi spent several hours chasing each other around the room, enjoying themselves immensely. Once again, Qui-Gon found himself gaining ground, winning against each of them. His skills with a lightsaber were far beyond anything he had ever dreamed, and the realization brought him pleasure, if not pride.

"I give up, I give up," his last opponent laughed, shutting down her lightsaber when Qui-Gon cornered her with his blade hovering near her throat. Qui-Gon finally managed to place her as Luminara Unduli, one of the newest Masters in the Order. "Force, Qui-Gon Jinn, you're good. Now all I have to do is spar with that beautiful mate of yours, and I can say I've been beaten by two of the best."

Mates? "Oh... we're not— " he began, only to have the other woman laugh.

"Well, so much for subtle fishing," she said, shutting down her lightsaber. "I guess the betting pool is still open."

Kit Fisto placed his lightsaber back on his belt, breathing heavily. "At the rate you're going, no one is ever going to win."

Qui-Gon looked around at them all, one eyebrow raised, trying his best to look formidable. "So everyone really does know, don't they?"

"Yes, and if you don't go ravish him, I'm considering it," Luminara grinned, not fooled for a moment. "Why in all the worlds haven't you done anything yet?"

"Because I keep getting bloody interrupted," Qui-Gon said without thinking, and then groaned when three Jedi cheered him. "Great. You're all going to up the betting now."

"Can't," the third Jedi said -- and it was driving Qui-Gon insane that he couldn't remember the man's name -- "Rules were set at the beginning that whatever bet you placed couldn't be changed. Though I lost a long time ago -- had it pegged about a year and a half ago."

Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master, felt his mouth hang open. "A year and a... how long, exactly, has this been going on?"

Luminara took his arm, smiling. "Since your ex-Padawan turned Coruscant legal, Master Jinn." She paused, sniffing the air. "Oh, my. You need a shower. In fact, I'd say it's long overdue. What did you do, run down here right after the Council was finished with you?" At Qui-Gon's bemused nod, she snorted. "Right. Well, I'll be your escort this evening, Master Jinn," she said, neatly pulling him along with her in the direction of the training salle's communal showers. She gave him a gentle shove. "Go shower, and don't come out of there until you're clean."

Qui-Gon, fighting a grin, saluted her with his extinguished lightsaber, which made Kit and the other man -- Jax, Jax Taun, he finally remembered -- laugh. Then he ducked into the bathing area, which was empty this time of evening. The others, after teasing him mercilessly, were giving him his privacy, and would probably return to their own quarters to shower.

So why don't I do the same? he wondered, shucking his tunics and placing them on a bench. Resting his lightsaber on top of the pile of clothing, he sat down on the bench to undo his boots.

Because I'm going to die in six days, he thought idly.

In an instant, all of the air was gone from his lungs, and the world was swimming before his eyes. Leaning over, he shut his eyes, forcing himself to breathe. The thought was one that he had been trying to avoid all evening, apparently without even realizing what he was doing. But once he was alone, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He even had a fairly good idea of the means, given how Obi-Wan had said of how he dealt with Darth Maul.

Immediately he made short work of stripping, stepping into the shower and turning on the water full blast, letting the force of it pound against his body. Slowly he began to calm himself from a fear he had not even known existed. When his hands stopped shaking, he found a bit of soap that someone had forgotten and used it until there wasn't any left. It stripped a week's worth of travel grime from his skin and hair, and he wished he could strip the knowledge that Obi-Wan had given him just as easily from his mind.


The soft word penetrated the sound of running water, and Qui-Gon turned his head to find Obi-Wan a few feet away, staring at him worriedly. "What are you doing here?" he asked, wincing at how harsh he sounded.

"I heard you." Obi-Wan glanced away, averting his eyes. "I wanted to see if... if you were all right. I'm sorry if I startled you -- I'll leave you your privacy."

"No -- don't," Qui-Gon found himself saying. He took a moment to notice what his partner was wearing - a simple green shirt that hung loosely on his frame was contrasted by a pair of soft black pants. His feet were bare. Apparently he'd left his rooms in a hurry. "You forgot your boots again," he said finally.

