Padawan Hall: Purple Rain

by Padawan Calypte

Rating: G

Barely Q\O

Note: Just a silly short one, hope you like it.

Dedication: To my brilliant Master, 'lion Flame, who knows the proper uses of fire.

The first explosion occurred in the pantry, from whence came two younger padawans in full flight, their heads and robes covered in some aromatic purple liquid.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had risen and activated his light saber almost unconsciously upon hearing the noise, leaped over his table and started for the source of the sound. Above his head, another explosion occurred, and another, and a purple rain came down. Several other senior padawans looked up, as he did.

The main door to the Hall opened to admit Hogarth, and something about his reaction to the events struck Obi-Wan as wrong. When Hogarth, often the source of practical jokes, began laughing until tears ran down his cheeks, Obi-Wan caught the eye of another of his yearmates and nodded.

Thus, the Jedi Temple was treated to the sight of five purple padawans chasing a sixth of normal hue through the Temple corridors, lightsabers drawn, while Hogarth, amid his uncontrollable laughter, gasped out things like, "It was supposed to ferment into wine," and "Obi-Wan, anger leads to the dark side!"

As they turned a corner, Master Qui-Gon Jinn grabbed Hogarth by his braid, then stepped between him and his pursuers.

Coolly, Master Jinn instructed, "Deactivate your blades. You do not intend to kill him, do you?"

Obi-Wan fought for breath as he fought for control of his temper. "The temptation is ... grave, my Master." But the pursuers put up their light sabers and sullenly dripped purple on the marble floor.

A yank on Hogarth's braid caused that worthy young man to whine, "I had no idea this would happen! Honestly, Master Jinn! I was only trying to ferment some wine!"

Obi-Wan, still thrumming with the need to box Hogarth's ears, fisted his hands and forced himself to stand still. "I think this calls for an Honor Court."

It didn't help Obi-Wan's temper that Master Jinn seemed to be having trouble keeping a straight face.

"Honor Court! You can't! That brings Council attention, Kenobi! Please, please don't do this to me. I'll do anything you want. I'll repaint Padawan Hall. I'll clean up the mess by myself. Hell, I'll wash your hair, if you like, just don't call an Honor Court!"

The tears in Hogarth's eyes brought Obi-Wan back to his senses. He took a deep breath and looked down at his purple tunic and leggings. And boots. Oh, Sith. His braid was purple! He glanced at Master Jinn, whose delight was no longer so well hidden, and burst into laughter himself.

"Hogarth, you're enough to turn a man to the dark side. But if you really paint the Hall and clean up the mess, I think we can forego the Honor Court. And I'll wash my hair myself."

Across their bond, he heard his master say, //No. I'll wash your hair. And...other places. Don't be long, Padawan. I wonder what it tastes like?//

With a feral grin at his Master, he growled at Hogarth just to see him jump. Stomping back toward Padawan Hall, he was resigned to getting a cleaning party started on the mess before he rewarded himself for not killing the Sith-spawned Hogarth by permitting his master to pamper him to the fullest extent he could bear. A secret grin accompanied him as he walked. He suspected that before the night was over, he was going to be grateful for Hogarth's taste for homemade wine.

The End