Obi-Wan's eyebrows raised in surprise, and he glanced down at his feet. "Yes... I guess I did," he said, flexing his feet on the tile. He took a step forward, staring at Qui-Gon, a mixture of concern and... something else in his eyes. "Are you sure you're all right?"

It was the something else that had caught Qui-Gon's attention, and he latched onto it like it was a lifeline. "I think I'm going to be," he whispered, reaching out with one hand, catching the front of Obi-Wan's shirt and drawing him closer.

Obi-Wan looked a bit bemused. "I'm going to get wet."

"Mm hmm," Qui-Gon said, just before drawing him into a fierce kiss.

He felt Obi-Wan's surprise stutter through the bond, and then he was seized by strong arms, and Obi-Wan responded to the kiss with just as much fire as Qui-Gon offered.

Warm hands dove into Qui-Gon's wet hair, pulling his head down, pulling him closer. He stumbled back with Obi-Wan practically trying to climb inside his skin, falling against the shower wall. Every nerve in his body was on fire, unquenched by the water that was now pouring down on them both.

"Oh gods," he rasped, pulling himself away long enough to breathe, tearing at Obi-Wan's wet shirt before biting down gently on the delicate skin of the other man's neck. Obi-Wan gasped sharply, turning into a moan when Qui-Gon continued to nibble his way down to one pale shoulder.

Then he was pinned against the cool tile, with Obi-Wan standing on tiptoe to kiss him, and Qui-Gon jerked in surprise and lust when his bottom lip was nibbled on before an agile tongue pushed its way inside his mouth. He wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller man, lifting him off of his feet as Obi-Wan tried to devour him.

Obi-Wan pushed away and dropped to the ground, pulling his wet shirt over his head and flinging it away. He stared up at Qui-Gon with his gray-green eyes dark with lust, and for a long moment Qui-Gon simply stared back. Obi-Wan's shoulder-length hair was plastered against his face and neck, and there were red marks along his neck where Qui-Gon had bitten him.

He had never thought Obi-Wan more beautiful than in that moment.

They fell against each other again, sliding to the floor together, both of them driven on by the feel of wet skin and warmth. Then Obi-Wan crawled into his lap, straddling him, and Qui-Gon closed his eyes, completely lost. He was dimly aware that he had grasped Obi-Wan tightly around the waist and was thrusting against him, Obi-Wan making incoherent noises as he wrapped his hands in Qui-Gon's long wet hair and pulled him in for another searing kiss.

He opened the pair-bond between them completely, flooding it with all of the sensations that were overwhelming him, even as he desperately sought release. Obi-Wan shouted something unintelligible, pushed over the edge from Qui-Gon's desire combining with his own, and he stiffened in Qui-Gon's arms. Warmth touched him, along with the almost pain of orgasm, and Qui-Gon moaned, thrusting only twice more before the world went white.

He opened his eyes when the water hitting his legs began to turn cold, and he shut off the tap with a thought. The thought that he had actually just lost consciousness from sex occurred to him, but he was still too bewildered to care.

Obi-Wan was still pressed firmly against him, breathing softly. Qui-Gon pushed a strand of Obi-Wan's soaked hair away from his eyes, sending a gentle query along the pair-bond.

Obi-Wan's eyes flickered open, their color a deep, shining green, and Qui-Gon found himself holding his breath. He hadn't known he was going to do anything, but now he had done that and more, and if Obi-Wan regretted it...

"Shhh," Obi-Wan said, moving just enough to kiss him softly. "I love you, you idiot."

He felt a huge smile spreading across his face, even as his heart swelled in his chest. "This idiot loves you, too."

Obi-Wan grinned at him, reflecting the joy Qui-Gon could feel from him through the bond. "I've just been waiting for you to be able to tell me," he said, wet strands of red hair sliding across Qui-Gon's face as Obi-Wan kissed him again, gently and thoroughly. "Though... really. Your timing is odd. I've imagined loving you in a lot of places, Qui-Gon Jinn, but the communal showers is certainly not one of them."

He laughed suddenly, delightedly. "At least no one was here."

"Bah," Obi-Wan said, snuggling against him. "That's not going to matter. This spot is going to reek of Force-enhanced sex for months. We're never going to hear the end of it."

He felt the possessiveness that was coming through the bond and grinned. "And you wouldn't have it any other way."

"You're fucking right, I wouldn't," Obi-Wan said immediately, his arms tightening around Qui-Gon. "You are mine, mine, mine."

Qui-Gon sighed, relishing the feel of the other man against him. "You sound so certain."

Obi-Wan pushed away from him, his hands resting on Qui-Gon's shoulders as he looked down into Qui-Gon's eyes, pale and serious. "I have waited two lifetimes for you, Qui," he whispered. "Never have I been more certain about anything."

Qui-Gon stared up at him, awed and honored. "Well, then," he said, swallowing heavily. There was something about staring up at a wet, half-naked Obi-Wan... "Why don't we go do this again in a real bed? Preferably mine?"

Obi-Wan answered him with another kiss, his hair falling forward to brush Qui-Gon's face. "That sounds like the best idea I've ever heard."

They stood up slowly, helping each other when they shook from overexertion. Qui-Gon glanced at his clothing and wanted to slap himself. "Damn. I forgot that I don't have anything clean stashed nearby."

"Wear them anyway," Obi-Wan said, looking at him with smoldering eyes. "You're going to need another shower when I get through with you."

Qui-Gon nodded dazedly as his cock practically leapt at the thought.

They walked back to Qui-Gon's quarters together, himself clean but for his clothing, and Obi-Wan leaving wet footprints as he walked, soaked as he was from head to toe. Those they passed regarded them with curiosity, especially the wet Knight. If they had walked by anyone who was more familiar with them, the Temple would have known in short order that the betting pool was officially closed.

Qui-Gon couldn't get the door shut behind them quickly enough. Obi-Wan practically pounced on him from behind, both of them trying to remove Qui-Gon's toxic uniform as quickly as possible. Somewhere in the midst of it he was kissing Obi-Wan again, and he felt Obi-Wan smile against his mouth. "This isn't working," he said. "You take off your clothes, and I'll take off mine."

"Good idea," Qui-Gon whispered into the other's mouth, pressing another kiss against soft lips. He complied quickly, watching in amusement as Obi-Wan cursed while trying to get his pants off. He hadn't noticed that they were leather until the top of his head had blown off in the showers, and now he picked them up when Obi-Wan finally managed to cast them to the floor. "I like them," he said defensively, hanging them to dry on an empty robe hook while Obi-Wan looked on, amused.

He stepped forward then, soaking in the sight of Obi-Wan's glistening body in the light that was reflected from the balcony window. Qui-Gon ran his hands down Obi-Wan's arms, the skin cool and wet under his touch. Obi-Wan shuddered beneath him. "Qui... I have waited for a moment like this for forty years. If you make me wait any longer, I'm going to go insane."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, the truth and the emotion behind that statement serving to undo him utterly. He took two steps and their arms were wrapped around each other without Qui-Gon remembering how they'd gotten that way. He lowered his head, instinctively meeting lips that were as soft as he had once wondered, warm and pliant against his own. They molded their bodies against each other, both of them demanding contact after years of never really touching at all.

Qui-Gon felt his knees try to buckle when Obi-Wan returned the caress with his own tongue, and his lips parted in combined reaction and bliss. Two hands plunged into his hair then, and Obi-Wan pressed their lips together, tongue darting into Qui-Gon's mouth. He moaned in response, pressing Obi-Wan firmly against his groin as that tongue explored the recesses of his mouth.

Qui-Gon took control of the kiss, his tongue seeking to map Obi-Wan's mouth thoroughly as the younger man shivered in reaction. He forced himself to break away, realizing they were both breathing harshly.

Any lingering doubts Qui-Gon might have had about Obi-Wan not wanting this to happen vanished as the man grabbed his hand and fairly dragged him across the living area and into Qui-Gon's bedroom.

"You are life to me," Qui-Gon whispered heatedly, not knowing what prompted the thought but sharing it nonetheless. Once more he drew Obi-Wan close, tracing the outline of his jaw, letting his fingers drift down Obi-Wan's neck to explore his bare chest. Obi-Wan heaved a sigh, head lolling back in pleasure from the simple touch. Qui-Gon smiled at the sight, touching his lips to Obi-Wan's ear and breathing softly. Obi-Wan quavered in response, and he flicked out his tongue to taste ear and neck, even as his hands continued exploring.

Obi-Wan fairly vibrated against him, and then it was Qui-Gon's turn to close his eyes in bliss as Obi-Wan bit down firmly on his shoulder, hard, and then gently soothed the pain with a breath of cool air that sent heat all through his body. "Qui," the other breathed his name against him.

"Obi-Wan," he whispered against the soft skin of Obi-Wan's throat, teasing him with lips, tongue, and teeth, smiling when he was rewarded with a strangled gasp of pleasure. Pleased, he dipped his hands to caress nipples already hard with desire.

Obi-Wan arched against him, murmuring words in several different languages, most of them unrecognizable. Qui-Gon dipped his head, laving a sensitive nipple and grinning with delight when Obi-Wan's litany became a shout.

Then Obi-Wan grabbed him with both arms, pulling them forward until they fell together onto Qui-Gon's bed. He melded their lips together again, fiercely enough for teeth to clash. Qui-Gon tasted blood even as he gasped, the intensity of Obi-Wan's nails skimming his back making him shake with need. "Wait...wait," he begged. "If you keep doing that, I'm not going to last."

Obi-Wan grinned up at him. "What did you have in mind?"

"When did you know?" he asked softly, bending his head to nip at Obi-Wan's throat again.

"You want to talk about that now? "

"I can't think of a more appropriate time," Qui-Gon rumbled, continuing to nibble, delighting in the short pants of breath it caused.

"When did I know that I loved you?" Obi-Wan wiggled a bit, edging out of Qui-Gon's reach just enough for their eyes to meet. "You want to know exactly when, I take it."

"I'm inquisitive," Qui-Gon murmured, taking advantage of their positions to kiss his lover. "You should know that by now."

"Uhm... yes," Obi-Wan's words faltered as Qui-Gon began to drift his hands downward, making the muscles in his stomach jump in response. "It was just after Taro Tre."

"Was it?" he asked, ghosting his hands back up and over Obi-Wan's chest before brushing a nipple again. Obi-Wan twitched, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smile. "Since the Force made you live it twice, I suppose my next question must be: which time?"

"The first time. I remember waking up in the Ward... and the first thing I saw was you. I knew I must have been there for days, though my sense of time was well and truly gone and I wasn't sure how long at first. But you had been there waiting for me the entire time. Your hair was tangled, your face was... gaunt. You were most definitely not taking care of yourself. You looked terrible." Obi-Wan smiled, remembering. "You were so afraid for me, and the relief in your eyes when I spoke to you... I just knew. Right then, I knew." Obi-Wan grinned, and then gasped as the other nipple was given the same treatment as the first. "And gave quite the inner wail of despair."

"Despair? Did it pain you so much, to find yourself in love with a man so much older than you?" Qui-Gon teased, reaching down with one hand to clasp his lover's rising erection firmly.

Obi-Wan choked on whatever he had been about to say, arching up into the caress. "Qui!"

"Hmm. I suppose that's not it," Qui-Gon grinned mercilessly. "What was it, then?"

Obi-Wan glared at him, but there was no ire in it. "Well, aside from the fact that I was only sixteen... There is that thing in the Code that says attachments are forbidden to Padawans." He moaned, his eyes fluttering shut when Qui-Gon tightened his grip.

Then Qui-Gon let out a surprised noise when he felt phantom fingers beginning to caress his body in places that Obi-Wan's hands were not currently capable of reaching. "Obi-Wan!"

"It's only fair," Obi-Wan smiled playfully, watching Qui-Gon writhe under the unexpected assault. "You're always complimenting me on my fine control of the Force."

"Yes, but... ahhh!" Qui-Gon couldn't bite back the exclamation when very real, very warm hands settled on his groin and began to stroke him.

"And when, my beautiful Master, did you know?" Obi-Wan asked, breathing the words into his ear.

"I haven't mentioned that yet?" he gasped out, words ending on a moan as those same phantom fingers circumvented the usual route and brushed against his prostate.

"Not yet, no." Obi-Wan edged downwards, nuzzling his neck without moving his hands or ending any of the invisible contacts. Qui-Gon smiled in the midst of his pleasured daze and renewed his own attack on Obi-Wan, and the young man panted against his throat.

"Specifics... well..." he cleared his throat, trying to maintain enough higher brain function to answer. "It's all Jawa's fault."

"Jawa? Who's... that snake!?" Everything touching him stilled as Obi-Wan paused in surprise. "What the hell does he have to do with anything?"

"Uhm.. well.." Qui-Gon shifted uncomfortably, willing the hands that entrapped him to move. "He got to touch you more than I ever had."

"Wait. Let me get this straight." Qui-Gon let loose a startled cry as Obi-Wan abruptly flipped him over. The young man pinned him to the bed, grinning into Qui-Gon's upturned face. "The great Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn... was jealous of a reptile?"

"Well, yes," Qui-Gon grinned back. "With good reason."

"Oh..." Obi-Wan leaned closer, eyes drifting to half-mast with pleasure as rail-hard erections met, warmth to warmth. "What reason is that?"

"Body heat," Qui-Gon answered, synapses firing off faster than his brain could compensate for. He thrust up against that warm body, responding to Obi-Wan's throaty groan of pleasure.

Lust-filled green eyes gazed down at him, predatory in a way that Qui-Gon found he didn't mind at all. "I want to be inside you."

Qui-Gon blinked as everything in his head suddenly vacated. Would he like that...? He tugged Obi-Wan down into a heated kiss. Panting for air, Qui-Gon stretched his hand out and somehow managed to find the bedside table. Somewhere on its surface was a bottle of oil, good for massaging aches... and other things. His fingers found it and wrapped around the vial, presenting it to Obi-Wan in place of an answer.

Obi-Wan's slow smile sent a new rush of fire through his veins. He fumbled with the oil, spilling a generous amount of it onto his fingers. Then Qui-Gon gasped as one finger edged gently into his body. "Force, that's cold!"

"I told you I'd get you for dumping cold oil on me," Obi-Wan whispered huskily, and Qui-Gon nearly rose off of the bed as those phantom fingers touched deep inside of him again.

"If this... is your idea..." he moaned as a second finger joined the first. "...of revenge... I have no complaints!" He forced himself to relax, making himself resist the urge to bear down on those fingers, wanting them deeper. Obi-Wan must have heard the thought, however, and suddenly they were deeper. Qui-Gon's eyes rolled back in response, the sensation so intense that he nearly forgot to breathe. Then there was a third finger, and he clawed at the sheets, his turn to make unintelligible sounds as Obi-Wan set about to driving him mad.

Then the fingers were gone, and the lack of sensation was so confusing that he looked up in surprise. Obi-Wan leaned forward, kissing him gently, and then whispered against his mouth. "Roll onto your side."

Realizing exactly what Obi-Wan intended, he pulled his partner and mate into a deeper kiss before complying. His skin was so sensitive to touch that Obi-Wan brushing against him made all of the hair on his body stand on end.

The Force sang at the rightness of this, and even it seemed to be poking at him as if to ask, What took you so long? Then Obi-Wan entered him in one slow thrust, and Qui-Gon really did forget to breathe. They lay there together for a long moment, fully entwined, with Obi-Wan's chest resting against his back, his breath stirring Qui-Gon's hair.

"Move, please," Qui-Gon finally whispered, not caring if he was begging. "I just want to feel..."

The arm that was wrapped around his chest tightened, and he felt Obi-Wan smile against him. "Whatever you wish," he said softly, and began to move in him.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes tightly, lost, the feel of pressure and friction and slickness overwhelming after so many years of letting no one touch him like this. He moaned low, almost a growl, as the pace suddenly increased. It was too much, far too much, and he began to shake. "I'm..." he tried to say, words failing him.

"Yes," he heard the whisper, and then it was a desperate struggle to move, to feel, driving himself back into the fierce strokes, as they found a rhythm together. It was heaven -- it was too much. He seized the sheets of his bed, howling as he came, nearly passing out again as bright light flared in his eyes. Obi-Wan came with him, a soft cry that might have been Qui-Gon's name falling from his lips as he thrust against and into him.

Qui-Gon raised a shaking hand to his eyes, wiping away tears that he did not know were there until he found them. "Oh, gods," he whispered, completely and utterly broken. "My Obi-Wan, what have you done to me?"

On to part 2